WTF is a matter with people?

Buffalo Dave

Yeeeeeeeah Buddy!!
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So this chunky little baby is a 2 year old from Sumatra, the father claims he smokes 2 packs a day and he cries and throws a tantrum when they don't let him smoke. The father also says he not worried about his health, he looks healthy.

I wonder if he gets to play with light his own ciggs too? Just shows how wacked people can be!!
The first problem I had with his statement is the fact that he says he looks healthy, healthy would mean that he's a little bit thinner to say the least.

That mixed with smoking, won't do good for him in the future, wonder how the fuck they let him start at all.
Problem is that it wasn't the smoking part of looking healthy I had a problem with, due to the fact that, well, he's still young, his body hasn't taken it's tolls yet for actually smoking, but he's still a fatty little guy for his age.
Ah okay, my bad.

Yeah the smoking part would've been awesome, the way he twisted the cigarette in his hand, due to his age, I was awaiting for him to eat it :lmao:
Yeah....we have people (more than you'd imagine) in America who feed their children nothing but fast food. Then, when their child is obese, they sue the fast food companies because no one told them that feeding children nothing but shitty hamburgers would make their children Diabetic and at risk for a heart attack at the age of 10.

Those people, along with the child rapists, beaters, and over all child abuse that occurs in this country is a lot worse than a parent that lets his child smoke 2 packs a day in Sumatra. At least the kid is getting fed properly.
Those people, along with the child rapists, beaters, and over all child abuse that occurs in this country is a lot worse than a parent that lets his child smoke 2 packs a day in Sumatra. At least the kid is getting fed properly.

I got what you were saying about the obese kids and what their parents do, and I agree with you on that. But your second part I dont get what you were trying to get out. How is the kid being fed properly when you can clearly see is a little on the hefty for being only 2 and that it is ok that he can smoke to packs of smokes a day because you think he looks he is being fed properly?
It could just be down to a difference in culture (not that I know anything about the culture of Indonesia). He does look natural with it though. Reminds me of the video of the world's smallest man smoking.
That video was just hilarious. Considering I don't even know where Sumatra is, I could really care less about what the people their do. The video had me laughing though with the kid smoking and playing to the camera.

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