Wrestlers who were/are the Total Package.

Capt. Charisma

Getting Noticed By Management
Ok there are good wrestlers, there are bad wrestlers, but how many wrestlers were actualy the Total Package. I think it would be intresting how many wrestlers

By that I mean had everthing; Charisma/ Mic skills, technical ability, versitility, selling, ring psycology/awareness/anticipation, ability to draw, attitude and ability to work with other opponents, athleticism/agility, and knowledge + execution of wrestling moves.

Basicly for each of the categories you rank the wrestler out of 10 in each of the 9 aspects. To be considered truely to be a total package I think a wrestler needs to score over 80/90.

When scoring a wrestler you may use half's for example 7.5 is valid, nothing other than halfs or whole numbers are allowed so you couldn't have 7.9 or 7.1 for example.

You need to give reasons for every wrestle you score, you don't need to score a wrestler everytime you post although it would help the thread move on nicely for people to debate different people.

I will start off to show what I mean with the wrestler I consider to be closest to the Total package that is currently wrestling.

Kurt Angle
Charisma and Mic Work 8.5/10- Angle isn't the greatest mic worker ever, but he is above average. I thought he was best as a cocky coward during his early years in WWE, I think people forget the mega heat he used to get. Working with faces like The Rock, and Stone Cold certainly did no harm though. The guy is comfortable on the mic, maybe too comfortable, his over exposure in TNA disguises the fact the guy is still a very good mic worker, maybe slightly lacking in charisma which loses him a point.

Technical ability 9.5/10- Nobody can doubt Angle's ability given his amateur background, this is an olympic standard athlete. As a mat wrestler there are few better, from the way he perfectly excutes his moves, from

Versitility 10/10- This is where I feel Angle is really underated he is almost
unique in that he can wrestle in practically any type of match and make it look good. He has wrestled in superb technical match ups with Benoit, he's had great matches where he has adapted to the style of a brawler against Stone Cold, and he's put on greatly entertaining matches which werent a particular style but were fucking amazing to watch.

Selling 7/10- Sells well, not as good as the best (HBK, Foley, or Hennig), but he's hardly a Khali or a no seller. He's wrestled in enough matches to know how to sell, and IMO he does it relativly well.

Ring Psychology, Awareness, and Anticipation 8/10 Probably the hardest aspect to measure Angle on. He isn't the best at this, but he is still good. His matches usually tell a story, and he rarely if ever misses a spot.

Ability to Draw 7/10 This is what brings Angle down, he has never really drawn outside a feud with a top face. It wasnt a problem when he was competing against the likes of Rock and Stone Cold who were huge draws, but other than that he struggled to draw. However I have given him points for his impact when he went to TNA, there PPV buyrates almost doubled after he joined, so he does have some drawing ability, partly because of his big name status.

Attitude and ability to work with other opponents 9/10 The guy has had quality matches with practically every mid carder to main eventer in his era, and very very rarely did he put on a bad match, in fact I can't think of one off the top of my head. As far as I am away he was usualy willing to put guys over, I mean he let Lethal beat him for christs sake. I have knocked a point off though because he has been known to cause some friction. backstage.

Athleticism and agility 9.5/10 Atletically there is not a thing wrong with him, the guy competed in the olympics and won so he was one of the most gifted athletes in the world. Maybe now he is suffering because he has been in pro wrestling for 10 years now consistantly more than anyone else I feel putting on great matches. he isn't the fastest but he can still make use of the ring ropes, so is not really a major drawback for me at least.

Knowledge + execution of wrestling moves 9/10 The guy excutes almost any move perfectly, and he rarely botches anything. Because of his vast knowlege of moves he can do something that many other wrestlers cannot do aswell, and mix it up so that one match never seems the same to another.

Total Score 77.5/90 Angle doesn't quite make the 80 mark, mainly because of his inability to draw as well as other wrestlers. If Angle could draw he would ulitmately be the total package, and I am not sure if there is anyone else currently wrestling who could get as close as Angle to it.
Chris Jericho

Charisma and Mic Work 10/10- One of, if not the greatest, ic working wrestler of all time. Definately top 5 material. Jericho was funny, witty, tough, obnoxious, intense, or serious all in accordance with the situation. He created catch phrases two at a time. And as Norcal would appreciate - he sold merch.

Technical ability 9.5/10- Jericho was a student of the Harts and a product of the territory system. His mat wrestling ability is such that his status as a "high flyer" wasn't even needed for him to win the World Title. He is well versed in submission, mat, technical, and pinfall-style wrestling.

Versitility 10/10- He'd wrestle with Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero, go top-rope crazy with Psicosis, and win a Last man Standing match with Kane. He'd tag or go singles, play the annoying heel or the charismatic face all at the drop of a hat.

Selling 8/10- More than anything, his matches appeared realistic. One thing he sold very well was the determination in locking the Walls of Jericho on. You really got the sense that he was hanging on for dear life hoping his opponent would tap out.

Ring Psychology, Awareness, and Anticipation 9/10 One of Jericho's best skills. He does miss the springboard drop kick of an opponent to the outside from time to time, but times his reversals into the Walls and his Lionsault very well. Also, his ring psychology would change with a heel or a face role, and he was able to illicit the proper crowd reaction no matter what.

Ability to Draw 7/10 Jericho's weakness. Lots of fans wanted him to succeed, but when he did, people were satisfied and walked away. Part of that is booking, but Chris needs to step up and be that "top draw" that WWE is making Cena into.

Attitude and ability to work with other opponents 9/10 A strength. Jericho wanted to work with everybody, and if not for Goldberg's bullshit, would have done so just fine. Put over Tomko and Batista at PPV's.

Athleticism and agility 10/10 One of the best ever. Also very durable. Jericho moved in the ring with ease, and in terms of athleticism, wrestled Rock and Austin BACK TO BACK to win the World Title. A great ladder match and top rope guy.

Knowledge + execution of wrestling moves 9/10 See above, under "technical prowess."

Total Score 83.5/90 Y2J absolutely hits the 80-point mark, and leaves only drawing power to truly be desired. A definate total package if you ask me.
MVP. this guy has the old school ric flair feel to him. Rarely has a bad match and can cut above par promos. He is still new, give him a few years a see how big this guy gets
Curt Henning

Charisma and Mic Work: Man was he good on the mic. He could cut a perfect promo. He was one guy that out of all the people Bobby Hennan managed could cut a promo up to par or better than Bobby. He did color commentary. He cut promos with Flair. He was dam good on the mic. Look at the vignettes he did with Wade Boggs and other sports stars. 9/10

Technical ability: Again just fantastic. SummerSlam 1991 with Bret Hart just shows his ability so well. He could get on the mat and wreslte very good. Had great matches with Flair, Hart, RVD. 9/10

Versatility: He was versatille in ways like he good play a great heel then the year after be the top face. This was proven in 1992-1993. He feuded with Flair and Macho the whole year then turned on them and became a instant babyface. Again he could commentate, and manage very well. He got instant heat as a manager:8.5/10

Ring Psychology, Awareness, and Anticipation: His matches came of very real. His whole character came off great. His athletic ability helped with the awareness and anticipation but you rarely saw him blow spots. 8/10

Selling: Sold well, not overly well, not bad. Right in the middle. 8/10

Ability to Draw: This is a hard one to judge. Curt drew alot of money dont get me wrong but he also had some big names around him Hogan, Savage, Flair. In 1993 the WWE really started slipping down hill and it looked to me like the WWE wanted him as the main guy i mean he just ended Ric Flairs carrer. But he never got the oppurtunity to draw in the main event except a couple times. 7.5/10

Attitude and ability to work with other opponents: I dont really know what to say about this one i havnt herd many bad things about him. He did get into thatg fight with Brock Lesnar that cost him his job.7/10

Athleticism and agility: Easily one of his strenghts. He was so fast and quick yet he wasnt a small guy. You could just tell the way he worked he was very athletic. 10/10

Knowledge + execution of wrestling moves: His name says it all. I mean how many spots did Curt botch in his career. The perfect plex need i say more. Even when he made a small run in 2002, when he was older it looked like he hadnt missed a step. 9/10

Total score 76/90

Some of those categories could go either way but Curt did have it all from the look, to the mic work, one of the top 3 wreslters when he was there and wrestling, great gimmick. Alot of these wrestlers can talk but cant work, some can work but cant talk. Curt is the perfect example of a guy that could do both.
wow so many who technically could have or did have it all.
Randy Orton: Only thing he may be lacking in is mic work, however look into his days on Smackdown and his promos were top notch.

Sorry guys but John Cena: Body, charisma, selling ability, ability to draw(to lil kids or not he will always get a reaction) attitude is great, OK knowledge execution of wrestling moves, before i am flooded with "Cena can't wrestle" ponder this, no one really mat wrestles or showcases technical ability unless at a ppv, and Cena does mat wrestle at ppv and usually loses but sells the movements well, making it look like a shoot when against michaels and so on.

MVP: Total package. the future no doubt.

I think that Body should be added to total package as it means so much in pro wrestling today. We all know its a huge contributing factor.
Charisma/mic-for RVD I really feel you need to separate these two so I will and grade him twice here
he is truly brilliant in this aspect You just love to root for this guy, constantly entertaining and amazing And constant in Match antics that wouldnt disrubt the match, instead would enhance it....outside of The Rock he may be the most charismatic in ring performer ever definatly deserves mention along with ROck and Micheals

MIC: WWE-4/ ECW- 9
This can be judged in two catagories ECW van dam and WWE van dam... ECW Van dam rates a 9 in this aspect/ WWE van damn rates at 4 but to me thats only because vince wont take the sensor off him and let him be "himself" thanks Vince you A hole!

TECHNICAL ability: 8- very difficult to judge Van damn here also. He's deceptivly Technical in my opinion. And what i mean by that is...you get so lost in your amazment watching him that you the veiwer sometimes fail to appreciate just how good Van dam really is....he may even be a 9 in this catagory but i think 8 is fair

Van dam Can succeed in any type of match/situation. He excels in any type of match. He makes a great Face or heel. He can wrestle on the mat stand up/ or in the air. He excels in tag/ traditional matches/ as well as the "Novelty" matches

Once again I feel the need to judge van dam seperatly here.
WWE van Dam-6...only because vince hasnt a clue on how to use this guys talent, and for some reason it just seems like vince keeps van dam down....prolly cause he Is too Infamous/synonimous with the Hay day Of ECW...if vince let van dam be himself i really think vince beleives it would lead to a outcry for the Glory days of ECW...and you know what..... vince is right
ECWVan dam-10-paul hayman Realized what a talent Van Dam is/was and Let Van dam do His thing....And the Fans Loved HIM and many came Just to see/hear VAN dam!!! He had no restrictions and The fans to this day stil love/miss Vintage RVD

Ring Psychology-9.5
He was Flawless in the ring....rarely ever F'd up...i mean rarely
and wether he was a face or a heel you just loved this guy!!! This guy could kill babies and you would still find it difficult to hate him!

Once Again this must be seperated into ECW and WWE
WWE-5.5 Vince's fault, not his
ECW-10 He was a big reason people would sweat their balls off in the ECW arena! allthough ecw fans loved all their wrestlers....Van dam Was revered like no other!

Ok here is the chink in Vandams armor.... If this was just based on his matches with any other wrestler he'd get a 10 hands down...RVD could wrestle a cinder block and have you jumping out of your seat. But the only two people Van damn ever really seem to work well with was SABU/Bill alfonso...I think alot of this is due to the fact that He was so great with Sabu/Allfonso that he never reall paired up with too many other people....It was usually vandam and some combination of Sabu/allfonso or just Van dam. so this is still kinda a mystery...allthough the crowd has allways loved him no matter who he partnered with....You might go to a wrestling show to see someone else, but you left in Awe of Vandam

ATHLETESISM/Agility-11....As great as many are were...no one is even in the same league as Van dam....not even close...sorry jeff hardy/shawn michaels/ whoever else.....Van dam has done things that to this day have still not been recreated....i may be getting alil carried away here but if van dam is not the best here....it's certainly would be very difficult to make a case for someone else to be better!

He would get a 10 here but You rarely see van dam use a submition/ power move...allthough he's quite capable but cause of his style too much is unknown

Final score:not gonna score him this guy is truly a victim of Vince and WWE

If you judge RVD just on his ECW days, He's allmost perfect, if you judge RVD on his watered down by vince career...you would think he doesnt even belong in a ring and wether you like van dam or hate him you gotta admit this guy is one of the greatest talents this industry has ever known....Only a handful of wrestlers can be put over top of van dam....The rock/shawn micheals/ and bret hart are the only ones that come to my mind that can possibly surpass RVD as the total package
Shawn Michaels

Charisma and Mic Work 9/10
Looking back at the days of Heartbreak Hotel, and DX, there is little argument that Shawn is great on the mic; he could get anyone into one of his promos and all his feuds became to mean so much more due to his mic work and how he handled himself and his opponent during promos etc.

Technical ability 9.5/10
Shawn is definately one of the best at using technical ability, and is very rarely matched in this. He and Angle had a great match at WM 21, and technical ability was one of the main reasons for that. He is second to hardly none, and will always be remembered for this as well as many other things.

Versitility 9/10
He can play any role; heel or face and make it look good. He can make any role and storyline his own, and can make anytrhing seem important. The same can be said for types of matches. I mean, just look who's been in the first matches of greats such as Hell in a cell, Elimination chamber and Ladder. And all of these matches, were great. People still now refer back to the ladder match.

Selling 10/10
One of the best when it comes to selling, he will only ever be matched in this category by few, but not beaten.

Ring Psychology, Awareness, and Anticipation 9/10
Shawn can make us believe anything, any story or gimmicks; through his ring psychology. He can easily use moves, and the way a match goes, to tell a story, and he deserves to be recognised for that. He has always got a crowd reaction.

Ability to Draw 9.5/10
He could wrestle anybody, and get people to come and see it. And that's because everybody knows, Shawn Michaels will put on a great match. He never fails to deliever and people know this; which increases his drawing ability.

Attitude and ability to work with other opponents 7/10.
It's hard to justify this, as well as understand it, because, even as a huge Shawn fan, I know his attitude in the earlier days was awful, and definately wasn't respected. But at the same time, this score is pulled up by the way he could still work with anyone, and put on a good match. His biggest 'rival' was probably Bret Hart, and even then they had a really good iron man match.

Athleticism and agility 9/10
10 years ago, this would have easily been 10/10. He is still one of the best, and fastest wrestlers out there, but his body, especially his knees recently are stopping it to an extent; of what he is used to.

Knowledge + execution of wrestling moves 10/10.
Very few people know more, and show more knowledge in the ring, than Shawn Michaels. He can make any move look good, and use them with precision, at the right times, and in exactly the right way.

Total Score 82/90
I thinkit's safe to say, this guy is the total package, one of the best to ever set in the ring. Hs main weakness was his immaturity when younger, and his attitude to the business and losing.
Shawn Michaels

Charisma and Mic Work 9/10
Looking back at the days of Heartbreak Hotel, and DX, there is little argument that Shawn is great on the mic; he could get anyone into one of his promos and all his feuds became to mean so much more due to his mic work and how he handled himself and his opponent during promos etc.

Technical ability 9.5/10
Shawn is definately one of the best at using technical ability, and is very rarely matched in this. He and Angle had a great match at WM 21, and technical ability was one of the main reasons for that. He is second to hardly none, and will always be remembered for this as well as many other things.

Versitility 9/10
He can play any role; heel or face and make it look good. He can make any role and storyline his own, and can make anytrhing seem important. The same can be said for types of matches. I mean, just look who's been in the first matches of greats such as Hell in a cell, Elimination chamber and Ladder. And all of these matches, were great. People still now refer back to the ladder match.

Selling 10/10
One of the best when it comes to selling, he will only ever be matched in this category by few, but not beaten.

Ring Psychology, Awareness, and Anticipation 9/10
Shawn can make us believe anything, any story or gimmicks; through his ring psychology. He can easily use moves, and the way a match goes, to tell a story, and he deserves to be recognised for that. He has always got a crowd reaction.

Ability to Draw 9.5/10
He could wrestle anybody, and get people to come and see it. And that's because everybody knows, Shawn Michaels will put on a great match. He never fails to deliever and people know this; which increases his drawing ability.

Attitude and ability to work with other opponents 7/10.
It's hard to justify this, as well as understand it, because, even as a huge Shawn fan, I know his attitude in the earlier days was awful, and definately wasn't respected. But at the same time, this score is pulled up by the way he could still work with anyone, and put on a good match. His biggest 'rival' was probably Bret Hart, and even then they had a really good iron man match.

Athleticism and agility 9/10
10 years ago, this would have easily been 10/10. He is still one of the best, and fastest wrestlers out there, but his body, especially his knees recently are stopping it to an extent; of what he is used to.

Knowledge + execution of wrestling moves 10/10.
Very few people know more, and show more knowledge in the ring, than Shawn Michaels. He can make any move look good, and use them with precision, at the right times, and in exactly the right way.

Total Score 82/90
I thinkit's safe to say, this guy is the total package, one of the best to ever set in the ring. Hs main weakness was his immaturity when younger, and his attitude to the business and losing.

I agree. If I'm thinking of reasons why he's not the total package then the only thing I can think of is he's a little small. Wrestling wise that is.

A couple of people have said RVD & Y2J. But can you really be the total package if you blow that many spots? Also RVD can't do scripted promos for shit. A total package would be able to.

And what's with the MVP? I like him, I think he's got talent. But I don't think he's great. He has quality matches with quality opponents. With bad opponents he has bad matches. Somebody like HBK has bought out the best in people like Nash, Sid, Masters etc. Until MVP does the same he's not even in the running.
I guess you will never guess who I'm going to do. If anyone has read any posts of mine it shouldn't be too hard to figure out.

The Nature Boy Ric Flair

Charisma/Mic skills- 9.5 The man was one of the first great mic people in the buisness. He told of his lifestyle and let his opponents know who the man is. Just a couple of his famous quotes To Be The Man you've got beat the man. Diamonds are forever and so is Ric Flair
Technical Abilility- 9.5 The man can put an arm lock on you just as quick as he can the figure four. He has numerous victories with rollups.
Versitility- 7.5 This is the category that hurts him. He can be versalite with an opponent but he doesn't have alot of it himself. Alot of his matches you knew three things would happen. Top rope jump off which never worked, chops, and figure four.
Selling - 8.5 The man could make you believe he was about dead. He made it look like he was being destroyed but always found a way to kick out usually at 2 & 3/4.
Ring psycology 9.5 His entrance psyched out most opponents. As far as in the ring he always was aware of what do to and anticipate the next move.
Ability to draw - 10.0 He and the Horsemen were the only ones who did know how to draw in NWA/WCW in the 80's. Dusty was probably the only other one. They sold out arenas because people wanted to see them get beat.
Attitude- 10.0 Just go ask HHH, HBK, Jim Ross hell anyone who's the greatest of all time and one answer is spoken the naitch. He is the most respected wrestler alive. No backstage politics like with Hogan and others. Hell Vince McMaho Sr. voted for him to be champ.
Athleticism/agility- 8.0 another category that hurts him. He just isn't very agile. He moved around okay and the only reason I mark him this high is because of all of the 60 minute matches. You have to have some athletic prowless to do that night in and night out.
Knowlege- 9.5 Hell is drips with it. Respects the history of wrestling and is probably the most knowledge person to step in the ring. He never executed bad moves in his heyday.

83 points should prove he is the man. WOOOOOO!!!
I have to go with the Macho Man. There's really no holes in his game.

Charisma-His interviews were so over the top they were great. He had more charisma than anyone at the time other than maybe hogan.

Technical ability: How many classics has this guy had? Steamboat, Flair, both of his big matches with Warrior were even good. He could wrestle with anybody for most of his career.

Versatility- He could go technical, he could do some power stuff, and for a wrestler that spent most of his career as a heavyweight he could fly with the best of them.

Selling- His wasn't great but wasn't bad by any means. His selling of a knee injury against flair was excellent though.

Ring psychology- His matches always seemed to have a great flow to them. Each move made good sense for the majority of his career.

Ability to draw: This is where he might run into some trouble. For almost his entire career, he lived in the shadow of Hulk Hogan. Even during his title reign, he shared the spolight with Hogan. Probably the biggest knock on his career.

Attitude- Another of his problems. Savage was as close to you can be to actually insane as you can be. From the stories I've heard, he was paranoid and almost insane due to Hogan. How much of this is true is up for debate.\

Athleticism- He was great in the ring and with some of the moves he did. They were so simple, yet he always made them seem like he was doing amazing things.

Knowledge- He's been around forever, and he was almost always considered a veteran. Very rarely do i remember him making a huge mistake in a match.

Overall, a wrestler that was so far ahead of his time in the 80s. His major flaws, attitude and drawing power, weren't in the ring. Hogan being around so much caused him to almost be forgotten.

Charisma and Mic Work 10/10: Edge is one of the very best on the mic. They gave him a talk show, dispite giving almost everyone these days talk shows. However, if you look at some of his best feuds, they've all been intensified by Edge's promos. (not the other guy's) The best examples of this would be his feud leading into Wrestlemania with Mick Foley. His promos against D-X, with Randy Orton, and practically anything regarding John Cena or the Rated R gimmick.

Technical ability 8/10: The only reason I'd rate him an 8, is because Edge is wearing down with how he can stretch the ring apart with anything from technical ability through mat wrestling, to aerial moves with high flying. Edge's body is taken a toll early in his career, and because of that he can't deliver explosive matches like he once may of been able to.

That being said, certainly does not mean he can't deliver some of the greatest matches you'll ever be capable of watching. I don't care if a gimmick is involved or not, Edge is the type of guy you can find yourself sitting down to watch, regardless of who he's wrestling, because Edge delivers each time he goes through that curtain. Truth be told, Edge has done every type of technical skill in Professional Wrestling, so for that alone you should consider him a 10/10. However, because he can't do what he once did.. the rating has to drop.

Versatility 10/10: I'm finding it hard to rate Edge higher than Shawn Michaels in this area, however I think Becca undersold Shawn for this skill as well. The reason I believe Edge is a perfect 10 in this area, is simply because you can place him into any type of situation, and he'll make it work.

Edge has the skills and ability to make any match a Main Event quality match. While he plays a heel very much greater than a face, the fact is he has a huge fan following that could warrent a serious face turn. I can't see him becoming the type of guy that if he suddenly gets a career ending injury, leaves for 4 years then could suddenly come back, that would warrent the type of response that someone like Shawn Michaels received, however Edge would most notably be directly under it.

Selling 9/10: I'm not giving him a perfect 10 in this area, because its more on who the performer is, rather than how much he "sells." In order to sell a move, not only do you have to play as if it was powerful, and that you could seriously of been worked over by it, but its all in who you are as well. With that being said, I'll explain an example.

You see, if someone like John Cena or Shawn Michaels were to take a spear, and roll around in pain. The fans would suddenly believe that spear was monsterous, because it took out their top face. However, if Cena F-Ued, or H.B.K. Superkicked Edge, and he sold it by playing knocked out. The fans wouldn't see it as anything huge, because its what they expect. Its what they want.

Therefore, no matter how good Edge could possibly be at selling any move as being devastating, he'll never be labeled the "perfect seller," because its impossible for a heel to do that. Short of losing, which is expected in the long run.

Ring Psychology, Awareness, and Anticipation 10/10: I have to rate Edge a perfect here. Why? Because the man's intensity carries him through any match alone. You look at how dramatic he gets in Main Event quality matches, or even midcard matches. His emotion in promos even. He has the ability to make you believe his angst. His rage.

You go back to his early days of hanging out in the crowd. You constantly wanted to know why, you constantly had the urge to question what his motivation was. I, personally, found myself waiting each week just to see if I could see him in the crowd, or to question if he was gonna be used because I wanted to know more. Thats what Edge does, he keeps you attached, he keeps you wanting more. And hes mastered this craft, by being the top heel not only of a singular brand, but in the entire company.

Ability to Draw 10/10: Again, as I finished with just a moment ago, Edge has the ability to carry a whole brand on his shoulders as their Champion. That, makes him a perfect 10/10 for drawing ability. I'd definately pay any amount of money to go to a show Headlined by Edge, simply because I know Edge will do everything in his power, to make the match the best of the night.

Furthermore, Edge's character, the way he plays it so well, it makes you love to hate him. Thereby, you want to go to more and more events to see him get his ass handed to him.

Attitude and ability to work with other opponents 9/10: In order to rate this properly, you'd truly have to know the behind the scenes events. Edge (to my knowledge) has never had any problem working with anyone, or putting anyone over. Even in his hometown. Edge constantly wrestles the same quality of match, each time he goes out there. He puts each performer over, the best he can. And he doesn't show any signs of mocking them, by over-selling, or under-selling. He doesn't refuse to job to anyone, and he (to my knowledge) has never had a problem with whether he'd win or lose to anyone.

Athleticism and agility 8/10: I said it earlier, Edge's body is taking a huge toll on him early. Unfortunately I'm not sure how many more years Edge has in him, because hes suffered several career threatening injuries already to his neck. Thats one of the worst things you could have happen to you.

I'll be the first to say Edge still goes out and gives everything he has, regardless if the match is against someone in a high profile feud, or if its against a random opening card squash match. He still brings with him the ability to make you want to see him, and the ability to work any type of match. He doesn't have just one gear, he doesn't do just one style. He is many styles mixed into one.

Knowledge + execution of wrestling moves 8/10: I can't rate him anything higher than an 8, simply because, while he has the talent and ability to do anything inside or outside of the ring, hes very basic to what he does anymore. Its been a while since I've seen any type of new move out of Edge, or any type of different style from him. Currently, hes repetitive, and while its not as old as some.. it does have its draw backs.

Total Score 82/90

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