WWE Bragging Rights 2010 - Team Raw vs Team Smackdown


Occasional Pre-Show

At WWE Bragging Rights, a firm line will be drawn directly down the middle of the WWE Universe as the rosters of Monday Night Raw and Friday Night SmackDown take up arms to determine the supreme brand in sports-entertainment.

In the explosive sequel to 2009’s breakout pay-per-view, The Miz leads Raw’s squad into battle with Team SmackDown, captained by Big Show – no 7-foot stranger to these circumstances.

Just one year ago, The World’s Largest Athlete orchestrated a betrayal of suitably immense proportions as a duplicitous Big Show turned on his Raw branded teammates to give the blue hued brand the inaugural WWE Bragging Rights victory. (FULL STORY | PHOTOS)

Now, the Knucklehead star has a far more official role at the forefront of the Syfy franchise Superstars.
But even larger than SmackDown’s captain is the objective of Team Raw, as they collectively prepare to avenge their emphatic defeat from the previous year. Each member prevailing in a series of qualifying matches, Mr. Money in the Bank finds himself flanked by formidable allies including Sheamus, John Morrison, R-Truth, Santino Marella, newly christened Raw Superstar CM Punk and a returning Ezekiel Jackson.

Behind Big Show is a skilled and diverse Team SmackDown, including Rey Mysterio, Jack Swagger, Alberto Del Rio, Edge, Tyler Reks, and Kofi Kingston, who all won their respective qualifying matches on the Oct. 15 edition of SmackDown. (WATCH)

For just the second time in history, a massive tag team brawl of 14 warriors will entitle only one brand to undisputed bragging rights. The encounter will be contested in an elimination style format, and will continue until all members of one team are taken out of the match.

On the Oct. 18 edition of Raw, just six days before WWE Bragging Rights, the blue brand scored a decisive victory over their red rivals in a SmackDown vs. Raw Battle Royal. While some might view that win on Raw's home turf as a sign of things to come, it's equally likely that the loss only strengthened Monday Night Raw's resolve. (WATCH)

Will The World’s Largest Athlete once again be the pivotal piece to Team SmackDown’s success? Or will The Miz add yet another feat to his heavily decorated year, including winning the United States Championship and Money in the Bank briefcase?

Stay tuned to Raw on USA Network and SmackDown on Syfy as the WWE Universe counts down to WWE Bragging Rights this Sunday – available only on pay-per-view.

Another match announced on Raw was the bragging rights match between Raw and Smackdown.

Miz said he would captain the team but nothing was made official yet.
Whatever way WWE spins this, I would like to see a twist made for this match. Have the GM come on and say that since Nexus is apart of the RAW roster, they will be included in the RAW vs Smackdown match...HOWEVER, it will be RAW vs Smackdown vs Nexus.

OR you could have the GM come out and say that since they are on RAW, despite everything they have done, they will be apart of the RAW team. 3 Nexus and 3 RAW members will compete vs Smackdown.
Morrison and Sheamus will be on the raw team two of the top can't afford not to be on the team Cena will probably on the team also. Kingston, drew mcintyre, and rhodes will be on the smackdown team. Edge and Swagger would also be on the team with Edge as captain since he is the most experienced one on the team. Throw in Rey and Alberto
lol to dj matrix. let the guy make a thread if he wants to, its for fun. sheesh, some people take this forum too seriously.

i also think that having nexus as one of the groups would be cool, but i think they are saving that for survivor series. i also think it would be cool to have nexus team with some wwe people to see that dynamic. my guess is:


Miz, morrison, otunga, gabriel, henry, bourne


Rhodes, mcintyre, big show, mvp, alberto, cm punk

i left off edge and swagger, because it seems like they will be in a fued, and i left off kingston and ziggler, because i think that they will also continue their fued. i am also, not completly sure about big show and cm punk, but that fued has gone on for awhile, and i think it will turn into cm punk vs gallow and mercury. although i think it would be cool if mercury was on the team because i would love to see the reaction of them both in the ring since morrison got rid of mercury.
rayman, right when i posted mine, yours showed up before it. i really like your card and i actually hope that is how bragging rights looks now. lol. but sheamus would definately have to be a co captain. same thing with swagger on smackdown. that would be a great dynamic having fueding people (swagger-edge) as co captains. raw has to win this time anyway.
This would be fucking sweet if it wasnt for the whole Survivor Series thing happening y'know, next month. I figure this will be the last Bragging Rights ever, as the brand split is becoming less and less defined seemingly by the week.

This was a nifty little match last year, but could certainley be done better. Can we maybe get a war games type booked match here? Elimination? Anything?

Also would be sexy if RAW decided to recruit Nexus. Interesting television. Which means it probably wont even be alluded to.
Also would be sexy if RAW decided to recruit Nexus. Interesting television. Which means it probably wont even be alluded to.

I was just thinking that. Maybe Nexus attacks Team Raw at the PPV and claims they are representing Raw? I would much rather see Justin Gabriel over John Morrison. At least Justin actually.. I dunno.. Hits his flashy spots? Or maybe the Raw GM decides to just pick members of the Nexus because, let's face it, they are much more pushed on the show than someone like Teddy Jr. or R-Truth or those Hart Kids or whoever.

I just don't see how you can theme a PPV Raw vs SD without including the biggest act (The Nexus) in any of the matches.
I'm hoping they save a few bigger names for some decent singles matches but here is what I'm hoping goes down.

Team Raw
The Miz, Sheamus, John Morrison, R. Truth, Mark Henry, Evan Bourne, Daniel Bryan

Team Smack Down
The Big Show, Edge, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, Kaval

This is me guessing they find a way to fit Nexus and Cena all into their own program. I think they should also find a way for Daniel Bryan to win his way onto the team maybe by beating Alex Riley. I also took into consideration an IC title match with Ziggler and probably MVP is why I threw Kaval in here instead of Ziggler. I would much rather see Otunga and Gabrial instead of Henry and Bourne but I know how WWE think and that probably won't happen.
It'll be interesting to see whether or not Nexus gets involved. I feel that if Nexus doesn't get involved, Team Smackdown will be winning this one. I just hope it doesn't end with Big Show knocking out Miz.
Hmmm, you know what would be an awsome clusterfuck? Nexus vs RAW vs Smackdown in either a 15 man tag match or a 15 man battle royal to determine the top franchise in the WWE. Of course having Nexus win here I believe would put them over even though they already are. It would make them look like a dominate force in the WWE. Here's how my teams would look:
RAW- led by the Miz, Alex Riley, Daniel Bryan, Evan Bourne, Mark Henry
Smackdown- led by Big Show, Kaval, Rey Mysterio, Kofi and Alberto del Rio
Nexus- led by John Cena, Gabrial, McGuilicutty, Harris, Otunga

This match looks good enough to happen but it probably won't.
I don't understand what this match will accomplish or even what the point of this PPV is. Raw & Smackdown are always separate with the occasional superstar crossing brands for a day. To make this match have a purpose, I imagine it will be Raw vs Smackdown vs Nexus (w/. Cena). At least that would make the match somewhat interesting.

The problem with these matches is that it ruins character when you see heels work with faces who have been recently feuding with each other. Like when the Nexus attacked Raw, the faces worked with the heels to 'fend' them off and it was just like a WTF!? moment. Hopefully WWE will find a way to make this match work.... hopefully.

The Miz - Leader
CM Punk
John Morrison
Santino Marella

Just thought I'd lay it all out for everyone since I don't think it's been posted anywhere yet. I hate that Miz is leading it, why was he in that leader-qualifying match but Sheamus, a 2 time WWE champion, not? 3 huge heels on this team too, Miz, Sheamus, Punk. Maybe they'll rub off on Morrison and he'll finally turn heel again :shrug:

I imagine SD! will have mostly faces then with a tweener leader in Edge.

Edge, Kingston, Christian, MVP, Big Show, and Kaval as a guess? Then again, they'd definitely need some heels in there. Probably the tag team champions Rhodes and McIntyre. I think Rey will have his own singles match with Del Rio so I excluded them. Gallows, Mercury, Masters, or maybe even Dolph could fit the bill on team SD! as well.

I'm picking team RAW to win this one. Maybe as a thanks for the better ratings? lol. Then again, they could make SD! win to try and boost SD!'s ratings. Who knows. I'll enjoy it nonetheless.
I think this will be one ppv I definitely skip. I'm just not feeling the Raw and SmackDown! rivalry thing right now. As for Team Raw, I think they still have one member to be named right? I'm also wondering just what the frig Santino is doing on the team and if Raw is going to pull some sort of a switch next week as they did when The Great Khali was on Team Raw against The Nexus for SummerSlam.

As for SmackDown!, I'd say that Edge will almost certainly be on the team, maybe McIntyre & Rhodes'll wind up there as well.
After watching R-Truth talk to Cena and giving him the advice to "Just quit" I get this interesting feeling that maybe Cena does quit. Maybe this is an Oppertunity to move him to Smackdown to boost some ratings. Is this an absurd thought, or could I be going somwhere with this?
After watching R-Truth talk to Cena and giving him the advice to "Just quit" I get this interesting feeling that maybe Cena does quit. Maybe this is an Oppertunity to move him to Smackdown to boost some ratings. Is this an absurd thought, or could I be going somwhere with this?

You know probably not but you could be on to something. SD!'s ratings have gone down the shitter they NEED someone to help them out. Rey is beat up and other than him Taker is the only other over face in the main event picture besides maybe.. Big Show? With Orton carrying RAW, there's room for Cena to move to SD!. I don't think RAW ratings will plummet if Cena moves but SD! ratings would probably go way up.

Also to keep in mind, if they are trying to get Cena to face Taker at WM than this could and should definitely happen. I see Cena going to SD! as more of a possibility than Taker moving to RAW.
Santino just doesnt fit on this team hopefully he gets replaced by Alex Riley on a side note i see the last member being Mark Henry. They revealed all but one member and he was absent from Raw due to his brother being in the hospital fighting for his life. If he was present they probably would have just completed team Raw on monday
I personally hope they reveal HHH as the 7th member of Team Raw. Looking at Raw's team compared to Smackdown, Raw's team definitely has a few weak links but putting HHH on the team will make up for that and will give Raw a chance against Smackdown. It would make sense too if he's the Raw GM. He can just explain on Raw that the Raw GM picked him as the 7th member for the team out of everybody in the back...because he is the Raw GM. Also he can get a little revenge on Sheamus since he's on the team too. This would be the right time for him to come back.

If HHH doesnt return though then I can see a Last Chance Battle Royal being held on Raw to determine the 7th person and Daniel Bryan winning it but it wouldnt really make a difference to the weak links on the team. Also the only way I can see Team Raw winning is if someone from Team SD turns on them and I do see Alberto Del Rio turning on Team SD by attacking Rey to continue their feud and set up a match between the two for Survivor Series. Also he gave the wink to Big Show on SD which could be a hint cause whenever he gives the wink, something bad is in store for that person ;)
I don't know about this. I see possibly maybe something having to do with Nexus. There is quite a bit of strife in the ranks right now. Especially with Cena in the group. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if possibly someone ends up defecting, ala a redux of the Invasion. Like how Austin turned on WWF back then. Maybe if Otunga turns on Barrett and Nexus? Especially with how he's been a bit concerned about McGillicutty/Harris and giving Cena advice, and with him being tossed out of the battle royal. I could just be reading way too much into it. There always has to be some twist person in it. Or of course, the popular choice would be HHH, like most people would want. But that seems almost TOO obvious to me. But I may go against the grain, yeah, I will and say possibly Otunga, even though I will probably be wrong call in a one in a million shot though.
The inclusion of Santino doesn't sit well with me, If i'm supposed to believe that it each team is the best that each brand can offer, i don't see how he has got a spot. I understand that Bryan will probably be in a champion vs champion match with Ziggler, but surely the spot could have gone to someone else who is slightly more relevent?

I have this awful feeling that Santino may get the pin in some ludicrous attempt to create a 'feel-good' moment at the expense of one of Smackdown's more experienced stars such as Edge or The Big Show. Or even worse, one of the younger guys like Kingston or Swagger.

Barring Tyler Reks, Team Smackdown looks not only strong, but interesting. Del Rio and Mysterio have beef with each other and it looks like we are seeing a Swagger/Edge feud slowly start to be built. Team Smackdown's selections elevate the match in a way, as the superstars are putting aside their egos in honour to represent their brand. I think it's a nice little touch as opposed to Team Raw just shoe-horning people into the match.

As for who wins, this match is such a lottery that it would be impossible to predict using any kind of logic. However, there are two scenarios i would like to see happen. I would love to see Miz get the pin on Edge and gain some momentum towards his cash-in. I'm not saying he will cash in at BR, but by going over Edge, he remains strong and it gives Miz something to crow about on the run-up to his cash-in, wherever it may be.

The second scenario is the same but with a face getting a rub from this match. Del Rio and Swagger could both benefit with the pin but there isn't a strong ME face on Team Raw that would fit the role that Edge would. With this in mind, and with Team Raw containing three top heels, i wouldn't be totally against Kingston pinning Punk/Sheamus/Miz.

I mention these scenarios and say 'oh, Mr. X will get a rub from this match', but because we got the screw-job finish last year, i can't be certain that the commentators will even acknowledge it as a big achievement. Sure, Cole will mark out for Miz if he got the pin, but i'm not entirely convinced getting the winning pin will make anyone a hero on their brand. Sadly, i can see this whole PPV getting 5 mins of thought until the WWE machine starts to build up Survivor Series and just forgets that anyone even got the pin or even won the match.
smackdown vs raw: captian big show brings strength, rey mysterio brings speed, edge brings intellegence, swagger brings skills, alberto del rio brings charisma, tyler reks brings power, kofi brings endurance. RAW captian miz brings talent ,sheamus brings brutal force, cm punk brings experience, truth brings skills but now all he cares about is "singing", satino brings ..... comedy? but if satino became a legit wrestler like when he wrestle in FCW. morrisons brings nothing to the table. I would like smackdown to win by alberto del rio scoring the victory. But if raw was to win, i would like the miz to steal the victory from sheamus. have sheamus connect the finisher on kofi, and miz makes a blind tag and steal the pinfall from sheamus. miz would brag about how he was the captian of the winning team, and he was the one to lead them to victory. Now thats bragging rights.But team smackdown will win at bragging rights.
To be fair to Santino, at least people know who the heck he is. Tyler Reks.. Wha..?

I still am hoping that a Nexus guy gets to be on the Raw team. I still believe that Gabriel is better than Morrison and R-Truth combined. But more importantly, Nexus has dominated Raw since its start (give or take an angle), so why shouldn't they be apart of the match? The Raw GM said he wanted the best team, so why wouldn't he want a Nexus guy on the team?

I think the Raw team is a little weak, but Cena/Barrett/Orton already have their hands full. I think the biggest factor in this match is that each time is made of rivalries (Swaggie/Edge, Mysterio/Del Rio, Sheamus/Everyone lol, The Miz/Everyone lol again). I have nothing against predictablity, but come on. haha
Am I the only one who thinks Bret Hart will be added to Team Raw tonight?? The Raw team is the usual suspects except for Santino. Its not elimination, so you have Bret on the team and give as much as he did at Summerslam. Mark Henry was suppose to get the spot but with his brother in the hospital, it is unclear when Henry might be back. There is no real major face to question the Miz as "captain" so I think Hart is the obvious choice, especially with him on Raw tonight.
I have been watching wrestling for over 20 years and I am here to tell you that I have NEVER seen such a group of winers such as all the new up and coming stars. For example Nexis, The Miz. Shamus, and all of that group. I just wonder if Shamus is really that white or is it makeup? He needs to shut up and walk the walk. Not talk it to death! The Miz should just change his name to Barbie. He comes complete with his own bag and Ken doll. Sorry if this offends anyone but please. The old wrestlers could walk the walk and talk the talk.
I forgot all about Nexis. Who are they and how do we get them to go back? They do not have the personality of any great wrestlers. They have the personality of cardboard. What is Wade Barrett? Is he a wrestler or a ring announcer. I mean he never wrestles on his own and I am pretty certain he can not even wrestle. I have never seen him do anything when it was his turn only after everyone else does the work he steps in and claims the win. They have a name for people like him and I am very sure everyone knows what that is!!!
well i'm not too excited about this match but it sure has some younger talent so i'll watch it anyways :)
Ezekiel Jackson as the 7th man is a pretty good choice to me as hes a powerhouse(well u could say sheamus but still)and i'll be waiting for him and show to square off during the match..
santino would be good to watch too as long as they dont make it unrealistic or too long..
as for the match, i see raw winning with either the miz or sheamus getting the pin, probably the miz cuz hes the team captain and all..
well this match as a whole is pretty lousy booking...all i'm interested in is rey rey and del rio during the match..

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