Wrestling's finest Dads.

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Hulk Hogan's Brother

Stop asking me what I'm gonna do!!!
With Father's Day having just gone by, I thought that it was a good time to have a look at the relation from pro wrestling's point of view. In this topic I want you to talk about whom you think has been the finest father in pro wrestling.

However, there is a catch. You are not allowed to talk of the fathers as wrestlers. You have to select the guy who you think excelled in his role as a dad. Also, real life examples of fathers using their backstage clout to further their son's career are not allowed. So yes, you are not allowed to talk about the infamous Bill Watts/ Erik Watts saga. This is only about the onscreen roles that a performer has performed. Additionally you are allowed to talk about kayfabe fathers like Paul Bearer or even Jack Swagger's dad if you feel that they are fit enough for discussion.

Without further ado, my choice for pro wrestling's finest dad is:


The photo's a nice touch, don't you think?

Bob Orton Jr had an average career as a performer in the WWF but he really shone in the role of Randy Orton's dad in 2005. Together the father-son duo took on the might of the Deadman The Undertaker and at times even came out on the winning side. Bob Jr even at the age of 55 at that time showed that he had lost little of the trickery, deceit and even the cast that had made him so famous. It was not that he did not pay a price for it but you cannot expect not to pay a price when you go up against The Undertaker. Bob Orton Jr showed himself to be willing to endure pain for the betterment of his offspring on a number of occasions. He not only managed Randy but often participated in matches with him one of which was one of the goriest Hell in a Cell matches seen in recent times at Armageddon 2005. Some of the other fathers in the wacky world of pro wrestling may have endured even more pain than Bob but unlike a lot of other fathers of pro wrestling, Bob never deserted his son. That is what seals him for me as the best father ever seen in pro wrestling.

An honorable mention goes to Paul Bearer who was initially my original choice as pro wrestling's best dad. But then even though he has endured a lot of pain for his offspring Kane, used lots of cunning and deceit to gain advantage for his son, he has often opposed him as well. This is someting Bob has never done and so I believe that he pips Paul Bearer in this regard.

So WZF, who do you think has been the best father in pro wrestling?
I think in terms of what the family went on to do for wrestling not only in Mexico but in America as well, it must be Gory Guerrero for leading the family name into iconic and revered status.

Now I know very little about the entire family structure, but it seems every male member along with some of the females have all been involved with the industry at one point or another.

Gory Guerrero.

Balls, I read the rest of the OP and I'm not sure if this is actually what you were asking for. Apologies.
Hands down it's Chris Benoit...

What? Too soon?

Nah bad joke and a too obvious one at that.

But I'd say for best role of Dad would be........Vince McMahon when he would feud against his two kids. He'd have that street fight against Shane O Mac at WM 17, and that I Quit match against Stephanie at No Mercy 2003.

After all Mr. McMahon is the pure evil son of a bitch.

It must be very interesting having your own son jump off a top rope and drop kick a trash can in your face.
I have to agree with Gory Guererro based on the international legacy he birthed in his huevos. but as far as guys not mentioned yet, here's another pic.

Best Dad- Rocky Johnson. Former NWA champ and member of first all african american tag team champs with Tony Atlas, his offspring became the biggest name in wrestling history (I think at this point he's surpassed the immortal one)

Worst Dad- Fritz Von Erich. Something went wrong in the Von Erich's upbringing, not to mention the iron claw is still the dumbest finisher ever.
My legit response is this....

I may not have a best option, but I know the dad who needs to step up the most. Ted Dibiase Sr. is a WWE hall of famer and a very well thought of member of the alumni...

With that being said, I think it's time he spoke out for his VERY talented son and started helping him get some push behind the scenes. In my opinion (which agree or disagree) Ted Junior has been one of the most underutilized talents in the fed since they broke up Legacy. Now he's basically Cody's bitch boy, which is a travesty.

So to become WWE father of the year for next year, get to work Million Dollar man... :)
Chris Jericho, hands down. even if he gets fines he has never missed either the birth, or a birthday of one of his kids. he tells a story in his second book where he told WWE management that he wasn't going to miss his kids birthday, and even told them to double the fine because he wasnt going to be missing his other kids birthdays either... telling to boss to go fuck themselves in order to spend time with his family, yet still remained on or near the top of the card... thats a true father
Stu Hart. Point blank period. He made one of the most famous wrestling families and had the whole dungeon training grounds. He was the father of two of the greats (Bret and Owen) among others. Plus he helped train others such as Benoit, Booker T, and even today's Tyson Kidd. So in my book, he takes the cake. And to the guy that said Benoit, that was just tasteless.
If you're talking about people playing the character of the father within the narrative, how about The Chairman himself? One could argue that Vince has played the demented patriarch better than anyone in television history.
High Chief Peter Mavia - HE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE HERITAGE that produced the Rock, Wild Samoans , Umaga and the Usos. Afa and Sika are still teaching and producing talent.

Fritz Von Erich - I have no idea how someone can blame the father for the drug addictions of the child. Thats complete bullshit. Fritz loved all his children, sacrificed alot for them and did everything to make them stars. His family endured tragedy just like the harts. But because he wasn't a WWE man doesn't take away from him doing all he could. Even during his life, the Von Erichs talked about how much they loved him and what he meant to them.

Ted Dibiase Sr.
- He is a great man and definitely stayed apart of his sons life.

Dusty Rhodes - Cody Only. Golddust talked about how he corrected his errors with raising him when cody was born. Dusty stepped up to the plate and made an effort to be a better man even when he made mistakes. That is a true sign of a real man.

Bob Armstrong - This man had one son as a part of DX, another is a ref and Brad was a tag team champion in the NWA. Bob was a great father and part of the only father-son tag team championship in the industry. I don't know about any other father that can say that.
Chris Jericho, hands down. even if he gets fines he has never missed either the birth, or a birthday of one of his kids. he tells a story in his second book where he told WWE management that he wasn't going to miss his kids birthday, and even told them to double the fine because he wasnt going to be missing his other kids birthdays either... telling to boss to go fuck themselves in order to spend time with his family, yet still remained on or near the top of the card... thats a true father

First I don't really like the thread but just because I don't like it doesnt mean its not a decent one but I like your answer if it is true. I also think that Vince even though Jericho is a big piece to his puzzle, liked the fact that Jericho put family first, seeing as WWE has been family owed since Vince Sr. Its a classy, un-egotistical move by Jericho and I respect him even further for that.

However, if I had to form my own opinion with daddys, I always enjoyed Ric Flairs work with David Flair in the WCW days. They did a pretty good job with that.
I have actually met Ted Dibeasi SR. He spoke on his religion, his children, and spoke very highly of them all. And onscreen he even gave his son the Million Dollar Belt and helped him with advice and such as I am sure he also did off screen. So the Million Dollar Man is easily the top father in my book.
How can people say Vince McMahon, when if it wasn't for his grandpa Jess McMahon there would be no WWE. I think that last night Capitol Punishment PPV was a tribute to Jess McMahon and the company he started CWC , Capitol Wrestling Corporation, which morph to WWWF, WWF and now WWE.
I think it has to be Vince McMahon.

Throughout his time as the on screen Mr McMahon character, Vince has regularly been involved with his children on TV. He has been alongside them (with Shane in The Corporation), and against them (whole whole Stephanie abduction storyline with the Ministry). He has done more than anyone to get Shane and Steph over as credible characters in the WWE.

He is also the only father in wrestling history to feud with his children when both of them "own" rival promotions, as he did when he led the WWF against Shane's WCW and Steph's ECW during the Invasion storyline in 2001. Also, the whole storyline when Steph aligned with HHH and tried to take control of the company from her Father was awesome.

Vince is (or was) that talented as an on-screen character that he was able to make the McMahon in-fighting must-see television, and there is no other Dad in wrestling history who has had the same impact. Many others have appeared alongside their kids on TV (Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Bob Orton etc), and these guys have helped their children's careers, but Vinny Mac made his non-wrestling offspring crucial parts of WWE tv during the promotions hottest period, when the actual wrestling talent on the roster was better than ever.
I was all set to debate in favor of Dusty Rhodes. He did some terrific work in preparing Dustin Rhodes / Golddust and Cody Rhodes for the big time, and both men have managed to overcome average starts to be true high level stars. Dustin overcame being "The Natural" to become Golddust and Cody overcame being the third man in Legacy to be a top contender on Smackdown in his present gimmick.

I also remember the iconic promo Dusty cut that caused Dustin to cry one night on WCW Saturday Night when Dusty implored Dustin to allow him to be his tag team partner against Arn Anderson and the Horsemen. It's the "I neglected you" promo. Chilling.

But then the name Stu Hart was brought up, and I was stuck for a way to get Dusty over Stu. Stu Hart raised his kids on the values of discipline and work, and as a result, created wrestling's great lineage. Even though one could argue only two of Stu's kids were massively successful (Bret and Owen), the fact is all of Stu's kids touched the business and his daughters married other wrestlers, with names like Martel and Davey Boy Smith joining the family by marriage. His family upheld the integrity of the business and ALWAYS sold well to put over their opponent.

It's Stu Hart, but some of the other choices like Rhodes and Guerrero are just as worthy.
Well, I don't know about the best or worst Dad, but how about the strangest?

That'd be Al Wilson, the father of Torrie Wilson, whom Dawn Marie decided she wanted to marry(!)

With WWE, you can never be sure if a character related to a superstar is an actor playing a part or the real deal, but I would think Al really was Torrie's Dad. If the company wanted to hire an actor, I presume they would have picked one with acting and speaking ability, as well as stage presence.....none of which were possessed by Al.

I'll never figure what the hell they were doing with this angle and why it went on so long, but I pick Al Wilson as "Wrestling's ______ Dad." (choose your own adjective).
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