WWA presents: SNME

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Saturday Night Main Event starts with pyro and the crowd is going wild.

JR: This is Saturday Nights Main Event, I'm JR along side The King Jerry Lawler and we have a loaded card for you folks.

King: Yea but the one I'm most excited about is The Diva Guantlet for the WWA womens Championship. Yea puppies, puppies, puppies !!!!!

JR: But next we have two of the biggest men on the WWA roster when Kane and Abyss face off against each other. We also have a rematch between Kurt Angle and John Cena, to see who progresses in the World Heavyweight Championship tournament.

King: I think that this night will be great.

JR: Lets go to Lillian in the ring for Kane vs. Abyss.

Lillian: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing the first competetor. Being accompanied to the ring by his manager James Mitchell ABYSS.

***Abyss gets into the ring.***

Kanes music hits and he makes his way to the and gets in and the pyro goes off.

The match starts with a stare down between the two. Abyss looks ready to get started and Kane throws the first punch but immediately after he punches Abyss. All of the lights go out. Then they come back on and The Undertaker and Paul Bearer are in the ring. Undertaker attacks both Kane and Abyss. Undertaker chokeslams Kane and tombstones Abyss. The black lights come on as Paul Bearer attacks James Mitchell. The Undertaker gets on the mic and challenges Abyss and Kane to a Triple Threat Hell In A Cell match at Badd Blood.


***Backstage with Abyss and James Mitchell***

James Mitchell: The assault that me Abyss just recieved from The Undertaker and his manager was uncalled for and now The Undertaker has challenged my "Monster" Abyss to a Hell In a Cell. Abyss ahs never been in a match of this sort before. But I feel confident that he will kick the Deadmans ass. So we accept your challenge.

***Back to JR and King***

JR: What a match booked for Badd Blood even if Kane does'nt accept The Undertaker vs. The "Monster" Abyss in a Hell In A Cell.
Wow king what do you think?

King: Your right JR that match alone is a main event like you said even if Kane does'nt accept.

JR: Well next we have the 8-women Divas guantlet for the WWA womens title.

King: Yay puppies. Ashley, Trish, Melina, and Mickie James just to name a few, this going to be great.

To start the guantlet Maria. The second entrant is Candice Michelle. Candice gets in the ring, Candice gets in and clotheslines Maria and Maria is trying to crawl away but Candice picks her up but Maria breaks Candices hold and and eliminates her. The next entrant is Trish. Trish comes down and gets in the ring and trys tossing Maria over the top but it does'nt work, Maria throws Trish over but Trish is still hanging and pulls herself up but Maria runs over to push Trish over but Trish eliminates Maria with a modified Frankenstiener. The next entrant is Victoria. Victoria slides in and Trish stomps on her and then whips Victoria into the corner and flips wraping her legs around Victorias neck Trish twists and and knocks Victoria out of the ring. Next entrant is Ashley. Ashley comes down and gets into the ring and extends her hand for a handshake and Trish reaches out and shake hands. Now Trish and Ashley shuffle around the ring with their fists up and Ashley throws the first punch and lands forearm after forearm. Ashley whips Trish off of the ropes and tosses Trish over the top but Trish is still on the rope and Ashley runs and land a baseball slide on Trish and eliminates her. Next entrant Melina. Melina gets in the ring and Nitro is right behind her as she attacks Ashley and they are brawling but Ashley lands a solid right hand and knocks Melina out. Ashley picks Melina up and whips Melina into the corner and and gets on the second rope and hits Melina with a right hand. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10. Ashley trys tossing her over the top and Nitro catches Melina and puts her back in the ring and Ashley throws her right back out. Next Entrant Kristal. Kristal run down to the ring and tackles Ashley and pumles her with rights and lefts and now she is slaming Ashleys head in the mat and Ashley and Kristal roll over and now Ashley is striking Kristalbut Kristal gives Ashley an eye rake. Kristal picks Ashley up and kicks her in the mid-section and eliminates her. Next entrant Mickie James. Mickie James comes out and gets in the ring and Kristal and Mickie smile at each other and Kristal eliminates herself. And Mickie wins.

Winner: New WWA Womens Champion Mickie James.

Aftermath: Kristal and Mickie James celebrate in the ring. They kiss and they hold hands as they leave together.


JR: That was a great womens guantlet. And I think that the King would agree with me.

King: Yes and the kiss at the end between Mickie and Kristal, that was hot and nothing beats two hot girls kissing on a Saturday Night.

***Randy Ortons music Hits in the arena***

Randy Orton goes to the ring being accompanied by his father Bob Orton Jr. Orton gets on a mic.

Orton: SNME is upon us and I find myself World Champ (Crowd Boos). And I am here to offer any one back there, anyone in the world to a championship match. Now anyone back there come out here and get your ass kicked.

***Funaki's music hits***

Funaki runs out and slides in the ring as Orton stomps him out and Orton snaps on a dragon sleeper and Funaki slides out and hits a pretty suplex on Orton. Funaki goes to pick Orton up but Orton gets Funaki off of him with a european uppercut and another and another. Orton then grabs Funaki and connects with an inverted headlock backbreaker. Orton signals for the R.K.O. and Funaki gets up and turns around Orton nails Funaki with the R.K.O. Orton pins him 1...2...3.

Winner: And still WWA champion Randy Orton

Aftermath: Randy Orton and his father are celebrating in the ring, as Jimmy Snuka and Jimmy Snuka Jr. run down to the ring and beat down the Ortons. Snuka Jr. gets on a mic and challenges Orton to a championship match at Badd Blood.


***Backstage with The Ortons***

Randy: Jimmy Snuka do you think you will get away with that. Anyway I accept your challenge but only and only if you can beat my father on Revolution this Thursday night. And I asked Vince for a mactch against your washed up father and I will kill another legend on Thursday night.

***Cut to Lillian Garcia***

Lillian: The following match is a rematch in the Heavyweight Championship tournament.

***John Cenas music hits***

John Cena is walking to the ring and Kurt andgle comes from nowhere and nails Cena with a Steel Chair and bashes Cena with it. Kurt Angle whips Cena into the steel stairs and picks Cena up Angle is beating Cena with the Chair and Cena is busted open. Angle throws Cena in the ring. And Angle takes off the straps. Cena gets up and Angle hits the Angle Slam on Cena and pins him 1....2......3

Winner: Kurt Angle


JR: What low down and dirty assault Angle cheated to win that dog.

King: Well he got it done and that alll that counts.

JR: Lets go to Mr.McMahon in the ring.

***IC Title Battle Royal***

The match starts with Umaga cleaning house. Umage eliminated Kid Kash and throws Greg Helms out with him(13 left). Umaga throws Chavo out but Chavo hangs on and gets back in Tony Mamaluke and CM Punk are fighting and Mamaluke gets eliminated (12 left). Kennedy is trying to take CM Punk out and Regal trys to eliminate both of them but Punk and Kennedy knock Regal out (11 left). Carlito and London get into it and Carlito and are fist fighting and Carlito hits a kick to the mid-section and connects with his Backcracker. Punk has Kennedy against the ropes and Punk goes for a clothesline but Kennedy ducks and lowers the ropes. Punk hangs on but Kennedy drop kicks Punk and Punk drops (10 left). Chris Daniels and Rey Mysterio are going at it on the ropes and Umaga eliminates them both (8 left). Everone Looks at each other and they decide to gang up on Umaga and eliminate him and it works but Shelton falls out with him (6 left) Chavo and Haas go at it but Chavo ducks under one of Haas's punches and goes for the 3 amigos and connects. Chavo goes to the top for the Frog Splash but Kennedy eliminates him by pushing him off (5 left). Haas and London go and it and London goes off the ropes and Haas throws London out and Carlito takes Haas and slingshoots him out (3 left).
Kennedy and Carlito go at it and and Kennedy throws Carlito out but Carlito is still on the apron. Carlito pulls Kennedy out on the apron but a man that looks just like Carlito comes from the crowd and pulls Carlitos feet and Carlito is eliminated (2 left).Kennedy thinks that he has won, but the final entrant comes out and its AJ Styles. AJ runs down to the ring and Drop kicks Kennedy out of the ring and Kennedy is eliminated.

Winner: New WWA IC Champion AJ Styles
Kane vs Abyss- I would've liked to see the two go at it for a little while before Taker came out, but i'm looking forward to HIAC at Bad Blood

8 Diva Gauntlet Match- I got lost in this match... It was confusing and sorry, but poorly written (i'm not trying to be mean, just trying to help you improve) But nice finish, and I like her & Kristal's celebration ;) lol

Orton vs Funaki- Squash match

Kurt Angle vs John Cena- had the potential to be GREAT but it was too short. I would've liked to see it a nice long match, but ofg that quick match, it was really exciting!

Battle Royal- Good match, but seemed a little rushed. I'm happy that AJ Styles won!

I'm still waiting for the main event lol...
Batista vs Sting will be great! Just remember, take your time and lengthen the matches a little.

I'll give the show a rating after the main event

I cant wait for Revolution and I'll def. follow ;)
***Back From commercial break***

Batista and Sting make their way to the ring. The match starts with Batista and Sting locking up Batista pushes Sting across the ring and outside onto the mat. Sting gets up and looks at Batista as he taunts and flexes. Sting gets back into the ring and locks up with Bastita again but Sting is shoved into the corner. Batista taunts and flexes again. Sting gets back up and walks over to Batista and slaps him across the face Batista turns his head around slowly and laughs and then clotheslines Stings head off. Batista stands over Sting and raises his arms as if he has won. He lifts Sting to his feet and spears him into the post. Batista drives his shoulder into Stings stomach several times. When Batista backs up Sting falls flat on his face. Batista takes Sting out of the ring and whips him into the baracade and then Batista runs full speed towards Sting , but at the last second Sting moves ut of the way and Batista goes crashing through the baracade. Sting pulls himself up using the baracade behind him and grabs Batista and puts him in the ring and goes the pin on Batista 1...2...and Batista gets a shoulder up. Sting gets to his feet looking spagetti legged, Sting grabs Batista and applies an octopus stretch Batista rives in pain. But Batista starts too fade and isnt looking in good shape. Sting stretches harder and harder but can't get Batista to give-up. Batista begins to power out, first Batista moves his leg for leverage and delivers a hip toss to Sting and Batista falls to one knee holding his shoulder. Sting then gets up and connects with a scoop slam and tries locking in the scorpion deathlock but Batista kicks his way out Batista gets to his feet and Sting runs toward him and Batista delivers a powerful spinebuster. Batista shakes the ropes and gives the thumbs up and thumbs down. Batista waits for Sting to get up Batista gets Sting up for the Batista Bomb but Sting puts his weight down and Batista falls. Sting sits on top of Batista and the ref counts 1....2.. and Batista kicks out. Sting flips Batista on to his stomach and goes to the top rope and crashes down on Batista's back with a hard elbow. Sting goes up to the top rope again and delivers another hard elbow and Sting Wooooooos to the crowd and locks the scorpion deathlock in on Batista. Batista is in pain but somehow breaks out with his legs . And Sting looks at Batista in shock but Sting flips Batista on his stomach again and goes to the top rope and delivers another hard elbow to soften Batista's back up. Sting locks in the scorpion deathlock and Batista tries getting to the ropes but Sting pulls him back to the center of the ring it and Batista can't power out. Batista looks like he is going to tap. Batista pushes up off of the mat and and crawls to the bottom rope and makes it . Sting releases the hold and Stings face paint is gone. Sting lifts Batista to his feet and Batista pushes Sting off of him kicks Sting in the gut and sets Sting up for the Batista Bomb. Batista connects but is laid out and so is Sting.

1-No movement from either wrestler
2- still no movement
8-Batista gets to his knees.

Batista goes to cover Sting 1...2...3

Winner: Batista

***Cut to JR and King***

JR: What a match those two fought untill the death of it and by god these men gave it their all.

King: I guess we will have to wait until Thursday night for Revolution to see who advances to face Angle in the semi-finals of this tournament.

JR: This was Saturday Nights Main Event I'm Jim Ross and thank you and good night.

***SNME goes off of the Air***

post your comments please.
Now that was a match! Best match on the card... It was nice and long and full of action

Overall Show Rating: 82/100
Keep it up ;) not a bad show
Again I'll say I cant wait for Revolution
This show is great.

I loved the Sting and Batista match. The Jimmy Snuka Jr. promo is really good, I want him to debut in the WWE soon.

I want to see what you do next. I'll def tune for Revolution and Badd Blood.

86/100 keep it up.
Thanx man please tune in I have something special up my sleave
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