WWE attacked in iraq


New Member
From WWE.com: What follows are the events of Thursday, December 7, 2006 at 1 p.m. Iraq time. WWE personnel were setting up a makeshift arena in a parking lot at Camp Victory, Baghdad, when three mortars were fired into a crowded street less than a block away. A number of people were injured in the attack; luckily none were members of WWE. Later in the day the 13 members of the WWE crew involved in the incident were presented medals from the Lieutenant Colonel in charge of the area where the attack occurred. The awards honor entertainers or those working in entertainment organizations who are involved in action while visiting troops during a war.

there's also a video up at wwe.com when the incident happened.
How stupid are they!? How stupid are they!? I thank god that they go to Iraq, I also thank god that none of them have ever been injured! As a member of the military that is currently in Iraq and an avid wrestling fan ever since I can remember, it is a great treat to have the WWE bring some of their biggest names to our battlefield so close to the holidays. No matter how many holidays you miss, it never gets any easier; this is my second Christmas away from home in four years. But to have these individuals risking their lives to entertain some of their loyal fans is an honor for us, and to have them telling us that they are honored to perform in front of us makes it that much better for us. Few celebrities are willing to do what the WWE does, even being apart of the USO shows does not grant complete safety from the mortars or anything else that goes on here. Christopher Titus and Carrie Underwood are two names that have/are coming to where I’m, and I’m sure the thought crossed their minds that something could happen to them while they are here, but they know without a shadow of a doubt that what they are doing is bringing that much more joy into the lives of the military members who have been here for a year, that have been away from their friends and families for a year, fighting in a war that is far from over, serving their country to the best of their ability, the soldiers that have missed the birth of their children because they are here. Morale is always a major issue, an unhappy soldier won’t fight, and what the WWE does by visiting Iraq, spending some time with the troops and entertaining them ensures that the morale is high, no matter what the risk. Though they were not here where I am at, I thank the WWE for coming to Iraq and entertaining those members who are in the worst part of the war.

Thank you WWE!
Are they nuts going to iraq! How stupid are they?

no offense, but saying shit like this makes you look dumb... what they are doing over there in iraq is trying to give those people the same rights we have and a better life. The wwe is thanking them by performing for them something other promotion have never done and why i think WWE is the best.

thank you WWE!
I bet R.V.D. is smiling, while it might be entertainment for the troop's I think it's stupid for them to sent wrestler's into a war zone.
I agree with Y2Jake. Sending high profile wrestlers, in that case any wrestlers to a country where there are car bombs and people killed everyday around the area is a bit careless and risky, but I do understand why they would send them over as explained by Iceman in an earlier post. Soccer matches that take place in Isreal, where the English team has to play away to the Isreali team (for those familiar with the Europeon Champions League) have to be re-located to a safer location in fear of suicide or any form of attack. RVD had a choice whether he was allowed to go or not, and only because he went agiasnt WWE, he has now got a lot of heat, which is unfair to him IMO.
love the patriotism you show, just remember they fight for your right to say the shit your saying now.
this is probably gonna sound unpatriotic as all hell but here goes. What does a war over there have to do with freedom of speech? Our troops shouldn't even ever been sent over there.As Americans our freedoms havent been threatened in a long long time.Sure a base at Pearl Harbor was attacked in WW2 but hawaii wasnt a part of the U.S. then.9/11 happened but that wasnt no part of a war. We weren't invaded. In closing i d just like to say Support the troops even if you dont believe in this war and that agree with Y 2 Jake about it being stupid sending wrestlers over there.However i also believe it is rather stupid that our troops are even still over there after saddam got captured.
I'm glad to know that those of you who find this, what is becoming a tradition for the WWE, is stupid aren’t wrestlers because I would hate to be an inconvenience for any of you. It’s so easy to sit at home day in and day out; enjoying the things you DO have and never have to worry about them being taken away from you. And then it’s so easy to sit back and say that something a major company does is stupid when you’re not there doing it, when it’s not you, when you’re not there to see the people’s faces. Don’t tell me that what the WWE is doing is stupid just because you think that sending high profile wrestlers into a war zone is too risky. We hardly have the time to catch any wrestling on T.V. here. I have time one or twice a week to check the wrestling news, it just so happens that one of my slow days I happen to see this message on the board followed by a reply that fired me up. I’ve been constantly checking in on this message, just to see what kind of replies would follow, and only one person made a single comment about my reply. Because whether you agree or disagree with what I said earlier, you know I’m right, the wrestlers AGREE themselves to come here to Iraq, just like RVD has twice since said no to come out here. Most people I know love RVD and would love to see him out here, but by thinking of only his safety, which isn’t a bad thing, he denies his fans what they so rightfully deserve. Cena shows up here because he has an unwavering respect for the troops here. And so what if RVD is smiling now, let him smile, I bet the wrestlers that came to Iraq are smiling even brighter, they all know that they made an impact in the soldier’s lives, especially the Divas, heh!

And somewhere, this message has gotten off of subject; everyone is entitled to their opinion, however only express your opinion if you are ready for the backlash that will more than likely ensue. Where everyone is agreeing that it is stupid, there are those, like me, that find it to be an uplifting experience and are extremely grateful for these men who DO NOT have to take the risk that they do by visiting the troops in Iraq, but choose to take the risk because they want to give something special to those who have to be away from their families during an extremely difficult time.

On another off topic note, this message shouldn’t be taken too seriously, as I stated in the paragraph above, everyone is entitled to their opinion. This has little to do with patriotism, but is merely people expressing their opinions which is perfectly fine, however if I disagree, expect to see a reply just like the last one and this one to follow.

Now even if you do disagree with the WWE for sending their wrestlers to Iraq to entertain the troops, thanks is still due to the WWE for doing what they do, entertaining their fans. And who knows maybe someday our children will grow up and join the military, then maybe you might be glad that someone cared enough to do something that risky for your children, I know my family appreciate it. Supporting the troops with more than words doesn’t stop at schools anymore; the WWE has made that very clear.

Now I know I said some things in this post that probably contradict themselves, that’s mainly because I had a fiery streak of disagreement and then it dawned on me that this isn’t a flame, or a heated debate, this is just a debate of opinions, so I calmed down began writing differently. My opinions still stand firm, I hope I don’t/didn’t offend anyone, that’s not what I’m after here. And I’d like to close by saying thank you to anyone who has taken the time to read my rather winded posts. Whether or not you agree with me, taking the time to read my posts shows that you are willing to hear out someone else’s opinion, and that’s all I really wanted out of this, so again thank you all.


By the way, I'm a huge RVD fan, have been since his Television Title reign in ECW, and I'd love to see him over here, but just as I said before, it's not a bad that thing he is concerned with his safety, everyone should be concerned with their safety. But as a fan, I'd like to see him throw caution to the wind and make a visit out to the fans of his that are in Iraq, but that's my opinion.
RVD not going over there might not be because he's being selfish or looking out for himself cause he's always seems to try to do whatever he can to make his fans happy could it be a personal reason like maybe his wife begged him not to go cause she doesn't want anything to happen to him, it still is dangerous over there like the name of this thread suggests i could see him not going if his wife didn't want him to but only RVD knows why.
Iceman i agree 100% with you. A man from the military speaking you fellas in this forum should stfu and hear what hes gotta say. If you have a family member in Iraq you would understand what im saying. But since most of you are young children who have there head up there a** what do you care right?
i salute every and all men in our armed forces! I think they're doing one hell of a job keeping my fat ass safe! thank you! My family and I support all the troups, as my father-in-law is former master chief of the local navy base... I think that the WWE going over there and bringing a piece of home to show those who are fighting over there is a great thing... they know the conenquences of going over into a war town area, and for that I'm gratfull! If I was a WWE wrestler I'd be over there in a heart beat! however, I don't think RVD should be punished for his choice... everyone had a choice and so what is RVD didn't want to go, it doesn't make him any less of a person... it's all good in the hood!
Bottom line. Is Vince an asshole, YES. Does Vince do things that piss the fans off, YES. Has Vince done more for our troops than the piece of human garbage, trash, scum and dirt that we have in the Whitehouse, who has the nerve to call himself President, OH HEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL YES!!!! May God bless our troops during this holiday season, and may they come home soon. I have no loyalty or love for my President at all, but I love my country and love our boys and gals overseas. God bless and keep them.
Iceman........thanks to you and all your brothers over there working to defend our country. While I may not agree with the reasons for being there I do believe in the courage, strength and determination of the troops sent there to do as they have been asked and risk their lives day in and day out for all of US!

As to the WWE being there........IMO it isn't all that different from Bob Hope going to Viet Nam to perform with TV and movie stars, playboy bunnies etc... They are trying to give those guys that are putting their asses on the line for this country some sembelance of normalacy and should be commended for doing so.

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