WWE 2003


Dark Match Winner
Background: I had a few of the Be the Booker threads a couple months back, but school interfered and I kind of let go. However, I am off of school and manage my time a lot better now, so how about I do something fun in my spare time! The matches will, for the most part, not be long, written matches. However, they'll be decent sized reviews with good info that keeps you compelled and hopefully interested! I am using EWR to follow my shows, but I will not be following the game completely because that game limits the player so much. NO ROSTER SPLIT!!

WWE Chairman: Vince McMahon
RAW General Manager: Eric Bischoff
Smackdown! General Manager: Stephanie McMahon
Sunday Night HEAT Manager: Theodore Long

WWE Roster

Al Snow
Big Show
Bill DeMott
Billy Gunn
Billy Kidman
Booker T
Brock Lesnar
Bubba Ray Dudley
Charlie Haas
Chavo Guerrero
Chris Benoit
Chris Jericho
Chris Kanyon
Chris Nowinski
Chuck Palumbo
Danny Basham
Dawn Marie
Doug Basham
D-Von Dudley
Eddie Guerrero
Eric Bischoff
Gail Kim
Garrison Cade
Hardcore Holly
Jamie Noble
John Cena
Johnny Stamboli
Kurt Angle
Lance Storm
Mark Henry
Mark Jindrak
Matt Hardy
Matt Morgan
Miss Jackie
Molly Holly
Orlando Jordan
Paul Heyman
Paul London
Randy Orton
Rene Dupree
Rey Mysterio
Ric Flair
Rob Conway
Rob Van Dam
Rodney Mack
Scott Steiner
Scotty 2 Hotty
Sean O'Haire
Shane McMahon
Shannon Moore
Shawn Michaels
Shelton Benjamin
Spike Dudley
Stacy Keibler
Stephanie McMahon
Stevie Richards
Stone Cold
Sylvan Grenier
Terri Runnels
The Rock
Theodore Long
Tommy Dreamer
Torrie Wilson
Triple H
Trish Stratus
Ultimo Dragon
Val Venis
Vince McMahon
William Regal
Zach Gowen

Title Holders/History

World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H (6/1/03-)

WWE Championship
Brock Lesnar(6/1/03-)

Intercontinental Championship
Randy Orton (6/1/03-)

United States Championship
Big Show (6/1/03-)

WWE Tag Team Championship
Basham Brothers (Doug & Danny Basham) (6/1/03-)

World Tag Team Championship
Ric Flair & Batista (6/1/03-)

WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Tajiri (6/1/03-)

WWE Hardcore Championship
Vacant (6/1/03-)

WWE Women's Championship
Molly Holly (6/1/03-)​
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What's not to love about WWE 02/03? A bloated roster with tons of talent, new stars breaking through and Bischoff at the helm of Raw. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
I'm really looking forward to this, I was only a kid during that time however I have some fond memories from wwe back then. I'm looking forward to reading your interpretation of that time.

Sunday Night HEAT
Date: 6/3/03
Location: Dallas, Texas
Venue: American Airlines Center
Attendance: 17,459/21,000

Sunday Night HEAT kicks off with Theodore Long, the general manager of Sunday Night Heat, making his way out to the ring with some cheers from the Dallas crowd. Theodore Long introduces himself as the general manager of Sunday Night HEAT and adds his signature ‘playa’ into his introduction. He thanks the WWE Universe of supporting him through all these years and, although he has been demoted to what he calls the WWE’s C show, he will prove to the Mr. McMahon and the rest of the board that Teddy Long is the best general manager in the company. Long proceeds to get June started with fire, so he announces Goldberg vs Kurt Angle for later tonight. Teddy Long heads to the back, as the announcing duo of The Coach and Al Snow welcome the television audience to HEAT before our first match.

Match #1
Non-Title Tag Team Match
A.P.A. (Bradshaw & Farooq) vs Basham Brothers (Doug & Danny Basham)

A.P.A. makes their way to the ring, hoping for a win that will propel them up the tag team ranks. The Basham Brothers come down the ramp holding their WWE Tag Team Titles tight around their waist. They walk into the ring and there’s a huge height advantage for A.P.A. here. The bell rings and Bradshaw and Danny Basham begin the tilt. Bradshaw uses his size and power to bring down Danny constantly. Danny tags in Doug, who has no luck against Bradshaw. Doug begins to take out Bradshaw’s legs, allowing the Basham’s to get in some offense. Bradshaw and Doug take each other out and make a simultaneous tag to their partner. Farooq and Danny go at it with one another, but Farooq comes out on top and tags in Bradshaw. They continue to go for Bradshaw’s legs, but one kick to Bradshaw’s legs was missed and Bradshaw whips Danny to the ropes and attempts the clothesline from hell. Danny ducks under it and goes for the roll up pin. Danny grabs the tights, but Farooq comes in and breaks up the pin. Doug comes running in from the corner to go after Farooq, but Farooq tosses Doug over the top rope to the outside. Danny drop kicks Farooq to the outside. Danny gets up after the drop kick and turns right into a clothesline from hell from Bradshaw. Bradshaw pins him for the three count and the W!

Winner: A.P.A.

A.P.A. celebrates in the ring and Basham’s get their titles and get out. Basham’s know they are in trouble and A.P.A. hopes they just got themselves into the driver’s seat. HEAT goes to commercial with A.P.A. celebrating.


HEAT comes back on air backstage where Josh Matthews introduces himself and says he is interviewing none other than Y2J Chris Jericho. Jericho interrupts Matthews mid-sentence and states that he has done everything to earn respect in this company, but he does not get that respect. He talks about how he was the Undisputed Champion, but yet we still have about as many titles in the WWE as Dawn Marie has sexual partners in a week. Jericho attributes this to all the egos the company has. He asks Josh if Josh believes Jericho is the best. Josh mutters something that is hard to pick up and Jericho says that proves his point. Jericho claims he is sick of the cocky, arrogant superstars who think they are the best when in reality, Chris Jericho is the best. He makes his point know that there is only room for one superstar who claims he is the best, so he is going head hunting against those who think they are the best. He says he will begin with Randy Orton. Jericho walks away, as HEAT goes back to ringside.

Match #2
Singles Match
Matt Hardy vs Rey Mysterio

Rey Mysterio makes his way to the ring with a huge pop. Mysterio waits in the ring while his opponent, Matt Hardy, makes his way out. The two have a fast moving, high flying affair. At one point, Hardy went for the Twist of Fate, but Mysterio got out of it and threw Hardy to the outside of the ring. Mysterio ran toward Hardy and jumped through the ropes, diving at Hardy on the outside. Hardy ended up going for the Twist of Fate one more time, but Mysterio countered Hardy and threw him into the second rope. Mysterio quickly capitalized with the 619, followed by a flying headbutt onto Hardy. Mysterio went for the pin and got the three count for the victory.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

Mysterio celebrates and Hardy is left heading back to the locker room wondering ‘What If,’ as HEAT goes to commercial.


HEAT comes back with Evolution in their locker room. Triple H walks out of the locker room laughing, leaving Randy Orton, Batista, and Ric Flair. These three men laugh about Chris Jericho’s interview earlier. Batista continues to ensure Orton that there is no way that Jericho will get close to you with Flair, Hunter, and himself around. Orton says that he knows that and is only worried about Jericho after he learns that he is not the best in the world.

Match #3
Singles Match
Kane vs John Cena

John Cena makes his way to the ring with the crowd on his back, as he awaits his match with the Big Red Machine. Cena gets interactive with the crowd in the ring, but Kane’s music hits and the fire comes. Kane makes his way down to the ring with his anger being held beneath his mask. Kane and Cena go at. Cena attempts to drive his shoulder repeatedly into the back of Kane’s knee to get the big man off his feet. Cena tries to will himself to beat the monster. Cena gets two flying shoulders into Kane, knocking him down. Kane gets up and misses a clothesline. Cena tries to grab Kane from behind, but Kane tosses Cena into the ropes and Cena comes back at Kane and gets a big boot. Kane goes up to the top rope, waiting for Cena to get up. Cena stumbles up and Kane goes for the flying clothesline, but Cena ducks under it. Kane manages to land on his feet and turns around into an FU. Cena pins Kane for the three count.

Winner: John Cena

Cena celebrates as HEAT goes to commercial.


Match #4
Singles Match
Goldberg vs Kurt Angle

HEAT comes back on air for the main event. Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring and the crowd chants ‘You Suck’ to correlate with his music. Angle’s music shuts off and Goldberg is shown exiting his locker room and making his way out. Goldberg comes through the smoke and into the ring. Goldberg and Angle lock up in the ring for a match which will give somebody serious bragging rights. Goldberg and Angle put on a clinic together. Goldberg tries to put Angle away with a sidewalk slam, but only gets a two count. Goldberg goes for a fireman’s carry slam on Angle and hits it, but only gets a two count. Goldberg is getting frustrated that he cannot put away Angle.

Goldberg goes to pick up Angle, but Angle reverses into an Ankle Lock in the center of the ring. Goldberg is trapped and cannot find the rope. Goldberg uses his strength to reverse the Ankle Lock into an Ankle Lock of his own. The tables have turned on Angle and Angle tries to get out of it. Angle rolls himself out of the Ankle Lock and goes after Goldberg. He hits multiple belly to back suplex’s on Goldberg and with the last suplex Angle goes for a pin, but only gets two. Angle gets Goldberg down again with another variation of suplex’s. Angle looks at the top rope and climbs it. Angle goes for a moonsault, which Goldberg rolls away as Angle crashes to the mat. Goldberg gets up in the corner and awaits the fallen Angle to get up. Angle gets up and Goldberg charges at him…SPEAR! Goldberg goes for the pin and gets the three.

Winner: Goldberg

Goldberg celebrates in the ring, as the crowd cheers. Goldberg smiles, as he makes the motion around his waist indicting that he wants the title. What title does Goldberg want? HEAT goes off the air with Goldberg celebrating his win.​
SXEnightmare's Review:

APA vs Bashams short but good tag team match APA picks up the victory which was great to see bashams are pretty much no names in the wrestling business.

Matt Hardy vs Rey Mysterio i was a bit disapointed in this match it was just too short to get into i would have liked a bit more detail here but if this is your style i understand. Rey picks up the victory with the 619 in the end.

Cena vs Kane again more detail is always better, Cena picks up the victory over Kane i would have thought Kane would destory him in such a quick match.

Goldberg vs Angle Goldberg gets the victory as expected but with a guy like Angle you could have really made this a long match espically as your heat main event but from what i read this wasnt bad.

overall your off to a good start my only advice to you would be to put more details into your matches you have a good roster to work with take advantage of that other then that your off to a good start looking forward to seeing your other shows you got seeing what you produce there. goodluck man
Jam's Review
2003 was the year I started wrestling and I remember it very vaguely so forgive me if I'm wrong on some things. Anyway, here's a review.

First of all, I think it's pretty interesting starting off your thread with Heat. I believe the shows were Heat, Raw, Smackdown, Velocity? Really not sure. Teddy Long is the GM and I'm hoping he can make Heat a quality show.

First matchup of the night is the APA vs. The Bashams. The tag team division was on fire during this year I believe. You still had quality tag teams like the APA while younger talent like the Bashams were coming in. Interesting enough, Bradshaw has the Bashams as his henchmen when he becomes JBL. APA gets the win here, looks like there's a feud brewing here.

Some pretty big matchups on Heat. I'm not sure if I like it or not but it's a solid show with some good matches. I don't think that Goldberg vs. Kurt Angle should've been on Heat. It's too big of a match really. Overall, I think that you need to choose your matches wisely and spread them out a little better. But you can only go up from here, so goodluck with this man. Will be reading.
RAW Preview via WWE.com

Dallas, Texas hosts the first RAW in the month of June. The summer time temperatures in the south will definitely raise tensions backstage and in the ring. Two weeks before Badd Blood, the World Heavyweight Title and WWE Title picture does not appear clear. However, Goldberg appears to be eying either Brock Lesnar's WWE Title or Triple H's World Heavyweight Title. Will we get a clue on Goldberg's intentions or will we he continue to leave us hanging?

Chris Jericho is out on a mission to take down those who claim they are the best. Jericho believes he is the best and wants to prove to everyone that everyone else is fake and Y2J is real. It appears his first target is the Intercontinental Champion, Randy Orton. However, to get to Orton, Jericho will have to get through one of the most successful groups in the WWE. Evolution.

Announced Matches:

Booker T vs John Cena​

Tune in tonight 9/8pm central to Spike TV for WWE RAW. Check local listings.

Monday Night RAW
Date: 6/4/03
Location: Dallas, Texas
Venue: American Airlines Center
Attendance: 20,542/21,000

RAW kicks off with the usual pyro, while JR and King introduce us to Monday Night RAW. They tell discuss that John Cena will face Booker T tonight. Also, they talk about Goldberg’s statement win on HEAT by beating Kurt Angle. Evolution’s music hits and the crowd boo the stable of Triple H, Randy Orton, Ric Flair, and Batista. The four make their way to the ring in suits and ties. Triple H has his World Heavyweight Title on his shoulder, as he addresses the crowd. Triple H talks about how Evolution is one of the most dominant groups in history and the proof is that they hold the Tag Team Titles, Intercontinental Title, and the most prestigious title in wrestling. Triple H feels they ended the brand split because Evolution was running out of competition. Evolution dominated RAW and now they need some new competition. However, the end of the brand split will not end Evolution’s domination.

Triple H says that when Summerslam, Survivor Series, Royal Rumble, and even Wrestlemania come up, Evolution will still have these titles on their shoulders. Triple H walks over to Randy Orton and puts his arm around Orton. Triple H talks about Chris Jericho and how Jericho wants to challenge Orton because he wants to prove Orton is not the best. Jericho, also, wants to prove again that he is the best in the world. Triple H says that it was awkward listening to that interview because Evolution has the titles to prove they are the best and Jericho has, well, nothing. He gives Jericho permission to go after Orton, but has to remember that when he messes with Orton, he is messing with all of Evolution.

HBK’s music hits and the crowd pops. HBK makes his way to the ring and Triple H does not look too thrilled. HBK grabs a microphone and he says he is proud to be back in his home state of Texas. He is excited to be in his hometown this Thursday on Smackdown! but wants to start the party tonight. Shawn says he wants a chance at Triple H’s title. They have been through so much together, so Shawn tells him the opportunity is the least Triple H can do. Triple H says Shawn has tried, and he has not succeeded. Triple H says he is standing on the top of the world and Shawn is back to being a mediocre, washed up superstar yet again. Triple H says he feels bad they have been lifelong friends and they both went in separate directions. Triple H politely asks Shawn to turn around, go backstage, and never interrupt Evolution again.

Kurt Angle’s music hits and Angle makes his way to the ring. Angle slides into the ring with a microphone and his gold medals around his neck. Angle looks at HBK and then turns his attention to Triple H. Angle asks Hunter if he thinks he is truly the best. Triple H turns around to Flair and they both smile and nod. Angle grabs his gold medals and points them at Triple H. Angle asks if Triple H has ever won a gold medal. Triple H raises his World Heavyweight Title into the air. Angle asks if he did it with a broken freakin’ neck. Triple H smiles and tells Angle that he didn’t really expect Angle to come to the ring, but expected a more competent, tough superstar to come down by the name of Goldberg. Angle looks pissed.

The Rock’s music hits and the Great One makes his way down with another huge pop. The Rock stands outside the ring and introduces himself: “Finally, the Rock has come back…to Dallas!” Rock admits that Angle and Michaels have great cases to face Triple H for his title. However, the Rock is not named the Great One because he is second best. The Rock says he came back to the WWE to beat jabronis like Triple H and send them back to reality. Rock is cut of mid-sentence by the music of Eric Bischoff. Eric Bischoff makes his way to the stage and is smiling ear to ear. Bischoff says he is going to make his short and sweet. He understands Rock, Angle, and HBK have legitimate reasons to face Triple H for his title, but I have a plan for Triple H, which will be revolutionary for RAW and will prove to everyone that I, Eric Bischoff, have the best mind in wrestling. Bischoff apologizes to the competitors and turns around to head back.

However, the boss Vince McMahon’s music hits and Bischoff looks shocked. Vince McMahon comes out intent on something. McMahon stops Bischoff and asks him to join the party on the stage. Mr. McMahon says he did not plan on coming out tonight, but sitting backstage in his office watching this go on, he thought of a huge business opportunity written on it. Not to mention, he feels the fans would benefit from all of this. McMahon asks the crowd who deserves a title shot; Angle, Rock, or HBK. They all get equal responses. Mr. McMahon says he does not care what plan Bischoff had with Triple H because tonight he will choose ten superstars which will face off in a battle royal for the opportunity to face Triple H at Badd Blood for the World Heavyweight Title. Vince smiles at Bischoff and walks off as RAW goes to commercial.


RAW comes back on air and Chris Benoit is walking around backstage. Benoit walks past the United States Champion, Big Show. Benoit mumbles ‘what a disgrace.’ Show hears this and runs up at Benoit. The two go face to face and yell at one another. Agents, officials, and referees come and separate the two, as we go ringside with JR and King. They talk about how the Basham’s lost yesterday on HEAT to A.P.A. and Bischoff was not happy. Bischoff set up a match tonight where told the Basham’s he expects more and he motivates them to win by putting their tag team titles on the line. Bischoff thinks they should win this and has high hopes in the brothers.

Match #1
Tag Team Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship
The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D’Von Dudley) vs Basham Brothers (Doug & Danny Basham)

The Dudley Boyz music hits and they make their way to the ring, awaiting the champions. The Basham’s begin their walk to the ring with their titles held close to them. They seem motivated and look to make a statement. The referee holds the WWE Tag Team Titles up and the match begins. Bubba and Danny Basham start it off. Danny tries to play the speed game on the bigger Bubba. Bubba finds a way to slow Danny down and brings him down with a DDT. Bubba tags in D’Von and D’Von goes after Danny slowly, but Danny takes advantage of D’Von being slow and takes him down. Doug is tagged in and they hit a double DDT before Danny goes back on the apron. Danny tries to pin D’Von with no success. Both teams go back and forth until the tide turns when Doug knocks Bubba off the apron. D’Von whips Doug into the Basham’s corner. D’Von works Doug in the corner and Danny tries to hit D’Von. D’Von clotheslines Danny off the apron. Doug clubs D’Von with some rights and D’Von backs up. Bubba slides into the ring behind D’Von. Doug runs at D’Von and D’Von grabs Doug and, with Bubba waiting, hits a 3D! Referee gets Bubba out of the ring, while D’Von covers Doug. D’Von gets the three count.

Winner: NEW WWE Tag Team Champions; The Dudley Boyz

The Dudley Boyz celebrate and the referee hands them the WWE Tag Team Titles. The Dudley’s hug in the ring, while the camera goes backstage to the A.P.A. Bradshaw and Farooq are sitting at a table filled with poker cards, chips, and a few drinks. They look on to the television pissed off. Bradshaw screams at the TV, wondering how the Dudley’s got the title shot before they did. He asks Farooq and Farooq says nothing, but has a look of anger on his face. Bradshaw knocks all the contents off the table and storms out as RAW goes to commercial.


Match #2
Triple Threat Non-Title Divas Match
Trish Stratus vs Molly Holly vs Gail Kim

RAW comes back on air ready for a divas matchup. Gail Kim makes her way to the ring, followed by a huge pop for Trish Stratus. Molly Holly, the Women’s Champion, makes her way to the ring. Gail Kim and Molly Holly double team Trish to begin the match. Trish is backed into the corner. Molly Holly throws Trish over the top rope to the outside. Molly has her backed turned to Gail and Gail grabs her by the neck and drives Molly down to the mat, back first. Gail and Molly go at it, while Trish tries to recover on the outside. Trish comes in the ring and spinebuster’s Molly. Gail goes for a clothesline, but Trish ducks under it and Trish goes for the roll up. Very close pin, but Gail kicks out at two. Trish picks up Gail, but Gail throws rights at Trish and whips Trish into the ropes. Gail puts Trish into a sleeper hold. Trish begins to lose consciousness, but Molly gets up and breaks it up. Molly whips Gail into the ropes and hits a dropkick onto Gail. Gail gets up and Molly drills her with a bulldog. Trish gets up and Molly goes after her with a successful brainbuster. Trish kicks out at two and Molly is shocked. The three divas go at it. Trish bicycle kicks Gail and sets up Molly for the Stratusfaction. Trish attempts to springboard off the top rope, but Molly throws her off and Trish crashes to the outside. Molly taunts the fallen Stratus, while Gail takes advantage and rolls up Molly. Gail grabs the tights and the referee doesn’t see. Gail gets the three count and the victory.

Winner: Gail Kim

Gail celebrates her victory, as Trish lies on the outside in pain and Molly cannot believe she lost to Gail Kim. Gail celebrates like she won the title in the ring. However, we go backstage where A.P.A. and the new WWE Tag Team Champion Dudley Boyz are in Eric Bischoff’s office. Bischoff is on the phone, while Dudley’s and A.P.A. argue. Bubba says he doesn’t want any tension between us and A.P.A. and he understands they’re pissed they didn’t get a title shot first. However, Bubba tells them that WWE is an unfair place. Bradshaw tells him to shut it and yells at Bischoff to get off the phone.

Bischoff hangs up the phone, walks over, and explains to him how it has not been a good night because he had another plan for this tag situation, but he was just on a conference call with Vince and the Smackdown! GM, Stephanie McMahon. They had a plan, but I put my little twist on it and they liked it so here we go. Bradshaw demands a title shot and Bischoff tells him to calm down because he has this figured out. On Smackdown!, A.P.A. will face the Dudley’s in a non-title match. If A.P.A. wins, they will get a title shot next Monday night against the Dudley’s and the Basham’s. If A.P.A. loses, Basham’s get their rematch against the Dudley’s next Monday. The two teams think about it. Bradshaw looks over at Bubba and laughs. Bradshaw tells Bubba that the A.P.A. are going to make a statement Thursday and that is a fact. The A.P.A. walk out and RAW goes to commercial.


RAW comes back on air with Ric Flair and Randy Orton warming up backstage. JR informs us that Mr. McMahon just told those two that they will be a part of the battle royal tonight to determine the number one contender for the World Title and face Triple H at Badd Blood. King hypes up the chance of an Evolution vs Evolution encounter for the title.

Match #3
Singles Match
John Cena vs Booker T

John Cena and Booker T come out for this singles battle. The two square off and both get offense in on each other. Booker T kept trying to set up Cena for the end, but could never get there, as Cena fought back each time. Booker finally gets Cena where he wants him and goes for the scissors kick, but Cena avoids it by getting up. Cena spins the stunned Booker around, picks him up on the shoulders, and hits the F5. Cena covers Booker T, gets the three count, and wins the match.

Winner: John Cena

Cena celebrates in the ring, but the camera goes backstage to Chris Benoit warming up possibly for the battle royal. Big Show is seen running from behind Benoit and hits Benoit from behind. Benoit falls and hits the floor hard. Show picks him up and throws him against a vending machine. Show grabs Benoit by the neck and slams him back first against the wall, where Show holds Benoit against. Show begins to yell at Benoit and asks him if now he thinks he is a joke of a champion. Show tightens his grip and warns Benoit not to mess with him. Show throws Benoit into folded chairs stacked in a pile. Benoit is shown laying in the messed up pile of chairs, as RAW goes to commercial.


Match #4
Singles Non-Title Mitch
Brock Lesnar vs Hardcore Holly

Hardcore Holly makes his way out, attempting to upset the champion. Brock Lesnar comes out with his manager Paul Heyman. Lesnar has his WWE Title around his waist and goes into the ring. Holly is not intimidated by the champion and goes right after him. However, Lesnar’s pure strength proves to be too much for Holly and the champion soon overtakes him. Lesnar wares down Holly and throws him for corner to corner. Holly is tossed to the outside, where Brock comes out and tosses Holly into the steel steps. Holly is thrown back into the ring and Lesnar performed a series of power bombs to Holly. Lesnar picked Holly up and delivered an F5, which got Lesnar a three count.

Winner: Brock Lesnar

Lesnar celebrates his victory in the ring, as Heyman comes in and gives Lesnar his title. Lesnar celebrates, but the crowd begins to cheer from a certain section. Heyman and Lesnar look around, but they face the opposite side from which Goldberg comes out of the crowd from. Goldberg slides into the ring and awaits Lesnar turning around. Lesnar turns around and SPEAR! Heyman hurries out of the ring, as Goldberg points toward Lesnar’s title and indicates that he wants it. Goldberg smiles, as RAW goes to commercial.


RAW comes back on air with Lesnar in his locker room with Heyman. Lesnar is holding his ribs in pain and is visibly upset about what just happened in the ring. Lesnar says he wants to get his hands on Goldberg immediately and hurt him. Heyman says that will be too easy. Heyman tells Lesnar he has a plan and to just let it all play out because in the end, Brock Lesnar will always win.

Match #5
10 Man Battle Royal to be the #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship
Chris Jericho vs Eddie Guerrero vs Edge vs Kane vs Kurt Angle vs Randy Orton vs Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels vs The Rock vs Undertaker

Superstars begin to make their way to the ring for the battle royal. All ten men stand in the ring, not knowing who should go after whom. They all turn their attention to the monster Kane. Kane turns his head to the side and he appears to enjoy the challenge that is ahead of him. All competitors go after Kane in the corner. However, Flair and Orton get themselves out of the group and stand in the other corner watching the beat down of Kane. Kane begins fighting back the group and the mob ends up in the middle of the ring. Eddie Guerrero comes running at Kane, but Kane grabs him by the neck and tosses him over the top rope. Guerrero goes flying over the top and into the barricade, effectively eliminating him from the match. (ELIMINATED: Eddie Guerrero)

The crowd of superstars charge at Kane yet again. Kane tries to fight back again, but Kurt Angle goes for the knees of Kane. Kane falls onto a knee and the assault begins. Kane somehow makes it to his feet and applies the chokeslam hold onto Shawn Michaels, but The Rock breaks off the hold. The mob tries to lift Kane over the top rope. Other superstars try to take advantage and throw others over the top, so the mob turns on itself and we have ourselves a brawl. However, Undertaker and Edge still go after Kane. Kane is thrown over the top rope and Edge and Undertaker go at it. (ELIMINATED: Kane)

Orton and Flair continue to try and avoid confrontation. Multiple brawls continue to go on in the ring. Chris Jericho sees Flair and Orton jump side to side around the ring trying to avoid contact. Jericho knocks down HBK in the corner and goes after Orton and Flair. Orton sees this and hides behind Flair. Flair and Jericho exchange punches. Flair backs Jericho up into the middle of the ring, where Jericho catches an elbow from the Rock inadvertently, who was dealing with the Undertaker at the time. Flair takes advantage and grabs Jericho. Jericho is thrown over the top rope, which makes Orton real happy. (ELIMINATED: Chris Jericho) The referees ask Jericho to leave, but he keeps pointing at Orton. Orton taunts him that he is inside the ring and Jericho is no longer. Jericho tells the referees he will not leave and continues his pursuit of Orton by just stalking him around the outside of the ring.

Seven men remain, as The Rock and Shawn Michaels team up and go after the Undertaker. They get the Undertaker over the top rope and Undertaker tries to hold on to the rope, but ends up falling to the outside. (ELIMINATED: Undertaker) Flair and Orton continue to try and avoid contact, but Kurt Angle sees what is going on and goes after Flair. Flair engages with Angle, while Jericho makes his move. Jericho grabs Orton by the feet and gets Orton’s attention. Orton turns to Jericho and the two begin arguing. Edge comes behind Orton and drop kick’s Orton. Orton flips over the top rope and to the outside. (ELIMINATED: Randy Orton) Flair turns around to see what happened, but Angle takes advantage and Angle Slam’s Flair in the center of the ring. Jericho begins stomping away at Orton while yelling that Y2J is the best in the world. Jericho grabs Orton and throws him up the ramp. Orton stumbles his way up. Orton realizes that Jericho is chasing after him and Orton begins running toward the stage. Jericho chases after him and the two end up behind the curtain and backstage.

Edge, Kurt Angle, Ric Flair, The Rock, and Shawn Michaels remain in the ring. Flair is down in the middle of the ring, still feeling the effects of that Angle Slam. Angle goes to pick up Flair, but Edge comes from behind and attempts to toss Angle out of the match. Angle flips over the top rope, but grabs the top rope on the way down and somehow stays up. Edge is shocked and goes over to get Angle out. Edge heads over and The Rock sneaks up from behind Edge and tosses Edge over. Edge tries to grab the rope and even Kurt Angle, but with no avail. (ELIMINATED: Edge) Ric Flair low blows the Rock, as Kurt Angle makes his way back into the ring.

Flair pins the Rock into the corner and chops Rock’s chest pure red. Flair turns around and wants to do his specialty walk, but turns around into a Sweet Chin Music. Flair falls right to the mat and Shawn goes to pick up Flair. The Rock comes from the corner and grabs Michaels. Michaels is thrown through the ropes, but it is between the second and third rope. The referee indicates that Michaels is still alive. Angle turns Rock around and the two go at it. Michaels makes his way up to the apron. Rock whips Angle toward Michaels and Michaels moves aside and pulls the top rope down. Angle tries to hold up, but flies over the top rope. (ELIMINATED: Kurt Angle) Michaels jumps up to the top rope and splashes onto the Rock. Rock and Michaels go at it, while Flair continues to try and hide in the corner. Rock and Michaels try and fight to see who wants it more.

Rock spinebuster’s Michaels in the middle of the ring. Rock sets up for the people’s elbow, but sees Flair ready to make a move. Rock goes after Flair, but Flair counters and drops Rock face first into the middle turnbuckle. Flair works the Rock in the corner, but HBK comes from behind and hits a belly to back suplex on Flair. Rock goes after HBK and Rock tries to grab HBK and toss him over, but the HBK grabs the ropes for leverage. HBK tries to do the same for Rock, but Rock grabs the ropes for leverage. Flair comes running at the two for a double clothesline, but Rock and HBK notice it and team up to toss Flair over the top. (ELIMINATED: Ric Flair) The Rock focuses on Flair on the outside, mocking Flair’s in ring tactics. HBK is focused on the match sets up for sweet chin music on Rock. Rock turns around and ducks under the sweet chin and puts Michaels into a rock bottom. Michaels elbows out of it and sets up for another sweet chin music. Rock turns around and ducks under the sweet chin again! Michaels leg gets caught in the rope and he is caught in an awkward position. The Rock takes advantage and pushes Michaels to lean toward the outside. Michaels cannot hold himself and he falls to the outside. (ELIMINATED: Shawn Michaels) Rock is left standing.

Winner: #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Title; The Rock

Rock celebrates in the ring, as Michaels cannot believe what happened. Michaels sits on the outside with his back against the barricade in complete disappointment. The Rock gets his arm held high, but Triple H’s music soon hits. The Rock turns his attention to the stage, where Triple H stands on the stage with his World Title on his shoulder. Rock points toward the title and Triple H taps the title and smiles, as RAW goes off air.​

WWE Badd Blood
June 17th, 2003
From The FedEx Forum in Memphis, Tennessee

Singles Match
World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H (C) vs The Rock
Jam's Review
Well, another show from you dude, you're pumping out rather quickly. You may wanna wait for a time period and then start posting again, but I know that you've posted it already so why not just get it over with. Here's a review.

Ahh Evolution, what a group of guys. This group produced two future stars in Batista and Orton who went on to become real big stars on their own because of their time in Evolution. They learned from the very best in HHH and Ric Flair. Now, I know that they're still a group, but somewhere down the line, they gotta break up, and that's what I'm most looking forward to. I like how HHH is the leader in the group and how he tells Orton he gives him permission to go after Jericho. It later becomes all about the World Title as it should be. Four big star names come out but later on Vince announces a battle royal? Kinda confused here man, as it's obvious that one of those four men will be the winner.

Ha, the APA was a really good tag team. Anyway, I'm with Bradshaw on this one as to how The Dudleyz got a title shot before APA. Looks like the APA have something to say as they go for the gold. Maybe a bad decision by Bischoff for putting the titles on the line in the first place. And here comes the explaination. Bischoff redeems himself by giving everyone a chance. I predict the Dudleyz to pull this one off against whoever they face.

Ha, John Cena still a midcard guy here, but I really liked his feud with Booker T. Anyway, Orton and Flair are in the Battle Royal so I expect that they'll work together and eliminate as much people as they can, as always. And I'm not really feeling this feud because Benoit is you know...Oh and a big development here with Goldberg going for the title against Lesnar, should be a good one. I'm not sure if they feuded in the past but I don't think they did, so this should be fun to watch.

And here it is, like I said, one of the four guys would win this Battle Royal, and The Rock does so. Not a bad match with Rocky going against HHH. It should be a fun one to see development over the next couple of shows. However, I don't think HBK is done here. He might somehow get involved and make it a triple threat.

Overall, a pretty good read. Maybe some matches could've been spread around a little better as it just seemed kinda crowded. But I like the feuds of Lesnar/Goldberg and Rock/HHH so you're doing those right. There could've been an interview with someone instead of this whole Big Show/Benoit thing. I get it though that you wanna establish a feud, but there are other ways to do it. But all in all, it was an alright read. With Raw now over, I look forward to Smackdown.
SXEnightmare's Review:

well i had trouble keeping my focus on the opening segment you really should use different colors for the different people talking or if your going with all black make it a little shorter just a thought.

Dudleys vs Bashams well besides the fact it makes no sense for dudleys to take the titles when APA should have i mean they already beat the bashams looks like were getting a fued of dudleys and APA now might be good.

Womens Match short match but it was expected from women most people dont like writing womens matches gail kim gets the victory but i was hoping for more out of these 3.

Cena vs Booker its weird seeing cena as a mid carder but not bad another short match with cena getting a quick victory match needed a little more detail though.

Lesnar vs Holly our third quick match of the night but this one makes sense it makes lesnar look like a beast to destroy hardcore holly so fast. is there a brand split with your shows or no? because it seems there isnt and with such a big roster theres nothing wrong with a brand split.

Main Event here we go battle royal time it comes down to Rock,HBK and Flair and Rock picks up the victory....not looking forward to Rock vs HHH honestly but ill see what you can do with it i was really hoping for HBK to win though.

overall your first raw was okay you need to use different colors for segments or just make them shorter and also im not sure how i feel about you using benoit to me dead guys being used just seems weird but hey your show up to you.

Thursday Night Smackdown!
Date: 6/7/03
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Venue: AT&T Center
Attendance: 18,722/19,000​

Smackdown! kicks off with Tazz and Michael Cole at ringside. They discuss the Rock winning a shot at Triple H’s World Title at Badd Blood. Also, they mention Shawn Michaels dedication to get that title shot, but Shawn came up just short and was devastated. Also, they talk about how Lesnar and Heyman have plotted to get back at Goldberg, but how? Goldberg’s music blasts and Goldberg makes his way through the smoke on the stage. Goldberg comes out with a crowd that is solely behind him. Goldberg stands in the middle of the ring, while he takes his time and pauses to listen to the crowd chant his name. Goldberg speaks and he threw down the challenge on RAW to Brock Lesnar and let him know that he is next. Goldberg says he is sick of Lesnar being called the ‘Next Big Thing.’ Goldberg discusses his historic run in WCW and how wrestlers got the hell out of his way. He mentions how the superstars backstage look at Lesnar and back away, just like they did to Goldberg when he was in WCW. He mentions that not all the wrestlers look at Goldberg the way that they look at Lesnar, and that infuriates Goldberg. They think Goldberg is past his prime. Goldberg wants to prove to Lesnar that his prime has not passed and Lesnar will have to take a backseat to the real beast of the WWE, Goldberg. Goldberg promises that the WWE Title will soon be around his waist and when he is done, superstars will look at Goldberg with that same, scared look. Goldberg demands Lesnar to come out.

Goldberg waits for Lesnar, but Shawn Michaels music hits. Michaels walks out without doing his poise on the ramp and the pyro goes off without Michaels. Michaels walks down with causal clothing and a depressed look upon his face. Michaels gets in the ring and grabs a microphone. Goldberg speaks up before Michaels and expresses his unhappiness about HBK’s interruption. Michaels nods his head and he says he understands, but says he needed to get something off his back and then get the hell out of here. A ‘HBK’ chant begins and Michaels thanks his home crowd, but he says not even the hometown crowd could cheer him up tonight. Michaels talks about how he came out on RAW and demanded a title shot from Triple H. It turned into chaos, as guy after guy came out and demanded a challenge as well. All he wanted was a match against Triple H, but it turned into a battle royal. He mentions his career needs a jump start and he needed to win his battle royal for the sake of his career. He had the battle royal won and set himself up against the Rock for a victory. He says he simply didn’t execute and Rock took advantage and won. HBK congrats the Rock, but says the Rock did not need that win as bad as he needed it.

Goldberg knocks down HBK’s microphone and Goldberg stares him down. Goldberg asks if Shawn’s speech is going anywhere or if he is just throwing himself a pity party? He tells Shawn to grow a pair and do something about it. Goldberg tells Shawn that he is the number one contender for the WWE Title and nothing is going to get in the way of him kicking Lesnar’s ass. Shawn picks up his microphone and tells Goldberg that he has no intention of getting between him and his title shot. Goldberg asks if Shawn is telling the truth because it just seems that Shawn has come out here to try and get himself into another title picture because he was kicked out of another one. Goldberg tells Shawn that he has no problem making him next if he is going to get himself involved in this.

Shawn is about to talk, when Paul Heyman appears on the screen. The crowd boos Heyman and Heyman gets Goldberg’s and Michaels’s attention. Heyman condemns Goldberg’s assault on Lesnar on RAW. Heyman says that his client will make Goldberg pay eventually, but Heyman mentions he has bigger fish to fry. He mentions that the GM Stephanie McMahon has a meeting at headquarters, so she will not be here tonight. Heyman mentions that his WWE contract has an administration clause in it, so he technically considered an admin of the WWE and tonight he will be making sure Smackdown! is a fully running and operational show. He says that Stephanie has left a rough outline on how she wants the show to run, but Heyman wants to keep all his superstars happy. Seeing HBK upset and down is a sight Heyman does not want to see. Heyman announces that tonight’s main event will pit Goldberg and Shawn Michaels in the same ring. The winner of the match will become the new #1 contender for the WWE Title. Heyman wishes both men good luck and leaves. Goldberg is furious and storms off to the back, as Smackdown! goes to commercial.


Smackdown! is back on air with Chris Benoit and Josh Matthews. Matthews begins by asking Benoit how is doing after Big Show’s attack on RAW last week. Benoit flexes his shoulders and says he is fine, but ready to avenge what Big Show did to him on RAW. Benoit says that Big Show is gutless and simply afraid that I am real competition for his title. Benoit promises revenge against the Big Show and leaves.

Match #1
Tag Team Non-Title Match
If A.P.A. wins, A.P.A. will get a title shot next Monday night against the Dudley’s and the Basham’s
If A.P.A. loses, Basham’s get their rematch against the Dudley’s next Monday
A.P.A. (Bradshaw & Farooq) vs The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D’Von Dudley)

A.P.A. makes their way to the ring with a lot riding on his match. The Dudley’s make their way to the ring with the tag team titles. Regardless, the Dudley’s will be defending those titles on RAW this Monday. Their opponents will be determined after this match. The Basham’s are seen backstage observing the match on a monitor. Bradshaw and Bubba Ray begin the match and go after one another. Bradshaw gets the upper hand and brings down Bubba. Bubba tags in D’Von, who goes after Bradshaw with energy. Bradshaw gets the upper hand again, but D’Von hits an inverted DDT seemingly out of nowhere and both men make a tag in to their partner.

Farooq and Bubba go at it with rights and lefts. Forearm clubs to Bubba bring Bubba down, but Farooq only gets a two count. Bubba gets a tag into D’Von, but Farooq takes D’Von down with a football tackle to the knees. D’Von is whipped into the ropes, but Farooq misses a clothesline and D’Von counters back with a Lou Thesz press, followed by plenty of rights and lefts. D’Von is pumped and goes up to the top rope. Farooq starts to get up and D’Von gets down from the top. However, D’Von is met with a running knee to the gut. Farooq drags D’Von to his corner and tags in Bradshaw. Bradshaw and Farooq team up on D’Von in the corner, before Farooq goes back to the apron. Bradshaw puts D’Von into a painful bearhug. D’Von attempts to fight out of it with encouragement from the crowd. Bradshaw throws down D’Von. D’Von tries to get to the corner, but Bradshaw comes over. Bradshaw grabs D’Von by the legs to drag him over, but D’Von resists and jumps up to tag Bubba in. Bubba comes in and clotheslines Bradshaw.

Farooq is knocked off the apron by Bubba and Bubba begins unloading on Bradshaw. Bradshaw comes at Bubba, but Bubba counters into a Samoan Drop onto Bradshaw. Farooq tries to get back into the ring, but the referee holds him back. D’Von climbs up to the top rope and Bubba holds Bradshaw’s legs up. They both yell ‘Wassup!’ and D’Von hits a diving headbutt low blow. Bradshaw moves around in pain, as Farooq leaves the ring and goes after D’Von. D’Von and Bubba set up for the 3D. Bradshaw begins to slowly get up, as the referee pleads for D’Von to get back to the apron. Farooq grabs D’Von and slides him under the ropes and outside the ring. Bubba goes and tries to help D’Von, but turns around into a Clothesline from Hell from Bradshaw. Bradshaw goes for the pin and gets the three.

Winner: A.P.A.​

A.P.A. gets their title shot against the Dudley’s and Basham’s on RAW. Bradshaw celebrates in the ring, while still feeling the side effects of the low blow. Farooq slides in and celebrates with Bradshaw. They begin to walk up the ramp in celebration, as the Dudley’s are left licking their wounds. Suddenly, the Basham’s run out from the back and attack A.P.A. on the ramp. Farooq is hip tossed onto the stage and Bradshaw gets a spinebuster on the ramp. The Basham’s make their way to the ring. Danny throws D’Von out of the ring and hit their aided chokeslam, called the double brain damage on Bubba. Basham’s celebrate in the ring with the Dudley’s titles, as the camera goes backstage.

Goldberg is shown backstage looking locker room to locker room for Paul Heyman, as Smackdown! goes to commercial.


Rey Mysterio and Tajiri are shown warming up. Tazz talks about how it is a big opportunity for Mysterio tonight, seeing that Tajiri is the Cruiserweight Champion.

Match #2
Women’s Title Match
Molly Holly © vs Gail Kim​

Gail picked up a huge victory on RAW against Molly Holly and Trish Stratus. Gail makes her way to the ring ready to take the opportunity in front of her. Molly Holly comes out next with the Women’s Title in hand. Molly and Gail square up in the ring and begin their match. Gail seems to be very aggressive to start the match. Gail throws Molly over the ropes and goes out with her. Gail throws Molly against the barricade. Gail grabs Molly by the hair and tosses her in the ring and pins her, but only gets a two. Molly counters Gail’s aggressiveness with a bulldog. Gail gets up with the same attitude, but Molly counters into a roll up, but only gets two again.

Gail grabs Molly by the hair and brings her down, which causes the referee to try and set Gail straight. Gail gets in the referees face and shows that she will do anything to win the title and tells the referee to stay out of her way. Gail goes to put the Boston Crab on Molly, but Molly kicks out of it and kicks Gail through the ropes and to the outside. Molly brings Gail back to the ring and Molly slides in. Molly gets up and immediately is put into a rollup by Gail. Gail grabs the tights and gets the three count. We have a new champion!

No! The referee sees the tights being held and calls off the three. Gail is pissed and gets into the referees face again. Molly gets up and hits Gail with a dropkick. Gail falls into the referee and the referee is now down. Gail gets up and goes at Molly. Molly brings Gail down and gets up for the Molly-Go-Round. Gail gets up and Molly hits it. Molly has an easy three count, but the referee is not up yet. Molly goes to get the referee up. Gail gets up and goes to hit Molly from behind with a clothesline, but Molly moves out of the way and Gail Kim hits the referee with a clothesline. The referee crawls over to the announcers and says he has had enough and declares Molly Holly the winner by DQ.

Winner: Still Women’s Champion; Molly Holly by DQ​

Gail is not happy and goes after Molly Holly. Gail tackles Molly and beings punching her and pulling her hair. Trish Stratus comes running down the ramp to a huge pop and separates Gail from Molly. Molly rolls out the ring and Gail goes face to face with Trish. Gail slaps Trish and Trish does not look happy. Trish retaliates with a Stratusfaction on Gail, much to the crowd’s approval. Trish leaves with a smile on her face, as Smackdown! goes to commercial.


Goldberg is shown, as the commercial ends. Goldberg continues to open locker room doors and finally opens the right one and finds Heyman on the phone. Heyman hangs up and asks Goldberg if he should be warming up for his big match tonight instead of rudely barging into his office. Goldberg tells him to shutup and asks what the hell happened out there earlier tonight. He asks Heyman why Michaels gets a shot to be the number one contender after he did absolutely nothing, while he defeated Angle to earn his shot. Heyman laughs and asks Goldberg if he doubts that he can beat Michaels tonight. Goldberg says that is beside the point and if Heyman thinks he can play games with him, he is surely wrong.

Heyman continues to laugh and tells Goldberg that he is just another wrestler past his prime trying to get another shot at the top to prove they are not washed up and pathetic has been’s. He says that Goldberg needs to take a step down and let the Next Big Thing continue his rise up the ladder. Heyman says that when Lesnar humiliates Goldberg, Goldberg will be the one in the ring talking about how his career is in ruins, just like Shawn Michaels was tonight. Heyman says he doesn’t want to see Goldberg like that. He says he can give Goldberg a shot at the United States title, or maybe the vacated Hardcore Title. He just doesn’t want to see Goldberg humiliated because Heyman says Goldberg was embarrassed enough in WCW, always being second to the nWo. Goldberg is furious and gets face to face to Heyman. Heyman smiles and Goldberg says he was the best WCW ever had. Heyman laughs and simply says yeah right. Goldberg is about to lay a punch on Heyman, when Heyman mentions that he is untouchable and anybody who lays a hand on him will be arrested.

Goldberg stays face to face and Heyman continues to provoke Goldberg. Heyman mentions how Goldberg was an embarrassment in the NFL. He turned to pro wrestling because he couldn’t make it and simply wasn’t good enough in football. Heyman says there are so many similarities to then and now because he couldn’t make it in football and now he can’t make it in the WWE. Heyman tells him to leave and get out before he embarrasses himself yet again. Goldberg grabs Heyman by his suit and slams him against the wall. Goldberg gets in Heyman’s face, as Heyman is screaming for help. Goldberg says he does not need to prove anything to Heyman and that he will be wearing the gold sooner than later and then we will see who is embarrassed. The cops come swarming into Heyman’s office and arrest Goldberg on the spot.

Match #3
Singles Non-Title Match
Rey Mysterio vs Tajiri​

Mysterio makes his way to the ring, awaiting his opponent. Tajiri makes his way to the ring and Mysterio eyes the Cruiserweight Title the whole time Tajiri makes his way down to the ring. Mysterio and Tajiri go at it with plenty of quick kicks and moving around from side to side of the ring. Tajiri tries to get Mysterio down on a knee and does. Tajiri hits a Shining Wizard and tries to get a victory, but only gets a two. Tajiri goes for a devastating kick to Mysterio, but Mysterio counters leg drag. Mysterio gets up and hits a DDT. Mysterio goes to the top and hits a dropkick from the top rope.

Mysterio gets up against and goes for a crossbody, but Tajiri hits a crazy kick to the gut of Mysterio, who is down in pain. Tajiri gets up and hits a couple of falling elbow drops. Mysterio tries to get up, but Tajiri gets toying him with kicks to the gut, sending Mysterio back down on a knee. Tajiri sets himself up for a big kick to the head and Tajiri goes for the finishing kick, but Mysterio counters and throws Tajiri into the ropes. Tajiri is set up for the 619 and Mysterio connects. Mysterio hits the West Coast Pop and goes for the pin for three.

Winner: Rey Mysterio​

Mysterio celebrates, as Tajiri rolls over and gets up. He can’t believe he lost. Mysterio turns around and Tajiri goes after him. Mysterio turns into the mist from Tajiri. Mysterio is blinded and goes down to a knee. Tajiri smacks Mysterio with a huge kick to the side of the head, sending Mysterio into the mat and down. Tajiri stares at the downed Mysterio, as Smackdown! goes to commercial.


Smackdown! comes back on air with Josh Matthews backstage. He announces that due to Goldberg’s arrest earlier tonight, tonight’s main event will feature Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle, with the winner still becoming the number one contender for the WWE Championship. Matthews announces he is with The Rock, who steps into the picture. Rock talks about how he won the battle royal on RAW and now he will get the chance to face Triple H at Badd Blood. He said he will be the number one contender and he proved it. Now the People’s Champ will say he will win the World Heavyweight Champion and at Badd Blood he will prove that he will win the World Heavyweight Championship and bring back the World Title to the millions…(and millions) of Rock fans across the globe. Rock walks out toward ringside.

Match #4
Tag Team Match
The Rock & Chris Jericho vs Triple H & Randy Orton​

The Rock makes his way out to the ring and poses in the ring, while his partner’s music hits. Chris Jericho makes his way out and gives a nod to the Rock. Evolution’s music hits, while Triple H and Randy Orton make their way out with their titles around their shoulders. Triple H and Chris Jericho start the match. Triple H wins the strength matchup and hits a knee to Jericho’s face. Jericho ducks under a running clothesline from Triple H, but Triple H stays persistent and hits another running clothesline on Jericho. Triple H gets a two count from the pin. Triple H drags Jericho into the corner, but Jericho counters and backhand chops HHH in the corner. Jericho runs off the ropes and hits a running back elbow. Triple H tries to get into the corner and Jericho tags in the Rock.

The Rock smiles, as Triple H gets up in his corner. The two stare at one another, until Orton slaps Triple H’s back and comes into the match. Orton runs at the Rock, who ducks under a clothesline and turns around to spinebuster Orton. The Rock turns back around toward Triple H and the two continue to stare down each other. Rock turns around and gets a shoulder to his gut from Orton. Orton and the Rock go at it until Orton hits a neckbreaker on the Rock. Orton goes in to tag in Triple H, but the Rock crawls over to tag in Jericho. Jericho clotheslines Triple H and Orton begins to taunt Jericho. Jericho yells back at Orton, but Triple H hits a low blow on Jericho while the referee was holding back Orton from coming back into the ring.

Triple H throws Jericho into the Game’s corner and goes up on the ropes and hits his mounted punches. The referee tells Triple H to get off. The Game refuses, but soon gets off and talks to the referee. Orton lays some punches into Jericho. Triple H goes after Jericho, but Jericho counters and gets Triple H off him. Jericho elbows Orton off the apron and Jericho drops Triple H. Triple H is catapulted into the corner. Triple H’s head hits the turnbuckle and he stumbles back into the middle of the ring. Jericho hits the Lionsault, but Orton comes into the ring. Jericho and Rock tag up and Rock goes after Triple H, but the referee pulls the Rock off because he says that Jericho is the legal man. The referee never saw the tag and Rock goes back to the apron. Jericho talks to the referee, but Triple H sneaks up behind him and turns him around. Triple H goes for the pedigree, but Jericho flips Triple H around. Jericho makes a tag and Triple H makes a tag.

Orton and the Rock go at it. Rock hits a DDT on Orton and goes for a pin, but Triple H breaks it up. Rock goes after Triple H and the two continue to exchange words. Rock turns around and headlock’s Orton, but Orton counters and whips Rock into the ropes. Rock is hit with a snap scoop powerslam and Orton is pumped. Orton goes over to Jericho and taunts to Jericho. Jericho slaps Orton and the two go at it. The referee tries to break the two up. Orton has his back turned to Rock and Rock hits a swinging neckbreaker to Orton. Jericho demands to get tagged in and Rock tags in Jericho. Orton crawls to the corner after seeing Jericho getting tagged in and somehow reaches Triple H. Triple H runs to Jericho, who hits an enzuigiri to Triple H. Jericho runs and tags in the Rock. Jericho goes down to ringside and runs after Orton. Orton goes to ringside too and tries to run away from Jericho. Orton slips and Jericho catches up to him. Jericho tosses Orton into the barricade, while the Rock is in the ring with the downed Triple H. The Rock waits for Triple H to get up and Triple H slowly gets up. The Rock goes for the Rock Bottom and hits it. Rock goes for the pin and gets the three.

Winner: The Rock & Chris Jericho​

The Rock celebrates, as Chris Jericho pounds on Randy Orton in the corner of the barricade on the outside. Batista and Ric Flair come running down the ramp and Rock prepares for a fight. Flair comes running into the ring, while Batista attacks Jericho at ringside. Batista throws Jericho into the barricade and then tosses him into the ring post. Flair and Rock share rights. Rock appears to have the upperhand, until Batista comes from behind and brings the Rock down. Flair and Batista stomp on the Rock while Triple H gets up. Triple H gets up and delivers a pedigree on the Rock. The Rock is down in the middle of the ring, as Orton is on the outside taunting Jericho yet again. Orton goes into the ring and Evolution poises in the ring, while Orton is down at ringside and Rock is out in the ring.


Smackdown! comes back on air with Chris Benoit walking into Big Show’s locker room with a steel chair. Big Show is not in there and Benoit drops the chair. Big Show is shown from behind running toward Benoit, but Benoit counters and drop toe holds Show into the dropped chair. Benoit quickly applies the crossface to Show, who taps immediately. Benoit does not let go of the hold and Show still taps. Benoit lets go and smiles, as he takes his chair from under Big Show and leaves.

Match #5
Singles Match to be the #1 Contender for the WWE Championship
Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle​

Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring, hoping to get another chance at the #1 contendership. Angle is pumped for the match. Shawn Michaels music hits and Shawn comes out to the stage looking pumped up and excited for another opportunity. The hometown crowd is behind Shawn’s back and he is pumped. Shawn gets in the ring and the two competitors stare each other down. Both want the same thing, but who will get it? Shawn and Angle lock up, with Shawn coming out on top and tossing Angle out of the ring. The crowd cheers loud for Michaels, who is feeding off the crowd.

Angle makes his way back into the ring and tries to back Michaels into the corner, but Michaels pushes Angle back into another corner and unloads rights to Angle. Angle pushes Michaels off and comes at Michaels, but Michaels counters with a forearm to Angle’s jaw. Angle turns around in pain and Michaels hits a belly to back suplex. Michaels goes for the pin and gets a two count. Michaels gets Angle, but Angle grabs Michaels and puts him into a triangle choke hold. Michaels gets out of it, but Angle counters again and puts Michaels back into the hold. Michaels is stuck in the hold, but begins to break it and Angle notices this and hits a belly to back suplex. Angle goes for a pin, but only gets two.

Michaels gets up and Angle hits a double leg take down. Angle brings Michaels into the corner, but Michaels counters and punches Angle with many rights. Shawn lifts Angle into the top rope and Shawn goes up with him. Michaels goes for the superplex, but Angle attempts to elbow out of it. Shawn counters Angle’s counter and gets the superplex ready and hits it! Both men are down and Michaels crawls over to Angle for the pin and a two count. Michaels cannot believe it. Michaels gets up and goes for Angle by picking him up. Michaels whips Angle into the ropes and hits a back body drop onto Angle. Angle goes down hard and Michaels picks him back up. Michaels hits an inverted atomic drop to Angle and goes for a pin. Michaels gets a two out of it.

Michaels goes for another inverted atomic drop and hits it. Michaels goes for a pin and only gets two. Michaels and the crowd are shocked. Michaels goes up to the top rope and appears to be going for the elbow drop. Michaels sees Angle moving around and goes after Angle. He goes to pick Angle up, but Angle counters into the ankle lock! Michaels scurries to get out of it and does. Michaels gets up and counters an Angle move to get Angle into another inverted atomic drop. Michaels hits it and goes back up to the top rope. Michaels is tired and takes a breather on the top rope. The crowd cheers Michaels name and Michaels nods to the crowd. Michaels stands up on the ropes, but slips a little and causes him to balance himself again. Angle suddenly gets up out of nowhere and jumps up to the top rope with Michaels and hits a belly to belly suplex from the top rope. Both men are down and the crowd is shocked. Angle crawls over to Michaels and goes for the pin. Angle gets to two and Michaels kicks out just before three.

Angle cannot believe it. Angle and Michaels slowly get up and Angle greets Michaels with a few uppercuts. Angle headbutts Michaels and Michaels is dazed. Michaels tries a weak clothesline, but Angle counters and hits the Angle Slam. Angle is pumped and pulls down his shoulder straps. Angle puts in the Ankle Lock. Michaels is thriving in pain, which makes Angle put even more pressure on the hold. Angle twists the ankle back and forth. Michaels looks like he is about to tap. The sweat is building on the mat, as Michaels cannot move toward the ropes. Angle tries to apply more pressure, but Michaels just will not tap. Michaels turns his body and counters, but Angle somehow keeps the Ankle Lock applied. Michaels gains strength from the crowd and turns his body to get out of the hold. Ankle goes stumbling into the corner and back toward Michaels, who is having a tough time supporting his ankle. Michaels goes and hit’s an Angle Slam onto Angle! The crowd goes crazy, as Angle is out and Michaels is barely moving around. Michaels crawls to the corner and uses the ropes to get up. Michaels makes his way to the top rope and pounds the elbow to his hand. Michaels takes a deep breath and hits the diving elbow drop into the chest of Angle.

Michaels and Angle are down, but Michaels makes his way into the corner again. Michaels collapses when he puts pressure on his ankle, as the adrenaline is gone after the elbow drop. Michaels tries to muster up and load up for the Sweet Chin Music. Angle gets up in the middle of the ring and Michaels goes at Angle with the bad ankle for the Sweet Chin. However, Angle grabs the bad ankle. Angle applies the ankle lock, but Shawn quickly reverses. Shawn gets up and winces in pain for his ankle. Angle stumbles back at Shawn and Shawn delivers the Sweet Chin Music, bad ankle and all. Shawn goes on two feet, but collapses while putting pressure on the bad ankle. He falls over Angle and the referee goes for the pin. Michaels get the two and the slow three comes from the referee.

Winner: And New #1 Contender for the WWE Title; Shawn Michaels​

The hometown crowd goes crazy and Michaels rolls off Angle. Michaels smiles and cheers, as he puts his arms up in the air in celebration. Michaels gets up with help from the referee and gets his arm held high. Michaels hobbles over to the ropes and holds himself up, while he smiles from ear to ear. Shawn’s determination won him the match. A dejected Angle gets up and looks at Shawn. Angle walks up to Shawn and the two go face to face. Angle shakes his head and just mouths wow. He wishes Shawn good luck and raises Michaels hand high in the air, as Smackdown! fades to black.
TheCult's Smackdown review


First things first I feel that your show lacks colour, It is set out nicely but just needs that hint of colour. Maybe blue for Smackdown? I don't know. Also even though I have the same problem in my bt I feel that you need to help us connect with the superstars.


I'm really liking the Lesnar and Goldberg feud you got going and Paul Heyman helps things even more. I'm looking forward to them facing off.

Benoit and Big Show

I myself am not a fan of Benoit and Big show going at it in the future. I feel they both could do with something different. However I did like the fact that Show tapped to the crossface in the locker room, as it shows Benoit is even more dangerous than first thought.

Main event

What a match the main event was, absolutely fantastic in my opinion I thought Angle was going to get the win however HBK pulls it out in his hometown.

Final thoughts

Overall it was a good show that helped progress storylines, i'll definitely be reading!

Sunday Night HEAT
Date: 6/10/03
Location: Houston, Texas
Venue: Toyota Center
Attendance: 17,432/19,000​

HEAT comes on air with the Houston, Texas crowd on their feet cheering. Coach introduces the show and mentions that the Sunday Night Heat General Manager Theodore Long has set tonight’s main event, which will feature Undertaker against Hardcore Holly. Al Snow discusses Goldberg’s arrest on Smackdown! and that Goldberg is still locked up behind bars. He will be let out tomorrow morning and might appear on RAW, but has to pass clearance from RAW GM Eric Bischoff. They raise questions on Goldberg’s whereabouts, as Evolution’s music hits and the group makes their way out.

Evolution, led by the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H, makes their way to the ring. Triple H lets everyone know that what happened on Smackdown! will never happen again. Evolution was embarrassed and they will make sure their presence is felt this upcoming week. Randy Orton grabs the microphone from Triple H and immediately rips Chris Jericho. Orton says Jericho thinks he is playing games with him and he will put an end to Jericho. Orton taps his Intercontinental Title and smiles. Orton says he is happy knowing that Orton will never get the chance to get his hands on gold as long as Evolution is running.

Triple H grabs the microphone back. Triple H gives a shout out to Batista, the muscle of the group, and Ric Flair, the mastermind that keeps us flowing. Triple H says he will let The Rock run his mouth night by night and talk about how his title will go back to the millions and millions of Rock fans. However, the millions and millions of people will not help the Rock beat him one on one at Badd Blood. Triple H mentions that Evolution is looking to expand. He says anybody who wants to join is welcome. There’s no application or anything, just come see him backstage. Triple H throws out the A.P.A. and World’s Greatest Tag Team’s name as possible candidates. Triple H guarantees that with extra man power, Evolution will not lose and Rock will have hell to pay. Evolution leaves the ring, as the camera goes backstage.

Backstage, Rey Mysterio is with GM Theodore Long. Mysterio tells Long that he beat the Cruiserweight Champion on Smackdown! and deserves a shot at Tajiri’s Cruiserweight Title. Long begins to speak, but the anxious Mysterio says he wants the match tonight. Long laughs and says he was planning to schedule a match between the two tonight, but Tajiri is nowhere to be found. Long says he could give Mysterio a shot at the currently vacant Hardcore Championship. Mysterio thinks about it and agrees, but still wants a shot at Tajiri. Long smiles and tells Mysterio his match is next.


Chris Benoit is seen warming up backstage, in anticipation for his tag team match later tonight.

Match #1
Hardcore Match for the Hardcore Championship
Rey Mysterio vs Rhyno

Rhyno makes his way out to the ring. Rhyno brings two chairs into the ring, as Rey Mysterio’s music hits. Mysterio makes his way to the ring with support from the crowd. Mysterio slides into the ring and Rhyno attacks immediately. Rhyno pounds Mysterio on the mat and proceeds to throw him outside the ring. Mysterio gets up and Rhyno runs after him on the outside, but Mysterio drops Rhyno into the steel steps. Mysterio grabs a chair from the ring and hits Rhyno across the back with it. Rhyno falls to his knees and Mysterio hits him in the back again. Rhyno goes down, holding his back. Mysterio gets up on the apron and runs toward Rhyno, hitting a flying leg drop onto him. Mysterio goes for the pin, but Rhyno kicks out.

Mysterio backs off and waits for Rhyno to get up. Mysterio runs at Rhyno, but Rhyno counters and throws Mysterio over his head. Mysterio lands on his feet and Rhyno runs at Mysterio and spears him into the barricade. Both men are down catching their breath. Rhyno gets up and rolls Mysterio into the ring. Rhyno picks Rey up and puts him into a bearhug. Mysterio tries to punch out of the bearhug. Rey leads Rhyno into the corner and Rey uses the corner to counter into a headscissors DDT. Mysterio goes into the pin, but only gets a two. Mysterio gets up to the top rope and waits for Rhyno to get up. Rhyno gets up and Mysterio goes for the crossbody. Mysterio hits it and goes for the pin, but Rhyno counters and pins Rey. Rhyno gets a two count. They get up and Rey runs at Rhyno, with Rhyno hitting a flapjack. Rhyno grabs one of his chairs and stuffs it into the corner turnbuckles. Rey begins to get up and Rhyno gets the other chair to hit Mysterio with.

Mysterio gets up and Rhyno goes for a chair shot. Mysterio hits an enzuigiri out of nowhere. Rhyno falls over to his knees on the second rope. Mysterio goes for the 619 and hits. Mysterio goes for the seated senton, but Tajiri comes out from under the ring and goes onto the apron with Mysterio. The two have eye contact and Tajiri spits the mist into Mysterio’s eyes. Tajiri throws Mysterio into the ring. Rey is dazed and moves around the ring in blindness. Tajiri disappears under the ring, while Rhyno gets up and sets Mysterio up for the spear. Rhyno goes for the spear and spears Mysterio into the chair set up in the corner. Rhyno goes for the pin and gets the three count.

Winner: And New Hardcore Champion; Rhyno​

Rhyno is handed the Hardcore Championship and he celebrates, as Mysterio is downed in the corner blinded by the mist. The World’s Greatest Tag Team is shown warming up and The Coach lets us know that they are next!


Match #2
Tag Team Match
World’s Greatest Tag Team (Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin) vs William Regal & Chris Nowinski​

William Regal and Chris Nowinski make their way to the ring. Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin make their way back to the ring next and the rumors continue to circulate on whether or not they could join Evolution after Triple H mentioned their names earlier tonight. Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin win on a relatively quick and easy match, after Shelton hit his finished on Nowinski.

Winner: World’s Greatest Tag Team​

The World’s Greatest Tag Team celebrate, as Randy Orton is shown backstage with Josh Matthews. Orton cuts off Matthews and lets Matthews know that Flair, Batista, and Triple H have already left. Matthews apologizes and Orton says he does not accept the apology. Orton says he is sick of people who think they are on the same level as him. Orton lets Matthews know that he and Matthews are not on the same level. Also, Jericho and Orton are not on the same level, as Orton is more superior and last week’s victory was a fluke. Orton pushes Matthews aside and leaves the arena, as a commercial ensues.


Match #3
Tag Team Match
Chris Benoit & Kane vs Rob Van Dam & Big Show

Chris Benoit and Kane are introduced, followed by the challengers Rob Van Dam and Big Show. Big Show and Benoit stare each other down the whole time. The match begins with Kane and Rob Van Dam. The two exchange their even share of offense, but Kane gets the upperhand and RVD tags in Big Show. Big Show charges at Kane, but Kane hits a few uppercuts to push Big Show back. Big Show responses with a big boot to Kane. Big Show gets Kane up and throws him into the corner. Show hits some loud chops to Kane, but Kane reverses and throws Big Show into the corner.

Kane gives Big Show some serious rights, until the referee breaks it up. Kane scares the referee by getting in his face. Kane turns toward Big Show and Big Show hits a clothesline to Kane. Big Show gets Kane to the ropes and hits another loud open hand chop. Kane counters with some more uppercuts and goes for the chokeslam. Kane hits a weak, but effective chokeslam and both men are down. Kane goes to the corner and tags in Benoit. Show scurries to the corner and tags in RVD. Benoit runs over and knocks RVD off the apron. Big Show leaves the ring and Benoit stands in the ring, starring at Big Show and telling him to get back in the ring. Big Show laughs and says that Benoit is not worth his time. Show makes his way to the back and leaves.

Benoit is attacked from behind by RVD. RVD is all by himself and attacks Benoit. RVD hits a bunch of kicks into Benoit, before Benoit somehow gets to the corner and tags in Kane. Kane comes in and tosses RVD to the ground. RVD goes for a few kicks to Kane, but Kane no sells it and goes after RVD. He tosses RVD into the corner and ends up tossing him into the ropes and hitting a backbreaker. RVD slowly gets up and Kane hits a devastating chokeslam to him. Kane goes and tags in Benoit, who climbs up to the top rope and hits a diving headbutt to RVD. Benoit goes for the pin and the referee counts to three.

Winner: Chris Benoit & Kane​

Benoit and Kane celebrate, as Benoit leans over the ropes and yells for Big Show to come back out. Benoit continues to yell, as HEAT goes to commercial.


HEAT comes back on air with Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar backstage. Lesnar is ranting about Goldberg, but Heyman tells his client to calm down. Heyman says the plan is slowly coming together because he got Goldberg to be sent to jail. Now Goldberg is no longer the number one contender and the emotionally vulnerable Shawn Michaels is. Heyman says he will not let his number one client down and guarantees that Lesnar has nothing to worry about and will not be losing his title any time soon.

Match #4
Singles Match
Undertaker vs Hardcore Holly​

Hardcore Holly makes his way to the ring, followed by the Undertaker. Undertaker gets a huge ovation. Hardcore Holly really never had a chance, as Undertaker dominates most of the match and does not let Hardcore Holly get much offense in. Undertaker wins with the chokeslam.

Winner: Undertaker​

Undertaker celebrates, while HEAT goes off air.

RAW Preview via WWE.com​

Monday Night RAW comes to the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas. Houston, Texas has been the home to many big events, such as Wrestlemania 17. Everything is bigger in Texas and RAW sets out to prove that statement right again. Following Goldberg's arrest on Smackdown! for putting his hands on Paul Heyman, Goldberg has a possibility of returning on RAW after being released from jail Monday morning and going after Brock Lesnar again. However, Goldberg now has to deal with the man who took his spot as the number one contender, Shawn Michaels. These three unique, totally different superstars are soon set to hit heads, but will it be Monday?

The Rock and Chris Jericho have seemed to have Triple H and Randy Orton, as well as the rest of Evolution's, number. Triple H made a statement saying that Evolution will not be embarrassed again like they were last week. Triple H promises to add some new blood to Evolution and mentioned some names (A.P.A., World's Greatest Tag Team). Will Triple H begin his recruiting tonight on RAW and what will Evolution do to avenge their embarrassment last week?

WWE Tag Team titles have been in turmoil and he Basham's will finally get their rematch clause, but it will not be just against the Dudley Boyz. A.P.A. won a match on Smackdown! against the Dudley's to make a three way tag team match for the Dudley's tag team titles on RAW. The triangle between Molly Holly, Gail Kim, and Trish Stratus is bound to continue, while Chris Benoit and Big Show continue to battle across whichever arena they are in.

Announced Matches:

Three Way Tag Team Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship
Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D’Von Dudley) © vs Basham Brothers (Doug & Danny Basham) vs A.P.A. (Bradshaw & Farooq)
Randy Orton vs Chris Benoit​

Monday Night RAW
Date: 6/11/03
Location: Houston, Texas
Venue: Toyota Center
Attendance: 19,000/19,000

JR and the King introduce RAW, as the pyros explode up the stage. They mention how it is the last RAW before Badd Blood this Sunday. JR talks about Shawn Michaels being the new number one contender for the WWE Title and Goldberg’s arrest. King says he is worried what Triple H means when he says Evolution is going to add new people and get stronger than ever. He also mentions that Evolution says they are going to make an impact. What are they going to do?? Shawn Michaels music hits and the crowd gets on their feet as the new number one contender makes his way out, favoring his ankle after Kurt Angle injured it in his match with Kurt on Smackdown!

Shawn limps to the ring, but tries to make the limp not so evident. Shawn gets a good cheer from the crowd, as Shawn stands in the middle of the ring. Michaels talks about how his career has changed since last Monday. He goes from fighting for his life in a battle royal, to taking advantage of another man’s misfortune, to winning a match to finally get his number one contender’s shot. He says he is blessed that he got an opportunity to go after the WWE Title. However, he has a little something he has to deal with called his ankle.

Michaels mentions how him and Angle had a legendary main event last week on Smackdown! The crowd applauds their classic match. Michaels thanks the crowd and encourages Angle that he deserves a title match, but Shawn just was not going to give up on Thursday. He would not tap out to the ankle lock. He would not let the referee count him to three. He was going to get the job done…and he did. Shawn says that, however, he paid the consequences for that battle. He says his ankle is not too good and that it is not easy to walk. Hell, it hurts to hit the Sweet Chin Music. Shawn says he has been the champion before and to be a champion, you need to suck it up and take down whichever obstacle is in front of you. He says his first obstacle is Brock Lesnar.

Shawn says it is ridiculous to call Brock Lesnar unbeatable. It is ridiculous to call him the Next Big Thing. Shawn says he has gone head to head against Bret Hart, Razor Ramon, Undertaker, Vince McMahon…just to name a few. He has had to deal with back injuries, knee problems, and concussions. Michaels mentions that he fights the odds each time and this time will be no different. He will bring Lesnar back to reality and shut Paul Heyman’s mouth once and for all. All of a sudden, Paul Heyman’s voice is heard and the crowd starts to boo.

Heyman comes out to the stage, laughing at Michaels. Michaels puts the microphone down and looks at Heyman on the stage. Heyman lets Michaels know that nothing could stop his client, Brock Lesnar. Brock Lesnar is on a wrecking ball of destruction and if HBK wants to mess with this unstoppable duo, he should stop now before he ends up like Goldberg; in jail. The crowd boos Heyman. Heyman continues to walk to the ring and lets him know that if he can barely beat Kurt Angle, he will not be able to beat Lesnar. He asks Michaels how he is going to beat Lesnar with one leg. Michaels smiles and tells Heyman to stop asking questions and that he will get the job done.

Heyman asks if Michaels could get the job done now and Michaels nods. Heyman turns around and signals for someone to come out from the back. Lesnar comes running out from the back. Lesnar runs into the ring, as Michaels prepares for a fight. Michaels collapses on his ankle and Lesnar takes advantage. Lesnar whips him around and lifts HBK up for the F5. Lesnar screams as the crowd boos, but Michaels wiggles his way out of the F5 and gets out of it. Lesnar turns around and goes for a strong clotheslines, but Michaels ducks under it and Lesnar turns around into a sweet chin music. The crowd goes crazy, as Lesnar is downed in the ring and Heyman is shocked. Michaels stands over Lesnar as RAW goes to commercial, but Michaels is favoring his ankle and knows that it is injured.


RAW comes back on air with JR announcing that tonight’s main event will be Triple H and Ric Flair against The Rock and Kurt Angle. He also mentions the three way tag team match for the WWE Tag Team Titles coming up soon.

Match #1
Tag Team Match
Trish Stratus & Tommy Dreamer vs Gail Kim & Rhyno

Tommy Dreamer’s music hits and Tommy makes his way to the ring. Trish Stratus’s music hits and Trish makes her way to the ring looking beautiful and the crowd cheers for her. Rhyno’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring with his newly won Hardcore Championship around his waist. Gail Kim makes her way to the ring next and is looking right at Trish. Tommy Dreamer and Rhyno start off the match.

Rhyno gets the upperhand on Dreamer and swings him into the ropes. Rhyno hits the clothesline and Dreamer comes back up and Rhyno hits another clothesline. Rhyno brings Dreamer into the corner and brings shoulder after shoulder into the gut of Dreamer. Rhyno pulls Dreamer out and puts him into a bearhug. Dreamer elbows out of it immediately and throws Rhyno into his corner. Dreamer tags Trish in and Gail slaps Rhyno’s back and Gail comes in.

Trish and Gail run after each other and it ends up Trish jumping onto Gail and grabbing her hair, slamming her head into the mat numerous times before the referee breaks it up. The referee gets Trish off Gail, but Gail comes right back up and knocks Trish to a knee. Gail grabs Trish’s hair and throws Trish into the mat. Gail kicks away at Trish’s backside and Trish is kicked to the outside. Trish gets up on the outside and makes her way back into the ring. Gail puts Trish into a headlock, but Trish counters and hits a running bulldog. Trish yells for Gail to get back up. Gail gets up and Trish hits a dropkick and goes for the pin. Trish gets a two count.

Trish and Gail lock up, but Gail pulls off a springboard arm drag onto Trish and Trish is down. Gail looks over to Rhyno and Rhyno has a sick look on his face. Gail smiles and tags in the willing Rhyno. Rhyno stalks Trish to get up, as Dreamer yells at Trish to tag him in. Trish gets up without hearing Dreamer and Rhyno goes for the spear, but Trish falls out the way and Rhyno’s shoulder hits the ring post through the turnbuckles. Trish tags in Dreamer, who knows Rhyno to the outside. Dreamer throws Rhyno into the barricade and back into the ring.

Rhyno gets up and Dreamer hits an inverted DDT onto the hardcore champion. Dreamer goes for the pin and gets a two count. Dreamer hits a scoop slam to Rhyno and Dreamer is pumped. Dreamer waits for Rhyno to get up, but Rhyno sees Dreamer is waiting and slaps in Gail. Rhyno falls to the outside and Gail is hesitant to get in the ring. Dreamer laughs at Gail and tags in Trish. Gail comes in and the divas come after each other. Trish applies a headlock. Trish whips Gail and hits a spinebuster on her. Trish begins to climb onto the top rope, but meanwhile the Woman’s Champion Molly Holly comes running down the ramp with her title. Trish comes down from the top rope and is met with a title shot to the head and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Trish Stratus & Tommy Dreamer by DQ​

Trish is knocked out in the corner. Molly goes after Gail and grabs her hair and head into the mat. Dreamer has no clue what is happening in the ring, but decides to go after Rhyno. Dreamer hits a running clothesline to Rhyno and looks under the ring. Dreamer brings out a kendo stick and pounds Rhyno’s back. Rhyno yells in pain and Dreamer puts the broken kendo stick down. Dreamer tells Rhyno he is coming for the hardcore title, as the camera goes backstage immediately while carnage continues at ringside.

Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin are hanging out backstage when there is a knock on their locker room door. They open the door, where Batista, Ric Flair, Randy Orton, and Triple H walk in. Haas and Benjamin do not look please, as Triple H smiles and says hi. Hunter says he is sure that Haas and Benjamin surely have heard all the rumors that they might be looking for new members. The World’s Greatest Tag Team gives an angry nod and Triple H tells them that they are officially inviting the WWE’s best tag team to join them.

Haas asks if he and his partner can talk about this for a second, but Benjamin intervenes and says he doesn’t need any time to decide. He says they do not want to join Evolution. Triple H and the rest of Evolution laugh. Triple H asks Batista what he thinks about this and Batista moves up to the front of the group and stares down Benjamin. Hunter tells them that they should seriously reconsider because the consequences will not be good and they have until the end of the night to give Evolution a decision. Haas looks worried, as Shelton and Batista end their stare down and Evolution walks off to a commercial.


RAW comes back on air with JR explaining how we got into the upcoming tag team match for the WWE Tag Team Championship.

Match #2
Three Way Tag Team Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship
Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D’Von Dudley) © vs Basham Brothers (Doug & Danny Basham) vs A.P.A. (Bradshaw & Farooq)​

The Basham’s make their way to the ring. Doug Basham grabs a microphone and talks about how the most dangerous tag team in the WWE has been disrespected and they will get their titles back tonight. However, A.P.A.’s music hits and they interrupt the Basham’s party. The Basham’s aren’t happy, as A.P.A. make their way into the ring. The Dudley’s make their way to the ring and their titles with a huge ovation. The Dudley’s are public enemy number one, as the rival teams stare down the champions. Doug Basham, Farooq, and D’Von start the match.

Farooq and Doug go after D’Von and throw him into the corner. Farooq hits D’Von with a hip toss and D’Von gets up into a scoop slam from Doug. Farooq goes for a pin, but Doug doesn’t like that and knocks Farooq off D’Von. Doug goes for the pin and Farooq throws Doug off D’Von. Doug goes after Farooq, but Farooq slams Doug’s head into the turnbuckle and Doug backs up into an inverted DDT from D’Von. D’Von goes and tags in Bubba. Bubba comes in and uppercuts Farooq, while clotheslining Doug. Bubba goes for the pin on Doug, but only gets a two count.

Bubba picks up Doug and Doug sneaks in an uppercut to get rid of Bubba. Doug whips Bubba into the ropes and tries a hip toss, but he can’t hit it on Bubba and Bubba gives him a smile while Doug realizes he is in trouble. Farooq comes running at them and Doug avoids a clothesline, which hits Bubba from behind. Doug hurries and tags in Danny Basham. Danny exchanges rights with Farooq and hits Farooq with a bulldog. Danny goes for the pin, but only gets a two. Danny is upset and complains to the referee. Farooq comes from behind and tosses Danny outside the ring and Farooq tags in Bradshaw.

Bradshaw comes in and hits a big boot to Bubba. Bradshaw goes for the pin, but Danny grabs Bradshaw from the outside and drags him out with him. Danny throws Bradshaw into the barricade and then into the side of the ring. Farooq comes from the apron and hits Danny with a huge clothesline. Farooq helps Bradshaw back into the ring, where Bubba greets him with stomp after stomp. Bradshaw gets put into the corner, where he counters Bubba into a sleeperhold. Bubba begins to fade and D’Von comes to help his partner. Farooq comes out and clotheslines D’Von, making both men flip over the top rope and into the outside. Referee begins to raise Bubba arm, but Doug comes from the apron to try and break it up. The referee leaves the count and tells Doug to get back to the apron. Danny comes from the outside and breaks up the submission hold.

Danny stomps away at Bradshaw and goes after Bubba. Bubba charges at Danny, but Danny ducks under it. Danny grabs Bubba and hits Bubba’s head against the turnbuckle. Danny muscles up and sits Bubba on the top turnbuckle. Danny begins hitting right after right to Bubba’s forehead. On the outside, D’Von throws Farooq into the steel steps. Danny is countered and pushed off the top rope by Bubba. Bubba looks down at Danny and prepares to splash onto him. Doug runs over and pushes Bubba off the top rope. Bubba flies down to the outside and lands into D’Von. Doug taunts the Dudley Boyz, while Bradshaw is waiting for Danny to get up. Danny gets up and turns around into a Clothesline from Hell. Bradshaw goes for the pin and Doug looks to help his partner. Doug goes to the top turnbuckle quickly and jumps down onto Bradshaw right before the three count. Bradshaw is pissed, as the referee tells Doug to get back to his corner. Doug pleads with the referee and Bradshaw comes over and hits a Clothesline from Hell to Doug. Bradshaw disposes of Doug to the outside of the ring.

Bradshaw goes back to pin Danny Basham and gets a two count. Bradshaw knows he missed his opportunity. Bubba slides back into the ring, while Farooq makes his attempt to get back onto the apron. D’Von gets back to his corner, as well. Bradshaw goes to pick up Danny, but Danny counters with a roll up. The count inches toward three, but Bubba breaks it up by kicking Danny. Bubba picks up Danny and tosses him fully over the top rope and he lands hard on the outside. Bradshaw sneaks over to Farooq and Farooq is tagged in. Bubba and Farooq exchange rights until Farooq clubs Bubba with his forearm.

Bubba stumbles, as Farooq hits a football tackle to Bubba’s knees. Bubba gets back up, but Farooq hits another one to the back of Bubba’s knees. Bubba gets hit by a Farooq neckbreaker and Farooq goes for the pin and D’Von runs over to break it up, but Bubba breaks out before D’Von’s help. Farooq runs over at D’Von and clubs D’Von with a forearm. He tosses D’Von out the ring and turns around at Bubba coming at him. Bubba sets up the Bubba Bomb, but Farooq won’t let him drop him and Bubba brings Farooq into the corner. Farooq is sitting on the top rope in the corner of the A.P.A.

Bubba lets go of Farooq for a moment to knock Bradshaw off the apron. Bubba having his eye off Farooq allows Farooq to grab Bubba and attack him. Farooq pulls Bubba in and Bubba climbs up to the second rope. Farooq pounds away at Bubba, but Bubba somehow sneaks into the top turnbuckle with Farooq. Bubba grabs the throat of Farooq and lifts him up and turns 180 as they jump off the turnbuckle and Bubba hits the Bubba Bomb from the top rope! The crowd is pumped and Bubba and Farooq lay there prone and out. The crowd chants for Bubba, who crawls over to Farooq and puts his arm around him. The referee begins the count and gets the three.

Winner: And Still WWE Tag Team Champions; The Dudley Boyz​

The Dudley’s celebrate, as D’Von and Bubba are handed back their titles. The A.P.A. looks defeated, as the Basham’s sneak up from behind and attack the champions. They toss D’Von and Bubba out the ring and the tag titles are still in the ring. The Basham’s hold up the titles, as the crowd boos and RAW goes to commercial.


RAW comes back on air and they talk about what just happened with the tag titles. JR mentions that he just got word that this week on Smackdown!, the Smackdown! GM Stephanie McMahon will return from her one week hiatus and she says he has a huge announcement. Also, Goldberg is expected to return from jail on Thursday. King mentions that the upcoming match is set up by RAW GM Eric Bischoff because of internal pressure by the administration to punish Big Show for walking out on a televised match during Heat.

Match #3
Tornado Handicap Match
Big Show vs Edge & Eddie Guerrero​

Edge makes his way to the ring, followed by Eddie Guerrero. The teammates prepare in the ring, as the United States Champion makes his way into the ring. The Big Show walks down the ramp with his title at his side and the crowd booing. Big Show steps into the ring, as his opponents are ready to go after him. Big Show yells out, ‘is this really punishment?’ and laughs. Guerrero and Edge run into Big Show, who stands tall and pushes his opponents off him. They run after Big Show again, but he pushes them down to the ground again.

Edge and Guerrero formulate a quick plan and go after the Big Show. Guerrero goes for the dropkick to the knees of the Big Show, but Show hits away Guerrero’s legs. Edge sneaks from behind and knees Big Show from the behind and drops Show to a knee. Edge hits a missile dropkick onto Big Show and goes for the pin, but only gets one. Show tosses Edge off him and gets up to get Edge. Guerrero sneaks from behind and wraps his body around Show. Guerrero attempts a suplex, but can’t get Show off the ground. Edge comes with another dropkick to Show, which Show backs up into the corner and effectively pins Guerrero inbetween the turnbuckle and Big Show.

Show walks forward slowly and Edge goes for a quick spear, but Show moves away and Edge cannot slow up. Edge hits Guerrero in the corner. Edge stumbles back into the middle of the ring and turns around into an open handed chop into his chest. Show hits another one and tosses Edge into the ropes. Show hits Edge with the sidewalk slam and goes for the pin. Show gets a two count. Show picks up Edge by the hair and throws him into Guerrero, who is still in the corner. Show pins the two opponents on each other in the corner. Show hits Edge with a headbutt and throws Edge back into the middle of the ring, where he crashes into the mat. Show goes for an open handed chop to Guerrero, but Guerrero comes out of nowhere and uses the ropes to hit a tornado DDT. Guerrero pins Big Show and gets a two count.

Big Show gets up and Guerrero runs at him to attempt a body splash, but Big Show catches him. Big Show throws Guerrero into Edge and the two go down. Big Show hits a leg drop onto Guerrero and waits for Edge to get up. Edge gets up and Show sets him up for the chokeslam. Show gets his huge hand around Edge’s neck, but counters with a legsweep. Edge goes up to the top rope. Edge gets Show up and goes for the flying crossbody. Show catches Edge, like he did Guerrero. Show throws Edge into the corner and goes for Guerrero.

Guerrero turns around into a chokeslam and Big Show hits the devastating chokeslam. Guerrero is down and Show turns around to make sure Edge is down. Show smiles and goes to pin Eddie Guerrero, when Chris Benoit’s music hits. The crowd gets on their feet, while Big Show abandons the pin and is screaming, telling Benoit to get his ass down here. Benoit’s music keeps playing, as Edge sets up behind Big Show and waits for him to turn around. Big Show yells at the ramp and says that Benoit is scared. Show turns around and Edge runs at him and nails the spear. Edge goes for the pin and gets the three count.

Winner: Edge and Eddie Guerrero​

Edge celebrates, as Big Show is down clutching his ribs. The camera goes backstage, where authorities are breaking up another backstage brawl between Rey Mysterio and Tajiri. The two are yelling at each other in their own respective langauges. Rey speaks in English and says that Tajiri screwed him out of the Hardcore Title, but nothing will screw him from winning Tajiri’s Cruiserweight Championship. RAW goes to commercial with people holding both competitors back.


RAW comes back on air with A.P.A. hanging out backstage. Farooq and Bradshaw try to get into a game of cards, but neither of them can do it. They talk about how they are upset over losing. They both know they never act like this, but they just really wanted that win. They both crack open a beer, when Evolution walks into their locker room. Triple H and Flair grab a beer and take a sip. Triple H and Flair don’t enjoy the taste and put it down. Bradshaw asks them to get the hell out, but Triple H comes up to Bradshaw and Farooq and simply smiles.

He tells Bradshaw that he feels bad for what happened earlier tonight, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. He tells A.P.A. that they offered a spot to Haas and Benjamin earlier tonight and they have until the end of the night. However, the more the merrier and who wouldn’t want two badasses in the most dominant group in wrestling history. Triple H says this is the best way for them to get back on their feet. Bradshaw and Farooq shrug their shoulders and Bradshaw says they just have a lot to deal with now and they will get back to Triple H on Smackdown! Triple H says he understands and expects a decision by Thursday.

Match #4
Non-Title Singles Match
Randy Orton vs Chris Benoit​

The Intercontinental Champion makes his way to ringside, followed by his opponent Chris Benoit. Benoit and Orton stare down each other in the middle of the ring, with Benoit looking serious and Orton staying cocky. The bell rings and the two lock up. Benoit gets the upper hand, but Orton elbows out of it and tosses Benoit into the ropes. Orton hits a hip toss and Benoit gets right back up. Benoit hits a hip toss of his own to Orton and the two go back to their own corners and stare each other down again. All of a sudden, the Big Show’s music hits.

The Big Show makes his way down to the ring and Orton and Benoit have no clue what’s going on. Show is yelling at Benoit and telling him that if Benoit isn’t going to come to him, he will come to Benoit. Benoit and Show begin a shouting contest, as Orton stands back and watches, but seems like he is waiting for Benoit to turn around. The referee keeps telling Big Show to leave, but the shouting contest continues. The referee runs to the outside and tells Big Show to leave. Show ignores the referee so the referee tells Big Show he is banned from ringside. The crowd cheers, as Benoit smiles and says bye to the Big Show. Benoit turns around into an RKO by Orton. Orton goes for the pin immediately and yells for the referee to come into the ring.

Big Show leaves as soon as the RKO was hit, but the referee waits until he makes sure Big Show has left. Referee sees Show is leaving and runs back into the ring and starts the count right away. The referee counts three, but no wait! Benoit kicks out right before three according to the referee. Orton complains to the referee, as Benoit makes his way back up. Benoit hooks the belly to back suplex on Orton and hits not one, not two, but three suplex’s on Orton. The last one Benoit turns into a pin and the referee goes down for the count. The referee gives Benoit a two count.

Orton and Benoit get up and Benoit hits chop after chop to Orton, backing him up into the corner. Benoit backs up and runs at Orton, hitting a running knee into the gut of Orton. Benoit backs up and goes for it again, but Orton moves and Benoit crashes against the ropes. Benoit turns around into an European uppercut from Orton. Another uppercut from Orton and Orton hits Benoit with a belly to belly suplex. Orton is feeling it and the crowd boos him. Benoit gets up and runs at Orton, who hits a snap scoop powerslam. Orton is looking to hit the RKO. Orton is waiting and waiting and Benoit finally gets up. Orton goes for the RKO, but Benoit pushes Orton off and Orton is tossed into the referee. The referee goes down and both competitors are also down.

Orton gets up and sees the referee down. Orton goes to the outside and gets a steel chair. Orton folds in the chair and comes into the ring. Chris Jericho comes running down the ramp from the outside and Orton sees him. Jericho comes in the ring and attacks Orton immediately. Orton misses a chair shot and Jericho hits Orton with right after right. The two exchange rights until Orton misses a clothesline. Benoit begins to get up to see the two fighting. Orton missed clothesline turns into Jericho hitting the Codebreaker on Orton. Orton stumbles into Benoit, who applies the crossface immediately. Orton tries to resist the tap, but Orton begins tapping. Jericho begins to try to revive the referee. The referee begins to move and Jericho leaves right away. The referee sees Orton tapping and calls for the bell.

Winner: Chris Benoit​

Benoit celebrates, as Jericho stands at the ramp smiling at costing Randy Orton the match. RAW goes to commercial.


RAW comes on air with the Rock and Kurt Angle discussing their upcoming match. JR plugs Goldberg’s return this week on Smackdown! before the main event begins.

Match #5
Tag Team Match
Triple H & Ric Flair vs The Rock & Kurt Angle​

Evolution’s music hits and Triple H makes his way out to the ring along with the legendary Ric Flair. The two make their way down with a handful of boos. Kurt Angle’s music hits and the crowd cheers. Kurt makes his way to the ring, in anticipation of his partner. The Rock’s music hits and the crowd goes wild. The Rock comes down to the ring, with Triple H starring down the Rock the whole time. Rock poses for the crowd and we win begin the match with Triple H and Kurt Angle starting the match.

Triple H and Angle lock up with Triple H pounding Angle’s midsection with short, but powerful punches. Angle backs off and Triple H hits a running clothesline. Triple H gets Angle up into an abdominal stretch. Angle is in pain, but gets a hold of the rope. Triple H breaks the hold on the referees count and goes to tag in Ric Flair. Flair comes in and pushes Angle into the corner. Flair hits loud chops onto Angle. Flair struts around the ring for a second before coming back to Angle. Angle reverses and flips Flair into the corner. Angle hits some chops into Flair’s chest and Angle comes out and says some ‘woo’s!’ as well.

Angle hits a headbutt to Flair in the corner. Flair drops onto his butt and leans against the turnbuckle. Angle goes over and tags in the Rock. The Rock goes after Flair. Rock pulls Flair out of the corner and catapults him back into the corner. Flair stumbles back into the middle of the ring and Rock applies the sharpshooter. Flair is in pain, as the Rock looks to apply more pressure. Rock looks to Triple H and Triple H trash talks the Rock. Rock breaks the hold and goes up to Triple H. The two trash talk one another until Triple H slaps the Rock. The Rock is pissed, but Ric Flair crawls over and rolls up the Rock. Flair grabs the Rock’s tights and only gets a two count.

The Rock pops up and goes after Flair. Rock hits Triple H off the apron and goes back after Flair. Rock hits a spinebuster on Flair and puts him in another sharpshooter. Flair is in pain and is about to tap until Triple H comes in the ring and breaks up the hold. Angle comes over and clotheslines Triple H over the ropes to the outside. Angle goes back to his corner, as Triple H collects himself and goes back to the corner. Flair crawls around in the ring and tells him to tag in Triple H. Hunter tries to get into the ring, but the referee goes over to stop him. Flair takes advantage and hits a low blow on the Rock while the referee attends to Triple H.

Flair gets up and tags in Triple H. Triple H yells at the Rock to get up, after suffering a low blow. Triple H picks the Rock up and hits a facebreaker knee smash. Rock gets up and is whipped to the ropes and Triple H hits a DDT. Rock gets up and is met by a high knee from Triple H. Rock keeps trying to get up and attack Triple H, but Triple H keeps getting the upperhand. Triple H picks up the Rock and smiles at the booing crowd. Rock tries to reverse with a quick Rock Bottom and Triple H elbows out of it. Triple H goes for the Pedigree and Angle comes from the corner. Triple H breaks the Pedigree and avoids Angle to throw Angle to the outside. Triple H turns around into Rock throwing Triple H outside, as well. Rock makes his way to the outside.

Flair jumps down from the apron to join the fun. Rock throws Flair into the barricade. Rock and Triple H go at it. Angle joins in, but leaves so he can take care of Ric Flair. Triple H slams Rock into the announcers table. Rock grabs his back and Triple H hits stiff right after stiff right onto the Rock. Angle comes over and tackles Triple H off the Rock. Angle and Triple H fight over by the announcers table and Rock tries to make his way over to Flair. Meanwhile, the referee is counting in the ring and gets to the ten count.

Winner: Draw by double countout​

The Rock pounds away at Ric Flair in the corner of the barricade. Kurt Angle looks to hit the Angle Slam to Triple H on the outside through the announcers table. Triple H counters and flips Angle over his head and back first into the announcers table, absolutely destroying Angle and the announcers table. Triple H goes over to Rock, but Rock sees it and clotheslines Triple H. Rock goes back after Ric Flair, but Batista comes running down the ramp. Rock goes after Batista and hits him with right after right. Randy Orton comes running down after the Rock brought down Batista. Rock goes after Orton and has the upperhand again, but Flair sneaks from behind and low blows the Rock. Orton and Flair double team the Rock.

The crowd pops as Chris Jericho runs down the ramp. Flair breaks free and goes after Jericho. Jericho tosses Flair into the barricade up the ramp. Orton sees Jericho coming after him and runs into the crowd. Jericho jumps into the crowd and chases Orton through the crowd, into the concourse, and soon out of sight. Batista and Rock go after it and Rock gets the upperhand. Triple H grabs his sledgehammer from under the ring and goes after the Rock. Triple H comes over to attack the Rock, but Rock hits Triple H and he drops his sledgehammer. Flair joins the fight against the Rock. Rock deals with a three on one, but somehow gets the upperhand again. Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas coming running down the ramp, as Evolution is in trouble by an inspired Rock.

Rock prepares for a fight against Haas and Benjamin. Batista yells orders and tells them to go after the Rock. Haas and Benjamin run at the Rock, but break from the Rock and attack Batista and Flair. The crowd explodes for Haas and Benjamin. Haas goes after Flair and Benjamin goes after Batista. The tag teams battle, while Triple H grabs his sledgehammer and tries to get out via the ramp. The Rock chases Triple H up the ramp. Rock catches up to Triple H, but Triple H turns around and hits the Rock with a sledgehammer out of nowhere. The crowd boos Triple H, as he stands over the Rock’s body exhausted and RAW comes to an end.
GrandSword Review

Woah! Slow down big fella! Hahaha.. you are on a huge roll my man posting your shows in rapid fire succession. I'm digging your feuds and your big time big name rosters. Let's talk your latest Raw...

1. Michaels vs. Lesnar just screams awesome to me. I'm not too sure where Goldberg will fit into this situation, so I'm very interested to see how that plays out. But these two guys could put on one hell of a match. I think Michaels being the smaller guy and Brock having Paul by his side, the story doesn't really need Shawn to be second guessing himself, he's already at a disadvantage of sorts. I think your readers want to see the full of bravado HBK taking on Lesnar and hopefully just before the match we get the old HBK. As it goes now, if an unconfident Michaels loses, it wont be good for him. If a confident HBK loses then Lesnar looks like a beast... win/win. So Michaels' promo about beating the best and that Lesnar was not the next big thing etc. was a great evolution of your story from last week. I guess a big win over Kurt Angkle will do that for ya :)

2. Wish Goldberg was on Raw :(

3. You've got three tag matches and a handicap match all in the same show.. maybe over doing ti alittle, but that I guess is the price you pay for having such an enormous roster. The matches were good but maybe we needed another singles match, maybe HBK showing Lesnar that he doesn't have to worried about Goldberg but him, with maybe a win over a big man.. like Batista perhaps... this would send the message that big power guys in batista and technical machines like Angle (Brock is like a combo of both) will still fall to Shawn Michaels.

4. Beniot/Orton was a good showing of what you can do when you do a one on one match :)

5. Your main event was a whirlwind of things going on. Big time match and then we have Evoltuion get involved.. and then the WGTT comes down and fights evolution only to have Triple H stand tall over the Rock to end the show... Woah my head is still spinning after that. A little bit of a clusterf%@k but hey, it was fun.

Another big show from you champ, maybe slow things down a little and try not to get every single character on screen every show, as at times it seems a bit rushed. Cheers,


Smackdown! Preview via WWE.com​

Things are heating up as Badd Blood is 72 hours away and Goldberg is expected to make his return from jail tonight on Smackdown! Brock Lesnar thought he would be done with Goldberg after Goldberg was arrested by Paul Heyman, but he didn't thing about the revenge that Goldberg will be seeking after he was arrested and stripped from his number one contendership. Shawn Michaels won a number one contenders match to get the title shot at Badd Blood. HBK and Brock Lesnar will have a contract signing tonight for the match at Badd Blood, but what other fireworks will erupt between these two?

Triple H and the Rock continue their battle as they head into their match at Badd Blood. Rock was out numbered and out matched by all the experience and big bodies of Evolution this past Monday, but he believes he can overcome the odds and take down the World Heavyweight Champion this Sunday. Rock was downed by a sledgehammer attack on RAW and he will have to bounce back. How will Evolution respond to the World's Greatest Tag Team denying their invitation into Evolution and will Evolution retaliate? Will there be more recruits for Triple H's legendary stable?

Stephanie McMahon, Smackdown!'s GM vows a huge announcement tonight after she did not appear last Thursday. The McMahon's know how to drop bombshells and this is expected to be no different. Randy Orton and Chris Jericho continue to battle for whose number one and how will the tag team division react to Dudley Boyz winning a huge three team tag team match to defend their titles. Watch Chris Benoit, Big Show, Kane, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, and more superstars this Thursday Night on Smackdown!

Announced for Smackdown!:

Contract signing for WWE Title match with Brock Lesnar (c) and Shawn Michaels
Possible Goldberg Return
Big Show vs John Cena​

WWE News and Rumors from WWEsources.net​

  • WWE officials realize that the Badd Blood card is lacking matches at the moment, but believe that the fans solely know the rivalries right now and can expect what matches are going to be on the card. WWE writers have reportedly been told to write in challenges for this Sunday's pay per view into Smackdown!'s show.
  • Vince McMahon has been on business trips lately and some believe that he is reaching out to legends for a possible return or two.
  • The Stephanie McMahon-Paul Heyman angle is an angle that the WWE writers want to continue into the summer and possibly culminating at Survivor Series, but they are awaiting fan reaction to the current events going on before they take any more steps.
  • WWE Talent Director acknowledges that the roster is rather big right now and they are paying many superstars to just work house shows and dark matches without much or any television time. They are in the process of either finding ways to use the superstars, awaiting them to request their release, finding ways to write them off on television, or waiting for their contract to expire.

Thursday Night Smackdown!
Date: 6/14/03
Location: Little Rock, Arkansas
Venue: Verizon Arena
Attendance: 19,320/19,500

Smackdown! comes on air from Little Rock, Arkansas. Michael Cole and Tazz are ringside and mention that Badd Blood is 72 hours away and tonight we shape up for Badd Blood. They discuss that GM Stephanie McMahon has a huge announcement tonight and Goldberg is supposed to return tonight. Also, Shawn Michaels and Brock Lesnar will have a contract signing tonight for their WWE Title match this Sunday. They speak about Evolution, until Evolution’s music hits and the group makes their way to the ring. Triple H is followed out by Ric Flair, Batista, and Randy Orton. The four title holders make their way down to the ring and are greeted by a flurry of boos. Triple H laughs and asks if the crowd appreciates what he did to the Rock on Monday. The crowd boos and Triple H says that he finally gave Rock something that was surely coming to him.

Triple H says that he proved to the Rock that we are just too much for him. He says they have the monster of Dave Batista, the legend of Ric Flair, and the instinct of Randy Orton. Last but not least, there is the cerebral assassin. Triple H says the Rock will not be able to beat this and that will be proven at Badd Blood. Triple H says if the Rock has any objections, he should come down to the ring now. The crowd chants the Rock’s name over and over, but it appears he is not coming down. Triple H says that the so called people’s champ is not man enough to come face us. He says that now that he is done with the Rock, he can focus on other business. He hands the microphone to Ric Flair.

The crowd cheers for Flair and he says that last Monday, the World’s Greatest Tag Team turned down an opportunity of a lifetime and decided to attack himself and Batista. Flair assures that Batista is not happy and that Batista is ready to kick some ass. Batista nods his head in a very serious face. Flair says that the Rock tried to standup to Evolution and look at him now. The next two victims are Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas. Batista grabs the microphone from Flair and tells Haas and Benjamin to come down to the ring immediately. Triple H laughs and takes the microphone, saying that Batista will have his chance at those two, but not now.

Triple H says that he has one more piece of business to attend too and that is the A.P.A. He gave Bradshaw and Farooq until tonight to make up their minds and he expects an answer now. He tells A.P.A. to make their way to the ring. A.P.A.’s music hits and they make their way to the ring. Triple H says he wants an answer now. Bradshaw gets a microphone and said it has been a bad couple days. They lost their title shot on RAW and now it’s back to boiler rooms, cold beers, and poker. Farooq says that doesn’t sound too bad and Bradshaw agrees. Bradshaw says that they lost and it sucks, but life goes on and the chance will come again. He says, however, that he has had to deal with this joining Evolution crap and after seeing what Haas and Benjamin did last week, the answer is no. The crowd cheers and Triple H has that ‘did you just say that?’ smile on his face.

Triple H laughs and says that was not the answer he was looking for, so he gives them one more chance. Bradshaw goes face to face with Triple H and both men get serious. Bradshaw says the answer is still no. Triple H shakes his head and turns around. Triple H mumbles to ‘go at it boys’ and Batista, Flair, and Orton attack A.P.A. Bradshaw and Farooq put up a fight, but Flair goes for the knees of Bradshaw to bring him down. Batista brings down Farooq and Orton and Flair get Bradshaw. Triple H goes to the outside and throws in two chairs. Orton hits Bradshaw square in the back not one, not two, but three times. Batista hits Farooq in the gut with the chair and picks him up for the Batista Bomb, and connects. Batista picks up Farooq again and hits another Batista Bomb on him.

Farooq is picked up and nailed in the gut repeatedly with the chair until he goes onto his knees. Triple H grabs the chair and slams Farooq in the back. Farooq falls over, out cold. Orton and Flair hold Bradshaw straight up, as Triple H still has the chair and loads back to slam Bradshaw with the chair skull first. Bradshaw goes down in a hurry. The Rock comes running down the ramp and Evolution gets out the ring. Rock checks on A.P.A., but it is too late. Rock calls for help from backstage, while Evolution smiles and walks back up the ramp. The camera goes backstage to see Stephanie McMahon stepping out of her limo. Cole hypes her huge announcement tonight and the commercial hits.


Tazz talks about how the Women’s division has been nuts with Gail Kim going after Trish Stratus and Molly Holly. However, Trish will get her shot tonight against Molly Holly.

Match #1
Singles Match for the WWE Women’s Championship
Molly Holly © vs Trish Stratus​

Trish Stratus’s music hits and the beautiful Trish makes her way to the ring. Trish stands in the ring while he opponent, Molly Holly, comes out to the stage. Molly comes to the stage with her title and makes her way to the ring. She gives the title to the referee, who holds it up high and calls for the bell. Trish and Molly lock up immediately, with Trish getting the advantage. Molly whips Trish into the ropes and Molly goes down to avoid Trish. Trish goes off the other rope and goes at Molly, who goes for a clothesline and hits it. Molly picks up Trish and throws her into the corner. Molly punches away at Trish, which makes Trish stumble out of the corner. Molly grabs her by the hair and throws her down to the mat.

The referee yells at Molly and Molly asks if the referee has seen the other crap that Trish has pulled in her career. Molly focuses back on Trish, who sneaks in a roll up and a two count. They get up and Molly takes down Trish. Molly grabs Trish’s hair and slams her against the mat. The referee breaks it up again and Molly continues to complain. Trish gets up and Molly goes after her. Trish comes out of nowhere with a bicycle kick and goes for the pin. Trish gets a two count.

Trish picks Molly up and hits her with a few backhand chops. Trish sneaks in a one armed neckbreaker to Molly and the crowd is pumped for the excited Trish. Trish picks up Molly and drags her to the corner. Molly counters and fights out of it, but Trish comes back with a one handed bulldog to Molly. Trish throws Molly into the corner. Trish backs up and runs at Molly, hitting a Stratus Splash stinger splash on Molly. Molly stumbles around and Trish nails her with the roundhouse Chick Kick. Trish gets down and covers Molly and gets the three count.

Winner: And NEW WWE Women’s Champion; Trish Stratus​

Trish celebrates in the ring, as the referee hands her the title and she holds it up high. Molly sneaks up Trish from behind and hits the Molly-Go-Round on Trish in frustration. Molly shakes her head, as she is not happy that she lost the match. Molly walks off with the crowd booing her. The camera goes backstage and Randy Orton is walking backstage with the rest of Evolution. They joke around how they took apart A.P.A. tonight, until Chris Jericho walks up to them. Evolution becomes instantly serious and Jericho says he wants to speak to Orton. Orton says he will deal with Jericho and tells his boys to leave.

Evolution walks off and Jericho and Orton go face to face. Jericho says it is pretty cool to beat down somebody two on four. Orton says that Jericho should seriously watch himself or else it will be one on four next time. Jericho says that Evolution is a joke, but he isn’t out for Evolution, he is out for Orton. Jericho says they have been talking week after week about who’s the best and he thinks it is time for them to put talents in the ring, one on one. Jericho says he wants to beat Orton at Badd Blood and win that Intercontinental Championship. Orton says he will finally be able to prove that Jericho is a has been and that he is truly better than him. Orton wishes Jericho good luck and walks off, as Smackdown! goes to commercial.


Smackdown! comes on air and Michael Cole announces Tommy Dreamer vs Rhyno for the Hardcore Title at Badd Blood. He says that these two have shared some bad blood last week on RAW and now Dreamer will get his shot. Cole mentions that on RAW, the Dudley’s retained their titles, but after the match the Basham’s attacked the Dudley’s and that leads us to the match tonight.

Match #2
Singles Match
Bubba Ray Dudley vs Danny Basham

Danny Basham’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring. The crowd pops when one half of the WWE Tag Team Champions makes his way to the ring. Bubba comes down with his title and gets in the ring. The bell rings and the two lock up in the ring. Bubba tosses Danny into the ropes and hits Danny with an arm drag. Danny gets up and is hit with another arm drag. Danny gets up and avoids Bubba to hit Bubba with a clothesline. Danny doesn’t let Bubba get up and begins to stomp him to the outside of the ring. Bubba composes himself on the outside. Danny tries to not let Bubba into the ring, but Bubba drags him out with him by grabbing his feet.

Danny hits the floor hard and Bubba slams him against the barricade. Bubba hits right after right to Basham and then tosses Basham into the ring post. Bubba picks up Basham and rolls him into the ring. Bubba goes right into the corner, but gets a two count. Bubba gets up and nails Danny with some more stomps and goes up to the top rope. Bubba looks to hit the senton. Bubba goes for the splash, but Danny moves and Bubba hits the mat hard. Danny rolls over onto Bubba and goes for the pin and gets a two.

Danny rolls over and both men slowly get up. They exchange rights and lefts, but Danny tries to counter and hit his bulldog. Bubba elbows out of it and hits the sidewalk slam to Danny. Bubba slowly gets up and wants Danny to get up. Danny gets up and walks to Bubba, who picks up Danny and hits the Bubba Bomb onto his opponent. Bubba pins Danny and gets a three count.

Winner: Bubba Ray Dudley​

Bubba celebrates, but sees Doug Basham running in from the back. Doug and Bubba exchange rights, but Danny gets up and brings Bubba to a knee. The Basham’s take advantage. Danny works on Bubba, as Doug goes ringside and snatches the tag title from the official. Danny holds Bubba up and Doug hits Bubba with the belt. The Basham’s celebrate and throw the tag team title down at Bubba’s body, as we go backstage.

Stephanie McMahon is walking backstage and walks up to Evolution’s locker room. She knocks and Ric Flair opens the door. Flair mentions how such a beautiful woman is at the door and welcomes her in. Stephanie thanks Flair for the compliment, but sweet talking is not going to get Evolution out of this. She says she saw the attack Evolution put on A.P.A. tonight, as well as the beat down Triple H put on the Rock on RAW. She says she wanted to come here tonight and punish Evolution the same way they punished the injured Farooq. She asks Flair and Batista if they enjoy having those tag team titles and they both nod. She says that they will have to defend them tonight and if they lose they cannot evoke their rematch clause. And their opponent is the same team that stood up to Evolution on RAW, The World’s Greatest Tag Team. Flair is pissed and says that she cannot do this to them. She says she’s sure she can do whatever she wants and that their match is next!


Smackdown! comes back on air with Cole saying what a surprise Stephanie has dropped and that Evolution better be on top of their game if they want to keep the World Tag Team titles tonight.

Match #3
Tag Team Match for the World Tag Team Championship
Evolution (Ric Flair & Batista) © vs The World’s Greatest Tag Team (Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin)​

The World’s Greatest Tag Team’s music hits and Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas make their way to the ring. They are greeted with a lot of cheers after they declined Evolution’s invitation and stood up to them. Haas and Benjamin are in the ring and await their opponents. Evolution’s music hits and the World Tag Team Champions, Ric Flair and Batista, make their way to the ring. They give their titles to the referee, who holds them high and the match begins with Flair and Haas.

Haas and Flair circle the ring, awaiting for the moment to go at each other. Haas picks a spot and goes for it, but Flair counters with a quick drop toe hold and already goes to put Haas into the figure four. Haas gets out of it and the two stare each other down. Flair runs at Haas and attempts to take out his knees, but Haas jumps over Flair and Flair turns around into an arm drag from Haas. Flair gets up and gets a dropkick, which sends Flair back into his corner and Batista tags himself in.

Batista steps in and Haas doesn’t seem scared. Haas steps up to Batista eye to eye. Haas goes for a few punches, but Batista turns his head from impact and turns his head back to Haas. Batista smiles and then hits a powerslam to Haas. Batista goes for the pin and gets a two count. Batista picks up Haas from the neck and slams him into the corner. Batista tags back in Flair and Flair runs into the corner. Flair chops Haas’s chest and sends out a big ‘woo!’ from himself and the crowd. Flair hits a few more chops and then hits a big knee into Haas’s gut. Haas stumbles out and Flair goes for a suplex, but Haas counters and hits a suplex of his own. Both men are down and going for their partner. The crowd gets on their feet and the tag is made to both partners.

Batista and Shelton Benjamin come running in. Batista misses a clothesline and Benjamin is behind Batista. Benjamin runs up and hits a running bulldog to Batista. Batista gets up and is met by a dropkick. He gets up and another dropkick is hit by Benjamin. Benjamin runs up to the top rope and waits for Batista to get up again. Batista gets up and is hit by a missile dropkick from the top rope. Benjamin goes for the pin and gets a two count. Benjamin is shocked and gets Batista up. Shelton musters up some faith and sets up for the belly to belly suplex on Batista. He cannot lift Batista after a few attempts and Batista throws him off into Evolution’s corner. Batista turns around and taunts Haas, which the referee gets between.

Flair is on the apron and talks smack to Shelton. Shelton yells back and Flair pokes him in the eye. Shelton wanders to the middle of the ring holding his eyes and Batista sees his opportunity. Batista kicks Shelton in the gut and sets him up for the Batista Bomb and he connects. The crowd is stunned and Haas comes to help his teammate. Haas dropkick’s Batista into Flair and Flair falls off the apron. Batista gets up and spears Haas. Batista picks Haas up and throws Haas out the ring. Batista goes back to Shelton and goes for the pin and gets a three, NO! Shelton narrowly kicked out.

Batista complains to the referee about Haas. Shelton rolls around and the two go eye to eye again. Batista runs at Shelton, but Shelton trips up Batista. Batista stumbles and Shelton hits a shoulder to the beast’s knee. Batista goes down on a knee and Shelton hits a bulldog on Batista with Batista on a knee. Shelton tags in Haas and Haas waits for Batista to get on a knee. Batista gets on a knee and Haas unloads with kick after kick to the sides of Batista. Haas picks up Batista and hits a DDT onto Batista. Haas goes for the pin and gets a two. Haas isn’t happy and goes to tag in Shelton, but Batista grabs Haas’s foot. Haas turns around and Batista shoots back up to hit a spinebuster out of nowhere. Both men crawl to their partner again and both get tagged in.

Flair goes for Haas’s legs immediately and brings Haas down. Flair comes running and knees Haas in what seems like the jaw. Haas goes down and Flair hits a diving knee drop. Haas is down and Flair goes for the figure four leg lock. Shelton is still down and can’t help out his partner. Haas begins fighting through the hold and is nowhere near the ropes. Haas tries to get to the ropes, but he cannot. Haas is trying to not tap, but the pain is ridiculous. Flair turns up the pressure, but Shelton comes from outside the ring and hits a missile dropkick to Flair. Flair breaks the hold and Haas slides over slowly to cover Flair, but gets a two.

Both men are down, but Batista is not there to get tagged in. Haas tags in Shelton and Shelton gets up to the top rope and waits for Flair to get up. Randy Orton comes running down the ramp and Haas yells to Shelton to go after Flair. Flair gets up and Shelton goes for the crossbody and hits it. Haas gets up onto the top rope and hits his own crossbody onto Orton on the outside of the ring. Orton goes down and, in the ring, Shelton goes for the pin and gets a two count. Batista gets back on the apron and pleads for Flair to tag him in so he can end it. Flair tries to make his way over, but Shelton drags him back. Flair counters Shelton and flips Shelton around. Flair goes back to try and make the tag, but Charlie Haas runs around ringside and sweeps Batista’s legs out from under him. Batista falls off the apron and his head hits off the side of the ring.

Flair misses his chance to tag Batista in, as Haas and Batista go at it. Flair is shocked and turns around to go face to face with Shelton. Flair goes for the chop and hits it constantly to Shelton. Shelton backs up and Flair runs at him with the running knee, but Shelton catches the knee and counters into the Dragon Whip. Flair goes down and the crowd goes nuts. Shelton goes for the pin and gets the three.

Winner: And NEW World Tag Team Champions; The World’s Greatest Tag (Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin)​

Benjamin gets up instantly and celebrates with the crowd cheering him on. Batista comes in the ring and clubs down Benjamin. Batista is furious and beats down Shelton. Haas comes over and helps his partner, but Batista tosses Haas off him immediately. Orton slides in the ring and attacks Shelton. Flair goes and gets a chair. He brings it into the ring and loads up to slam Benjamin on the back with it. Orton and Flair encourage Batista to hit the chair shot when all of a sudden, Chris Jericho’s music hits and Jericho makes his way to the ring. Batista drops the chair and leaves the ring with Flair and Orton. Jericho helps Haas and Benjamin up and the new tag champions celebrate, while Jericho yells at Flair, Batista, and Orton, calling them cowards.


Smackdown! comes back on with Cole and Tazz wondering if Evolution’s punishment was Stephanie’s big announcement. They hype the contract signing tonight between HBK and Brock Lesnar, as we begin the next match.

Match #4
Singles Match
Rey Mysterio vs Rob Van Dam​

Rob Van Dam makes his way to the ring with a mixed reaction, but everyone always loves when he motions the crowd to chant ‘R-V-D’. Rey Mysterio’s music hits and the crowd pops immediately. Mysterio makes his way to the ring and is about to begin the match with RVD. Suddenly before the bell, Tajiri’s music hits and the crowd boos. The Cruiserweight Champion makes his way to the ring, yelling at Rey Mysterio. Tajiri walks into the ring and RVD tries to ask him what the hell he is doing, but Tajiri turns his head and spits the mist into RVD’s eyes. RVD goes down to his knees and Tajiri nails him with a kick to the side of the head, sending him down.

Mysterio gets into Tajiri’s face, but Tajiri hits kick after kick to Mysterio’s midsection. Mysterio goes down and Tajiri hits the Buzzsaw Kick to the side of Mysterio’s head. Mysterio goes down in a heap and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: No Contest​

Tajiri looks over the chaos he created in the ring and walks off to a crowd of boos, as the commercial comes quick.


Brock Lesnar and Shawn Michaels are shown in a split screen in their respective locker rooms, as Cole says the contract signing is coming up and there have been no reports of Goldberg in the building as of now.

Match #5
Non-Title Singles Match
Big Show vs John Cena​

John Cena’s music hits and Cena makes his way into the ring to a huge pop. Cena gets in the ring, as Big Show’s music hits. The crowd boos, as the United States Champion makes his way to the ring. The crowd boos Big Show, who seems to enjoy the boos. Big Show gets in the ring and stares down Cena. Cena looks forward to the challenge and the referee rings the bell. The wrestlers measure up one another and Cena goes after Big Show. Cena clubs Show into the corner, when Show pushes Cena back into the middle of the ring. Cena comes running at Big Show again, when Show tosses Cena into the corner.

Show gives Cena some hard open hand chops and Cena feels every last bit of them. Cena stumbles out of the corner and Show hits a sidewalk slam. Show goes for the cover and gets a two count. Show picks Cena up and tosses Cena to the ropes. Cena gets under a clothesline and runs back at Show. Cena jumps up at Show and goes to club his face, but Show catches Cena. Cena elbows his way out of Show’s grasps and Cena goes to pick up Big Show. Cena attempts to pick him up in a fireman’s carry, but Cena fails and Big Show puts Cena into an abdominal stretch.

Cena struggles and is in pain, but Show releases the hold and throws Cena onto the ground. Cena gets up and Show goes for the Big Boot, but Cena gets under it. Cena runs at Show with a leaping shoulder block and hits, but Show doesn’t go down. Cena backs up and hits another one, backing Show up into the corner. Cena backs up and looks to hit one more. Cena runs at Show and goes for another leaping shoulder block. Show moves away and Cena catches himself on the second turnbuckle. Cena turns around and goes to leap onto Big Show, but Show catches him coming down with the hand around the neck. Show picks Cena back up and hits the chokeslam. Show goes for the pin and gets the three.

Winner: Big Show​

Big Show celebrates, when Chris Benoit’s music hits. Benoit comes out to the stage with a big cheer from the crowd. Benoit says he is sick of these sneak attacks and calling each other out on crap. He wants to settle the score in the ring. Benoit demands a match at Badd Blood for the United States Title. Show gets a microphone and asks if Benoit really wants to fight him when realistically Benoit has no chance. Benoit smiles and says that we will see who is talking when Show is tapping out in the middle of the ring and is handed the Intercontinental Championship. Benoit drops the microphone and walks off, as Show is not happy.


Cole and Tazz rundown the current Badd Blood card. Triple H’s music hits and Triple H makes his way down to the ring with his title across his waist. Triple H walks over to the announcers table and joins Cole and Tazz at commentary.

Match #6
Singles Match
The Rock vs Kane​

Kane’s fire pyro blasts off and Kane makes his way to the ring. Kane looks to make a statement by beating the number one contender. Kane steps into the ring and awaits his opponent. The Rock’s music hits and the crowd shoots up to their feet. The Rock makes his way into the ring, as Kane just stares him down. Rock and Kane get in their corners and the referee rings the bell.

Rock and Kane lock up in the ring and Kane tosses Rock into the ropes. Rock is met by a clothesline and he gets right back up. Kane tosses Rock again and hits another clothesline. Kane goes for the quick pin, but only gets a short one count. Kane picks the Rock up and hits a scoop slam on him. Rock gets up and Kane pounds away at Rock with a few rights and an occasionally throat thrust. Rock stumbles away and Kane comes at him, but Rock comes out of nowhere with rights at Kane. Rock loads up for the last punch and hits Kane, who bounces off the ropes and back at Rock, who hits a DDT. Both men go down after the DDT.

Rock is the first to get up and he picks up Kane. Rock goes to whip Kane into the ropes, but Kane reverses and throws Rock into the ropes. Kane misses a clothesline and Rock runs back at Kane and hits a flying clothesline. Kane gets up and goes for a right uppercut to the Rock, but Rock counters with a fisherman’s suplex. Rock goes for the pin and gets a two count. Rock throws Kane into the corner. Kane is getting pounded into the corner, when he counters with some rights. Kane hits an uppercut that sends the Rock into the middle of the ring. Kane comes out of the corner with a big boot, but Rock gets under it. Rock runs at Kane and hits a flying neckbreaker. Rock goes for the pin and gets a two.

Rock is frustrated and goes to pick up Kane. Triple H yells from the announcers table at the Rock and Rock lets go of Kane. Rock goes to the ropes and yells at Triple H. Rock turns around and walks into a big boot by Kane. Kane waits for Rock to get up and Kane pulls up his glove on his right hand. Rock gets up and Kane puts the choke grip on the Rock. Rock elbows out of it and Kane releases the hold. Kane turns around and blocks Rock’s right hand and goes for the chokeslam again and connects. The crowd is shocked and Kane goes for the pin. The referee goes for the pin and gets a two only.

Triple H is shocked at ringside and Kane cannot believe it. Kane gets up and sets up for another chokeslam. Rock slowly gets up and Kane goes for the choke, but Rock ducks under it and hits a spinebuster on Kane. Both men are down, when Rock jumps up from the mat. The crowd goes crazy and Rock sets up Kane for the People’s Elbow. Rock throws his elbow pad into the crowd and runs to one side of the ring and goes to the other. Triple H runs off the announcers table and catches Rock’s legs while he runs to the other side of the ring. Triple H slides the Rock to the outside and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: The Rock via DQ​

Triple H slams the Rock’s head off the announcers table and hits the Pedigree in front of the announcers table. Triple H grabs his title and leans down to put it right next to the Rock’s face. He says that the Rock will never touch this piece of gold and to give up for once in his life. Triple H continues to gloat, as Smackdown! goes to commercial.


Smackdown! comes back with the ring set up for a contract signing and the Smackdown! General Manager Stephanie McMahon in the middle of the ring. She says she is here to supervise and watch over the contract signing of the two men who will battle for the WWE Championship this Sunday at Badd Blood. She announces the number one contender for the WWE Championship, Shawn Michaels. HBK makes his way down to the ring with a noticeable limp because of his ankle. Shawn shakes Stephanie’s hand, as Stephanie announces the WWE Champion and his manager, Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman. Lesnar makes his way out with Heyman to a round of boos. They make their way to the ring and neither acknowledges Stephanie. HBK and Lesnar take their seats, sitting across from one another.

Stephanie reviews the contract and says that she expects no funny business to interfere in this match between an upcoming star in Brock Lesnar and a sure Hall of Famer in Shawn Michaels. Heyman uses his microphone to say that Stephanie needs to correct herself and say that his client is already a proven star in the WWE. Stephanie gives the sarcastic smile to Heyman and she continues speaking. Stephanie says that she will give both men a chance to talk about their upcoming match this Sunday and she will start with HBK. Meanwhile, Heyman grabs the contract and puts on his reading glasses to read the contract.

Michaels says he has been coming out here lately and mentions how his career needed a jump start and how he missed his chance by losing the battle royal on RAW to The Rock. However, his big break came when Goldberg was arrested and he earned his shot against the WWE Champion. He says he has been here one too many times and that it is not time to start feeling sorry for myself and feeling ‘lucky’ that he is in this situation. Shawn says that he beat one of the best athletes in the company to get this title shot and he did it with one ankle. Only superstars with heart and determination win in this company. Shawn says that Lesnar possesses none of those qualities and that is why Shawn Michaels will be crowned the new WWE Champion. Shawn says he has always been in this company to prove something and now he is here to prove that Brock Lesnar is not the next big thing, instead he is just another cocky superstar who has a manager who feeds him lie after lie just to keep him happy. Shawn says that he will bring Lesnar back down to reality this Sunday and will do anything to make it happen.

Lesnar stares down Michaels the whole time, as Michaels points toward the contract and Heyman Frisbee tosses the contract to Michaels. Michaels signs the contract on the dotted line. Shawn slides the contract over to Lesnar, who continues to stare down Michaels with an evil stare. Heyman begins to speak and says that he barely heard anything Shawn said except bits and pieces because Brock and himself have heard the same thing from people much more worthy than HBK. Heyman mentions The Rock and the Undertaker people who said the same thing and suffered the same fate Shawn will feel this Sunday. Shawn says that the Undertaker and the Rock are not the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels.

Heyman laughs again and asks how Shawn’s ankle is. Shawn says it is feeling good and Heyman disputes that by saying that limp walking down the ramp was quite noticeable. Shawn says that he can beat Lesnar with one ankle and quite frankly, Lesnar is lucky that Shawn is not in great health. Heyman tells HBK to cut the crap and realize that he signed his own death wish because Brock is not only going to beat Shawn this Sunday. Heyman says that Lesnar is going to tear the rest of that bad ankle to shreds and make you never be able to compete in a WWE ring again. He says that when Shawn is indicted into the Hall of Fame, he will be walking up for his acceptance speech with a limp and maybe even a cane because what Brock is going to do to him is unspeakable.

Shawn smiles and tells Lesnar to bring it on. Heyman tells Shawn to wipe that smile off his face and not be a smartass to his client. He asks Shawn what makes him different from any of the other legends that Brock has taken out? Shawn has no response, but instead just sarcastically nods along with Heyman. Heyman says that Stephanie knows how good Brock Lesnar is and so does the rest of the locker room. He says that the rest of the locker room will see what Brock does to Shawn and no one will want to face him. He says that Goldberg will come back from the jail cell and not want to face his client because Goldberg knows he cannot beat him. He asks Shawn if he wants to back out before Brock signs the contract. Shawn shakes his head and tells Lesnar to sign the damn contract. Lesnar is handed a pen by Heyman and goes for the signature, but Stephanie pulls back the contract.

The crowd cheers Stephanie and she says that Brock will get his chance to sign the contract, but she has to deal with something first. She says that she had a meeting last week and no one was here to run Smackdown! She says that she watched the show and witnessed a complete abuse of power from the one and only Paul Heyman. She asks Heyman how dare he pull the ‘I have power’ angle on Goldberg and the rest of the locker room. She says that Heyman thought it was his show and honestly, it will never be his show. Heyman tries to mention that someone needed to run the show and she tells him to shutup. Stephanie says it was sickening seeing Heyman clearly instigate Goldberg to attack him so that Goldberg could be arrested, stripped from his opportunity at Lesnar, and have another superstar get the chance to face Lesnar all due to the fact that Paul Heyman thinks that his client Brock Lesnar cannot beat Goldberg.

Lesnar turns around and looks at Heyman curiously. Heyman pleads to Lesnar that his is not true and Goldberg had what he had coming to him. Heyman says that once Lesnar becomes the most dominant figure in this company and holds up the WWE financially, he will have leverage on everybody and will get Stephanie fired immediately or else Lesnar walks. Heyman says that Stephanie is a terrible GM that cannot even be here to support her own show, superstars, or fans. Heyman says he would be a better general manager than her and he is sick of her being here week by week and acting like she cares. Heyman says she is honestly daddy’s little girl and the only reason she is anywhere today is because her daddy can’t ever say no to her. Stephanie slaps Heyman, causing Lesnar to get out of his seat and stare Stephanie right in the eyes.

Stephanie smiles and says that if Lesnar puts his hands on her, she will immediately strip Lesnar of his WWE Title and rightfully arrest him on the spot. Stephanie says that Heyman overextended his power last week and she is here to make things right because that is her job. She says that Brock Lesnar will not be signing any contracts tonight because the contract is already signed for Badd Blood. She says that this Sunday, we will see Brock Lesnar defend his title against Shawn Michaels. Stephanie pauses and the crowd begins to chant for Goldberg. Stephanie continues and says that Lesnar will defend the title against Shawn Michaels and the returning Goldberg!

The crowd goes absolutely nuts and Goldberg’s music hits. A locker room door is opened and Goldberg walks out of it. The crowd chants for Goldberg, as HBK stands up and both prepare for Goldberg. Goldberg makes his way out and toward the ring. Lesnar flips the table over and Goldberg comes in the ring. Lesnar yells at Goldberg and Goldberg charges at Lesnar, hitting a spear! Lesnar is down and the crowd goes crazy. Shawn gets out of the ring and looks over at Goldberg, shocked. Goldberg stares at HBK for a second, until he glares at the downed Lesnar, as Smackdown! ends.

WWE Badd Blood
June 17th, 2003
From The Ford Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Singles Match
World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H (C) vs The Rock

The Rock finally got his chance to chase after the World Heavyweight Championship, after winning a battle royal against the WWE's top superstars. Rock knew what he was getting into because he knows he is not only going after Triple H, but he is also going after the rest of Evolution. Rock thought he had the upperhand against Triple H and the rest of Evolution until Triple H hit The Rock with a devastating sledgehammer shot to close off RAW. Rock knows he will have to beat all of Evolution to capture the World Heavyweight Championship, but he is confident that if somebody can do it, he can.

Triple Threat Match
WWE Championship
Brock Lesnar (c) vs Shawn Michaels vs Goldberg

Brock Lesnar has torn through the WWE and his manager Paul Heyman has motivated him time and time again. Goldberg won a big match against Kurt Angle on HEAT to earn the #1 Contendership. However, Paul Heyman used his power and sway to make Goldberg try and hurt Heyman. Heyman ordered for Goldberg's arrest immediately and that opened the door for a desperate Shawn Michaels to earn a shot at Lesnar. Michaels won a match against Angle, despite nearly breaking his ankle. Stephanie McMahon returned to tell Heyman that he overused his power and that Goldberg will compete against Lesnar and Michaels at Badd Blood. Goldberg is out for vengeance, but a determined, yet limp HBK also wants to make an impact. Can Lesnar overcome two motivated superstars or will the next big thing prevail again?

Singles Match
Intercontinental Championship
Randy Orton (c) vs Chris Jericho

On the quest to see who is best, Chris Jericho and Randy Orton have been down each other throats. Chris Jericho has done it all in the WWE, while Randy Orton is on the rise and feels that he is already the best. Jericho is out to prove him wrong and the only way they can do that is a one on one bout against one another. Jericho knows he has the rest of Evolution to deal with, similar to the Rock. Jericho is the crafty veteran who can get around Evolution and take care of Orton, but can he put them all away when him and Orton have the spotlight shining down on them?

Singles Match
United States Championship
Big Show (c) vs Chris Benoit

A matchup of Benoit believing that Big Show is a disgrace to the United States Championship. Nobody wants to get in the angry giant's way, except Benoit. Benoit has stood up to Show and wants to prove to everybody that Show is not that much of a monster. A feud full of backstage sneak attacks, walking out on matches, and punishments for both men will continue this Sunday, as both men come out having something to prove.

Singles Match
Women's Championship
Trish Stratus (c) vs Molly Holly

A triangle between Molly Holly, Trish Stratus, and the crazy Gail Kim has led us to here. Gail Kim has been out to beat any diva in sight, but her anger has led her to being disqualified in her title matches. Gail's failure to keep her emotions in tact has led to Trish Stratus getting her title opportunity. Trish kept her emotions in check and beat Molly Holly on Smackdown! Molly uses her rematch clause for Badd Blood and beat Trish Stratus on pay per view.

Hardcore Match
Hardcore Championship
Rhyno (c) vs Tommy Dreamer

Rhyno won the vacant Hardcore Championship against Rey Mysterio with a little help from Tajiri, who attacked Mysterio. Rhyno has been out to prove he is the real hardcore legend. However, Tommy Dreamer has something to say about that. Dreamer beat Rhyno down and told him he is coming for the Hardcore Title. Will Dreamer, the ECW legend, be able to take down the rising star in Rhyno?

(Credits & Rep awarded for correct predictions and/or feedback!)
GrandSword Bad Blood predictions

Rock to defeat Triple H and become World Champion

Lesnar to retain

Jericho to win but by DQ - Orton will keep the title.

Big Show to retain

Trish to retain. Post match beat down by Gail

Rhyno to retain, possible RVD sighting.

WWE Badd Blood
Date: 6/17/03
Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Venue: Ford Center
Attendance: 14,708/ 14,708

Badd Blood comes on air and the pyros go off on stage, as the crowd goes wild holding up all their posters. Jim ‘JR’ Ross, Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, and Tazz introduce us to Badd Blood, which promises to be an exciting night which will lead us one step closer to Summerslam. JR hypes up the World Title match tonight between The Rock and Triple H. Tazz says he saw Shawn Michaels before coming out here and that Goldberg and Lesnar better be ready tonight because Michaels is out to win it tonight. King says tonight is going to be ground breaker and speaking of breaker, skulls are going to be broke with the upcoming match.

Match #1
Hardcore Match for the Hardcore Championship
Rhyno © vs Tommy Dreamer

Tommy Dreamer’s music hits and Dreamer makes his way to the ring. The Ford Center crowd gets on their feet and Dreamer gets pumped with the crowd. Dreamer goes under the ring and picks out a kendo stick, as he goes in the ring and waits for the champion. Rhyno’s music hits and Rhyno makes his way to the ring with some boos. Rhyno slides in the ring and Dreamer instantly hits him with the kendo stick and the match begins. Dreamer continues to pound Rhyno’s back with the kendo stick until it breaks. Rhyno slides back out of the ring and holds his back in pain.

Dreamer hurries to get another kendo stick while Rhyno is in pain. Dreamer gets the stick and gets back into the ring. Rhyno goes to slide into the ring, but Dreamer slams the stick where Rhyno would come in. Dreamer walks closer to the ropes and Rhyno quickly grabs Dreamer and drags him to the outside. Dreamer drops the kendo stick and Rhyno throws Dreamer against the steel steps. Dreamer leans against the steps, while Rhyno picks up the kendo stick and goes for a swing to Dreamer’s head. Dreamer moves away and the kendo stick hits the steps, stunning Rhyno. Dreamer goes for the quick pin and gets a two count.

Dreamer gets up before Rhyno and when Rhyno gets up, Dreamer hits a falling neckbreaker. Dreamer picks up the kendo stick again. Rhyno gets up on his knees and Dreamer hits hard kendo stick shots to each side of Rhyno. Dreamer drops the stick and picks up Rhyno for the DDT. Dreamer taunts for a second and allows Rhyno to drive Dreamer back into the corner of the barricade. Both men try to recover from their injuries. Dreamer gets up and charges at Rhyno, but is met with a spinning spinebuster on the outside. Rhyno goes for the pin and gets a two count.

Rhyno walks over to the announcer table and gets a steel chair. Rhyno folds the chair up and runs at Dreamer, but Dreamer avoids the chair shot and kicks Rhyno in the gut. Rhyno drops the chair and Dreamer hits another DDT. Dreamer is feeling it and picks up the chair. Dreamer brings it up top and slams the chair against the back of Rhyno. Dreamer throws the chair into the ring and also throws Rhyno in as well. Dreamer looks under the ring and throws in a garbage can, the lid to the garbage can, and another kendo stick. Dreamer is still looking under, when Rhyno comes to grab Dreamer. Dreamer looks up and pulls out a fire extinguisher. He uses the extinguisher on Rhyno, which effectively blinds him. Dreamer comes back into the ring and goes for the Dreamer Driver, but Rhyno fights out of it.

Rhyno is still feeling the effects from the extinguisher and Dreamer sees it. Dreamer puts the garbage can in the corner between the second and third turnbuckle. Dreamer turns around into Rhyno charging at Dreamer with the garbage can lid. Rhyno hits Dreamer with the lid and Dreamer stumbles into a side belly to belly suplex from Rhyno. Rhyno tosses Dreamer against the ropes and hits a flapjack on him. Dreamer lands on the steel chair coincidentally and is in pain. Rhyno picks up the kendo stick and starts hitting Dreamer across the back. Dreamer slowly tries to get up, despite getting pounded and in pain. Dreamer gets all the way up and the crowd is going crazy. Rhyno is shocked and throws the kendo stick down. Dreamer goes for a clothesline, but Rhyno ducks under it. Rhyno picks up the steel chair and hits a steel chair shot to the head of Dreamer out of nowhere.

Dreamer goes down and Rhyno goes for the pin. Rhyno gets the count and Dreamer kicks out at two. Rhyno is shocked and the crowd cannot believe it. Rhyno gets back on to the corner and says that it is time he ends this. Dreamer gets up and Rhyno goes for the gore, but Dreamer avoids it and turns Rhyno around and hits the fallaway slam. Dreamer picks up the steel chair and waits for Rhyno to get up. Dreamer is bleeding partly from the head. Dreamer wants to send the chair through Rhyno’s head. Rhyno gets up and avoids the deadly chair shot from Dreamer. Rhyno backs up and Dreamer turns around. Rhyno comes charging at him and hits the gore, sending Dreamer and Rhyno into the garbage can set up in the corner! Both men are down and the crowd is shocked. The garbage can is demolished. Rhyno grabs his head in pain, but sees Dreamer laid out. Rhyno begins to crawl over to Dreamer and Rhyno puts his arm barely over Dreamer. The referee goes for the count and Rhyno gets the three

Winner: AND Still Hardcore Champion; Rhyno​

Rhyno lies on the mat and is handed the Hardcore Title. Rhyno hugs the title and the crowd gives Rhyno some boos. Rhyno celebrates in the ring and the carnage is getting cleared up. The camera goes to the announcing trio and Lawler says that he knew some skulls were going to be bashed in. Tazz says that was great hardcore wrestling and Rhyno is lucky to get past the innovator of violence.

Chris Benoit and the Big Show are shown walking toward the staging area and JR promises that this next match is going to be interesting. He says these two superstars will finally get to face each other eye to eye and it is for the prestigious United States Championship. King hypes up how big the Big Show is compared to Benoit, but Tazz says that Benoit is one tough cookie and that size is thrown out the window in this match.

Match #2
Singles Match for the United States Championship
Big Show © vs Chris Benoit​

Chris Benoit’s music hits and Benoit makes his way to the ring to a cheer from the crowd. Benoit looks focused in the ring, while Big Show’s music hits. The United States Champion makes his way to the ring and gives dirty looks to all the fans booing him. Big Show steps in the ring and the referee holds the up for grabs title up high. The bell rings and the two competitors stare each other down. Benoit and Show lock up in the middle of the ring, but Show throws Benoit to the mat. Show yells at Benoit, asking if he has had enough already.

Benoit gets up and pushes Big Show into the corner. Show throws Benoit off him, but Benoit shoots back up and goes after Show. Benoit hits Show with right after right, but Show grabs Benoit’s head and nails him with a big headbutt. Benoit holds his head and Show comes out of the corner. Show pushes Benoit up against the ropes and delivers three big open hand chops. Benoit walks into a sidewalk slam and Show goes for the pin. Big Show gets a two count and asks Benoit, again, if he has had enough.

Big Show picks up Benoit by the head, but Benoit uppercuts Show and Show breaks the hold. Benoit backs up and hits a shoulder to Show’s knee. Show goes to a knee. Benoit goes behind Show and Show gets up. Benoit hits another shoulder to the knee of Show. Show goes down on the same knee and he is in pain. Benoit goes to get Show, but Show gets up and tosses Benoit to the outside. Show gets on two feet and follows Benoit to the outside. Show grabs Benoit and hits his head against the apron. The crowd boos and Big Show yells at the crowd, allowing Benoit to counter and push Show into the steel steps. Show pulls up before the collision with the steps, but Benoit comes running over and gives another shoulder to the bad knee and the front of Show’s knee hits the steel steps. Show is in pain and Benoit tries to get Show back into the ring.

Show is on the mat grabbing the knee. Benoit gets in the ring, as the referee was at the seven count. Benoit grabs Show’s legs and attempts to put Show into the four leg figure lock. Benoit tries to wrap the legs, but Show kicks out of it and Benoit falls over to the other side of the ring. Show gets up, but falls back onto a knee after putting weight on the bad knee. Show is swearing in the ring, while on a knee. Benoit gets up and dropkick’s Show into the corner. Show stands in the corner. Benoit forearm smashes Show’s face a few times. Benoit hits some of his own backhand chops. Show pushes Benoit out of the corner again, but Benoit comes back and hits the bad knee, sending Show to a knee again.

Benoit comes to get Show up again, but Show counters with his hand to Benoit’s throat. Show goes for the chokeslam and lifts Benoit up, but Benoit elbows out of it. Benoit and Show stare off momentarily and Show goes for a big boot, but Benoit catches Show’s leg barely. Benoit hits a dragon screw on Show and goes for the pin. Referee is at two, when Show tosses Benoit off him aggressively. Show gets up angry and throws Benoit into the corner. Show hits open hand chops and lifts Benoit up to sit on the top turnbuckle. Show gets up on the turnbuckle too and goes for the superplex. He prepares for it and hits the superplex on Benoit. Both men are down in the ring and the crowd is cheering for Benoit.

Show is the first to get up and he stalks the slowly getting up Benoit. Benoit turns around and Show applies the chokeslam. Show lifts Benoit up, but Benoit gets out of the chokeslam again. Benoit falls on his feet and hits a lariat to the Big Show. Show goes down and Benoit does the cutting throat gesture. Benoit goes up to the top rope and goes for the flying headbutt. Benoit leaps and makes the crowd go on their feet, but Show moves out the way. Benoit crashes and burns and now both men are down. Show makes his way up and waits for Benoit to get up again. Benoit gets up and applies the chokeslam grip on Benoit. Show looks at Benoit’s face and smiles at him and tells him that atleast he tried. Show lifts up Benoit, but Benoit counters again and Show’s knee gives out on him and drops Show down in the middle of the ring.

Benoit is trying to apply the crossface and Show is trying to fight out. Benoit fights and the crowd cheers him on. Benoit locks the hands and applies the crossface. The crowd is on their feet and Benoit is putting all the pressure on the hold. Big Show is yelling in pain and cannot get closer to the ropes. Show has his arm out and is either going to the ropes or about to tap. Show reaches out and begins to tap!

Winner: AND New United States Champion; Chris Benoit​

Benoit continues the hold and the crowd cheers, as the referee breaks up the crossface. Benoit gets up and the referee awards Benoit the title. Benoit holds the title up high and hugs the title, as the crowd cheers. The referee holds Benoit’s arm high. Benoit celebrates with the crowd, but Big Show is getting up behind him. Benoit comes down from the corner and turns into a devastating right hand to the mouth of Benoit. Benoit goes down in a heart beat and stays down, as Show looks down at the unconscious champion. The crowd boos Show, as Show begins to leave and makes his way to the back. Officials begin helping Benoit, who was knocked out unconscious.

Benoit is being helped out in the ring, while we go backstage to the new World Tag Team Champions, The World’s Greatest Tag Team. Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin are backstage smiling ear to ear. They stand over by a table and refreshing themselves with water. Shelton says they finally showed Evolution who is boss and that this is the start of something special. Charlie says they are a great tag team and he agrees that this is only the start. The two continue to share stories, when La Resistance comes from behind. Grenier and Dupree come from behind and attack Haas and Benjamin. They yell something in French to the champions and walk away, as we go back to ringside.

JR, King, and Tazz are ringside. Tazz says he hopes Benoit is okay after the devastating right hand that was given to him from the Big Show. JR brings up the Randy Orton and Chris Jericho feud and next, we will finally find out who is truly best!

Match #3
Singles Match for the Intercontinental Championship
Randy Orton © vs Chris Jericho​

Chris Jericho’s music hits and the challenger makes his way to the ring. Jericho stands tall in the ring and awaits his opponent. Randy Orton’s music hits and Orton makes his to the ring with a chorus of boos. Orton gives his cocky smirk and walks to the ring with the title over his shoulder. Orton gives the title to the referee, who holds it up high. Orton looks cocky, but Jericho looks serious. The bell rings and the two lock up in the middle of the ring. Orton tosses Jericho into the ropes and misses a clothesline, but turns around and nails a back body drop on Jericho.

Jericho gets up into a clothesline from Orton. Jericho gets up again and hits another clothesline, which sends Jericho down. Orton yells to the crowd that he is the best there is. The crowd boos and Orton goes to pick up Jericho. Orton goes to toss Jericho into the ropes, but Jericho counters and tosses Orton. Orton runs into a back elbow from Jericho. Orton turns his back and Jericho dropkick’s Orton out of the ring. Jericho yells out that he is the best and the crowd cheers for him.

Jericho lets Orton roll back into the ring. Orton rolls in and the two stare at each other again. Jericho asks Orton if he regrets this fight yet and Orton gives that devilish smirk again. The two lock up and Jericho gets the upperhand with a headlock on Orton. Jericho delivers some punches Orton, but Orton counters with elbows to Jericho’s gut. Orton counters into the full nelson and brings Jericho down to the mat. Jericho begins to fade and Orton hits the full nelson slam. Orton goes for the pin and gets a two count.

Orton gets off Jericho and runs at him, dropping his knee into Jericho’s midsection. Orton backs off, while Jericho gets up. Jericho turns around into Orton running at him and hitting the lou thesz press. Orton follows it with plenty of punches. The referee breaks it up and Orton taunts again. Orton goes and puts Jericho into the chinlock. The crowd cheers for Jericho and Jericho begins to slowly muscle up and get onto his feet. Jericho elbows out of the hold and turns around to face Orton. Jericho hits the northern lights suplex and goes for the pin. Jericho gets a two count.

Orton gets up and goes for a clothesline on Jericho, but Jericho counters and European uppercuts Orton. Orton is stunned for a moment and Jericho runs behind him and then back at him, hitting a running, one handed bulldog onto the champion. Orton rolls onto his back and Jericho hits the Lionsault. Jericho is feeling it and goes for the Walls of Jericho early and to put it away. Orton avoids getting put in the hold and kicks Jericho away, sending him to the outside. Orton gets up and goes after Jericho. Orton sticks his head to the outside, but Jericho racks the face of Orton and Orton stumbles back to the middle of the ring. Jericho slides in quickly and drops Orton and applies the Walls of Jericho.

The crowd gets to their feet and Jericho has the Walls applied. Orton is screaming in pain and Jericho puts more pressure on the hold. Orton continues to move closer to the ropes. Orton reaches out for the ropes and reaches them. The referee breaks the hold and Orton slides out of the ring. Orton looks at Jericho with a shocked face. Orton walks over to the announcers table and takes a steel chair. Jericho yells to put that down and come here to prove who is best the right way. Orton puts the chair down and rolls into the ring. Jericho begins to stomp away at Orton once he gets in the ring, but Orton gets up and hits an uppercut to Jericho.

Orton goes over to Jericho and hits an inverted headlock backbreaker. Jericho goes down and Orton goes for the pin. Orton gets a two count. Orton goes to pick up Jericho, but Jericho begins to fight out of it. The two look eye to eye momentarily and Jericho tries to nail a Codebreaker out of nowhere. Orton backs away and Jericho falls to the mat. Orton stalks Jericho and waits for him to get up. Jericho quickly gets up and Orton goes for the quick RKO, but Jericho sees it and pushes Orton away. Orton goes to the outside and is visibly upset because he knew he could have put it away.

Orton walks around to get the steel chair and Jericho yells at him that if he wants to do it that way he can. Jericho slides in the ring with the steel chair. The two go eye to eye, with Orton holding the steel chair. The referee comes over and tries to take the steel chair from Orton, but Orton looks at the referee and intimidates him. Jericho takes advantage of the distracted Orton and goes for the Walls of Jericho. Orton falls to the ground and Jericho is trying to twist Orton to apply the hold. Jericho is struggling with the flailing Orton. Jericho drops Orton’s legs and Orton comes up and kicks Jericho straight in the melons. Jericho falls to his knees and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Chris Jericho via DQ; Randy Orton STILL Intercontinental Champion​

Jericho is announced the winner and the crowd boos Orton because he will retain his title. Orton gets Jericho off his knees and hits an RKO to Jericho. Jericho goes down in the center of the ring. Orton gives Jericho a dirty stare with nothing to say. Orton goes to get his title and walks off with it. The crowd boos Orton louder and louder as he walks off to the back. JR mentions how Orton knew he couldn’t win this match so he found a way out to keep the title for atleast one more night. The camera goes backstage to Josh Mathews and The Rock. The crowd’s boos go right to cheers with the appearance of the great one.

Rock introduces himself to the Oklahoma City crowd the only way Rock can. Mathews asks Rock what his strategy is against the World Heavyweight Championship tonight. Rock says he doesn’t need strategy because Rock has been through everything in his career and Evolution is no different. Rock says he respects Ric Flair, but by the time Flair sprints from the ramp to the ring, Rock will have already won the match. Rock mocks Batista’s huge figure and says that last match was proof of how much of a coward Randy Orton is. Rock says that Too Cool was more of a challenge than Evolution is and that Rikishi would be a better World Champion than Triple H. Rock says that tonight he is the underdog, but he won the battle royal to get to this spot for a reason and tonight will prove it. Rock storms off and the title match is now!
Match #4
Singles Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H © vs The Rock​

The Rock’s music hits and the crowd goes wild. Rock makes his way out to the electric atmosphere. Rock walks down to the ring and admires the crowd. Triple H’s music does not hit and everyone is waiting for him. Triple H’s music finally hits and the champion walks out to the stage with Ric Flair. Ric Flair and Triple H make their way to the ring with plenty of boos. Triple H gives his title to Ric Flair, who gives it to the officials at ringside. Triple H and the Rock stand in the ring and face each other eye to eye. Both men are focused on one thing, and that is beating the hell out of each other.

Triple H and the Rock lock up in the center of the ring. Triple H gets the upperhand and tosses the Rock into the ropes. Rock ducks under a clothesline from Triple H and Rock runs back at Triple H with a flying clothesline. Triple H gets up and goes for another clothesline, but Rock ducks under that one too. Rock hits his right hand combo to Triple H and Triple H goes over the top rope and to the outside. Flair helps Triple H up and the two talk, while the crowd cheers on the Rock.

Triple H uses the steps to get back into the ring. Triple H walks up to the Rock and the two stare each other down. Triple H slaps the Rock and the Rock is angry. Rock tries to hit a strong clothesline, but Triple H ducks under that one and hits a neckbreaker to the Rock. Triple H goes for the pin and gets a two count. Triple H picks the Rock up and throws him into the corner. Triple H hits some stuff right hands to the Rock, but the Rock counters and throws Triple H into the corner. Rock hits hard rights to Triple H and Triple H comes out of the corner running at Rock. Rock avoids Triple H and hits a float-over DDT. Rock goes for the pin and gets a two count.

Rock and Triple H slowly get up. Triple H and the Rock both knock each other with rights and left. Triple H runs at the Rock and hits a jumping knee to Rock’s midsection. Rock goes down on a knee and Triple H hits him with an uppercut, sending him to the mat. Triple H picks up the Rock and goes to throw him against the ropes, but Rock counters and tosses Triple H. Rock goes for the back body drop, but Triple H hits a facebreaker knee smash to Rock. Rock gets tossed into the ropes and Triple H hits a spinning spinebuster to the great one. Triple H goes for the pin and gets a two count.

Triple H picks up the Rock and throws him into the corner. Triple H goes for another set of rights to the Rock, but Rock counters and throws Triple H into the corner. Triple H counters again and throws the Rock into the corner. Triple H hits more rights to the Rock. Triple H backs off for a second and then climbs up to the second rope. Triple H hits some mounted rights onto the Rock, but Rock counters and tosses Triple H off of him. Triple H falls back first to the mat. Triple H gets up and Rock runs at him with a running clothesline. Rock keeps Triple H down and goes for a sharpshooter, but Ric Flair runs up on the apron.

Flair is on the apron and Rock breaks the submission. Rock and Flair exchange words until Rock hits Flair with a big right hand. Flair falls off the apron and onto the outside. Rock turns around to Triple H running at him, but Rock counters with a back body drop sending Triple H crashing hard to the outside. Triple H is down and the crowd is cheering heavily. Triple H holds the back in pain on the outside, while Flair gets up and tries to help Triple H. Rock talks to the referee about Flair and the referee says he will keep an eye on it. Rock goes to the outside and Flair tries to give Rock an open hand chop, but Rock blocks it and tosses Flair into the barricade. Rock picks up Triple H and rolls him into the ring. Rock goes for a pin, but gets a short one count.

Rock picks up Triple H and puts him into an armbar. Rock hits a back suplex onto Triple H and goes for the pin, but gets a two count. Rock picks up Triple H and tosses him over the top rope and out the ring. Rock goes out to follow him. Rock slams Triple H’s head against the announcers table and tosses the champion back into the ring. Ric Flair comes running over and the Rock hits three hard right hands, with the third one sending Flair down. Rock comes back into the ring to a stumbling Triple H. Rock goes to lock in with Triple H, but Triple H counters with a kick to the gut. Triple H goes for the Pedigree, but Rock hits a back body drop on Triple H to avoid the finisher.

Triple H gets up and the Rock hits another three hard right hands. Triple H is thrown into the ropes and Rock hits a spinebuster. Triple H is laid out in the middle of the ring and Rock goes for the People’s Elbow. Rock throws the elbow pad into the crowd and Rock makes his way back and forth around the ring and hits the elbow into Triple H’s chest. Flair comes into the ring and Rock avoids a clothesline from Flair. Flair turns around and Rock hits the Rock Bottom to Flair. The crowd is going crazy and Rock goes to pin Triple H. Rock only gets a two count and everybody, including the Rock, is shocked.

Flair’s hesitation saved Triple H. Rock cannot believe it and throws Flair over the top rope. Rock picks up Triple H, but Triple H hits a low blow while the referee is looking over to check on Flair. Triple H applies a blatant choke to the Rock and yells at him, asking Rock why he even got himself into this when he had no chance to start with. The referee breaks it up and Triple H slowly picks up the Rock. Triple H yells at the crowd and Rock breaks off of Triple H’s hold and goes for the Rock Bottom. Triple H counters with elbows to Rock. Rock falls away and turns away into a Pedigree. Triple H connects and the crowd goes silent. Triple H goes for the pin and gets a two count barely!

Triple goes up to the referee and starts to complain. Flair gets up and jumps to the apron and yells at the referee too. The crowd is cheering for the dedicated Rock. Triple H turns to the Rock after complaining for a little bit and picks the Rock up. Rock counters again and hits a Rock Bottom to Triple H. The crowd is going wild, but Flair is distracting the referee on the apron. Rock goes to deal with Flair, but Randy Orton comes running down from the back. Orton gets in the ring and hits an RKO to the Rock. Orton gets out of the ring, while Flair gets down from the apron and the referee turns around to two downed men. Orton begins walking back up the stage, but Jericho comes running out and chases Orton. Orton runs back toward the ring and into the crowd. Jericho chases Orton away, but the Rock and Triple H are both out.

Triple H begins crawling toward the Rock. Triple H puts his arm around Rock and the referee goes down for the count. Triple H puts his arm up in victory, but the Rock kicks out at two and a half. The crowd goes wild and Triple H is shocked again. Triple H rolls off the Rock and puts his head down in disbelief. The match continues with the two slowly getting up. Rock hits a right and Triple H responds with another right of his own. The two continue to share rights, when Batista slowly makes his way down the ramp. The crowd boos Batista, as the Rock hits another right to Triple H and goes for the Rock Bottom. Triple H goes to elbow out of the Rock Bottom, but Rock will not let go of the hold and hits it on Triple H. Batista and Flair walk up to the apron again and the referee goes after Flair. Rock is pinning Triple H, but no referee is counting. Rock gets up and hits a running forearm to Batista. Batista falls off the apron and hits his head on the way down.

Rock bends at the knees and awaits Triple H to slowly get up. Rock takes a look to Flair, while waiting for Triple H. Flair fakes going up to the apron and the Rock is not sure to go after Triple H or Flair. Triple H is about to get up and Flair walks up on the apron. The referee immediately tells Flair he has to leave and Flair is not happy. The referee threatens that he will take the title off Triple H and the two complain. Rock takes his focus to Triple H and Rock goes for the Rock Bottom. Triple H ducks under the Rock Bottom and turns Rock around. Rock is kicked in the gut and Triple H goes for the Pedigree. Triple H connects with the Pedigree and Flair goes off the apron and heads to the ramp. Both men are down in the ring. Flair picks up Batista and the two walk on the stage. Flair yells at Triple H to pin him. Triple H slowly makes his way to the Rock and puts his right arm over the Rock’s chest. Triple H has the pin and the referee takes a glance at Flair before going for the pin. Triple H gets a two count and the longest third count ever.

Winner: AND Still World Heavyweight Champion; Triple H​

Triple H’s music hits and the crowds boos. Triple H rolls off the Rock and very lucky to get out of the match with a win. Flair and Batista make their way to the ring and help Triple H on his feet. Triple H is handed the World Heavyweight Championship and holds it up high. He celebrates with the rest of Evolution minus Randy Orton, as the camera goes backstage with Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar.

Brock Lesnar is sitting at his locker, sweating and focused as ever. Heyman paces around the locker room and tells Lesnar how he wants him to absolutely tear each and every limb of Goldberg’s and snap the ankle of Shawn Michaels once and for all. He says that they have been soft lately and it is time to turn it up another notch. He says it is disgusting that Shawn thinks he can talk back to him and that Goldberg could show up and embarrass the champion like that. Heyman says after tonight, everybody will respect the next big thing.

The camera goes back to ringside, where JR and King discuss how great of a match Rock and Triple H had. Tazz agrees and says that Rock really should have won that match, but Evolution is just too damn crafty and screwed the Rock out of his chances. JR says that might have been Rock’s only chance and that Evolution might have ultimately won the fight. They introduce the next match, which is for the Women’s Championship.

Match #5
Singles Match for the Women’s Championship
Trish Stratus © vs Molly Holly​

Molly Holly’s music hits and Molly makes her way out to the ring. Trish Stratus’s music hits and the crowd bursts onto their feet. Trish makes her way out with her newly won Women’s Championship around her waist. Trish gets into the ring. The referee holds up the Women’s Championship high and the bell rings. The two divas stand in their respective corner and stare each other down, planning out their attack.

Trish and Molly lock up in the middle of the ring and Trish puts Molly in an armbar. Molly counters into an arm wringer. Molly tries to bring Trish down, but Trish counters and whips Molly into the ropes. Trish drops down and Molly runs back at Trish and jumps over Trish. Trish gets up and dropkick’s Molly while she is coming back at Trish. Molly gets up and goes for a clothesline, but Trish ducks under it. Trish hits another dropkick to Molly. Molly stumbles into the corner. Trish acknowledges the crowd and Moly gets time to recover and go after Trish. Trish does the matrix from another clothesline and Molly stops in shock. Trish gets back to standing and hits a one handed running bulldog onto Molly.

Trish goes for the pin on Molly and gets a two count. Trish picks up Molly and places her in the corner. Trish climbs up to the second rope and hits right hands onto Molly. Trish goes for the third one, but Molly manages to push Trish off her. Trish crashes onto the mat and Molly climbs to the top turnbuckle. Molly looks down at Trish and hesitates jumping off the top rope. Molly looks at the crowd and takes a deep breath. Molly jumps off to splash onto the downed body of Trish. Trish rolls aside and Molly crash lands onto the mat.

Molly grabs her midsection and Trish gets her way up waiting for Molly to get up. Trish stalks Molly and Molly gets to her knees. Molly finally gets up and turns to the waiting Trish. Trish loads up and hits the Chick Kick to Molly. Molly goes down in a heartbeat and Trish goes for the pin. Trish gets the three count and the easy win.

Winner: AND Still Women’s Champion; Trish Stratus​

Trish is handed the Women’s Championship and celebrates in the ring. Trish celebrates, but Gail Kim comes running in from the crowd. Gail comes over the barricade and into the ring and stands behind Trish. Gail turns Trish around and hits Straight Jacket Neckbreaker aka the Happy Ending. Trish goes down and the crowd boos Gail. Gail grabs the Women’s Title and holds it tight with her. Gail looks around and leaves the ring and out through the crowd again, effectively stealing the Women’s Title.

The camera goes to ringside with our trio announcing. King talks about how he digs crazy chicks, but Gail Kim is something else. He cannot believe she stole the Women’s Title. JR mentions how Trish easily won that match, but nothing will be easy about what is coming up next. He says Brock Lesnar, Goldberg, and Shawn Michaels are all on hot streaks and every man has a chance to win this match.

The camera shows the champion walking in the hallways with his manager Paul Heyman. Lesnar is sweating from ear to ear and looks focused as ever, as he wraps the WWE Championship around his waist. Shawn Michaels is seen in his locker room and a man comes in and tells Shawn it is time. Shawn finishes taping his ankle. Shawn gets up and tests out his ankle. He has a little limp, but he says he will be fine and walks out. The camera shifts to a door with the name plate ‘Goldberg’ on it. The crowd begins to chant Goldberg and JR mentions that this is the time we all have been waiting for.

Match #6
Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship
Brock Lesnar © vs Shawn Michaels vs Goldberg​

Goldberg’s music hits and a worker knocks on Goldberg’s locker room door. Goldberg opens the door and walks out with the crowd chanting his name. Goldberg walks through the hallway and to the stage. Goldberg walks through his pyro and the crowd goes wild for Goldberg. Goldberg walks to the ring and stands in the ring determined, waiting for his opponent. Shawn Michaels music hits and the Heartbreak Kid gets another big ovation. HBK comes out to the stage and does his poses before heading into the ring. HBK gets in the ring and Goldberg gives HBK a deadly stare. Brock Lesnar’s music hits and all the cheers turn into boos. Lesnar and Heyman walk down the ramp. Lesnar has an assassins look on his face, as he walks down the ramp and stares at his opponents. Lesnar gets in the ring and the referee holds the WWE Championship high, as the bell rings.

The three men stare each other down and wait for the first move to be made. Michaels and Goldberg look at each other and then lock eyes on the champion. They start making their way to Lesnar and Lesnar looks like he wants the fight. They approach Lesnar, but Goldberg blind sides Michaels and brings him down. Goldberg gives dirty rights to Michaels, apparently angry for HBK taking Goldberg’s number one contender spot. Lesnar comes and grabs Goldberg off Michaels. Goldberg turns around and begins hitting rights to Lesnar. Lesnar hits rights of his own and the two go back and forth.

Goldberg hits more rights and Lesnar tries to counter with a clothesline, but Goldberg ducks under it. Goldberg proceeds to toss Lesnar over the top rope and to the outside. Heyman comes over and tries to motivate his client. Goldberg turns his attention to Michaels. Michaels gets up with a little limp and Goldberg comes right at him and hits a belly to belly suplex. Goldberg wastes no time and goes for the pin for a “one…two…kick out.” Goldberg picks up Michaels, but Michaels counters out of it with a few rights of his own. Goldberg goes for a clothesline, but Michaels ducks under it and tosses Goldberg to the outside. Goldberg falls into Heyman and Lesnar. Three men are down on the outside and Michaels is left in the ring.

Goldberg is the first one to get up. Goldberg scares away Heyman and picks up Lesnar. Lesnar breaks up the hold and goes to whip Goldberg into the steel steps, but Goldberg counters the irish whip and whips Lesnar into the steel steps. Lesnar crashes into the steps and Goldberg puts his sights onto Heyman. Goldberg chases Heyman around the ring and back toward where Lesnar is nursing his wounds. Goldberg grabs Heyman by his tie and starts yelling at him. Goldberg yells at Heyman and asks Heyman if he really thought he could get rid of him. Heyman mumbles words until Lesnar saves Heyman by hitting rights to Goldberg. The two exchange rights on the outside. Michaels is in the ring and runs toward them. Michaels leaps over the top rope and splashes onto his two opponents.

All three men are down on the outside. Heyman stands from a far and yells for Lesnar to get the hell up. Lesnar is the first one to slowly get up. Lesnar stomps away at Michaels, who is favoring his ankle again. Lesnar goes to pick up Goldberg, but Goldberg counters. Lesnar counters back and hits a hard right hand to stop Goldberg’s momentum. Lesnar tosses Goldberg right into the steel ring post. Goldberg is pounded head first and goes down. Lesnar rolls Michaels back into the ring. Lesnar gets in the ring and works on Michaels. Lesnar whips Michaels into the ropes and tosses the coming Michaels up in the air and into the ropes. Michaels stumbles around and Lesnar runs at him and hits a big clothesline. Lesnar goes for the pin and gets a “one…two..kick out.”

Lesnar gets up and continues stomping away at Michaels. Lesnar picks up Michaels and throws him into the corner. Lesnar hits a few shoulder thrusts into Michaels gut. Lesnar backs away for a second and then goes back to Michaels. Lesnar hits stiff punches to Michaels, but Michaels finally blocks one of Lesnar’s right hands with the crowd’s approval. Lesnar tries to sneak in a left, but Michaels blocks that too. Michaels goes for a punch of his own, but Lesnar ducks down and hits another shoulder thrust on Michaels. Lesnar climbs up to the second rope and hits some mounted punches on Michaels. Goldberg gets up on the outside and gets to the apron by Lesnar. Goldberg climbs up the turnbuckle and Lesnar turns his attention to Goldberg. Lesnar and Goldberg share right hands, but Goldberg hits a forearm and Lesnar falls down to the mat.

Goldberg goes back to the apron, but Michaels gets out of the corner and after Goldberg. Michaels hits a backhand chop to Goldberg, but Goldberg retaliates with a right hand. The two share right hands, until Michaels backs up and dropkick’s Goldberg off the apron and back to the outside. Lesnar tries to get up, but Michaels hits a kick which sends Lesnar back to the mat. Michaels runs off the ropes and at Lesnar, hitting a falling elbow drop. Michaels hits another falling elbow and goes for the pin. Michaels covers and gets a “one…kick out.”

Goldberg gets back up to the apron and Michaels sees him. Michaels tries to hit a quick Sweet Chin Music to Goldberg, but Goldberg moves on the apron and Michaels gets his legs caught in the ropes. Goldberg runs on the apron at Michaels and hits a big clothesline. Michaels gets out of the ropes and falls into the ring. Goldberg walks back into the ring at Lesnar, who is on his knees getting up. Goldberg walks up to Lesnar and Lesnar comes out of nowhere with a spinebuster to Goldberg. Lesnar picks up Goldberg and whips him into the ropes. Lesnar hits a backbreaker on Goldberg and goes for the pin, “one…two…thr…kick out.”

Lesnar is a little shocked and goes to pick up Goldberg. Lesnar throws Goldberg into the corner and hits a few right hands. Lesnar proceeds to pick Goldberg up to sit on the top turnbuckle. Lesnar gets up and is attempting to set up for the superplex. Goldberg tries to break out of it and Lesnar loses his patience. Lesnar throws Goldberg off the turnbuckle and Lesnar stands up on the turnbuckle looking what to do next. Michaels comes out of nowhere and hits the ropes, sending Lesnar groin first into the turnbuckle. Lesnar is in pain and Michaels comes to throw him off the turnbuckle. Lesnar hits the mat and Michaels climbs up to the top turnbuckle. He looks around and the crowd cheers on their feet. Goldberg is in the corner trying to compose himself. Michaels turns around and goes for the moonsault. Michaels loads up and jumps. He flips beautifully in mid-air and lands straight onto Lesnar. Direct hit and Michaels grabs his midsection in serious pain. Michaels sees his opportunity and goes for the pin, “one…two…thre…kick out.”

Michaels and the crowd cannot believe it. Michaels puts his head down and slowly makes his way up. Michaels goes to talk to the referee for a moment about the pin and Michaels nods at what the referee has to say. Michaels turns around and here comes Goldberg charging in from the corner. SPEAR TO MICHAELS! Lesnar is out and the crowd is going crazy. Michaels is torn in half and Goldberg goes for the pin. Heyman makes his way on the apron and into the ring. The referee goes and holds back Heyman. Goldberg grabs Heyman to a big cheer and Goldberg tosses Heyman over the top rope and to the outside. Goldberg goes back for the pin, “one…two…thre…kick out!” The crowd is shocked and so is Goldberg. Heyman just saved Lesnar the match.

Goldberg goes back in the corner and waits for either Michaels or Lesnar to get up. Goldberg wants to end it now. Heyman jumps up on the apron again and talks smack to Goldberg. Goldberg and Heyman exchange choice words, but the referee jumps between them. The referee tells Heyman he is banned from ring side. The crowd explodes in cheer and Goldberg has a smile on his face. Heyman pleads his case, but gets down from the apron and heads to the back. Goldberg sees Lesnar getting up and goes for the spear. Lesnar avoids it and tosses Goldberg through the turnbuckle, sending Goldberg’s shoulder into the steel ring post. Goldberg goes down and Lesnar focuses on Michaels.

Michaels is still hurting from the moonsault and the spear. Lesnar is yelling at Michaels and talks trash. Lesnar picks up Michaels, who is favoring his ankle and his midsection. Lesnar slaps Michaels and tells him to do something about it. Lesnar slaps him again, but Michaels responds immediately with a slap of his own. Lesnar gets serious and angry. Lesnar hits a knee to Michaels midsection. Michaels goes on a knee and Lesnar picks up Michaels in a powerbomb position. Lesnar hits a powerbomb and sends Michaels crashing hard into the mat. Lesnar picks up Michaels again into the powerbomb. Lesnar hits another powerbomb on Michaels, but picks Shawn up again and hits a second consecutive powerbomb. Lesnar yells at Shawn, telling him he will make him pay and respect him.

Lesnar tosses Michaels to the outside. Lesnar throws Michaels into the steel steps. Lesnar walks over and grabs the bad ankle of Michaels and twists it violently. Michaels is screaming in pain, as Lesnar just continues to twist it more violently. Lesnar pulls the ankle back and throws it into the steel steps. Michaels screams in pain, as he clutches the ankle. Lesnar picks up the steel steps and slams the steps into Michaels bad ankle. The crowd boos Lesnar loudly, but Lesnar seems to like it. Lesnar slams the steel steps into Michaels bad ankle again for good measure. Lesnar drops the steel steps and goes back into the ring.

Lesnar gets in the ring and looks toward Michaels. He points toward Michaels laughs, but turns around into a recovered Goldberg going for a spear to possibly win the title. Lesnar avoids the spear again and counters with putting Goldberg into an F5. Lesnar HITS THE F5 onto Goldberg and Lesnar goes for the pin, “one…two…three…no! kick out!” Lesnar cannot believe it and looks to the referee in complete shock. The crowd chants for Goldberg, as Lesnar goes and gets face to face with the referee. Lesnar backs the referee into the corner and yells right in his face. Goldberg crawls slowly over to Lesnar and gets him with the roll up pin! The referee goes down quickly into the pin and quick counts Lesnar, “one…two…thr…kick out!”

Lesnar quickly gets up from the roll up and kick’s Goldberg’s injured shoulder. Goldberg goes down in pain. Michaels is moving on the outside and is trying to muster up strength to get up and get back into the ring. Lesnar continues to target Goldberg’s injured shoulder. Lesnar picks up Goldberg and whips him into the ropes. Goldberg gets under a clothesline and Lesnar turns around to Goldberg. SPEAR TO LESNAR! Goldberg goes down in pain due to his shoulder, but Lesnar is also out. Goldberg continues to nurse his shoulder, but Michaels slowly begins to get up in the corner.

Michaels can barely stand on his injured ankle, but he begins to crank up the bus. The crowd knows what Michaels wants and begins chanting ‘HBK!’ Michaels slams his foot against the mat, but Michaels winces in pain every time he does that. Michaels keeps dropping to a knee because of the pain from his ankle. Lesnar slowly begins to get up and the anticipation builds, as Goldberg is having a tough time getting up from his injury. Michaels sets his sights on the champion. Lesnar gets up and turns around slowly. Michaels takes a deep breath and HITS THE SWEET CHIN MUSIC! Lesnar goes down and Michaels falls down to a knee and winces in pain like he never has before. Goldberg gets to his feet, but still in pain. Michaels gets up and walks to Lesnar and Goldberg sees this. Goldberg sends one last charge to Michaels. Goldberg SPEARS Michaels!

Michaels is broken in half again and goes down, out cold. Goldberg is nursing the shoulder again and screams in serious pain. Everyone is on the edge of their seat seeing what Goldberg is going to do. Goldberg looks toward both opponents, while lying on the mat. Goldberg slowly rolls over to Michaels and puts the non-injured arm over Michaels dead chest. The referee goes down for the count, “one…two…three…”

Winner: AND New WWE Champion; Goldberg​

The crowd goes crazy and Goldberg has won the match. All three men lay on the mat, absolutely dejected. The referee gets the belt and Goldberg tries to get up without using the bad shoulder. Goldberg gets up and is handed the belt to his good arm/shoulder. Goldberg holds it up, as the crowd goes crazy. Officials and medics come down to help out Michaels, as Lesnar crawls to the outside of the ring. Lesnar lies on the outside and cannot believe what happened. Goldberg holds the title up high and musters up strength with his bad arm/shoulder to lift the title up with both arms, as Badd Blood signs off air.

Hope you guys enjoy it! Feedback appreciated for the pay per view! Thanks for reading!

RAW Preview via WWE.com​

The fallout from Badd Blood will be truly evident tonight on Monday Night RAW. Badd Blood saw many things happen within the main event picture, but mostly shockingly is the Next Big Thing was dethroned from the top. Goldberg brought down the champion and its number one contender, Shawn Michaels. Goldberg ultimately pinned Shawn Michaels for the three count. Brock Lesnar is not happy and Paul Heyman surely will have something up his sleeve to get the title back around the waist of his client. However, Goldberg is on such a hot streak that it seems that nothing can bring the new WWE Champion back to earth.

Evolution's destruction through the roster continued on Sunday. Rock thought he can beat layer after layer of possibly one of the best groups in the WWE, but ultimately failed against Triple H in his quest to win the World Heavyweight Title. Rock had Triple H down for the count multiple times, but Ric Flair, Batista, and Randy Orton had different ideas. Triple H came out on top, but no one thinks Rock will stop on his quest to take Evolution down once and for all. Speaking of taking down Evolution, Chris Jericho and Randy Orton battled on Sunday for the Intercontinental Championship. Jericho dominated and outsmarted Orton and Jericho ultimately won via disqualification. Jericho still wants to take Orton out for good. How will these two men take on Evolution tonight?

Chris Benoit beat Big Show last night for the United States Championship. However, Big Show came out of nowhere and hit a huge fist to the side of Benoit's face. Benoit was knocked out and was reported to have a concussion. Will Benoit be here tonight? Trish Stratus beat Molly Holly in Molly's rematch for the Women's Title, but the shock of the match was when the crazy Gail Kim came out and knocked out Trish Stratus. Gail stole Trish's Women's Title and left. How will Trish retaliate? Other questions to be answered hopefully tonight is the ongoing hatred between Tajiri-Rey Mysterio and the tag team turmoil we have going on with both champions! Turn in tonight and watch the best show on television!

Monday Night RAW
Date: 6/18/03
Location: Memphis, Tennessee
Venue: Pyramid Arena
Attendance: 13,238/ 13,238

RAW comes on the air and the crowd is on their feet, as the camera pans around the seats and the pyros explode up on the stage. JR introduces us to the RAW after Badd Blood and that we are sure to hear all about the fallout from last night. He says we have a new WWE Champion and that the so called ‘Next Big Thing’ will not be happy tonight. King says not only the locker room should be scared about Lesnar, but he is also scared. JR promises a great RAW tonight and that we will hear from the Rock, who lost a heartbreaking bout last night.

Brock Lesnar’s music hits and he makes his way out to the ring with his manager Paul Heyman. Lesnar, like JR mentioned, is not happy and gets in the ring with many boos. Lesnar gets in the ring and grabs a microphone. Lesnar looks at the crowd and is about to speak, when the crowd begins to chant ‘Goldberg!’ Lesnar puts the microphone to his side and he starts fuming. Lesnar brings up the microphone and tells the crowd to shut their mouths. The crowd boos even more and Lesnar says that by the end of tonight, the crowd will be booing when he is standing in this very ring victorious. Lesnar smiles a little and hands the microphone to Heyman.

The crowd boos Heyman more and Heyman tells the crowd to shut the hell up. Heyman says that last night was a dark night in WWE history. He says that Goldberg won the WWE Championship, to a big crowd cheer, but he did not deserve it. He beat a man who can barely walk on two feet tonight. He did not beat the best WWE Champion that there is and was. Heyman says that Goldberg does not deserve that championship and tonight his client Brock Lesnar will get it back. Heyman says tonight these idiots in Memphis, Tennessee will see the true champion get his crown back.

Heyman says that tonight Brock Lesnar will use his rematch clause and go one on one for the WWE Championship. Brock isn’t going to wait for Vengeance next month and tonight, Goldberg will realize he shouldn’t have come back and go after the Next Big Thing. Heyman smiles and says he guarantees victory tonight because there is always a plan and tonight will be no different. Heyman begins to talk about how Goldberg should just come out and hand Lesnar the title unless he wants to feel Lesnar’s wrath, but Goldberg’s music interrupts and the crowd explodes.

Goldberg comes out to the stage with the WWE Championship across his waist. Goldberg has his shoulder wrapped up from last night. Goldberg taps the title on his waist and then heads over to the ring. Goldberg gets in the ring and takes Heyman’s microphone. Goldberg smiles and asks Lesnar if Lesnar really thinks that he is next. Lesnar smiles and shakes his head. Goldberg says he is not worried about any plans that the two fools in front of him might have. Goldberg says the bottom line is he injured his shoulder last night and still took the WWE title off of Lesnar’s ass.

The crowd cheers and Goldberg tells him to bring it on tonight. Goldberg says that tonight will just prove that Lesnar was just another overhyped product of Vince McMahon and that rat Paul Heyman. Heyman gets mad and walks over to Goldberg. Heyman pushes Goldberg and Goldberg laughs at him. Goldberg pushes Heyman back and Lesnar gets inbetween the two. Lesnar and Goldberg go face to face and start to rant to each other. The crowd wants them to go at it, but officials run out from the back and break up the two. Lesnar yells over and wishes Goldberg luck tonight sarcastically, as RAW goes to commercial.


RAW comes back on air with Josh Mathews backstage. He says he is backstage with the WWE Tag Team Champions, D’Von and Bubba Ray Dudley. Josh moves the microphone to Bubba and Bubba asks ‘what’s up Memphis!?!’ The crowd pops and Bubba and D’Von get a laugh out of it. Bubba says it is time to get serious for a second and that him and D’Von are sick of Doug and Danny Basham. The Basham’s lost fair and square and they are trying to crawl back to get these titles.

D’Von shakes his head no and Bubba asks him what’s wrong. D’Von says they ain’t getting these titles. Bubba asks D’Von what the hell he is doing because Bubba was going to end his speech on how the Basham’s aren’t going to get the title. D’Von apologizes and Bubba says he is going to improvise. Bubba says he is sick of the Basham Brothers getting involved in matches and all that crap. He says it is time to teach the Basham’s a lesson. Bubba asks D’Von what they do to people who need a lesson. D’Von smiles and both Dudley’s look over to the right. The camera goes to the right and a table is shown. The crowd cheers, as we go back to ringside for the next match.

Match #1
Singles Match
Gail Kim vs Victoria​

Victoria’s music hits and the Vicious Vixen makes her way to the ring. Victoria waits in the ring for her opponent. Gail Kim’s music hits and Gail makes her way out. Gail has Trish Stratus’s Women’s Title around her waist, as she walks out. Gail yells out that she is the real Women’s Champion and gets a negative reaction from the crowd. Gail puts the title down on the outside of the ring because she doesn’t trust the referee with her title. Gail talks to the referee about the title, but Victoria has had enough of her and tackles Gail to begin the match.

Victoria grabs Gail’s hair and slams her head against the mat. The referee tells Victoria to back off and she stops pulling the hair, but hits Gail with a hard right and gets off of her. Victoria walks away, but comes back and hits Gail with a stomp to the midsection. Gail uses the ropes to get up and Victoria comes running at her, but Gail counters and tosses Victoria high and Victoria’s midsection bounces off the ropes. Victoria stumbles into the middle of the ring and Gail hits a dropkick sending Victoria into the outside. Gail taunts the crowd and continues to talk about how she is the real Women’s Champion.

Victoria comes back in the ring and Gail stomps her down and picks her up into a headlock. Gail keeps yelling about her and the Women’s Title. The crowd begins chanting ‘Stratus! Stratus!’ Gail laughs and says that the former champion will not be here tonight. Victoria elbows her way out of the headlock and puts Gail into an armbar. Gail tries to break free, but Victoria counters into a front face lock. Victoria hits a snap suplex and goes for the pin, “one…two…kick out!”

Victoria goes to pick up Gail, but Gail gets out of it and hits a missile dropkick to Victoria. Victoria bounces off the ropes and back to Gail. Gail hits the double leg slam aka Toronto Slam to Victoria. Gail waits for Victoria to get up. She gets up and Gail hits the hurricanrana and turns it into a pin, “one…two…three!”

Winner: Gail Kim​

Gail begins to celebrate and the crowd boos. Gail gets her arm raised high and she continues to chant about how she is the current Women’s Champion. The crowd’s boos turn to cheers, as Trish Stratus makes her way down from the back. She runs down the ramp, as Gail gets out of the ring and grabs the Women’s Title. Trish slides in the ring and Gail leaves via the crowd. Gail holds the title up and says that she deserved this more. Trish doesn’t look happy, as RAW goes to commercial.


RAW comes back on air with JR telling us that we are about to watch two of the most exciting athletes this company has to offer. He says these two men have bright futures and tonight will be a symbol of that. However, tonight they will face a tag team which captivated audiences years ago and won the Tag Team Championship at one point.

Match #2
Non-Title Tag Team Match
The World’s Greatest Tag Team (Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin) vs Scotty 2 Hotty & Rikishi​

The lights go out and Too Cool’s music hits and the crowd cheers. Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi make their way to the stage to a huge ovation. The two will team up tonight and they dance their way down the ramp to the ring. The tag team poses for the crowd and both are happy to be in the ring together. World’s Greatest Tag Team’s music hits and the cheers continue. Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin make their way out to the ring with their World Tag Team Titles. Haas and Scotty 2 Hotty begin the match.

Scotty and Haas lock up, with Haas whipping Scotty into the ropes. Haas misses a clothesline and Scotty uses the ropes to springboard body splash back at Haas. Scotty connects and goes for the quick pin, “one…kick out!” The two get up and exchange right hands. Scotty comes at Haas and Haas hits an armdrag. Scotty gets up and goes after Haas, but Haas hits another armdrag. Scotty tries to run at Haas again, but is hit by an over the shoulder armdrag. Haas goes for the pin, “one…two…kick out!” Haas goes and tags in Shelton.

Shelton jumps up to the top turnbuckle and goes for the body splash onto a standing Scotty. Scotty sees Shelton jump off and gets out of the way. Shelton crashes and burns onto the mat and Scotty tags in Rikishi. Scotty drags Shelton over to their corner and Rikishi looks to the crowd. The crowd cheers and Rikishi smiles in his thought. Rikishi climbs up to the second rope and goes for the Banzai Drop. Rikishi falls off the second rope to crush Shelton, but Shelton moves out the way and Rikishi crashes into the mat.

Rikishi sits on the mat in pain, but slowly gets up. Rikishi gets up and Shelton jumps off the ropes and goes for a springboard body splash like Scotty did earlier. Rikishi catches Shelton in midair and Rikishi’s face smiles again. Rikishi looks to make a move on Shelton, but Shelton counters with a DDT to the big guy. Shelton goes for the pin, “one…tw...kick out!” Shelton goes to tag in Haas and the two pick Rikishi up. Rikishi is whipped into the ropes and the World’s Greatest Tag Team goes for the double arm drag, but they cannot get Rikishi up. Rikishi hits a double clothesline. Shelton rolls out the ring.

Rikishi picks up Haas and wraps him into a hold. Rikishi hits a side belly to belly suplex on Haas and goes for the pin, but Haas rolls out the ring. Haas catches his breath and fakes out Rikishi into where Haas is going to get into the ring. Haas runs to the other side and gets in the ring. Rikishi is tired out and Haas comes in and goes for a clothesline. Both men hit the clothesline on each other and both are going for a tag. Both men tag in their partners simultaneously.

Scotty and Shelton exchange right hands and Shelton pushes Scotty back into the corner. Scotty misses a right hand and Shelton springboards off the ropes and hits a bulldog. Scotty gets right back up and goes for another right, but Shelton ducks under it. Shelton sets up for the German Suplex and hits one to Scotty. Shelton keeps the suplex hold in and hits another German Suplex. Shelton yells out one more and hits another German Suplex to Scotty. Scotty is out in the ring and Shelton sees Rikishi get to the apron on a knee. Shelton dropkick’s Rikishi off the apron. Shelton climbs up to the top rope and the crowd cheers for Shelton. Shelton takes a deep breath and jumps off, hitting the 450 Splash to Scotty. Shelton grabs his midsection in pain, but comes over and goes for the pin, “one…two…three!”

Winner: The World’s Greatest Tag Team (Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin)​

Shelton and Charlie get up in the ring and their hands are held high. La Resistance comes running down from the back. Haas and Benjamin notice Rene Dupree, Sylvain Grenier, and Rob Conway running into the ring. The trio takes down the champions and come stomping their boots. The champions are getting beat down, when Rikishi comes into the ring and knocks down Conway and Grenier with clotheslines. Dupree runs out and Rikishi tosses Grenier and Conway out the ring. La Resistance regroup on the ramp and swear revenge on Rikishi. Scotty and Rikishi help out Haas and Benjamin, as they all celebrate in the ring and Too Cool dances to let RAW go to commercial.


JR brings us back to RAW and says how great it was to see Too Cool back and after what just happened, he says he wouldn’t be surprised to see them back soon. King says they still got it and Too Cool brings back great memories for him. JR says that we are reminded of great memories, but the man coming out next has a mind full of bad memories and he wants to fix that immediately. The camera pans to the crowd, as the Rock’s music hits. The crowd goes crazy and Rock comes out to the stage. Rock comes to the ring and poses for the crowd. Rock says he has finally come back to Memphis and he says he has come back for one reason, one title, and one man.

Rock says Triple H thinks he checked out of the Smackdown! hotel, but he needs to know his role before The Rock himself checks his candy ass back into the Smackdown! hotel. Rock says he has Triple H on the ropes last night and he needed the three stooges to help him out. Rock imitates the three stooges and relates them to Orton, Batista, and especially Flair. He says he isn’t happy with Evolution’s involvement last night, but understands that is how Evolution runs and without Evolution he would be standing here in front of the millions and millions of Rock fans with the World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder talking about how Evolution is nothing but piping hot garbage. Rock says he isn’t done with Triple H and that there is only one way to settle this. He says that it will be the people’s champ, the great one, The Rock against Triple H at Vengeance for the World Heavyweight Championship in a steel cage match with zero Evolution involvement. He says all Triple H needs to do is get his candy ass out here and accept the match.

The crowd cheers for the match and the Rock. Rock asks the crowd to chant the name of the man who would win that match and the crowd chants the Rock’s name over and over again, until the General Manager of Monday Night RAW, Eric Bischoff’s music hits. The crowd boos Bischoff, as he makes his way to the stage. Bischoff comes out and says that Rock is a great persuader and that he was close to coming out here and giving Rock his rematch, but Rock is not the one who chooses who faces Triple H. Eric Bischoff is the one who chooses who faces Triple H. Bischoff says the Rock is not the next one in line and Rock interrupts asking Bischoff if he was watching the match between him and Hunter last night. Bischoff nods and asks Rock what kind of a GM he would be if he wasn’t watching his World Champion in action. Rock laughs and said he did not even know what Bischoff was the GM of RAW because he has been so MIA lately. Rock says if he remembers correctly, last time he was on RAW, his decisions were overturned by Mr. McMahon. Rock mocks Bischoff and Bischoff is unhappy.

Bischoff interrupts and says if he keeps it up he will never put Rock in another title match again. Rock laughs and says he is going after Triple H one way or the other so Bischoff might as well make it interesting and put the World Heavyweight Title in the middle. Bischoff smiles and says he is worried that the Rock would say something ridiculous like that, so he has come up with an idea. Bischoff points toward the screen and Evolution’s music hits. The crowd boos and the Rock gets serious, as Triple H makes his way out to the stage next to Bischoff. Triple H has a microphone and asks the Rock how it feels to lose fair and square against the greatest wrestler to step in that ring.

Rock begins to defend himself, but Triple H tells him to save his breath. Triple H says that last night after he won, Evolution went out in style and went to the best club Oklahoma City had to offer. He says the clubs there are much better than the clubs in this rat hole of Memphis. The crowd boos, but Triple H says it is time to get back to the point. He says he took his man Bischoff to go out and blow off some steam last night. He says they both knew Rock was going to come out tonight and say he wants a rematch, blah, blah, blah. Triple H says they came up with a plan and Rock might get a title shot at Summerslam, at the earliest. However, the only way Rock will get his shot is if he beats an opponent of Evolution’s choice at Vengeance next month. Triple H says he hasn’t been able to beat this opponent before and guarantees the pressure will get to Rock again and Rock will just choke away his opportunity. Rock asks who the opponent is and Triple H says to come to Smackdown! this Thursday and you will find out. Rock tells Triple H to bring it on, but Triple H smiles and tells the Rock to stop being so damn cocky because if he loses this match at Vengeance, he will never see the World Championship as long as Evolution is here in the WWE.

Triple H says he needs to plan out an opponent for Summerslam because Rock isn’t going to win at Vengeance, so the next three RAW’s will have one qualifying match. The three winners of the qualifying matches will face Triple H at Vengeance in a fatal four way. If Triple H wins and Rock loses, Triple H does not have to defend his title at Summerslam. If a qualifier wins, he will get to be apart of a World Title shot at Summerslam. Triple H says there are so many possibilities for what is going to happen, but is almost certain movie star Rock will not be apart of any and Rock will fade out with the sunset. Triple H smiles at the Rock with a smart ass smirk. Bischoff begins to speak and says that a lot of things were just thrown out in front of the Rock and he understands it was a lot to swallow, but there is only one more thing. Bischoff puts Rock in a three on two handicap match against the ‘stooges’, Ric Flair, Randy Orton, and Batista tonight. Bischoff says Rock will get to choose his partner tonight and wishes the Rock the best of luck in the future. The crowd boos, as Triple H and Bischoff shake hands and RAW goes to commercial.


JR and King greet us back on air and recap the eventful Badd Blood. They say that the next match will the first match in Triple H’s World Heavyweight Championship qualifying challenge. King says he expects very good matches out of these qualifying matches and JR agrees.

Match #3
World Heavyweight Championship Qualifier Match #1
Kurt Angle vs Rob Van Dam​

The ring announcer comes to the ring and announces that this if the first of the three qualifying matches to enter in the fatal four way match at Badd Blood. The crowd anxiously awaits somebody to come out and Rob Van Dam’s music hits. The crowd cheers for RVD, as he makes his way to the ring. RVD waits for his opponent. Kurt Angle’s music hits and Kurt Angle comes out to the stage. Angle is met with a lot of cheers from his thousands of fans. Angle gets down to the ring.

Angle and RVD lock up and Angle gets the upperhand. Angle jabs RVD on the forehead and RVD pushes Angle into the corner. RVD hits Angle with punches and RVD backs up. RVD runs at Angle, but Angle grabs RVD and goes to throw him out the ring. RVD catches himself on the apron and jumps onto the top rope. Angle doesn’t realize RVD caught himself and Angle turns around to see a jumping RVD hitting a dropkick onto Angle. Angle cartwheels around the ring and gets right back up.

Angle gets back up and is met with a spinning heel kick. RVD goes for the pin, “one…tw…kick out.” RVD gets up and goes for another spinning heel kick, but Angle avoids it and sends RVD into the mat. Angle goes for the ankle immediately and tries to apply the ankle lock. RVD turns the body around and kick’s out of it. Angle bounces off the ropes toward RVD and RVD goes for the suplex, but Angle won’t let him hit it. Angle counters it into a belly to belly suplex.

Angle grabs RVD and throws him into the corner. The crowd chants for Angle and Angle takes a moment to admire the crowd. RVD takes advantage and switches positions with Angle. Angle is in the corner and RVD hits shoulder thrusts to Angle. RVD hits one and the next one Angle sneaks away from. Angle goes for the school boy pin, “one…two…th…kick out!” Angle cannot believe it. Angle gets up and goes for another belly to belly suplex, but RVD breaks it and hits a spinning heel kick.

Angle goes down and RVD goes for the rolling thunder and connects. RVD drags Angle into the corner and RVD jumps onto the top rope. The crowd gets on their feet for RVD and RVD looks ready to attack. RVD goes for the Five Star Frog Splash, but Angle moves out the way and RVD crashes hard onto the mat. Angle immediately goes for the Ankle Lock and connects it. RVD is in serious pain and there are ropes nowhere to be seen. Angle looks to snap the ankle of RVD and the pain is too much for RVD to take. RVD taps.

Winner: Kurt Angle​

Kurt Angle wins and gets his chance to face Triple H and two other competitors at Vengeance in a fatal four way match. Angle celebrates in the ring, while we go backstage. Rock is walking backstage quickly and sweating. Rock is mouthing to himself how he thinks Triple H is a coward and bring on any jabroni that wants to face him at Vengeance. Rock stops in front of a locker room and looks at it with a curious face. Rock nods his head and walks in there, but the camera does not catch whose locker room the Rock went in.


RAW comes back on stage with Josh Mathews and the Big Show. Mathews asks Big Show about his lose to Chris Benoit last night. Big Show intimidates Mathews a little bit and grabs the microphone. Show tells Mathews that he asked a very dumb question because obviously he is upset. Mathews asks Big Show, without a microphone, about the concussion Show gave Benoit after the match. Show says he is proud to teach the punk a lesson and now that Benoit knows what the Big Show is made of, Benoit will come back on Smackdown! and rightfully hand the United States Title back to whom it belongs. Show smiles, but his smile turns away when he says that if Benoit does not hand the title back, he will get one of these. Show holds his giant fist clenched against the camera and we go back to ringside for the next match.

Match #4
Singles Match
Rey Mysterio vs Matt Hardy​

Matt Hardy’s music hits and Hardy makes his way to the ring with a slight reaction from the crowd. Hardy is in the ring, when Rey Mysterio’s music hits. Mysterio makes his way out to a big cheer. Mysterio runs down to the ring and Hardy doesn’t waste any time. Hardy spears Mysterio immediately and the match begins. Hardy is looking to create some momentum for himself and he punches away at Mysterio until the referee breaks it up.

Hardy picks up Mysterio and throws him into the corner. Hardy backs up and goes for the running clothesline. Hardy hits it and Mysterio stumbles out of the corner. Hardy goes for the running bulldog, but Mysterio ducks under it. Mysterio hits a missile dropkick onto Hardy and Hardy drops onto his knees on the rope. Mysterio looks around in what seems shock and goes for the 619. Mysterio hits the 619 and the crowd pops. Mysterio goes on the apron and jumps over the ropes toward Hardy and hits the West Coast Pop. Mysterio keeps the pin and Hardy tries to get out of it, “one…two…three!”

Winner: Rey Mysterio​

The crowd goes crazy for Mysterio and Mysterio jumps up in celebration. Matt Hardy cannot believe it. Hardy leaves the ring and Mysterio celebrates in the ring. The crowd starts to boo and Mysterio looks to the stage to see Tajiri standing on the stage with the Cruiserweight Championship. Tajiri looks behind him and out comes walking from the curtain is the one and only Rowdy Roddy Piper. The crowd cheers for Piper, who has a microphone. Piper and Tajiri begin walking toward the ring and Piper smiles at the crowd. Piper’s smile goes away and he tells the crowd to shut the hell up and let him speak. The cheers turn to boos and Piper says he is glad everyone is happy he is back.

Piper says he is out here tonight because he sits back at his comfortable house to watch the WWE and sees that you people do not recognize nor appreciate good talent. The crowd boos and Piper asks the crowd how dare they boo a future hall of famer. Piper says he got a call the other day and made the trip out here immediately to represent a future star in his company. He says his new buddy does not speak English and every week he has to come out here and not be able to say what he wants to say. Piper says things will now be different because he will be the new mouthpiece to Tajiri.

They walk to the outside of the ring and stare at Mysterio. Piper says that Mysterio is one of the main problems here. He says that little Rey Rey disrespects Tajiri just like any other person in that locker room. He says that Tajiri will knock some respect into Mysterio unless Mysterio wants to earn it now. Mysterio stands in the ring silent and Piper tells Mysterio to get on his knees now and tell the world that Tajiri is the best Cruiserweight Champion there is and there ever will be. Mysterio shakes his head no and Piper says that Mysterio will regret that decision. Tajiri and Piper talk to each other and Piper points toward the ring.

Tajiri goes running into the ring and Mysterio and him exchange right hands. Tajiri sneaks in a kick to the knees of Mysterio, sending him down. Tajiri hits another kick with his other leg to the side of the head to the kneeling Mysterio. Mysterio goes down and Piper smiles. Piper holds Tajiri’s arm up in the air over Mysterio’s body, as RAW goes to commercial.


RAW comes back on air and King mentions that Roddy Piper is back. JR says he is happy about that, but shocked he has come back the way he has. King is wondering where he picked up on his Japanese, but JR doesn’t really have an answer for that. JR mentions that the two on three handicap match is up next!

Match #5
Handicap Match
The Rock & ??? vs Evolution (Batista, Ric Flair, & Randy Orton)​

Evolution’s music hits and the crowd boos. The trio of Batista, Ric Flair, and Randy Orton make their way out to the ring. The three stand in the ring and wait for The Rock and his mystery partner. Randy Orton grabs a microphone and gives it to Ric Flair. Flair is about to speak, when The Rock’s music hits and the crowd goes crazy. Flair puts down the microphone and Rock stands out on stage and has something to say. Rock says he is out here tonight to kick some jabronis out of Memphis, Tennessee and he found the perfect partner for it. The crowd starts chanting ‘Jericho!’ and Rock smiles. Rock smiles and says that little Randy is going to like this pick.

The lights go down and the countdown clock appears and Jericho’s music hits. The crowd goes crazy for Jericho and Orton is not happy. Jericho comes out walks right toward the ring. Jericho points at Orton and promises to beat his ass after last night. Jericho and Rock get in the ring and the referee gets inbetween Jericho and Orton. The teams settle and Jericho and Flair start off the match. Flair and Jericho lock up, with Flair getting the upperhand and putting Jericho into a headlock. They go toward the ropes, where Jericho counters and tosses Flair into the ropes. Flair comes back into an elbow smash from Jericho.

Flair gets up and Jericho tosses him into the ropes. Jericho goes for another elbow smash, but Flair ducks out of it and hits a neckbreaker to Jericho. Flair quickly hits an elbow drop to Jericho and goes for the pin, “one…tw…kick out!” Flair grabs Jericho and gets him up, but Jericho counters with some elbow to the gut of Flair. Flair breaks the hold and Jericho goes for a tag to the Rock, but Flair comes from behind and gets Jericho into a schoolboy, “one…two…kick out!”

They both get up and Flair hits a quick DDT to Jericho. Flair drags Jericho to Evolution’s corner and Flair goes to tag in Orton, but Orton says he wants nothing of it. Flair shakes his head and tags in Batista. Batista comes in and picks up Jericho. Batista muscles Jericho into the corner and hits him with a few right hands. Batista looks to toss Jericho into the other corner, but Jericho counters the toss and whips Batista into the other corner. Jericho runs over and hits a running clothesline to Batista. Batista stumbles out of the corner and Jericho runs from behind and hits a running bulldog.

Both men go down, but slowly get up. Jericho goes for the tag again, but Batista gets up in time and flips Jericho around. Jericho appears screwed, but Jericho hits an enzuigiri seemingly out of nowhere and both men go down. The men get themselves together and start crawling to their respective corners. The crowd gets on their feet and Batista tags in Orton and Jericho tags in Rock at about the same time. Rock and Orton go after each other and Rock is looking for revenge. Rock and Orton exchange right hands, but Rock gets the advantage and hits a huge, loaded up right hand to Orton. Orton flips over the top rope and to the outside. Rock looks right over to Batista and Flair with a serious face.

Orton makes his way into the ring and Rock goes to pick him up. Orton goes for a quick RKO, but Rock throws him off. Rock goes to pick up Orton again and puts him into an armbar. Rock tosses Orton into the ropes and Rock hits a thrust lariat to Orton. Orton gets up and Rock tosses him into the ropes again. Rock goes for a clothesline, but Orton ducks under it. Orton comes back at Rock and both men go for the clothesline and they nail one another. Both men go down and the crowd begins cheering for the Rock.

Orton gets up and goes for the tag, but Rock gets up too and grabs Orton by the leg. Rock won’t let Orton make the tag. Rock gets Orton to his face, but Orton greets him with a forearm to the face. Orton hits an uppercut. Orton puts Rock into a headlock and then hits a headlock backbreaker. Orton goes for the pin, “one…two…kick out!” Orton gets right back at it and goes to pick up the Rock. Jericho begins yelling at Orton and Orton lets go of the Rock and walks up to Jericho. Orton is laughing at Jericho, but Jericho slaps Orton and tells Orton to watch out behind him. Orton turns around into a DDT.

Orton gets up and Rock whips him into the ropes. Rock hits the spine buster onto Orton. The crowd goes crazy and Rock looks over to Evolution’s corner. Flair tries to come into the ring, but Rock comes over and hits him with many rights until Flair falls to the outside. Batista comes over with a clothesline, but Rock ducks under it and sets up for the Rock Bottom and connects. Rock goes back to Orton and sets up for the People’s Elbow. Rock hits the People’s Elbow and is about to go for the pin until he looks at Jericho. Rock and Jericho smile at each other and Rock tags in Jericho. Rock tells Jericho to finish it.

Jericho picks up Orton’s legs and goes for the Walls of Jericho. Orton is instantly in pain and is going for the ropes. Flair makes his way back in the ring, but Rock makes his way from the apron into the ring. Rock hits a clothesline to Flair and Flair goes over the top rope. The moment Flair hits the floor on the outside, Orton begins to tap and the match is over.

Winner: The Rock & Chris Jericho​

Jericho continues the hold and the referee makes him break it. Jericho breaks the hold and he celebrates in the ring with the Rock. The camera goes backstage to Brock Lesnar walking in the back with Paul Heyman in anticipation for the main event. Lesnar looks focused, until he looks ahead of him and Shawn Michaels is walking up to him. Michaels has a very noticeable limp, as he wobbles to Lesnar. The two stare down face to face. Lesnar’s focused face turns into a smirk. Shawn keeps a serious face and tells Lesnar that he hopes Goldberg whoops Lesnar’s ass tonight. Lesnar continues to smirk and walks away from Michaels, as RAW goes to commercial.


RAW comes back on air with the crowd ready for the main event!

Match #6
Singles Match for the WWE Championship
Goldberg © vs Brock Lesnar​

Brock Lesnar’s music hits and Lesnar and Paul Heyman make their way to the stage. They stare at the booing crowd, as Heyman has a smirk on his face. They walk down the ramp and into the ring, where Heyman yells last minute instructions to Lesnar. The camera goes to backstage, where a man knocks on Goldberg’s locker room and Goldberg makes his way out with the WWE Championship around his waist. Goldberg walks the hallways and to the stage. Goldberg makes his way into the ring, where the referee holds the title up and the bell rings.

The two stand in their corners and walk toward one another. Lesnar explodes out of the box and spears Goldberg. Lesnar hits a few stiff punches on Goldberg and the referee breaks them up. Goldberg gets up and Lesnar throws the referee aside and goes back after Goldberg. Goldberg flips and gets on top of Lesnar and begins a beat down of his own. The referee breaks the two up and they back into the corners. They come back and Lesnar puts an armbar on Goldberg. Lesnar wraps his arms around Goldberg and hits a belly to back suplex and goes for the pin, “one…two…kick out!”

Lesnar picks Goldberg up and whips him into the ropes. Goldberg avoids a clothesline and runs back at Lesnar. Lesnar is hit with a big boot and Goldberg picks up Lesnar. Goldberg hits a swinging neckbreaker and goes for the pin, “one…tw…kick out!” Goldberg picks up Lesnar and kicks him in the gut. Goldberg goes for a powerslam. Goldberg lifts Lesnar over his head, but Lesnar drops Goldberg back on his back and Lesnar ends up on top of Goldberg. Lesnar pounds away at Goldberg. Lesnar picks up Goldberg and throws him over the top rope to the outside.

Lesnar goes to the outside and throws Goldberg into the steel steps. Goldberg’s back hits the steps and Goldberg yells in pain. Lesnar picks him up and hits a backbreaker to him. Goldberg hits the outside hard and the referee’s count is at six. Lesnar grabs Goldberg and slides him into the ring. Lesnar goes for the pin, “one…two…kick out!” Lesnar shows no emotion and picks up Goldberg. Goldberg is thrown into the corner and Lesnar pounds on him. Lesnar lifts Goldberg out on the top turnbuckle. Lesnar goes up with him and is going for the superplex. Lesnar connects with the suplex and both men are down.

Lesnar seemingly has a nonstop motor and slowly crawls to Goldberg. Lesnar puts his arm over Goldberg and pins him, “one…two…thre…kick out!” Lesnar rolls back over to his back and takes a deep breath because he wants to stay composed. He gets up and picks Goldberg up. He whips Goldberg into the ropes, but Goldberg comes charging back with a shoulder block to Lesnar. Lesnar gets up and Goldberg hits another shoulder block. Lesnar comes back and Goldberg hits a sidewalk slam to Lesnar. Goldberg feels pumped up and stands in the corner waiting for Lesnar to get up. Lesnar realizes Goldberg and Lesnar slides to the outside.

Lesnar catches his breath and comes back in the ring. Goldberg goes for the spear anyways and Lesnar hits a knee to Goldberg’s face. Goldberg shoots back up in pain and Lesnar goes for the F5. He lifts Goldberg on his shoulders and connects with the F5! The crowd is silent and Lesnar goes for the pin, “one…two…three…kick out!!” Goldberg kicks out and Lesnar and Heyman cannot believe it. Lesnar gets up and complains with the referee. Goldberg comes from behind Lesnar and goes for the roll up pin. Goldberg connects with the pin, but Lesnar gets out of it before the referee starts the count.

Both men get up and Lesnar goes for a clothesline, but Goldberg ducks under it and goes for the Jackhammer. The crowd goes wild, as Goldberg muscles up and lifts Lesnar high. Goldberg drops Lesnar and goes for the pin, “one…two…thre…kick out!” Goldberg cannot believe it and goes back to the corner to get ready for a spear. Lesnar is slowly getting up and Goldberg is ready to charge. Lesnar gets up and Heyman jumps onto the apron. Goldberg charges, but the referee runs over to Heyman and gets in the way of Goldberg’s charge. The referee is knocked down and Goldberg stops to look down at the referee. Goldberg looks up and Lesnar connects with a clothesline. Heyman smiles and gets down from the apron. Heyman throws a steel chair into the ring.

Lesnar looks at the steel chair and smirks. Lesnar smacks the steel chair into the back of Goldberg multiple times. The referee is still down and Lesnar continues his assault and throws the chair onto the outside. Suddenly, the crowd cheers and Lesnar looks out to the stage where Shawn Michaels is standing with an angry look on his face. Heyman is furious and runs over to HBK. Shawn limps down the ramp and tosses Heyman aside when Heyman comes up to him. Shawn picks up the steel chair and slides in the ring. Shawn gives Lesnar a dirty look and the two look face to face, eye to eye.

Goldberg begins to get up and finally gets to his two feet. Goldberg looks confused and asks what the hell Shawn is doing in the ring. Shawn holds the chair in his right hand and continues to stare down Lesnar. Lesnar is serious, but suddenly puts a smirk onto his face. Michaels turns to Goldberg and lifts up the steel chair and cracks it across the skull of Goldberg. Goldberg goes down and begins to bleed from the forehead. Michaels drops the chair and limps out the ring and stays on the outside. Lesnar smirks and goes down to cover Goldberg. The referee slowly moves to make the pin and the crowd is booing loudly, “one……two………..three!”

Winner: And NEW WWE Champion; Brock Lesnar​

Lesnar gets up and Heyman comes in the ring to raise the new champions arm. Heyman leaves to get the title and he brings it into the ring. Heyman hands the title to Lesnar and Lesnar smiles. Michaels comes into the ring and tells Lesnar that the agreement is now complete, but Lesnar owes him. Lesnar smirks again and Michaels goes out for the handshake. Lesnar shakes his hand, but Lesnar grabs Michaels and throws him to the outside of the ring.

Michaels falls awkwardly to the outside and grabs his ankle. Lesnar goes to the outside and grabs Michaels ankle and brings it up and slams it to the surface. Michaels screams in pain, as Lesnar picks him up for the F5. Lesnar walks over to the ring post and does the F5 motion, with Michaels ankle slamming against the ring post. Michaels screams again, as Lesnar loads back and hits Michaels bad ankle on the steel ring post again. Lesnar moves away from the ring post and hits the F5 on the outside.

Lesnar demands for the title belt and Heyman gives it to him. Heyman barely picks Michaels up and Lesnar hits Michaels in the head with the WWE Championship. Michaels is busted open and unconscious on the outside, as officials come to ringside to help out Michaels. Lesnar puts the title in Michaels face and says he will never get a chance at this title. Lesnar smirks and says he does appreciate Michaels helping him out, though. Lesnar walks away, as Michaels is helped out and RAW ends.

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