Wrestlemania XXX: Andre The Giant Memorial 30 Man Battle Royal

The Brain

King Of The Ring
Well we heard the announcement tonight. There will be a 30 man Battle Royal at WrestleMania. I have mixed thoughts on this. It will be nice to get a lot of guys on the card that otherwise wouldn't make it, but the Battle Royal lost its luster a long time ago and for years has been viewed as a match for the leftovers. Does getting in a Battle Royal really matter? I guess it's better than being left off the card. At least it's being hyped up a little more than a usual Battle Royal with Andre's name being attached to it.

What are your thoughts on the Battle Royal?
Who will win?
Is this going to become a mania tradition or a one time occurrence?
This is just to get the irrelevant guys on the card. Ziggler, Sandow, Miz, Fandango, Santino and many others mid carders now get on the card so I guess that may be a positive but its not like they have a chance of winning

I have been annoyed for years that the Rumble always has an established star win so I hope this goes to a younger guy. My top 3 to win would be Reigns, Wyatt or Bryan.
This is just to get the irrelevant guys on the card. Ziggler, Sandow, Miz, Fandango, Santino and many others mid carders now get on the card so I guess that may be a positive but its not like they have a chance of winning

I have been annoyed for years that the Rumble always has an established star win so I hope this goes to a younger guy. My top 3 to win would be Reigns, Wyatt or Bryan.

I don't think guys that are involved in other matches are going to be in the Battle Royal. I doubt Reigns, Wyatt, or Bryan will be in it. At least I hope not.
Honestly, it's times like these that I really really miss the old WrestleMania Updates with Mean Gene Okerlund where he actually told people what the matches were.

Those did more to excite me for WrestleMania than some of these promos they do.
Mark Henry for the win. While he is no Andre, he just fits the description of a guy who would do the victory proud. Big guy with charisma and not really much anything else going on that belongs in a singles or tag match.

Big Show is the other guy who could win for obvious reasons. Either guy creates a feel good moment for the crowd.

Hogan possibly books himself to win as well. ;)
If Big Show isn't booked for any other match on the card, I totally see him winning this. But it would be nice if they used this match to start a push for someone - I'm looking at you, Alexander Rusev. Yeah, have Rusev eliminate Show last and maybe book a feud and a match between the two for Extreme Rules in which he goes over.
Cena's promo confused me a little. Didn't he pretty much imply that he'd be doing double duty? Or did he say that, like, just because? Big E's in already - which means that unless he does double duty, there's no Intercontinental Championship match on the card.
I like this match concept. With all the talk of some people getting big post WrestleMania pushes, this would be a great way to get a big win across at the biggest show of the year for someone up and coming. I'd have preferred to see Big E defend his title, personally, but if he were to come out the winner here with some big spots to show off a bit, it'd go a long way toward boosting his credibility. All around I hope they use this as a chance to get someone who's on the verge over a little bit more. Or maybe they could use it to launch someone, I guess. Rusev might be a good call to win this.
This match may seem like filler on the surface and a means so that most of the roster can get in on the WrestleMania payday, but it could also be used as a means of some guys getting an opportunity to shine. We could see some guys who'll be getting pushes in the post WrestleMania season get a chance to impress on the big stage.

Ultimately, however, I think some of the real interest may be in who's in the match and if some participants will have another match on the card. I can't say a battle royal has me overly excited in the grand scheme of things, but it MIGHT be interesting. It could be hit or miss.
To me they just took the concept of the filler battle royal at WrestleMania and added some window dressing to make it seem more important. I can understand why they might want Big Show to win it, but to me it makes the most sense to give the win to a newer guy like Big E or maybe Rusev.
I could see the Andre The Giant Memorial 30 Man Battle Royal replacing Money In The Bank as the traditional opening match at Wrestlemania, because with MITB as a stand alone pay per view, there's no point in having the match at Wrestlemania anymore.

As far as winner goes, I'm picking Alexander Rusev. Big Show doesn't need it, but WWE clearly has big plans for Rusev. He could use the boost, but I don't have high hopes for the quality of the match.
I just want to state I asked you guys a month ago about doing a possible WM 30 Legends Battle Royal with past and present stars and legends. Many of you shot down this idea. Knew this would happen and it is great they used Andre the Giant out of respect to make the battle royal mean something.
Call me a mark but naming it the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal and hinting that it may become a tradition totally sold me on it as something that can both get a bunch of guys a payday AND get someone's push off to a strong start.

That's why I agree with those saying Rusev for the win, I just can't see a reason to have him doing these promo segments on shows now if he is not gonna debut until after Mania, and JBL has brought up that it took 5 guys or whatever to eliminate him from the Royal Rumble on more than one occasion, which is a nice bit of foreshadowing of him winning the first ever Andre Memorial Battle Royal.

The only gripe I have is making it a 30 man battle royal, to me that is the Rumble's magic number and 30 guys in at once is too cluttered, I'd have just made it a 20 man version.
It's a good concept as it get's guys like Ziggler, Miz, Barrett, Sandow, Kingston, Ryback, Axel, Ryder, Fandango, Marella, Kidd, Big Show, Henry, Del Rio, Rusev, Mysterio, Sin Cara all on the card. I also think there will be a few surprise entrants too. I can see RVD and Evan Bourne returning. I can also see a few legends taking part, Duggan, Booker T, Piper etc.

It won't be a classic by any stretch but it is a reward for the wrestlers who work hard all year.
You guys saying you would understand why Big Show would win...you know he's not actually Andre's son, right? Why the hell would they book him to win this?

I also hate that today's fans are so against filler matches. Everything has to be a main event to a lot of you and it's sad. I see a lot of your reviews of PPVs of the 80s and you piss on matches that aren't legendary...as if every match ever has to be memorable. As a wrestling fan, I hated that Batista won the Royal Rumble. As someone who hates the jerks on this forum that take these things so personally, I loved that it pissed you off for over a month.

I loved that they used Hulk to bring mention of Andre and that they are honoring the king of battle royals with a memorial match in his honor. (Between Andre/Battle Royal and the excessive use of "uh oh" by Lawler and Bradshaw last night, I thought I was watching WrestleMania 2)

So, you people hate that "part-timers" come back (Rock, Brock, Batista, some Taker) because they "take the spot of someone who has been there all year". THEN, you bitch that the ones "who have been there all year" get put in a battle royal. I swear you idiots have no idea what you want.

Being left off of the WrestleMania card bothers wrestlers. A 30-man battle royal (and like a previous poster mentioned, maybe 20 would be better) gets a ton of guys on the card, lets them be part of a monumental WrestleMania and can give a young star a nice lift. Big Show and Mark Henry are terrible choices to have win this battle royal; so, I was not surprised at all that people were calling for them to win. Ugh...same terrible ideas from the same clueless people.

WrestleMania IV started with a battle royal. It got a lot of guys on the card. Also, it not only gave the win to a new heel in the WWF, but they booked it in a way to get him huge heat by double-crossing a fellow heel. Not just any heel, but a heel that was ready to burst into a face turn...and this battle royal moment accomplished all of that beautifully. So many fans knew that wrestlers they liked (Hillbilly Jim, Junkyard Dog, even Ken Patera) had no business anywhere near the WWF title tournament. But, this gave the fans a chance to see the wrestlers they enjoyed throughout the year compete on the grandest stage.

Speaking as a wrestling fan, I love that Kofi, Ryback, etc. will have a chance to be a part of history now. I love that Andre is being honored. I love that WWE found a way to involve so many deserving people without spending a lot of time....there will obviously be quick eliminations. So what?? They will be part of it...forever.

Speaking as a guy who can't stand the people on this forum who hate one thing and then hate the solution, I love that something I appreciate so much pisses you off. It's a bonus.

All you guys do is bitch and complain. I bet you think that WWE "listened to you" and put Bryan in the main event because of your whining and bitching. Haha! That is laughable! Bryan being in the main event was the plan all along and the way they have handled his underdog role, culminating at WMXXX is very well done. We true wrestling fans saw this a mile away. You whiny-baby puppets who need everything spoonfed to them were throwing hissy fits every time Bryan would lose or get screwed....like it wasn't leading to a bigger payoff. Idiots.

This battle royal is a great idea. The fact that you people are so negative about it just proves what I already knew. This is not a forum for wrestling fans. It is a forum for bitches. By the way, every single time you jerks make a "Cole will now tell us how to download the WWE app" or "whatever > TNA" or "Bret Hart ranked this in his top 1000..." joke, it just gets funnier and funnier. Keep those original ideas coming! And those who laugh and say things like "you won the internet" or "best comment of the night", keep upvoting these original ideas. It makes you look really clever because you understand where these new ideas are coming from. A wonderful group you are...

To the wrestling fans, enjoy the PPV. I am glad the battle royal has been announced and am glad Bryan has his shot at the main event. Both things make sense....to those of us with a clue.
Yeah, I totes don't like this concept. For example: The Great Khali can't even get himself on Main Event, yet now he's going to appear on the biggest wrestling show of the year. It's stupid.

I don't care if talent work hard all year round, WrestleMania should be for the elite. Putting everybody in the battle royal is like a metaphor I can't be bothered to come up with right now.
I like the concept. What I would have done or would like to see done...cut it down from 30 to 20 people. I agree in theory with thought that WM should be for the guys closer to the top of the food chain. Use WWE network to televise qualifier matches, don't just put people in this thing make them fight for it. Finally, reward the winner a US or Intercontinental title shot.
I think the line up for this match will be comprised of:

Alberto Del Rio
Mark Henry
Big Show
Luke Harper
Erick Rowan
Big E
Kofi Kingston
Diego (AKA Primo)
Fernando (AKA Epico)
Curtis Axel
Damien Sandow
Darren Young
Titus O'Neil
Sin Cara
Justin Gabriel
Dolph Ziggler
The Miz
Bad News Barrett
Alexander Rusev
Xavier Woods
Zack Ryder
Tyson Kidd
The Great Khali
Yoshi Tatsu

It's possible that some of these wrestlers may have an additional match on the card, such as Big E defending the IC title against Cesaro & Swagger in a triple threat match. However, with the likelihood of the WWE WHC ending up a triple threat, the possibility of The Shield members facing off in a triple threat match and a report alleging some sort of multi-team match for the tag titles; it's possible WWE won't go that route.
I like the concept. What I would have done or would like to see done...cut it down from 30 to 20 people. I agree in theory with thought that WM should be for the guys closer to the top of the food chain. Use WWE network to televise qualifier matches, don't just put people in this thing make them fight for it. Finally, reward the winner a US or Intercontinental title shot.

Yeah, I'd agree with this. Maybe even less than 20 - just fill the match with guys who could conceivably win it. That way you can save the time that will be wasted on predictable eliminations which provide no entertainment and give the core midcard/upper midcard guys more time to work and make a show out of it. How much time will it take to narrow 30 guys down to 8, which is when the match will probably start to get interesting? More time than is necessary is my guess.

I like the idea in theory. I'd like to see Money In The Bank return to Wrestlemania but since it feels like that's not going to happen, I wouldn't mind seeing the Andre The Giant memorial a trophy that is up for grabs annually. I just think 30 means too much talent that nobody really wants to see, crammed onto the card for the sake of it.
I agree Eddie with cutting it down even lower than 20. I can see "30" for this year given that it is WM XXX. I like the trophy. And I would give some kind of title shot just to kick start a new storyline and a small push for the winner.

And please WWE, keep this is a serious match. Don't throw in a bunch of legends for shock value. Keep it to the active wrestlers.
I'm really happy they're doing this because I was worried some deserving guys were going to get left off the card. If I had to guess who wins, it would actually be The Ultimate Warrior as a last second announced participant. With the whole premise of the battle royal being to honor a legend, it wouldn't surprise me a bit to see a legend win it. I think we'll see a handful of HOF'ers enter.

Who should win it though? Bad News Barrett. The guy has yet to wrestle on television since debuting with his new gimmick. This is a great way to get him rolling in his return to the ring. Have him cut a promo after the battle royal is over and the crowd will eat it up.
feel exactly the opposite to some of you - this thing seems rushed. And the payoff at the end - a trophy - is just stupid.

Its like King of the Ring - New Age Style!
I just want to state I asked you guys a month ago about doing a possible WM 30 Legends Battle Royal with past and present stars and legends. Many of you shot down this idea. Knew this would happen and it is great they used Andre the Giant out of respect to make the battle royal mean something.

a month ago? I have spruiked this idea for three, four months, with the concept of having a representative from each Wresylemania in the match. I could see it being the only logical way to go otherwise the biggest Mania of all time is going to have alot of guys not getting a match or any air time. With Andre the Giants name attached, this match wont be a pre show rubbish match, it will be on the card between huge main event matches. I do expect there to be a few legends like Chris Jerihco or Rob Van Dam and maybe some guys from Manias gone by like Ultimate Warrior or JakE Roberts being in their also. Great idea and glad it is happening
I think it's pretty obvious Big Show is winning this. They've been booking him in main angles for the past months, plus he's been shoehorned into the Yes Movement angle in the past few weeks. He also main evented this week's Raw and Smackdown. The Big Show train isn't slowing down.

By my count, there are about 70 guys who could conceivably be in this match. Here's a list of pretty much all the available roster. I underlined the guys I think will make it in the match.

I pretty much excluded Sheamus and Christian because I assume they're going to have some sort of blow-off match. I also excluded the Shield and the Usos because I assume they'll be on in another capacity.

My biggest snubs were probably Kane, Sin Cara and Los Matadores, but I just think the other ones are stronger picks. Anyway, go take a gander:

Upper Midcard/Ex-Main Event guys (15 guys)

• Alberto Del Rio
• Alexander Rusev
• Big E
• The Big Show
• Booker T
• Christian
• Dean Ambrose
• Dolph Ziggler
• Kane
• Mark Henry
• The Miz
• Rey Mysterio
• Roman Reigns
• Seth Rollins
• Sheamus

The Tag Team Division (20 guys)
• Billy Gunn
• Cesaro
• Cody Rhodes
• Curtis Axel
• Diego
• Drew McIntyre
• Erick Rowan
• Fernando
• Goldust
• Heath Slater
• Jack Swagger
• Jey Uso
• Jimmy Uso
• Jinder Mahal
• Luke Harper
• Road Dogg
• R-Truth
• Ryback
• El Torito
• Xavier Woods

Mid/Under-Carders (25 guys)

• Alex Riley
• Bad News Barrett
• Brodus Clay
• Camacho
• Curt Hawkins
• Damien Sandow
• Darren Young
• David Otunga
• Evan Bourne
• Ezekiel Jackson
• The Great Khali
• Fandango
• Hornswoggle
• Justin Gabriel
• Kofi Kingston
• Ricardo Rodriguez
• Santino Marella
• Sin Cara
• Tensai
• Titus O'Neil
• Tyson Kidd
• William Regal
• Yoshi Tatsu
• Zack Ryder

NXT Participants (10 guys)
• Adam Rose
• Adrian Neville
• Bo Dallas
• CJ Parker
• Corey Graves
• Konnor
• Mojo Rawley
• Sami Zayn
• Tyler Breeze
• Viktor
Yeah, I totes don't like this concept. For example: The Great Khali can't even get himself on Main Event, yet now he's going to appear on the biggest wrestling show of the year. It's stupid..

Khali is pretty much a part-timer though. He doesn't work that tough a schedule as everybody else because of his knees. But even so, there are over 40 consistent TV performers who aren't on the card yet. I've listed them below.

Cena's promo confused me a little. Didn't he pretty much imply that he'd be doing double duty? Or did he say that, like, just because?

I doubt Cena will pull double duty, I'd be a big supporter of him doing so. He could still win his match against Bray, but then lose the battle royal to an up-and-coming guy. It will be a much bigger win for someone like Reigns to eliminate Cena than to give that spot to someone like Hawkins or JTG.

The only gripe I have is making it a 30 man battle royal, to me that is the Rumble's magic number and 30 guys in at once is too cluttered, I'd have just made it a 20 man version.
The number of participants in WM Battle Royals usually coincide with the event number. Like the 21-man battle royal at WM21, and the 24-man battle royal at WM24. If it comes back next year, it will probably be 31-men.

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