Wrestlemania XXXIII: WWE Raw Women's Championship Fatal Fourway Match


After attaining a win over Bayley on Raw, Sasha Banks earned the right to join in the Women's Championship match at WrestleMania against Bayley and Charlotte.

First off, a bit of a rant here, why not keep Bayley's momentum going by having Charlotte do something that wound up getting Bayley disqualified instead of having her tap out clean to Sasha's Bank Statement? WrestleMania is a mere 3 weeks off and this is not the time, in my opinion, to be having your champions lose clean on TV. Or, they could've had Charlotte and Sasha go one on one for Sasha to qualify and Dana Brooke could screw up to cause Charlotte to be disqualified. Don't be surprised if we see these three trading victories in 1 on 1 matches with each other over the next few weeks until WrestleMania as part of Vince's overly complicated and unnecessary way of trying to put everyone on a level playing field.

As to the match itself, it should be a lotta fun if they let the girls just go out there and leave it all in the ring. As we've seen over the past few weeks, this may well be a prelude to Sasha turning heel to feud with Bayley over the Women's Championship heading into the summer. Under the right conditions and on the right card, we know that Sasha and Bayley can tear the house down and steal the show so I see Bayley scoring the win here, possibly by pinning Sasha, and ultimately settling things with Charlotte soon after with Charlotte getting a 1 on 1 rematch with Bayley.
I honestly see Nia Jax being put in the match next week. Bayley has to win this and Sasha turns then or the next night. I'd have Dana Brooke screw Charlotte for treated her like nothing the last few weeks.
Where does this leave Nia Jax? I think that Nia Jax might be added in this match as well. And that could surely happen via a win over Bayley. Bayley hasn't defeated Nia Jax and has been pinned clean a multiple times by her.

So back to the match. Bayley should retain. That's the only logical result. Other than that, maybe a Sasha Banks win while turning heel. I would prefer her turn heel the next night though. Or Sasha could take a hiatus after Wrestlemania just like last year and then set up heel Sasha Vs. Bayley at Summerslam. Anyhow, please keep Charlotte away from the title for some time after Wrestlemania.
Man, I hope they keep this a 3-way instead of throwing Nia in there because she needs something to do. A Triple Threat match has the potential to be incredible. A Fatal Four Way involving Nia probably drags the quality down a ton. I wouldn't be shocked to see Charlotte walk out of this one with the title while Bayley and Sasha feud over something else following Mania, although the fact that they broke her PPV steak at FastLane makes me a little more open to Sasha or Bayley.

Somehow, I'd like to see Sasha turn during the match and pin Bayley to take the title. Bayley chasing a heel Sasha just seems like a much better option than vice versa in my opinion. As others have said though, it's likely that Nia gets inserted into this in the weeks to come.
Nia has to be added. I was just waiting for her to show up in some form last night and when she never did I was pretty confused. After what happened at Fastlane I was convinced that not only will Nia be in the match, but she'll be winning it. It's the only reason I could come up with for why they hotshotted the ending of Charlotte's streak. They got that out of the way and had Bayley do it because Nia doing it wouldn't make much sense. I don't really buy into the whole Charlotte redemption thing.

The real problem is, with how badly this has been booked up until this point... does anybody really care about who wins? If Charlotte wins it's meh. If Sasha wins it's meh. If Nia Jax wins that's gonna be meh to a lot of people. If Bayley retains it's meh because they wasted the moment.
I'm setting my expectations pretty low on this one. Becky drove that match last year with her energy. I'm not sure that can be duplicated. They do have the opportunity to tell an interesting story with the possibility of Sasha or Bayley turning heel on one another. The addition of Nia could be good for creating a big spot or two. Nia winning would be a nice shake up to the division.

Maybe I'm being unfair because I'm down on Mania for the second year in a row but there's something about these three being put together that makes me shrug. Sasha and Charlotte was incredible and Bayley being added just feels contrived. But Bayley isn't for me.
Nia Jax should not be added to this match. The 3 big names of RAW's women division are Sasha, Charlotte and Bayley. Nia has no chance of winning this match. Everybody knows that. However, Charlotte, Bayley and Sasha all have an equal chance of walking out of Wrestlemania as the RAW Women's Champion.

The match will be fun. I expect them to give us a lot more than what we got at NoC. They should give us more. As of who wins, I'm betting on Bayley, although I'd like it to be Sasha.

Her winning, will drive her heel turn even more and Bayley will have to make a comback at Summerslam and win the belt there.

Plus I'd like to see a lengthy boss reign.
I've seen this match in so many different variations it's hard to get excited about it. I'm sure it'll be good but I don't need to see those three in the ring together again for a long time.
Waiting on Nia Jax being added because we have to overbook the women on both shows. This should be Bayley vs. Charlotte for the belt with Flair still being champion and undefeated on PPV in singles matches. They let this slip and gave it away on a B level event. This match is worse than what we could have gotten and the story is rather lame duck with Sasha helping Bayley retain repeatedly.

Anyway, Sasha turns heel probably before Mania (could be at the show, it doesn't make that much difference) and ends up winning the belt like she should have last year. Flair moves away from the title picture for now, probably facing Asuka who debuts the night after Mania. Flair needs to step away from the title for a little bit and get into a personal feud. Give the fans some time without her in the title picture to rejuvenate a little.

Banks vs. Bayley for the belt at Payback in San Jose, California following Mania where Banks wins via more heel stuff because heroes must lose in their home town.
Why are they really fighting for at mania at this point? Charlotte isn't champion anymore and lost on ppv so the streak is over so their's really no motivation for fans to gets into this match at this point since we seen pretty much every interactions of this match throughout the year leading into mania.

So I really hope that nia jax get inserted next week just so at less to make this match a little bit different and have a x factor in the match.

I know these 3 will have a reat match if left alone but I'm tired of seeing these 3 wrestle each other and while this match will probably get a spot on the main card, I'm more interested in the smackdown women's title match even through it will probably be put on the pre show.
Keep Nia out....she sucks. This match will be great as a triple threat, and the winner is unpredictable.

Hoping for a Sasha heel turn and proper title run at some point.....either starting at Mania or soon afterward.
Due win over Bayley minutes ago, Nia Jax was added to the triple threat match at WrestleMania, making it a Fatal Fourway bout, for the WWE Raw Women's Championship.

While I still see Bayley retaining the title, I really dislike most of the build for this match as Vince has gotten in the mood to portray Bayley as a weak, vulnerable champion by having her lose just about every match she's in that isn't for the title. I'm just not a fan of that strategy as it dilutes Bayley's character and, if you wanna be honest, there's not really been a whole helluva lot of focus on any of the women including Sasha Banks. For the most part, this still feels like a bout between Bayley and Charlotte with Sasha and Nia as background players.
terrible. Baylee is the champion yet losing most weeks. Charlottes ppv record destroyed and for what? Like it never happened. This match is now piss stop/concession stand worthy. Dana Brooke will get involved also, possible Emma re-debut. I dont care, sorry. Would be happy for this to be one of the many matches relegated to the pre-show
It was announced a little while ago that this match has been changed to a Fatal Fourway Elimination match.

This pretty much signifies that Bayley retains, which I think it was pretty obvious she'd retain anyway, but that this will be the platform for which to really kick off Sasha's heel turn and feud with Bayley. My guess is that it'll come down to Bayley vs. Sasha in the end with Bayley getting the win with Sasha turning on Bayley in the aftermath and leaving her laying in the ring ruining her big WrestleMania moment.
Maybe tonight will sway me in a different direction but I'm still sticking to my guns and saying Nia is gonna win. It's the only explanation I can think of for why they essentially have booked all of this backwards. They wanted to get all the other storylines and angles out of the way beforehand. I honestly give Bayley the least chance of walking out as champion.

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