Wrestlers with worst tattoos?


is a happier and wiser man
who in your opinion is the wrestler with the worst looking tattoos? for me, it would be matt morgan; the tattoo on his back looks pretty awful.
Wes Brisco.


Judas Devlin


AJ Styles

CM Punk's tattoo behind his ear looks pretty shit.
The plain "31" would have looked better than that green crap floating around it.

Brisco still takes this by some distance.
CM Punk's tattoo behind his ear looks pretty shit.
The plain "31" would have looked better than that green crap floating around it.

Brisco still takes this by some distance.

Funny that's one of Punk's tats that I don't think looks like shit. It's for his sister though so i'm sure the green has some kind of meaning.

I agree on Wes having the worst tats. Angelina Love is right up there same with Garrett Bischoff. Poor bastard has his last name on his chest for life.
Angelina by a mile. In fact, hers are so bad, I honestly can't think of another wrestler, or anybody I know personally, with worse ink. Hell, Amy "drink myself to an early grave, and piss away what little talent I have" Winehouse had better ink.
I can't believe noone has mentioned Brock Lesnar's sword tattoo ort that stupid heart that Scott Steiner has on his chest? Both shockingly bad.

Also, Tensai's are awful too

And isn't there a Japanese guy with writing all over his upper body and face, if those are real tattoos he has to be near the top of the list.

Oh and Perry Saturn with his new face and head tattoos.
And isn't there a Japanese guy with writing all over his upper body and face, if those are real tattoos he has to be near the top of the list.

If you're talking about Hakushi then no, they weren't real. They weren't remotely amongst the worst tattoos in wrestling, either.
If you're talking about Hakushi then no, they weren't real. They weren't remotely amongst the worst tattoos in wrestling, either.

Hakushi, thats the fella.

And, as they werent real then I remove him from my list. If that had been actual tattoos though then they would have ben horrendous. Writing all over your face isnt a good look.
Batista has that sun tattoo around his belly button which looks weird and I remember that dude Vance Archer having some sort of tramp stamp.
Барбоса said:
Most tattoos, not just wrestlers, are fucking horrendous so perhaps a better question might be "Who has decent tattoos?"
I think Orton's are pretty badass, with the tribal thing going on. And the skulls.

Kofi has tats right on his spine, those must have hurt like hell.
When I think of bad tattoos, I think of things like Austin's ankle tattoo, Big Shows shoulder tattoo's and of course Takers "Sara" tattoo under his chin.

I think the tattoo itself is pretty cool due to it must hurting like hell when he had it done. What's ******ed is having a name put there.
I think the tattoo itself is pretty cool due to it must hurting like hell when he had it done. What's ******ed is having a name put there.

The name of someone he actually knows or even better yet, loves? How is that compared to a corporate trademark?
The most badass tattoo I've ever seen. It belongs to Chris Masters.


As for ones I think are shit...

I hate Lita's gargoyle tattoo. It's ugly (but I guess that's the point of it) and it creeps me out sometimes just looking at it.

Apart from the sun tattoo, I'm not a fan of Edge's other tattoos, though I get what they represent.

I don't know what Christian's bulldog tattoo is all about but it looks like one blurry mess.

Mr. Anderson's joker tattoo.

I don't know who this dude is, his name is Icarus and he's in Chikara, but his tattoo looks like it was designed by a child.

Garett Bischoff's surname on his chest for the fact I feel people putting their name on their body is a bit silly.

I actually think Wes Brisco's tattoos don't look shit really. Just the placement of them

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