WWE Article What if John Cena joined the nWo?


Getting Noticed By Management
The official WWE website has an article looking at seven classic factions and reimagining them with current Superstars and Divas. One dream sequence includes John Cena betraying fans to reform the nWo.

Article writer Kevin Powers states, "Who could possibly comprise the modern incarnation of the most notorious faction of all time? It would take a major betrayal of the WWE Universe akin to Hulk Hogan’s original collusion with Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. The only Superstar capable of such an impactful move would be none other than John Cena.

"When Hogan deceived WCW, he was as polarized as Cena. Some still loved the classic red and yellow, others were tired of it. Judging by Cena’s reactions in various arenas all over the country, the same can be said for his creed of “hustle, loyalty and respect.” The Cenation leader could eventually just have his fill of “Cena sucks” chants, grab a can of black spray-paint and really give the WWE Universe something to “boo” about."

Powers recreates the New World Order with Randy Orton and Christian in the role of a veteran tandem similar to The Outsiders, Big Show as a returning member, Michael McGillicutty following in the footsteps of alumnus and father Curt Hennig, David Otunga as a legal adviser, and Michael Cole fulfilling Eric Bischoff's role as a loud and obnoxious mouthpiece.


Who could possibly comprise the modern incarnation of the most notorious faction of all time? It would take a major betrayal of the WWE Universe akin to Hulk Hogan’s original collusion with Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. The only Superstar capable of such an impactful move would be none other than John Cena.

When Hogan deceived WCW, he was as polarized as Cena. Some still loved the classic red and yellow, others were tired of it. Judging by Cena’s reactions in various arenas all over the country, the same can be said for his creed of “hustle, loyalty and respect.” The Cenation leader could eventually just have his fill of “Cena sucks” chants, grab a can of black spray-paint and really give the WWE Universe something to “boo” about.

To maximize their initial impact, the 21st century New World Order would need a strong base, similar to Hogan and The Outsiders. Both Hall and Nash were loved and hated by fans based on what served their needs. Well-rounded veterans, The Outsiders did whatever they needed to ensure their own success. Given the pasts of both Randy Orton and Christian, joining John Cena in The nWo would give them each an edge over other seasoned veterans in WWE.

Of course, Big Show is the only member of the original New World Order still in active competition. When the black-and-white–clad faction reformed in WWE in 2002, The World’s Largest Athlete once again donned the colors and there’s nothing to stop him from doing it again, after all, “When you’re nWo, you’re nWo 4-Life.”

With four major Superstars taking charge, The nWo would inevitably expand its ranks. To keep its legacy intact, The New World Order’s recruitment efforts would focus on Michael McGillicutty and the fact that his father, Curt Hennig, was a member of the faction. Wearing the black and white with promises of achieving greater success than his Hall of Fame father would only elevate McGillicutty to championship contention.

To stave off any legal troubles they might encounter, The New World Order would need to look no further than David Otunga. A powerful and rising competitor, Otunga’s legal expertise — as well as his celebrity — makes him the perfect addition to The nWo.

Finally, The New World Order needs a loud and obnoxious mouthpiece. This is someone who doesn’t mince words and, no matter what, always skews in favor of the black and white. The original group had WCW President Eric Bischoff, but Cena and his colleagues need to look no further than the announce table for Michael Cole. Now that’s an alliance that’s just too sweet.

Bringing the nWo back at a time where the WWE has ZERO competition would be asinine, it just wouldn't work. That was the initial appeal of the nWo, having big WWE stars come in unexpectedly and run roughshod over the entire WCW.

Before Cena is heel they need to find a face that can take his spot. I'm all for it but if Cena becomes heel who will he work with that could give him a legit run for his money? It's not like WWE has a guy like Sting that could do that. In the face department they have Cena and then Orton. So if you turn BOTH guys then who are they gonna face? Sheamus and a bunch of mid card faces like Zack Ryder? Yeah that sounds like good television alright. Such an angle would get boring in 2 weeks.

The idea is alright but find some legit people for them to fight.
Bringing the nWo back at a time where the WWE has ZERO competition would be asinine, it just wouldn't work. That was the initial appeal of the nWo, having big WWE stars come in unexpectedly and run roughshod over the entire WCW.

I would love it if this was to happen and the SuperStars they selected to start the New New World Order would be perfect. I could see Orton eventually splitting from Cena’s N.W.O. and starting his own splinter group taking Hennig with him. I would think Cole and Otunga would stick with Cena, if anything, for the simple fact that Cole and Cena would be like Bischoff and Hogan and Cena and Otunga were Tag Team Championship partners before. I can see Christian toying with the idea of being on the fence as to which side he would be a part of, similar to the Lone Wolf storyline with Scott Hall. Before the split, I think Big Show would retire, only because I can’t decide if he would side with Cena or Orton.
TNA may have decent television lately but they aren't competition in comparison to WWE. ROH is more competition to TNA than WWE is.

Why not have ROH guys start a nWo? Something interpromotional to what WWE and ECW had back in the day. Once ROH gets a national TV deal and does live shows, I really think this idea has huge potential.
If Cena joined the nWo, he'd still get the mixed reaction, with the only difference being that the men would chant "LET'S GO CENA", and the women/kids would say "CENA SUCKS".
Why not have ROH guys start a nWo? Something interpromotional to what WWE and ECW had back in the day. Once ROH gets a national TV deal and does live shows, I really think this idea has huge potential.

It may not be national but myself up here in Calgary gets ROH every week, quite enjoy what I see actually. It wouldn't work though for one reason, nobody really knows ROH or knows much about it. ECW was different, there were sometimes deafening chants of ECW at WWE events, almost every time they were in Pennsylvania you would here it. I remember 3 distinct WWE PPV's where that happened at before they even came on air. Now I don't watch every single WWE event like I used to but I don't recall ever hearing an ROH chant, even when guys like Daniel Bryan or CM Punk are wrestling.

ECW didn't need a national TV deal to get known, not saying ROH guys do but ECW had some advantages ROH doesn't. The times being one thing. At the time wrestling was slowly starting to move towards an older audience which benefited the ECW product greatly. WWE is mostly a kids product and most kids don't know about ROH, hell, most of them don't even know about TNA and they have guys that were huge in WWE (Jeff Hardy for example) AND have a national TV deal.

Understand I'm not against the idea as I'm against the fact that the idea will work. It may make us IWC happy but I don't see the same happening for your average WWE fan. As much as I hate to admit it in a MMA world wrestling doesn't sell, Sports Entertainment sells.
Another example of why WWE's creative team stinks.

I have to say that the guy who came up with the Miz Cole angle is a pretty good writer. But whoever wrote that crap should be fired.
Bringing the nWo back at a time where the WWE has ZERO competition would be asinine, it just wouldn't work. That was the initial appeal of the nWo, having big WWE stars come in unexpectedly and run roughshod over the entire WCW.

Exactly while he's on the right track with using something as big as John Cena turning heel, he forgets that part. You would need to have guys jumping ship from a larger or equal size company to try and take WWE over. Unfortuantely there is no other company on that same level. At that time WCW and WWE were both large feds with large fanbases battling for supremacy. Another thing is we've seen something similar done several times since the nWo. It just doesn't have the element of surpise anymore like it did back then.
I like it but I'm not sure about Michael McGillicutty in there, nor do I think he even wants to follow in his father's footsteps. I'd probably put Cody Rhodes in there instead.
I think making Cena the leader of a new NWO would be a fantastic idea. He has been a face for far to long and having him turn heel might just make him intresting. The other plus side to this is that Cena can ditch the YOU CAN'T SEE ME and the crap Gimmick signiture moves like the FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE and start to wrestle a match. As for the rest of the members it sounds pretty good buy there are a couple of changes I would make. First I would drop Orton from the group and have him as the guy who trys to take them down. After this I would have WWE resign Kevin Nash and have him join as a nonwrestling member of the group who takes care of the NWO's intrest's backstage.

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