WWE Already Pre-Planning WrestleMania 27?

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
No, course not. But I've already got an idea for them. Triple H vs. Edge. Edge has short title reigns, Triple H has long ones. Come WrestleMania 27 they should be both an about, oh say....16 or so.

I'm suggesting that when they're both on that number they somehow vacate one of the world title belts, leading up to WrestleMania. They both face each other, with Ric Flair as ref obviously, for the title. The winner being the 17 time world champion.

What do you mean it's a shit idea, it's WWE, silly.
I will only be okay with this if Edge wins, and since he wouldn't in this hypothetical situation, I wouldn't want it to happen, though that is a powerful main event.

I'm just saying it because I hate HHH. At least I'm honest about it.

I was seriously hoping for HHH/Edge at Mania this year, but I think Edge is smart enough to know to avoid working with HHH whenever possible.
I have to give you tremendous props for this idea. I think it would work very well. It is the main event of main events. One other way to get round it would be for them BOTH to be champions, and put both titles on the line to find a new undisputed champion. Obviously, this wouldn't last too long as they could put one title on the line against someone and lose it somewhere down the road, before the next draft maybe.

It would likely be the beginning of the twilight of HHH's career so it would be a fantastic final main event for him to have.
Edge sucks, but HHH sucks more.

I want the Undertaker to win the belt, possibly at Wrestlemania, my plan would be for him to win the 2010 or 11 Royal Rumble, go on to face whoever is the Champion at Wrestlemania (preferably not Orton) and win, then retire either on RAW or Smackdown the following week, so that he can call it a day with the streak intact, and have one more title win under his belt.. What they could even do, is have Taker and Kane be the last 2 in the Rumble, Kane eliminates Taker, leading to a feud and a match at No Way Out for the #1 contendership at Mania, which obviously Taker wins, also the match should be either an Inferno match (not had one of those for years) or a HIAC.
That's a solid idea for WM 27, though I would HATE HHH being in ANOTHER Mania ME. He has been there for so long that it takes a spot away from someone else who deserves to Main Event the biggest show of the year. By this time, guys like Swagger, Punk, Morrison, Shelton, Christian, Mr. Kennedy, M.V.P., and probably DiBiase will hopefully all have been elevated.
It scares me how possible that storyline is. With HHH stubbornly not believing that he is above the belt and the WWE not letting Edge have a title reign more than a month. What bothers me is how reckless the WWE is about the title reigns. It seems like that Hardcore champs had longer reigns then the World/WWE champs lately. Remember when being a 5 time champ was a huge thing. Hell even being a two time two time champ meant something. When the length of the reign meant as much as the number of times you have won it. I remember someone said to Naitch i believe or someone who had many reigns in a promo that being the champion that many times only meant that he lost it the most. grant it i don't agree with that statement in Flair's case but in others that statement holds true. To me Cena's reigns mean more to me then Edge's cause he was able to hold on to it longer.

Personally, I don't want to see anyone beat Naitch's record. If it comes close to that record being broken i think i might feel the same way i did when Bonds broke Aarons record. Plus i dont thik Edge or HHH compare to flair at any level

What I'd like to see is Edge have a 6 month title reign. In today's short attention span society it might be tough but Edge has never once shown that he is incapable of doing it. Also, it bugs be that the Ultimate Opportunist can find ways to win the title but not ways to hold on to it.

Triple H, why can't you go the same path as Taker and HBK. Be above the belt. You can have meaningful feuds without having 16 pounds of gold around your waist. You don't see people on this forum get pissed everytime taker and HBK win a match because they have stepped a side a bit and let the next generation get a chance and not constantly in the title picture. I think if HHH did this all the hate he gets would slowly go away.
Kudos on once again delivering a misleading title. thats gotta be the third time you've done that in a week. but on topic, i think if it were to happen it would be a couple years down the road. edge winning seven titles in eleven months? uber lame.
Kudos on once again delivering a misleading title. thats gotta be the third time you've done that in a week. but on topic, i think if it were to happen it would be a couple years down the road. edge winning seven titles in eleven months? uber lame.

He's won 9 in three years so it's not too far off to believe it might happen.
wwe pre planing LOL :sweat: .
will Ill tell you 1 thing they are sure damned pre planed for 1 thing and its that HHH will be in the main event title picture for wm 26,27,28,29,30 and then they will see if he is retired or not lol , ill bet my house that HHH will be in next years wm .

But on a serious note on wm 26 I would definetly have HBK vs morrison in a feud where both men are trying to figure out who is better and who will steel the show and be Mr. WM that would be sweet in my opinion .

next thing I would have is at wm 30 maybe ill have cena vs taker .that would make the crowd go crazy ,and ill book it as if cena has takers number and at the match ill make cena get so close at beating taker .

at the wm 26 main event I would have RKO go to wm as a monster heel vs mvp and make mvp win then he gets so cocky and turns heel then at the next mania Ill have MVP VS kennedy !! for the title that would rely refresh wwe in my opinion .
they wudnt do a hiac at nwo because thats now the home of the elimination chamber n htey cant have both abover the ring. id go for the idea of makin kane a monster again. get jericho to burn him, he returns at summerslam helping jericho win the title, then next night, obliterates jericho n goes on a path off destruction. taker wins rumble, whilst kane has long run, then they meet in a title vs retirement match
If Edge becomes a 16 time champ, I will boycott WWE. Thats just rediculous. At least HHH has won them over a period of 10 or 11 years. Edge doing it in 5? That is stupid. You wanna be a be a great champ Edge? Hold the Title til then, a 2 year reign vs HHH going for the record. That would interest me.
Kudos on once again delivering a misleading title. thats gotta be the third time you've done that in a week. but on topic, i think if it were to happen it would be a couple years down the road. edge winning seven titles in eleven months? uber lame.

Uh, dude ??? That's exactly what it is - a couple years down the road !!!!

The thread title is Wrestlemania 27, not Wrestlemania 26.

So in actuality, Edge would need to hold the belt 7 times in the next 23 months.

Kudos on once again delivering a misleading post :) I got your back Y 2 Jake !!
I think Triple H v. Edge would make a very good main event, worthy of Wrestlemania. However, they shouldn't make it about the number of times somebody has held a title. That'd be a good gimmick for a regular PPV. But perhaps not for Wrestlemania.

If they were to do this though, perhaps have it where somebody else holds the title, and both Triple H and Edge challenge them with the notion of becoming a 17 time champ. That way there's also somebody in the way looking to spoil it.

And on the idea that Ric Flair would be the special guest ref: do you think Flair would ever count the 3 to give Edge the title over his good friend Triple H?
Kudos on once again delivering a misleading title. thats gotta be the third time you've done that in a week. but on topic, i think if it were to happen it would be a couple years down the road. edge winning seven titles in eleven months? uber lame.

Obviously, it's a ploy for attention, which is pretty sad. And people who are Attention-****es go on Ignore, and after this instance, there is officially now one person on my Ignore list ... since creating misleading thread titles has essentially become a gimmick now.

As far as WWE pre-planning Mania, they may have an idea what they want to do for the Main Event, but obviously that is about it. I'm not under the impression they even pre-plan longer than 2-3 months anymore, from what I see on TV.
The truly sad thing is, I was mentioning this very idea to someone just two days ago. (if not a bit before that, even) I said if Edge wins at Backlash, he'd become a 9 time Champion. At the rate they're pushing Edge's Championship victories, I'd expect him to be at 12 before the year's up. Making him the quickest Superstar to become a World Champion multiple times in the same year. (if he wins a total of 12, by Jan. of next year, he'll have won 5 World titles in 1 yr, and 12 in like 4 years)

Obviously, Edge v. Triple H is a Wrestlemania headlining match.. but only once they both have the same amount of World title reigns as Flair. While I can't see Flair being the official, I can see Triple H pulling out the victory since he so willingly wants to become the next Ric Flair.

Truly sad thing.. I doubt this would be the Main Event match. Especially if it were to be the same year The Undertaker/John Cena were to finally meet in a Wrestlemania match.
To be honest, this would be a great PPV match. The thing is, would Edge go through with it. Notice how he's kept away from the HHH job machine? I mean, I don't think Edge is above doing the job, but he would like to avoid it at all costs. And he can by not wrestling HHH anytime soon.

And if Cena met Undertaker and would be the one to end 'The Streak', I just don't know what I'd think. I really don't. I also see Orton in the picture as well. And who knows? Maybe THE ROCK comes back, challenges Cena for all the smack talk. ALL good thoughts. Pre-planning is good. But Edge and HHH fighting for who could win more times than Flair isn't appealing. It just shows how stupid it is to win and lose so many times. Flair won 16 world titles in 30 YEARS! HHH is on pace to do it in less than 15 and Edge could do that sooner. I don't believe anyone would want to glorify that accomplishment. Winning that many times also means you LOST that many times.

But and Edge and HHH Wrestlemania main event would be nice.
Edge versus HHH? No, just no.

The only reason HHH gets pushed to the moon and gets regular title runs is because he's Vince McMahon's son-in-law, if it wasn't for that he'd still be midcard at best... And as for Edge, he too sucks serious amounts of arse IMO, his matches are predictable, and Goldberg's Spear > Edge's.. I also find Edge boring on the microphone, and being Canadian he can't pronounce the word "about", he says "aboot" :lol:
Edge versus HHH? No, just no.

The only reason HHH gets pushed to the moon and gets regular title runs is because he's Vince McMahon's son-in-law, if it wasn't for that he'd still be midcard at best...

I have said the above about HHH too. Midcard at best. Thank you, someone agrees with me! And for the people that say him being Vinces son in law and married to Steph that it doesnt matter IDK what your on, but I 100% guarantee even not reading reports about him it's common sense that because he is married to Steph and is Vinces son in law that he will be pushed to the moon no matter how good or not so good he or anyone in that situation is. Same thing goes for most jobs too. This happens in the "real" everyday world too folks. Not rocket science here.

Edge vs HHH at WM27 ME I agree no. We have seen them at the GAB and was a 7/10 match MAYBE at best and thats being nice. It just didnt do it to me. They dont work great together, so it is what it is.
I have thought of this idea as well, I might have posted it somewhere but I forget. Anyway, with the sheer amount Edge is getting, and HHH getting his 2-3 titles a year, your date will be about right for said match to occur. I am looking forward to what kind of excuse they would use to vacate the title. Whatever happens, HHH wins though.
I think the Edge vs Triple H idea is alright, and seems like a highly possible scenario, but I'd prefer the main event to be Jericho vs Taker. Jericho is still the best guy on the mic for sure, and him and Taker could have some great promos and build up to it very well. I'd prefer to see Undertaker keep the streak, and if it ever was going to end, it would have to be a much younger Heel who coulld basicly make a career off being the guy who beat Taker at Wrestlemania. Although if the streak ever ends, it will almost certainly be to Triple H.

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