Wrestling Society X...what could've been?


Too Sweet To Be Sour
You remeber WSX? The upstart promotion on MTV? it was edgy, had decent storylines and a good roster. I truly thought it could've been a mainstream promotion in the U.S., a very fun and exciting alternative to WWE and TNA. maybe the next ECW. But they ended up as a flop, and nothing came out of it. So did you like it? Did you see potential? What could they have changed to make it better?

I think first they should've ditched the opening music act. It was simply stupid. The announcers was another thing. they were horrible. They should've tried to bring in some better guys.

And this isn't something that they had control of, but I think that MTV should've had more faith and gave them more time. 30 minutes is not enough timne to run a wrestling show. they should've had at least an hour.

Anyway thats my two cents, you guys can now discuss.
I like the show, it wasn't overly serious. It was 30 minutes long, so you didn't have to go out your way to watch it and it didn't drag on like two hours WWE and TNA shows. Plus, 30 minutes left you wanting more and tuning in the next week.

The cheesy electric shocks/explosions was fun. A lot of people hated it but I thought it was cheesy in a good way.

The matches were fun as hell especially the tag matches. Matt Sydal showed he can be a good tv character on there first as well as Tyler Black(who look more interesting in WSX than on ROH HD NET).

For a 30 minutes show, it was fun.

MTV never promoted the show past the first episode. THAT WAS A HUGE PROBLEM. Plus, they air the show three days before it's main timeslot.
I watched one or two episodes of WSX- but when it was airing, MTV plugged it in at the same time as ECW was airing on Sci-Fi. I think that was the first mistake. Why in the hell MTV thought they could go head to head with a WWE show is beyond me. Second mistake was running a 30 minute wrestling show. They incorporated music an alot of cheesy extras. That really doesn't leave alot of time for actual wrestling matches.

I am actually actively seeking a cheap set of the WSX season. I have recently developed a strong interest in Joey Ryan and I remember that I did enjoy the That '70's Team gimmick he did while working for WSX. WSX really did have a fairly decent roster of young talent. Matt Sydal, Joey Ryan, Tyler Black and Jimmy Jacobs are all guys I'm into at the moment and they all participated in the WSX thing.
WSX probably could've worked if MTV really cared about it. Instead they just thought of it as another show on their programming that would fill up a timeslot and last for a few months. I didn't actually watch it that often, but from what I remember it contained a bunch of explosions and crazy stuff like that.

I think it could have been successful by finding it's own niche, but I don't think a show like that would have ever been in competition with WWE or TNA, nor was that it's intention.
I enjoyed it. Sure, it was full of ******ed spots and exploding tables and whatever, but it was so cheesy it worked. It was like a b-movie; it was bad, it knew it was bad, and it never took itself too seriously, and as a result, it worked for me. After 7 hours of TNA and WWE per week, it was nice to unwind with a 30 minute show that required no thinking and that didnt present itself as anything serious.
One problem I think that Wrestling Society X had is the same problem that TNA is having. They took old established wrestlers and tried to make them main eventers. I think if they would've just gone with the fresh new talent and gone all fresh, they would've been a lot better. Don't get me wrong, I loved watching X-Pac during his prime, but the freshness would've been better without the establishment.

Also, if they would've gotten rid of that freaking ring announcer, god that guy was annoying.

I remember tuning into the first episode, and seeing the first match. I enjoyed it. Because Jack Evans is very acrobatic, and what he did was insane. I probably watched, just because of him. That ladder match? It was cool. You had Justin Credible, Xpac, Vampiro, Vic Grimes, and many others. Good episode.

Next two weeks or so, I enjoyed very much. But then it was like, wow, this is some of the gayest crap I have ever seen. If someone who never watched wrestling saw that, they'd think all wrestling was like that. Tank god it only had 6 episodes.

But, I did like the fact that it had many well known wrestlers. Many wrestlers that just started wrestling. That was really the only upside of it.

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