WWE '12: The Mystery Superstar May Make His Way Into The Game With A BANG!


Just Bill.
I know there are WWE '12 posts here, but this one is about the mystery superstarm & I think I know who it is.....

BUT, let's here other opinions on who the mystery superstar is. Just mention these things:

-Who you think is the mystery superstar.

-Why would he/she be in the game?

-Who you WANT to be the mystery superstar.

I bet you can guess who I think it is by reading this topic's title. There are some great YT channels with great info on WWE '12, including one that gives some evidence to my prediction. Either way, voice your opinions about it here.

-Who you think is the mystery superstar.
I think it's either Goldberg or Brock Lesnar or even both. I would love for Brock and Goldberg to be in the game. I remember how I used to beastly dominate my opponents with them in Smackdown! : Here Comes The Pain and Smackdown! : Shut Your Mouth.

-Why would he/she be in the game?
Although he rarely gets mentioned on WWE TV huge news leaked about a month or two ago about THQ scanning Brock Lesnar for the game. I think it's possible for THQ to scan him considering they do it every year with the UFC games and Brock did have a confrontation with The Undertaker not too long ago. And as for Goldberg I remember I read something about him signing something of a legends contract with WWE and how he can appear in stuff like Video Games. So he's a very high possibility considering if he did sign he signed at the beginning of the game's development.

-Who you WANT to be the mystery superstar.
Honestly. I want it to be Brock Lesnar. It would take my back to all the classic games where I would choose Lesnar, kick my opponents ass all the way backstage, F-5 him on a limousine in the middle of a street, and leave him in a pool of his own blood. Ahhh those were the days.
I agree with the poster above. I remember destroying everyone one of my opponents in here comes the pain with old brocky.

But that's who I want to be in the game, not who I think it will be. It will be Goldberg since it would be a much bigger surprise considering the leak. I don't care whether it's bill or lesnar, just as long as I get to destroy someone with a powerhouse faster than mark Henry.
I have not been keeping up to date with the WWE 12 developments so I know not who is and who isn't on the roster but there are a few names I would like to see, some very doubtful some pretty much no chance for various reasons.. Owen Hart, Macho Man, DDP, Cactus Jack, Razor Ramon, New Age Outlaws and X-Pac even would like to see a few midcard legends such as Al Snow, Big Boss man added. Not really fussed if Brock is included or not... Goldberg would be fun.
@XTheFutureX, I know Goldberg's confirmed to not be in the game, but Brock Lesnar is also heavily rumored. However, one of the WWE '12 creators posted a lot of DDP references onnTwitter. (ex: there may be a mystery yoga mode in the game, guys,) DDP does yoga, remember? Plus, when someone brought this point up to him, he said "DDP does yoga?". Now, I can't assume this, but if a guy works on a wrestling game, he most likely knows a ton of history, & he probably would know about that.

So I say DDP is the mystery superstar, but you never know. Personally, I'd like to see both Lesnar & DDP in the game.
I have yet to buy or play the game so I have no idea. I mean with the whole Bang Bang thing though makes me think Cactus Jack and the other 3 spins of him. It would be cool to see him in the game as I would throw him off the top the cell a hundred an one times! An if Brock Leasner was in the game with Goldberg that would be insane!! I'd have triple threat matches with these guys an see who the winner would be.

-Who you think is the mystery superstar. I think it is Mick Foley.

-Why would he/she be in the game? Becuase WWE never puts anyone great in and this should of been the year were WWE went all out. Brock, Rock, Mick, Bret, Owen, Eddie,Umaga, NAO, man I could go on but I'll stop.

-Who you WANT to be the mystery superstar. I honestly have no idea. I want it to be Shawn Micheals or Eddie Gurrero. Even Brock would be good as he kicked ass. I want the WWE to put in so many guys but they never will.
-Why would he/she be in the game? Becuase WWE never puts anyone great in and this should of been the year were WWE went all out. Brock, Rock, Mick, Bret, Owen, Eddie,Umaga, NAO, man I could go on but I'll stop.

Actually the current legend roster for WWE12 has Rock, Eddie, Stone Cold, Booker T, Edge, Vader, Arn Anderson, Jerry Lawler, Ricky Steamboat, LOD, and Demolition. And Bret was a playable character in SVR11.

Back to the subject I see Goldberg was confirmed not to be in. I think that Yoga reference was made to hint at Trish Stratus being in the game. Hell after it Trish's character model got leaked online. Maybe it's for DDP too since he's been working with WWE lately but you never know.
Actually the current legend roster for WWE12 has Rock, Eddie, Stone Cold, Booker T, Edge, Vader, Arn Anderson, Jerry Lawler, Ricky Steamboat, LOD, and Demolition. And Bret was a playable character in SVR11.

Back to the subject I see Goldberg was confirmed not to be in. I think that Yoga reference was made to hint at Trish Stratus being in the game. Hell after it Trish's character model got leaked online. Maybe it's for DDP too since he's been working with WWE lately but you never know.

Damn that is pretty good. I haven't checked the game out and thanks for telling me some the guys in the game. An good thought on Trish too. Would be nice to play as here.
Damn that is pretty good. I haven't checked the game out and thanks for telling me some the guys in the game. An good thought on Trish too. Would be nice to play as here.

Forgot to add Edge and Kevin Nash :rolleyes:

Another thing if Brock's in the game that would be sweet considering Eddie's in the game Eddie and Brock always had great chemistry.
I heard DDP is one of the mystery characters. Can't sat that I'm all excited, but I don't mind. Also THQ so called said Lesnars model could be available in CAW, but I heard all this from a forum and people always lie.
I think the mystery superstar has to be Goldberg. While great points were made about there being rumors of Taker facing Lesnar at last years Wrestlemania I can't see UFC letting Lesnar appear in a WWE video game. They're competition. Goldberg was also rumored to be in a match at Mania this year and was in discusions with WWE about using his likeness for things. I could realistically see Savage or DDP being the mystery superstar as well since DDP was on Raw and hosted the Nitro dvd and Savage passed earlier this year and hasn't been in a game except the legends of wm games. I think Booker T, Nash, and Edge will be in the game as legends as well as Eddie Guerreero and HBK too.
It's no doubt in my mind that it's the legendary Diamond Dallas Page.
And as for Goldberg and Lesnar rumors? Their create-a-wrestler move sets have been used in EVERY Smackdown game since the beginning!

If you decide to start "dream matches" you may have a hard time trying to figure out which superstar has the most exciting "finisher". Because DDP's "Diamond Cutter" was just as cool as Orton's "RKO".

But I would like to see MORE mystery guys in the mix:
Macho Man= If you gonna honor Geurrero's death than why not his, too?
"Pshyco" Sid viscous= Could help that WCW storyline that was planned.
Actually the current legend roster for WWE12 has Rock, Eddie, Stone Cold, Booker T, Edge, Vader, Arn Anderson, Jerry Lawler, Ricky Steamboat, LOD, and Demolition. And Bret was a playable character in SVR11.

Back to the subject I see Goldberg was confirmed not to be in. I think that Yoga reference was made to hint at Trish Stratus being in the game. Hell after it Trish's character model got leaked online. Maybe it's for DDP too since he's been working with WWE lately but you never know.

Wow, that is a Boss Legends Roster. :worship:

I saw the name of this thread and I thought DDP because the OP capitalized Bang and that's DDP's thing and all. But that's just my two cents.
My pick is Maven. Yeah that guy is a total legend and a well deserved one at that. Man his dropkicks were so lethal that Undertaker had to nearly destroy that man... twice.

Okay, just kidding.

I really think that the surprise will be someone we won't expect like a Ric Flair, Lex Luger, or someone like that. I would personally like to see them add in Bruno Sammartino so I can have him and Daniel Bryan lock horns, or maybe even have it be Green and Red. They made an appearance in, I believe, SvR 2009 or 2010 and haven't been seen on the roster since then. I know it sounds like a joke, but I had a ton of fun with Green and Red back when they were on the game.

I really hope that it's NOT Goldberg or Brock Lesnar though. Why? Because I hate Goldberg and Brock wouldn't be fun to use unless I had Kurt Angle to continuously angle slam the shit out of him with. Then again, Vince and that UFC Owner dude have been speaking a lot lately and maybe they've been talking about putting Lesnar in the game.

Or who knows, maybe it'll be Paul Heyman who returns.

Also RKO dude, you don't have to worry about rushing to get the game or anything cause the game isn't out for a while... but still it looks awesome.

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