WWE Article top 20 most impressive Physiques in WWE History


Getting Noticed By Management
The official WWE website published an article Monday ranking the 20 most impressive physiques in WWE history. The late "Ravishing" Rick Rude tops the list, with the website noting that he "possessed the most chiseled physique in WWE history."

The rankings are as follows:
20. Lance Storm,
19. Dolph Ziggler,
18. Antonino Rocca,
17. Shelton Benjamin,
16. Beth Phoenix,
15. Cody Rhodes,
14. Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka,
13. "Sailor" Art Thomas,
12. Mr. McMahon,
11. R-Truth,
10. Brock Lesnar,
9. Goldberg,
8. Batista,
7. Rocky Johnson,
6. David Otunga,
5. Lex Luger,
4. The Rock,
3. Triple H,
2. John Cena,
1. "Ravishing" Rick Rude.


Damn no Superstar Billy Graham, Buff Bagwell, Chris Masters, Ultimate Warrior, Paul Orndoff, Scott Stiener, Warlord, British Bulldog, Hercules Hernandez, or Hulk Hogan...:confused:
If there were ever two guys that looked like they were on the juice it was Batista and HHH in 2004. Just pure speculation. Just saying.
I'm wondering if Tony Atlas did something to piss them off, thought he would've been in there.
There's a steroids joke here...also, I'm more shocked there's no John Cena

John Cena is number 2?

Lashley, Warrior, Hogan, and Bulldog should all be on there, probably Steiner and Shamrock too.

And "The Masterpiece" Chris Masters should be number 1, easily.
All dot com lists are bullshit. They refuse to use names that aren't on good terms with the company. Hogan should easily be on here. As well as Masters. And, Otunga doesn't belong in the top 10.

And Cody Rhodes is on here?

Bullshit I tell you.
Cody Rhodes at 14 :wtf:

Current guys that would have been more appropriate:

1. Ryback
2. Sheamus....

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