WWE 1988 vs 2011

Paralyzer Z

Fuck honor
SO I have not done one of these in a while so lets get back on track.

1988 featured the debut of the Summerslam PPV which includes the main event that I have heard much praise for. The Mega powers ran wild throughout most of the year, which culminated in a Hogan vs Savage match at the following Wrestlemania. To be honest I am sure that most of you know more than I do about 1988 as I only know about the big 4 PPv's that year. Oh and how I can forget that this had the inaugural Royal Rumble PPV event! The year belonged to Hogan as most did until 1993 so moving on.......

2011 the present and most recent year in WWE is something that I think had been the best year for WWE since at least 2002 (whether it is better than 2005 is debatable). We had the first 5 star match since Austin vs Hart at Wrestlemania 13. We had the return of the great one The Rock to confront John Cena in a similar fashion that Hogan did about 9 years earlier. We had the reformation of CM Punk's character now being much more edgy and less restricted. The words "ass" and "bitch" have been said the most out of any year since the rating changed in 2008. Lets us not forget the Money in the bank PPV which was fantastic!

I am going to abnormally refrain from posting my opinion due to not seeing much outside of the big 4 in 1988. I will say this though the best PPV in 2011 has entertained me more than anything I watched on the Wrestlemania 4, Summerslam 1988, and Survivor Series (which was VERY enjoyable), oh and I think I saw the rumble match once on youtube.

In which year was the WWE/F product better? In 1988 or in 2011? Why?
Tough, very tough. To be honest, I have never ever been a Hogan fan. And I'm not just saying that because he's become a dick or anything, but I have never liked him just like I've never liked Cena. Because he is all for the kids. Not that that is an issue, just don't see anything about him.

So, my answer is 2011. To see Cena get his ass kicked on many occasions this years has made this my obvious choice.
- Screwed at the Rumble by The Miz
- Lost to The Miz at WrestleMania
- Got his ass handed to him by The Rock
- Lost to CM Punk at Money in the Bank on WWE's biggest night in a long time
- Lost to CM Punk at SummerSlam
- Screwed out of the WWE Championship by Alberto Del Rio
- Got his ass kicked by Alberto Del Rio at Vengeance

Also, this year hasn't been boring either. This year there have been various surprises. And I'm not just referring to CM Punk. I also mean the rise of Mark Henry into a monsterous World Heavyweight Champion. The rise of Cody Rhodes into a main event superstar. The Rock's return. The rise of The Miz. Zack Ryders rise to mid card - main event status. There are tons more, like the return of Triple H and Kevin Nash which has given us an intruiging storyline and the use of "ass" and "bitch." So much.

Whereas 1988 was just the year of Hogan and Savage. I loved Savage. I hated Hogan. Honest opinion. Savage should've won against Hogan. End of. RIP Macho Man.
Wait a minute. Am I to understand that you think 2011 has been a good year for WWE? Are you serious? This has been one of the worst years of WWE product since the early 90s (the time from 93-95 was pretty bad). Wrestlemania was awful other than the HHH/Undertaker match, the WWE complete ruined what had the potential to be a great storyline in CM Punk, and the whole HHH/Nash/walkout thing has been a complete disaster. This year has been so bad, I've actually wondered whether I should continue to watch WWE. They have been completely tone deaf to what wrestling fans want & what is going on in society at large. In short, based on this year alone, the WWE should be very concerned about the future of their company.

Obviously, 1988 is the answer.
It makes me laugh that the use of ass and bitch are considered a point defending 2011. While 2011 was good post wrestlemania, its not enough for me to give it to 2011. 1988 was the year someone got to bump Hogan out of the title picture. Savage was great as champion. The debut of the Royal Rumble and Summerslam are huge pluses for 1988. The Ultimate Warrior began his rise by beating HTM for the IC title at Summerslam.

Lets not forget the huge tag division of 1988. At Survivor Series they had a 10 team match featuring 20 guys. Try doing anything like that today.
Following my formula...

1988 – On the WWF World Title scene, we had Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, and The Macho Man, Randy Savage holding Winged Eagle Belt.

2011 – On the WWE Title scene, we had The Miz, John Cena, CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, and Alberto Del Rio holding the Spinner Belt. On the World Title scene, we had Edge, Dolph Ziggler, Christian, Randy Orton, and Mark Henry holding the Big Gold Belt.

This one is kind of tough for me. I’m going to give the close victory to 1988. I may change my mind by New Year’s, but for right now, it’s 88.

We had the Immortal’s first reign come to an end by the one man we all kind of thought would be the one to end it, if anyone would ever. Then we had the emergence of the “Next Big Thing”. The we had both the prior Champion and the current Champion team together to form the Mega Powers.


Main Eventers turning Mid-Carders and Mid-Carders turning Main Eventers and World Champions turning Mid-Card Champions and Mid-Card Champions turning World Champions. We got a couple reigns that lasted for 2 hours, or 3 hours, or 2 days, or 5 days. We had 3 World Champions for a about a month. It’s been a lot, but for some reason, it doesn’t feel it’s been enough.
Anybody that says 2011 is better than 1988 isn't old enough to remember 1988.
1988 gave us the most anticipated rematch in wrestling history. (still the highest rated wrestling show of all time.) That lead to the greatest swerve of all time. They could have easily done the typical screwjob finish but the twin referee scandal was amazing.

1988 had demolition, the powers of pain, the rockers, the hart foundation, the british bulldogs, the fabulous rougeaus, and the bushwhackers. 2011 gave us one half of the tag team champions suspended and that team not dropping the belts because there's nobody to put the belts on.

1988 gave us Randy Savage as the world champion. 2011 gave us the miz

In 1988, the face of the company was the greatest and most popular wrestler of all time, Hulk Hogan. In 2011, the face of the company gets booed more than he gets cheered.

In 1988, we had one of the most popular and successful IC champs ever in the ultimate warrior. In 2011 we have an IC that has a worse look than the red rooster.

I could take the time to list the stars of 1988 but that would take too long. Let me just say that it was possibly the most stacked roster ever. The only possible competition is the attitude era.

Do I really need to go on?
In 88 the WWF was still in their shinning years. Great wrestlers, great stars, awesome tag teams.

While wrestling from 2001 to 2011 has probably been the worst era of all time.

No contest.

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