WWE and DSW part ways

Skullz Crack'Em

Lord of the Skulls
By Ryan Clark:World Wrestling Entertainment has ended its relationship with Deep South Wrestling. For the past two years, DSW has served as one of WWE's developmental territories. Check back here as more information becomes available.

This came as a surprise to me, I thought WWE had their eyes on a lot of potential guys in DSW that they would consider bringing to the main roster in the near future.

What does everyone else think of this?
Damn ya beat me to it lol, this is a big shocker to me, but doesn't necessarily affect much IMO. They've still got OVW, and that's where they usually keep their minor league talent anyways.

What does this mean for all the DSW talent that the WWE was scouting then? Sucks for them, they just got screwed.
They must have made this decision around a week ago(or longer) b/c i remember reading on this site a few days ago that they shifted Drew Hankinson(fake Kane) from DSW to OVW. They must have pretty big plans for him since they shifted him to OVW just days before the departure of DSW.
Well i live in Cincy which was the home of HWA when it was affiliated with WWE. It was pretty bad ass to see a lot of these guys down here when they were injured, but a las, everything comes to an end.

The HWA presented the Pillman memorial show which was headlined by Regal v. Benoit. I think this match is on the Hard Knocks DVD, and ladies and gentleman, if this wasn't the best match I've seen in person, I couldn't tell you another one.

I feel for the DSW guys, but they will move on.
Umm there is probably some politiking to do with this, WWE have signed UPW as a Talent Scout place so it could have something to do with that. I have a feeling that they will be moving the Wrestlers in DSW that are under contract to WWE to either OVW or UPW. they can't have made the decision a week ago because if they did that they would have moved Nattie Neidhart, TJ Wilson and others to OVW, I wonder what is going to happen in regards to these two.
Well i live in Cincy which was the home of HWA when it was affiliated with WWE. It was pretty bad ass to see a lot of these guys down here when they were injured, but a las, everything comes to an end.

The HWA presented the Pillman memorial show which was headlined by Regal v. Benoit. I think this match is on the Hard Knocks DVD, and ladies and gentleman, if this wasn't the best match I've seen in person, I couldn't tell you another one.

I feel for the DSW guys, but they will move on.

Here I was thinking nobody even knew about Heartland Wrestling! I get their shows on my local channel every week right after Raw ends, great stuff, though I'm a bit biased because I eat up all indy wrestling like my life depended on it.

Never knew they were assosciated with the WWE though.
As far as the impact of parting ways with DSW...a couple of people hinted at the fact that most of the guys and girls they look seriously at get transferred to OVW anyways, so really, nothing big in that respect, and those that weren't under a WWE Developmental contract...if WWE wants them, they will still try to sign them and bring them to OVW. And HWA, although I have never seen them, I have heard nothing but good things, and have looked up a little bit on them online..no, not thru wikipedia, and it looks like a very solid indy.
I hate to hear Deep South and WWE are parting ways. I really dig DSW and dvr it every week (CSS Sundays @ 11 pm). I've noticed that some of the guys have been moved to OVW lately such as Freakin Deacon (Fake Kane) and Kofi Kingston. What's gonna happen to Mike Knox, Nattie, TJ, Harry Smith, Afa, Siaki, etc? Regardless, I hope CSS continues to carry DSW. It's more of an old school rasslin program, and I likes it. Speakin of Kofi Kingston, I have a feeling he's gonna be a huge star in the near future.

On the HWA front, I just started catching it. I'm not too impressed so far, but like xfearbefore, I watch any and all indy wrestling.
To be honest it's no suprise to me after some of the politics that has been going on down at DSW over the last few months & WWE were not happy with the talent coming through,but this was blamed on Bill DeMott.
I'm worried of what will become of some of the talent there such as Sonny Siaki, TJ Wilson & Nattie Neidhart.
Deep SouthWrestling will NOT hold a TV Taping at the Arena Thrusday Night, April 19, 2007.
That is the only thin Deep South has on its website this could be a result of the WWE and DSW severing ties to each other in the sense of the WWE developmental talent being pulled from the air but im not sure.
As far as everyone contracted to WWE at DSW, they could just be transferred over to OVW. People that are not contracted with WWE, will simply just have to find another place to showcase their talents.
Apparently, this is what happened last night. At 7PM ET, all Deep South talent reported to the building and were addressed by Mike Bucci (Simon Dean) and John Laurinaitis.
The talent was informed that the WWE office was not pleased with the DSW product, and that DSW was hereby closed for good. DSW talent had to assist with the removal of all WWE property from the building. Jody Hamilton allegedly had a verbal exchange with Laurinaitis, and the DSW talent were then told not to step foot in the building again, or they would be immediately fired.

It appears talent will be relocated to Ohio Valley Wrestling or Tampa, FL, the home of the new Florida Championship Wrestling. Right now, nobody has any clue where they are headed or when they are headed there.

Afterwards, Laurinaitis and Bucci supposedly took the talent out to Hooters for drinks.

Former DSW talent Kenny Omega commented on WWE's decision to sever ties with Deep South, "The rumours had always been there. For over two years there was suspicion of DSW shutting down. The system certainly had its flaws but the wrestlers were the ones least at fault. It would be an injustice for those who've endured years of physical/mental punishment to have it stripped away. The athletes there were hard workers and among the toughest I've seen in wrestling."
Man I wish I was at that hooters the other night... that sounds like it would've been one hell of a party!
So the cancelling of the TV taping is more than likely a result of the splitting of the WWE from DSW. It is interesting in that DSW has probably now lost its TV deal because they have no talent, but then again I suppose that DSW is going to be a Wrestling school and build its own Roster. What about the DSW Heavyweight Champion, wasn't he a WWE guy? IT would be intresting if WWE will let the guy go back to DSW to drop the belt or if it is vacated.
As a result of WWE severing ties with the Deep South Wrestling, Jody Hamiliton has decided to shut down operations. Apparently one the reasons WWE decided to cut ties with Deep South is due to Hamilton agreeing to a television deal with Canada's The Fight Network without seeking permission with WWE.
Man that was a pretty messed up way of breaking it to those guys, hope they can find work I thought there were some decently talented guys in DSW. What now of the Heavyweight champ?
There is no more DSW as in my prev post Hamilton has closed it down & the talent are either going to OVW or the new Florida Championship Wrestling the WWE have just started.
I want to thank all the fans we have at DSW for being the greatest and most loyal fans anyone could ever ask for. Since WWE has shut DSW down I have experienced some of the most emotional situations that I have ever been involved in; from emotional farewells with some of the DSW talent, to answering emotional questions from fans that were deeply hurt by this. I have no answers for the fans. For the talent involved, I can say from the bottom of my heart that I love you very much.

After being on an emotional rollercoaster for most of the day and desperately trying to keep it all together it was my 7 year old grandson that caused me to loose it (big time). Christian overheard my daughter telling his sister that WWE had let me go and I wouldn't be working at the DSW arena anymore. He then told his mother he wanted to get some money from his bank and open a lemonade stand; sell a lot of lemonade and give the money to Pop since he doesn't have a job. Such a sweet, loving, and considerate child. Thank you for caring Christian, but Pop will be OK even without a job.

It's really heart-warming to me that so many people have responded to me being let go. Once again, I want to thank the DSW talent, the DSW fans, and most of all my family, for all of your support. This will never put or keep me down. I will be back.

– Joseph Hamilton (4/20/07)

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