WWE 2010: A New Generation Is Coming.

Skairipa Matrix

3 Time Elite Openweight Champion
WWE 2010: A New Generation Is Coming.

Wrestlemania 26 Results:
1. ShowMiz (The Miz and Big Show) def. John Morrison and R-Truth to retain the WWE Tag Team Championships
2. Randy Orton def. Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase
3. Christian def. Jack Swagger, Matt Hardy, Kane, Drew McIntyre, Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler, MVP and Evan Bourne in the Money In The Bank Ladder Match.
4. Triple H def. Sheamus
5. Rey Mysterio def. CM Punk (with Luke Gallows and Serena) If CM Punk had won, Rey Mysterio would have had to take the Straight Edge Pledge.
6. Bret Hart def. Mr.McMahon in a No Holds Barred Lumberjack Match with Bruce Hart as Special Guest Referee.
7. Chris Jericho def. Edge to retain the World Heavyweight Championship.
8. Michelle McCool, Vickie Guerrero, Alicia Fox, Layla and Maryse defeated Beth Phoenix, Kelly Kelly, Mickie James, Gail Kim and Eve Torres.
9. John Cena def. Batista to win the WWE Championship.
10. The Undertaker def. Shawn Michaels in a No Holds Barred Streak vs Career Match.


Monday Night Raw:
General Manager: Unknown
Commentators: Micheal Cole & Jerry Lawler
Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts
Backstage Interviewer: Todd Grisham

Key: Red = Heel, Black = Face

1. Alica Fox
2. Big Show
3. Brie Bella
4. Carlito
5. Chavo Guererro
6. Christian
7. Cody Rhodes
8. Evan Bourne
9. Eve
10. Gail Kim
11. Jack Swagger
12. Jillian Hall
13. John Cena
14. Katie Lea
15. Kelly Kelly
16. Kofi Kingston
17. Mark Henry
18. Maryse
19. Melina
20. MVP
21. Nikki Bella
22. Primo
23. Randy Orton
24. Rosa Mendes
25. Santino Maralla
26. Sheamus
27. Ted Dibiase
28. The Miz
29. Triple H
30. William Regal
31. Yoshi Tatsu
32. Zack Ryder

Raw Champions:
WWE Champion- John Cena
US Champion- The Miz
WWE Tag Team Champions- ShowMiz
Divas Champion- Maryse

Tag Teams & Stables:
Zack Ryder & Rosa Mendes
The Bella Twins
Legacy (Cody Rhodes & Ted Dibiase)
MVP & Mark Henry​

Friday Night Smackdown:
General Manager: Teddy Long
Commentators: Jim Ross & Matt Striker
Ring Announcer: Tony Chimal
Backstage Interviewer: Todd Grisham

Key: Blue = Heel, Black = Face

1. Batista
2. Beth Phoenix
3 Chris Jericho
4. CM Punk
5. Curt Hawkins
6. David Hart Smith
7. Dolph Ziggler
8. Drew McIntyre
9. Edge
10. Ezekiel Jackson
11. Finlay
12. Goldust
14. John Morrison
15. JTG
16. Kane
17. Layla
18. Luke Gallows
19. Matt Hardy
21. Michelle McCool
22. Mickie James
23. Mike Knox
24. Natayla
25. R-Truth
26. Rey Mysterio
27. Serena
28. Shad
29. Shelton Benjamin
30. The Great Khali
32. Tiffany
35. Tyson Kidd
36. Undertaker

Smackdown Champions:
World Heavyweight Champion- Chris Jericho
Intercontinental Champion- Drew McIntyre
WWE Tag Team Champions- ShowMiz
Women's Champion- Michelle McCool

Tag Teams & Stables:
Straight Edge Society (CM Punk, Luke Gallows & Serena)
The Hart Dynasty (Tyson Kidd, David Hart Smith & Natayla)
John Morrison & R-Truth

We here at WWE have parted ways with Caylen Croft, Chris Masters, Trent Barretta, Vladimir Kozlov, Slam Master J, Kung Fu Naki and Jimmy Wang Yang. We would like to wish them all the best of luck in their future endeavours. Also Vickie Guerrero has decided to take a backstage job as being on screen was too stressful for her.

NXT unfortunately has been cancelled. Backstage talk says in the future it may return but right now it's unknown when that would be. As for the 8 rookies on the program, WWE has decided to send David Otunga, Darren Young and Micheal Tarver back to FCW to hone their skills more. However the other 5 rookies, Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, Skip Shefield and Daniel Bryan are free agents and will be available to be signed to either brand at any time.

The other big piece of news coming out of WWE today is major changes have been made to the PPV schedule. WWE has scrapped the yet to debut Over The Limit Pay-Per-View along with Fatal 4 Way, Hell In A Cell, And Bragging Rights. Replacing them will be a few old PPV's such as Bad Blood, Unforgiven and Judgement Day.

Here is the brand new updated Pay-Per-View schedule for the next year.

Extreme Rules- 1st Mariner Arena; Baltimore, MD 4/25/10

Bad Blood- Joe Louis Arena; Detroit, MI 5/23/10

Unforgiven- Nassau Coliseum; Long Island, NY 6/20/10

Money in the Bank - Sprint Center; Kansas City, MO 7/18/10

SummerSlam - Staples Center; Los Angeles, MO 8/15/10

Night of Champions - Allstate Arena; Chicago, IL 9/19/10

No Mercy- Target Center; Minneapolis, MN 10/24/10

Survivor Series - American Airlines Arena; Miami, FL 11/21/10

TLC: Tables, Ladders, & Chairs - Toyota Center; Houston, TX 12/19/10

Royal Rumble 2011 - TD Garden; Boston, MA 1/30/11

Elimination Chamber 2011 - Oracle Arena; Oakland, CA 2/20/11

WrestleMania XXVII - The Georgia Dome; Atlanta, GA 4/3/11

Monday Night Raw March 29th, 2010: Live From Phoenix, Arizona!

Burn It To The Ground blares over the speakers as the usual RAW pyro shoots off all over the stage and we get welcomed to another episode of Monday Night Raw by Micheal Cole and Jerry Lawler.

**Sexy Boy**

Cole: Looks like were wasting no time getting underway tonight folks and what better way to start the night than with an appearance from the man who saw his wrestling career come to an end last night, The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels!

Michaels walks out onto the stage dressed in jeans, A red dress shirt and a HBK cowboy hat. Michaels has a almost peaceful smile on his face as he soaks in the cheers from the fans here in Phoenix who are all on their feet cheering for The Heart Break Kid. Shawn for the last time goes down onto his knees on the top of the ramp then looks up at the heavens before jumping up to his feet with his pyro going off in the background behind him. Michaels skips the rest of his usual entrance and instead shakes hands with multiple fans on his way down the ramp then he walks up the steps and walks through the ropes. Michaels walks into the middle of the ring as his music cuts but still every fan in the arena tonight along with Micheal Cole and Jerry Lawler are on their feet cheering for the greatest to ever lace up a pair of boots.

Michaels waits for the fans to quiet down then raises the mic up to his mouth but before he can talk they start a loud "THANK YOU SHAWN!" chant. Michaels chuckles at this as he soaks it in for a few seconds then raises the mic to his mouth again.

Michaels: You know when I started in this business I thought i'd wrestle till the day I died, But if you told me back then that I'd retire after losing to the greatest of all-time I'd tell you your crazy.

The fans again begin chanting "THANK YOU SHAWN!"

Michaels: No no thank YOU, Thank all of you! Without all of you supporting me for all these years and helping me through some of the problems i've had I wouldn't be standing here today.

The fans cheer loudly for this as HBK waits for them to quiet down a bit then speaks again.

Michaels: You know last night after my match against The Undertaker, I was about to leave the arena when in the parking lot a young man walked up to me and told me I was his hero and he was sad to see the best wrestler ever leave. That really touched my heart but I told him that the greatest ever isn't me, It's The Undertaker. You see 2 years ago at Wrestlemania I faced off against Ric Flair and he told me "to be the man you gotta beat the man" and I beat him. I was the man but now, Now Undertaker is the man and he deserves it more than anybody else.

The fans cheer and begin a small Undertaker chant but then it quickly switches back to Thank You Shawn.[/COLOR[

Michaels: Once again I wanna thank you all for all the support over the years and from the bottom of my heart I wanna thank you all, I wanna thank Vince McMahon for giving a young punk kid the chance of a lifetime and I wanna thank all the boys in the back for giving me some great matches over the years.

**The Game**

Triple H walks out onto the stage with a mic in jeans and a t-shirt as HBK has a big smile on his face as his best friend walks down the ramp then walks up the steps and into the ring, Right into a big hug with his best friend as his music cuts.

Triple H: Shawn, Did you really think i'd let you off that early? Did you really think i'd let you just leave here tonight without letting some of the guys say goodbye? Without me showing you this first?

Triple H points to the titantron where a video package begins highlighting the greatest moments of HBK's career. It shows everything from him realizing the boyhood dream to every other world title win of his to DX winning the Unified Tag Team Titles and finally it ends with a clip of the ending of last nights main event.

Shawn smiles at this but The Game isn't done yet.

Triple H: Shawn, If you think i'm the only one who has a surprise you then your mistaken.

**No Chance In Hell**

Mr.McMahon walks out onto the stage and struts down the ramp. Triple H leans against the ropes as HBK is unsure if he should be happy about this or not. McMahon struts up the steps then walks into the middle of the ring as his music cuts.

McMahon: Shawn, Instead of a typical thank you I had another idea of a way to thank you for all your hard work for me over the years....I wanted to offer you a new job...as the NEW RAW General Manager!

HBK is surprised as Triple H has a smirk on his face, Clearly he knew this was coming.

McMahon: I know you were looking forward to spending more time with your family but these fans don't wanna see you leave, The boys in the back don't wanna see you leave and I don't wanna see you leave! So what do you say? You will have your own office and a promise that this is not just a way to try and get you to wrestle again.

Shawn is thinking as he looks over at Hunter who tells him to take the job. Shawn looks out at the fans who clearly all want Shawn to take the job and Shawn sighs.

Michaels: You know what Vince, I'll do it. I will be the new General Manager of Raw.

Michaels and McMahon shake hands and the fans cheer loudly, But suddenly Sheamus slides into the ring behind Michaels and before Hunter can even react, Sheamus blasts Michaels in the back of the head with a steel pipe! Hunter now attacks Sheamus and nails him with a bunch of right hands to the face!

Hunter now clotheslines Sheamus over the top rope and to the floor as Hunter flexs and checks on Michaels who is slowly getting up to his feet with the help of Hunter. Hunter picks up a mic off the ground as he sees Michaels able to stand on his own.

Triple H: SHEAMUS! You wanna attack my best friend? Now you've pissed me off, At Extreme Rules I challenge you to a Street Fight!

The fans cheer as Sheamus is standing on the top of the ramp laughing about what he did and it doesn't look like were gonna get an answer about the challenge right now as we head into commercial.

We come back from commercial and Justin Roberts is standing in the ring with a mic in hand.

Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, From St. Louis, Missouri Evan Bourne!

**Born To Win**

The fans give a nice pop as the man who stole the show during the Money In The Bank Match last night. Evan Bourne walks out onto the stage. Bourne throws up the peace symbol then runs down the ramp, Slapping hands with a few fans along his way. Bourne now slides under the bottom rope into the ring and jumps up to the top turnbuckle and poses again for the fans then jumps off the top and backs into his corner.

Roberts: And his opponent, From El Paso, Texas Chavo Guerrero!

**Chavito Ardiente**

Chavo Guerrero walks out onto the stage to a very small amount of boos from the fans. Chavo goes down onto one knee on the stage and soaks in the small amount of boos. Chavo now stands up and struts down the ramp to the beat of his music then slowly walks up the steps. Chavo taunts the fans from the ring apron now then jumps over the top rope into the ring and again he strikes a pose to taunt the fans. Chavo now gets to his feet and backs into his corner as the ref calls for the bell.

**The Bell Rings**
Match #1
Evan Bourne vs Chavo Guerrero

Bourne and Guerrero walk into the middle of the ring and lock up right away. Chavo applies a side headlock as Bourne backs into the ropes then shoves Chavo off and he bounces off the opposite ropes and Bourne hits a jumping knee to the skull! Bourne now hits a standing moonsault then hooks both legs for a quick pin on Chavo.

NO! Chavo kicks out!

Bourne is quickly back to his feet and he lets Chavo get up only to hit him with a side kick into the ribs. Bourne now bounces off the ropes and charges at Guerrero, But Guerrero counters with a back drop! Chavo turns around and Bourne is already back to his feet and Chavo blasts him with a right hand to the jaw! Chavo now kicks Bourne in the gut then hits a snap suplex! Chavo fights back up to his feet and hits a second snap suplex and it looks like he's about to complete the three amigos. Chavo is back up to his feet and nails the third amigo!

Chavo has Bourne right where he wants him as he drags him into postiton then climbs up to the top turnbuckle and poses again which causes the fans to boo him. Bourne however gets to his feet and charges into the corner and nails a jumping kick to the head of Chavo! Chavo is crotched on the top turnbuckle as Bourne gets back to his feet and jumps onto the bottom rope then leaps into the air and hits a hurricarana off the top turnbuckle sending Chavo flying into the middle of the ring!

Bourne sees this is his best chance to win and he quickly climbs up to the top turnbuckle as Chavo is laid out and Bourne stands up, Then dives off the top and connects with Air Bourne! Bourne quickly hooks both legs for the pin!


Roberts: Here's your winner, Evan Bourne!

**Born To Win**

Evan Bourne gets to his feet and celebrates his victory as Chavo lays on the mat holding his ribs. Bourne holds up the peace symbol for the fans then bails out of the ring and runs up the ramp then to the back as we take a quick comercial break.

We come back from commercial and the cameras are focused on the ring where a ladder is set up right in the middle of it.

**Just Close Your Eyes**

The fans give the second or third loudest pop of the night as last nights Money In The Bank winner, Christian walks out onto the stage in his ring gear with his MITB case in hand. Christian looks out at all the peeps in Phenoix here tonight then walks down the ramp quickly and as he reaches the bottom of the ramp he holds up his briefcase for the fans. Christian now walks up the steps then enters the ring.

Christian gets handed a mic and as his music cuts he climbs up the ladder and takes a seat on the top of it.

Christian: You know I have never been a world champion, Ever. It's always been my goal to one day win the WWE Title or the World Heavyweight Title and now I have my chance because last night at Wrestlemania 26 I WON MONEY IN THE BANK!

The fans cheer loudly as Christian holds up his briefcase high over his head and then kisses it.

Christian: So far every single person who has cashed in this briefcase has gone on to win the world title and I promise to you all I will keep that trend going!

**Get On Your Knees**

The fans boo loudly as Jack Swagger walks out onto the stage in his red, White and blue attire and he has a mic in hand. Swagger's music cuts as he begins walking down the ramp.

Swagger: Last night was my night! I should have won Money In The Bank not you!

Christian: Jack, I beat you fair and square. It's not my fault you came up short last night and were unable to win the match.

Swagger now walks up the steps and enters the ring as Christian slides onto the back side of the ladder instead of sitting on top like he was before.

Swagger: Christian, If you were a real man like I am you would face me, Tonight. With your briefcase on the line!

Christian chuckles as the fans are on the edge of their seat waiting to see what Christian will say.

Christian: Oh Jack, Are you new around here? This briefcase of mine is not a championship, I don't have to defend it. My answer is no to defending the briefcase against you. As for a match against you well, I'll be happy to face you right now!

Christian begins to slowly climb down the ladder but Swagger had a plan all along! Swagger bull rushes the ladder and then tips it over which causes Christian to go flying out of the ring and fall through the announce table!

The fans are in shock as they see Christian laying flat on his back on the broken pieces of the announce table as Swagger sees the MITB case laying underneath the ladder and Swagger kicks the ladder off the briefcase then picks it up and holds it up high!

???: Jack! Jack! Turn around!

Swagger turns around and sees the new Raw GM, Shawn Michaels on the titantron.

Michaels: Jack, Sorry I didn't come out and deal with you but my head is still hurting from earlier tonight. Anyway I heard you telling Christian you wanted a match with him for his briefcase so here's what i'm gonna do for you. Next week, You will face Christian 1 on 1 and IF you are able to win by pin or submission then at Extreme Rules you will face Christian in a Ladder Match with his MITB case on the line!

The fans aren't sure how to react as Swagger seems happy about this and Christian is still knocked out from his fall off the ladder. Swagger now jumps out of the ring but he takes Christian's briefcase with him! Swagger is getting booed out of the building as he walks up the ramp and to the back with Christian's MITB briefcase in hand and right before the commerical break we get word that we will hear from the new WWE Champion, John Cena right after the break!

We come back from commerical and go right to the interview area where Todd Grisham is standing, Mic in hand.

Grisham: Ladies and Gentleman, My guest at this time he is the new WWE Champion, John Cena!

John Cena walks into camera view with the WWE Title on his shoulder and he pats Grisham on the back.

Grisham: John, Last night at Wrestlemania you beat Batista in a great match to win back your WWE Title. Now tonight your already back in action as in the main event tonight you will face 3 possible challengers in a Gauntlet Match and if any of them beat you they will get a shot at the WWE Championship at Extreme Rules, What's your game plan tonight?

Cena: First off let me just say Shawn Michaels, It was great working with you multiple times during your hall of fame career and for that let me say thank you. Now onto business, Todd, I look forward to that match tonight. I will always take on any and all challengers, It's like I always say, If ya want some, Come get some!

Grisham: Thanks for your time John.

John Cena walks away as the cameras cut into the GM office where Shawn Michaels is walking around. It's clear he has a bandage on the back of his head after that blow from Sheamus he took earlier. Suddenly we see The Miz and Big Show walk into the office and HBK turns around and glares at them.

Michaels: I have a door. Next time, Knock.

The Miz: Yeah yeah yeah. Look why aren't either of us on the card tonight? We are the unfied tag team champions AND i'm the most awesome US Champion in history!

Michaels: Look I know that, Tonight has been a crazy night. Next week i'll give you guys a match.

The Miz: No no no that's not good enough! Either give me a match TONIGHT or i'll have Big Show here knock you out!

Big Show steps forward and Michaels is clearly getting annoyed with these two.

Michaels: Alright fine, You want a match tonight? You got it. Miz tonight you will be in a match against Kofi Kingston...oh and your United States Championship will be on the line.


Michaels: Just for that i'm making the match a Falls Count Anywhere Match, And i'm banning Big Show from ringside!

Miz storms out of the office but Big Show doesn't leave.

Big Show: That Gauntlet Match tonight, I want in.

Michaels: You want in? I'll make a deal with you then. I'll give you a spot in the Gauntlet Match tonight but in return next week you and Miz will have to defend those tag titles against the winners of tonights triple threat #1 contenders match.

Big Show: You got a deal Shawn.

Big Show and Michaels shake hands then Show leaves the office and Michaels sits down and begins doing paperwork as the cameras cut to the ring where the Divas Champion, Maryse is standing holding a mic with her title on her shoulder.

Maryse: Last night at Wrestlemania I proved I am ze sexiest and best diva on ze roster by leading my team to victory over those ****s!

The fans boo but Maryse ignores them.

Maryse: I am ze greatest Divas Champion in history and ze sexiest! Nobody will ever take my championship away from me either.

**Strong and Sexy**

The fans give a mild pop as Gail Kim walks out onto the stage with a mic in hand. Gail begins to walk down the ramp as her music cuts.

Gail: Maryse, You and your whole team got lucky last night and as for your claims to be "ze" greatest champion in history that's a good joke! I won the Women's Title in my first ever match in WWE years ago but i've never won the Divas Title...I think it's time that happens!

**Shake Yo Tail**

The fans give a mild boo as Alica Fox walks out onto the stage with a mic in hand and her music cuts as she quickly walks down the ramp.

Alica: Hold up. Did I just hear that has been loser Gail Kim say she wants a shot at Divas Championship? Gail, Your the past nobody cares about you anymore, I am the future of this division and I should be given a shot at your title Maryse!

Maryse: Aye I don't think either of you should face me! Neither of you are worthy to face me!

Gail: I got an idea, Alica how about next week you face me 1 on 1 and the winner moves on to Extreme Rules to face you Maryse, In any match type you want. How's that sound?

Alica: Fine with me.

Maryse: Fine I will beat either of you at Extreme Rules! But next week I will be at ringside to watch your match!

The fans give a small pop for the announcement of the #1 contenders match next week but just as Maryse holds up her championship to taunt the two possible challengers, Gail drops Maryse with Eat Defeat! Alica now charges at Gail and drops her with the Scissors Kick! Gail is down and Fox picks up the championship and holds it up high over her head which causes boos from the fans as we head into a commerical but first Cole tells us that the US Championship Match is up next!

We come back from commercial and the cameras go to the ring where Justin Roberts is once again standing, Mic in hand.

Roberts: The following contest is a Falls Count Anywhere Match and it is for the United States Championship! Introducing first, Kofi Kingston!


Kofi Kingston walks out onto the stage to a good pop from the fans. Kingston looks out at all the fans as he walks onto the top of the ramp and sets off his pyro. Kingston quickly walks down the ramp, Slapping hands with as many fans as possible along the way until he reaches the bottom of the ramp. Kingston takes off his t-shirt and tosses it into the crowd then slides under the bottom rope into the ring. Kingston jumps up to the top turnbuckle and poses for the fans before jumping down and backing into his corner.

Roberts: And his opponent, He is the United States Champion, The Miz!

**I Came To Play**

The fans boo loudly as The Miz walks out onto the stage with the US Title around his waist and both of his tag titles on his shoulders. Miz poses on the stage then walks down the ramp, Ignoring all the fans along the way. Miz reaches the bottom of the ramp and jumps onto the ring apron, Posing again to taunt the fans. Miz steps through the ropes into the ring as Kingston is pacing waiting to get his hands on the champion and the ref makes sure he doesn't go after Miz. Miz climbs up to the top turnbuckle and holds up the tag titles and the US Title at the same time which causes the fans to boo loudly. Miz now jumps down and hands his titles to a ringcrew member then takes off his jacket and tosses it out of the ring.

**The Bell Rings**
Match #2
Kofi Kingston vs The Miz
Falls Count Anywhere Match For The United States Championship

As soon as the bell rings, Kofi charges into the corner looking to attack Miz but Miz sidesteps and Kofi slams head first into the top turnbuckle! Miz now tries for a full nelson quickly but Kofi slides out of the hold and rolls out of the ring. Miz bails out of the ring and he sees Kofi walking around ringside, So he charges at Kofi then shoves him face first into the guard rail! Kofi is down after his face hit the corner of the guard rail and Miz quickly hooks both legs for a pin!

NO! Kofi kicks out!

Miz gets to his feet and looks under the ring then pulls out a trash can and a kindo stick. Kofi gets to his feet and charges Miz and nails him with a clothesline! Kofi throws Miz into the ring and then gets on the ring apron, But Miz is on his feet and hits a running spear knocking Kofi off the ring apron and Kofi flys off and he lands spine first on the trash can!

The fans let out a loud "OHH!" as they see Kofi bend in half from landing on the trash can. Miz sees this and rolls out of the ring and rolls Kofi off the trash can then he picks up the trash can and drives it down on the spine of Kofi! Miz throws the trash can down as Kofi is holding his back in pain but Miz drops an elbow across the back of Kofi then rolls him over and pins him again.

NO! Kofi kicks out!

Miz can't believe it as he argues with the ref who tells him only a 2 count. Miz gets to his feet and grabs the kindo stick he pulled out from under the ring earlier and slams it down on the floor a few times as Kofi stumbles up to his feet. Miz waits for him to turn around then swings with the kindo stick, But Kofi ducks the shot and Miz drops the kindo stick as Kofi spins him around then nails the SOS right into a pin!

NO! Miz kicks out!

Kofi gets to his feet quickly as does Miz and Kofi nails him with a dropkick to the skull taking him down! Miz however is quickly back to his feet and Kofi nails another dropkick taking him down again! Kofi rolls into the ring as Miz gets to his feet and Kofi bounces off the ropes and charges across the ring and dives through the ropes nailing Miz with a suicide dive!

Kofi gets to his feet and high fives some fans at ringside as Miz stumbles up to his feet and Kofi nails an elbow smash to the face. Miz stumbles away as Kofi charges at Miz, But Miz counters and hits a one man flapjack! Kofi is down holding his ribs and Miz walks away over to where Cole & Lawler are and grabs a steel chair!

Kofi gets to his feet and Miz folds up the chair as Kofi charges at Miz and dropkicks the chair into his face! Miz goes down in front of the commentators! Kofi picks up the steel chair and throws it down onto the ribs of Miz! Kofi now jumps onto the ring apron and dives off, Hitting the Boom Drop onto the steel chair that's on the ribs of Miz!

Miz is laid out and yells in pain as Kofi crawls over to him and after pulling the chair off him hooks both legs for the pin on Miz!

NO! Miz kicks out!

Kofi gets to his feet and picks up the steel chair as Miz slowly stumbles up to his feet. Kofi waits for Miz to get up then he rams the chair into his ribs! Miz is doubled over in pain as Kofi slams the chair across the back of Miz taking him down! Kofi throws the chair down then slaps hands with a couple fans behind Cole & Lawler.

Kofi turns around and starts to pull Miz up to his feet, But Miz rakes the eyes of Kofi! Miz gets to his feet and kicks Kofi in the knee then with Kofi on one knee, Miz hits a swinging DDT taking Kofi down! Miz is holding his ribs in pain still after the Boom Drop but he keeps control of the match by hitting a running kick to the face of Kofi to keep him down on the floor!

Miz now pulls Kofi up to his feet and throws him back into the ring then slides in after him and hooks the leg for a quick pin attempt.

NO! Kofi kicks out!

Miz sighs as he realizes The Wildcat still has fight left in him and Miz begins to taunt, As if to say he's ready to hit the Skull Crushing Finale! Kofi stumbles up to his feet and Miz pulls Kofi in close to him by his trunks then tries to hit the Skull Crushing Finale but Kofi blocks it and hits a hip toss! Miz is quickly back to his feet and he turns around, Right into Trouble In Paradise from Kofi!

Kofi may have this match won but Miz falls out of the ring through the middle rope from the impact of the move! Kofi realizes this is his chance to win however and climbs up to the top turnbuckle! Kofi stands up as Miz is stumbling to his feet holding his head at ringside and Kofi dives off the top and connects with a crossbody! Kofi hooks both legs for the pin and this one may be over!

NO! Miz barley gets his shoulder up!

Kofi can't believe it as he argues with the ref who ensures him that it was only a 2 and a half count. Kofi gets to his feet in frustration as he walks around to another side of the ring and then lifts up the apron as he looks under the ring for a foreign object!

Kofi pulls out a table from under the ring and sets it up as Miz is still down at ringside. Kofi picks up the kindo stick as Miz is slowly beginning to get to his feet and Kofi walks over to him, But Miz was playing possum and he hits a drop toe hold making the skull of Kofi bounce off the steel steps! Miz picks up the kindo stick now and slams it into the back of the head of Kofi causing him to fall onto the steel steps face first! Miz throws down the kindo stick then walks over to where the table is and he kicks it down then resets it up on the side of the ring Kofi is on.

Miz walks over to Kofi and clubs him over the back then pulls him up to his feet. Miz kicks Kofi in the gut to double him over and lifts him up onto his shoulders! Miz turns around and he charges at the table, Dropping Kofi with a running powerbomb putting him through the table! Kofi is laid out and Miz quickly covers him and it looks like this one is over!


Roberts: Here's your winner and STILL United States Champion, The Miz!

**I Came To Play**

The Miz celebrates his victory as he gets handed his championships. Miz holds them up high over his head and the ref checks on Kofi who is still laying in broken pieces of table and we head into commerical.

We come back from commercial and the cameras go to a hallway backstage where we see The Game Triple H. Triple H is walking down the hallway furious, Sledgehammer in hand.


Triple H storms into the locker room area and finds the locker room of The Celtic Warrior and kicks the door open, But no sign of Sheamus! Triple H walks into the locker room and looks around but the room is empty. Triple H turns around to leave but as soon as he does, Sheamus blasts him with the Brouge Kick! Triple H is laid out as Sheamus beats his chest and puts a foot on the chest of Triple H and raises his arms up in the air as the fans in the arena are booing loudly.
The cameras now cut to the ring where we see MVP & Mark Henry as well as Legacy already standing in the ring behind Justin Roberts. [/COLOR]

Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Unifed Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Match! Introducing first already in the ring the teams of MVP & Mark Henry, And The Legacy Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase!

**New Dynasty**

The fans pop as The Hart Dynasty walks out onto the stage all 3 in matching pink and black gear. Natayla leads Kidd and Smith down the ramp and then the three pose at the bottom of the ramp. Kidd and Smith now lift up Natayla and place her on the ring apron then they both climb up onto it and step through the ropes as Natayla jumps off the ring apron and stands at ringside.

**The Bell Rings**
Match #3
MVP & Mark Henry vs The Legacy vs The Hart Dynasty
Unified Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Match

Mark Henry and Tyson Kidd are in the ring to start the match for their teams as Rhodes and DiBiase are arguing over who will have to start the match. Henry and Kidd look at each other and nod as they walk over to Legacy and launch both of them over the top rope and into the ring!

Rhodes and DiBiase get to their feet as Kidd and Henry knock them both back down with clotheslines! Henry throws Rhodes over the top rope and to the floor as on the other side of the ring, Kidd clotheslines DiBiase over the top rope!

Kidd now hits a cannon ball dive over the top rope and takes out DiBiase as Henry has slowly begun to climb to the top turnbuckle! Kidd sees Henry climbing to the top and he quickly slides into the ring and charges Henry, Hitting him with a running dropkick crotching Henry on the top turnbuckle! Rhodes gets to his feet and climbs onto the ring apron and Kidd swings at Rhodes but Rhodes catches his hand then pops Kidd with a right hand knocking him down! Rhodes then springboards off the ropes and nails Henry with a springboard kick to the head! Henry is barley avoiding falling off the top turnbuckle as Rhodes slides back into the ring.

Rhodes and Kidd both start climbing up to the top turnbuckle and both connect with right hands to the jaw of Henry! Rhodes and Kidd now both try to superplex Henry but Henry is too strong and he blocks it, Shoving both off the top turnbuckle! Rhodes and Kidd are down as DiBiase charges at Henry and shoves him off the top turnbuckle and to the floor!

Henry is laid out on the floor as Rhodes starts crawling towards his corner and Kidd rolls over into his corner and makes the tag to bring David Hart Smith into the match. Hart Smith enters the ring as Rhodes makes the tag to DiBiase and Hart Smith takes down DiBiase with a running shoulder block!

Hart Smith now decks Rhodes with a big right hand knocking him off the ring apron! DiBiase now pushes off the ropes and rolls up Hart Smith using the tights for leverage!

NO! MVP breaks it up!

DiBiase is quickly up to his feet as Henry slides into the ring. MVP now shoves DiBiase into the corner and Henry charges into the corner but MVP is also charging and DiBiase bails out of the ring and MVP is hung up on the top rope when Henry splashes into the corner! MVP goes down holding his leg in pain from the mistake as his foot was caught on the top rope and Henry checks on his partner.

Hart Smith is up to his feet and he bounces off the ropes as Henry gets up to his feet and Hart Smith connects with a big shoulder block sending Henry stumbling into the ropes! Hart Smith kicks MVP out of the ring as Henry stumbles back and Hart Smith lifts Henry up onto his shoulders!

The fans are amazed as Hart Smith has the 400 pounder on his shoulders, But DiBiase clubs Hart Smith in the back of the head and Henry falls onto the back of Hart Smith! DiBiase rolls Henry off the back of Hart Smith then rolls him over onto his back and hooks the leg for a pin!

NO! Henry breaks it up!

Henry pulls DiBiase up to his feet and lifts him up, Then drops him with the Worlds Strongest Slam! Henry pins him and it looks like we may have our new #1 contenders!

NO! Tyson Kidd breaks it up!

Henry is up to his feet as Kidd nails him with a few right hands but Henry uses his power to toss Kidd out of the ring! Cody Rhodes now enters the ring and he grabs the head of Henry looking for Cross Rhodes, But Henry blocks it and turns Rhodes around and then drops him with the Worlds Strongest Slam!

Rhodes rolls out of the ring holding his ribs as Henry is proving to be unstoppable, But DiBiase and Hart Smith are both back to their feet behind him! Smith and DiBiase wait for Henry to turn around and as soon as he does, They nail him with a double shoulder block taking him down!

The fans pop for this as Smith now kicks DiBiase in the gut then lifts him up and powerbombs him onto Henry! Smith now rolls DiBiase out of the ring as Tyson Kidd is up on the ring apron now as Smith pulls Henry up and lifts him up as Kidd jumps onto the top rope, But MVP comes running on the ring apron and takes out Kidd with a running big boot! Kidd falls off the top rope and to the floor!

Smith hits an inverted atomic drop on Henry then turns around and MVP kicks him in the gut then goes for The Playmaker, But Smith blocks it and shoves MVP into the ropes. MVP however bounces back and goes for his running big boot, But Smith ducks and MVP nails Henry with the big boot!

Henry goes down and Smith lifts up MVP in spinebuster postiton as Tyson Kidd comes out of nowhere to springboard off the top rope and they connect with The Hart Attack causing MVP to fall onto his own partner! Kidd rolls MVP out of the ring and Smith covers Henry, It looks like this one is over!


Roberts: Here's your winners, The Hart Dynasty!

**New Dynasty**

The fans give a nice pop as Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith celebrate their victory and becoming the #1 Contenders to the Unifed Tag Team Championships. Natayla slides into the ring and hugs them both then the trio exit the ring and walk backstage as MVP slides into the ring to check on his tag team partner.

MVP starts to help Henry to his feet, But now Legacy slide into the ring and begin to circle MVP! MVP however sees them coming and charges Rhodes and takes him down with a double leg takedown! MVP is laying in right hands to the jaw of Rhodes, Until DiBiase grabs MVP by the head and pulls him up then drops him with Dream Street!

MVP is laid out as Mark Henry gets to his feet and Legacy stand ready to fight him too, Henry however sees his partner down and makes a motion as if to say "have at it" and bails out of the ring! The fans boo loudly as Mark Henry walks up the ramp and Legacy have returned to their attack on MVP, That is until Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith come sprinting back down the ramp and make the save! Legacy bails out of the ring as Kidd and Smith stand guard to make sure they don't come back as we go to commercial.

We come back from commercial and the cameras go to the ring where Justin Roberts is standing with a mic for the final time tonight.

Roberts: The following contest is a Gauntlet Match and per orders of our GM if any of the three challengers win they will receive a WWE Title Match at Extreme Rules! Introducing first, He is the WWE Champion, John Cena!

**My Time Is Now**

The fans have a mixed reaction but more postive than negative as John Cena walks out onto the stage with his new orange shirt on and the WWE Title on his shoulder. Cena looks out at the fans from the stage then salutes before sprinting down the ramp and sliding under the bottom rope, Into the ring. Cena gets to his feet and tosses his hat into the crowd then holds up the WWE Title high over his head to a good size pop from the fans. Cena's music now cuts and as it does he tosses his shirt into the crowd and hands his title to a ringcrew member.

**Crank It Up**

The fans boo loudly as Big Show walks out onto the stage with both of his tag team titles on his shoulders. Big Show slowly strolls down the ramp as Cena is pacing in place waiting for Show to get in the ring. Show stops at the bottom of the ramp and takes his titles off his shoulders then pulls himself onto the ring apron and climbs over the top rope, Into the ring. Show tosses his titles out of the ring and into the arms of a ringcrew worker as Show backs into his corner.

**The Bell Rings**
Match #4
John Cena vs Big Show, ??? and ??? in a Gauntlet Match.

The match begins and both men walk into the middle of the ring. Show pie faces Cena causing him to fall to the mat, But Cena is quickly back to his feet and he hits a big right hand to the jaw of Show but it has no effect! Cena pops off a few more right hands but Show shakes them off and then nails a sucker punch into the ribs of Cena!

Cena is doubled over and Show clubs him over the back taking him down to the mat! Show soaks in boos from the fans as Cena starts to get to his feet but Show drills him with a big knee lift to the skull! Show now bounces off the ropes but as he comes back at Cena, He gets taken down with a drop toe hold!

Cena gets to his feet and tries for the STF, But Show is too powerful and fights it off with ease! Show is back to his feet and Cena bounces off the ropes and hits a big clothesline and Show is stumbling! Cena bounces off the ropes again and hits another clothesline but again Show only stumbles! Cena now goes out onto the ring apron and climbs up to the top turnbuckle, But Show connects with the KO Punch knocking Cena off the top turnbuckle and to the floor!

John Cena is laid out on the floor as the fans boo loudly but Show soaks in their boos with a sick grin on his face. Show looks over the ropes and sees Cena isn't moving so he tells the ref to count him out! The ref is already at a 3 count as he's been counting since Cena hit the floor and still no movement from Cena.

The ref reaches a 6 count and Cena is still down after that nasty fall off the top turnbuckle. Show is pacing as he waits to see if Cena will get up but with the ref at an 8 count it doesn't look like he will! The ref reaches a count of 9 and Cena is stumbles up to his feet then slides under the bottom rope just before the ref reaches the 10 count!

Big Show is shocked as Cena barley makes the count and Show loads up his fist ready to deliver another KO Punch! Cena begins to stumble up to his feet as Show is standing at the ready behind Cena. Cena gets to his feet and with jelly legs turns around and Show goes for the KO Punch, But Cena ducks at the last second as Show turns around only to get kicked in the gut! Cena uses all his strength now to lift Big Show up onto his shoulders! Show however nails a few quick elbows to the jaw and slides off the shoulders of Cena then grabs him by the throat!

Show goes for the Chokeslam, But Cena lands on his feet behind Show then nails a dropkick to the back of Show sending him stumbling forward into the ropes and Cena charges at him and with full force clotheslines Show over the top rope and to the floor! Cena lets out a war cry in anger as he climbs up to the top turnbuckle while Show stumbles up to his feet. Cena now dives off the top turnbuckle and nails a double sledge attack taking Show off his feet!

Cena now pulls Show up to his feet and rolls him back into the ring then slides in after him and hooks the leg for a pin.

NO! Show kicks out!

Cena gets to his feet as Show begins to stumble up to his feet. Cena climbs up to the top turnbuckle now as Show gets to his feet and wraps his hand around the neck of Cena! Show lifts up Cena but Cena counters the Chokeslam attempt into a tornado DDT off the top turnbuckle, Into the ring! Show is laid out and Cena uses the ropes to get to his feet then stands ready to hit the Attitude Adjustment!

Show gets to his feet and Cena kicks Show in the gut then lifts him up onto his shoulders, And drops Show into the middle of the ring with the Attitude Adjustment! Cena hooks both legs for the pin as the ref counts and this one may be over!



John Cena gets to his feet as he hears the music of The Viper blare through the speakers. Cena rolls Show out of the ring as Orton slithers into the ring behind Cena. Cena turns around and Orton attempts to drop him with the RKO, But Cena shoves him off into the ropes! Cena charges Orton, But Orton backdrops Cena over the top rope and to the floor!

Orton bails out of the ring as Cena gets to his feet only to get popped with a big right hand to the forehead sending Cena stumbling into the guard rail. Orton charges at Cena, But Cena sees him coming and lifts Orton up onto his shoulders! Cena however doesn't look to be attempting to hit his finisher though as instead he walks over to hard camera side of the ring and tosses Orton off his shoulders and into the ring.

Cena now gets onto the ring apron, But Orton is on his feet and he hits a picture perfect dropkick to the skull of Cena causing him to fall down on the apron! Orton pulls Cena up to his feet then drags him into the ring in a front facelock then drops Cena with his trademark hanging DDT! Orton rolls Cena over onto his back and hooks the leg for a pin.

NO! Cena kicks out!

Orton sighs as he thought he might have had the champ beat there. Orton waits for Cena to get to his feet then shoots him off into the ropes and Orton takes Cena down with a big clothesline! Cena gets back to his feet and Orton nails him with another clothesline! Cena gets to his feet again and Orton takes him down with a powerslam right into a pin, Hooking both legs!

NO! Cena kicks out again!

Orton is getting frustrated as he drops down to the mat and begins pounding on it! Cena slowly stumbles up to his feet as Orton stands up and waits for Cena to turn around then drops him with the RKO! Orton connects with the RKO! Orton drags Cena into the middle of the ring but before he can do anything else we hear...

**I Walk Alone**

The fans boo loudly as the music of The Animal blares through the speakers but no sign of Batista. Orton is glaring at the ramp which causes him to miss Batista slide into the ring behind Orton and the music cuts! Orton looks confused as he turns around and sees the former champion glaring at him! Orton charges at Batista, But Batista pulls down the top rope which causes Orton to fly over the top rope and to the floor!

Micheal Cole: What the hell is Batista doing? That has to be a DQ!

Jerry Lawler: It's not a DQ! He didn't touch Orton!

Batista laughs as he sees Randy Orton laid out on the floor and then turns around and sees John Cena beginning to stir. Batista walks over to Cena and lifts him up then drops him with the Batista Bomb! The fans boo loudly as the ref calls for the bell and that means Randy Orton has lost via DQ! Randy Orton will not challenge for the WWE Title at Extreme Rules!

Batista laughs as he asks for a mic and he is handed one.

Batista: Nobody will get a shot at John Cena before I do! Which is why i'm out here...I'm the third challenger in this match!

Batista drops the mic as the fans boo louder than before as they realize what Batista was up to all along! Batista covers Cena hooking the leg for the pin and the ref makes the count.

NO! Randy Orton breaks it up!

The ref calls for the bell meaning Batista has won by DQ! Orton nails Batista with a few right hands then goes for the RKO, But Batista shoves him off and bails out of the ring then runs up the ramp! Orton however isn't done with The Animal and he bails out of the ring and chases Batista up the ramp and to the back as Justin Roberts officaly announces that Batista has won the match by DQ which means he has earned his title shot at Extreme Rules! John Cena now gets to his feet in the ring, Holding the back of his head but the cameras cut to the backstage area!

We see Randy Orton has caught up with Batista as the two are going blow for blow with each other until Batista lifts Orton up and rams him spine first into the wall! Orton crumbles to the ground as Batista stands tall over The Viper as RAW goes off the air with this image!
Thoughts and feedback, you know the drill.

Love the choice to book 2010 off the heals of a great Mania. Seems like you definitely have some plans going forward and I can already see the Extreme Rules card taking shape.

HBK as general manager is good for the show. Way better than Hornswoggle with a lap top. I don't see him as a methodical match maker though. More like reacting to what happens and making matches because of it.

Why Mark, why!? I was really hoping you'd do some work with the team of Henry and MVP! I thought they had great potential and could have been unstoppable as a heel duo. Looks like you have plans to keep the Tag Division alive though, so no complaints.

Great main event potential here with Cena, Orton, Batista crossing paths. Looking forward to where this all may lead.

Any plans to do a draft lottery before the summer?

We get the usual pyro display to kick off Superstars but right after the cameras go to the ring where ring announcer Tony Chimal is standing with a mic.

Chimal: Tonights opening contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, From San Juan, Puerto Rico Carlito!


The fans boo as The Bad Apple walks out onto the stage. Carlito takes a big bite of his apple as he makes his way down the ramp, Stopping at the bottom to yell at a teenage fan who is wearing John Morrison sunglasses. Carlito then jumps onto the ring apron and tosses his apple aside as he steps through the ropes into the ring.

Chimal: And his opponent, From Charlotte, North Carolina, Accompanied by John Morrison, R-Truth!

**What's Up**

The fans pop as R-Truth dances out onto the stage with his tag team partner John Morrison by his side. Truth does his usual entrance as Morrison walks down the ramp behind him and Carlito rolls his eyes, Clearly not impressed. Truth drops the mic at ringside then runs up the steps and enters the ring as his music cuts.

**The Bell Rings**
Match #1
Carlito vs R-Truth w/ John Morrison

A nice cross branded match here to kick us off tonight on Superstars as Carlito and Truth lock up in the middle of the ring. Carlito applies a side headlock but Truth quickly counters into a headlock of his own until Carlito backs into the ropes. Carlito pushes off as Truth shoots off into the opposite ropes and Carlito drops him with a big dropkick!

Carlito taunts Morrison who yells at him to pay attention and it looks like The Bad Apple should have taken that advice as Truth spins him around and hits a big right hand to the jaw! Carlito stumbles into the corner as Truth charges in but comes up empty as Carlito sidesteps! Truth stumbles out of the corner and Carlito takes him down with a clothesline to the back of the head.

Carlito drags Truth into the middle of the ring then drops an elbow across his back before rolling him over into a pin.

NO! Truth kicks out!

Carlito waits for Truth to get up then pops him with a left hand causing him to stumble into the ropes. Truth however bounces back and hits an open hand slap to the face of Carlito! Carlito lets his latin temper get the better of him here as he swings wildly with a closed fist, But Truth ducks then rolls up Carlito, School boy style!

NO! Carlito kicks out!

Truth stays on top of his opponent here and irish whips him hard into the corner. Truth now charges in and nails a huge splash in the corner but follows it right up with a snap suplex! Truth may be on a roll right now as he climbs up to the top turnbuckle. Carlito however doesn't wait to see what he has in mind as he charges in and shoves Truth off the top turnbuckle and to the floor!

Truth is laid out at ringside and Carlito soaks in the fans boos while Morrison checks on his partner. Carlito sees this though and charges full steam ahead into the ropes then dives through and takes out Morrison with a suicide dive!

The fans let him hear it for this as Carlito has attacked Morrison for no reason! Carlito lays in a couple forearms to the jaw of Morrison before Truth pulls him off by his hair! Carlito turns to face Truth now, Only to get kicked in the gut and dropped with a jumping reverse STO on the floor! Truth may have this one in the bag as he throws Carlito back into the ring and rolls in after him.

Truth crawls over and hooks the leg for the pin on Carlito, Could this be it?

NO! Carlito gets the shoulder up!

Truth sighs in frustration as he thought he had it there but keeps his cool and walks into the corner, Perhaps creating space so he can strike with his Axe Kick finisher! Carlito begins to stumble up to his feet and Truth charges him, Looking for the Axe Kick but no! Carlito sidesteps him and Truth gets nothing but air on the kick! Carlito now drops Truth with a sudden Backstabber! Carlito may have just won this match as he rolls Truth over onto his back and hooks both legs for the pin.

NO! John Morrison has jumped onto the ring apron to distract the ref!

Carlito gets up, Latin temper in full effect now as he sees Morrison on the ring apron as payback for the earlier attack. Carlito however isn't gonna put up with games as he charges Morrison and connects on a spear that sends Morrison crashing into the guard rail face first! Carlito laughs but he doesn't notice Truth is on his feet! Carlito turns around now and walks right into a huge Axe Kick from Truth! Truth quickly covers Carlito and this one may be over!


Chimal: Here's your winner, R-Truth!

**What's Up**

R-Truth stands up and celebrates his victory tonight as Morrison rolls in under the bottom rope and hugs his partner. Carlito sits up behind the two and holds his head in pain from the kick when suddenly, We see Carlito's brother Primo walk out onto the stage! But he's not alone as he has another man with him who looks a bit like him!

The two start to make their way down the ramp and just in case they want a fight, Morrison and Truth stand ready eyes locked on the duo. Meanwhile Carlito is on his feet behind the two men and he gets handed a chair from a beautiful latin woman who has come threw the crowd! Carlito takes the chair as Primo and the unknown man get on the ring apron but before Truth and Morrison can charge them, Carlito smacks Morrison in the back of the head with the chair!

Morrison goes down and Truth turns around and knocks the chair out of the hand of Carlito and begins a fist fight with him as Primo and the other man get into the ring and hit a dual double sledge to the back of the head of Truth taking him down! The 3 men in the ring now stomp away at Truth before Carlito orders them to pick him up and they do so.

The woman now hands Carlito a new apple and he takes a big bite out of it then spits it right into the face of Truth! Truth is blinded and Carlito yells something in spanish and right after he speaks, The two men drop Truth with a Double Backstabber!

Truth is laid out as is John Morrison and now the woman steps into the ring with a mic and hands it to Carlito.

Carlito says tonight wasn't a loss for him, It was a loss for Truth and Morrison because tonight they got beaten down by The Latin Invansion. Carlito goes on to say that the 4 people standing tall in this ring right now himself, His little brother Primo, Their cousin Epico and the most beautiful woman in Puerto Rico, Ivelisse Vélez are the future of this company and together they will dominate everybody who doesn't want to be cool, Like John Morrison and R-Truth.

Carlito drops the mic as he takes one final look at Morrison and Truth who are both still down in the ring before exiting the ring with Ivelisse right behind him. Primo and Epico now pull up the rear until the 4 reach the stage and they turn to the ring where Morrison and Truth have sat up and are glaring at them which causes Carlito and company to laugh as we take a quick commercial break.

We come back from commercial the cameras go to the interview area where Todd Grisham is standing with The Straightedge Society.

Grisham asks The SES what their plan of action will be tonight when they take on the team of Matt Hardy and Shelton Benjamin in the main event.

Punk quickly responds by saying he has already banished one Hardy from WWE and if he has to do, He will banish the other one. He says that tonight him and Gallows will further prove that being straightedge means they are better than everybody. Their minds are clear from addictions and that will lead them to victory over the "other Hardy" and Shelton Benjamin.

Grisham tries to ask another question but before he can Gallows gets in his face and gives him a threatening glare which causes Grisham to run away in fear and a big laugh out of the SES.

The cameras now go to the ring where Tony Chimal is standing, Mic in hand again.

Chimal: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first the team of Michelle McCool and Layla, Team Lay-Cool!

**Not Enough For Me**

The fans give a good amount of heat to the Women's Champion Michelle McCool and her sidekick Layla as they do their usual stage entrance before sliding the hoods of their sweatshirts and begin making their way down the ramp. As they reach the bottom of the ramp, Michelle jumps onto the ring apron and Layla makes her way up the steps and they strike a pose for the fans. Lay-Cool now step through the ropes and enter the ring as they back into their corner.

Chimal: And their opponents, The team of Natayla and Mickie James!


The fans pop for the music of Mickie James as her and Natayla walk out onto the stage, Both wearing pink and black gear. Lay-Cool rolls their eyes as James skips her way down the ramp and Natayla struts down behind her. James and Natayla reach the bottom of the ramp then slide under the bottom rope, Into the ring and they back into the corner.

**The Bell Rings**
Match #2
Team Lay-Cool vs Mickie James & Natayla

Mickie and Layla are in the ring to start the match for their respective teams and they lock up. Mickie is quick to take control as she backs Layla into a neutral corner. Mickie now pops Layla with a forearm smash to the jaw followed quickly by a second one. Natayla asks the fans if they wanna see another one and of course they cheer so Natayla winds up and swings for an elbow smash, But Layla ducks and Nattie's arm slams off the top turnbuckle! Layla now spins her around and drops her with a double knee armbreaker!

Natayla rolls around on the mat as Layla walks into her corner and makes the tag to Michelle. Michelle enters the ring as Nattie gets to her feet and Michelle nails her with a running big kick to the jaw! Natayla rolls away from the Women's Champion who is hot on her heels and grabs her right leg.

Michelle drags Nattie away from her partner then tries to lock in a Heel Hook Submission, But Natayla kicks her away with the free leg! Natayla gets to her feet as Michelle charges back her, Only for Natayla to counter with a spinebuster! Natayla falls onto the pin now!

NO! Michelle kicks out!

Natayla gets to her feet and makes the tag to bring Mickie James into the match and she climbs up to the top turnbuckle. Michelle stumbles up to her feet, Only for Mickie to dive off the top and nail a seated senton onto the chest of McCool! Mickie quickly fires away with 5 straight right hands to the jaw of Michelle before she gets pulled away by the ref which allows McCool to get to her feet.

Mickie now charges into the corner but Michelle ducks a clothesline and Mickie mistakenly drills Natayla! Michelle now waits for Mickie to turn around then attempts the Simply Flawless Roundhouse Kick, But Mickie ducks! Mickie waits for Michelle to turn around then kicks her in the gut to double her over. Mickie now grabs a front facelock on Michelle, Then drops her with the MickieDDT!

Michelle is laid out and Mickie drags her away from the ropes then hooks both legs for the pin.

NO! Layla breaks it up!

Layla drags Mickie up by her hair then throws her across the ring by her hair! Natayla now slides in under the bottom rope and takes out Layla with a spear! Natayla quickly pulls Layla up to her feet then lifts her up onto her shoulders and charges towards the ropes, But Layla counters the Running Powerslam into a rana that sends both her and Natayla flying out of the ring!

Mickie now gets to her feet and sees what just happened between Layla and Nattie and knows this is her chance. Mickie pulls Michelle to her feet, Only for Michelle to rake the eyes of Mickie! Mickie stumbles backwards and Michelle drops her with the Simply Flawless Roundhouse Kick! Mickie drops and Michelle hooks the leg for a quick pin!


Chimal: Here's your winners, Team Lay-Cool!

**Not Enough For Me**

Michelle gets to her feet, All smiles as she realizes she stole one here and quickly bails out of the ring as Layla runs over to her partner. Lay-Cool back up the ramp quickly as Nattie slides into the ring and checks on Mickie who is sitting up, Rubbing her jaw as we take a commercial but first we hear that up next is our main event of the evening as The Straight Edge Society will take on the team of Matt Hardy & Shelton Benjamin!

We come back from commercial and the cameras go to the ring where Tony Chimal is standing with a mic for the final time tonight.

Chimal: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, The Straightedge Society!

**This Fire Burns**

The fans give easily the loudest reaction of the night positive or negative as The Straightedge Society walks out onto the stage. Of course the fans are booing loudly as Punk goes down to one knee on the stage and Gallows outstretches his arms behind him and Punk lets us know it's clobberin time! Punk now leads his followers down the ramp but stops at the bottom of the ramp to yell at a fan who is drinking a beer. Punk slaps the cup of beer out of the fans hand which causes him to yell back at Punk but he just shakes his head in disgust. Punk now leads his followers up the steel steps then climbs up to the top turnbuckle as Gallows poses under his leader and his music cuts after Punk hops off the top turnbuckle into the ring.

Chimal: And their opponents, Introducing first,, From Orangeburg, South Carolina, Shelton Benjamin!

**Ain't No Stoppin' Me**

The fans give a nice pop as Shelton Benjamin walks out onto the stage, Without his usual blonde hair. It looks like Shelton has gone back to his old look as he makes his way down the ramp quickly. Shelton slaps hands with a couple fans at the bottom of the ramp as his music cuts.

Chimal: And his opponent, From Cameron, North Carolina, Matt Hardy!

**Live For The Moment**

Matt Hardy makes his way out onto the stage to a slightly bigger pop than his partner of the night got. Hardy throws up his V1 hand symbol then quickly makes his way down the ramp as Serena exits the ring. Hardy is now standing next to Benjamin and they nod to each other then charge the ring! Hardy and Benjamin slide in under the bottom rope and their taking the fight right to the SES!

**The Bell Rings**
Match #3
The Straight Edge Society vs Matt Hardy & Shelton Benjamin

Hardy is waling on Punk in one corner while Benjamin is stomping a mudhole into Gallows in the other corner on the far side of the ring. Hardy now backs out of the corner then charges back in and nails Punk with a big clothesline knocking him off his feet!

Benjamin has Gallows sitting in the corner and he backs up then charges in with a running senton on the big man! Gallows rolls out of the ring but Benjamin dives over the top and takes Gallows out again with a cannon ball dive! Meanwhile in the ring, Hardy has pulled Punk to his feet and goes for a Twist Of Fate only for Punk to push him off, Then nail him with a big roundhouse kick to the side of the head!

Punk laughs as he watches Hardy fall to the mat and it looks like we have our two legal men as Gallows and Benjamin are on the ring apron of their respective corners.

Punk notices this and tags out of the match, Bringing the big man in. Gallows sees Hardy getting up and charges him, Taking him down with a running shoulder block! Hardy rolls into the ropes as Gallows walks over to him and nails a huge sucker punch to the gut which causes him to double over in pain!

Hardy stumbles out of the ropes and Gallows lifts Hardy up onto his shoulders, Then falls back connecting with a huge samoan drop! Gallows now hooks the rear leg for the pin.

NO! Hardy kicks out!

Gallows quickly rolls Hardy over onto his stomach right after the kick out and then starts pounding non stop on the back of Gallows non stop for a full minute! Gallows backs away as Hardy is holding his back in pain, But Gallows is back to the attack by dropping a knee on his spine!

Hardy tries to roll away from the big man but no luck as Gallows drops another knee onto the back! However this time he keeps the knee on the spine of Hardy and then rips back the head of Hardy with one hand while pulling his legs back with the other!

Hardy is almost bent in half right now as Gallows seems to be looking for a submission here. Punk is looking on with a sick grin on his face as he hears the screams of pain coming from Hardy who refuses to tap out.

Gallows now rocks back and falls onto his back, Causing Hardy to be lifted up in the air with his spine bent in half over the knees of Gallows! Gallows lets go of the legs of Hardy then uses his free hand to deliver some nasty slaps to the exposed chest of Hardy for 30 seconds non stop!

Gallows yells at the ref to ask if he gives up but Hardy yells NO! Which causes Gallows to deliver a few more nasty sounding slaps to the exposed chest of Hardy! Gallows now breaks the hold and gets to his feet as Hardy crawls into the middle of the ring. Gallows is just waiting for Hardy to get up but while he waits he decides to run over and blast Shelton with a big right hand to the jaw!

Shelton falls off the ring apron as Hardy gets to his feet and turns around, Walking right into a big boot from Gallows! Gallows quickly hooks the leg for a pin!

No! Hardy kicks out!

Gallows gets frustrated and looks like he's about to start beating on Hardy again but Punk tells Gallows to make a tag. Gallows drags Hardy over to the corner of the SES as Gallows tags in Punk who jumps over the top rope, And hits a double foot stomp onto the back of Hardy!

Hardy yells in pain as Punk demands he gets to his feet! Hardy slowly gets to his feet using the ropes but just as quickly he's back down as Punk charges at him and drives both of his knees into the spine of Hardy!

Hardy rolls out of the ring, Holding his back but before he can take a breather, He gets thrown back in by Gallows! Punk now stomps on the back non stop as Hardy tries to leave the ring but Gallows is standing right there to make sure he can't!

Suddenly Shelton has seen enough and he enters the ring and walks over to Punk and spins him around, Then connects on a Superkick! Punk falls through the ropes and to the floor as Gallows gets on the ring apron but Shelton dropkicks out his knee making him fall right back off!

Shelton now takes a running start then dives through the middle rope and takes out Gallows with a big suicide dive! Punk sees this and he tells Serena something which causes her to grab a steel chair!

Shelton watches Serena as she starts to walk towards him and that causes him to miss Punk running around the ring then coming from behind and blasting Shelton with a forearm smash to the back of the head! Punk starts brutally stomping on the back of Shelton while Gallows gets to his feet and Serena tosses him the chair!

Hardy starts to get to his feet as Serena jumps on the ring apron to distract the ref while Gallows slides into the ring and smashes the chair over the skull of Hardy! Gallows bails out of the ring with the chair quickly as Punk rolls in and Serena jumps off the ring apron. Punk now covers Hardy, Hooking both legs and this could be it!

NO! Hardy gets his shoulder up!

Punk is in shock as he thought that master plan of his would lead to him being able to steal the victory. Punk however keeps his cool (somewhat) as he stands up and makes a motion that he's ready to strike with the Go To Sleep!

Matt Hardy slowly stumbles up to his feet as Punk is licking his chops, Ready to end this one. Punk now spins Hardy around and lifts him up onto his shoulders and goes for the GTS, But Hardy counters in mid move with the Twist Of Fate! Hardy connects with the Twist Of Fate out of nowhere!

The fans who were dead silent a moment ago have new life in them now as Hardy and Punk both are in need of a tag. Shelton gets onto the ring apron and extends his hand out as far as possible looking to get tagged in but Hardy is just out of reach!

Punk now rolls over into his corner and makes the tag to Luke Gallows! Gallows enters the ring and charges right at Benjamin, But Benjamin ducks the punch from him and hits a shoulder block into the ribs! Gallows stumbles backwards as Hardy dives over to Benjamin and makes the tag!

Benjamin now springboards into the ring and takes down Gallows with a big springboard dropkick! Gallows goes down as Shelton charges at Punk and knocks him off the ring apron! Serena looks worried as Gallows gets back to his feet and Shelton tries to kick him in the gut, But Gallows catches his foot!

Shelton hops around as Gallows holds onto the foot, Then spins him around only for Shelton to blast Gallows with a spin kick to the head! Gallows stumbles into the corner as Shelton gets up and charges in, Nailing a huge stinger splash! Gallows is leaning against the turnbuckles and Shelton charges in, Nailing a second huge stinger splash! Gallows stumbles out of the corner and Shelton drops him with Pay Dirt!

Shelton rolls Gallows over and this one has to be over!

NO! Punk breaks it up!

Punk pulls Shelton up to his feet now and lifts him up onto his shoulders! Punk laughs as he walks into the middle of the ring but Matt Hardy dives off the top turnbuckle and takes out Punk with a diving spear! Shelton rolls away as Punk is holding his ribs from the impact of that move and Hardy kicks him out of the ring!

Gallows now gets to his feet and charges Hardy, Then lifts up and throws him head over heels to the floor! Shelton is standing ready to finish off the big man now who turns around and Shelton hits a stiff side kick into the ribs! Gallows doubles over and Shelton nails him with the T-Bone Suplex!

Shelton looks like he's about to go for the pin but Serena jumps onto the ring apron! Shelton sees this and walks over to her and tells her to get down but of course she says no. Shelton shrugs and lifts Serena up and brings her into the ring and she swings with a wild slap, But Shelton catches her hand!

Serena knows she may be in trouble right now as Shelton has caught her red handed and starts to escort her out of the ring when CM Punk comes from behind and hits a roundhouse kick to the back of the head of Benjamin!

Shelton drops as Serena exits the ring with an evil smirk on her face. Punk now pulls Shelton back up as Gallows gets to his feet and Punk drops Shelton with the GTS! Gallows now bounces off the ropes and splashes onto Shelton! Gallows covers for the pin as Punk stands back and watches.


Chimal: Here's your winners, The team of CM Punk and Luke Gallows, The Straight Edge Society!

**This Fire Burns**

Gallows gets to his feet as Serena rolls into the ring and raises the arms of Gallows and her savior, CM Punk high in the air. Matt Hardy pulls Shelton out of the ring as Gallows and Serena put one hand over their heart and with their other hand they raise their fist high in the air while on one knee. Punk copies their motion but stays on his feet and this is the last thing we see as Superstars goes off the air!
Max's Feedback

I'm with Straight Edge Swagger, Michaels is a much better option as GM then the computer :p. Anyway onto the show I didn't mind the opening I was expecting a longer speech from Michaels but considering he's staying around it wasn't really his real 'retirement' speech then thats okay. So I like that you've already established a difference between real life and as well as that I liked that Shawn quickly established his authority by making matches throughout the night. Just a quick Q, is Vince still a heel after his match with Bret?

Triple H and Sheamus in a Street Fight - I don't mind it but I would like to see the feud get really personal and maybe involve Stephanie/HBK so I look forward to it.

I like a potential Swagger vs Christian Match and I LOVE the fact that Christian is Mr. MitB. I really hope you build him up nicely and give him a good run with the title. I liked his feud with Orton in RL but he only held the title for 30 odd days all up, which in my opinion was a bit of a slap in the face. I'm also very excited for a potential Edge/Christian, Jericho/Christian or Edge/Jericho/Christian match-up as the main feud on Smackdown if Christian were to cash in on the World Champ!

Interesting to see what you do with ShowMiz - 2011 was a great year for Miz so I'll wait and see if you elevate him into mainevent status. I wouldn't mind seeing them drop the Tag Titles to a more 'traditional' team but with the division looking a bit weak we'll wait and see. I'm expecting a 6-man tag team match before the Hart Dynasty get their tag team championship match. (Eilimination Tables Match at ER?? ;) )

Finally, the mainevent - you've quickly established Orton as a big player on RAW now that he's left Legacy (I assume). I wouldn't mind a Triple Threat Match between these three or even Orton/Cena

All in all I think it was a cool show. I think the final segment maybe lacked something extra considering it was the post-Mania RAW but considering we got HBK as the new GM I guess that was the after-Mania surprise. I look forward to the build towards Extreme Rules I think it'll be a great show!

Friday Night SmackDown!
April 2nd, 2010
Las Vegas, Nevada - Thomas and Mack Center

The show opens with highlighs from this past Sunday's WrestleMania. Visions of the biggest stars on the biggest stage enjoying success and suffering defeat. We see John Cena hoisting up his new WWE Championship, Randy Orton poses after overcoming the odds, ShoMiz rejoice after retaining the Tag Team Championships, CM Punk is left in shock after failing to beat Rey Mysterio, Triple H takes Sheamus down with a Pedigree, Christian stands on top of the world with the Money in the Bank briefcase, The Undertaker conquers Shawn Michaels with a devastating tombstone, and we finally watch as Shawn says his tearful goodbyes. Inconspicuous by its absence are any clips from the World Title match as the video package fades to black. That is until the faint cheers of "Spear! Spear! Spear" begin to play. As the video picks back up we're briefly reminded of Edge's road to redemption. Returning from injury, winning the Royal Rumble, the countless spears he hit Chris Jericho with since coming back, and his promise to become World Champion once again. At WrestleMania we see Edge setting up the Spear. Audio of fans chanting Spear in anticipation are again added as the intensity rises and Edge runs in... only to be hit with a Codebreaker! The intensity evaporates and the video turns somber. A still image appears of Jericho hitting Edge with the World Title, then another image comes into focus of the champion hitting another codebreaker. The audio of the referee's three count sounds as an image of Jericho pinning Edge is shown and finally one last picture of him holding up his World Heavyweight Championship, announced the winner. Again the video fades to black, this time coming to an end. We don't go to a Smackdown opening montage or introductions from Todd Grisham and Matt Striker. Instead we go right into the arena. The lights are dimmed and the packed house is already pretty hostile, and we soon see why.


Standing in the middle of the ring is the World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho. Soaking in not only the spotlight, but the boo's, Jericho's eyes scan the arena before bringing the microphone to his mouth.

Chris Jericho: "I am the best in the world at what I do. And I am still, the World Heavyweight Champion."

Now holding the title belt in the air, the fans would continue to boo the champion.

Chris Jericho: "In case any of you forgot, just in case any of you are keeping score.. I am and I did, everything I said I am.. and everything I said I would do. I told you all that I am genetically superior to Edge. I promised that I would attack Edge's weakness, dismantle him, and defeat him at WrestleMania. None of you thought it was true. Everyone thought I was delusional and that once Edge got me into the ring, my title reign would come to a certain end. Well. How does it feel to be wrong? How does it feel to be wrong, AGAIN!? And now you boo me? When all of you were so supportive of Edge's comeback and his attempt to over come the odds. Well this past Sunday, you ALL counted me out. I was just a placeholder, a roleplayer in Edge's redemption. Wrong again! It was I, Chris Jericho, who over came the odds. And now you boo me. Hypocrites. Do you see what I'm getting at? I am right, you are wrong. I am good, you are bad. That's right, I'm in the right. Everyone cursed me for attacking Edge before WrestleMania, but I heard 70,000 hypocrites rejoice Sunday when Edge speared me off of the announce table, and through the barricade AFTER our match. A post match assault. That sounds like a sore loser to me. So you know what? You people were wrong with Edge, that means you LOST with Edge. You people, are losers. Now it all makes sense. That's why you curse my name. You're jealous. I'm genetically superior to Edge, and I'm genetically superior to all of you. Well allow me to do something for you losers that Edge never could, and that's let you admire a winner."

Chris Jericho lays the microphone on the mat before standing proud, drowning in hatred from the audience he slowly lifts the World Heavyweight Championship into the air. The stoic expression on his face never wavering, until..

♪ Booyaka 619 ♫

Mysterio's music pops the upset crowd and not too long after the masked superstar appears on the stage. Jericho's face now hosts a scowl that turns and locks onto Rey. The music fades and Mysterio has a microphone.

Rey Mysterio: "Heh, well Chr..."

Chris Jericho: "What do you want Rey? This is my time, the World Heavyweight Champion's time."

Rey Mysterio: "WELL CHRIS! You said you wanted to show these people a winner, and.. I won my match at WrestleMania, so I figured you must be talkin about me!"

Rey is grinning from ear to ear which visibly frustrates Chris Jericho, and the crowd is eating it up.

Chris Jericho: "Let me tell you something Rey.."

Rey Mysterio: "No Chris! Let me tell you something, in all seriousness. You call these people hypocrites and losers. Well they supported ME through one of the most difficult month's of my life dealing with CM Punk. They showed me and my family a lot of love, and this past Sunday, when I beat Punk, the WWE Universe did too. We all won at WrestleMania! And I don't know about you guys, but I wanna win again tonight! So let me shoot this idea by you Mr. World Heavyweight Champion. How about tonight, in that ring, you and me go 1 on 1 and at the end.. we'll see who the winner is."

The fans love the idea. Jericho is glaring at Mysterio, then slowly turns his head towards the audience who are yelling in approval.

Chris Jericho: "..... No."

The fans boo again, but Mysterio only smiles.

Rey Mysterio: "I thought so. Well that's my fault, my bad everybody. You see I didn't really ask that right.. so let's try again. By idea, I meant Teddy Long's idea. And by "How bout tonight", I meant.. definitely happening tonight! It's you and me Chris! See ya later, winner."

Rey's theme music starts and he turns right towards the audience, throwing both arms in the air. The camera gets a close shot of Jericho's face, in a matter of moments the proud expression had grown sour. We get one last glance of Mysterio pointing at the champion before we go to commercial break.

Todd Grisham: "Well ladies and gentleman welcome to Friday Night Smackdown, I'm Todd Grisham along side Matt Striker and if you're late tuning in, here's our main event this evening."


Matt Striker: "One of SmackDown's most storied rivalries is re-newed tonight when The Ultimate Underdog Rey Mysterio meets our Worlds Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho."

Todd Grisham: "Both men were victorious in a big way five nights ago at WrestleMania, but only one can be the winner tonight. Another great match scheduled here tonight in Las Vegas will pit Shelton Benjamin against John Morrison!"


Matt Striker: "The "Friday Night Delight" meets the "Gold Standard" in a possible show stealing bout. This is a match you won't want to miss!"

We look into the ring and see that Dolph Ziggler has already entered the arena and is awaiting his opponent.

♪ What's Up? ♫

R-Truth comes through the curtain with microphone in hand. Singing along with his entrance music, he would pause when appropriate to ask the crowd, "Whats Up?", to which they'd answer in unison, "What's Up?". After entering the ring he'd do a little dance move once the music came to stop before tossing the mic underneath the ropes. Dolph Ziggler doesn't look very impressed as the referee signals for the bell.

Dolph Ziggler vs R-Truth

The match starts pretty fair with a collar elbow tie up. Both men jockey for position, trying to get the upperhand through various transitions and holds. It's not until Ziggle rakes the eyes of his opponent that he's able to take full control. He works heat for a couple of moments, eventually trying to get submission victory by applying the Sleeper Hold. R-Truth finds himself on one knee, slowly fading, but with the fans support he's able to fight back and eventually drops back and rams Ziggler into the mat, breaking the hold. Dolph is up before Truth looks to continue his attack, but is floored with a surprise leg lariat. Truth then connects a few clotheslines, then builds enough momentum to drop Ziggler with the Lie Detector flying spinning forearm gimmick. Truth goes for the pin but Dolph gets his shoulder up at 2. Ziggler gets away and pulls himself up using the ropes, but R-Truth stays on him, hooking him up and trying to lift for a suplex set up, potentially into the Truth or Consequences. Dolph however hooks the top rope and pulls himself back down. He pushes Truth back, accidentally bumping him into the ref who hits the corner a little hard. Truth turns to check on the ref for just split second, and Dolph takes advantage, dropping him with the Zig Zag! Dolph hooks both legs, and after a little hesitation the ref eventually makes it down to the mat to make the count.


Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Dolph throws his arm up in victory as his music begins to play and he is announced the winner. The ref eventually stands and raises his other arm. Dolph climbs to the middle rope of the nearest corner and points out to the crowd, talking a bit of smack before dragging his hands through his hair and throwing away any sweat. We now go backstage and see General Manager Teddy Long on the phone.

Teddy Long: "Ya know I'm not that worried if Jericho likes it or not playa, it ain't my concern. I'm just giving these people the best main event possible, ya feel me? I can't tell you how many times... ehhh, I gotta go. I'll holla at ya lata playa."

Teddy hangs up the phone and is now looking off camera.

Teddy Long: "Can I help you?"

Intercontinental Champion Drew McIntyre walks into frame, the title proudly displayed on his shoulder.

Drew McIntyre: "I'd like to think so Teddy, but by now I seriously doubt that you can. So do this for me. Tell me why at WrestleMania instead of defending my Intercontinental Championship, I had to share my spotlight with NINE other superstars."

Teddy Long: "Well Drew I.."

Drew McIntyre: "Tell me why you haven't scheduled me in a match tonight, much less why the main event has any other superstar in it but me!"

Teddy Long: "Look.."

Drew McIntyre: "No you look Teddy. I am much more than just the Intercontinental Champion. I am the Chosen One. Your boss, Mr. McMahon, the owner of this company.. has deemed be the future of this business. It's time you shape up Teddy, or you may not HAVE a future in this business."

Silence. Teddy has no response. Drew smirks before turning and exiting the general manager's office.

♪ New Foundation ♫

We go back out to the arena with the arrival of Tyson Kidd, David Hart Smith and Natalya. The trio collectively known as The Hart Dynasty make their way out to the ring for Tag Team action.

♪ Bringin' Da Hood To U ♫

JTG and big Shad Gaspard come out hyped up as always. After a bit of dancing and bouncing around, Cryme Tyme enters the ring.

The Hart Dynasty (w/ Natalya) vs Cryme Tyme

The match between these two fan favorites starts with Tyson Kidd and JTG, the smaller competitors from each duo. The match is competed fairly and eventually comes down to the big men in the ring. DH Smith and Shad Gaspard collide in a power struggle, with DH Smith eventually getting the better of the meeting. In desperation Shad tags JTG back in and his energy begins to sway the momentum in Cryme Tyme favor. But only for a moment. A blind tag from Tyson Kidd goes unseen by JTG, and when he finds himself caught in a bear hug at the hands of DH Smith, he is completely surprised by a falling Kidd who drops him with the Hart Attack combo which is immediately followed with a pin attempt.


Winners: The Hart Dynasty

The fans are happy with the match and applaud the Hart Dynasty's win. The trio is humble in victory and eventually leaves ring side. In the ring however Shad begins to help up his partner who is shaking his head and clearly shaken from the Hart Attack. Shad can be seen asking JTG if he's ok, and his partner only nods. JTG pats his friend on the chest and turns to walk away only to be yanked back by his arm and driven to the mat with a big boot from Shad! The fans are shocked and boo at the betryal. Shad stands tall over his fallen ally with nothing more than a disgusted look on his face. He looks around at the crowd momentarily before shaking his head and exiting the ring. As Shad reaches the stage JTG begins looking around, obviously confused as to what just happened. The commentators have no explanation as we go to commercial break.

We come back from break and Grisham breaks down what happened between JTG and Shad before the break and a replay is shown. After that we go backstage to Josh Matthews with a guest.

Josh Matthews: "Ladies and Gentlemen.. Kane."

The camera pans out and we see a very agitated looking monster staring off camera, refusing to look at it or Josh.

Josh Matthews: "Kane this past Sunday you were unsuccessful in your attempt to become Mr. Money in the Bank. Where do you go from here?"

Josh slowly moves the microphone to where Kane can speak into it. The monster takes a moment before exhaling.

Kane: "I'm going.. to hurt people. I WANT to hurt people."

Kane then walks away across the camera and past Matthews, as if he was just stopping by. Matthews is stalled for a moment before sending it back to ringside.

♪ This Fire Burns ♫

The crowd's reaction is pretty hateful as CM Punk and his Straight Edge Society enter the arena. With a microphone already in hand, Punk steps into the ring with his Society and waits for the crowd to die down.

CM Punk: "Rey. Mysterio. You were supposed to be my greatest achievement, my shining light. With you in my Straight Edge Society, all these people who love you so would see the new found success and clarity you enjoyed and would follow suit. My Straight Edge Society would be bigger than ever. Some people Rey, say this past Sunday at WrestleMania you fought for your freedom and won. But no. They're wrong Rey. I was offering you freedom! And you lost! Do you really think that spending the rest of your days as this faux superhero is what's best for you and your family Rey? Oh Rey, you sweet family. Those precious children. Do you really want them to admire a masked man? Someone so afraid and ashamed of himself, he hides from the world? Or would you rather they look up to a strong, self confident Rey Mysterio with no crutches and a clear mind? That could be you Rey. I can do that for you. WE, want that for you. These people do too, even if they don't know it. You're a man of the people Rey, you're they're superhero. So save them Rey. Join my Straight Edge Society, guide these people to enlightenment. It is the only chance they have at salvation. At peace. Isn't that what you want Rey? I know I do. I also know, that we won't give up on you Rey. We just won't. Not until you stand with us, proud, strong, and straight edge. Because I care Rey. Because.. I care."

CM Punk lowers the mic as his music begins to play. A smirk appears on his face as Luke Gallows and Serena place their right hands over their heart and raise their left hand into the air, their eyes closed as if they just went through a religious experience. As the Straight Edge Society leaves the ring, a replay is shown of the beginning of tonight's show. Jericho's comments about giving the people a winner when Rey Mysterio interrupts. Then Rey informs Jericho that Teddy Long has made a match between he and Jericho tonight.


♪ Ain't No Make Believe ♫

We go back out to ringside as John Morrison's music begins to play. The Shaman of Sexy comes out onto stage before posing in slow motion as his hair flows in the wind. With pyro crossing behind him, the commentators hype his upcoming match with Shelton Benjamin as we go to commercial break.

♪ Ain't No Stoppin' Me ♫

We come back from commercial as Shelton Benjamin makes his way down the ramp. He is introduced by the ring announcer as he enters the ring. The commentators again put over how exciting this match should be as the bell rings.

John Morrison vs Shelton Benjamin

The match is pretty fair all the way through. There's no cheating or underhanded tactics, just athletic competition. Benjamin and Morrison go back and forth trading wild kicks and high air attacks. Shelton eventually connects with the T-Bone suplex and goes for the pin.


But Morrison kicks out. As JoMo recovers he pushes Shelton away, then springboards off the ropes and flies back, kicking Shelton in the face with the Flying Chuck! Morrison goes for the pin himself.


But Shelton kicks out. Morrison stays on the offensive, and eventually hits the Moonlight Drive neckbreaker. Again he goes for the pin..


..but again Shelton kicks out. JoMo stands and points to the top rope, which the fans pop for. He positions Shelton just right before turning into the corner. He leaps up and split legs on the top rope before corkscrewing back, attempting the Starship Pain. Benjamin rolls out of the way, and Morrison crashes into the mat. Both are a little slow to get up, but when they've both reached their feet, Shelton explodes up and catches Morrison around the head before falling back and driving his opponents face into the mat. Paydirt! Benjamin hooks both legs.


Winner: Shelton Benjamin

The Gold Standard is announced the winner as the ref raises his arm in victory. A replay is shown of the ending of the match and once it's over Morrison is beginning to stand up. Once up he and Benjamin look at each other before Shelton extends a hand. Morrison reaches out to shake, but suddenly Shelton his floored to mat after an attack from behind. It's Drew McIntyre! After clubbing Shelton in the back of the head he kicks out and catches John Morrison right in the abdomen with the toes of his boot. Morrison crumbles to the mat and Drew turns, catching Shelton as he rises in double arm front face lock. He takes a moment before kicking his left leg out, then swinging it back as he falls down and drops Shelton head first to the mat with the Future Shock DDT! Drew rolls over and retrieves the Intercontinental Championship he had left under the ropes when entering the ring. He stands center ring between the two fallen superstars and raises the championship high.

♪ MacMillitant ♫

Teddy Long interrupts Drew mid pose, which the Intercontinental Champion does not take well, imediately screaming out asking Teddy what he wants. The SmackDown GM already has a microphone and only makes it has far as the stage.

Teddy Long: "Now Drew, you barged into my office earlier and made it very clear you wanted the spotlight. Then you come out here after a great match like that and ruin the whole moment, when all ya had to do was be patient playa. The spotlight is yours, right now, because you have a match. And it's against this man!"

♪ Live for the Moment ♫

The fans pop as "OHHHHH YEEEEEEEEAH!" rips through the arena and Matt Hardy comes into view. Always hyped and ready for action, Hardy marches past Teddy and heads straight to the ring. Drew is shaking his head, as if he doesn't want the match, but as a referee comes jogging down behind Hardy it appears that McIntyre has no say in the matter.

Drew McIntyre vs Matt Hardy

Drew seems hesitant, but as the bell rings he charges Hardy and tries to go right on the attack. Matt is caught off guard at first, but the veteran quickly turns things in his favor and takes control of the match. Matt Hardy stays on the offensive throughout the match, keeping Drew on his toes and taking him down as much as possible. But to the Intercontinental Champions credit, he kicks out and keeps fighting back. After connecting with the Side Effect, Matt has Drew right where he wants him for the Leg Drop, and he hops up to the middle turnbuckle before throwing up the V.1 handsigns, then leaping out and crashing his leg into Drew's face and neck. Hardy hooks both legs..


..but Drew kicks out. Hardy isn't deterred as he quickly rises and takes his place near Drew's head. With both arms extended, it's clear Hardy is just dying for McIntyre to stand so he can drop him with the Twist of Fate, but when Drew finally rises and turns, he catches Hardy's kick attempts and throws his opponents foot back to the ground before throwing up a kick of his own. Similar to Morrison, Matt Hardy crumbles, falling to one knee. Drew smirks, he's ready to finish this. He hooks both of Matt's arms up, and kicks his leg out, but before he can hit the DDT, Matt Hardy spins out, turns back into Drew connecting with a kick, hooks him, and drops him with the Twist of Fate! The fans errupt, but Drew rolls out of the ring and Hardy is left laying on his side, reaching out towards Drew with one hand, and clutching his abdomen with the other. The referee begins his count.


Drew begins to stir. Matt, now standing, wants to go after McIntyre.. but the ref pushes him back.


McIntyre starts to stand. From one knee he looks into the ring, then over towards the fans.


Drew takes one more look at Matt Hardy before standing and turning away, walking over to the timekeeper to take back his Intercontinental Championship belt. The fans boo as Drew begins to walk away.


Winner: Matt Hardy via Count Out

The fans, still booing, slowly begin to cheer as Matt Hardy's music begins to play and he is announced the winner. Matt just shakes his head in disappointment as his hand is risen. Walking straight up the ramp, Drew refuses to even look back towards Hardy, simply tossing the Intercontinental Championship over his shoulder before disappearing behind the curtain. We then go backstage to Josh Matthews.

Josh Matthews: "Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome my special guest, Rey Mysterio!"

The fans cheer even louder as Rey comes into view, all smiles.

Rey Mysterio: "Hey Josh."

Josh Matthews: "Rey Mysterio I know you heard what CM Punk had to say tonight, he basically said he wasn't going to give up. Will that be in the back of your head when meet the World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho in our a main event in just a few moments?

Rey Mysterio: "No Josh it won't. I can't let it. This past Sunday I conquered CM Punk. He can dispute it all he wants, but that night I was the better man and I didn't need him or his Straight Edge Society. Tonight I can't worry about that. Like you said I have the World Heavyweight Champion tonight, and there's only one thing on my mind.. beating Chris Jericho, and becoming the new Number One Contender, then become World Champion again! That's all I care about Josh."

Josh Matthews: "Thank you Rey."

Mysterio gives Josh a nod before walking away. The camera follows in front of him as he makes his way down the hallways towards the arena. The main event is hyped one more time as we go to commercial break.

Todd Grisham: "Well folks you may have noticed the Rated R Superstar Edge was absent from SmackDown tonight, and that's because Teddy Long gave him the week off to let his achilles heal as it was the target of Chris Jericho's attack at WrestleMania and neither Teddy Long or Edge wanted to risk re-injury. But next week..


Edge will be back on Friday Night SmackDown and he'll speak for the first time publicly about losing to Chris Jericho at WrestleMania, and what's next for his illustrious career."

♪ Booyaka 619 ♫

The fans come to their feet as Mysterio's music plays once again. After the explosion of pyro, the Master of the 619 comes jogging through the curtain full of energy! After acknowledging the entire crowd he starts down the ramp, taking a moment to speak with each ringside child wearing a mask. He eventually makes it into the ring and poses for a moment in the far corner while his music still plays.

♪ Break the Walls Down ♫

The positivity and excitement that came with Rey Mysterio entrances instantly evaporated from the arena once Chris Jericho's music began to play. Meaning business as always, the World Champion strolls through the curtain and walks slowly towards the ring, the World Heavyweight Championship strapped proudly around his waist. Jericho enters the ring and stares hole through Rey, eventually removing the Championship and handing it over at the officials request. The bell rings, and our main event is underway.

Rey Mysterio vs Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio know each other very well, and this match see's plenty of back and forth action. After catching Mysterio with a big tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, our champion begins to work his opponents lower back, obviously hoping to finish him with the Walls of Jericho. It's not too long before Jericho has the submission locked in, the only problem is, Rey Mysterio refuses to tap. He crawls for the ropes, but is pulled away by Jericho. Still locked in the submission, the pain is all over Rey's face, but again he refuses to submit. He scratches and crawls his way back towards the ropes, pulling not only himself, but Chris Jericho as well. Closing in he gives it one last lunge before finally gripping the bottom rope. Chris takes his time releasing the hold, but eventually does so as the ref's count begins. Jericho bickers with the referee for a moment before noticing Mysterio push up, which he rewards with a swift kick to the stomach. Rey rolls away but Jericho stays near him, soon reaching down and grabbing him to pull him up. He gets Rey up, but Mysterio breaks the grip and catches Jericho with a quick side kick to the leg, then another, then a kick to the stomach before he takes off across the ring. Coming off the ropes Mysterio is closing back in on Jericho, but the World Champion notices and throws a clothesline, which Mysterio ducks. Running back across the ring, Mysterio leaps and springboards off the middle rope before turning mid-air and crashing into his opponent with a big Crossbody! The momentum is swinging as Mysterio is the first to his feet, Jericho is up soon after, and catches a pair of boots to the back that send him stumbling forward, eventually falling and catching himself on the middle rope. Rey looks around as the crowd roars. He hits the ropes then swings around Jericho's body, connecting with the 619 as Jericho flops back into the ring. Rey now stands on the apron, looking around it again. He's feeling it. Mysterio waits for Jericho to start standing before leaping up to the top rope and jumping out, it looks like he wants to finish the champion with the old West Coast Pop. Jericho again shows his ring IQ, taking a step back while catching Mysterio's extended legs. In no time he's rolling Rey over, and again locks in the Walls of Jericho. The air is sucked right out of the buildling, but the fans are begging Rey not to tap. He tries to crawl, but he's too tired. Rey eventually uses all the energy he has left to throw his body and roll over to his back, now looking up at Jericho he reaches up and wraps an arm around Jericho's head before bringing him down into a small package pin.


But Jericho kicks out! The fans moan, that had to be it! Jericho rolls to the ropes, looking over a Rey clearly frustrated. Mysterio himself starts pushing up, he has fight in him, but his body may have other ideas. Whoever is up first may score the victory, but everyone's attention is directed towards the stage. CM Punk and Serena have made their way back out to the arena. CM Punk is slowly walking down the ramp, but Serena runs and climbs up the apron, trying to enter the ring. The ref is immediately distracted trying to keep her out when all of a sudden Luke Gallows hops the barricade and slides into the ring. He looks over at Jericho for only a moment before grabbing down at Rey and hoisiting him up. Gallows sets Mysterio up before hoisiting him into the air and soon planting him with the Twelfth Step! Gallows hits the mat and rolls out of the ring as an evil grin appears on the World Champion's face. He quickly gets to his feet as Serena hops down from the apron. Jericho turns and hops up to the middle rope, flipping back and crashing into Rey with the Lionsault. Chris immediately hooks up both legs.


Winner: Chris Jericho

As Jericho's music begins to play, CM Punk joins Serena and now Luke Gallows at the bottom of the ramp. Jericho is handed the World Heavyweight Championship as his hand is raised. He looks towards the hard cam and screams "I'm a winner!" before looking at Rey in disgust, then exiting the ring. Gallows and Serena slide back into the ring as Punk takes his time walking up the steel steps. The two begin to lift Rey up off the mat, instantly grabbing the attention of the referee who is pushed down by Gallows. As CM Punk enters the ring he steps towards the center and looks Rey in the eyes. Mysterio is concious, but just too hurt post match to fight back. Punk smiles before nodding, and at that moment Rey is tossed towards him. CM Punk dips his shoulder and scoops Rey up, holding him there for just a second before throwing him up, and allowing his face to crash into his knee. Mysterio hits the ground after the GTS, and lays motionless. CM Punk's eyes slowly gaze up towards the hard camera. He just stares. Gallows and Serena can be seen moving behind Punk, but his eyes are locked on the camera as we fade to black on the show comes to an end.
JAM’s Review

First of all, skimming through the entire show and the thing I notice the most is the format that you have. It’s definitely different and it seems to work for you. But for me, I’m not a big fan of the format. Using quote boxes for matches just doesn’t look good imo. Also, the opening segment was just too long to read, it was a whole block of text. It would’ve been better to break it up in parts. Jericho’s promo was good. Promo by him was decent so I think you have a grasp on how to do promos, but again, you could’ve broken up the promo better. Add in crowd reactions or what Jericho is doing as of that moment.

So it looks like another Drew/Teddy feud? Hopefully not. I hope we don’t see much of Ted to be honest because the show should focus on the superstars. Drew’s a good talent so don’t waste it, plenty of stuff for him to do. He was on fire around this time so I hope you capitalize on that. Breaking up Cryme Tyme? I never liked this feud simply because they don’t match as singles competitors, but I’m willing to give it a chance.

Short and sweet from Kane. I’m diggin’ this if it means having the monster Kane back, always liked him that way. This Punk promo was actually pretty good as well, but again, it should’ve been broken up. Reading a big block of text just isn’t appealing to the eyes. So yeah, that’s all I’ll say to about that. Just break it up more and you’ll be fine. Oh and that line about Punk offering Mysterio freedom but losing was brilliant!

Looks like the midcard will heat up soon with Drew attacking Benjamin and Jomo and then Teddy inserting Matt. Smackdown had a very good roster because it had a balance with the main eventers and the midcard. Hopefully you make some new stars and then elevate them to the main event which you can do because of all the talent at your disposal.

Wait, we’re at the main event already? That was quick. I knew that the SES would somehow be involved in this match and it shows that Rey isn’t done with Punk, I guess that’s fine. I’m guessing we see Edge find something that motivates him that gets him another shot at Jericho’s title which I’m all for. Writing shows after the Wrestlemania Hangover can be tough but once you get through this, I can tell this thread will get much more exciting.

Overall, I liked the show, don’t get me wrong. But there were a lot of things that could’ve been better. The promos were solid but should’ve been broken down better. The format isn’t the best but it’s tolerable. The show seemed quick to end which can be because you wanted to just get this show over with, I don’t blame you. And you’ve told me some stuff that may happen in this thread, so yeah, it’s best to get moving along. Onto the next episode!

WWE news, as of May 23rd, 2010

Update on the new PPV Calendar:

Not too long ago we reported that WWE had decided to get rid of most of the themed PPV's in favor of some of the older names they had in the past, We now know that the Elimination Chamber and TLC PPV's have also been scrapped in favor of No Way Out and Vengeance. With that here's the OFFICIAL PPV Calendar for the next year.

Extreme Rules
Judgment Day
Bad Blood
Money in the Bank
Night of Champions
No Mercy
Survivor Series
Royal Rumble
No Way Out

Aside from this nothing else has changed as all the shows will be helped at the same venues as originally planned. It looks like WWE is planning to keep this schedule for the foreseeable future meaning no other changes will be made until after Wrestlemania 27 at the earliest.

Tag Team Not Fired?

We previously reported that during the annual spring cleaning that the team of Caylen Croft and Trent Barretta aka The Dudebusters had been let go, however it appears that they have not as they are still on the active roster while Chris Masters, Slam Master J, Kung Fu Naki and Vladimir Kozlov all got removed. The Dudebusters will remain on the Smackdown brand.

The Future of NXT:

In another false report we got word that NXT was cancelled, however that turned out to only be a rumor and something that was considered. Instead the show will run it's course and once it ends all 8 rookies will be free agents able to be signed to either brand. So it appears we are a couple months away from seeing any of the 8 rookies on Raw or Smackdown as they will stop appearing with their pros.

The Animal Gets Raw:

As of Wrestlemania 26, Batista was a Smackdown superstar who was mainly showing up on Raw, however now that the brand extension is being enforced more he has been moved over to the Raw brand in order to fill out the red brand a little more. It looks like with this move we may see Batista in the WWE Title picture as a mainstay in the coming months.

Raw Recap:

Batista vs Randy Orton vs John Cena:
Extreme Rules Match for the WWE Championship

At Wrestlemania 26, John Cena won back his WWE Championship from Batista who beat him for it after a grueling Elimination Chamber Match at the Elimination Chamber PPV. The night after Wrestlemania the new Raw GM Shawn Michaels set up John Cena to run the gauntlet against 3 men and if he lost any of the matches the man who beat him would be his challenger for Extreme Rules. During the second match of the Gauntlet, Batista came out during Randy Orton's match with John Cena and not only distracted Orton but ended up hitting the Batista Bomb on John Cena which led to Orton getting DQ'ed. Batista however had a master plan as he was the last man in the gauntlet match so he simply pinned Cena and became #1 Contender.

The next week the main event of the evening was Batista vs Randy Orton in a #1 contenders match with WWE Champion John Cena as the Special Guest Ref. At the end of the match after blocking an RKO, Batista struck with a low blow and looked to steal the victory, however John Cena refused to count the pin because of Batista cheating. This lead to Batista and Cena screaming at each other, that is until Randy Orton spun Batista around and dropped him with an RKO and got the 3 count to become the new #1 contender to the WWE Championship.

Over the next 3 weeks, Batista complained until he was given a chance to earn his way back into the WWE Title Match at Extreme Rules if he could defeat John Cena in a Wrestlemania Rematch, Batista did end up successfully defeating Cena by countout, and the WWE Championship Match at Extreme Rules was made into a triple threat match. However while The Animal earned his spot in the title match he was not the one to stand tall at the end of the night as right after the match The Viper hit the ring and laid out both of his Extreme Rules opponents with huge RKO's.

The Hart Dynasty vs ShowMiz:
Elimination Tables Match for the WWE Unified Tag Team Championships

At Wrestlemania 26, ShowMiz defeated the team of John Morrison and R-Truth in impressive show of dominance to keep the Unified Tag Team Championships. At the same show, The Hart Dynasty helped their uncle, Bret "The Hitman" Hart defeat Mr.McMahon and by doing so they gained the respect of the WWE Universe.

The next night on Raw, The Hart Dynasty defeated Legacy along with Mark Henry & MVP to earn a shot at the Unified Tag Team Championships the next week, however before the match could begin, ShowMiz attacked The Harts during their entrance and ended up putting David Hart Smith through the announce table. A rematch was set for the next week on Raw and this time the match got under way, but just as The Harts looked like they were closing in on the victory Mizknocked out Hart Smith with a title belt smash to the face and from there a brawl ensued that ended when ShowChokeslammed Tyson Kidd through the announce table.

Following this, Raw GM Shawn Michaels announced that The Hart Dynasty would take on ShowMiz in an Elimination Tables Match at Extreme Rules with the WWE Unified Tag Team Championships on the line. With 2 weeks left until Extreme Rules we saw ShowMiz defeat a team of local talent and end up putting them through tables which caused Hart Dynasty to come out and brawl with them and for once they got the last laugh over the champs.

On the final Raw leading up to Extreme Rules, Tyson Kidd defeated The Miz while Big Show defeated David Hart Smith. After Kidd rolled up Miz for the victory however, Show hit the ring and knocked out Tyson Kidd with a nasty right hand to the face. This brought out David Hart Smith who tried to fight off the champs, but alas the numbers game caught up to him and Show was able to knock out Hart Smith with a right hand for the second time that night.

Sheamus vs Triple H:
Last Man Standing Match

This war has been building up for months. Way back at Elimination Chamber, Triple H eliminated Sheamus from the WWE Championship Elimination Chamber match and cost him his championship, however Sheamus got revenge just 8 days later when he attacked Triple H on Raw and this set up a match between the two warriors at Wrestlemania. The two had their match and after a grueling battle Triple H pulled out the victory, but before he even had a chance to celebrate, Sheamus came from behind to attack Shawn Michaels after he accepted the Raw GM job and later that night The Celtic Warrior would strike again by laying out Triple H backstage with a huge Brouge Kick.

Triple H, who had already challenged Sheamus to a match at Extreme Rules came back the next week and again challenged Sheamus to face him, again he got no answer but instead was hit in the back of the head with a pipe by Sheamus who proceeded to assult Triple H with a pipe until The Game was knocked out. At which point Sheamus counted to 10 and said he would only face The Game if it was a Last Man Standing Match.

Over the next 2 weeks we did not see The Game and it looked like Sheamus had chased The Game away, but just as Sheamus was in the ring bragging about killing off Triple H just 6 days before Extreme Rules he was assulted by a returning Triple H in a brawl all over the arena which ended with Triple H hitting a Spinebuster that sent Sheamus flying off the stage. At that point Triple H not only accepted the challenge Sheamus had laid out of a Last Man Standing Match, but he also counted to 10 as if to tell Sheamus he was ready to face him at Extreme Rules when these two warriors will lock horns one more time.

Gail Kim vs Maryse:
Strap Match for the Divas Championship

The night after Wrestlemania 26, Gail Kim made it well known she had her sights on becoming Divas Champion for the first time in her career, Maryse however claiming she was the greatest Divas Champion of all-time set up a match between Gail and Alica Fox with the winner moving onto face Maryse for the belt at Extreme Rules in a match type of the champ's choosing. Gail of course walked out the winner of the battle with Fox and ended up suffering a brutal post match beatdown from Maryse, who announced that her title defense against Gail would be the first ever, divas strap match.

With the match set and three weeks to go until Extreme Rules, Maryse and Gail picked each others poison. Both divas ended up pulling off the victory against their opponents. Over the next two weeks the champion and challenger were forced to team up not once, but twice and while the first time Maryse walked out on her Extreme Rules challenger, Gail got revenge the next week by dropped Maryse with Eat Defeat then walking out on her to get the last laugh before these two lovely ladies will be teathered together in six days at Extreme Rules.

Other important details of Raw over the last 5 weeks:

Friends Become Enemys:

In the early part of 2010, Mark Henry and MVP looked like they were destined to be future Unified Tag Team Champions, however they failed to captuire them multiple times and there for fell out of the #1 contenders spot in favor of John Morrison and R-Truth come Wrestlemania. When ShowMiz were sucessful at Wrestlemania, a triple threat #1 contenders match was set up on Raw, however after MVP accidently blasted Henry with a big boot to the face which lead to the teams downfall in the match things took a nasty turn. Post match Legacy attacked MVP after Mark Henry walked out on his own partner.

The next week Henry explained his actions by saying he was done dealing with losers and that lead to the two being set up in a match later that night, however Mark Henry attacked MVP during his entrance and left him unable to compete after not one, but two Worlds Strongest Slams on the steel ramp.

MVP was not seen the next week after the brutal attack but he did return the week after that seeking revenge on his former friend by attacking him during his match with Kofi Kingston. After a short brawl, MVP was able to stand tall over his new found enemy and challenged him to a Street Fight the next week, which we later found out Henry accepted.

The two squared off in a brutal street fight on Raw that went all over the arena, MVP looked to be closing in on the victory after hitting a few of his signature moves but alas it wasn't to be as Henry ended up backdropping MVP through a table before connecting on a big splash to steal the victory.

The feud between the two seemed done as Henry announced the next week that while he wasn't on the Extreme Rules card he planned to set his sights on becoming a champion, however MVP came from the crowd and tried to strike with a steel chair, but Henry saw him coming and kicked the chair into his face. Henry wasn't done there though as he put the chair onto the knee of MVP and spalshed down onto it, possibly doing severe damage to the right knee.

New Group On The Rise:

Just four days after Wrestlemania, Carlito was set to face R-Truth on Superstars and was unsucessful. The true story came post match though when Primo and the debuting Epico, cousin of Carlito & Primo came down the ramp for an unknown reason, that is until a beautiful woman by the name of Ivelisse Vélez came from the crowd in a shocking debut and handed Carlito a chair to help him lay out John Morrison. Just as Truth turned his back on Primo & Epico to fight with Carlito, he was laid out from behind by the two men and beaten to a pulp.

The next week on Raw, Carlito said that The Latin Invansion was done being held down and it was time for his family to take what they deserve, which happens to be championships. Primo and Epico also laid out a challenge to John Morrison & R-Truth for a match on Superstars, which they ended up winning in truly dominating fashion.

Over the next 3 weeks, Primo and Epico proved to be quite the good team by winning two more tag team matches and made it well known they have their eyes set on the Tag Team Championships after Extreme Rules.

As for Carlito, he has stayed out of the ring instead choosing to support his stablemates while Valez made her in ring debut in impressive fashion by choking out Kelly Kelly just 6 days before Extreme Rules. Can anybody stop this group?

He Really Is, Bourne To Win:

After an impressive showing in the Money In The Bank Ladder Match at Wrestlemania, Evan Bourne has kept the momentum rolling all the way to Extreme Rules with five straight victories, his most impressive one coming over the crafty vertran, William Regal. One has to think if Evan Bourne can keep this momentum going he may be destined to win a championship sooner rather than later.

Is He Really, Awesome?:

Ever since winning the Unified Tag Team Championships with the Big Show, The Miz has been conviently avoiding defending his United States Championship. His last defense was the night after Wrestlemania, in a Falls Count Anywhere Match against Kofi Kingston. It would seem Miz is trying to avoid defending his Unitied States Championship. Surley someone as "awesome" as Miz claims to be would have no problem being a fighting champion right? Time will tell if this is indeed the case or if Miz simply doesn't have any competition.

Friday Night SmackDown Recap
The build to Extreme Rules

World Heavyweight Championship
Ladder Match
Chris Jericho (C) vs Edge


After missing the first Smackdown post WrestleMania, Edge returned on the April 9th episode to address his future. Though it burned him to the core, Edge admitted Chris Jericho was the better man at WrestleMania and couldn't judge him for doing whatever it took to when. But he also made it clear that HE would do whatever it took to get another shot at the World Heavyweight Title. Chris Jericho immediately dismisses Edge's pursuit of the World Title and insists he is now at the back of the line. Edge attempts to Spear Chris Jericho, but the champion is able to avoid the attack and escapse untouched.

On the April 16th edition of Smackdown, General Manager Teddy Long opens the show to announce that Edge WILL receive another shot at the World Heavyweight Championship, and that he will receive it at the Extreme Rules pay-per-view. Teddy puts over their confrontation from WrestleMania, and suggests that an "extreme" rematch would be remarkable. The General Manager also announces that the match stipulation will be decided by the end of the night and leaves it up to Edge and Chris Jericho. Since Jericho has spent the past 3 months dodging and fearing the Spear, Teddy declares that if Edge can spear the World Champion before the end of the night, he can choose the match stipulation for Extreme Rules. If Chris Jericho makes it to shows end un-speared, the choice is his. Throughout the night Jericho is seen backstage, looking over his shoulder and jumping at every noise or sudden movement, though Edge never appears. The mid-show main event see Edge defeat Dolph Ziggler in 1 on 1 action with the Spear. Later in the night's main event Chris Jericho survives his match with Kane, winning by disqualification. Moments later he falls victim to a post match Chokeslam. After Kane has left, Chris Jericho clutches onto the referee as he begins to stand. Jericho is still paranoid about an impending Spear and looks to be using the official as shield until "Just Close Your Eyes" begins to play. The crowd goes crazy and Jericho's eyes widen at the sound of Mr. Money in the Bank's theme music. He turns to face the stage, fearing the worst. A moment passes with no Christian in sight. Just then, Edge slides into the ring behind Jericho and is frantically asking the World Champion to turn around. As soon as Chris does, he's floored to the mat with a stiff Spear and the crowd roars. Having hit the Spear with moments to spare, Edge takes a microphone and announces his World Title match at Extreme Rules will be a Ladder Match!

On April 23rd's go home episode of Smackdown our main event is a tag team war pitting Edge and Rey Mysterio against CM Punk and World Champion Chris Jericho. In the closing moments of the match Rey Mysterio's distraction with the Straight Edge Society is the downfall for his team, and Chris Jericho pins Edge after connecting with the Codebreaker. The show ends with our Champion standing tall over his foe, World Title held high.

Stretcher Match
Rey Mysterio vs CM Punk


For the second week in a row CM Punk takes center ring to profess his regret that Rey Mysterio is not apart of the Straight Edge Society, but that under no circumstances will he ever stop trying to save Rey. It doesn't take Mysterio long to interrupt Punk. Rey, still very upset that the Society cost him his match with Chris Jericho and a potential World Title shot immediately tells Punk if he wants another match to just name the time and place. This pleases Punk and he tells Rey that Extreme Rules will be fine, and that if he wins, just like at WrestleMania, Mysterio must join his Straight Edge Society. This time however, Rey ups the ante. Mysterio accepts Punks terms under the condition that if he defeats Punk again, the Straight Edge Society must disband completely. Even though Gallows and Serena both plead with Punk to decline the deal, CM Punk accepts on the ground that Rey Mysterio's salvation is so important to him, he'll risk everything to achieve it. A 1 on 1 match between CM Punk and John Morrison ends in disqualifiation after interference. R-Truth comes to the ring to aid his friend Morrison who is being assaulted. In the midst of all the chaos, General Manager Teddy Long makes a tag team match between CM Punk and Luke Gallows against John Morrison and R-Truth. The team of Morrison and Truth win the match after outside interference from Rey Mysterio.

Among Teddy Long's other surprising decisions on the April 16th Smackdown, he also grants CM Punk's request to TEAM with Rey Mysterio later in the night. But if either Punk or Rey attack or touch each other in other way besides making a tag during the match, they forfeit their match at Extreme Rules and must abide by the stipulations of either joining the Straight Edge Society or disbanding it. Their opponents are JTG and Shad Gaspard. The hostile match ends when Shad attacks JTG, booting him in the face and leaving CM Punk to pick the bones and win with the GTS. Post match while the ref is raising both CM Punk and Rey Mysterio's hands, Luke Gallows attacks Rey from behind. Gallows just stomps and beats on Rey until CM Punk pats him on the shoulder and nods. Gallows lifts and Rey and positions him on Punk's shoulders, allowing him to drop Mysterio with the GTS. Before the night comes to a close, it's announced that CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio at Extreme Rules will be a Stretcher Match. Matt Striker insists it's the perfect match to settle the score, because the only way to get one of these superstars to do what they'll have to do if they lose, is to be beaten so bad they have to be stretchered out of hte arena.

Only two nights away from Extreme Rules, Rey Mysterio joins Edge in tag team action against CM Punk and Chris Jericho. To stop a two on one assault against Edge towards the end of the match, Mysterio attacks Punk and throws him out of the ring. As Gallows assists him savior up to his feet, Mysterio spring boards off the top rope and crashes into both men, taking them to the ground. Rey stands only to have Serena in his face yelling. Rey tries to step away, but she gets back in front of him and SLAPS him in the face. For a moment Rey looks shocked. In retaliation he takes a plastic cup of beer away from a ringside fan and tosses the drink in Serena's face! As the Straight Edge diva screams in terror, Punk and Gallows both look as if they've seen a Ghost, in complese disbelief of what Rey has just done. Mysterio shrugs then throws the cup at Punk as he and Gallows approach. Rey hops the barricade and jogs away through the crowd, closely followed by the Straight Edge Society. This distraction eventually costs him and Edge the match.

Parking Lot Brawl
Shad Gaspard vs JTG


In the first week since Shad attacked his Cryme Tyme partner JTG, no answers have been given as to why. JTG finds his way to the ring. Though he's angry, he too wants to know why. Why his best friend would attack him. Shad eventually comes out, only making it as far as the stage. Shad proclaims that he doesn't HAVE to answer to anyone, but that he'll put JTG's mind at ease. Shad's motivation, was money. And the fact that they weren't making any. Their entire careers all they've talked about is that money money, yeah yeah. But they've lost more than they won. The only time they ever held the tag team titles.. was when they stole them. And lately, they've been better at getting laughs than getting paper. Shad blames all of this on JTG. He's too weak to do what needs to be done. He doesn't have that killer instinct. Shad says he's too damn big, too damn powerful, and too damn MONEY to be held down by "200 lbs of sissy hood trash". Shad excuses himself from the conversation as he has a singles match to prepare for. JTG is left silent. A little while later Shad defeats Finlay 1 on 1. Backstage after the match JTG is seen confronting Shad. A long silence is broken when JTG says that he isn't weak, he DOES have killer instinct, and that he's going to prove it either WITH Shad.. or against him. JTG walks away as Shad only shakes his head.

Come April 16th Teddy Long is willing to give JTG a shot to prove he has killer instinct WITH Shad because he wants the two of them to face the odd pair CM Punk and Rey Mysterio. There's no real conflict between Shad and JTG during the match. Just a few dirty looks and a little showing off between the two. JTG keeps the match clean, even refusing to take advantage of a distraction created by Serena when she gets on the apron. This proves to Shad he was right and he quickly enters the ring before hitting his former partner with a big boot. CM Punk quickly tags himself into the match and gets the win over JTG.

During the week on WWE.com, it's announced that Shad and JTG will meet in a match at Extreme Rules. On the April 23rd Smackdown, Shad is first seen backstage speaking with Teddy Long. Shad would like to know what kind of match he and JTG are going to have at the pay-per-view, but Teddy can't get one word out before Shad is jumped from behind by JTG. Like a rabid pitbull, JTG is on his former partners back clubbing away before Shad is eventually able to push JTG away. That separation is soon filled with referee's and backstage officials, breaking up the fight. A half hour later Shad is seen in the trainers office. The trainer is looking at the back of Shad's head and his neck, and the big man looks frustrated. He eventually stands and claims he's fine, but at that moment the door flies open, and in dives JTG. Tackling Shad over the medical table, the two brawl on the ground for a moment before Shad gets to his feet and throws JTG into the wall. Shad exits the room as quick as he can and the trainer goes to check on JTG, who pushes him away and stares intently in the direction that Shad left. Before the night comes to an end, Shad is seen leaving the arena and Josh Matthews is trying to get an interview. Shad says he has not time for him, or JTG's "bitch tactics". Shad enters a car, but before he can start it up a pipe is slammed into his window which shatters it. Shad is caught off guard by all the glass and JTG takes advantage by yanking the door open and falling in, just laying the punches into Shad. The camera gets a good shot of the fight through the windsheild and Shad is on the defensive. He eventually gets his foot into JTG's gut and pushes him back, catching him with a few punches of his own before kicking him out of the car. JTG falls the ground and Shad quickly starts the car before driving away. From the ground JTG throws the pipe towards the fleeing car with an enraged look on his face. Before the main event while the commentators run down the Extreme Rules card, it's officially announced that Shad and JTG will fight this Sunday in a Parking Lot Brawl.

Intercontinental Championship
Scramble Match
Kane vs Shelton Benjamin vs Drew McIntyre (C) vs Matt Hardy vs John Morrison


After running from his match with Matt Hardy last week, Intercontinental Champion Drew McIntyre was again booked to face Hardy in 1 on 1 competition. Again finding himself in a losing battle, McIntyre tried to escape for the second week in a row. But before he could be counted out again, Shelton Benjamin came down to ringside and toss Drew back into the ring, making him vulnerable to a Twist of Fate which allowed Matt Hardy to pick up the victory. This little bit of payback seemed to satisfy Shelton Benjamin after Drew attacked him last week.

A week passes and to determine a number one contender for the Intercontinental Championship, a Triple Threat match between Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin and John Morrison is scheduled. A fantastic match follows, but a winner is never decided as Drew McIntyre attacks all three men with a chair, ending the match in disqualification. The champion is proud of himself and looks rather happy backstage when confronted by Teddy Long. The General Manager quickly pops Drews bubble when he informs the champ he'll now be defending his title against ALL three men.

Before we get to Extreme Rules, Teddy Long informs Drew he can choose which of his three challengers he'd like to face 1 on 1 in a non-title match on Smackdown. McIntyre refuses to choose, stating he's too good to soil his hands with any of the superstars and that he needs time to prepare for the Fatal 4 Way at Extreme Rules. Not happy with his answer, Teddy chooses for Drew, booking him in a 3 on 1 handicap match instead. The match is hell for Drew. He can never get any momentum rolling and any time he does, his opponent tags out. The end seems near for Drew as lays prone in the ring with Matt Hardy on the middle rope setting up for the big drop before BOOM! Fire shoots from the stage, and Kane's music begins to play. For weeks Kane has promised to hurt people. He's tired of losing and he's not happy with just "being here". After failing to defeat World Champion Chris Jericho last week, he's even more agitated than before. Hardy, Morrison and Benjamin all look on stunned as Kane enters the ring. Looking around for a moment, he soon grabs Hardy by the throat, and both Morrison and Shelton enter the ring to charge the monster. Kane quickly boots Shelton to the mat, then also takes Morrison by the throat. He eventually lifts and double Chokeslams both Hardy and Morrison before getting ahold of Shelton and doing the same thing. Another match ends in DQ and Drew begins to stand, laughing hysterically at all his fallen opponents. He's eyes eventually meet Kane's, and he stops mid laugh. Drew hesitantly extends a hand to Kane which isn't received by the monster. Drew nods nervously before reaching down to pick up his Intercontinental Championship which the announcer had slid into the ring after announcing the DQ. As he stands back straight he's grabbed by the throat and eventually Chokeslammed as well. Among the bodies Kane then lifts his arms and thrusts them down, forcing fire to blast from all four corners of the ring as his music plays again. After the next commercial break, it's announced the Fatal 4 Way Intercontinental Championship match has now been made a Scramble match.
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Extreme Rules 2010:

Elimination Tables Match for the Unified Tag Team Titles:
The Hart Dynasty vs ShowMiz (c)
Order Of Elimination:

Last Man Standing Match:
Sheamus vs Triple H

Strap Match for the Divas Championship:
Gail Kim vs Maryse (c)

Extreme Rules Match for the WWE Championship:
Randy Orton vs Batista vs John Cena (c)


Parking Lot Brawl:
JTG vs Shad

Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship:
Edge vs Chris Jericho (c)

Stretcher Match (If Punk wins, Mysterio must join the SES. If Mysterio wins, SES must disband.)
CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio

Championship Scramble Match for the Intercontinental Championship:
Kane vs Matt Hardy vs Shelton Benjamin vs John Morrison vs Drew McIntyre (c)

Bonus Questions:

Guess The Match Order.

Will Christian cash in Money In The Bank?

Will there be any surprise debuts and/or returns?
Extreme Rules Predictions
ShowMiz vs The Hart Dynasty
Elimination : 1- DH Smith 2- Show 3- Kidd
Sheamus win
Maryse win
Orton win

Shad win
Jericho win
Punk win
Kane win
The Extract's Predictions said:
I really am enjoying your thread. It keeps me guessing. That may be why some of my picks may be so bad! I will try to give you and Peep (He is your partner right? I forgot since he got the name change) some feedback in a few days. Probably sometime after Payback.

Elimination Tables Match for the Unified Tag Team Titles:
The Hart Dynasty vs ShowMiz (c)
Order Of Elimination: DH Smith, Show, Miz

Last Man Standing Match:
Sheamus vs Triple H

Strap Match for the Divas Championship:
Gail Kim vs Maryse (c)

Extreme Rules Match for the WWE Championship:
Randy Orton vs Batista vs John Cena (c)


Parking Lot Brawl:
JTG vs Shad

Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship:
Edge vs Chris Jericho (c)

Stretcher Match (If Punk wins, Mysterio must join the SES. If Mysterio wins, SES must disband.)
CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio

Championship Scramble Match for the Intercontinental Championship:
Kane vs Matt Hardy vs Shelton Benjamin vs John Morrison vs Drew McIntyre (c)

Bonus Questions:

Guess The Match Order. 1) Punk vs. Mysterio, 2) JTG vs. Shad, 3)Tables Match 4) Last Man Standing, 5) IC Title, 6)WHC Ladder match, 7) Divas Title, 8) WWE Triple Threat

Will Christian cash in Money In The Bank? Nah

Will there be any surprise debuts and/or returns? Yes. Idk who, but there will be.

And to nouration, you forgot to answer the bonus questions.
Extreme Rules 2010:

Elimination Tables Match for the Unified Tag Team Titles:
The Hart Dynasty vs ShowMiz (c)
Order Of Elimination: Kidd, Show, Smith

Last Man Standing Match:
Sheamus vs Triple H

Strap Match for the Divas Championship:
Gail Kim vs Maryse (c)

Extreme Rules Match for the WWE Championship:
Randy Orton vs Batista vs John Cena (c)


Parking Lot Brawl:
JTG vs Shad

Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship:
Edge vs Chris Jericho (c)

Stretcher Match (If Punk wins, Mysterio must join the SES. If Mysterio wins, SES must disband.)
CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio

Championship Scramble Match for the Intercontinental Championship:
Kane vs Matt Hardy vs Shelton Benjamin vs John Morrison vs Drew McIntyre (c)

Bonus Questions:

Guess The Match Order.
Tag Title Tables, Parking Lot Brawl, IC Scramble, Last Man Standing, Stretcher Match, Divas Strap Match, WHC Ladder Match, WWEC Extreme Rules

Will Christian cash in Money In The Bank? Nope.

Will there be any surprise debuts and/or returns?
Extreme Rules 2010:

Elimination Tables Match for the Unified Tag Team Titles:
The Hart Dynasty vs ShowMiz (c)
Order Of Elimination: Kidd, Smith

Last Man Standing Match:
Sheamus vs Triple H

Strap Match for the Divas Championship:
Gail Kim vs Maryse (c)

Extreme Rules Match for the WWE Championship:
Randy Orton vs Batista vs John Cena (c)


Parking Lot Brawl:
JTG vs Shad

Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship:
Edge vs Chris Jericho (c)

Stretcher Match (If Punk wins, Mysterio must join the SES. If Mysterio wins, SES must disband.)
CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio

Championship Scramble Match for the Intercontinental Championship:
Kane vs Matt Hardy vs Shelton Benjamin vs John Morrison vs Drew McIntyre (c)

Bonus Questions:

Guess The Match Order.
Tag Title Tables, Parking Lot Brawl, IC Scramble, Last Man Standing, Stretcher Match, Divas Strap Match, WHC Ladder Match, WWEC Extreme Rules

Will Christian cash in Money In The Bank? Nah.

Will there be any surprise debuts and/or returns?
Extreme Rules 2010:

Elimination Tables Match for the Unified Tag Team Titles:
The Hart Dynasty vs ShowMiz (c)
Order Of Elimination: Miz, Show

Last Man Standing Match:
Sheamus vs Triple H

Strap Match for the Divas Championship:
Gail Kim vs Maryse (c)

Extreme Rules Match for the WWE Championship:
Randy Orton vs Batista vs John Cena (c)


Parking Lot Brawl:
JTG vs Shad

Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship:
Edge vs Chris Jericho (c)

Stretcher Match (If Punk wins, Mysterio must join the SES. If Mysterio wins, SES must disband.)
CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio

Championship Scramble Match for the Intercontinental Championship:
Kane vs Matt Hardy vs Shelton Benjamin vs John Morrison vs Drew McIntyre (c)

Bonus Questions:

Guess The Match Order.
Tag Title Tables, Parking Lot Brawl, IC Scramble, Last Man Standing, Stretcher Match, WHC Ladder Match, Divas Strap Match, WWEC Extreme Rules

Will Christian cash in Money In The Bank? I don't think so.

Will there be any surprise debuts and/or returns?
No idea.
Rated R Nightmare & NotoriousMEAT present..
Extreme Rules 2010

April 25th, 2010
Baltimore, Maryland
(1st Mariner Arena)
Attendance: 9,124

After the pryo display, a high camera pans to a view that captures the entire capacity crowd. Among the cheers of the crowd and the blaring pay-per-view theme music we're met by the voices of the SmackDown announce team. Todd Grisham welcomes our Pay-Per-View audience to Baltimore and Extreme Rules. He along with Matt Striker touch on tonight's main events. First they discuss if Edge's experience in Ladder Matches can defeat the current momentum that Chris Jericho has against him. Matt Striker then suggests that John Cena's WWE Championship reign is in serious jeapordy tonight against not one, but two men when he meets Randy Orton and Batista! As the pay-per-view theme music fades away, Todd Grisham announces we'll be kicking off the show with some fast paced Scramble action.

Tony Chimel: The following contest is a Championship Scramble match and is for the Intercontinental Championship!

The crowd pops! It's been almost a year since the last Scramble match.

Tony Chimel: In this match, two superstars will start in the ring and every five minutes another superstar will join until all five superstars have entered the match. Pinfalls, submissions, and disqualifications can occur at any time during the match. When the match reaches it's twenty minute time limit, the superstar with the most recent fall will be declared the winner, and Intercontinental Champion!

Jim Ross quickly chimes in to remind the audience that only the WINNER of the match will be recognized as an official Intercontinental Champion and that any victories during the match are only temporary.

Broken Dreams

The crowd boo's as Drew McIntyre's music begins to play. The Intercontinental Champion does not enter the arena until his theme's lengthy intro concludes. Walking with purpose, McIntyre unbuttons his jacket to reveal the championship around his waist. With disdain in his face, Drew enters the ring and removes the title from around his waist before slowly raising it into the air.

Live for the Moment

Just as McIntyre smirks, he's interrupted by the theme of Matt Hardy! Hardy roars through the curtain, immediately throwing up the V.1! Hardy makes his way down the ramp as the crowd cheers his arrival. Hardy removes his t-shirt at the same time we see Drew handing his ring jacket off to a crew member. Matt enters the ring and immediately goes to the hard camera side, stepping up on the middle rope and again throwing up the V.1. Hardy steps down and back into his corner. The referee shows him the Intercontinental Championship before standing center ring and showing it off to the entire crowd. The official hands the title belt off to the Chimel then signals for the bell.

Match #1

Intercontinental Championship
Championship Scramble Match
Kane vs Shelton Benjamin vs Drew McIntyre (C) vs Matt Hardy vs John Morrison

Drew McIntyre starts aggressive as the bell sounds, charging his opponent before he can even step out of his corner. The veteran Hardy though is not caught off guard, but rather side steps and allows the defending champion to collide into the turnbuckles chest first. The impact stuns Drew and causes him to stumble backwards where Hardy is waiting. Matt falls to his side, hooking Drew's leg in the process and rolling him down into a school boy pin. McIntyre is still clutching his chest as Hardy lays all his weight down on the champion's legs.


Current Intercontinental Champion:
MATT HARDY via pinfall (0:07)

The crowd erupts as Hardy stands to have his hand risen by the referee. McIntyre rolls up to his knees looking absolutely shocked. Technically he's no longer Intercontinental Champion. Matt can only smile at his opponent, but Drew doesn't find anything funny. McIntyre explodes up from the ground, wrapping his arms around Hardy's and tackling him to the mat. Drew unleashes a fury of right hands down towards Hardy's head, but Matt has his arms up to block the majority of the blows. The referee is able to pull Drew off Hardy after noticing he was ignoring the 5 count. Drew shouts at the official to back off before turning his attentions back to a rising Hardy. As Matt pushes up to his feet, Drew violently kicks up, connecting with his opponents chest which produces a loud SMACK! that grabs the audiences attention. Matt stumbles back and Drew hits the ropes. Coming back he throws up a big boot that catches Hardy square in the jaw which sends him to the mat. Drew immediately drops down for a cover, hooking a leg and hoping to take back the belt.


But Hardy shoots his shoulder up to avoid the fall and more importantly, maintain possession of the Intercontinental title. A little frustrated, Drew begins to stands. Bringing Hardy up with him, Drew has a firm grip around his opponents head and uses it to slowly turn him. Now back to back, Drew keeps Hardy's head wrapped up near his shoulder before quickly dropping down to his bottom, causing Matt's head to bounce off Drew's shoulder for a wicked looking Neckbreaker. Hardy rolls to his side, hands wrapped around his neck as McIntyre takes a glance at the 5 minute countdown clock which at the moment has 2:47 remaining. Now would be the time for Drew to regain the title in this 1 on 1 environment, and he knows it. Drew turns to cover Hardy once again..


But again Hardy kicks out. Drew sits on the mat for a moment, a little agitated as Matt once again starts pushing up to his feet. McIntyre slowly rises to meet Hardy in a vertical position and lunges forward, catching him in the jaw with a stiff elbow. Going back to the well, Drew connects with another elbow, then a third. The final elbow causes Hardy to fall back into the ropes, though he uses the momentum to push off and step back towards Drew. The Chosen One is ready though, and meets Hardy with an impressive dropkick. Drew waste's no time in popping back up to his feet. Rather then go for another pin, he takes a moment to gloat, asking the crowd "Did you see that?", which continues the boo's that Drew has been receiving since taking control of the match. With a hand placed over his mouth, Hardy can't begin to stand himself before Drew is already pulling him up by the hair. But Matt Hardy will not die! He throws a punch up into Drew's gut which slows the Scotsman momentarily. Matt then connects with a second, a third, then a fourth body shot before standing on his own and connecting a fifth and final punch to McIntyre's jaw. Hardy has his opponent reeling and turns to hit the ropes. But before he can run too far, Drew grabs and handful of Hardy's hair and when Matt tries to take off, he's instantly floored. The crowd let's Drew know they disapprove of his actions, but he could hardly care as he again begins to pull Hardy up off the mat. Wasting no time, Drew quickly scoops Matt up onto his shoulders. Taking only a moment, Drew then tosses Matt over his head and falls to a knee, forcing Hardy's stomach to collide into his knee. Matt falls off to side, clutching his abdomen only for Drew to fall on him and hook up both legs for a pin attempt.

..Kick out!

Hardy refuses to be pinned. Drew slaps the mat, now yelling at the ref in debate of the 2 count. He frantically looks up to the countdown clock which has less then a minute remaining. McIntyre pulls out the hairband that holds his ponytail and throws it before rolling to his knee's and standing to his feet. With intensity in his eyes he glares at Hardy, allowing him a few moments to try and stand on his own. Drew though is impatient and grabs Hardy by the hair, helping him up his feet. He forces his opponent's head underneath his arm and hooks up both legs, setting up the Future Shock DDT. Drew cocks his leg back, but before he can swing into the DDT, Hardy spins out of the hold. Keeping his arm hooked with Drew's he instantly pulls McIntyre into a front face lock of his own before turning and hitting a Twist of Fate! The crowd pops big! Hardy is unable to go for a pin as he is already the current champion, but the move allows him time to regroup which couldn't come at a better time as there is less than 0:20 seconds on the countdown clock. As it reaches 10, the crowd begins to countdown along...


Ain't No Stoppin' Me

A stream of golden pyro shoots across the stage as the clock reaches zero. The fans are excited to see Benjamin as the odds of someone other than Drew leaving with the championship increases, and they like it. Shelton wastes very little time getting to the ring. Neither Hardy or Drew are up to the feet, but they're getting there. Shelton slides into the ring and as his music fades out he steps towards Hardy who's the first to his feet and picks him with a single leg takedown, sending the current champion to his back. Benjamin falls right down on top of him, hooking up the same leg.


But Hardy is quick to kick out. Benjamin gets up to his feet in no time and turns to Drew who is now standing. Shelton charges him, pushing him into the nearest corner and taking hold of his wrist. Benjamin immediately leaps back out of the corner and uses the momentum to whip Drew across the ring to the opposite corner. McIntyre's back collides into the turnbuckles but before he can react he is crushed back into the turnbuckles as Shelton connects with a big splash. Shelton steps back, allowing Drew to stumble towards him before lifting him up onto his shoulders and quickly falling back, sending Drew to the mat with a Samoan Drop. Benjamin rolls over, laying on Drew and hooking up a leg.


But McIntyre refuses to be pinned again. Shelton doesn't spend any time complaining and quickly gets back up to his feet. Once standing though, he's met by a right hand from Matt Hardy. The current title holder is desperate to get back on offense and keeps throwing punches until the Gold Standard is backed into the ropes. Hardy then forces him off the ropes and sends him across the ring. As Benjamin charges back he's floored center ring by a hard falling clothesline from Hardy. Matt gets back to his feet only to be charged by McIntyre. Much like the beginning of the match, Hardy side steps and allows Drew to take himself out with his own momentum, this time tossing him over the top rope and out of the ring. Matt turns to catch Shelton coming back up to his feet in his direction. Hardy runs and dives out, taking Benjamin down with another clothesline. Both men get back to their feet at almost the same time, and again Shelton pursues first which allows Hardy to turn out and catch his opponent in the face with a back elbow that again drops Benjamin. Shelton bumps but quickly feeds back up, this time he's lifted by Hardy who drops him down on his knee for an Atomic Drop. Shelton is stalled, and Hardy uses the opening. Matt wraps his arm around Shelton's head and hooks his left leg behind Shelton's right making it very easy for Hardy to connect with a Russian Legsweep. After impact Shelton rolls away towards the ropes and Hardy rises to a seated position. Matt is still a little worn out from McIntyre's assault early in the match, but he's bouncing back and soon gets to his feet as Benjamin pulls himself up. Hardy approaches, only to be kicked in the stomach by the Gold Standard. Shelton fights away from the ropes, punching Hardy with right hand after right hand until they end up in the center of the ring. Benjamin then goes for a gut kick but Hardy is quick to catch it. Matt then throws the kick away, and everyone in the arena see's what's coming next. But apparently Hardy does too and instantly ducks down. As Benjamin swings back around hoping to catch an unexpected Matt Hardy with the Dragon Whip kick, he hits nothing but air and falls to the mat. Getting back to his feet as quickly as he can he instantly finds himself clasped by Hardy who then hoists him up into the air and drops him down with the Side Effect! Matt is still unable to get another fall though and again sits up after connecting the move. By this time however McIntyre has re-entered the ring and dives down, hitting Hardy in the back of the head with a nasty elbow. Matt falls to the side and Drew scurries over to Shelton, hooking up his legs.


But Benjamin throws his shoulder up, preventing Drew from regaining his championship. Drew pushes up to his knee's, now pulling at his hair in frustration as a graphic of the countdown clock appears in the corner of the screen showing we have less than 3 minutes before the next superstar enters the fray. Looking over, Drew sees Hardy has reached his feet and McIntyre himself rushes up to his feet and charges Matt. THIS TIME he succeeds and collides into Hardy with stiff forearm to the jaw that sends Hardy back down to the mat. Standing tall over his fallen opponent the intensity is visible in McIntyre's eyes as his head shoots back towards Benjamin who is getting up himself. Drew marches over towards Shelton and backs him into a corner. Drew swiftly knee's Benjamin in the gut before wrapping his arms around his legs and lifting him up, sitting him on the top rope. Drew takes hold of Shelton's head with his left hand and punches him three times with his right before stepping up to the middle rope. Shelton tries to fight back, catching Drew in the midsection with some weak punches, but Drew sends a headbutt down into Benjamin's skull that stops the comeback. Shaking off the self inflicted pain from the headbutt, Drew catches Shelton with another punch before forcing his head under his arm and wrapping his free arm over Shelton's head. Drew takes a moment before stepping up to the top rope and lifting Benjamin, falling back and crashing down to the mat below with a big superplex! Though the fans hold disdain for Drew, they pop for the big move and get even more excited when they notice Hardy has pulled himself up to the middle rope. Holding his head, Hardy is clearly feeling the effects from of a few of Drew's shots. Nevertheless he throws up the V.1, and with both his opponents laying head to head in the middle of the ring, Hardy leaps out going for a big Leg Drop. Drew rolls away, just barely avoiding the collision, but Benjamin still down and out from the superplex has his face and neck smashed in by the weight of Hardy's leg and rolls over to his belly, holding his face. Drew see's and opening and jumps on it, quickly pouncing on Benjamin and rolling him over. Drew hooks both legs for the pin attempt.


Hardy notices Drew trying to take back the title and dives onto the pin, colliding into Drew and knocking him off Shelton. We're approaching the 1 minute mark on the countdown clock and the match has broken down into a fairly even power struggle between Hardy and McIntyre. Once both men make it to their feet, Drew is the first to swing on Hardy, but Matt blocks and catches Drew with a right hand. Hardy quickly reaches out and clasps onto Drew, looking for the for the Side Effect again. McIntyre quickly elbows Matt in the head once, twice, three times before Hardy let's go. Drew tries to force Matt into the DDT position but Matt pushes him away and kicks him in the stomach before bringing him down into the Twist of Fate position yet again. Drew tries to pull his head free, his arms flapping about before throwing some right hands into Hardy's ribs which eventually sets him free. Drew drops to a knee and reaches under Hardy's legs before exploding up, bringing Hardy up with in a Powerbomb position. The crowd "OOOOH's" before Drew jogs forward and throws Hardy down into the nearest corner for a buckle bomb! Hardy stumbles out of the corner, his back arched only to be kicked in his open abdomen. Matt doubles over and is easy pickings for Drew who hooks the arms and drops his opponent down to the mat with the Future Shock DDT! Using his head and both arms, Drew rolls Hardy over and hooks a leg.


Current Intercontinental Champion:
DREW MCINTYRE via pinfall (9:33)

Drew is ELATED after regaining control of the Intercontinental Championship. The referee raises his hand to signify the transition as the countdown clock graphic appears in the corner of the screen at 0:19 seconds. Drew pulls his hair back, looking up at the clock then down at his fallen opponents. Stepping back into a corner, Drew takes a moment to catch his breath before a fresh challenger arrives.


Ain't No Make Believe

The sea of fans upset that Drew had just regained the title are very pleased to see the arrival of John Morrison! The Guru of Greatness takes the time to perform his usual entrance, posing slow motion with his hair blowing in the wind, colorful pyro shooting off behind him. Drew watches on, enjoying every moment of downtime he's allowed with JoMo takes his time. Morrison removes his large fur coat and bedazzled sunglasses, leaving them on the stage. He takes a few steps down the ramp before he takes off sprinting. McIntyre's eyes grow wide as Morrison slides into the ring and the two run at each other. Morrison dives under a clothesline attempt from Drew and hits the ropes. John comes back towards Drew who's now just a deer caught in the headlights and kicks him with in the face with a leaping leg lariat. McIntyre hits the mat, but quickly gets back up and swings at Morrison who ducks the punch and comes up behind McIntyre. Morrison wraps and lifts his opponent as if going for a back suplex, but instead drops him forward and slams him down with a creative facebuster variation. Morrison holds onto Drew, rolling him over to his back using his legs and rolling over himself into a seated position on Drew's chest, holding his legs up for a pin attempt.


Morrison is absolutely blindsided by the kick from Benjamin that breaks up the pin. JoMo falls to the mat and Benjamin falls on top of him, hoping to get a quick fall.


But Morrison kicks out. Benjamin pushes up off Morrison and turns to Drew who is getting to his feet. McIntyre is facing the crowd and has no idea Shelton is approaching. The Gold Standard quickly wraps his arms around Drew's waist and launches him back, sending him down to the mat with a German Suplex. Drew rolls away falling under the ropes out of the ring. Shelton's attention is caught by Hardy who is just now getting up after being pinned by McIntyre. Watching Hardy rise, Shelton turns his body and it looks like he's setting up for a superkick. Hardy reaches his feet before seeing one of Shelton's coming right at him! Matt ducks and under and steps behind Shelton. Shelton quickly turns around as Hardy goes for a gut kick, but Benjamin catches the foot and smiles. Shelton throws the foot away and the momentum causes Hardy to spin. Matt comes back around to face Shelton, but before he knew what hit him, Shelton had already leaped into the air and spun, connecting with a spinning heel kick into Hardy's face that drops him to the mat successfully finishing the Dragon Whip he had attempted earlier. Benjamin pounces, falling on Hardy for the pin attempt.


From outside the ring Drew pulls Shelton off the pin by his foot before falling to the ground, his back resting against the mat. Shelton can't believe it as he gets up to his feet. He grabs the top rope and waits for Drew to stand back up. When he does, Shelton catapults himself over the ropes and falls down towards Drew, but the champion steps to the side. The agile Benjamin is able to get his feet under him though and avoid a devastating crash into the ground, that is until Drew charges into him and drives him all the way into the steel ring steps. The steps give nothing as Benjamin is slammed into them. Drew steps back, allowing Benjamin to fall to all fours. McIntyre is breathing pretty heavy as he looks down at Shelton. Drew takes only a moment before reaching down and hooking his arm around Shelton's head. He brings him up to his feet and hooks an arm setting up for the Future Shock DDT. The evil grin on his face can't even form fully before surprise takes over as John Morrison flings himself over the top rope into a corkscrew plancha before crashing into Drew and taking him down to the ground. The crowd pops and JoMo hops back to his feet. He's quick to get Drew back up and into the ring, following close behind as he hooks the leg for the pin!


But it's broken up by Hardy and Benjamin at the same time! Hardy and Benjamin bring Morrison into the nearest corner and begin attacking him with boots to the gut and punches to the head until he's sitting in the corner. Benjamin backs up then charges in, connecting with a running corner senton followed up quickly by a running knee smash by Hardy! Morrison is down in the corner as Hardy spins around and Benjamin hits a picture perfect dropkick to take him down as the 10 second countdown as begun and Drew low blows Benjamin!


Man On Fire

The fans aren't quite sure how to react as The Big Red Machine's music hits and he walks out onto the stage, glaring at the four men in the ring. Kane quickly walks down the ramp as Drew stands at the ready to fight the big man. Kane reaches the bottom of the ramp and pulls himself up onto the ring apron, but just as he steps over the top rope, Drew nearly dives out of the ring to get away from him!

The fans boo this as Kane sees Hardy and Benjamin get up and he drills them with a double clothesline! Morrison stumbles to his feet only to get popped with a big uppercut then knocks him back into the corner! Kane charges in and BAM! He connects on a big running clothesline then scoops Morrison up, and drops him hard with a big Sidewalk Slam! Benjamin and Hardy get to their feet and both start hitting rights and lefts on Kane, but he stops this by grabbing them by the throat! Both men struggle but alas no luck as Kane drops them both with a big Double Chokeslam! Drew slides into the ring behind Kane and begins clubbing him over the back trying to make sure nobody gets another pin, but Kane turns around and pops Drew with a big uppercut!

Drew goes down as Kane stalks him for a Chokeslam as Drew stumbles up, and Kane grabs him by the throat! Kane goes for the Chokeslam, and it hits! Drew rolls out of the ring as Shelton spins Kane around and drops him with Pay Dirt! Shelton rolls Kane over and hooks the leg for the pin and this one may be over!


Matt breaks it up! Matt pulls Shelton up to his feet then drops him with a big Side Effect! Matt turns around and Kane grabs him by the shoulders, then throws him with ease over the top rope and to the floor causing him to take out Drew who was hiding out on the floor in the process! Kane sees Morrison getting up and he charges at him and sends him flying through the middle rope with a running big boot! Kane has cleared house as Shelton stumbles to his feet, and Kane scoops him up and drops him with a big Tombstone Piledriver! Shelton is laid out and Kane covers him as the clock ticks down just past four minutes left!

3! Kane has become the current champion with under four minutes left!

Current Champion:

The fans begin buzzing about if the title will change hands again as Kane drags Shelton to his feet, only to toss him like a rag doll through the middle rope and to the floor. Hardy climbs onto the ring apron and Kane charges him, but Hardy hits a shoulder block to the ribs! Hardy climbs up to the top turnbuckle as Kane turns to face him, but he gets taken out with a diving clothesline! Kane goes down as Hardy notices the time and right away begins taunting for the Twist Of Fate! Kane stumbles to his feet as Hardy dares him to turn around and as he does, Hardy kicks him in the ribs then goes for the Twist Of Fate, but Kane shoves him off!

Hardy comes back at Kane who grabs him by the throat! However before Kane can do anything else, Morrison slides into the ring and springboards off the ropes with The Flying Chuck that drills Kane in the back of the head! Kane stumbles forward and Hardy drops him with the Twist Of Fate! Kane is laid out as Hardy holds down the legs of Kane as Morrison launches himself off the top turnbuckle and hits Starship Pain! Kane has been attacked here as Hardy pulls Morrison to his feet and throws him out of the ring!

Hardy looks around and McIntyre is nowhere to be found but Shelton Benjamin has climbed up to the top turnbuckle as Hardy charges him, but Shelton hits a kick to the skull! Hardy stumbles backwards as Shelton dives off the top and nails a big crossbody! Hardy goes down as Shelton shoots off the ropes, then hits a running leg drop on Kane to keep him down. Hardy gets to his feet and Shelton charges him, only to clothesline him over the top rope and to the floor! Shelton raises his arms in victory as Morrison jumps onto the ring apron and hot shots Shelton off the top rope to stumble him! Morrison springboards into the ring, but Shelton counters with a Pay Dirt in midair! Oh my god!

Morrison looks knocked out as Drew comes out of nowhere and rolls up Shelton, using the tights for leverage to a LOUD negative response from the fans!

3! Drew McIntyre has won his title back with 90 seconds to go in the contest!

Current Champion:
Drew McIntyre

Drew celebrates as Kane sits up and hears the announcement of McIntyre scoring a pin which causes Kane to stand up and GLARE right into the soul of McIntyre who looks very fearful at Kane who charges him, but Drew ducks a running punch then bails out of the ring but Kane does the same and now the chase is on around ringisde! Meanwhile Hardy rolls into the ring and crawls over to Morrison who still hasn't moved after Pay Dirt in midair and Hardy hooks the leg, this could lead to a upset title win!


But Hardy gets dragged out of the ring by Kane and Chokeslammed on the floor! Kane turns around and he gets blasted in the face with a kick from Drew! Drew realizes this is his chance to finish off the big red machine once and for all and he rams the back of his head into the steel steps! Kane looks knocked out on the floor! Drew rolls into the ring and charges at Morrison and knocks him out of the ring with a baseball slide dropkick!

Drew laughs as he has cleared the ring of everybody else and he strikes a pose to taunt the fans! Shelton Benjamin slides into the ring as there is only about 30 seconds left in the match and Shelton spins Drew around and drops him out of nowhere with a HUGE Pay Dirt! Drew got hit with Pay Dirt from Shelton with 20 seconds left in the match! Shelton drags Drew to the middle of the ring and rolls him over onto his back and hooks both legs for the pin, could we crown a new champ here as the 10 second countdown as begun to the end of the match!

3! Shelton Benjamin has become the new IC Champion as the time expires on the match!

Tony Chimal: Here's your winner and NEW IC Champion, The Gold Standard, Shelton Benjamin!

**Aint No Stoppin Me Now**

The fans are SHOCKED as Shelton stumbles to his feet and the referee hands him the IC Title and holds it up high over his head then kisses it as the fans ROAR in approval and Drew McIntyre sits up in shock over losing his championship! Shelton however doesn't wait around to see what's gonna happen and instead bails from the ring and quickly walks up the ramp backwards to avoid any attacks from pissed off losers as the cameras fade out into a video on the tron.

We see a split screen video from earlier tonight of John Cena, Randy Orton and Batista arriving at the arena. John Cena steps out of his car with the WWE Championship over his shoulder in his ring gear while Randy Orton gets out of his car wearing a fancy suit. After both men walk into the arena, we see a driver open the back door of a limo and out steps Batista. Batista yells at the driver for taking too long to get him to the arena and then walks into the arena in a suit, forcing his driver to carry his bag in for him.

The cameras now go back to the ring where Justin Roberts is standing with a mic.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is the first ever Divas Strap Match and it is for the WWE Divas Championship! Now in this match, there will be no pinfalls, no submissions and the only way to win is to touch all four corners in a row. Introducing first, the challenger. From Toronto, Ontario, Canada Gail Kim!

**Strong and Sexy**

The fans give a decent pop as Gail Kim walks out onto the stage in her light blue gear. Gail strikes her signature pose on the stage then jogs down the ramp, slapping hands with fans at ringside. Gail jumps up onto the ring apron and looks out at the fans as she strikes her pose again. Gail steps through the ropes and jumps up onto the top turnbuckle and points at the fans as her music cuts.

Justin Roberts: And her opponent, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada she is the WWE Divas Champion, Maryse!


The fans boo loudly as Maryse walks out onto the stage in her black gear with the Divas Championship wrapped tightly around her waist. Maryse quickly walks down the ramp, ignoring the fans which only makes them boo louder. Maryse reaches the bottom of the ramp and then walks up the steps and does her fair flip on the ring apron. Maryse steps through the ropes and while holding onto the top rope she does another hair flip then unwraps the title from her waist. Maryse holds up the title high over her head as the referee picks up the long strap off the mat and Maryse hands the title to Roberts as he exits the ring.

Match #2

Divas Championship
Strap Match
Gail Kim vs Maryse (c)

**The Bell Rings**

After the bell rings the referee cinches one end of the strap to the wrist of Gail. The ref tries to tie the cinch the other end to Maryse's wrist but she walks away which causes Gail to yell at her to put it on. Maryse yells at Gail to shut up and then she walks back over to the ref and lets him cinch the strap to her wrist to officialy get this match underway.

As soon as Maryse has the other end of the strap on her wrist, Gail yanks her forward into a big clothesline! Maryse goes down and Gail begins stomping on her as Maryse tries to roll away into the ropes but Gail stays on top of her with a running kick into the ribs of Maryse! Maryse rolls out of the ring and tries to take a breather, but Gail yanks the rope to slam Maryse down!

Gail bails out of the ring and wraps the slack from the strap up then whips it down across the back of Maryse! This match has been all Gail Kim so far as Maryse crawls towards the steps and Gail follows, but Maryse was playing possum and connects with a drop toe hold making Gail's face slam onto the steel steps!

Gail goes down as Maryse grabs the slack of the strap and whips Gail across the back with it! Maryse doesn't stop there however and instead whips Gail across the exposed lower back with the strap 5 more times!

Gail screams in pain as Maryse wraps the slack around the neck of Gail then pulls her up to her feet and up onto her back to basically hang Gail! The ref yells at Maryse to put her down so she slams Gail down on the hard floor with a gory bomb!

Maryse now throws Gail into the ring and rolls in after her as Gail is gasping for air after being choked. Maryse sees this as a chance to go for the victory and she walks into the corner and slaps the top turnbuckle! Maryse wraps the strap back around the throat of Gail and drags her into the next corner where Maryse slaps the next turnbuckle. Maryse drags Gail to the third corner and slaps the third turnbuckle! Is Maryse about to retain her title?

Maryse begins to drag Gail to the last corner but just before shes within reach of the last corner, Gail grabs the ropes to hold her ground! Maryse turns around and stomps on the hand of Gail which causes her to break her grip of the bottom rope! Maryse now tries again for the last corner, but Gail grabs the leg of Maryse and takes her down! Maryse has just lost all her progress!

Gail gets the strap off her throat and gasp for the breath as she kicks Maryse into the ropes and waits for her to get up, then hits a running clothesline sending Maryse over the top rope and to the floor!

Gail climbs up to the top turnbuckle which in turn drags Maryse up to her feet and Gail dives off the top and connects with a big crossbody off the top! Gail slaps hands with a couple fans at ringside as Maryse stumbles back up to her feet and Gail whips her on the butt with the strap! Maryse rolls into the ring to try and get away from Gail but no luck as Gail follows her in and uses the strap again, this time whipping Maryse in the leg!

Maryse jumps a bit and turns around right into Gail swinging wildly trying to smack Maryse in the face with the strap, but Maryse ducks at the last second and drops the strap but Maryse grabs it and yanks it up between the legs of Gail taking her down!

Maryse stands right behind Gail and waits for her to get up and when she does, Maryse spins her around and drops her with a French Kiss DDT! Gail looks to be knocked out after that and Maryse has big grin on her face as she walks into the corner and slaps the top turnbuckle. Maryse drags Gail to the second corner and again slaps the top turnbuckle!

Gail still seems to be out as Maryse drags her into the third corner and again Maryse slaps it, this one could be seconds away from being over! Maryse drags Gail to the fourth corner, but just before Maryse can slap it and win, Gail jumps to her feet and onto the back of Maryse, quickly taking her down!

Gail has Maryse trapped in a sleeper hold and she taps out, but of course it doesn't matter because there is no submissions! Gail keeps the hold on for another minute then releases the hold as Maryse seems to be out of it.

Gail however is taking no chances and pulls Maryse up to her feet and drops her with Eat Defeat! Maryse drops as Gail drags her into the first corner and Gail slaps it! Gail sees Maryse starting to get to her feet and she pulls her up and wraps the strap around her throat and brings her up onto her back!

Gail starts walking towards the second turnbuckle as Maryse slaps the first one. Gail slaps the second turnbuckle and Maryse slaps the second turnbuckle while still being choked on the back of Gail! Gail slowly walks into the third corner and slaps the turnbuckle and as she rounds the corner for the last turnbuckle, Maryse slaps the third turnbuckle!

Gail goes for the final turnbuckle, but Maryse slides off the back of Gail! Gail turns around and Maryse goes for the French TKO, but Gail ducks and Maryse kicks the top turnbuckle which causes her to stumble backwards and fall down! Gaiil sees this and dives into the corner and slaps the final turnbuckle just as Maryse gets back to her feet!

Justin Roberts: Here's your winner and NEW Divas Champion, Gail Kim!

**Strong and Sexy**

Gail Kim hears the announcement and takes the strap off her wrist as the referee hands her the Divas Championship and she jumps up to the top turnbuckle and raises the title high over her head as the fans cheer in approval. Kim jumps down and kisses her newly won championship as Maryse gets to her feet and glares at the new champ, but alas she bails out of the ring deciding to avoid any problems tonight. Kim keeps celebrating as the cameras cut into the locker room of The Rated R Superstar, Edge where he is stretching to prep for his match tonight until he hears a knock on the door, he looks up and Todd Grisham pokes his head in through a crack.

Grisham: Edge, I was hoping to get a quick interview with you about your match tonight?

Edge: Yeah sure come in.

Grisham leads his camera crew into the locker room and they set up as Grisham stands next to Edge.

Grisham: Edge, tonight you will be taking on your former tag team partner turned rival Chris Jericho in a Ladder Match. You both have a ton of history with Ladder Matches so how do you plan to defeat him tonight and win the World Heavyweight Championship?

Edge: Well Todd, your right. Both me and Chris have a lot of history with Ladder Matches, in fact we have been in some of the best Ladder Matches in history. But tonight it isn't about the past, it's about the present and the present is a very personal feud between Chris and I. Tonight were gonna beat the hell out of each other and in the end i'm gonna prove i'm the better man by climbing the ladder and becoming World Heavyweight Champion once again.

Grisham: Are you worried about how your knee will hold up?

Edge: You know what, i'm not. It has held up just fine since my return and I think tomight will be the same.

Grisham: Thanks for your time Edge and good luck tonight.

Grisham leads the camera crew out of the locker room as Edge goes back to stretching and we now fade out from the locker room and into a video package for the next match.

The video package shows a clip of Cryme Tyme teaming up on Smackdown, only for Shad to turn on JTG. We see another clip of Shad booting JTG in the face leading to JTG challenging Shad to a Parking Lot Brawl at Extreme Rules as the package ends.

The cameras go into the parking lot of the arena where we see Shad walk into the middle of it where there is no cars around and hes got a big chain in hand. From the other side of the parking lot we see JTG walk into camera view with a tire iron in hand as the referee signals for the time keeper in the arena to ring the bell!
Match #3

Parking Lot Brawl
JTG vs Shad

**The Bell Rings**

As soon as the ref gives them the okay both men charge at each other, swinging their weapons butonly Shad connects! JTG falls to the ground as Shad slams the chain down across his back then does it again and again and again before throwing the chain on the ground! JTG is in a ball on the ground as Shad picks up the tire iron and yells at his former partner telling him to get up! JTG stumbles to his feet and Shad takes him back down with a tire iron shot to the knee!

JTG is laying on the ground holding his knee as Shad throws the iron iron down and screams at JTG telling him hes the weak link before opening a near by car door and dragging JTG to his feet. Shad irish whips JTG trying to launch him into the open door, but JTG jumps onto the hood of the car as Shad charges him and JTG takes him down with a moonsault! Shad is down as JTG drags Shad to the open car door and slams the head of Shad into the window cracking it!

JTG grabs Shad again and slams him head first into the window again and this time he breaks it! Shad goes down with blood dripping from his head as JTG quickly covers him for the pin!

NO! Shad kicks out!

JTG gets to his feet and drags Shad over so his head is on the drivers seat then goes behind the door and hits a running dropkick into it, but Shad avoids getting his skull crushed! Shad gets to his feet as does JTG and Shad flings the door open, taking his former partner back down. Shad stays on the attack as he picks up JTG and lifts him up onto his shoulders only to slam JTG down spine first on the hood of the car!

Shad drags JTG off the hood of the car and rams him spine first into the grill of the car! Shad seems to have JTG down and out as he walks away and gets into a random car and hotwires it!


Mick Foley: Well they did used to be criminals Micheal...

Shad revs the engine a couple times as JTG hasn't moved and this could be big trouble! Shad suddenly drives full speed ahead looking to end his opponents career! NO! JTG MOVED AT THE LAST SECOND! The cars collide with high impact as the airbags come flying out and Shad's neck snaps back in the car! JTG sees what just happened as his life flashes before his eyes as he crawls over to the weapons and grabs the chain Shad brought!

JTG walks back to the door and opens the passanger side door and he sees Shad coming to, so he wraps the chain around his neck and drags him out of the car by his neck! JTG is choking out his former partner and he tells the ref to check if hes knocked out!

The ref walks over and raises the arm of Shad, but it drops. Shad gets his arm lifted again but again it drops and it looks like were mere seconds away from this one being over! Shad gets his arm raised for the third time but this time he keeps it in the air! Shad stumbles to his feet as JTG jumps onto his back to keep the chain wrapped around his neck as he knows this may be his best chance to win!

Shad charges backwards and rams JTG into the backseat door of what we know now is Micheal Cole's car and that causes JTG to let go. Shad turns around now as JTG stumbles away from the car, but Shad will have none of this and he spears JTG causing the back of his head to get slammed against the backseat door leaving a huge dent in the door!

Shad pulls JTG to his feet with his head resting against the backseat passanger side window then backs up, and charges forward and nails a running big boot that sends JTG flying through the window head first from the impact of the move! Shad flings the door open as JTG is laying on the back seat with blood coming out of the back of his head as Shad pulls him up to a sitting position and hits a big right hand to the jaw then covers him for the pin.

NO! JTG kicks out!

Shad is in shock as JTG rolls off the seat and Shad rips the tank top off JTG and then wraps it around his fist and punches out the other backseat window! Shad has something in mind here as he throws the tank top out of the car and then drags JTG up, but JTG rakes the eyes and quickly crawls out of the car to avoid a further beating!

Shad begins to crawl out of the car, but JTG slams the door shut on his head! JTG flings the door back open only to slam it on the head of Shad again and again! JTG finally drags Shad out of the car as inside the arena all that can be heard is Micheal Cole freaking out about them destroying his car.

JTG pulls Shad to his feet as clearly he's not satisfied with the beating yet and then he whips Shad against the open car door! JTG backs up as Shad begins to stumble away from the door and JTG charges him, but Shad counters whatever he had planned by scooping JTG up and powerslamming him agains the car door which causes it to fly off the hinges!

Shad looks down and sees JTG sprawled out on the car door and he laughs and says the end is near! Shad grabs the tire iron and uses it combined with his sheer force to take the hub cab off the back tire! Shad throws the tire iron down and picks up the hub cab and throws it down onto JTG! JTG rolls off the car door but he gets no chance to recover as Shad scoops him off the ground and lifts him onto his shoulders, then powerbombs him onto the roof of the car and the roof caves in!

Shad jumps onto the trunk of the car and climbs up onto the roof and hooks the leg for the pin on JTG! This one HAS to be over here right? The referee counts the pin.


Tony Chimal: Here's your winner, Shad!

**"In a Fix**

Shad climbs off the destroyed car as the refree raises his arm in victory while JTG lays broken in half on the roof of the car. The fans in the arena are in shock at the brutal beating Shad gave his former tag team partner tonight as he walks away and the referee checks on JTG as the medics come running over to check on him as well.

The cameras now go back into the arena and into the ring where Justin Roberts is standing holding a mic.

Justin Roberts: Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome the Unified WWE Tag Team Champions, Big Show and The Miz!

**I Came To Crank It Up**

The fans boo loudly as ShowMiz walk out onto the stage in their ring gear with Miz holding a mic. ShowMiz make their way down the ramp and up the steps with Miz stopping on the ring apron to shake his head in disapproval at the fans as Show steps over the ropes into the ring. Miz then follows him into the ring through the middle rope as their music cuts.

The Miz: Ever since Wrestlemania I have been put through hell by our new GM Shawn Michaels including him forcing me to defend MY United States Championship against Kofi Kingston in a Falls Count Anywhere Match! Now tonight he is forcing Big Show and I to defend our Unified Tag Team Championships in an Elimination Tables Match against The Hart Dynasty?

The fans pop at the mention of The Hart Dynasty but Miz tells the fans to shhh which only makes them boo him loudly.

The Miz: How dare you idiot fans boo me! I am The Miz, and i'm AWESOME! Tonight...

Before Miz can finish talking we hear...

**New Foundation**

The fans give a big pop as The Hart Dynasty walk out onto the stage, Tyson Kidd holding a mic while David Hart Smith is holding a table. The trio begins walking down the ramp as their music cuts.

Tyson Kidd: Miz, is that all you do is run your mouth and complain? I know we were supposed to have our Elimination Tables Match later tonight, but I figured you boys are out here dressed to compete, were out here dressed to compete, why not have the match right now!?

Kidd drops the mic and Smith drops the table as both charge into the ring and the brawl is on between champions and challengers! The teams are brawling with Kidd paring off with Miz and Smith pairing off with Show.

Kidd has Miz backed into the corner and begins attacking with right hands as a referee sprints down the ramp and calls for the bell to get this match officially underway!

Match #4

Unified Tag Team Championships
Elimination Tables Match
The Hart Dynasty vs ShowMiz (c)

**The Bell Rings**

The match is now officially underway but the two teams take no notice and keep brawling. Smith attempts a right hand to the head of Show in the corner but Show ducks and Smith's fist smashes off the top turnbuckle and Show spins him around, connecting with a big body blow to the gut of Smith causing him to double over in the corner!

Show pulls Smith back upright in the corner and nails a big slap to the chest which causes Smith to stumble out of the corner and fall on his face! Kidd and Miz meanwhile, are in a fist fight on the other side of the ring. Kidd goes for a superkick but Miz ducks and then dumps Tyson Kidd over the top rope and to the floor!

Show pulls Smith up to his feet and whips him across the ring, right into a big clothesline from Miz! Tyson Kidd gets back onto the ring apron but Miz charges him and connects with a big boot to the face!

Kidd falls off the ring apron but before Miz can turn around, Smith ducks a punch from Show and charges Miz, connecting with a dropkick to send him flying through the middle rope and to the floor! However just as Smith turns around, he gets leveled with a KO Punch from Big Show!

David Hart Smith has been knocked out as Show bails out of the ring as Tyson Kidd gets to his feet but Show drops him with a big headbutt. Miz gets to his feet and yells at Show to stay on top of Kidd and Show glares at Miz before walking over and taking down Kidd with a second headbutt!

Show picks up the steel steps now and drops them onto the legs of Kidd to trap him, meanwhile The Miz has just slid into the ring with a table he pulled out from under the ring! Smith gets to his feet and Miz grabs him from behind and goes for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Smith hip tosses Miz to escape it!

Miz goes down as Hart Smith is up to his feet and he scoops up the table and then rams it right into the ribs of Miz taking him down! Hart Smith sets up the table but this causes him to miss Big Show sliding back into the ring! Smith turns around and BAM! He gets broken in half with a massive spear from Big Show!

Natayla looks very worried as she watches ShowMiz destory David Hart Smith but then realizes Tyson Kidd is trapped so she runs over and moves the steel steps off his legs! Meanwhile in the ring Show has just tossed Hart Smith onto the table as Miz climbs up to the top turnbuckle! ShowMiz could be about to take a 2 on 1 advantage here as Miz stands up on the top turnbuckle, but suddenly, Tyson Kidd hits the ring and nails a running dropkick to the chest of Show!

Show rolls out of the ring as Kidd pulls Hart Smith off the table just in time to avoid a splash from Miz causing him to put himself through the table! However Miz has not been eliminated yet because he put himself through the table!

Kidd asks Smith if hes alright and he nods and with that both members of The Hart Dynasty connect with a double baseball slide dropkick causing Show to fall back down at ringside! Kidd jumps out of the ring and looks under the ring as Smith drags Miz out of the broken table and connects with an elbow drop to the chest.

Kidd pulls out a table from under the ring and sets it up outside the ring with it being held up by the ring apron and the guard rail, it looks like the challengers have something nasty in mind here!

Kidd slides back into the ring as Smith pulls Miz to his feet and now Hart Dynasty try to double suplex Miz through the table but Miz lands back on his feet. The Harts again lift Miz up but this time Show catches him on his shoulders! Kidd and Smith turn around and Show throws his own tag partner down onto them taking them down!

Kidd and Smith go down as Show loads up his fist and waits for one of them to get up, Kidd gets to his feet and Show goes for the KO Punch, and it hits! Kidd drops like a fly as Smith gets to his feet, but before he can attack Show he gets jumped by Miz! Miz begins pounding on Smith as Show yells at Miz to put him through the table but Miz tells Show to shut up, saying hes got this!

Show doesn't take that to kindly and pulls Miz up to his feet and grabs him by the throat! Miz begs Show to let him go as Show backs him into the corner and Show does, But The Harts are back to their feet and double clothesline Show over the top rope and to the floor!

Smith pulls Miz out of the corner and hits an inverted atomic drop as Kidd goes out onto the ring apron while Smith lifts up Miz over his head. Kidd goes for the springboard, but Show pulls Kidd off the ring apron and Chokeslams him!

Show slides into the ring as Smth spinebusters Miz and Show grabs Smith by the back of the head and spins him around then throws him over the top rope and through the table that was set up at ringside!

Justin Roberts: David Hart Smith has been eliminated!

Natayla and Tyson Kidd look on at the bottom of the ramp as they see David Hart Smith go flying through the table and Tyson Kidd realizes hes now going it alone against the tag team champions!

Tyson Kidd grabs the table that his partner brought out but before he can do anything, Miz and Big Show slide out of the ring and stand in front of the ring daring Kidd to make a move! Kidd realizes hes in trouble and throws the table at Show but he catches it so Tyson Kidd charges him and dropkicks the table into his face!

Show goes down but Miz grabs Kidd and drops him with a Skull Crushing Finale onto the table and Kidd's face gets smashed into the folded up table leg! Kidd rolls off the table and clearly hes knocked out and Natayla runs over and checks on him.

Miz now sets up the table as Show grabs Natayla by the hair and shoves her away from Kidd! Natayla hits the ground hard as Show laughs and pulls Kidd up to his feet and knees him in the ribs before lifting him up onto his shoulders! Show looks like hes about to hit a big powerbomb through the table, but then we hear...

**Return Of The Hitman**

ShowMiz look worried as Bret Hart walks out onto the stage with a steel chair! Show puts Kidd down as Bret starts walking down the ramp but Miz charges him, only for Bret to lay him out with a chair shot to the skull! The Miz is laid out as Hart reaches the bottom of the ramp and Show warns Bret if he takes another step that he will get knocked out!

Meanwhile, Tyson Kidd climbs onto the ring apron as Bret holds up the chair and Show loads up his fist, but before the stalemate can end bad for either man, Kidd kicks Show in the back of the head which causes him to turn around and Kidd hits a tornado DDT off the ring apron and through the table!

Justin Roberts: Big Show has been eliminated!

Natayla cheers in approval as Tyson Kidd has evened the odds as Big Show is laid out in the broken table. The Miz realizes the numbers are against him here so he walks up behind Natayla and puts her in a full nelson!

Natayla is struggling as Miz threatens to lay her out if Bret doesn't leave and wiith that Bret drops the chair and walks up the ramp, but just as Bret gets behind Miz he clubs him in the back! Miz lets go of Nattie who runs down the ramp and Bret drops Miz with a big right hand to the jaw of Miz!

Miz goes down as Nattie helps Tyson Kidd to his feet and he shakes the cobwebs out of his head and walks up the ramp as Bret backs up to the top of the ramp. Kidd pulls Miz up to his feet and drops him with a jumping DDT on the ramp! Miz is laid out as Natayla pulls out a table from under the ring and slides it into the ring for Kidd.

Kidd drags Miz down the ramp, taking the time to stomp on him as he reaches the bottom of the ramp then Kidd jumps onto the ring apron. Miz gets to his feet and Kidd jumps off the ring apron and hits a missle dropkick on Miz!

Kidd realizes he could be closing in on the victory as Miz crawls to the ring then rolls in but Kidd doesn't give him time to rest and jumps onto the ring apron. Miz is up to his feet and Kidd springboards into the ring, but Miz catches him in midair and counters whatever Kidd was going for with a spinebuster out of midair!

Both men are down after that with Kidd getting the worst of the move but Miz also took a nasty fall from it! Natayla is now at ringside looking worried as she yells for Kidd to get to his feet!

Shortly after this, Miz gets up to his feet and drags the table over. Kidd stumbles up to his feet and Miz nails a straight jab to the jaw to stumble Kidd further! Miz then goes for a running big boot, but Tyson Kidd ducks and Miz gets crotched on the top rope! Tyson Kidd pushes Miz out onto the ring apon then drags the table over and attempts to suplex Miz through it but Miz lands back on his feet on the ring apron.

Kidd gets frustrated and hits a roundhouse kick to the side of the head of Miz that knocks him down! Kidd pulls Miz back up to his feet and hooks him up for a suplex, but Miz lands on his feet behind Kidd and drops him with a Skull Crushing Finale!

Tyson Kidd is laid out as the fans reign down boos on Miz who drags Kidd to his feet and throws him onto the table! Miz may have this one in the bag as he goes out onto the ring apron and slowly climbs up to the top turnbuckle! Miz stands up but before he can do anything, Natayla jumps onto the ring apron and grabs the leg of Miz which crotches him on the top turnbuckle!

Miz lets out a scream in pain as Natayla yells for Kidd to get off the table but he's still out of it from the Skull Crushing Finale! Natayla enters the ring now but then we see Big Show running down the ramp! Natayla pulls Kidd off the table as Show gets up on the ring apron and Tyson Kidd charges him, only to get nailed with a huge KO Punch!

Kidd drops like a fly as Show steps over the top rope and he may have an evil plan for the second generation diva! Show grabs Natayla by the throat, but just as he does we see David Hart Smith sprinting down the ramp with a steel chair! Hart Smith slides into the ring and slams the chair across the back of Show causing him to release Natayla who bails out of the ring!

Show turns to face Smith who smashes the chair over his skull and Show stumbles into the ropes before getting whacked again in the skull with the chair and this time he falls through the middle rope! Big Show lays on the floor holding his head in pain as Miz hits a missile dropkick on Smith knocking the chair into his face!

David Hart Smith rolls out of the ring and it looks like were down to 1 on 1 again with Tyson Kidd still down! Miz drags Kidd to his feet in front of the table and goes for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Kidd counters out of the hold and Miz swings for a right hand, but Kidd ducks and Miz's fist slams down onto the table! Kidd now hits a dropkick which sends Miz flying onto the table!

Miz is laid out on the table as Kidd goes out onto the ring apron then springboards into the ring and splashes Miz right through the table! This is finally over and we have new champions!

Justin Roberts: The Miz has been eliminated! There for your winners and NEW Unified WWE Tag Team Champions, The Hart Dynasty!

**New Foundation**

The crowd roars with approval as Natayla and David Hart Smith roll into the ring and help Tyson Kidd to his feet and they raise his arms in victory after doing the unthinkable and defeating BOTH members of ShowMiz in an Elimination Tables Match!

The ref now hands The Hart Dynasty their championships and they raise them up high as Bret Hart walks out onto the stage and claps in approval of the big win tonight. The Hart Dynasty bails from the ring now and walk up the ramp to embrace with Bret as Miz sits up and locks eyes with Big Show, who shakes his head in disappointment as the cameras change focus to the titantron where a video package begins.

The video package shows Triple H eliminating Sheamus from the Elimination Chamber, followed by Sheamus attacking Triple H weeks later on Raw. We now see the end of the two warriors Wrestlemania Match where Triple H defeated Sheamus. The package ends with a clip of Sheamus attacking Shawn Michaels the next night on Raw right after he accepted the Raw GM job, Triple H challenging Sheamus to a Last Man Standing Match at Extreme Rules and Sheamus accepting the challenge after dropping Triple H with a Brouge Kick in the Celtic Warriors Locker Room.

The cameras now go to the ring where Justin Roberts is standing with a mic and it's clear all the broken tables have been cleaned up from the previous match.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is a Last Man Standing Match! Now, in this match there will be no pinfalls, no submissions and the only way to win is by beating down your opponent to the point that they cannot answer the referees 10 count anywhere in the arena. Introducing first, from Dublin, Ireland weighing in at 267 pounds, The Celtic Warrior, Sheamus!

**Written In My Face**

Sheamus walks out onto the stage with the same steel pipe in hand he used to attack Shawn Michaels just four weeks ago and he beats his chest. Sheamus now throws his arms into the air and quickly makes his way down the ramp as the fans reign down boos on him. Sheamus walks up the steps and backs into the corner before removing his big metal necklase and tossing it down in the corner behind him, all the while keeping the steel pipe in hand.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Greenwich, Connecticut weighing in at 255 pounds, he is The Game, Trrriple H!

**The Game**

The fans give a HUGE pop once the music hits and Triple H walks out onto the stage with his head down and trademark watter bottle in hand. Sheamus paces in the ring as Triple H makes his way down the ramp with his eyes locked on Sheamus in the ring. Triple H walks around ringside and takes one final big sip of water then throws his water bottle into the crowd and jumps onto the ring apron and steps through the ropes. The ref is now holding back Sheamus as Triple H climbs up into the corner opposite of Sheamus and flexes for the fans before climbing down as his music cuts.

Match #5

Last Man Standing
Sheamus vs Triple H

**The Bell Rings**

Both men walk into the middle of the ring and begin to circle each other as Sheamus swings wildly with the pipe, but Triple H ducks and takes down Sheamus with a double leg tackle! The pipe goes flying and Triple H lays in wild rights and lefts to the face as Sheamus does his best to cover up before eventullay shoving HHH off and getting to his feet.

Sheamus is back to his feet as is Triple H and right away Sheamus goes for a Brouge Kick, but no dice as Triple H ducks and Sheamus gets hung up on the top rope! Triple H grabs the pipe and charges Sheamus, drilling him in the side of the head with the pipe and knocking Sheamus over the top rope and to the floor!

Sheamus is down but Triple H bails out of the ring and stands over Sheamus yelling for him to get to his feet! Sheamus gets up and Triple H swings for the fences but Sheamus ducks and then hits a running double axe handle to the back of the head taking The Game down!

Sheamus now looks under the ring and pulls out a kindo stick from under the ring! Triple H gets up to his feet and Sheamus cracks the kindo stick over his back! Triple H stumbles away as Sheamus breaks the kindo stick over the back of the head of Triple H, possibly knocking him out!

Sheamus stands over The Game who lays face down on the mat and he demands the ref count him out!


Triple H is back to his feet and right away he gets drilled with a Brouge Kick! Sheamus however tells the referee not to count and instead pulls Triple H up to his feet and picks him up, ramming him spine first into the ring post then into the guard rail!

Triple H leans against the guard railbut not for long as Sheamus charges Triple H with a clothesline to send him flying over the guard rail and into the first row of fans! Sheamus now hops over the guard rail as the fans move away and Triple H is back to his feet, but Sheamus takes him down with a right hand to the jaw!

Triple H stumbles further into the crowd as Sheamus charges him, but Triple H takes him down with a Double A Spinebuster onto the arena stairs! Sheamus lays in pain holding the back of his head after that brutal move and the ref hops over the guard rail and walks over, just as Triple H tells him to count him out!


Sheamus stumbles to his feet! The Celtic Warrior shows a ton of heart as he gets back to his feet with blood trickling from the back of his head! Triple H dares Sheamus to charge him and right away he charges, looking for a Brouge Kick, but Triple H sidesteps! Sheamus turns around and Triple H nails a running high knee taking his rival down again!

Triple H now pulls Sheamus to his feet and throws him over the guard rail and back to ringside then hops over the guard rail as Sheamus crawls away from The Game. Triple H however stays in control with an elbow drop across the back of Sheamus!

Sheamus goes down again as Triple H looks under the ring and pulls out a steel chair! Sheamus stumbles to his feet and he stumbles onto the bottom of the ramp after staggering backwards and Triple H rams the chair into the ribs of Sheamus to double him over then slams the chair across his back!

Triple H throws the chair down on the bottom of the ramp then pulls Sheamus up to his feet and knees her ribs then hooks the arms looking for the Pedigree, but Sheamus shoves Triple H away then kicks him in the knee causing him to fall face first onto the chair!

Sheamus sees Triple H go down and he walks back to ringside and rolls into the ring, grabs his steel pipe then rolls back out of the ring as Triple H gets to his feet, and Sheamus charges him and hits a running shot to the back of the knee with the pipe taking Triple H back down!

Sheamus looks like a shark who has seen blood in the water as Triple H holds his knee and Sheamus drives the pipe into the knee 3 more times! Triple H rolls off the ramp holding his knee as Sheamus hops off the ramp and he pulls Triple H to his feet, only to whack him in the injured right knee with the pipe to take him back down!

Triple H goes down as Sheamus throws the pipe down and grabs the steel chair from the ramp and demands the ref count The Game out!


But Triple H has begun stirring, which causes Sheamus to slam the chair across his back! Sheamus yells at Triple H to stay down and again tells the ref to count him out!


But Triple H is up to his knees which causes Sheamus to lose it and slam the chair across his back again and again and again and again! Sheamus throws the chair down as it's all bent and Triple H lays in front of the stage not moving and Sheamus tells the ref to count him out!


But Triple H stumbles up to his feet! Sheamus is in shock as Triple H is putting no pressure on his right leg, Sheamus charges Triple H, but before he can do anything he gets back dropped onto the stage! Triple H climbs up onto the stage and pulls Sheamus to his feet and looks for the Pedigree, but Sheamus low blows him!

Triple H goes down as Sheamus can see he may be able to go for the kill right here and pulls Triple H to his feet then loads him up with his head between his legs, this may be the beginning of a High Cross attempt! Sheamus beats his chest three times then lifts Triple H up onto his shoulders and goes for the High Cross, but Triple H lands on his feet behind Sheamus and shoves him off the stage and he crashes and burns on the hard cement floor!

Both of these warriors are laid out and the ref checks on both quickly then begins his count!


But Triple H is able to get to his feet! Triple H however just leans against the stage set up and tells the ref to finish his count on Sheamus!


But Sheamus has gotten to his feet! Triple H seems surprised as Sheamus gets back onto the stage and now both men get into a fist fight on the stage! Sheamus and Triple H are going blow for blow, that is until Sheamus kicks Triple H in the knee! Sheamus then pulls Triple H in close and drops him with a Irish Curse Backbreaker!

Sheamus backs up and beats his chest, yelling for Triple H to get up and this one may be seconds away from being over! Triple H uses the ref for support as he gets to his feet and Sheamus looks ready to finish this one off!

Triple H is up to his feet and turns around but as soon as he turns to face his rival, he gets laid out with a big Brouge Kick! Triple H drops but Sheamus sees the ref moving in to begin his count and decides he isn't done yet so he turns the ref around and lifts him up onto his shoulders, then drops him with the High Cross!

The fans reign down boos as Sheamus has not only destoryed Triple H but he has also taken out a helpless referee! Sheamus now quickly walks down the ramp then pulls out a table from under the ring and leans it against the side of the ring.

Triple H crawls onto the top of the ramp as Sheamus picks up the steel steps and this could be bad for The Game. Sheamus waits for Triple H to get to his feet and now charges him, but Triple H sees him coming and charges as well, nailing a big running knee lift to knock the steps into Sheamus's face! But he uses the bad knee since he can't stand on it and goes down from the impact!

Triple H and Sheamus are both down with Triple H holding his knee in pain as he crawls down the ramp, until Sheamus grabs the bad leg of Triple H! Sheamus gets to his feet and lifts Triple H up by his knee and slams it into the steel ramp! Triple H rolls away trying to get to the bottom of the ramp as Sheamus has his eyes nearly bugging out of his head as he looks to end the career of Triple H tonight!

Triple H gets to his feet in front of the table as Sheamus charges towards Triple H, looking to spear him through the table, but no! Triple H moves at the last second and Sheamus flys through the table breaking it in half! Triple H looks shocked as Sheamus lays not moving and Triple H rolls into the ring as a second ref runs out and begins the count on Sheamus!


NO! Sheamus is back to his feet!

Triple H is in shock as Sheamus has blood on the back of his neck and all in his hair as he pulls out a steel chair from under the ring. Triple H sees this and bails out of the ring on the other side as Sheamus slides into the ring and Triple H pulls out his trademark sledgehammer from under the ring!

Just as Triple H pulls the sledgehammer out from underneath the ring however, Sheamus takes down Triple H with a springboard shoulder block taking him down! The fans shockingly give a small pop for the nice move from Sheamus as he pulls the chair out of the ring and throws it down then pulls Triple H to his feet and DDT's him onto the chair!

Triple H is laid out as Sheamus walks over to the time keepers area and grabs an empty steel chair and folds it up then connects with not one, not two, but THREE vicious conchairtos on Triple H! A pool of blood quickly fills out on the chair as Sheamus kicks Triple H to roll him over and it's now clear his face is covered in blood!

Sheamus clearly has this match in hand but he decides that instead of taking the victory he wants to finish Triple H off for good and grabs the chair he just slammed into Triple H's skull 3 times and places it on te right knee of Triple H!

Sheamus now jumps onto the ring apron and then climbs up to the top turnbuckle,this is gonna end very bad from what it seems for Triple H! Sheamus stands up but just before he can jump off and crush the knee of Triple H, The Game begins to crawl away with the chair on his knee still!

Sheamus jumps down onto the ring apron and hops off and grabs the sledgehammer that Triple H brought out as Triple H pushes the chair off his knee. Sheamus however still raises the sledgehammer above his head and goes to slam it down, but Triple H moves his leg out of the way at the last possible second!

Sheamus drops the sledgehammer after he failed to break the leg of Triple H but still stays on the attack by dragging Triple H back over to him and dropping an elbow onto the right leg! Sheamus now rips off the knee pad from the right knee and throws it into the crowd then grabs the sledgehammer again, if this connects it HAS to be the end of the career of The Game!

Sheamus stalks Triple H who is trying to get back up using the ring apron for support but Sheamus kicks out his injured leg from under him! Triple H falls back down and Sheamus raises the sledgehammer up over his head but instead of slamming it down, he tells the referee to make the count then yells at Triple H warning him if he doesn't stay down that he's gonna get his leg broken!


But Triple H sits up and does a crotch chop to Sheamus! Sheamus is FURIOUS and tries to slam the hammer down onto the knee of Triple H, but Triple H rolls out of the way and ends up behind Sheamus who drops the hammer as Triple H reaches up and low blows Sheamus!

Sheamus goes down as Triple H crawls over to his sledgehammer and uses it to finally get to his feet! Sheamus stumbles to his feet as Triple H comes up behind Sheamus and nails him in the back of the head with the sledgehammer and Sheamus is out cold, face down on the floor! Triple H stumbles back and leans against the steel steps using his sledgehammer as a cane almost as he tells the referee to count Sheamus out!


Justin Roberts: Here's your winner, The Game, Trrrriple H!

**The Game**

The fans give a big pop and rise to their feet as Triple H is announced as the winner and his music blares through the speakers in the arena. Triple H throws down the sledgehammer and the referee bails out of the ring and raises Triple H's arm in victory. The referee now signals for the medics to come out and they do so to check on both men. However as the medics go to check on Triple H he shoves them off and starts to walk away on his own with a limp as he reaches the bottom of the ramp however his leg gives out and he falls down. Two referees now run out to check on Triple H and they help him back to his feet and end up helping him to the back with every fan in the arena on their feet showing respect for both Triple H and Sheamus, who went through hell tonight in this Last Man Standing Match.

The cameras show Triple H showing a thumbs up before cutting backstage to the interview area.

The cameras show Todd Grisham standing in the interview area with a mic.

Todd Grisham: Ladies and Gentleman, my guest at this time The Viper, Randy Orton!

Randy Orton walks into camera view and stands next to Grisham and lightly pats him on the back.

Todd Grisham: Randy, tonight you face off against Batista and WWE Champion John Cena in an Extreme Rules Match for the WWE Championship. What is your stratgey going to be to win the match?

Randy Orton: Todd, I've gone to war many times with John Cena in the past and I know his moveset just as well, if not better than he knows mine. I know what to expect from him and I know those fans are probably going to support him which will make him fight harder and that's fine but I doubt that'll be enough to beat me, a borderline psychotic manaic in an Extreme Rules Match!

Todd Grisham: What about Batista? You have had your problems with him over the last few weeks including him attacking you with multiple sneak attacks.

Randy Orton: Batista is in for the fight of his life tonight. You see, unlike John Cena, I don't respect Batista. I am going to use every weapon at my disposal to beat the living hell out of him. Hell, maybe at the end of the match i'll punt his skull in.

Todd Grisham: That's all the time we have, thanks for your time Randy.

Randy walks away with his game face on as the cameras go back to the ring.

We fade out from the interview area to a video package to highlight the upcoming match. The package begins with a clip of CM Punk singing happy birthday to Rey Mysterio's daughter and from there goes to their Wrestlemania match where Rey Mysterio won to avoid having to join The Straight Edge Society. We now see multiple clips of the SES laying out Rey leading to the announcement of tonights Stretcher Match where it's Straight Edge Pledge vs The Disbanning of the SES which leads to the end of the video package.

Tony Chimal: The following contest is a Stretcher Match! Now in this match, if Rey Mysterio loses he must join the Straight Edge Society and if CM Punk loses, The Straight Edge Soicety must disband! Introducing first, from Chicago, Illnois weighing in at 218 pounds CM Punk!

**This Fire Burns**

The fans boo loudly as The Straight Edge Society walk out onto the stage, lead by their trusted leader who goes down to one knee on the stage while Gallows extends his arms to his sides and Punk informs us it's clobberin time. Punk gets to his feet as Serena hands him a mic and his muis cuts as he begins walking down the ramp.

Punk: Tonight I am doing you all a favor, tonight i'm doing Rey Mysterio a favor and saving him from himself by forcing him to take the straight edge pledge.

The fans begin booing louder than before as the SES has reached the bottom of the ramp.

Punk: Look at you all, drinking your beers, you all need to learn to just say NO! Say no to your vices and accept me as your leader down the path to a pure life.

Punk steps through the ropes into the ring as Gallows and Serena go down to their knees in front of Punk.

Punk: Rey Mysterio, tonight is your first night on the path to becoming a pure man who's mind is clear of drugs and all other vices. It's just a shame i'm going to have to beat you down so bad that you have to be stretchered out of this arena before you will accept me as your leader.

Punk throws down the mic as his followers raise their fists to Punk who in turn stands over them with his fist raised which causes LOUD boos from the fans.
**Booyaka 619**

The fans give a MASSIVE pop as Rey Mysterio walks out onto the stage and stares down the ramp and into the ring at his long time rival who ushers his followers out of the ring as Mysterio quickly makes his way down the ramp, stopping to greet his masked fans personally along either side of the ramp. Mysterio reaches the bottom of the ramp then walks up the steps as Punk rolls his knuckles while waiting. Mysterio steps through the ropes and tosses his shirt into the crowd as his music cuts.

Match #6

Stretcher Match
Rey Mysterio vs CM Punk

**The Bell Rings**

As the bell sounds we see Punk and Mysterio circle each other before Luke Gallows jumps onto the ring apron! Rey sees this and charges him, knocking him off the ring apron with a right hand to the jaw! Rey turns around and waks right into a roundhouse kick from Punk! Rey drops as Punk kicks him out of the ring then distracts the ref which gives Serena and Gallows the chance to pound on the back of Rey!

Punk sees Gallows and Serena pull Rey to his feet and Punk shoves the ref aside and charges him then dives through the ropes taking him down with a suicide dive! Punk gets to his feet as his lackeys clap for him and he extends his arms out to his sides and soaks in boos from the fans. Rey gets to his feet, but Punk shoves him in the back sending him crashing head first into the steel steps! Punk however goes on the attack with a running knee to the side of the head to drop Rey!

Rey is laid out as Punk yells at Serena to get him a chair and she quickly walks over to the announce tables. While she does this, Punk tells Gallows to "stay on him" as he walks away to the entrance ramp and begins walking up the ramp towards the stretcher while Gallows lays in heavy boots to the chest of Rey! Punk begins to slowly drag the stretcher down the ramp behind him as Serena is standing at ringside holding the chair while Gallows has scoop slammed Rey onto the steel steps. Punk reaches ringside and puts the stretcher right next to Rey then grabs the chair from Serena as Rey gets to his feet on top of the steel steps, only to get the chair rammed into his ribs! Rey doubles over as Punk walks up the steps then swings with the chair and it connects with the skull of Rey who falls backwards onto the stretcher, causing it to tip over!

Punk throws the chair down then hops off the steps and pulls the stretcher back up then pulls Rey to his feet and rams him spine first into the guard rail. Punk grabs the end of the stretcher that's further away from Rey and charges forward, ramming the stretcher into the ribs of Rey! Punk lifts Rey onto his shoulders and goes for the GTS, but Rey slides down his back and dropkicks Punk forward onto the stretcher! Gallows charges forward looking for a clothesline, but Rey ducks it and then hits a jumping hurricanrana taking down Gallows! Rey seems to be taking control of this match as he has Gallows down and Punk is laying on the stretcher, but he forgot about Serena who blasts him in the back with the steel chair!

**Mack Milltant**

The fans go from booing to cheering as the music of Smackdown GM kicks up and Teddy Long quickly walks out onto the stage with a mic. Serena has quickly dropped the chair and gone over to help Gallows to his feet as the music cuts and all 4 people are watching to see what he has to say.

Teddy Long: Now hold up playas, I am not going to have this match ruined by The Straight Edge Society using the numbers game! It's not fair to Rey Mysterio or these great fans. That's why as of right now, I am EJECTING Luke Gallows AND Serena from ringside!

Teddy walks backstage as Gallows and Serena freak out about the decision and refuse to leave. Rey claps for Teddy's decision as 4 security guards begin to walk down the ramp and they begin to escort Gallows and Serena up the ramp and to the back! Rey laughs as he realizes he now has a fair 1 on 1 match with his rival who comes from behind and blasts him in the back of the head with a running double sledge! Punk takes advantage of Mysterio being distracted and begins to attack him with knees to his back and side non stop for a full thirty seconds before finally backing off.

Punk has full control of the match and he knows it as he looks under the ring for a weapon, and pulls out a kindo stick! This could be trouble as Punk slams the kindo stick down on the floor daring Mysterio to get to his feet! Rey stumbles to his feet as Punk raises the kindo stick over his head and cracks it across the back of Rey! Rey stumbles over to the guard rail while Punk charges him, looking for a running kindo stick shot to the ribs but Rey sidesteps and Punk connects hard with the guard rail!

Punk drops the kindo stick as it stings his hands and he stumbles away, but Rey jumps onto the ring apron then climbs up to the top turnbuckle. Punk turns around and Rey dives off the top, looking for a big crossbody, but Punk amazingly rolls through the move and lifts Rey up onto his shoulders! The fans are in shock as Punk counters the high flying masked man and has him up on his shoulders, GTS! The Go To Sleep connects and Rey might be out cold after that nasty knee to the jaw!

Punk has Rey right where he wants him as he pulls his dead weight up then throws him onto the near by stretcher! Punk laughs as the fans boo him loudly and he grabs the end of the stretcher and begins to slowly wheel it up the ramp! Rey rolls off the stretcher half way up the ramp but Punk sees this and goes for a roundhouse kick, but Rey ducks and then jumps onto the stretcher and dives off with a spinning tornado DDT! Punk goes down on the ramp as Rey hits a low dropkick to the back that sends Punk flying off the ramp to the and into the guard rail at the left side of the ramp!

Rey walks up the ramp and over the yellow line onto the stage as Punk stumbles away from the guard rail and walks towards the stage on the floor, but Rey takes a running start then dives off hitting the West Coast Pop on Punk causing his skull to bounce off the cement floor! The fans give a nice pop for this as Rey slaps hands with a couple fans before walking back over to Punk and throwing him up onto the ramp! Rey jumps onto the ramp and pulls Punk to his feet and hits him with a spin kick into the ribs followed right up by a jumping DDT to take down Punk face first onto the steel ramp!

Rey is on fire right now as he drags the stretcher over to where Punk is, which is about a foot away from the yellow line at the very top of the ramp. Rey drags Punk to his feet and snaps off a standing hurricanrana which sends Punk flying onto the stretcher! Rey realizes this is his chance to win and he drags the stretcher up to the yellow line, but just before Rey can drag it over the line he gets blasted in the back of the head by an oncoming Gallows!

The fans boo loudly as Gallows puts the boots to Rey before dragging him to his feet and then dropping him with a big Gallows Pole on the stage! Two security guards run out and handcuff Gallows before dragging him backstage again with the fans reigning down boos! CM Punk rolls off the stretcher and he sees his rival down and gets a huge smirk across his face as he walks over to Rey and drags him over to the stretcher, making his back rake across the steel the whole way.

Punk lifts Rey up to his feet and he lifts him up onto his shoulders then drops him with the GTS! Rey is knocked out from the second GTS of the match! Punk drags the dead weight of Mysterio up to his feet and drops him onto the stretcher to MASSIVE boos from the fans as he slowly drags the stretcher up to the yellow line then yells "STRAIGHTEDGE MEANS I'M BETTER THAN YOU!" before draging the stretcher across the yellow line! This one is over!

Tony Chimal: Here's your winner, CM Punk!

**This Fire Burns**

CM Punk celebrates as he raises his fist high in the air while Luke Gallows and Serena walk out onto the stage and hug their leader. Gallows and Serena drop to their knees and riase their fists into the air while Punk stands over them with his fist still in the air. The fans are in shock as Rey Mysterio will now be forced to join the Straight Edge Society but luckily for him, that's not happening tonight as Punk leads his followers backstage as the cameras fade out.

The cameras go to the interview area where Todd Grisham stands with Chris Jericho.

Grisham: Ladies and Gentleman, my guest at this time, the World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho.

The fans boo loudly as Jericho just glares at Grisham and at the camera.

Grisham: Chris, tonight your going to be taking on Edge in a Ladder Match where your World Heavyweight Championship will be suspended 20 feet above the ring. Earlier tonight Edge told me...

Before he can finish his sentance, Jericho snatches the mic away from Grisham.

Jericho: Do I look like I care what Edge had to say earlier?

Grisham takes a step back in fear as Jericho just glares at him, clearly he isn't expecting an answer.

Jericho: I don't care what Edge thinks will happen, I don't care what these people think will happen. All the fans in the arena are moronic parasites who can't think of anything intelligent to say so instead they join in with that neanderthal Edge with his stupid Spear chant. I swear that's the only word these idiots know because it's all they ever say!

This of course causes the fans to begin a loud SPEAR chant back inside the arena.

Jericho: See what I mean?!? Listen you moronic parasites if you don't stop with that stupid chant i'm gonna...

Before he can finish his thought, Jericho gets drilled out of nowhere with a HUGE SPEAR! The cameras pan up and we see Edge standing over the champ with a smirk on his face as he picks up the mic.

Edge: Spear. Spear. Spear.

Edge drops the mic onto the chest of Jericho who is doubled over on the ground in pain holding his ribs while Edge walks away laughing at getting the better of his opponent tonight.

The cameras cut from the interview area to the locker room area where Josh Matthews is walking towards the locker room of WWE Champion, John Cena. Matthews knocks on the door and gets told it's open so he leads the camera man with him into the locker room.

Josh Matthews: John, can I get a quick interview with you before your match tonight?

John Cena stands up and walks over to Josh before saying sure as he adjusts his championship on his shoulder.

Josh Matthews: John, we are just moments away from your Extreme Rules Match against Batista and Randy Orton where your WWE Championship will be on the line. How do you plan on not only surviving that match in one piece but also retaining your championship?

John Cena: Well Josh, i'm not gonna lie to you and say "oh i'm gonna go out there and dominate both guys, hit my finisher and win the match" because honestly, it's not that simple. Batista may have won this championship in a shady way but he put me through hell at Wrestlemania and i'm sure he will do it again tonight! Randy Orton on the other hand is a very different type of warrior. He is always thinking, always plotting his next move and he will do whatever it takes to get his hands on the WWE Title again. Josh, bottom line is, i'm about to step into hell with two other guys and only one of us is walking out with their soul!

Josh Matthews: Are you at all worried that Mr.McMahon might do something to cost you the championship again like he did at Elimination Chamber?

John Cena: You know, i'm always on the look out for things like that Josh. But I can't go out there worrying about what if's cause there is nothing I can do to prevent them. I'm gonna go out there, i'm gonna fight my ass off and win, lose or draw i'm gonna walk out tonight knowing I gave it my all.

Josh Matthews: Fair enough. Thanks for your time John.

The camera turns off as Cena pats Josh on the back as he walks out with the camera man as Cena does some last minute preperations in his locker room as the cameras cut to the tron where a video package begins.

The video package begins with John Cena retaining his WWE Championship in the Elimination Chamber, only for Batista to come out and destroy him in a matter or seconds to become the new WWE Champion. We now see brief highlights from John Cena vs Batista at Wrestlemania with John Cena in the end winning back his WWE Championship. The final clips we see are Batista becoming #1 contender the night after Wrestlemania, Batista officially becoming a Raw superstar and finally, All three men laying each other out with finishers with Randy Orton being the last man standing as the package ends.

The cameras now go to the ring where we see Justin Roberts standing with a mic ass the fans are abuzz waiting for the introductions for our first main event of the evening.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is an Extreme Rules Match and it is for the WWE Championship! Introducing first, from St.Louis, Missouri weighing in at 235 pounds, The Apex Predator Randy Orton!


The fans give a nice pop with a few boos mixed in as Randy Orton walks out onto the stage. Orton looks out at the fans then slowly and methoictially makes his way down the ramp, ignoring fans per usual along the way. Orton reaches the bottom of the ramp and strolls over to the steel steps and slaps them before running up them. Orton now steps through the ropes and climbs up to the top turnbuckle, striking his signature pose to a good pop as his music cuts.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Washington, D.C. weighing in at 290 pounds The Animal, Batista!

**I Walk Alone**

The fans give MASSIVE boos to The Animal Batista as the lights go out in the arena and he walks out onto the stage with a single spotlight showing him standing on the stage. Batista walks down the ramp with a single spotlight following him down the ramp as the fans reign down boos on him. Batista jumps onto the ring apron and steps through the ropes as the lights come back on with Randy Orton glaring at his opponent tonight.

Justin Roberts: And their opponent, from West Newbury, Massachusetts weighing in at 251 pounds he is the WWE Champion, Johnnnn Cennnaaaaaaa!

**My Time Is Now**

The fans give the loudest pop of the night as John Cena walks out onto the stage with the WWE Championship resting on his shoulder. Cena looks out at the fans who are all on their feet then looks down to the ring at his two challengers then comes in close to the camera and says it's time to fight before sprinting down the ramp and sliding into the ring under the bottom rope. Cena jumps up to his feet and throws his hat into the crowd as both challengers lock eyes with the champ. Cena backs into the corner and tosses his shirt into the crowd before taking off his dogtags, kissing them and putting them in his back pocket. Cena hands the title over to the referee who raises it up high before giving it to Roberts as he exits the ring.

Match #7

WWE Championship
Extreme Rules Match
Randy Orton vs Batista vs John Cena (c)

**The Bell Rings**

As the bell rings the three men all step into the middle of the ring and begin to circle each other. They all seem to be waiting to see who will make the first move, that is until Batista jumps out of the ring and walks to the bottom of the ramp. Cena and Orton look confused as Batista motions for them to go at it but instead they look at each other and nod before sliding out of the ring and hitting a double clothesline on Batista! Cena and Orton both pull Batista to their feet and toss him into the ring as they follow him in and Batiata gets to his feet, only to walk right into a double rolling punch from his opponents!

Batista gets no chance at rest though as Cena pulls him back up and pops him with a right hand to the jaw! Batista turns and walks into a big right from Orton and now Cena and Orton have Batista reeling with about 4 more right hands to the skull each before Orton drops Batista with a picture perfect dropkick!

Batista goes down as Cena and Orton lock eyes and now a fist fight breaks out between the two! Orton gets the advantage in the fist fight after a kick to the gut and he shoots Cena off the ropes, but Cena nails him with a running shoulder block! Cena bounces up and shoots off the ropes and takes down Orton with a second running shoulder block! Orton stumbles up to his feet and Cena quickly takes him down with the spinout powerbomb!

Orton is reeling as Cena lets him know that he can't see him before bouncing off the ropes and connecting with the five knuckle shuffle! Orton rolls over onto his belly as Cena stands at the ready waiting for him to get up! Orton stumbles up to his feet and Cena scoops him up onto his shoulders! Cena walks into the middle of the ring as Batista gets to his feet and nails a huge Spear on Cena!

Cena goes down and rolls out of the ring as Orton is in the ropes and Batista pulls him up, then knees him in the gut and lifts him up for a Batista Bomb, but Orton slides down his back and stacks him up for a school boy pin!

NO! Batista kicks out!

Orton springs up to his feet just before Batista gets up and Orton goes for the RKO, but Batista shoves him off and Orton walks right into a dropkick from Cena! Batista now charges Cena and goes for a clothesline, but Cena backdrops Batista over the top rope and to the floor! Orton comes up behind Cena and drops him with his trademark backbreaker! Cena goes down as Orton covers him for the pin!

NO! Batista breaks it up with a chair shot to the back of Orton!

Batista waits for Orton to get up and rams the chair into his ribs then slams it over his back to take him down! Batista turns around and sees Cena get up so he slams the chair over his skull to take him out! Batiata throws the chair down after laying waste to his opponents but he doesn't go for a cover and instead rolls out of the ring and pulls out a table from under the ring! Batista slides the table into the ring then pulls out a kindo stick from under the ring and slides into the ring with it!

Batista sees Cena get to his feet and he whacks him in the ribs with the kindo stick to double him over and make him crumble to the mat! Orton gets up and Batista does the same to him that he did to Cena! Batista now throws down the kindo stick and picks up the table, setting it up in the far corner. Batista stands back waiting for one of his opponents to get to their feet and Cena is up first so Batista drags him over to the table before throwing him onto it! Batista hits a few right hands to the face to keep Cena down as Orton charges Batista and chopblocks out his knee!

Orton hits a few punches of his own to Cena while he waits for Batista to get up then Orton kicks him in the gut and tries to suplex him through the table, but Batista lands back on his feet and hits a suplex of his own! Batista grabs the steel chair from earlier as Orton gets to his feet and Batista hits him over the head with the chair! Orton stumbles into the ropes then falls out of the ring as Batista turns back to Cena, who is off the table and lifts Batista onto his shoulders and hits him with the Attitude Adjustment through the table!

Batista is laid out as Cena drags him away from the ropes and hooks the leg for the pin and this one could be over!

NO! Orton breaks it up!

Orton pulls Cena to his feet and decks him with a right hand to the skull which causes Cena to fall into the ropes. Orton charges Cena and nails him with a running clothesline that sends him tumbling over the top rope and to the floor! Orton turns around and kicks Batista out of the ring under the bottom rope and just like that he's cleared the ring of both his opponents!

Orton bails out of the ring and grabs Batista and slams him head first into the announce table! Cena walks over to the two challengers and pops them both with right hands before slamming the skull of Batista into the announce table and Batista stumbles away. Orton picks up the steel steps as Cena follows up on Batista by shoving him from behind into the guard rail!

Batista is leaning against the guard rail as Cena turns around and walks right into a running shot to the skull from the steel steps! Cena goes down as Orton throws the steps down and drags Cena up onto the ring apron and puts him in a headlock then drops him with a hangman DDT onto the steel steps! Cena is down face first on the steps as Orton walks over to Batista and tosses him over the guard rail and into the crowd! Orton grabs a steel chair from ringside then walks over to Cena, connecting with a chair shot to the back of the head with Cena's face still on the steps!

Cena rolls off the steps as Orton places the chair onto the steps before pulling Cena back up to his feet, and hitting a snap suplex that makes him land hard on the steps! Cena rolls off the steps holding his back and Batista climbs back over the guard rail. Orton grabs the chair as Cena stumbles up to his feet with woobly legs and he walks right into a chair shot to the skull which busts him wide open! Orton drops the chair and throws Cena back into the ring but before he can take advantage, Batista comes charging with a Spear that knocks him into the guard rail hard!

Orton is sitting against the guard rail as Batista looks under the ring, and pulls out a trash can from under the ring! Batista throws the trash can into the ring then pulls out two trash can lids and slides into the ring with them as Cena gets up and walks right into a trash can lid shot to the head! Cena goes down as Batista throws the lids down then pulls Cena up to his feet and lifts him up onto his shoulders, this could be trouble as Batista attempts the Batista Bomb, but Cena counters with a tornado DDT onto the trash can!

Batista is down face first on the can as Orton slithers into the ring with a kindo stick but Cena sees him coming and picks up one of the trash can lids but Orton swings the kindo stick and knocks the lid out of his hands! Orton now whacks him over the head with the kindo stick and Cena stumbles backwards as Orton drops the kindo stick, then hits a running RKO onto the trash can lid! Oh my god that was brutal and this one might be over as Orton covers Cena for the pin!

NO! Batista pulls Orton off the pin!

Batista throws Orton shoulder first into the ring post then quickly covers Cena himself and oh my god is Batista gonna steal the victory here?

NO! Orton breaks it up!

Orton pulls Batista to his feet and hits a few punches then connects on a dropkick which causes Batista to stumble into the ropes! Orton grabs the trash can lid that isn't under Cena's head and swings it, connecting with The Animal and knocking him through the middle rope! Orton slams the trash can lid across the back of Cena then bails out of the ring, but Batista was playing possum and launches Orton head first into the top of the guard rail! Batista gets to his feet and lifts Orton up, only to drop him hard with a Spinebuster!

Batista looks under the ring and drags out two tables and it appears he has something evil in mind! Batista sets up the first table as Orton stumbles to his feet and Batista takes him down with a running big boot! Batista sets up the other table on top of the first one and this isn't gonna end good for someone! Cena has crawed to the ropes now inside the ring as Batista chokes Orton with his boot before throwing him onto the Raw announce table!

Batista jumps onto the table and pulls Orton to his feet then lifts him up onto his shoulders, and drops him with a sick Batista Bomb through the announce table! Holy shit that may have eneded The Viper in this match! Batista spits on Orton then walks over to ringside and puls outbrass knuckles from his trunks!

Cena has stumbled to his feet inside the ring using the ropes as Batista slides in under the bottom rope and he loads up a punchh ready to knock out the champ! Cena turns around and Batista tries to knock him out with the brass knuckles, but Cena scoops Batista up onto his shoulders to counter! Batista is in trouble as Cena tries to AA Batista to the floor, but Batista hits an elbow to escape, then decks Cena with the brass knucks and this one might be over as Cena drops like a sack of potatoes!

Batista laughs as the fans boo him loudly and he drags Cena into the middle of the ring and hooks the leg, this one HAS to be over and it looks like for the third straight PPV we will be crowning a new WWE Champion!

NO! Randy Orton pulls the referee out of the ring! Orton just saved his chances of becoming champion once more as the ref yells at him but Orton ignroes him and slithers into the ring, only to walk right into an angry animal who kicks Orton in the gut then clubs him over the back! Batista picks up the kindo stick in the ring and while swinging as hard as he possibly can, he breaks the stick in half over the back of the head of Orton! Randy Orton is down and out as Batista drags him to the corner and hits three straight shoulder charges to the ribs before pulling Orton out and dropping him with a short arm clothesline!

Batista sees Cena beginning to stir and he decideds he's had enough of the champ and drags him over to the ropes and pulls him up to his knees, only to lift him up onto his shoulders and tries to Batista Bomb him through two tables, but Cena lands on his feet behind Batista and scoops him up, then does a 180 spin before sending Batista crashing through both tables outside the ring with a huge Attitude Adjustment! Batista has been finished off!

Cena realizes hes just eliminated one of his challengers and his rival as he sighs in relief, but Orton spins him around and drops him with the RKO! The RKO connects out of nowhere! Randy Orton looks to be seconds away from becoming WWE Champion as he rolls Cena over onto his back and covers him for the pin, this one is over.

NO! Cena puts his foot on the bottom rope! How the hell did he manage that?

Orton is in shock as he argues with the ref but the ref points out Cena's foot resting on the bottom rope and Orton shakes his head in anger. Orton drags Cena away from the ropes and into the middle of the ring, but instead of going for the pin he backs into the corner and it looks like he wants to punt his way to the WWE Championship!

John Cena slowly stumbles to his knees as Randy Orton charges him and goes for the running Punt Kick, but Cena pulls away at the last second then takes down Orton with the Attitude Adjustment right into the pin! Cena may have just caught a massive lucky break as he hooks the rear leg on the pin and the ref counts it!


Justin Roberts: Here's your winner, and STILL WWE Champion, John Cena!

**My Time Is Now**

The fans can't help but cheer as John Cena has survived this war of a triple threat Extreme Rules match and walked out the other side of it, still the WWE Champion. Cena is helped to his feet by the ref who hands him the WWE Title and he raises it up high over his head with his face covered in blood at this point. Cena exits the ring and makes his way up the ramp as the ref checks on Batista who is laying in broken pieces of table as we cut into a video package.

The cameras fade into a video package that begins to highlight tonights main event Ladder Match. The package begins with a clip of Chris Jericho and Edge becoming the Unified Tag Team Champions last year followed by Edge getting injured at a house show causing him to have to surrender the tag titles. We now see clips of Edge returning from injury to win the Royal Rumble, Chris Jericho pulling off a sneaky win at Wrestlemania over Edge using the tights for leverage on a roll up pin and finally Edge spearing Jericho through the guard rail at Wrestlemania as the video package ends.
The cameras go to the ring for the final time tonight where Tony Chimal is standing with a mic. We can clearly see ladders lining the ramp and one set up on each side of the ring with the fans buzzing about the main event.

Tony Chimal: The following contest is the main event of the evening and it is a Ladder Match! Introducing first, the challenger. Weighing in at 241 pounds, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada he is The Rated R Superstar, Edge!


The fans give a HUGE pop as smoke fills up the stage as Edge walks out with his long coat covering his gear. Edge runs back and forth on the stage to hype up the fans before walking down to the top of the ramp and loering his head then throwing his arms into the air which sets off his trademark pyro behind him. Edge quickly makes his way down the ramp to a loud pop from the fans as he walks to the side of the ladders then as he reaches the bottom of the ramp, runs and slides into the ring under the bottom rope. Edge climbs up to the top turnbuckle and strikes his signature pose on the top turnbuckle in each corner before tossing his coat out of the ring as his music cuts.

Tony Chimal: And his opponent, weighing in at 227 pounds, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada he is the World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho!

**Break The Walls Down**

The fans begin booing loudly as the world champs music hits. Chris Jericho walks out onto the stage with his championship wrapped tightly around his waist as he slowly walks down the ramp, shaking his head in disappointment at the fans. Jericho reaches the bottom of the ramp and locks eyes with his challenger in the ring who is pacing, ready to get his hands on the man who cheated to beat him at Wrestlemania. Jericho slowly walks up the steps, never breaking his stare at the challenger. Jericho now steps through the ropes and unwraps his championship from his waist and kisses it before handing it over to the ref.

The referee shows the championship to Edge, who places a hand on it as a sign to Jericho to say the title will be his tonight as Jericho's music cuts and the ref places the title on the hook before it raises up 20 feet in the air then steps out of the ring as he knows chaos is about to ensue.

Match #8

World Heavyweight Championship
Ladder Match
Edge vs Chris Jericho(c)

**The Bell Rings**

As soon as the bell sounds, Edge bullrushes his opponent in the corner but Jericho jumps out of the ring to avoid Edge who stops himself from running into the turnbuckles. Jericho starts to walk up the ramp but Edge isn't gonna let him get a weapon so he bails out of the ring and charges up the ramp, nailing a running clothesline to the back of the head! Edge slams Jericho's face into the steel ramp a few times then kicks over one of the ladders on the ramp. Jericho gets up and Edge kicks him in the gut, then hits a snap suplex dropping Jericho spine first onto the ladder he just kicked over!

Jericho rolls off the ladder and crawls back towards the ring as Edge picks up the ladder and walks down the ramp then drops the ladder onto the back of Jericho! Edge tosses the ladder into the ring as Jericho stumbles to his feet, only for Edge to throw Jericho head first into the steel steps! Edge rolls into the ring and sets up the ladder underneath the title. Jericho is laid out as Edge begins to climb the ladder and this one could be over quick!

Edge gets to the top of the ladder but Jericho rolls into the ring and charges forward, but Edge jumps off the ladder just as it gets tipped over and he lands on his feet on the mat but he tweeks his knee on the landing! Edge falls to the mat from the impact of the landing and he holds his knee, but that's not a good sign because Jericho sees this and hits a running knee drop onto the right knee! Jericho begins attacking the knee with stomps non stop until Edge finally gets out of the ring.

Jericho steps onto the ring apron as Edge gets to his feet and Jericho runs across the ring apron and goes for a clothesline, but Edge ducks and Jericho rolls through and gets right back to his feet as Edge turns around and nails a running big boot! Jericho goes down as Edge folds up the ladder at ringside and slams it down onto Jericho! Edge drags Jericho out from under the ladder and tries to drop him ribs first onto the ladder, but Jericho blocks it with a kick to the ribs taking Edge down to one knee! Jericho waits for Edge to get back to his feet and right away Jericho drops him with the Codebreaker!

Jericho rolls back into the ring and he pulls the tipped over ladder back up and lines it up under the title. Jericho looks back at Edge who is stumbling to his feet, that is until Jericho hits a dropkick through the ropes to knock him back down! Jericho bails out of the ring and begins attacking Edge's knee with stomps again before backing off, only to drive the ladder near by into the right knee! Edge rolls around in pain as Jericho yells at him to stay down if he doesn't want another torn ACL then rolls back into the ring.

Jericho begins to climb the ladder and reaches the top just as Edge is leaning against the guard rail at ringside. Jericho gets furious and climbs down the ladder then bails out of the ring and begins attacking Edge with right hands to the jaw! Jericho backs off and grabs the ladder he used a minute ago and throws it at Edge, but Edge moves at the last second!

Edge walks around ringside over to the announce tables as Jericho follows him and hits a running one handed bulldog to take Edge down in front of the Smackdown announce table! Jericho throws Edge onto the table and begins pounding away with right hands. Jericho walks back to the ring and jumps onto the ring apron then springboards off, looking for a big Lionsault, but at the last second Edge rolls off the announce table and sends Jericho crashing through!

Edge sees the champ laid out and rolls into the ring, realizing this may be his best chance yet to pull down the title. Edge moves the ladder slightly over then slowly begins to climb to victory. Edge gets halfway up the ladder when Jericho slides into the ring and clubs him in the back. Jericho rolls out of the ring and grabs the ladder in front of the announce tables and throws it into the ring. Jericho rolls back into the ring as Edge climbs up to the top of the ladder, only for Jericho to ram the ladder into the back of Edge! Jericho now throws the ladder into the back of Edge and finally knocks him off the ladder!

Jericho however doesn't attempt to climb up, instead he brings the ladder he just battered Edge with into the corner and leans it against the turnbuckles. Edge stumbles into the corner as Jericho charges at him, but Edge comes out of the corner and lifts Jericho up for a one man flapjack causing his head to bounce off the top turnbuckle! Jericho stumbles backwards in a daze and BAM! Edge connects with Edge-O-Matic! Jericho rolls out of the ring from the impact of the move but Edge follows him out of the ring and throws him over the Raw announce table and into the laps of Cole and Lawler!

The two Raw commentators are trying to get to their feet as Edge drags Jericho out of the wreckage and around to the left, then irish whips Jericho into the upright ladder causing him to fall onto the ladder! Edge walks over to Jericho and pulls him up to his feet only to drop him with Edgecution onto the ladder! Jericho is face down on the ladder as Edge rolls into the ring and begins to climb up the set up ladder in the middle of the ring. Edge gets to the top of the ladder and grabs the title, but Jericho slides into the ring and dropkicks Edge in the back!

Edge is stopped as Jericho grabs the ladder from the corner and rams it into his spine! Edge is barely clinging to the ladder as Jericho wedges the ladder in the vacant side of the one Edge is on then runs up the wedged ladder and takes down Edge with a big clothesline! Both men are now laid out in the middle of the ring! The fans are chanting HOLY SHIT! as both men roll away from each other to opposite sides of the ring and begin to get up using the ropes. Both men are up at the same time but Jericho strikes first with a running front chopblock to take out the injured knee of Edge!

Jericho soaks in the boos from the fans as he drags Edge to the middle of the ring and locks him into the Walls Of Jericho! It looks like Jericho is trying to tear apart the knee of Edge! Jericho wrenches on the hold as Edge yells in pain and crawls towards the ropes. Jericho sees this and stands up then drags Edge back to the middle of the ring and this time he traps him in the Lion Tamer and Edge taps out! Edge is tapping out but it doesn't matter!

Jericho keeps yanking on the hold for awhile longer until finally breaking the hold while Edge is laid out, holding his knee. Jericho yanks the wedged ladder out of the other one and throws it out of the ring as Edge crawls to the ropes, but Jericho drags him back to the middle of the ring then traps him under the ladder! Edge could be in big trouble here as Jericho begins climbing the ladder and gets his fingertips on the title! Jericho starts to unhook the title but just before he can, Edge tips over the ladder which sends Jericho flying out of the ring and crashing into the guard rail!

Jericho is laid out and possibly knocked out from that nasty fall as Edge fixes the ladder and has it under the ladder before slowly climbing up, this could be it! Edge reaches the top of the ladder and begins to unhook the title but he stops when he sees Jericho stumbling to his feet! Edge releases the title and stands up on top of the ladder then yells "SPEAR!" and this causes the fans to LOUDLY chant SPEAR through the arena!

Jericho stumbles to his feet as Edge stands at the ready on the ladder for possibly the biggest spear in history. Jericho turns around to face Edge, only to see Edge flying through the air and take out Jericho on the floor with a MASSIVE SPEAR! EDGE HITS THE MASSIVE SPEAR! HOLY SHIT! THAT WAS SICK!

Both men are laid out after that while the fans begin chanting HOLY SHIT! while Jericho lays flat on his back not moving and Edge lays face down not moving! About a minute later Edge pulls himself to his feet with the ring apron and uses the ropes to get onto the ring apron. Jericho still has not moved as Edge crawls through the ropes and into the ring where the ladder he dived off still stands in the middle of the ring. Edge crawls over to the ladder, still in pain from that huge dive but yet he very slowly begins the climb to the championship! Edge could be minutes away from becoming the new champ!

Edge gets halfway up the ladder then stops to rest after all that brutal spear took out of him and during his rest, Jericho has rolled over onto his belly and crawled to the ring apron. Edge now begins to climb the rest of the way up the ladder as Jericho drags a chair out from under the ring, this can't be good for The Rated R Superstar who has just reached the top of the ladder as Jericho slides into the ring with the chair. Edge grabs onto the title but before he gets a chance to unhook it, he gets the steel chair slammed into his back by Chris Jericho!

Jericho whacks Edge for the second time in the back with the chair then throws the chair down and walks over to the other side of the ladder and begins climbing up! Edge is face down on the top of the ladder as Jericho climbs as fast as his body will let him to the top of the ladder, then hits a kick to the head of Edge and he falls backwards only for his legs to get stuck in the ladder! Jericho now grabs the legs of Edge and traps him in the Walls Of Jericho through the ladder! Oh my god this HAS to be tearing apart the knee of Edge!

Jericho yanks back on the hold as Edge is doing everything he possibly can to escape the hold but Jericho refuses to let go as he wants to end the career of his former tag team partner tonight! About thirty seconds later, Jericho FINALLY breaks the hold which causes Edge to fall further into the ladder as now all of his body up to his neck is inside the ladder. Jericho sees this and slowly pulls his legs through the ladder and climbs back to the top as Edge yells at him from his trapped position.

Jericho looks like he's about to pull down his championship as he has it in his hands, but Edge yells something that can't be made out to Jericho which causes him to let go of the title and climb over to Edge's side of the ladder and stomp on Edge's face 3 times which causes him to fall all the way through the ladder as Jericho grins in a smug way to loud boos from the fans as Jericho reaches up and grasps the title and begins to unhook it. Jericho slowly unhooks the title, but just before he can pull down the title, the ladder suddenly tips over sideways which sends Jericho flying off the top of the ladder, all the way through the Raw announce table!

The fans are in shock as Chris Jericho lays broken in half from that fall and through the announce table as Edge has a smrik on his face after outsmarting his rival! Edge pulls the ladder back up and drags it under the title then looks over at Jericho who hasn't moved a muscle! Edge slowly climbs the ladder as he shakes his leg out trying to get the blood flowing in his knee. Edge finally makes it to the top of the ladder and grabs onto the swinging championship and unhooks it! We have a NEW CHAMPION!

Tony Chimal: Here's your winner and NEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, The Rated R Superstar, EDGE!


The fans go NUTS as Edge sits on top of the ladder with the World Heavyweight Championship in his arms. He looks down at the former champion who still has not moved after falling through the Raw announce table. Edge raises the championship high over his head as the fans are on their feet cheering for him after FIANLLY overcoming his rival Chris Jericho and the last image we see as the PPV goes off the air is Edge standing on top of the ladder and raising the World Heavyweight Championship high over his head as we go off the air!
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Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Results:

1st- The Extract (8 points)
2nd- nouration (5 points)
3rd- Theo (4 points)
3rd- #1Peep (4 points)
3rd- JAM (4 points)

Congrats to The Extract on winning the prediction contest this time around. He has already been PM'ed with his choice for setting up a match for Superstars this week and Notorious will post the result of his choice tonight probably.
With 8 points, The Extract wins the Extreme Rules Pay-Per-View prediction contest! His prize.. the opportunity to BOOK A MATCH. With SmackDown's main event on the upcoming episode of WWE Superstars wide open, The Extract was asked to choose who Shelton Benjamin would defend his newly won Intercontinental Championship against. Of the choices given, The Extract has decided to give the championship match to Dolph Ziggler!*


Would you like the chance to book a future match on RAW, SmackDown, or Superstars?
Then DON'T miss out on the next Pay-Per-View prediction contest. Our next Pay-Per-View takes place in 4 weeks time when RAW and SmackDown present Judgment Day!


Follow the thread, catch all the shows, and give your expert opinion before the Pay-Per-View
for a chance to leave your mark on the WWE!

*This match will still take place regardless of the results of RAW's upcoming Draft show. If the winning superstar happened to be drafted to the RAW brand, he will take the Intercontinental Championship with him to Monday nights.

As Raw comes on the air, Micheal Cole and Jerry Lawler welcome us to the 2010 WWE Draft episode of Monday Night Raw and were reminded anybody can get drafted tonight including ring announcers, commentators, GM's and champions! JR reminds us that if a champion is drafted they will bring their championship with them and then the cameras go to the ring where Justin Roberts is standing with a mic.

Justin Roberts: Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome your WWE Champion.....

**My Time Is Now**

The fans in the arena pop loudly as John Cena walks out on the stage in his usual orange shirt and hat with the WWE Championship over his shoulder. Cena looks out at the crowd before getting close to the camera and saying "big night tonight!" then sprints down the ramp and sliding under the bottom rope and into the ring. Cena gets handed the mic from Justin Roberts who exits the ring after being patted on the back by Cena who stands in the middle of the ring while his music cuts out.

John Cena: Well, it looks like its time to shake things up again huh?

The fans pop for this as Cena waits for them to quiet down.

John Cena: Tonight, anything could happen. Hell I could get drafted, our GM Shawn Michaels could get drafted...hell Micheal Cole could get drafted! But..I don't think were that lucky.

Cena chuckles as the fans give a small pop for this and Micheal Cole rolls his eyes.

John Cena: But I can't focus on the what ifs that tonight brings. Instead I'm out here to talk about Extreme Rules last night. Last night I was able to defeat both Batista and Randy Orton and keep my WWE Title, all three of us went through hell in that match and finally, I bested Batista once and for all. Now tonight the rosters will be shaken up and rest assured, whether I end up on Raw or Smackdown after the draft is over, I will keep being the fighting champion I always have been.

The fans pop for this as Cena drops the mic and bails from the ring. Cena walks up the ramp, slapping hands with fans along the way as he heads to the back and we take a quick break.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the first draft pick of the night! Introducing first, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada weighing in at 212 pounds Christian!

**Just Close Your Eyes**

The fans give a nice pop as Mr.Money In The Bank himself, Christian walks out on the stage with his briefcase in hand as he puts his other hand on his brow and looks out at his peeps before slapping his chest three times and making his way down the ramp. Christian reaches the bottom of the ramp and slaps hands with a few fans at ringside before walking up the steps. Christian now steps through the ropes and climbs up to the top turnbuckle where he holds up his briefcase as his music cuts.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Hollywood, Florida weighing in at 213 pounds Dolph Ziggler!

**I Am Perfection**

The fans boo as the #1 contender to the IC Title walks out onto the stage and runs his hands through his hair. Ziggler now makes his way down the ramp, making sure to ignore the fans along the way before jumping onto the ring apron. Ziggler stares down Christian before stepping through the ropes and climbing up to the top turnbuckle, where he takes off his vest and tosses it out of the ring. Ziggler now jumps down and stands in the opposite corner of Christian as his music cuts.

**The Bell Rings**
Match #1
Christian vs Dolph Ziggler

The match begins as Christian and Ziggler walk into the middle of the ring and begin to circle each other. Fianlly both men lock up and the power struggle is on. Ziggler ends up locking in a side headlock on Christian as Christian backs into the ropes, then shoves Ziggler off as he shoots across the ring and bounces off the ropes into a dropkick from Christian! Christian tries for a quick cover but Ziggler kicks out before the ref can even count one.

Ziggler gets up to his feet as does Christian and Ziggler swings with a right hand, but Christian ducks and hits a slap to the face! Ziggler stumbles backwards before coming back towards Christian, who hits him with another slap to the face! Ziggler stumbles into the ropes as Christian charges towards him and clothes lines him over the top rope and to the floor! Ziggler's skull bounces off the floor as Christian soaks in the cheers from the fans as he waits for Ziggler to get up, only to dive over the top rope and take down Ziggler with a cross body on the floor!

Christian gets to his feet and slaps hands with a couple of fans at ringside as Ziggler gets to his feet, but Christian charges forward and takes him down with a one-handed bulldog! Christian pulls Ziggler to his feet and throws him back into the ring as Christian climbs onto the ring apron. Ziggler slowly gets to his feet as Christian springboards into the ring and takes down Ziggler with a springboard clothesline! Christian hooks both legs for the pin and this one could be over right here!

NO! Ziggler kicks out!

Christian maintains control with a side headlock as Ziggler sits on the mat. Christian wares down Ziggler who begins to fight up to his feet as Christian keeps the headlock applied. Ziggler is now up to his feet and he hits a few elbows into the ribs to break the hold, then drops Christian with a picture perfect dropkick to the skull!Ziggler stands over Christian and runs his hands through his hair before connecting with a jumping elbow to the heart of Christian! Ziggler covers Christian looking for the win.

NO! Christian kicks out.

Ziggler keeps his cool as he applies a side headlock on Christian and turns it into a handstand before bridging into a reverse chin lock as Christian is getting his neck yanked backwards as Ziggler arches his back for the hold. Ziggler applies more pressure on the hold as he screams for Christian to tap but he yells no. Ziggler now breaks the hold out of frustration and stands up, hitting a jumping elbow drop to the back of Christian! Ziggler now runs his hands through his hair then jumps again and hits another jumping elbow drop to the back of Christian! Ziggler rolls Christian over onto his back and hooks the leg for a pin.

NO! Christian kicks out!

Ziggler backs up as Christian puts a hand on his back as Ziggler waits for him to get up then charges forward-looking for the fame asser, but Christian sidesteps and grabs the arms looking for the Killswitch, but Ziggler spins him around and gets a roll up pin using the tights! This one could be over!

NO! Christian escapes!

Ziggler gets to his feet as Christian gets to his feet and Ziggler looks for a dropkick, but Christian blocks it! Christian waits for Ziggler to get up then hits him with an enziguri to knock him into the ropes and Ziggler has neck on the middle rope. Christian charges across the ring then shoots back across the ring and jumps off the back of Ziggler and lands on his feet outside the ring, where he connects on an open hand slap to the face of Ziggler!

Ziggler stumbles into the middle of the ring as Christian jumps onto the ring apron then climbs up to the top turnbuckle. Ziggler turns around and Christian dives off the top with a missile dropkick to the chest of Ziggler taking him down! Christian is rolling here as Ziggler rolls into the corner and Christian waits for him to get up and charges forward, but Ziggler sidesteps making Christian slam face first into the top turnbuckle!

Ziggler realizes he has a chance to go for the win here and he charges forward-looking for a splash on the back of Christian but Christian slides out-of-the-way with his legs on the ring apron! Ziggler stumbles out of the corner as Chrisitian leans back and hits two boots to the face of Ziggler who stumbles backwards into the middle of the ring! Christian enters the ring and hooks the arms of Ziggler and drops him with the Killswitch! The Killswitch connects and this one could be over as Christian hooks the leg for the pin!


Justin Roberts: Here's your winner, Christian!

**Just Close Your Eyes**

Christian gets to his feet as the referee raises his arm in victory and it looks like Raw has earned the first pick in the 2010 WWE Draft! Christian gets handed his briefcase and he raises it up over his head as we cut into a shot of the titantron where the draft randomizer has begun. The randomizer goes for a few seconds then it stops and lands on....



**Aint No Make Believe**

Micheal Cole: What a huge first pick in the draft for Raw! The Shaman of Sexy making his return to Monday nights!

Jerry Lawler: I love it! This kid does some really cool moves and he'll be able to make a big impact on Raw in the near future!

The fans give a nice pop as John Morrison walks out onto the stage with a grin on his face as Christian claps for the newest Raw superstar. Morrison strikes his signature pose on the stage as we cut to a commercial.

We come back from commercial and the cameras go to the ring where Justin Roberts is standing with a mic and it looks like were getting right back to the action.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the second pick in the 2010 WWE Draft! Introducing first, from Silsbee, Texas weighing in at 412 pounds he is the Worlds Strongest Man, Mark Henry!

**Somebodies Gonna Get It**

The fans boo loudly as Mark Henry walks out onto the stage and glares at the fans in the arena tonight. Henry now makes his way down the ramp with an evil look on his face as he reaches the bottom of the ramp. Henry walks over to the steps and slowly makes his way up them before stepping through the ropes as his music cuts.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Punjab, India weighing in at 347 pounds, The Great Khali!

**Land of Five Rivers**

The fans give just about no reaction as Great Khali walks out onto the stage and raises his arms up into the air as Mark Henry shows no fear inside the ring. Khali slowly makes his way down the ramp as a few fans extend their hands out for a high-five but Khali has locked eyes with Henry, who begins pacing in the ring. Khali pulls himself onto the ring apron then steps over the top rope and as his music cuts, he raises his arms into the air for the fans again.

**The Bell Rings**
Match #2
Mark Henry vs The Great Khali

As soon as the bell rings, Henry charges forward and runs over Khali taking him off his feet! The fans are in shock at how quick Henry just took down the giant who also is in shock as Henry stands over him after proving why he really is the Worlds Strongest Man. Henry pulls Khali up to his feet in the corner then drives an elbow right into the jaw of Khali followed up quickly by three more! Khali stumbles out of the corner and Henry takes him down with a clothesline! This match has been all Mark Henry thus far as he attempts the early pin.

NO! Khali with the kick out.

Henry gets to his feet as Khali crawls into the ropes and Henry puts his boot on his throat to choke him. Khali gasps for air as the referee begins his five count and Henry moves his foot away from the throat as Khali begins to pull himself up. Henry waits for him to get up then walks back over, but Khali hits his trademark chop to the skull out of nowhere! Khali just caught a lucky break as Henry drops from that huge chop and Khali puts a foot on his chest to cover him!

NO! Henry powers out!

Khali stumbles backwards into the ropes on the hard camera side of the ring after that powerful kick out from Henry, who is already back to his feet and Khali comes out of the ropes and goes for another chop, but Henry catches his hand! Henry shoves Khali off and he bounces off the ropes then comes back towards Henry, who scoops him up and slams him down with the Worlds Strongest Slam! This one could be over quick as Mark Henry covers Khali for the pin!


Justin Roberts: Here's your winner, The Worlds Strongest Man, Mark Henry!

**Somebodies Gonna Get It**

The fans boo as Mark Henry stands up and roars after that show of power. Henry however isn't done yet as he pulls Khali up to his feet, scoops him up then drops him with a second Worlds Strongest Slam which causes his music to cut. Henry bails out of the ring on the side nearest the announce table and walks over to Roberts, kicking him out of his chair which he folds up and brings into the ring! Mark Henry brings the chair over to Khali as the randomizer has begun on the titantron. Henry wraps the chair around the knee of Khali then climbs up to the second turnbuckle and jumps off, splashing down across the knee of Khali!

Khali rolls around in pain as Mark Henry stops him from moving and climbs back up to the second turnbuckle then hits another big splash across the knee with a chair wrapped around it on Khali! Mark Henry stands tall over The Great Khali as the randomizer has stopped and it landed on....



**In The Middle Of It Now**

The fans give a mixed reaction as the newest member of Monday Night Raw, Curt Hawkins walks out onto the stage in his leather vest with his cane in hand. Hawkins and Henry lock eyes with each other as Hawkins smirks at Henry as the cameras cut backstage into the office of Shawn Michaels.

The fans pop as they see Shawn Michaels on the phone.

Michaels: Hunter! How are ya bud? That was an incredible match you had with Sheamus at Extreme Rules, but hows the knee feeling?

The fans give a LOUD pop as they realize Shawn Michaels is talking to none other than his best friend, Triple H.

Michaels: Well, that's good to hear, I'll...

Before Michaels can finish his sentence, he sees The Miz walk into his office with the United States Championship over his shoulder in a fancy suit.

Michaels: Hunter? I'll talk to you later. I have some business to handle.

Shawn hangs up the phone as Miz looks annoyed at the delay.

Miz: You wanted to see me?

Michaels: Yes Miz I did. I just thought I'd tell you that you might wanna change your clothes, like now.

Miz: Uhhh...why?

Michaels: Because up next you'll be facing Shelton Benjamin in a champion vs champion match to see which brand will get the next draft pick.

Miz: Ugh. You know I hope I end up getting drafted tonight, because that'll save me from dealing with you any longer.

Miz storms out of the office as Michaels picks up his phone and we fade out into a commercial break.

We come back from commercial and the cameras go to the ring where Justin Roberts is standing with a mic for our upcoming champion vs champion match.

Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Champion vs Champion match to decide the third pick in the WWE Draft! Introducing first, from Cleveland, Ohio weighing in at 221 pounds he is the United States Champion, The Miz!

**I Came To Play**

The fans boo loudly as The Miz walks out onto the stage with the United States Championship wrapped around his waist. Miz isn't exactly his usual cocky self however as he's still putting on his wrist tape as he walks down the ramp. Miz reaches the bottom of the ramp and finishes taping his wrist then jumps onto the ring apron and poses to taunt the fans. Miz steps through the ropes and climbs up to the top turnbuckle where he unhooks his title and raises it up high to a loud negative response as his music cuts.

Roberts: And his opponent, from Orangeburg, South Carolina weighing in at 248 pounds he is the Intercontinental Champion, Shelton Benjamin!

**Ain't No Stoppin Me (Remix)**

The fans give a nice pop as the brand new Intercontinental Champion, Shelton Benjamin walks out onto the stage with his title around his waist. Benjamin walks down the ramp as Miz glares at him in the ring. Benjamin jumps onto the ring apron and unhooks his title from his waist as he steps through the ropes and holds up the title high over his head. Benjamin backs into the corner as both champions hand over their titles to Roberts as he exits the ring and Benjamin's music cuts.

**The Bell Rings**
Match #3
Champion vs Champion Match
The Miz vs Shelton Benjamin

As the match begins both men walk into the middle of the ring and lock up. Miz takes the advantage with an early headlock as Shelton backs into the ropes and shoves Miz off, but Miz comes running back with a big shoulder block! Miz goes for a quick elbow drop, but Shelton rolls out-of-the-way into the ropes and Miz has his elbow slam off the mat. Shelton stands up as Miz gets up shaking out his arm, but Shelton charges forward and takes him down with a jumping arm breaker!

Miz goes back down and rolls into the middle of the ring, holding his arm in pain as Shelton rolls Miz from his side, over to his back then Shelton hits a knee drop onto the left arm of Miz! Shelton holds Miz down then hits a second knee drop onto the arm! Miz rolls into the ropes holding his arm as Shelton walks towards him but Miz forces the ref to pull him away while Miz has half his body in the ropes. The referee pulls Shelton into the middle of the ring as Miz stands up and Shelton charges forward again but again Miz goes into the ropes which again forces the referee to pull Shelton into the middle of the ring!

Shelton is getting frustrated now as Miz steps out of the ropes and taunts Shelton who shoves the ref away and swings wildly for a right hand, but Miz dives out of the ring to avoid an annoyed Shelton Benjamin! The fans boo loudly as Miz walks around ringside to keep his mind games going, but Shelton takes a running start then dives over the top rope and takes out Miz with a huge diving crossbody! Miz goes down as the fans give a nice pop for Shelton who has overcome the mind games from The Miz!

Shelton slaps hands with a couple of fans at ringside as Miz stumbles to his feet, only for Shelton to drop him with a running clothesline! Shelton pulls Miz to his feet and throws him into the ring. Shelton climbs up onto the ring apron as Miz springs up to his feet and decks Shelton with a big right hand as Shelton nearly falls off the ring apron but manages to hang on! Miz now hooks the arm and lifts him up, connecting with a snap suplex bringing Shelton into the middle of the ring!

Miz backs up into the corner as Shelton gets up to his feet, only for Miz to charge forward and nail a running knee to the skull of Shelton followed by a snap neckbreaker! Miz hits the Reality Check and hooks both legs for the first pinfall attempt of the match!

NO! Shelton kicks out!

Miz runs his hands through his hair as Shelton stumbles up to his feet and Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Shelton slides out of the full nelson hold and gets a small package pin!

NO! Miz kicks out!

Shelton and Miz both get up to their feet and go for punches at the same time, but both miss. Shelton and Miz both turn to face each other and Miz goes for a running big boot, but Shelton ducks and Miz gets his foot hung up on the top rope! Shelton sees this and hits a big dropkick that sends Miz flying over the top rope and to the floor! Miz is down as Shelton climbs up to the top turnbuckle and dives off, looking for a frog splash but NO! Miz gets his knees up to block it! Shelton rolls away holding his ribs as Miz gets to his feet and he stands waiting for Shelton to get to his feet.

Miz begins to pace as Shelton finally stumbles to his feet and Miz charges forward and blasts Shelton with a running big boot that sends him flying backwards into the steel steps spine first! Shelton is sprawled out against the steps as the fans let out a "OHH!" from the landing. Miz however stays on the attack with a running knee to the ribs of Shelton! Shelton crumbles down to the floor as Miz throws his arms up into the air while standing tall over his opponent.

The referee is now at a 8 count as Miz slides into the ring, but rolls right back out as he was just breaking the count. Miz pulls Shelton up to his feet as Shelton hits a jawbreaker as Miz stumbles backwards but Shelton hits a spin kick to the ribs to double him over followed up quickly by a t-bone suplex that sends Miz flying and he lands hard on the steel steps! Miz is holding his back as Shelton stays on him by walking over and throwing him into the ring. Shelton rolls in after him and quickly covers Miz hooking the leg!

NO! Miz kicks out!

Shelton can't believe it as Miz begins to roll away from Shelton to try to get a breather but no luck as Shelton crawls over and hits a few forearms to the face to stop Miz from moving. Shelton now gets to his feet and charges into the corner, jumping off the middle turnbuckle as he looks over a splash, it hits! Shelton however doesn't go for a pin and instead goes out onto the ring apron. Shelton waits for Miz to get up and turns to face Shelton, who hits a shoulder charge into the ribs! Miz stumbles backwards as Shelton springboards into the ring and takes down Miz with a big springboard dropkick! Shelton now covers Miz and this one could be over!

NO! Miz again kicks out!

Shelton seems surprised as he takes a few steps back to give Miz some space and he signals that its time to end this one, he could be going for Pay Dirt! Miz stumbles to his feet as Shelton bounces from one foot to the other, just waiting to strike as Miz turns around and Shelton goes for Pay Dirt, but Miz counters it mid move with a STO! Shelton drops as Miz falls on top of him for a pin.

NO! Shelton kicks out!

Miz gets up just as Shelton gets up, but Miz hits a low dropkick to the knee and Shelton drops to one knee! Miz now grabs a front facelock and drops Shelton with a swinging DDT! Shelton is down as Miz goes out onto the ring apron and slowly begins climbing to the top turnbuckle, possibly out of desperation. Miz reaches the top turnbuckle and slowly stands up and raises his arm into the air as an evil grin crosses his face. Shelton suddenly springs up to his feet and jumps up to the top turnbuckle, connecting with multiple right hands to the jaw! Shelton now sends Miz flying off the top turnbuckle with a belly to belly suplex that sends Miz flying into the middle of the ring!

The fans begin chanting "THIS IS AWESOME!" as Miz and Shelton are both down on their backs after that big move. Shelton slowly sits up and crawls towards Miz and puts an arm over his chest for the pin, could this be it? Could Shelton have it in the bag here?

NO! Miz gets his shoulder up at the last second!

Shelton rolls off the pin and sits up in disappointment as Miz slowly begins to get up. Shelton gets to his feet as Miz rolls into the ropes and Shelton charges forward-looking for a clothesline, but Miz backdrops Shelton over the top rope, only for Shelton to land on the ring apron! Miz turns around and goes for a discus punch, but Shelton catches his fist then hits a roundhouse kick to the skull! Miz stumbles backwards as Shelton springboards into the ring and hits a springboard DDT!

Miz goes down as Shelton rolls into the middle of the ring and it seems like Shelton is closing in on the victory! Shelton gets to his feet and drags Miz into the middle of the ring then pulls him up to his feet. Shelton now jumps up and takes down Miz with a massive Pay Dirt! Miz rolls away to the ropes and ends up rolling out of the ring much to the dispair of Shelton who dove forward trying to stop him! Shelton is in dispair as Miz rolls away from the ring apron and stumbles to his feet as Shelton stands ready in the ring for him.

Miz looks at Shelton in the ring but instead of heading back towards the ring, he says screw it and starts walking up the ramp! Shelton however will have none of this as he rolls out of the ring and charges up the ramp after Miz! Shelton catches up to Miz on the top of the ramp and spins him around, but Miz rakes the eyes! Shelton stumbles away as Miz scurries backstage while he can and the referee has just reached the 9 count! Shelton shakes the cobwebs out of his head and realizes Miz is gone so he sprints towards the ring and just as the ref reaches the 10 count, Shelton slides into the ring to beat the count!

Roberts: Here's your winner by countout, Shelton Benjamin!

**Ain't No Stoppin Me Now (Remix)**

The fans cheer for Shelton after picking up the win in that good match, even if it was by countout and the referee raises his arm in victory. Shelton gets handed his Intercontinental Championship as he puts on his shoulder while the draft randomizer has begun. Shelton stares at the titantron waiting to see who will be the newest member of the Smackdown roster as the randomizer ends by landing on....



**Written In My Face**

Shelton has a surprised look on his face but alas no sign of The Celtic Warrior. Shelton bails out of the ring as the music cuts. Shelton now walks up the ramp as the cameras cut to the announce tables.

Cole: Well JR, what do you think of the newest Smackdown superstar?

JR: I love it Micheal. Sheamus is a nice young talent who has a very bright future in the WWE even with him already being a 2 time WWE Champion. I'm glad he's bringing his talents to Smackdown now.

Striker: I couldn't agree more JR! I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do now that he's a member of Friday Night Smackdown! It's just a shame he couldn't be here tonight due to that brutal Last Man Standing Match he was in just 24 hours ago.

We now take a quick commercial break but not before finding out that after the break we will hear from new Divas Champion, Gail Kim before her match tonight!

**Strong and Sexy**

We come back from commercial and the cameras go right to the ring where the new Divas Champion, Gail Kim is already standing with a mic in hand and her newly won championship over her shoulder.

Kim: Last night one of my dreams in life came true. I made history by becoming the FIRST woman in wrestling to hold every major championship a woman can win in this business!

The fans politely clap for Kim as she slides her title off her shoulder and into her hand.

Kim: I am now YOUR Divas Champion!

The fans give another small cheer as Kim raises the Divas Championship high over her head before putting it back on her shoulder.

Kim: Tonight is the WWE Draft though which means I could end up getting drafted to Smackdown. Rest assured that no matter if I'm on Raw or if I'm on Smackdown that I will bring honor and prestige to this championship by being a fighting champion who takes on all challengers!

The fans give a nice pop for this until they hear...

**This Fire Burns**

The fans boo loudly as The Straightedge Society walk out onto the stage, however its Serena who ends up standing in front of her stablemates as the music cuts.

Serena: Gail, Gail, Gail. Your words are meaning less. You can say you'll be a great champion but that is not possible because you're not straightedge which means you can't think with a clear mind like me. That's why tonight I'm gonna beat you and prove that straightedge means were better than you.

The music kicks up again as Serena tells Punk and Gallows she's got this, and with that they head backstage as Serena begins making her way down the ramp. Gail hands over her title to a ring crew member as Serena reaches the bottom of the ramp and stares down Gail. Serena now walks up the steps and steps through the ropes as Gail locks eyes with her opponent and Serena's music cuts.

**The Bell Rings**
Match #4
Gail Kim (c) vs Serena

As soon as the bell rings Kim charges towards Serena who just had some harsh words for her, but Serena moves out-of-the-way and Gail smashes face first into the top turnbuckle before stumbling backwards as Serena clotheslines her in the back of the head to take her down! Serena laughs as she stands tall over the new Divas Champion who is holding her head on the mat. Serena drapes the neck of Gail onto the bottom rope before placing a boot on her head to choke her as the ref yells at her to break the hold but she refuses! The ref gets to the 4 count before Serena releases the choke, only to hit a cheap shot kick to the ribs of Gail to knock her into the corner as the referee pulls Serena into the middle of the ring.

Gail sits up against the bottom turnbuckle in the corner as Serena shoves the ref aside and charges forward, nailing a big running knee to the skull of Gail! Oh god that looked brutal! Serena drags Gail out of the corner and into the middle of the ring before dropping a knee on her skull and this one could be over as Serena goes for the quick cover.

NO! Gail kicks out!

Serena grabs the face of Gail and slams the back of her head into the mat multiple times before standing up as Gail rolls over onto her back, holding the back of her head in pain after getting it slammed into the mat multiple times and Serena stands back waiting for her opponent to rise. Gail slowly begins to rise, but as soon as she reaches her feet she gets blasted with a running big boot from Serena who drops down to her knees before covering Gail again.

NO! Gail kicks out!

Serena stands up as she keeps her cool and backs into the nearest corner and dares Gail to get to her feet. Gail begins to get up, holding her head after all the shots to it she has taken and Serena charges forward-looking for a spear, but Gail hits a knee lift to block it and send Serena stumbling backwards into the corner! Gail realizes her chance to take the advantage in the match has never been better than now so she charges forward and hits a running body avalanche into the ribs of Serena! Serena stumbles into the middle of the ring as Gail slips out onto the ring apron and waits for Serena to get in place, then springboards onto the top rope and soars through the air before taking out Serena with a huge crossbody block as she hooks the legs on the pin!

NO! Serena kicks out!

Gail rolls off the pin and lets out a deep breath as she gets to her feet just before the straightedge diva does. Gail spins Serena around and goes for a spin kick to the head, but Serena ducks and goes for a schoolgirl roll up, but Gail rolls through and hits a low dropkick to the face! Serena goes down as Gail goes to the corner and ascends the turnbuckles. Gail reaches the top turnbuckle and stands up as Serena lies on the mat not moving. Gail dives off the top and she seems like shes going for a double foot stomp here, but Serena rolls out-of-the-way at the last second! Gail however is able to do a forward roll to avoid a nasty crash and burn in an amazing show of her athletic ability! Gail gets back to her feet and spins around, only to walk right into a huge Spear from Serena!

Gail rolls around in pain as Serena realizes she may have this match in the bag so she copies the motion her savior makes to tell his opponents its time to go to sleep! Gail is still down as Serena grabs a handful of her hair and lifts Gail up onto her shoulders as an evil grin crosses her face! Could she be going for the Go To Sleep here? Serena starts to lift Gail off her shoulders but before she can throw her forward, Gail slides down the back and gets a sunset flip which stacks Serena up so she's in half! Gail's gonna steal this one!

NO! Serena kicks out!

Gail can't believe it as Serena rolls into the ropes and Gail runs her hands through her hair and checks with the ref while on her knees to see if it was really only a 2 count. Gail finally gets to her feet and begins walking towards Serena, but the straightedge diva sees her coming and rolls out of the ring to avoid her! Gail however isn't gonna let her get away that easy and hops right out of the ring after her! Serena sees this and runs around ringside as Gail chases after her but Serena rolls into the ring but Gail rolls in after her, but as soon as Serena gets to her feet, she drills Gail with a nasty kick to the side of the head! Gail rolls over onto her back as Serena laughs at outsmarting the champ and walks into the middle of the ring and taunts the fans.

The referee checks on Gail as Serena walks into the corner and begins to tear off the padding from one of the turnbuckles! The referee sees Gail is okay to continue as she starts pulling herself up with the ropes but Serena has already torn the padding off the top turnbuckle in the corner! Gail reaches her feet as Serena walks over, but Gail kicks her away then charges out of the ropes and gets a victory roll pin!

NO! Serena kicks out!

Gail gets up and pulls Serena with her, placing a boot on her jaw and this could be the beginning of the end! Gail now goes for Eat Defeat, but Serena shoves her off and Gail goes down into the splits on the mat as Serena shakes the cobwebs out of her head. Gail gets up a minute later and Serena again scoops her uponto her shoulders, but Gail hits a bunch of elbows to the jaw nonstop to escape and Serena drops her, but before Serena can shake off the elbows she gets nailed with Eat Defeat! Serena drops as Gail rolls her back over onto her back and hooks the leg for the pin and this one has gotta be over!


Roberts: Here's your winner, the WWE Divas Champion, Gail Kim!

**Strong and Sexy**

The fans give a nice pop as Gail Kim stands up and celebrates with her Divas Championship that has just been handed to her. Serena rolls out of the ring with her head down after a tough loss as Gail stares up at the titantron where the draft randomizer has once again begun, who will get drafted this time?



**Not Enough For Me**

The fans boo loudly as one half of Lay-Cool and current Women's Champion, Michelle McCool walks out onto the stage with her championship wrapped tightly around her waist and now we have champion vs champion in a staredown!

Lawler: WOO! This is a great pick up for Raw getting Michelle McCool!

Cole: Plus don't forget Jerry, now the Women's Championship is property of Monday Night Raw!

JR: Wow this is a big blow to Friday Night Smackdown as were down a championship now.

Striker: Agreed JR, but who knows maybe we'll get Gail Kim later tonight or during the supplemental draft later this week!

McCool and Kim are both still staring each other down and we head to commercial with both champions holding up their titles high above their heads.

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