Wrestlers You Have Met


Have any of you guys ever met a pro wrestler? If so what was your experience? Was he or she nice/cool/a dick/down to earth?

During Wrestlemania 24 weekend I met Pete Gass of the Mean Street Posse. He actually called out to us when he saw my friend had a "Shane-O-Mac" jersey on saying "Want me to call Shane right now?" We talked to him for a bit when he was with his wife or girlfriend and he was a really cool guy. Let us take a picture with him too.

Then at the airport I met Mick Foley. He was in line with his kids at McDonalds and I didn't want to make a big scene for him. I just said hello to him and he was really nice and even offered to take a picture with me and my buddy.

What are some of your experiences if any?

3:30-3:40... thats me at 6 years old with my mom and sister at the 1st ever in your house PPV in Syracuse. BTW I still got the glasses lol.

I also have met Ray Traylor (Big Boss Man) and he was like the nicest person ever. at the same event, I saw IRS, Rick Martel, and Virgil (a total douchebag even back then in 1993)

In 2003 (I think), I saw Mick Foley at a book signing in NY, and since my sister then was pregnant, they let me her and my mom go right through to see him, and he was just a real down to earth guy.
I have met Kevin Nash he is one of the nicest guys ever he was talking about shawn and triple h Ive also met Mick Foley at a Book signing , Gregory Helms, Scott Steiner, Scotty 2 Hotty , Team 3D , Velvet Sky , John Cena
I've met "jumpin" Johnny DeFazio, a local Pittsburgh wrestler who appeared on WWE shows here in the 1960's. He knew Bruno Sammartino well. Nothing bad to report.

Twice I met Ric Flair at charity events here in Pittsburgh, in 1995 and 1996 (he was here in 1994 also but I didn't attend. Both times he went out of his way to sign autographs, pose for pictures, etc. In both 95 and 96 he stayed more than and hour after the charity banquet to meet fans, etc, long after most of the other sports celebrities (including Tony Dorsett, Kerry Collins, former Pirates third baseman Jeff King, Steelers coach Bill Cowher, et all) had left. In 95, Flair set up shop after dinner at one end of the hall while former Pittsburgh Penguin Ron Francis was at the other end and they literally stayed until everyone who wanted a pic or autograph was seen.

A group of my high school buddies saw Mike Rotunda in a restaurant after a show in Pgh but didn't approach him, somewhere around 1992.
I've got to meet a lot of current TNA wrestlers. Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley were pretty cool...with a hint of arrogance. They just didn't seem that thrilled to be there signing when I met them...

Kurt Angle was very nice and thanked me for coming out to see TNA. Very cool guy, I was a bit surprised cause all I hear is what an asshole he is.

Jerry Lynn, James Mitchell, Raven, and Christy Hemme were all cool too...except Raven wasn't all that friendly. He didn't say anything to anyone, just kinda nodded and wouldn't shake anyone's hand, he would give all of them the rock.....maybe he's a germ-a-phob, lol

The only WWE star I've met is Mick Foley, and yes...he's as cool as everyone says he is!
I met John Cena twice.Once at the Wrestlemania 24 press conference they had here in Orlando in 2007 and at a signing he did the day after Wrestlemania 24.He's such a nice guy.He spends as much time with you as he can,he's always smiling and he said I had a nice shirt twice,lol.But he's awesome.I've also meet Lashley,CM Punk,Ric Flair,Maria,Layla and Kofi Kingston.They were all pretty cool too but John was my favorite of course!!
I Have met Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Mick Foley, Samoa Joe, Velvet Sky, Abyss, 'Black Machismo"Jay Lethal, and Joey Mercury.

Kurt Angle Was great. He was extreamly nice, My friends and I actually had a whole conversation with him about his departure from WWE.

Jericho was very nice too. He shook my hand and thanked me for taking the time to meet him.(it was pretty cool)

Mick Foley Thanked me for purchasing his book(HArdCore Diaries) and told me to enjoy it.

Samoa Joe Just kind-of shoooed me off

Velvet Sky Is Bangin

Abyss was very nice(i found it funny how abyss was wearing a tie-dye shirt with his mask on!)

I met Black Machismo before he was black machismo he didnt have the gimmick yet. He was pretty cool.

And Joey Mercury was pretty funny.When i asked him to sign a picture he asked what my name was.I said DJ and he asked how to spell that.(haha)
I had the joy of meeting Orton however it was after his line for autographs closed..this occured sometime during his first title reign...i kindly asked If I could have one still he..said "Sorry line is closed autograph from the Champ is going to cost 40 bucks"...40 bucks I don't even like his ass. So randy orton still to date is biggest deuche!
I didn't really meet him because he was in a hurry and he was there supporting his daughter, but I got Hulk Hogan's autograph one time.

I met Jericho & Trish at a signing at a local Wal-Mart. You don't get enough time to really talk to them, but of course they were nice.

I have personally met Jay & Mark Briscoe, Ruckus, Necro Butcher, Roderick Strong, Jerry Lynn, Nigel McGuinness, Jack Evans, Adam Pearce, Bryan Danielson, etc. etc. etc. etc. Basically I've met and partied (and I mean partied hard) with the whole ROH roster. Very cool and nice guys.

I can say I've smoked weed with several of them, I've been involved with a couple beer chugging contests with The Briscoes & Necro, Mark Briscoe's chopped the shit out of me, Ruckus and I have had the same toothache problem and he gave me some pointers on taking care of it, and I sat next to Jerry Lynn for an aftershow meal where he talked about his career and other wrestlers to my friends and I for a good 30 minutes.

Butcher, Mark Briscoe, Ruckus, & Lynn are probably the nicest and coolest guys I've met.

I was at an IWA:MS show once and during intermission my buddy and I went to the car to smoke a fat joint, a tag team walked by, The Thomasellis (sp?) and they were amazed by the fat joint we had and joined us. They left about half way through, then Spike Dudley comes up and asks what we were doing. We offered to smoke him up, but he said he needed something harder.

I've talked to Delirious, Matt Sydal (Evan Bourne) & Daizee Haze several times, since all 3 are from the midwest I've ran into them at several shows.

I've gotten my picture taken with Traci Brooks & got a Christopher Daniels autograph.
Back around 96 or so before a house show I met Ahmed Johnson and Sunny. I don't remember too much about Ahmed except as a 10 yr old he seemed like the biggest person I'd ever seen but I remember Sunny being really laid back, she actually chatted with my mom for a few minutes while my brother and I were taking a pictures with Ahmed.

I also met Triple H, X-Pac, and Chyna at an autograph signing before No Way Out in 1998, all three seemed really cool and Trips was actually the most social of all.
when i go to this indy-fed promotion which is run near wehre i live i met guys like Spike Dudley, the BLue Meanie who is a real nice guy by the way, The sandman who wrestled drunk and fell asleep during the match and it was pathetic
also TNA guys have ben there too i met and had my picture taken with abyss, and samoa joe

From WWE i met Chris masters, Johnny the Bull stambolli, and John Cena
Masters was a huge man, and i could barely talk to cena cause the crowd was huge but it was cool
In 2002 or 2003 I met Matt Hardy at an auto show doing signings. He was a really cool guy. I got a picture with him. After he was done signing me and my freind went and talked to him for only about 5 minutes but, it was still really cool. We asked him how it was having his brother by his side throughout his career. He said that it has been great always having someone that you can relate to around.
I've met my fair share. Batista, Edge, Jericho, Rob Van Dam, Ric Flair, Booker T, CM Punk, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy. I dunno who i'd say the nicest is. They were all nice and talked for a decent amount of time.
I've met and got an autograph from both Killer Kowalski, and Antonio Thomas (you know, Antonio from the Heart Throbs). They were signing 8x10's at a local real estate place up the street from my house, both on different days. Killer Kowalski was with two other dudes and he actually put the claw on my friend, it was awesome. Antonio Thomas was with some guys from NECW, i got their autographs also. Everyone was very nice, which i was surprised because, I expected Kowalski to be a rough tough guy, but he was the nicest one there.
my sister-in-law has met alot of old school wrestlers when she was little like the iron shiek,big boss man i think and hulk hogan.she even got his autograph but lost it.she told me they r all nice guys.
Well if you count getting your picture taken then i met quit a few. John Bogie, Erik Watts, Lee Thomas, Disco Inferno, Johnny Swinger, Tracy Brooks, David Young, Sonny Siaki, The Nightmare, Ted and Jerry Oates, Mr Wrestling #2, Fantasy, Christi Ricci, Iron Shiek, Bill Dromo, Mikey Batts, Bull Buchanan, Quentin Michaels, Cru Jones, Shaun Banks, Michael Cook, Randall Johnson, Pistol Pez Whatley, Rocky King, Puppet, Rock-C, some female wrestler named Simone, Persophone or however you spell her name, AJ Steele, SouthSide Trash, Paul Warren, Bob Armstrong, Ole Anderson, Lex Lugar, The NOW, Logan Chase, High Impact, Tracy Taylor and a few others who escape me.

Now when I say I met them, it was mostly brief with a few exceptions. Most of the time it was just a photo op. The vast majority were extremely nice, even Disco, and I will say this about Traci Brooks. The camera doesn't do her justice. She's hotter in person.
I met Regal at Orlando International Airport on the Tuesday after WM24. He was on my flight to Atlanta, very down to earth I talked to him about the infamous Goldberg match from Nitro ages ago. Batista was also at the airport but he wasn't stopping for anyone.
I've met Flair and Michaels and got to chat with them both. Saw Lita across the street and threw up a Hardy sign which she returned and with a big smile.
Well I got trained at Sullys Gym in Toronto under Ron Hutchinson years ago. Edge came by one afternoon and I nearly shit my pants. We all did. Granted, this was well before the was the Rated R Superstar, but still. It was post E&C and he was well on his way to being a star. I got to be in the ring with him which to this day is a great story that I enjoy telling. He was a very nice guy and it was so cool to have him sit in and critique us and give us advice on things we could do better, or props on stuff we did well. He gave me a closeline. I sold the shit out of it.

A buddy of mine met Ric Flair as a kid in a restaraunt in Atlanta. Flair was really kind to him and invited him and his Dad sit with him for a few minutes.

I met Kurt Angle when he still had hair at the airport in Toronto. He was also very nice - it was before he started hating his job, maybe..
i've met flair, hogan, jbl, punk, morrison, stone cold, the rock, vince, the great muta, jushin thunder liger, piper, savage, horace hogan, madusa, molly holly, luna, the miz, golga, luger, sting, ultimate warrior, million dollar man, gorilla monsoon, val venis, steve blackman, road dogg, victoria, sable, marc mero, chaz, rikishi, mae young, arn anderson, and dean malenko.

ok, i've only actually met punk, morrison, kofi, victoria, and the miz.
I had the opportunity to chat with the Miz once. It was shortly after he had won the tag championship. Nothing substantial, just "Hey, big fan, congrats on the belt." His being from Cleveland was cool for me. We lamented the Browns season as is the customary ritual for Clevelanders. He seemed like a cool guy. Unfortunately didn't get to meet Morrison.

The Miz is the only wrestler I've actually met, but one of my good friends is a second cousin to the late great Bruiser Brody.
I met Chris Jericho at a book signing at Virgin Megastore here in Orlando. I also met CM Punk and Layla at a local Wal Mart. Layla is so sweet... I met Samoa Joe,Sharkboy,Eric Young, the Machineguns, Rellik, ODB, and Christopher Daniels at a TNA Impact Taping. I saw Matt Morgan once too. If you are in Orlando and you go to the Alehouse or the Double Tree on Kirkman rd. you can meet alot of TNA wrestlers.
I met Chris Jericho at a book signing at Virgin Megastore here in Orlando. I also met CM Punk and Layla at a local Wal Mart. Layla is so sweet... I met Samoa Joe,Sharkboy,Eric Young, the Machineguns, Rellik, ODB, and Christopher Daniels at a TNA Impact Taping. I saw Matt Morgan once too. If you are in Orlando and you go to the Alehouse or the Double Tree on Kirkman rd. you can meet alot of TNA wrestlers.

By any chance was that around the time of WM24 and at Lake Buena Vista? Because I was in the area but didn't know about the signing. Missed opportunity.
I met Ric Flair at Tower Records in Philadelphia back in 97. He was there to promote Nitro at the then First Union Center. Naitch never broke character as soon as he got there, stepped out of a limosine and gave a loud WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! as soon as he arrived. Real nice guy signed anything u threw at him and even took pictures with the fans even tho he wasnt supposed to.

I also met Triple H at Walden Books in Philadelphia on a Tuesday before the Smackdown! tapings. He was signing his fitness book "Making The Game." This was the night after Batista won the Royal Rumble and had a choice to either wrestle JBL for the WWE Championship on Smackdown! or face fellow Evolution member Triple H on Raw for the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania 21. Needless to say, he choose Triple H and "The Animal" Batista Bombed him through the contract signing table at the conclusion of Raw. So long story short, I had to buy his book for the autograph, which wasnt that bad. It was actually an intresting read. I got up to "Trips" and asked him "So now that ur wrestling Batista at Wrestlemania, Whats gonna happen to Evolution?" Triple H looked up after signing my book and said in character mind you... "Evolution isnt finished, its just one less member!" Hahaha got me all excited for nothin cause clearly Evolution was finished.

Thats just a couple of experience's ive had. Ill try and post more later.:flair:
By any chance was that around the time of WM24 and at Lake Buena Vista? Because I was in the area but didn't know about the signing. Missed opportunity.

Yeah it was you had to purchase his book the lion's tale at that specific store.That sucks he was really cool he talked to us about Chris Benoit,Hell in a Cell, and the Elimination Chamber. He also said his favorite match hi was match with HBK at Wrestlemania 19 at Safeco Field in Seattle. They stole the show that year. It just so happened to be the first match I ever saw.

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