WTF happened to Boogeyman


MCMG: 1-696-696-6969
Why hasn't boogeyman wrestled for WWE he appesrs out of nowhere on Raw but is being hyped to return to ECW imo boogeyman needs to wrestle soon if he doesn't return by Nov. 25 he will be forgotten about and cast aside

ECW needs more wrestlers they average out to about 2-3 matches on an hour long show that right there is a serious problem. So WWE bring back boogeyman soon.
You could possibly be the only person around who wants to see The Boogeyman wrestle. He's over without even attempting something that he has absolutley no talent for. Once he starts to wrestle then most fans would soon start to zone out.

There's a reason his matches only lasted 3 minutes, it's because he can't wrestle for longer than that.

He should either be a comedy interlude. Or he should be the guy who never wrestles, but comes and destroys wrestlers when they're about to be repackaged or are going to have a long lay off.

boogeyman needs to wrestle soon if he doesn't return by Nov. 25 he will be forgotten about and cast aside

I agree. If he's not on TV in a match by that date he'll be all but forgotten. He should wrestle on the 24th November to rectify the situation.
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Jake brings up some good points. How can anyone take the Boogeyman seriously in today's age where the crazy and bizarre gimmicks are few and distant and everyone's got sort of a real-character gimmick. The Boogeyman is a shit wrestler who also appears to be very injury prone. The heard the man who plays him is well into his forties and I don't will have a long future with the company. As Jake said, probably the best way to use him is either to randomly destroy someone so that they may be taken off TV. Or put in comedic segments, like the ones he did with Trump and the Bishoff trial. If the man were to wrestle every week, his character would loss effect. He's the fricking Boogeyman, he had to start out undefeated to look believable and then when he lost to Finlay a bunch of times, he looked normal and people saw that he wasn't a good wrestler at all. Really what drawing power will does he have now, who's gonna wanna see the Boogeyman wrestle HHH or Cena. The Boogeyman's got no real future with the company, I think he should only used sparingly if the company does want to keep him. If they don't have anything for him, then the company should just let him go already, he's no more useful than a Paul London or Kenny Dykstra, they at least could job to people and make them look good.
Seriously? Someone wants to watch him wrestle? I've only ever seen one Boogeyman match and that was against Booker T at WM and it absolutley atrocious.

Seriously, it opitomised the word 'terrible'.

Who knows why this guy is still employed by WWE. If 'decent' talent like Elijah Burke is kept off TV completely for over a year, why is this guy still getting a paycheck? Big Daddy V gets arguably the best gimmick of his career and they fire him for having weight problems. Kenny Dykstra obvioulsy had talent and they kicked him to the curb, yet the Boogeyman is still a WWE entertainer.

Boogeyman is a joke, no better than Ron Simmons current role (or lack of) and yet he's STILL there. They even made him an important element in RTW in SVR'09 for god's sake!

The sooner Vince gives Shane and Stephanie full control the better.
The Boogeyman cannot wrestle, he is just like one of those circus tricks that come out every now and then, to me he is still boring he does'nt offer anything. His gimmick is absolutely terrible and the worms that he dispenses make it even worse.

Why have they released proper talent like Paul London and Super Crazy? Why have'nt they stayed? Yet we have a guy that can't wrestle, has a stupid gimmick and isn't over with the crowd still in the WWE. It amazes me he even has fans because we barely even see the guy. Maybe Boogeyman should just be kept for the odd appearance here and there rather then wrestling full time.

The Boogeyman could maybe be on the next released list if he isn't performing soon, after all we've seen what has happened to others that have'nt been performing, i.e Elijah Burke
Point taken Boogeyman doesn't wrestle well but he is good for backstage appearences and you never know maybe he's improved since his injury. So don't judge him until he has a return match.

I still like like boogeyman and my opinion won't change until I see his return match.
I think boogey teaming up with Kizarny could be entertaining enough with Insane clown Posse entrance music you got yourself a pretty entertaining tag team right there.

I want little boogeyman back too he could put on an entertaining match against hornswoggle.
Point taken Boogeyman doesn't wrestle well but he is good for backstage appearences and you never know maybe he's improved since his injury. So don't judge him until he has a return match.

No he's not, and he's like 45 I highly doubt the guy has improved at all, more likely that he's prolly actually gotten worse in the ring, since he's been out for so damn long

I still like like boogeyman and my opinion won't change until I see his return match.

Then you'll see the light and realize how bad the dude sucks?

I think boogey teaming up with Kizarny could be entertaining enough with Insane clown Posse entrance music you got yourself a pretty entertaining tag team right there.

not really, more like you got yourself a bathroom break, why would putting a guy we know is shit with a guy who looks like he will be nothing more than shit together and having them come out to shitty ICP music be entertaining?, and what would they call themselves? the Shit Squad?

I want little boogeyman back too he could put on an entertaining match against hornswoggle.

You are prolly the only person on the face of fucking planet earth that wants to see that match, the rest of us prefer entertaining matches, BTW that match has already happened like two years ago
The Boogeyman gimmick has gotten stupid. The worm spitting thing is just ridiculous. If he does come back , I hope he stops the worm spitting and actualy wrestles a bit. He could be a good mid-card heel if he would actualy try to be scary. I could see him come back and feud with Kane or have a shit feud with Miz and Morrison. When Boogeyman first debuted i liked him...But 3 years , Alot of chewed up worms and 2 Randy Orton title reigns later. I think he's worthless.
LOL. Boogeyman.

He's a gimmick and only a gimmick. That's it. He's not a wrestler and he's not anything else. He's not even comedy. He brings the gross factor and is amusing to young kids (much like the Undertaker looked amusing to me when I was a kid). Having him on televised matches is a waste of time. He has muscle and he can do a gorilla press slam, I think. He doesn't even compare to Gene Snitzky or Mike Knox. They should bring him in to lose to Vladimir Kozlov and then, release him for good. That way they kill the gimmick and nothing about him gets mentioned again.
The Boogeyman could not put on a decent match if his life depended on it. He had a gimmick, and that gimmick was the only reason they kept him. He had no mic skills, no in-ring skill, and is fuckin 45! He couldn't sell, and every match i've seen him put on has been god awful. No one will remember him even if he does wrestle because he has nothing. He is a wasted pay check that should be dropped, and given to someone with real talent. If he does return I think he should feud with Miz and Morrisson, maybe Mark Henry, and even Matt Hardy. Those would be his best bets on ECW. I don't think he should return, but if he does I guess it will entertain the little kids that watch.
Boogey-who? No, who are we talking about, I don't know.

Seriousy, this guy is boring. His gimmick got stale after his first match, he can't wrestle, he has no mic skills, and he's older than most of the other wrestlers. The only thing he had going was his gimmick, which didn't even work anyway. I'm amazed he hasn't been released yet actually, and I forgot about him, as have most people. There is almost nobody who wants to watch him, why would they even bother bringing him back? Waste of space and a paycheck, get rid of him now.
Id rather watch the Boogeyman than watching a bunch of nobodies in ECW. Ive always wanted to see him face the Taker or Kane but he would have to regain credibility for that to happen. Id say put him against Santino and Beth to start that would humurious and entertaining.
ECW needs to replace the Boogeyman, with somebody that actually has talent and doesn't have to rely on a gimmick to be over. However from I can recall, he was often placed in the main events of ECW before he was injured. He was actually mildly entertaining back then and hell, he showed some decent wrestling moves. I think it was in a fatal four way match where he suprised me.

But that doesn't change the fact that he sucks and should be released soon. I remember his horrible matches with JBL and Booker T. They were some of the worst matches I've ever seen in my entire life. The fact that those two had to be pinned cleanly for him, is an insult to our intelligence.

If he returns on the 26th of November, there's no way fans will remember his meaningless existence :rolleyes:
I could care less about Boogeyman. The gimmick has no place in today's WWE and is over because kids like that kind of stuff. Boogeyman couldn't wrestle a good match to save his life and every time he returns, his gimmick gets stale faster than a loaf of bread left in a dark, dank cellar for a week.

The fact that they're keeping this joker around while letting guys like Paul London, Crazy and Burke go makes me pissed off to the extreme, no pun intended. The only thing that justifies his job is his kid pops. He'll never go anywhere and is like an anachronism in today's WWE.
The Boogeyman has about as much wrestling ability as maria. I think the character could be something somewhat enjoyable if it was turned into a monster(not a worm eating comedy joke)and if a new person played him. They should get some talented black guy and replace the guy who potrays him(Marty something?). Anyways, I'm still very surprised he hasn't been fired yet since he hasn't been used in almost a year(except that weird dance thing). They hyped his return but nothing really happened, so I guess if they have to have him on the roster he is in the best spot right now(random comedic appearance)as long as his in ring time is very limited, I don't care what he does.
I cannot believe that there is anyone on the face of God's green earth that wants this atrocity of a wrestler with the worst gimmick I have seen in a decade on television. Why the fuck does someone want to see a 45 year old man shaking like he's having a stroke with no wrestling or mic skills come out and squash some jobber then spit worms in his face? That shit is ridiculous. The thought of the Boogyman just pisses me off because there are so many talented people that could be getting TV time in his place.

They release Elijah Burke, Paul London, Kenny Dykstra and MANY others and bury people like MVP, Paul Burchill, and others for this fucking waste? What the hell is this guys purpose? Who is he going to feud with? Who in their right mind with true talent and a future will let this asshole spit worms in their mouth? Do you think Matt Hardy would go for that shit? Hell no, this guy is a waste and he disgusts me with his annoying gimmick and terrible wrestling skills.

Anyone who is a true fan of the Boogyman needs to go see a doctor because I think you may have brain damage.
The Boogeyman cannot wrestle, he is just like one of those circus tricks that come out every now and then, to me he is still boring he does'nt offer anything. His gimmick is absolutely terrible and the worms that he dispenses make it even worse.

Why have they released proper talent like Paul London and Super Crazy? Why have'nt they stayed? Yet we have a guy that can't wrestle, has a stupid gimmick and isn't over with the crowd still in the WWE. It amazes me he even has fans because we barely even see the guy. Maybe Boogeyman should just be kept for the odd appearance here and there rather then wrestling full time.

The Boogeyman could maybe be on the next released list if he isn't performing soon, after all we've seen what has happened to others that have'nt been performing, i.e Elijah Burke

You know why the WWE keeps The Boogeyman? Because his gimmick is extremly odd, and thus creates attention. Admit it, when you first saw him you were freaked out. Look at his gimmick, he eats worms.. that's just grim, but, it attracts attention. Albiet, since he hasn't done anything in a while, partly due to his injury and partly because he is terrible in the ring, i'm guessing Vince just wanted to keep him just to see if something could be done with him, and if they can't do anything then i'm sure he wil be released soon.
The boogeyman? who cares?? i certainly dont. This (freak aka golddust ) wreslter has absolutely no right to call him a member of the ECW brand, and I really cant believe he still has his job. Let me tell you why this man sucks. 1. His gimmick is disgusting and utterly fake. Lets say a new fan watched Monday Night Raw and saw the reality in Orton kicking Vince in the head, afterwards he decided to watch ECW because he liked what he saw. But on ECW he see's some clown telling people that He's the boogeyman and he's coming to get you! What does this fan think? Boy this show sure does suck and he tunes out. 2. He is atrocious in the ring. Typing letters wont explain how horrible this man is as a wrestler you should go watch some youtube vids, but be warned.

I really cant believe that because of this old piece of shit a young GOOD wreslter still has to wait in Tampa to be called up to the roster. I mean there are so many young wrestlers that are far better than this guy. The WWE is out of their mind to let this guy keep his job, and if the ECW creative team decide to make this guy the top face of their franchise I will officialy boycot ECW.
I agree, this guy is horrible! His gimmick is as entertaining as Papa Shango's! They need to can this guy and bring in some real upcoming talent.
Ive finally gave up on Boogeyman. I used to be a advocate of him, but lately I really cant stand him at all. He really just seems like a waste of space on ECW. Everytime he's in the ring it seems like I'm wasting my time on ECW. He should be put on smackdown where he can make sporadic appearences just to scare the little. kids. But I'd actually be more happy if he was just fired.

^^^^That's coming from a guy he usually doesnt judge wrestlers.

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