WWE Avengers


Occasional Pre-Show
Would be cool if it happened, but this is more or less just a fun idea that I've been playing with.

Based on my interests in both Superheroes and Wrestling, I was inspired to out together a wrestling stable inspired by the Avengers roster of the movie.

Yes, I have read articles of people already having done this, and even though some of my matches are the same as those I have seen online, I was already putting my own version together before I read them.

My selection
Captain America - as the face of the WWE, I think John Cena would fit in this role.

Thor - As the long-haired, hammer loving son(-in-law) of a legend, I agree that this position should be filled by HHH.

Iron Man - This is a hard one for me, I tried to think of someone rich, but te good guys don't flaunt their money around. So, I thought of technical wrestlers, and at least for now, I'm going to go with Christian on this one.

Hulk - Since he's already considered a big monster, and is fueled by anger, why not use Kane.

Nick Fury - African-American in a leadership position, Booker T.

Hawkeye & Black Widow - I thought about filling these in seperate position, but I think they could be better filled by a power couple, and since there are not too many power couples around, I decided to make my own out of Randy Orton & Lita. I'm a fan of Randy (John Cena is my main favorite) so I wanted him on the team, and having the other positions filled I decided to go with Hawkeye, as far as Lita, I kind of know who she is, but I'm not comlete familiar with her as I didn't watch wrestling during the attitude era.
Sheamus (as Thor). Norse and Celtic mythology are both awesome. Sheamus is a big brute who loves battle and has a wicked mean streak when he needs to. He will never back down from a fight, and he has god-like strength and impressive quickness for a man of his size. Makes the most sense to me.

John Cena (as Captain America). Because he pretty much is Captain America. Superhuman strength and endurance. Knows his surroundings, can lead others effectively. He's a general, just like the Cap'.

Big Show (as Hulk). Kane is a monster, no matter what he's doing. Big Show has at least tried to keep his emotions under control in the past. Good Big Show is the Bruce Banner alter-ego, whereas Heel Big Show smashing through his enemies with the WMD is total Hulk mode. Color him green and he's pretty much the same size too!

Vince McMahon (as Nick Fury). Because Fury doesn't have to be black (he's often not), and for the most part he sits on the sidelines with billions of dollars of equipment, runs the organization, and calls all the shots. Sound familiar?

CM Punk (as Iron Man). Because nobody else really makes sense. I thought maybe Daniel Bryan, but he doesn't have the smooth charisma to play Tony Stark. Punk is all about ego, and knowing he's better than everybody else. He's a technician; an engineer of sorts, if you will. He'll out-smart and out-maneuver you before he over-powers you. And sure, Paul Heyman can be his Ms. Potts. Try getting THAT image out of your head...

Daniel Bryan (as Hawkeye) and AJ Lee (as Black Widow). One is constantly under-valued by most, but manages to always add something vital and surprising to the team. The other is smooth, sexy and you know you'll never get her; though she's just in range enough to make you think you could, just maybe, handle her. And that's when she strikes... Bryan and Lee made one hell of a couple, but eventually it had to end. They parallel Hawkeye and Black Widow in more than one way.

And taking it one step further...

The Miz (as Loki). Because honestly, can you think of a WWE villain who would play Loki better than the Miz? You might think CM Punk, but the WWE Champion is just too damn good to be the God of Trickery. See, Loki doesn't keep cool, and there are a lot of times - ok, most times - that his plans don't work out. But he still holds an tone of superiority over everyone, even though the world knows he's just a little impish ego trip sitting in the corner by himself. And if THAT isn't the Miz, I don't know what is...
Captain America = Cena
Thor = Sheamus
Hulk = Great Khali
Iron-Man = CM Punk
Hawkeye = Christian
Black Widow = Eve
Loki = Hornswoggle
I agree with HGR's picks.

How about HHH as Ant-Man and Steph as Wasp :shrug:. They're the only WWE couple I can think of that should be them.

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