WWE Board of Directors?????


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It seems like every time we have issues with a GM the WWE Board of Directors steps in to solve the problem. Is it just me or does anybody think that using the Board of Directors is worse than having an anonymous GM? I like to put a face to someone and hated the fact that the anonymous GM could never really be revealed. Now we have these unseen Board members stepping in within the past year that we have never had before with any other GM. Only when HHH came out and said the Board feels Vince is unable to run the company. Now they are everywhere and every GM has the same storyline: "They can't do their job the way it is supposed to be done" so lets get rid of that GM and recycle the story.

The problem is none of these board of directors are really known. Only Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn are names I've heard of that sit on the board. The rest of the board are just names that are CEOs of other companies like a social media monitoring site, a steel company, and Hallmark. Really? Hallmark?!? Next thing you know Lassie is going to show up on the show, R-Truth can't find Little Jimmy and it'll be up to Lassie to make the save.

I know corporately yes, those eight board members have to be there but if you want to keep with the board of directors put some faces and names on them storyline wise.
The Board of Directors is quickly becoming the Anonymous GM. When it came to taking VKM off tv it was okay. Then the Board just kept getting used to take someone off that Vince was not longer happy with. It just lost it's value.

Just bring back Mr. McMahon and be done with it. We have a GM we can hate and someone that brings the cred back to the position.
I hope maybe it becomes a storyline with a corporate take over of the company or something. But yeah it does seem like they are always making rule changes and making matchs happen. I bet next week on raw they will say cm punk has to face sheamus because the board of directors say so. Basicly taking all of the gms power away and making them look week.
Faces yes, named maybe.

One of the things about the Directors never being seen is that it allows them to transition from heel to face seamlessly for the needs of the current angle.

If you want to have random actors wear some suits and sit in a board room for an occasional meeting, that's fine, but once you personalize the Directors, they LOSE an aspect of their character that writes them into a hole...

The Board of Directors are in fact, a 21st century Mr McMahon.

In the Attitude Era, everyone had a Mr McMahon type boss and everyone related to Austin fighting back...

Today, with many companies being run by giant corporations, many people ultimately answer to a corporate HQ in a far away city and people see the Board of Directors as that type of group, detached and out of touch...it fits with the culture of the times and is, if used properly, brilliant
The Board is deus ex machina at it's finest.

They remove VKM as GM. But then Vince is able to appoint AJ on #RAW1000? And now they're having concerns because a poppy preppy little girl with a highly public history of mental instability isn't able to run the show? Where were they when he made the call in the first place? Why was he able to? And on, and on, and on.

How does The Board make their decisions? Simple. They do whatever the plot requires them to. Just like the T-virus turns people into zombies. Except when it doesn't. But I digress.
Eh, I don't think it's a big deal. They're taking something that's real and putting a spin on it. For those who know, it would look insanely stupid if the board were someone like Piper, Pat Patterson, Jerry Brisco, and other guys like that. For those who don't know I think it's okay to be unknown. It's deus ex machina really.

And for those curious, this is the actual board:

Vincent K. McMahon
Chairman of the Board of Directors & Chief Executive Officer - WWE

David Kenin
Former Executive Vice President of Programming - Hallmark Channel

Joseph H. Perkins
President - Communications Consultants, Inc.

Frank A. Riddick III
Chief Executive Officer - JMC Steel Group

Jeffrey R. Speed
Former Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer - Six Flags, Inc.

Kevin Dunn
Executive Vice President, Television Production - WWE

Basil DeVito
Senior Advisor, Business Strategy

Patricia A. Gottesman
President and Chief Executive Officer of Crimson Hexagon

Stuart U. Goldfarb
President and Chief Executive Officer of Atrinsic, inc.
I know corporately yes, those eight board members have to be there but if you want to keep with the board of directors put some faces and names on them storyline wise.

Storyline wise, its irrelevant. They only need to say "Board of Directors said this and that" and its OK. If they mention names it should be in the fashion of like "Mcmahon said that but Dunn said that" and then "Kenin suported Mcmahon" and something like that. I dont think that they want to be involved too much in storyline in that fashion and this minimalistic aproach is, as far as they are concerned, better...
Standard visual of board of directors, nameless big wigs who control the world through debates at the table. They really don't care about anything wrestling related, they just own a nice chunk of stock and want to turn a profit.

This is the problem when a company is run by a board of directors, the people sitting at the table tend to worry about their own financial interests and how they are affected by TV time or other. Imagine being at that table right now with your own endeavours outside the WWE. You have to notice that you don't want children exposed to edgy TV because you don't want parents complaining about what you are exposing them to. Thus, we have Cena and how he will never change. It works, has worked and will likely work until his style is no longer relevant. But even then, the next thing to promote will be just that again, the same visual to represent the company and its stocks. That's what its all about at the end of the day, the boards investments. Hallmark who probably holds a nice chunk of the company would not want to tarnish its name with what ECW would have shown in the mid 90's, so that explains a whole lot of the PG-ness to it all.

There is a lot that can be said—as I'm sure it will—about how the company is presented to the public, though you can imagine that WWE is really not for the fans. It's for what works for the fans under "the board's" approval based on their interests. Need to pay the bills on that fancy new titan tron right?
WCW used to have the "Championship Committee" and some times JJ Dillion was their spokesperson. It's an old trick which is used much like a professional sport will have their own Board to come up with a new rule etc. that could lead to player suspensions or coach fines etc.

I just hope WWE doesn't use it too much, which they seem to be doing at the moment.
Actually, the unknown Board of Directors is the same concept as the anonymous GM. IMO, the idea stems indirectly from the novel "1984" and the warning that "Big Brother is watching you."......with Big Brother being the unseen dictator-type who might (or might not) be peeking in at what you're doing at any time. This concept is what made the novel so effectively chilling and the characters in the book never truly learn whether Big Brother is a single person, an group of people, a machine.....or something that doesn't exist at all....... but they know it's an entity to worry about.

Okay, so in pro wrestling, it's a Board of Directors, a group of unknown people who apparently have power to do anything they want to the wrestlers. Every guy and gal in the company knows their fate rests in the hands of the Board and no one has yet dared defy them......(although just watch C.M. Punk be the first).

In the past, Jack Tunney made the decisions while standing in the center of the ring.....then Vince McMahon did the same......then the anonymous GM. The Board of Directors is just a different way of referring to those in charge. That they don't have names attached to them is fine by me.

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