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WrestleMania XXX: Fatal Fourway Tag Title Match

The Brain

King Of The Ring
It's going to be The Uso's defending against Ryback & Curtis Axel, The Real Americans, and Los Matadores. I was hoping for a fatal fourway tag title match at mania but not this one. The Uso's and Real Americans are ok but I was hoping for The Rhodes Brothers and The New Age Outlaws. That would have made for a better match and made more sense. Ryback & Axel are boring and I really don't care for Los Matadores at all. I see Ryback & Axel instead of the Outlaws now that the Outlaws are involved with the Shield but I see no reason to have Los Matadores instead of Cody & Goldust. I'd rather just see The Uso's against the Real Americans in a regular tag match than this combination. I expect The Uso's to retain and The Real Americans to finally split up or possibly The Real Americans win the titles and defend them while not getting along a few times before the inevitable break up.
I really couldn't agree with you more.

4 way tag title matches at mania are a great way to showcase 8 great talent in 1 match and with the right combo can be show stealing, this one is just weak.

Should have gone 1 of 2 ways imo...


Uso's vs. Rhodes Brothers vs. Ambrose and Rollins vs. NAO

Have Kane and Reigns in a 1 on 1 match with the Rumble record story line and so forth.


Uso's vs. Real Americans vs. Rhodes Brothers vs. Rowan & Harper

This I don't like as much as the first option but is still better than what we get

Los Matadores and Rybaxel are 4 guys who should barely be battle royal fodder, let alone Mania title contenders.

It is really sad when we are looking at the 30th WM in a retrospective way before it even happens.
Agreed that this one is weak and The Rhodes Brothers, and The Outlaws would have been much better choices for the match. Still though I am glad to see the titles defended on the actually ppv as opposed to the preshow. I am sure that could still change though. I see the Uso's retaining here or has already been mentioned The Real Americans win it, and continue to not get along finally breaking up when they lose the titles.
I don't mind the NAO not being in it. True, it's not as much fun as if Shield were in it. However, you're spreading the talent out to more matches. So maybe the WWE's theory with the undercard is spreading the quality out. There's enough talent in this match to make it entertaining as hell. Same with Shield/Authority.
Another match from the "Get everyone a payday" school of booking. I'd have preferred The Usos vs The Real Americans in a straight forward match, or if it had to be a 4 way then at least use a good team like The Rhodes instead of Rybaxel or Los Matadores.
Yup, I agree with the general feeling that Rybaxel and Los Matadores generate absolutely no interest in this one for me. Usos V Real Americans would've been much better. Especially if Swagger and Cesaro clash again, the focus should be on them, and them alone.
I don't like Los Matadores in the match; however, I think they are in the match because or Carlos Colon being inducted into the HOF. IMO.
I wanted to see a 4-way match for the tag titles. But the participants are wrong. I like Ryback & Axel as a team, but they're hardly contender material. And what are Los Matadores doing there? You put the Rhodes brothers in the match, surely!

Also, why not add The Shield (Ambrose/Rollins). The proposed 6-man match is lame. Have Reigns face Kane on his own so he can have a star making match, whilst Ambrose & Rollins can feature in both matches.
It's going to be The Uso's defending against Ryback & Curtis Axel, The Real Americans, and Los Matadores. I was hoping for a fatal fourway tag title match at mania but not this one. The Uso's and Real Americans are ok but I was hoping for The Rhodes Brothers and The New Age Outlaws. That would have made for a better match and made more sense. Ryback & Axel are boring and I really don't care for Los Matadores at all. I see Ryback & Axel instead of the Outlaws now that the Outlaws are involved with the Shield but I see no reason to have Los Matadores instead of Cody & Goldust. I'd rather just see The Uso's against the Real Americans in a regular tag match than this combination. I expect The Uso's to retain and The Real Americans to finally split up or possibly The Real Americans win the titles and defend them while not getting along a few times before the inevitable break up.

I would have gone with Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose vs. The Usos vs. New Age Outlaws vs. The Real Americans.

This card is SCREAMING for another singles match, and I think Roman vs. Kane would have been a nice addition.

But yeah, I agree with you that this match just doesn't do it for me. Ryback and Curtis Axel were fine additions to the Battle Royal. Throwing Ryback over the top rope would make anyone look good. But Rybaxel has lost almost every tag match they had in the past months. I don't see how they even remotely look like tag title contenders.

And Los Matadores have been a comedy gimmick since their debut. A tag title match at WrestleMania is just completely random.

The Rhodes Brothers have been severely underused since their split. It was looking like they were going to face off at WrestleMania, but for whatever reason, WWE dropped the ball. Cody could have come off as a star had he pinned his brother at WrestleMania.
The addition of Rybaxel and Los Matadores seems pretty weak, but it should still be a pretty good undercard match. Gotta little bit of everything in there from brawlers to high flyers to powerhouses to technicians.

According to reports, The New Age Outlaws asked to work a feud with The Shield before The Shield breaks up and they, more than likely, disappear back behind the scenes. There are also reports stating that Rollins & Ambrose will be paired up as a tag team, so it's probable they'll wind up back in the title picture somewhere down the line. I think this match could still be good and fans interested. Both The Usos & The Real Americans have been getting strong responses from the crowd for a while now, so their presence and if they give the match a decent amount of time should result in an entertaining match.
This match seems destined for the pre-show. No Rhodes Brothers is ridiculous unless Cody wins the battle royal. No Shield I can accept. No Wyatt Family is fine because the focus should be on the match with Cena.

Los Matadores shouldn't be in the match and won't win. The Real Americans will get a great reaction and it could be the place where Cesaro walks away. Anyway, The Uso's win (should they not have won the titles here in the first place) in what will be a solid match.
I really want The Real Americans to get a run with the belts but because it appears they're breaking up, I don't see it happening. Of course, WWE could always go the angle of the "dysfunctional tag team champions." Get rid of those belts though.
I completely agree with the OP. It should be The Usos vs. The Real Americans. Rybaxel and Los Matadores have absolutely no business being in the match. Rybaxel have jobbed since being put together and suddenly they're competing for the tag titles? Los Matadores put me to sleep, they should've kept the names Epico and Primo and kept Rosa as their valet. I thought they were a pretty decent tag team in those days.

Logically speaking, the only reason team that would make sense to be challenging The Usos would be the New Age Outlaws. They never got their mandatory rematch after losing the belts. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they're not in the match because they just bore me. But if they're going the Fatal 4-Way route, it should be The Usos vs. TRA vs. NAO vs. The Brotherhood.

Put Ryback, Axel, and Los Matadores in the battle royal.
I really want The Real Americans to get a run with the belts but because it appears they're breaking up, I don't see it happening. Of course, WWE could always go the angle of the "dysfunctional tag team champions." Get rid of those belts though.

Imo, they're only in the match so that they can lose and officially split so Cesaro can get his pop. Makes better sense than having it happen in the battle royal where they just get lost in the shuffle. It does suck that they never got to hold the championship. I really liked them together and thought they should've gotten a title reign before splitting. I couldn't agree more about the belts though. They're God awful.
I agree with the OP in that the Uso's, Real Americans, NAO & Rhodes Brothers should have been in this match. NAO have no business in a match with the Shield as they in no way can keep up with the Shield in the ring. Just because they "wanted" this match and they are friends with HHH doesn't mean it is something the rest of us want to see. The Rhodes Brothers could have made this match far more entertaining than Rybaxel or Los Matadores. Both are jobber teams. Rybaxel is barely better than 3MB and Los Matadores is a comedy act that nobody takes seriously. We all know the outcome of this match. The Real Americans look to be splitting up at any time and the other two teams are just fillers. The Uso's & the Real Americans will have to carry this match with the Uso's retaining.
Agreed that this one is weak and The Rhodes Brothers, and The Outlaws would have been much better choices for the match. Still though I am glad to see the titles defended on the actually ppv as opposed to the preshow. I am sure that could still change though. I see the Uso's retaining here or has already been mentioned The Real Americans win it, and continue to not get along finally breaking up when they lose the titles.

I'm surprised Rowan and Harper hadn't got a shot for the tag titles. They're arguably a better tag team than Ryback and Axel. RA should have been the ones to be Rhodes Bros, crowd likes them but I wouldn't be surprised to see the Usos win, especially if it's a preshow match or Wrestlemania opener
WWE really dropped the ball BIG time here...it should be The Uso's vs. The Real Americans vs. The Shield vs. The Wyatt's and then they should have done Kane vs. Roman Reigns one-on-one with the story-line being that Kane is irate that Reigns broke his Royal Rumble record and they would've had a great match IMO.

Ryback, Curtis Axel should be in the Battle Royal and Los Matadores and New Age Outlaws shouldn't be anywhere near the WrestleMania line-up.
Pre-show it is then fellas. That's disappointing for both The Uso's, the Real Americans, and for anyone hoping the Tag Team title division was really going places again. Adding Rybaxel and Los Matadores was a mistake in my opinion anyway, but both The Uso's and the Real Americans deserve to be on the main card far more than some of the Divas, and arguably the middle-aged Outlaws too. What a letdown.
they bumped the Tag Title match to the pre-show and there are now only 7 matches for the main show on a god damn 4 HOUR PPV!!!!...that's the least amount of Matches for WrestleMania in YEARS like WTF? dumb move.
I'm pretty pissed that it's only being shown on the WWE Network too. I've been excited for months now wondering what will happen with Cesaro at Wrestlemania, and I'm a big fan of the Uso's too. No Network in the UK until end of this year or beginning of next year, so thanks a bunch WWE. :(

I shouldn't complain, I get to see Rosa Mendes and Eva Marie wrestle.
there are now only 7 matches for the main show on a god damn 4 HOUR PPV!!!!...that's the least amount of Matches for WrestleMania in YEARS

WrestleMania 25 had 8 matches, but one of them was 26 seconds.
WrestleMania 27 had 8 matches, but one of them was 84 seconds.
WrestleMania 28 had 8 matches, but one of them was 18 seconds.

Obviously, those WrestleManias actually had 7 matches. And none of them included 30 entrances for a Battle Royal and 14 entrances for a Divas Invitational.

I once counted all the total match times for each WrestleMania, and even though I don't have the spreadsheet with me, I remember they almost always totaled under 2 hours of ringtime. The highest was WM20 I believe with like 2:20.

I'm guessing we're going to get a good 20+ minutes from each of the 5 main matches (Taker's, Cena's, Triple H's, Randy's, Andre's). Plus another 20+ minutes is divided between the Shield tag and the Divas Invitational. That's
over 2 hours on their own without entrances.

Even if one of those matches are cut short, I bet WWE has a big Hogan segment planned for the show. Probably with Bad News Barrett considering he isn't booked for the Battle Royal.
I'm not worried about the low number of matches. I actually like that because it gives each match plenty of time.

I do wish this were on the main card but people are going to see this match regardless. So it's basically on the card unofficially. Just hope they're given time.

I'm ok with this being in the pre-show. Out of all the matches on the card it is the one I am the least interested in honestly. I do not like The Usos. I've tried to give them a chance, but I still just don't like them. They have improved, I'll admit that at least. I hope that they lose. The Real Americans are the best choice out of the four teams in this match to go home with the belts. The only other outcome that even makes sense is The Usos retaining. Let's take a look at each team.

The Usos
The champions have pretty good odds of winning. Do I want them to win? Not really. Will it happen though? Probably.

The Real Americans
It would be awesome to see them win the belts. I don't know if it will happen though as frustration out of losing this match could lead to their inevitable split feud. Tension has been growing between them for a while.

Los Matadores

Yeah, not gonna happen.

Ryback & Curtis Axel
This team.... Yeah, without Heyman they are nothing. Sadly. They won't win this match.

The Usos will retain the Tag Team Championship.
Did you guys notice, in Los Matadores, they seem to be taking the focus away from El Torito and the "Ole!" chant every couple of minutes, and instead shifting the focus to the two wrestlers- Diego and Fernando. I think that is a very good decision, because at the end of the day, the extent of impression they make will benefit them, not what El Torito does. The crowd also seemed to be more interested in them than the crowds of other cities were.
On a sidenote, it was also good to see Titus get a huge amount of boos in response to his trademark barking thing... He is someone that should be able to play the annoying heel character quite well.
Yeah, put me in the group that prefers a straight up tag match between The Usos and The Real Americans, but I guess WWE has to find a way to squeeze everyone on the card for their Wrestlemania paydays.

The Usos should retain. They finally captured the brass ring a few weeks ago in Chicago, so there's no real reason for them to drop the titles so soon. But a win for The Real Americans wouldn't shock me, because WWE turned the corner (again) with Cesaro and Swagger after all the teasing for a split.

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