Wrestling : Liquor , Lies , Lust , Lives Lost ? Has Wrestling Had Too Many Deaths ?

Has Wrestling Had To Many Deaths ?

  • Yes , It Has Its All Vince Fault.

  • No , Its Hasnt Vince Mcmahon Done Nothing Wrong.

  • Kinda Off , No Need To Point Fingers At Vince Tough .

  • No Comment

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Hello .
At The Moment , Nearly Every Wrestler We See Has Large Abs .
Wether Its From The Gym Or Drugs . We Dont Know .
I Think Wrestling Gone To Far . Theve Took Lives .
Theve Slipt Familys . Theve Caused Distress .

For What . Us The Audince To Watch . I Love Wrestling.
They Should Clean It Up .

Owen Hart : Forced To Do A Stun . Life Taken . Courtesy Vince Mcmahon . Carrys On The Show . Shows Littile Remorse To The Hart Family .

Eddie Guerrero : Forced To Work 24/7 . Drugs Drive Him To Ground . Again From Wwe Vince Mcmahon .

Chris Benoit: Had To House Shows . Pulled Muscles . Wernt In The Shape Of Mind . Wwe Again .

All Fingers Point Vince .

Part 2 : Coming Soon . Wrestling:Liquor , Lies , Lust , Lives Lost ? Drugs : Destinys Faith .
Hello .
At The Moment , Nearly Every Wrestler We See Has Large Abs .
Wether Its From The Gym Or Drugs . We Dont Know .
I Think Wrestling Gone To Far . Theve Took Lives .
Theve Slipt Familys . Theve Caused Distress .

For What . Us The Audince To Watch . I Love Wrestling.
They Should Clean It Up .

Owen Hart : Forced To Do A Stun . Life Taken . Courtesy Vince Mcmahon . Carrys On The Show . Shows Littile Remorse To The Hart Family .

Eddie Guerrero : Forced To Work 24/7 . Drugs Drive Him To Ground . Again From Wwe Vince Mcmahon .

Chris Benoit: Had To House Shows . Pulled Muscles . Wernt In The Shape Of Mind . Wwe Again .

All Fingers Point Vince .

Part 2 : Coming Soon . Wrestling:Liquor , Lies , Lust , Lives Lost ? Drugs : Destinys Faith .

first off kid, learn how to spell and structure sentences, its pretty confusing reading your post.

as for wrestling deaths, dont blame it all on Vince, if you're a pro wrestler its the nature of the beast, which is unfortunate.

VKM wasnt the 1st slave-driving wrestling promoter and I doubt he'll be the last. a lot of the fault falls on the shoulders of the wrestlers themselves.

Owen Hart, definitely a tragic accident, it wasnt Vinces fault, Eddie died of a heart attack, he was clean and sober when he died, but he had a history of drug abuse and that may have led up to his death. same goes for Chris Benoit, no one saw that coming. and you could see how broken up and shocked all the WWE superstars were after he passed

I could go on and on, but seriously read up on wrestling deaths, it doesnt just happen in the WWE
I'm not exactly sure what your point is to this? Are you asking if Wrestling has had too many deaths or who do we blame for the deaths in Wrestling?

I feel that the people you have mentioned who have died in the ring bar Owen Hart have been to blame for their own deaths. Eddie Guerrero had a history of drug troubles and even though it appeared drugs were in his past they were responsible for his death. Chris Benoit had abused Steroids and it was felt that roid rage made him do what he did. It wasn't Vince McMahon who said ''you must take these drugs'' it was the person themselves. The Owen Hart situation was a complete accident and you can't possibly blame Vince for that.

My question to you is why do you put the blame on Vince for the deaths of Owen Hart, Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit?
Owen Hart : Forced To Do A Stun . Life Taken . Courtesy Vince Mcmahon . Carrys On The Show . Shows Littile Remorse To The Hart Family .

Eddie Guerrero : Forced To Work 24/7 . Drugs Drive Him To Ground . Again From Wwe Vince Mcmahon .

Chris Benoit: Had To House Shows . Pulled Muscles . Wernt In The Shape Of Mind . Wwe Again .

All Fingers Point Vince .

Pulled muscles. LOL

Yes, Vince is to blame for the cord snapping or whatever happened to Owen. Yes, Vince is to blame for Eddy's heart problems. Yes, Vince is to blame for Benoit snapping like he did. It is all Vince's fault. 100% Vince.

*End sarcasm*

Ok, I got that out of my system. Man, you are clueless. So is anybody else who puts sole blame onto Vince. You really think Vince wanted his wrestlers dead? Do you really believe that he wants those black eyes hanging over his company? You must not know one damn thing how to run a business, kid. Des Vince has some blame in all of this? Sure, but very little.

Part 2 : Coming Soon . Wrestling:Liquor , Lies , Lust , Lives Lost ? Drugs : Destinys Faith .

Please for the love of God and all that is holy, no! You have already shown you don't know much. Please do not continue with your threads. Please.
Hello .
At The Moment , Nearly Every Wrestler We See Has Large Abs .
Wether Its From The Gym Or Drugs . We Dont Know .
I Think Wrestling Gone To Far . Theve Took Lives .
Theve Slipt Familys . Theve Caused Distress .
For What . Us The Audince To Watch . I Love Wrestling.
They Should Clean It Up .
Owen Hart : Forced To Do A Stun . Life Taken . Courtesy Vince Mcmahon . Carrys On The Show . Shows Littile Remorse To The Hart Family .
Eddie Guerrero : Forced To Work 24/7 . Drugs Drive Him To Ground . Again From Wwe Vince Mcmahon .
Chris Benoit: Had To House Shows . Pulled Muscles . Wernt In The Shape Of Mind . Wwe Again .
All Fingers Point Vince .
Part 2 : Coming Soon . Wrestling:Liquor , Lies , Lust , Lives Lost ? Drugs : Destinys Faith .

Okay, for one, I agree there are tragedies in this business. But no one can place ALL the blame on Vince McMahon. Vince did not put a gun to Owen's head and strap him into the harness, and did not cut the cord on that sad night that the accident occurred.

Eddie Guerrero- he already had other issues going on from previous bouts of depression and constant pain, and his love of the profession. Vince McMahon was not forcing the pills down his throat, again, no one forced him. You need to read Eddie book "Cheating Death, Stealing Life" to get a better understanding.

Chris Benoit- Again, you haven't the slightest clue, there are personal demons that someone is battling when they choose to do drugs, and personal inadequacies. Why else would Vince McMahon have had policies on testing for drugs otherwise? Anytime you start testing someone for drugs, an addict can find a way to get their fix some other way. Again, Vince McMahon cannot be a scapegoat for all these tragedies. I highly suggest you re-examine the politics behind wellness policies, and the true definition of what addiction is before you start posting these theories.

Then in terms of Love, Lies, Liquor, you may as well condemn everyone to hell since probably just about everyone has probably indulged in alcohol or lied about something or probably been in love at some point, but don't blame McMahon for that.
Yes, and if someone gets a gun and shoots you, it's the gun's fault.

We're a society of "blamers," that's for sure. We always have to find someone to be at fault.

This guy's post reminds me of Mick Foley's wife a few years ago. She said that her recently retired husband was in such a fog from all the head shots he took during his career that he could barely find his way home at night.

For that, she blamed Vince McMahon. Forget about the fact that Foley had been wrestling in a hardcore style for years in WCW and the independent federations.......Mrs. Foley blamed Vince McMahon.

If you read Foley's book, he doesn't attribute his style of wrestling to anyone but himself. But his wife blames Vince McMahon, although I noticed she didn't do it until her husband was no longer drawing a paycheck from WWE. And, in fact, Foley continued to work periodically for WWE despite all the harm Vince had caused him.

No wrestler (or other athlete) has to do things to their bodies that cause them harm.....and I doubt that Vince McMahon ever told a wrestler: "Use steroids or you're out of here." These people go into this with their eyes open, and if they don't.......then don't blame Vince.

Hey, you know who's responsible for the war in Iraq and the terrorist attacks all over the world? Guess!
This thread is the perfect example of just how much of a scapegoat the IWC makes of Vince McMahon. I think Mustang Sally said it best in that we're a society of blamers. It's so much easier to blame someone else for the problems in our own lives rather than take responsibility for them ourselves. Vince McMahon, since he has a reputation for being a shrewd businessman, actually makes decisions based on what he thinks might be the best business decision, owns the biggest wrestling company in the world and did what every other wrestling promoter in American history wishes that they could do, is the easiest and most convenient target.

The wear and tear of life on the road is a fact of life for any wrestler. It's just how the ball bounces and there's no way to get around it. As far as Vince pushing wrestlers like slaves, it's bullshit. The WWE makes hundreds upon hundreds of millions of dollars a year and has hundreds of employees. How exactly do you think a company is going to grow to be as successful as the WWE without a lot of hard work? Wrestling isn't like football or basketball, it can't afford to work in seasons as they do in those sports. I think that some fans tend to forget that to work in a company as large as the WWE, in order to bring home those huge paychecks, you're going to have to sacrifice a lot. You wanna be be able to make $100,000 for working a single ppv, then you've gotta work your ass off to show that you deserve that spot. You wanna wrestle in front of 10,000 people every night, then being on the road 275 days or more out of the year is what's gonna happen. People focus on the fame and the money and tend to forget that professional wrestling is actually hard work.

I think that Vince does deserve criticism in the sense that he has turned a blind eye in the past to problems some wrestlers have had. But then, to be fair, he's certainly not the first and won't be the last. For instance, on the Rise and Fall of World Class Championship Wrestling DVD, several former WCCW wrestlers talk about the drug problems in the promotion. If you went to Fritz Von Erich and complained, then you were typically the one that got fired. As long as your problem didn't interfere with your work, Fritz didn't care what the hell you did. Everybody keeps bringing up Eddie Guerrero or Chris Benoit, but how come nobody brings up the supposed overdose of Gino Hernandez? Why does nobody complain about how Fritz Von Erich turned a blind eye to his drug addiction? Oh I know!!! Because Vince McMahon is the devil.

As I said, Vince is guilty of turning a blind eye in the past. So is Eric Bischoff, so is Paul Heyman, so is Ted Turner, so is Jim Crockett, so is Fritz Von Erich, so is Dixie Carter. It's a shame that it took the Benoit Tragedy and the Congress of the United States threatening to bend Vince over a table and punk him out to make an example of him to open his eyes, but at least he finally has.
You...cannot honestly believe that Mr.McMahon is responsible for the deaths of these men.Being the "demon" that he is,VKM has never "forced" his performers to anything,especially if they didn't feel comfortable doing it.It was the drug addiction,the lack of well being within the latter individuals of your OP. and Owen...it was a tragic accident that NO ONE foresaw,and no one wanted it to happen.Do you realize that if you say any of these names around any WWE superstar,you might just jerk tears,because these were tragic deaths that hurt alot of people,so watch it before you haphazardly decide to place blame and further demonize a man who's running a business that has done a complete 180 in they way it treats it's superstars. There's no need for steroids, they work out and train nearly every day to stay in shape,it's not that hard unless you just want the easy way out.
I would concur with the overall opinion that VKM is not DIRECTLY responsible for the premature death of many of the men who graced his wrestling rings over the years, but I believe that it is true that he, along with every other promoter who has ever put together a wrestling card ARE responsible for manipulating their talent in any way possible in order to get the aforementioned talent to do anything in order to bring in money. Roddy Piper talked about this at length in his autobiography.(check out ch12, called the sickness). In this chapter, Piper discusses what promoters do, and have done in order to get wrestlers to remain pliant and obedient. I don't pretend to be blind to fact that these men and women are all adults and are responsible for their own behavior, but the disproportionate amount of wrestling deaths and overdoses are impossible to ignore, and I DO believe that Piper is absolutely correct insofar as saying that promoters and older wrestlers perpetuate the behavior that is nescessary for a top performer to succeed in the wrestling business. Is Mc Mahon personally responsible? No, he isn't but the nature of his business means that he will do what ever he needs to do on any level to get performers to push that envelope in some way or another in order to continue to bring in revenue. I recommend the Piper autobiography as a read for anyone wanting to get a wrestlers perspective on this facet of the business.
This is honestly the stupidest thread ive ever seen. first off your sentence structure is all wacked up. maybe go back to 11th grade english if your that old.

Second off saying Vinny Mac is the reason they died is like...someone said it earlier...shooting someone and sayin its the guns fault.. they just happen to be in the company with vince when they died....oh oh so when the planes with the world trade center and evryone died it was the world trade centers fault???

In the words of Chad Ochocinco-Child Please!
Vince didnt say hey Beniot go hang yourself and kill your kid and wife...He didnt tell Eddie to take those drugs when he was using..nope now the Owen incident could go either way... whos fault it was..cant really say..you could argue on both sides but wont get into that

and as for you going into part two..my god...please dont spare us your witty bantar about something you dont know anything about...just...walk away
The title of the kids post is better than the post itself

Vince is not perfect, but all these deaths cannot be blamed on him. It is a combination of the lifestyle choices, drug use, physical nature of the business, the schedule, promoters and the wrestlers themselves. Is Vince perfect? No Was Eric Bischoff perfect? No Was Paul Heyman perfect? No
Could Vince maybe have done more? Probably Yes, but he is by no means the only person who should be blamed for any wrestlers dying
This isn't Vince McMahon's problem. Everybody makes their own decisions. Even if people choose to be manipulated or forced to do something because Vince McMahon said so...they have the choice to quit, say no, negotiate other alternatives, etc. There is no gun to their head.

Are too many wrestlers dying too young? Yes. But this is due to their own poor decisions they make. There isn't a coincidence that a large amount of wrestlers of the past have turned into Born Again Christians. They need something to help them from their life on the road.

Think about it. Wrestlers (for the most part) aren't scholars or white collar individuals. They're usually people who either dropped out of high school or certainly didn't go to college (this is more so for the wrestlers of the past who have been dying). They probably weren't raised properly and/or are inable to look at things in perspective in order to see the consequences for certain decisions they make.

It's also not just the steroids that are causing these deaths...it's everything all together. First, the wrestlers are using steroids to give themselves definition, compete with out wrestlers, etc. Also, wrestling doesn't have an off-season so some of these guys are literally performing every night out there for long periods of time without taking a day off. Because of this, pain killers are being used to help relieve the pain in order to go back out there and do it again. This increases their risk of addiction. Also, steroids are an upper and pain killers are a downer. Mixing these isn't exactly anything good. Then, because they're constantly on the road either single or away from their family for extended periods of time...the temptation to go out and party afterwards is always there. You add alcohol, cocaine, etc. to the already bad mixing of steroids and pain medication and you have a recipe for disaster almost immediately.

Not to mention these bigger fatter guys like Big Boss Man, Bam Bam Bigelow, etc. running around every night - and clearly doing something wrong to their bodies.

Not to mention the constantly beatings you take in the ring. Chris Benoit's brain looked like it was fried in a pan from all the head trauma it took in the ring.

It's just an all around bad situation for your whole body and life in general. Everybody is different also. Ultimate Warrior looked like he ate steroids for breakfast, lunch, and dinner but he's still very alive (despite all the false rumors that several of them died over the years). Meanwhile, guys like Rick Rude, British Bulldog, Hercules, etc. used a lot of steroids and their bodies (and heart) just couldn't handle it anymore. Guys like Vince McMahon and Sylvester Stallone are taking massive amounts of steroids in their mid-to-late 60's!! And they're completely fine (as of right now).

It's hard to tell what exactly is going on with these guys without seeing and witnessing exactly what they were doing over the years to come to a likely conclusion. You can speculate all you want...and most of them are quite educated guesses...but it could really have been anything...or everything.

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