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Wrestling Challenge: March 27, 1993 with KB


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Wrestling Challenge
Date: March 27, 1993
Commentators: Gorilla Monsoon, Bobby Heenan

This is a random show that I found online and figured I’d throw it out there. Wrestling Challenge was a Saturday morning syndicated show that was somewhere around what Superstars would be now. We’re eight days before Mania 9 so what do you think they’re going to be talking about here? Let’s get to it.

Maybe this isn’t such a weak show as we’ll be getting the contract signing between Bret and Yoko. Also apparently this past week on Raw, the WWF Hall of Fame was announced and the first entry is Andre the Giant. Not a bad way to start indeed.

Mr. Perfect vs. Brooklyn Brawler

Perfect yells at Heenan on the way in which is kind of funny. He has Luger at Mania. Heenan is complaining about the toga aspect of Mania already. This is from the WWE Classics channel so the far more interesting part is the crawl on the bottom of the screen giving all kinds of old school title changes. In a pop up interview, Luger says he’s looking forward to one week from now. Brawler gets in some basic offense but the Perfectplex ends this in two minutes or so.

We get a video on Andre for his Hall of Fame induction, complete with sad music. He passed away about two months before this so it wasn’t exactly a big shock that he was going in.

Doink the Clown vs. ???

This is the evil Doink still that scares kids which is kind of awesome. I loved that character and apparently others did too. I mean it works with the Joker doesn’t it? No name given for the jobber so far which should give you an idea of what to expect here. The Wrestlemania Hotline is now open!!! Two dropkicks are no sold by Doink and there’s a powerbomb for the guy’s troubles. Belly to back suplex sets up the Stump Puller (The other guy is sitting up and Doink puts the guy’s head between his legs and pulls his leg up) for the easy submission. Total and complete squash.

Jim Duggan is coming back after Yoko hurt him and he’s going to keep fighting. Oh and he’s making a new board.

Sean Mooney is running the Control Center. This was where they would run down the card and we’d get some promos about various matches. Bob Backlund says he appreciates the people and he’s going to teach Razor a lesson in respect. Razor says he’s going to teach college boy a lesson. The Steiners say if they beat the Headshrinkers they’ll get a title shot. I think that’s what wound up happening. See how effective these things can be?

Time for the contract signing for Bret and Yoko. Oh and it’s a double main event because Hogan and Beefcake need to be said to be in the main event also. Yoko is out first and followed by Bret. Bret is taller than Yoko which is kind of surprising. Jack Tunney is moderating this and hands the pens to both guys. Is that a big ceremonial thing? Bret signs as does Yoko without looking up.

Fuji says nothing of note but Bret says to keep in mind that at Mania he’ll be ready and focused. Yoko is going to find out why Bret is champion. I thought it was because he made the champion submit in a championship match but that’s just me. Yoko of course destroys him and drops the Banzai on him. Heenan brings up the obvious issue: if he hurts him then no match! Bret somehow gets up as the powers of the fans chanting USA drive him I guess. And never mind as he’s down again.

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. ???

Still no name for the jobber. Bigelow was supposed to have a match at Mania vs. Kamala but they had to drop it due to time. We keep talking about the toga party and the match with Kamala. Now we shift over to talking about Shawn and Sherri who have recently broken up. Bigelow drops a bunch of headbutts to keep control. Slick, Kamala’s manager, says that Kamala is ready as we hit a chinlock. Bigelow picks him up after a splash and kills him with an enziguri. Top rope headbutt ends it after zero offense from the jobber.

Wrestlemania Report has Gene as the host. This is just another version of the Control Center and is more or less a commercial for Mania. Money Inc says they’ll win because they have money. Hogan says he’s awesome and that God will help his team win. Brutus lists off a bunch of things Money Inc might do to him, all of which are listed off by Hogan’s character in Suburban Commando as possibly punishments he might get for moving a car. I love inside jokes like those. You can see Hogan fighting back a laugh from that line.

Gene talks about Gonzalez vs. Undertaker and wouldn’t you know it, Gonzalez and Whippleman are here to talk. That man is HUGE. Harvey says it’ll be a burial.

Steiner Brothers vs. ???/???

More nameless jobbers here. Scotty starts off with one of them as the Headshrinkers can’t count but say they’ll beat the Steiners. Then they start beating each other up. Ok then. Scott keeps destroying Jobber #1. There’s apparently a March to Mania special. I need to try to find that somewhere. Heenan picks Hogan and Beefcake to win at Mania. Hell has officially frozen over and it was frozen by the monkey that is my nephew. What the hell man? HEENAN picked HOGAN??? My mind is blown.

Rick beats on Jobber #2 for awhile. This lack of names thing is weird indeed. Jobber #2 gets some punches so Rick kills him with a clothesline. Belly to belly from the middle rope. Bobby wants to see that happen to a midget for some reason. Back to Scott and Jobber #1 as Gorilla says buy the PPV. Steiner Bulldog ends it.

Rating: C. No idea what else to call this and it likely should be no rating but it ran almost four minutes so we’ll go with average. There was nothing going on at all here but the Steiners did look good. Also the jobbers got in the best offense so far of any jobbers: two right hands. This was nothing but the Steiners looked great.

Another Event/Control Center. Doink says he’s done a lot of parties before but this will be his biggest. Vegas is full of losers but Crush is the biggest. He says look into his eyes. This is a creepy promo so they got that right. Mr. Perfect talks about fishing with Wade Boggs and catching a shark after four hours of trying because he never gives up. Not the best promo from him here.

Gorilla and Heenan will be on location next week in Vegas. We get a music video about Mania and that’s all for this week. Wow Boss Man was still around at this point? I love the song if nothing else. It’s the song they used for a bunch of Manias in this era.

Overall Rating: D+. Well this was boring as hell. It’s a 45 minute long commercial for Mania as I expected. These shows often were nothing more than squashes and promos so this did have a place I guess. It’s nothing special at all and was just for the final push to Mania. The music video is a great little nostalgia thing though if you like this era. Nothing to see here though.
I was wondering, KB, if you could tell where this event was taped at. Lately I had been viewing episodes of WWF Monday Night Raw from the same year and they mostly were from the Manhattan Center in the first half of 1993 and a couple of them resonated from the Mid-Hudson Civic Center in Poughkeepsie, New York. However, on the clips they would show of WWF Superstars, the shows appeared to be taking place in bigger arenas that resemble the sell-outs these days on Raw. For your note on March to Wrestlemania, that show was also advertised following this episode of Wrestling Challenge on Raw and Vince McMahon mentioned that Macho Man Randy Savage was going to face someone but I don't remember who it was. I thought Macho Man was injured around this time, thus explaining why he probably was doing commentary on Raw for the first half of this year.
I was wondering, KB, if you could tell where this event was taped at. Lately I had been viewing episodes of WWF Monday Night Raw from the same year and they mostly were from the Manhattan Center in the first half of 1993 and a couple of them resonated from the Mid-Hudson Civic Center in Poughkeepsie, New York. However, on the clips they would show of WWF Superstars, the shows appeared to be taking place in bigger arenas that resemble the sell-outs these days on Raw.

These shows were usually taped weeks if not months in advance. This was certainly not at the Manhattan Center and I don't think it was in Poughkeepse either. I couldn't find a location for it but granted I didn't look incredibly hard either. I'll look around but it's definitely more like a modern day show.

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