
Is the WWE Board of Directors supposed to be heels, incompetent, or do they just not watch the shows? Why would they give some much power & make her the GM of the flagship? Have not seen the crap she pulled on SD for the last year or so? Have they not seen the lengths she would go to protect Edge, including getting physically involved in his matches? Plus, marrying one employee & getting romantically involved with AT THE SAME TIME can't be good.


Being a viewer in the U.K, i really dont know if im gonna be able to carry on gettin up at 2am to hear that whining screechy voiced cow violating my ears!! Vince needs to pull him finger out of his a** and either f**k her off to ECW or get rid completely!!

Doing that wil also release Chavo from his role as the weak little nephew, always trying to protect her yet always getting squashed, and let him show us what a good wrestler he actually is!!
Is the WWE Board of Directors supposed to be heels, incompetent, or do they just not watch the shows? Why would they give some much power & make her the GM of the flagship? Have not seen the crap she pulled on SD for the last year or so? Have they not seen the lengths she would go to protect Edge, including getting physically involved in his matches? Plus, marrying one employee & getting romantically involved with AT THE SAME TIME can't be good.
Wtf? I sincerely didn't get if you said it "in-character" or in real life, if it's the second option you have a serious problem.

Don't you get it that all you said is only in kayfabe?

Vickie isn't married with Edge, they don't have any kind of affair, she is envolved in matches because creative team says she has to. So, with that being said, what the hell are you talking about?

Do you actually believe in everything you see on WWE TV's shows? And why they would gave her the "power" of GM of their flagship show? It's easy, she is pure heelish talent, she is the top heel of the Sports Entertainment, not like Edge who needed Lita or now needs Vickie to get over as an heel.
Looks like the question is not about Vickie, but more about why would the Board of Directors give someone power who abuses it left and right and gets around with the employees? I think the Board would probably be on a 'what is good for business is good for us' type of thinking. It is good to have vickie because she gets booed almost as much as Cena in London and anyone who gets that kind of a reaction is good for business. If I can only pick between Heel/Incompetant/Dont watch the show .... then I would think they would have to be a heel group seeing as how Vince is the chairman of the board and he has been a Gigantic heel over the years. and I do know that it is kayfabe, but its the best answer I can come up with for this question
My guess would be that the "storyline" board of directors don't really give a rat's ass so long as money is being made. And since the WWE wants to project itself as a successful company, the board of directors is fine with Vickie doing whatever the hell she wants, so long as she keeps business good.
Well that's just one of the things you have to accept like...

- HHH breaking and entering Ortons house, smashing everything and nearly threatening to kill him and his wife.
- Attacking non-wrestlers (ie. Stephanie etc...) and deliberately harming them.

As well as things back in the day like:

- Kane pouring gasoline all over JR and lighting him on fire.
- People hitting people with cars.
- Destruction of property (i.e. Austin smashing Vince's Corvette and The Rocks car).

All LIVE on TV in front of millions without any repercussions. So you just have to accept some things for storyline purposes.

Now, that is assuming that you do understand that RAW GM and Vickie are characters and she's not actually in charge.
Wtf? I sincerely didn't get if you said it "in-character" or in real life, if it's the second option you have a serious problem.

Don't you get it that all you said is only in kayfabe?

Vickie isn't married with Edge, they don't have any kind of affair, she is envolved in matches because creative team says she has to. So, with that being said, what the hell are you talking about?

Do you actually believe in everything you see on WWE TV's shows? And why they would gave her the "power" of GM of their flagship show? It's easy, she is pure heelish talent, she is the top heel of the Sports Entertainment, not like Edge who needed Lita or now needs Vickie to get over as an heel.

I meant storyline wise. I know that Vickie is only playing a character & has no real power! I know it's all an act! I've been watching wrestling for almost THIRTY years. Of course I know it's not real! I was strictly speaking "in-character". For the SLOW PEOPLE, I WAS TALKING ABOUT THE WRESTLING CHARACTER VICKIE GUERRERO AND THE STORYLINE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, NOT THE REAL LIFE ONES! Hope that makes easier to understand!
Vickie Gurrerro is aggravating and how the hell does she always end up in a wheelchair? But her being GM and Edge still being the Ultimate Opportunist, it works. The fact that she has me annoyed to the point of turning the television means she's doing her job.

She does need to work on her mic skills. Orton's not that hard to pronounce. It really isn't. I'd like to see her gone in the near future, but don't count on it. And the WWE Board of Directors will come down on her hard if she keeps up her antics.
LOL OMG ..... Vickie is a great Gm she has more hear the any Gm in wwe History cuz of her storyline with edge and big show .lets keep in mind the story line AINT REAL !!! .its just entertainment
LOL OMG ..... Vickie is a great Gm she has more hear the any Gm in wwe History cuz of her storyline with edge and big show .lets keep in mind the story line AINT REAL !!! .its just entertainment

We know it's not real. But it's something to think about. The Board of Directors is mentioned from time to time. It'd be nice to see a supposed 'member' of that Board to come and lay the law down on Vickie. It'd make good TV.
so I love all this hate on Vickie, "get her off" "she's so annoying" etc. you know what that means!?

She's a good heel.

She gets boo'd so bad that you cant even hear here at live events. That's so awesome. Plus, she's like the hottest diva in WWE. Get off her back ;)
I have to admit that I hate Vickie Guerrero's character, but I'm sure she is really a great person. I'm not sure if it true, but if it is... then she plays her character damn well. Um, she is the widow of Eddie Guerrero, which obviously plays a huge part in WWE's decision to have kept her for this long. I don't know how much money Eddie Guerrero left after he died, but this is a great way for his wife and children to gain some of the money, in order to help them get by.
so I love all this hate on Vickie, "get her off" "she's so annoying" etc. you know what that means!?

She's a good heel.

She gets boo'd so bad that you cant even hear here at live events. That's so awesome. Plus, she's like the hottest diva in WWE. Get off her back ;)

I happen to think that Vickie does play a good heel, but I'll say it again...There is a difference between a "I hate you and want to see you get beat heel" and a "I hate this character and will change the channel when they are on." To a lot of people, Vickie is a change the channel heel.
Story-wise: Maybe putting her on Raw while Edge (after Backlash) is on Smackdown is the separation that the "Board" wanted. Then moving Big Slow to Raw posseses a new problem for Vickie. Can she maintain her relationship and impartiality when as Orton says "Everyone is watching you now."

Also I've said it previously, I like her as GM, she annoys the shit out of you, so as a heel the eruption of constant boos helps...it works. If you were trying to please the crowd then it's inaffective (Mike Adamle).

I've mentioned the wheelchair thing before...it's a subtle running joke that no one picks up on.

And she's kinda hot in that "milf cougar-y, one drink too many, and she'll cook you breakfast if you overslept and didn't run the hell out" kinda way.
Story-wise: Maybe putting her on Raw while Edge (after Backlash) is on Smackdown is the separation that the "Board" wanted. Then moving Big Slow to Raw posseses a new problem for Vickie. Can she maintain her relationship and impartiality when as Orton says "Everyone is watching you now."

Also I've said it previously, I like her as GM, she annoys the shit out of you, so as a heel the eruption of constant boos helps...it works. If you were trying to please the crowd then it's inaffective (Mike Adamle).

I've mentioned the wheelchair thing before...it's a subtle running joke that no one picks up on.

And she's kinda hot in that "milf cougar-y, one drink too many, and she'll cook you breakfast if you overslept and didn't run the hell out" kinda way.

Vickie is a great GM character. I have been to a taping where she screeched "EXCUSE ME!!!" 4 times. The crowd was booing and yelling so loud that she could not be heard, even with the mic.

I have to disagree with the last paragraph. Vickie is coyote ugly - if I woke up next to that, I would chew off my arm so I did not wake her up.
Is the WWE Board of Directors supposed to be heels, incompetent, or do they just not watch the shows? Why would they give some much power & make her the GM of the flagship? Have not seen the crap she pulled on SD for the last year or so? Have they not seen the lengths she would go to protect Edge, including getting physically involved in his matches? Plus, marrying one employee & getting romantically involved with AT THE SAME TIME can't be good.


You are absolutely correct and it makes not a single shred of sense whatsoever. The thought that Vince says that Orton isn't getting any more title shots, yet Vickie overturns Vince McMahon of all people, and gives Orton another title shot, is beyond laughable. Actually, it really isn't funny, as much as it is pathetic story-writing.

Besides all of that, Vickie has really ran her course. It doesn't matter if she is on Raw or Smackdown, it apparently is the same damn thing ... the same character with the same gimmick. And it's boring.

I don't find the "Excuse Me's" remotely funny. They are overdone.

I don't find her giving Edge umteen shots at the title intriguing in any way, shape, or form. I find it stale and boring.

Her gimmick has ran its course. Either they come up with a new angle for her, or I think it's time for her to go.
I agree she is borderline change the channel heel. But i dont think she is quite yet. What does need to happen is a new Gimmick. Edge would be MUCH better off without her.
Vickie is a great GM, I really dont think see needs a new gimmick as much as a new storyline thats not anything similar to tha others she has been in. I think that a feud with McMahon would be ok with them trying to see who has more power. They really abandoned tha fact that Edge and Vickie are (kayfabe) married. She doesnt need anything with Big Show, Undertaker, and......especially Edge. If they do tht, I see a bright authority figure..

EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vickie is a great GM, I really dont think see needs a new gimmick as much as a new storyline thats not anything similar to tha others she has been in. I think that a feud with McMahon would be ok with them trying to see who has more power. They really abandoned tha fact that Edge and Vickie are (kayfabe) married. She doesnt need anything with Big Show, Undertaker, and......especially Edge. If they do tht, I see a bright authority figure..

EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

They had a perfect opportunity to put her in a feud with Stephanie McMahon, but Vince blew that one, as well. Someone needs to kick his ass out of Creative, because it's obvious the man just doesn't have it anymore. Which is a shame. Nonetheless, all good things come to an end at some point.

If Vince would have just stuck with the original plan of Cena vs Orton and Triple H vs Edge ... then they could have had Edge and Vickie feud with Triple H and Stephanie ... with Stephanie and Vickie having a power struggle in the company.

But Vince had to yet again throw that all away.

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