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WWE: A New Year a new GM

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Enter, Sandman

The WWE was at a low mark. The Sci Fi Network decided not to re-new the contract with ECW so ECW was sent to the internet. The CW decided to decrease the Smack!Down time to 1 Hour and move it to Saturdays. With that happening there was many firings going on because it was not long enough for two separate shows, so the brand extension. Vince decided to just get rid of ECW and change Smack!Down's name to Saturday night TakeDown.

Brian Kendrick
Chris Jericho
CM Punk
DH Smith
Elijah Burke
Hardcore Holly
Jeff Hardy
John Morrison
Ken Kennedy
Kevin Thorn (Vampire Gimmick)
Lance Cade
Matt Hardy
Matt Striker
Paul London
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
Ric Flair
Robbie McAllister
Rory McAllister
Santino Marella
Shawn Michaels
Shelton Benjamin
Tommy Dreamer
Trevor Murdoch
Triple H
Viscera (Vampire Gimmick)
William Regal
Inactive Talent
Mr. McMahon (Owner)
Todd Grisham (Interviewer)
Jerry Lawler (Color Commentator)
Jim Ross (Play-by-play Commentator)
Jonathan Coachman (Executive Assistant)
Lillian Garcia (Ring Announcer)
Tag Teams
Elijah’s Express ( Elijah Burke, Shelton Benjamin, Umaga, Carlito)
Ministry of Darkness ’08 (Undertaker, Viscera, Kevin Thorn)
London and Kendrick
Hardy Boyz (Jeff and Matt Hardy)
Jesse and Festus
Cade and Murdoch
The Highlanders (Robbie and Rory McAllister)
Hornswoggle (Finlay)
Armando Estrada (Elijah’s Express)
Melina (John Morrison)

so i will just write the end of the match's for regular shows but full results for PPVs. it will take place four weeks before the royal rumble which will take place in Philladelphia PA. I will start next week. All weeks are vacated
From Wrestlezone.com said:
There has been talk of bringing the European Title or the WCW TV Title in to be the forth title
I know its unrealistic. But come on its just a btb
From wrestlezone.com said:
It has been rumored that Sabu and Rob Van Dam has been in the WWE headquaters in Stanfort. The general feeling is that the WWE wants Rob Van Dam to come to WWE and that adding Sabu could allow RVD to return
The first episode of Raw will be up on monday and Showdown will be up next saturday
from Wrestlezone.com said:
Vince has been saying that he doesn't want to keep JBL just as a road agent, so you may see him as the new Raw GM.
Vince McMahon has been saying how high he is on Santino Marella, so you could see him as the next Intercontinental Champion.
from WWE.com said:
The WWE has decided to take the Television Championship out of the Vault
Raw: 4 Weeks before Royal Rumble

No Chance hits and out come Vince looking very un-happy.
Vince: As you all may have known tonight I have an announcement to make regarding the Royal Rumble. The WWE officials say that I’M biased! Come on, I mean seriously ME! Whatever. Well tonight to get a spot in the Rumble you must go to my office, there is a counter, similar to the one you would find in a meat market. There are only 30 tickets in the machine. I recommend that you get their fast because they are in reverse chronological order so if you are there first you get number 30 and if you there thirtieth you get number 1. I also have another announcement to make, since you all know that the titles are vacant, the last superstar in the ring is the WWE champion, and the spot that is normally reserved for the winner of the Royal Rumble at Wrestlemania will be crowned at No Way Out in a four corners match. All is not lost for the second place because they will be the new Intercontental Champion. And tonight there will be a new TV Champion when it is crowned in a ladder match where everyone in the WWE may compete. This match will be the mainevent of the night.
When we get back we see all the members of the Elijah’s Express in Vince’s office.
Estrada: Ha ha hello Mr. McMahon. I would like to request a tag title match for my-
(Elijah coughs)
Estrada: Elijah’s team members Carlito and Umaga.
Vince: Hmmm what numbers does your team have?
(Carlito holds up #6, Umaga holds up #13, Benjamin holds up #10 and Burke holds up #21)
Vince: Ok tonight it will be two members of Elijah’s Express vs a team of my choosing and the winning team will have the two highest card numbers and the tag team titles.
Estrada: Fine.

Match #1: Ken Kennedy (16) vs CM Punk (22)
End: The match ends when Kennedy goes for a Kenton Bomb but misses and CM Punk gets up and locks in the Anaconda Vice. Kennedy is about to tap when he knocks the ref down. Kennedy rolls out of the ring and gets a chair. Punk goes for a spring board over the ropes but misses. Kennedy hits him with the chair and rolls him into the ring. He gets the ref up and pins him 1-2-3.
Winner: Ken Kennedy
Spots in the Rumble:
Kennedy: 22
CM Punk: 16


Match #2 Tag Team Titles Match: Umaga(13) and Carlito (6) (Elijah’s Express) vs Lance Cade (17) and Trevor Murdoch (2)
End: Cade and Murdoch hit a high low on Carlito. They go for a pin but Estrada distracts the ref and Benjamin and Burke get in and start beating them down with the titles. They get out and Carlito tags Umaga in. Umaga hits a Samoan Spike on Cade. He gets the pin easily.
Winner: Elijah’s Express
Spots in the Rumble:
Lance Cade: 6
Trevor Murdoch: 2
Match #3 Flair loses he’s fired: Ric Flair (12) w/ HHH vs Jesse (24) w/ Festus
The ref is knocked out and Festus gets in the ring and starts beating Flair with a chair. HHH rings the bell and He just gets that stupid look on his face. HHH gets in and beats Jesse with his sledge hammer. He puts Flair over him and gets the ref up. The ref counts the pin.
Winner: Ric Flair
After Match:
HHH walks up to Festus and takes his card (23) and hands him his card (7)
Places in the Rumble:
Flair: 24
HHH: 23
Jesse: 12
Festus: 7
Promo for Matt Hardy saying he is returing at Royal Rumble at # 19.
Match #4: Boogeyman (15) vs Kevin Thorn (11) w/ Viscera and Undertaker
Boogeyman hits Thorn with a scoop slam. Viscera tries to get in the ring but MiniBoogey gets out and gives him a low-blow. Boogey gets the pin.
Winner: Boogeyman
After match:
The lights flash red and Boogey pulls out his worm. He starts feeding him the worms then the Undertaker runs in and chokeslams him. He grabs his earn from under the ring. 3 Druids come out. Two of the druids pick up Boogey. The other druid picks up mini boogey.
Grisham: I’m here with the rainbow haired warrior, Jeff Hardy. Jeff, how do you feel that you could lose your 30 spot tonight against Santino Marella who only has number 14.
Jeff: It doesn’t matter; I’m gonna destroy him. I will knock out Mozzarella or whatever his name is. I will win the match tonight, I will win the ladder match today and the Royal Rumble.
Grisham: And how do you feel about your brother, Matt returning at the Rumble.
Jeff: Its great.
Grisham: Will you work together with him?
Jeff: I won’t because in the Rumble its every man for himself.
(Jeff walks out of screen)
Match #5: Jeff Hardy (30) vs Santino Marella (14)
End: Jeff hits a twist of fate on Marella. Jeff goes up to the top rope. He goes for the Swanton but misses. Santino hits a suplex. Santino goes up to the top rope. He imitates the Hardy hand gesture and goes for the Swanton. He over jumps him and lands on his neck. The ref goes up to Jeff and tells him something. Jeff pins him quickly.
Winner: Jeff Hardy
After match: Medics come out and put Santino on a stretcher.
Match #6: All Roster Ladder match
Most of the superstars are in the match. Jeff Hardy climbs to the top rope. He is about to grab the title when John Morrison and Edge push the ladder over. Edge and Morrison both climb up two separate ladders. Ken Kennedy runs and jumps on the ladder that Edge is on. Edge is leaning back and the ladder tips over. Morrison jumps off the Ladder and grabs the title. He unlatches it and falls to the ground. He hold the title and is on his knees as the screen fades out.
Winner: John Morrison
from Wrestlezone.com said:
All though we can not confirm it, Santino Marella may have injured himself when he botched a move at Raw
Good show.. I think you should maybe have some spaces in your show though..spread it apart.. makes it easier to read.
Sorry... about the late post, my computer was down. I will try to space it out too.

Saturday Night Showdown 4 Weeks before Royal Rumble

John Morrison and Melina come out.

Morrison: I am the only superstar on the roster to hold singles gold. I am the highest competitor on the circuit. Tonight I am not scheduled to have a match today. But I challenge any superstar, who has a card higher than mine, to a match tonight. If you defeat me I will allow them to have a match for my TV title at the Royal Rumble. But I’m not giving this match to anyone. No, no, no. They must have a higher number than mine, which happens to be number 7.
(Waits 20 seconds, no one comes out)
Morrison: Ok well if no on-
(D.H. Smith’s music play)
Smith: You got your match with number 26, tonight!
Morrison: Fine, your on-
No Chance blares through the arena
Vince: Fine get a ref out there, that match is now!

No Chance hits again as he goes to the back we see a ref run out to the ring.

Match #1: John Morrison (TV Title Match at Royal Rumble) vs D.H. Smith (26)
Smith hits DDT on Morrison and goes for the pin. He gets a two count when Melina gets up and distracts the ref. The ref is still distracted by Melina when Morrison hits him with a low blow. Melina puts the title in the corner. She distracts the ref again but he turns around just as Morrison is attacking Smith with the belt.

Winner: D.H. Smith (DQ)


When we get back we see Todd Grisham in Vince’s office.
Grisham: Ok, Mr. McMahon you requested this interview for what reason?
Vince: I don’t need a reason, I sign your paychecks. But I do have a reason to why I requested this interview-
Grisham: And that is…
Vince: I was getting there!!! I can not do this every week so tonight I will name a GM for Showdown.

Match #2: Shelton Benjamin(10) w/ Elijah’s Express vs Tommy Dreamer w/ (18)

The match ends when Benjamin hit a T-Bone on Dreamer. He then was going for the pin but at the two count Burke tells him to go to the top rope. He gets up on the top rope and hits a shooting star press on Dreamer. He pins him easily.

Winner: Shelton Benjamin

After match:
Umaga and Carlito get in the ring and starts attacking him with chairs. Carlito puts his chair under Dreamers head. Right before he can we hear Sandman’s music. Sandman, RVD and, Sabu come in through the left side. Before they can get in the ring Estrada signals to Umaga to do it. Sandman throws his beer and hits Umaga in the head with it. Umaga halls down and rolls out of the ring. They all get in the ring and drink beers as Elijah’s Express escape to the back.


Match #3: Kane (20) vs Rey Mysterio (9)

About two minutes into the match Mysterio has Kane down. He hits the 6-1-9. He goes for the west coast pop but is caught into a choke slam by Kane. Kane goes for a pin but the lights flicker purple and we hear the gong. Viscera and Boogeyman come out. Boogeyman’s normal make up is now a dark red and black combo. They get in the ring an Kane go’s after them. Mini Boogey gets in and low blows Kane. Viscera and Boogey pick him up and carry him out.

Winner: Rey Mysterio


When we get back we see Vince come out.
Vince: I promised you a General Manger and that is what I’m gonna give you. So tonight I am naming Philly’s own, Steven Richards.
Richards comes out.
Richards: Thank you Mr.McMahon, I must say I am glad to be Mr. Showdown.
Vince: Your welcome and first thing I want you to do is (he whispers in his ear)
Richards: Do I have to?
Vince: It’s either him or you.
Richards: I want Todd Grisham to come out here right now.
Todd Grisham comes out.
Grisham: What do I need to come out for?
Richards: I don’t need a reason to bring you out here. You know what, YOU’RE FIRED!
Grisham goes to the back crying.
JBL’s Music is heard blaring through the arena. JBL Comes out.
JBL: Vinnie, come on do you really want that being General Manger?
Vince: That’s Mr. McMahon too you and yes ido.
l Come on, how about if at the royal rumble we have Team JBL vs Team Richard’s in a Tag Team lumberjack match !
Vince: You know what fine you’ve got your match.
Richards: Come on.
Vince: I don’t care now all of you get the hell out of my ring.
They all leave as we fade to the WWE symbol.

Confirmed Matches for Royal Rumble:
TV Title Match: DH Smith vs John Morrison (c)
Tag Team LumberJack match: Team JBL vs Team Richards
Royal Rumble for WWE title and Intercontential Championship
Nice show, 8/10
predictions for Royal Rumble
Morrison retains
Team JBL wins
So its going to be 2 RRs for WWE & Intercontential titles?
So its going to be 2 RRs for WWE & Intercontential titles?

Good Show 9/10

there's only going to be one RR if I'm not mistaken. The winner gets the WWE title and the last man eliminated gets the IC title.

All is not lost for the second place because they will be the new Intercontental Champion.
yeah their will be one rumble and the last person eliminated is the IC champion.
Raw will be up shortly.
I'm not sure completely but I've got a couple surprises up my sleeve.
Sorry about the late post.. my computer crashed when I was like 3/4 of the way done.

Raw: 3 Weeks before the Royal Rumble

Raw starts out with JBL coming out.
JBL: I am here today for just one reason, to get some members for Team JBL. So here I am here today to tell any wrestler on the roster that if they join team JBL, they can get a shot at a title of my choosing, at any time in the next three months if my team wins, and if your on team Richards and his team loses, you will feel my wrath!
(Steven Richard’s music hits)
Richards: That could be a problem because you’re going to have to deal with the Tag Team champs, Umaga and Carlito! Along with Lumber Jacks Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke.

Are you going to be able to handle this? (Rings a bell)
Festus runs out and clotheslines Richards. Jesse comes out with a ladder. Jesse yells something and Festus puts Richards in power bomb position, Jesse climbs the ladder and huricannas Richards off of Festus’ shoulders.

Match #1: Finlay (1) vs MVP (8)
End: MVP hits a low blow on Finlay and gos for the pin
Hornswogle pulls the ref out of the ring. MVP gets out of the ring and power bombs him. Finlay grabs his Shilayly and hits MVP in the head and his head starts to bleed.

Winner: Finlay


Match #2: HHH(23)/Ric Flair (24) vs Edge (5)/Randy Orton (4)

Edge goes for a spear on HHH but HHH moves out of the way and he hits it on the Ref. While we are waiting for a ref Flair gets in the ring and hits Edge with Brass Knuckles. Orton goes into help him but in caught by a knee to the face by HHH. Another ref comes out as HHH tags in Flair. Flair locks Edge into a Figure Four Leg Lock. After about 20 seconds Edge taps out.

Winner: Ric Flair and HHH

After match:
No chance blares through the arena as Vince wobbles half way down the ramp.
Vince: Hello Ric. (Woos heard through out the arena) Shut Up god damn it! Ok, Ric I've got good news and bad news. Which one do you want first?
Lillian Garcia hands Ric Flair a mike.
Flair: Wooooo (Woos heard louder) I'll take the good news. (Without mike) Wooo.
Vince: The Royal Rumble will not end your career if you are eliminated. And the bad news, at the Royal Rumble you will face Randy Orton.
Flair: That's the bad news?
Vince: Oh thats not bad news, how about if you face him in a...RKO Match!!!!

Match #3 Ken Kennedy/ John Morison vs D.H. Smith/ C.M. Punk

Smith is getting beat down in Morison's corner as Kennedy stomps the mud hole. Punk gets in the ring and runs over and Morison hits a clothe line on Punk. The ref kicks them both out of the match. Kennedy puts Smith up on a turnbuckle and hits a superplex. Kennedy goes under the ring and puts a table and a ladder in the ring. He sets Smith up on the table and puts the ladder next to a turnbuckle. Kennedy jumps from the turnbuckle and leap frogs over the ladder onto Smith with a leg drop.

Winner: Kennedy (and Morrison)

After Match:

Morrison runs out and him and Kennedy attack Smith with chairs. Punk comes out with a sledge hammer and clears house. Morrison and Kennedy escape through the crowd.


When we get back we see Vince in the ring.
Vince: I want Rob Van Dam, Sandman and Sabu to come out here right now. (They come out)
Vince: I can't believe what you did on ShowDown so tonight it be the ECW People vs... All Four members of Elijah's Express in a hardcore match.
RVD: When?
Vince: NOW!
(Elijah's Express comes out of the crowd and beats them with chairs.)
Match # 4: 3 on 4 handicap match Elijah's Express vs Team ECW
Umaga hold RVD back and Benjamin holds Sandman back as Carlito holds Sabu as Burke atacks him with a barbwire bat.

Elijah's Express

After Match:
After the match Estrada lites a table on fire on the outside ofthe ring and Umaga throws RVD through it.


Match #5: Jeff Hardy (30) vs MVP (1)

MVP makes his way to the ring and as he does his "balling" pose Jeff jumps over the ropes and lands on him. Jeff rolls MVP into the ring and the bell rings. Jeff throws him over the top rope (as to signal what hes going to do at the Rumble). Jeff gets out and walks on the barrier. He does the "balling" pose and runs and jumps and lands on MVP. MVP is knocked out and Jeff gets back in the ring. MVP gets counted out.

Winner: Jeff Hardy
Great show 10/10.

The entire show kept me reading but what I really like are the Stevie and JBL fued and the Elijah's Express and Team ECW fued. I also love the fact that you included a flaming table.
great job (has a clap) lol but anyway your matches are good, good storylines, good openings, really interested but they are only like 4 lines long some of them ?

shouldn't they be a bit longer atleast the main event.

my 2 cents
naw i just write the recap of the matches

ps Showdown should be up around 8ish
Showdown 3 Weeks til Royal Rumble

Vince McMahon comes out to the ring.

Vince: Right now I want John "Bradshaw" Layfield and Steven Richards to come down to the ring right now.
(They come down)
Just by curiosity how many people are on each of your team?
Richards: Uhm Vinc- I mean Mr.McMahon you'll be happy to know that I have recruited six people for team Richards.
Vince:And who might they be?
Richards: Umaga, Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, Elijah Burke, Ken Kennedy and John Morrison.
Vince: And you John?
JBL: Team ECW: Rob Van Dam, Sandman, Sabu, and Tommy Dreamer.
Vince: Thats really good.
JBL: I wasn't finished, D.H. Smith, CM Punk, Jesse and Festus.
Vince: Well it looks like JBL is going to have the advantage.
Richards:Excuse me... the advantage in what?
Vince: Oh, didn't I mention the gauntlet match? Get ready because its now.
(I'm just going to right the entrys and eliminations until the last person for one of the teams is in)
Match #1: Team JBL vs Team Richards gauntlet match
Enter: Morrison
Enter: Sandman (Funny thats my name)
Eliminated: Sandman, Morrison with the Snap Shot
Enter: Sabu
Eliminated: Morrison, Sabu hits him with a moons sought
Enter: Benjamin
Eliminated: Sabu, Benjamin with a T-BOne Suplex
Enter: Smith
Eliminated: Smith, Benjamin with a Sharp Shooter
Eliminated: Benjamin, Punk with the Vice
Enter: Carlito
Eliminated: Carlito, Punk with the Back Stabber
Enter: Umaga
Eliminated:punk, Punk gets DQed when he hits Umaga with a chair
Eliminated: Umaga, already KOed RVD his a Frog Splash
Enter: Burke
Eliminated: RVD, Burke with the Elijah Express
Enter: Jesse
Eliminated: Jesse, Burke with a suplex
Enter: Dreamer
Eliminated: Burke
Kennedy and Dreamers lock up. Dreamer pushes Kennedy and he to the ground. Dreamer puts Kennedy up in the air and hits a DDT. Dreamer goes for a DDT
Winner: Team JBL (Tommy Dreamer and Festus)


We see Paul London and Brian Kendrick in Mr. McMahon's office.
London: Mr. M how about you give me and Kendrick a shot at the Tag Titles?
(Vince looks pissed.)
Vince: You want a shot at the titles? You know what let me see your Royal Rumble cards!
(Paul London has #27 and Brian Kendrick has #3)
Vince: Tonight its going to be Brian Kendrick vs Paul London for the #27 spot. And the loser... is FIRED! You better get ready because that match is next.

Match #2 Loser is Fired: Brian Kendrick vs Paul London

Kendrick is dominating the entire match. Kendrick locks London into a headlock. Kendrick goes and gets a ladder. Kendrick slides the ladder into the ring. Kendrick gets another ladder and slides it in then he slides him self in to. He sets the first on up regular then he puts the second one on top of it. He runs and goes to land on him but he misses. London quickly covers.
Winner: Paul London
We cut to back stage,we see Vince talking on the phone.
Vince: No thats terrible...........Well when did he say that you can come back......Whatever that means your out of the Rumble......See you later.
We see JBL walk in
JBL:Who was that?
Vince:Not that its any of your business but Santino Marella.
JBL:How bout you give that spot to Rob Van Dam.
Vince: Fine, I had two spots open now I only have one. (Vince looks at the camera) At the Royal Rumble there will be an open challenge match for the last open spot.
Vince comes on to the Screen
Vince: At Royal Rumble it will be the ministry of darkness vs Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch and MVP. Winner gets a shot at the tag titles and the Intercontinental title at No Way Out. And Mr. Kennedy vs CM Punk.
Match #3: Edge (5) vs Chris Jericho (28)
Jericho has Edge locked into the Walls of Jericho. Orton runs out and distracts the ref. Edge taps out. Jericho lets him out and thinks he has won. Jericho climbs to the top turnbuckle and celebrates but Edge knocks him down. Edge runs and hits a Code Breaker on Jericho. He goes for the pin fall
Kick out. Jericho kicks out and Edge locks him into Jericho's finisher, the walls of jericho. Jericho taps out.
Winner: Edge
After match:
Orton pust a chair under Jericho's head like hes going to hit a ConChairto. Before he can hit it HHH and Flair run out. Edge runs out of the ring but Orton is caught in the ring. HHH clothelines him and Flair locks him into a Figure Four Leg Lock. Jericho gets up and slides a chair under his head. He grabs the other chair and nails it down.
Confirmed for the Royal Rumble:
Ministry vs Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch and MVP for tag titles and Intercontinental Champion shot
TV Title Match: DH Smith vs John Morrison (c)
Tag Team LumberJack match: Team JBL vs Team Richards
Ken Kennedy vs CM Punk
Royal Rumble for WWE title and Intercontential Championship
Im liking this formate, youve made sure that youve promoted the right type of gimmicks on the show, i hate the way vince treats jbl though lol
I'm not liking the format.You could organize it a little bit better by having more spaces,color coding more things and putting quotes around the matches to make the matches stand out more.Actually write full entire matches instead of the ending and/or little bits and pieces of it.Sorry, not liking it.
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