Wrestlemania XXX Aftermath & Discussion


Its still early days, but I have made a Wrestlemania 30 card which could work out well...

CM Punk vs Randy Orton for WWE championship
Rock vs Brock Lesnar
Undertaker vs John Cena
Daniel Bryan vs Triple H

I probably believe this whole Bryan-Orton saga will go on till TLC with the title exchanging on numerous occasions with Orton ending on top at TLC with the WWE championship...This could happen with HHH screwing Bryan for the title again...which could setup HHH vs Bryan for Mania...

Remember, Booker T after Wrestlemania 29 had come out and told that the Rock is the no.1 contender for the WWE title...this might not happen but it would be great if The Rock could come back at Royal Rumble for his rematch (not against Cena ) against Randy Orton... Rock vs Orton could be great...At Royal Rumble, Lesnar could screw The Rock which sets up there match at Wrestlemania...The Rock vs Brock Lesnar...

CM Punk most probably would be the guy to win the Royal Rumble 2014...which would setup Randy Orton vs CM Punk for the WWE title...Remember, CM Punk is also not a corporate guy...so the Corporate story line could also be taken further...

John Cena is likely to be back at Royal Rumble 2014...but as far as I understand, Cena wont be in the title picture any time soon...so fitting him in the corporate story line or for that matter any other plan wont be feasible...best thing to do would be putting him against the Undertaker at Wrestlemania to further the streak...As most people are saying this could be Undertaker's last Wrestlemania, John Cena vs Undertaker has to take place at Wrestlemania XXX...

The rest of the card could be added on later...
I have no problem with the 4 matches you have just mentioned. Mania will be centered around those 8 gentlemen and you could see any mix of matches in my opinion.

The Rock vs Triple H
Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar
WWE Title - Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena
World Title - CM Punk (c) vs Daniel Bryan

I think these 4 matches are a viable alternative to the 4 you mentioned. The streak interests me the most because Lesnar and Cena look the most likely. But then what about Taker vs Rock? Or a white hot Daniel Bryan vs Undertaker?

This has the potential to be the greatest Mania card of all time. I just hope they dont mess up the lower card like they did at 29. I just hope they utilise Del Rio, Ziggler, Sandow, Rhodes, RVD well at this Mania. Instead of just throwing them in mixed tags etc. The matches need meaning.
The problem is that there is a 95% chance rock won't return. He was hurt so bad last year, and he will be doing more movies soon, so I doubt rock will come back (at least for this year) otherwise I agree with what you say
Assuming The Rock does not work 'Mania this next year, I would have to go:

John Cena vs either Randy Orton or Triple H in the corporation story
Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker
CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan (c) for the WWE title

I don't see Cena facing The Undertaker IF The Rock is not working Mania because there needs at least three top matches for WWE's flagship PPV. The depth of the main event would be too shallow IMO.
The problem is that there is a 95% chance rock won't return. He was hurt so bad last year, and he will be doing more movies soon, so I doubt rock will come back (at least for this year) otherwise I agree with what you say

I think Rock is working the fans saying he may not return. Its the biggest Mania of all time. Rock will be on the card and you can pretty much guarantee that.
My early card:

WWE Title:
Daniel Bryan vs CM Punk (c). Bryan wins Royal Rumble. Punk beats Orton at Royal Rumble for WWE Title.

John Cena (as Vince's hand picked representative) vs Triple H. For control of WWE.

Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar.

World Heavyweight Title:
Cody Rhodes vs Damien Sandow (c)
WWE Title:
CM Punk (C) vs Daniel Bryan ( RR)

For control over WWE:
John Cena( Vince guy) vs Triple H

Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar

World Heavyweight Title:
Damien Sandow (C) vs Cody Rhodes

Tag Team Titles:
Usos(C) vs Celtic Vipers( Sheamus turns heel)

The clash of the trios:
The Shield vs Wyatt Family

Jericho put over match, lol
Jericho vs Ryback

US and IC, winner takes all Battle Royal( Could be the preshow)
Dolph Ziggler(US) vs Tyson Kidd(IC) vs Alberto Del Rio vs Curtis Axel vs RVD vs Wade Barrett vs The Miz vs Kofi Kingston vs R-Truth vs Kane

Real Americans vs Los Matadores
Main Events:
Daniel Bryan vs Cm Punk {C} - WWE Championship
Triple H vs The Rock {Vince Guy} - Full Control over the WWE
Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker
John Cena vs Randy Orton

Wyatt Family vs The Shield - losers must be disbanded.
Dolph Ziggler {C} vs Rob Van Dam vs Wade Barret vs Kane vs Kofi Kingston vs Chris Jericho - Six Pac Challenge for the IC title
The Big Show vs RyBack
Cody Rhodes vs Damien Sandow {C} - World Title
Divas Match
Antonio Cesaro vs Mark Henry

Pre Show:
Curtis Axel & Alberto Del Rio vs The Miz & R-Truth vs The Usos {c} - Tag Team titles
WrestleMania XXX

WWE Title
Cm Punk (RR Winner) vs Daniel Bryan (C) vs Randy Orton
(Rebirth of Triple Threat, the new HBK, Game, Wolverine)

World Title
Damien Sandow(C)[After Cashing in at E.C.] vs Cody Rhodes (Won title at E.C. but was cashed in on by Sandow)

The Streak Match
The Undertaker vs John Cena

Vince's Pick vs The Authority
Big Show vs Triple H
(Just watched the HHH Dvd he and show are great friends never had a feud, and Show needs a Mania win)

Money in the Bank
Antonio Cesaro vs Wade Barrett vs Kofi Kingston (I.C. Champion) vs Fandango vs Dolph Ziggler vs Christian vs Mark Henry vs Ryback VS The Miz
(Ziggys road to redemption or Christian last run maybe a WWE title for a few months, Barret/Kingston/Ryback finally break out)

The Sheild vs The Wyatts

Battle of the Hart Dungeon
Chris Jericho vs Tyson Kidd w/ Paul Heymen


United States Title
Jack Swagger (C) vs Justin Gabriel
Cena v Taker. I personally think this will happen for many reasons. It is a massive draw; they haven't really had a big match; The Streak misses several big names and the other options don't work. I want this to happen as well, it would be incredible.

Randy Orton vs Punk vs Bryan - WWE Championship - I believe they will drag out this storyline all the way to WM. I think we will see Orton/Punk in a singles match and Bryan winning the Rumble. It has the potential to be one of the best Mania matches of all time, so much talent and all in their prime.

I am certain those two matches will happen. I would love to see Lesnar/Sheamus; two massive guys who could provide a physical match that would be sheer entertainiment.

Triple H vs The Rock is another match that I would love to see. If they can get The Rock back they will want to have a big match for him and being the one to face up to the dictator ( whilst being best for business) could be very interesting. Ziggler vs Sandow for the World Heavyweight Championship as well.
Okay while eating some liquorish allsorts I think all these suggestions are pretty good!
Let's start with The Undertaker who has more or less retired and perhaps this is his last hurrahh how about a fatal four way if possible
Undertaker vs The Rock vs John Cena vs Brock Lesnar - the ultimate challenge to his streak - it also gives the Rumble the chance to have Lesnar or Cena win it.
Unify the WHC and WWE belts perhaps again a fatal four way champions and no 1 contenders - my thoughts would be Randy Orton vs CM Punk vs Big Show vs Kane
Yep Daniel Bryan vs TripleH with Stone cold as special guest referee
The Shield vs Goldust & Cody Rhodes handicap match
Divas and Tag team( The Wyatts vs ? and IC( ADR vs Kofi Kingston) and US(Dolph Ziggler vs Curtis Axel) titles on line as well and finally Money in the bank match RVD vs The Miz vs Sheamus vs Wade Barrett vs Jack Swagger vs Christian
I'd be very happy with this lot. When you look at the talent available, there's no excuse for this not to be an amazing card.

Streak - Cena Vs Taker
WWE Title - Bryan Vs Brock
Heavyweight - Ziggler Vs Ambrose
Grudge - Cody Vs Goldust
Punk Vs HHH

You've also got to factor in Orton, Del Rio, RVD, The Shield, Sandow. I look at those 5 matches above and it seems to lack 1 match that is the defining Lockeroom Vs Corporation feud.
Based on current stories and rumors (Barrett repackage etc)

Cena vs Undertaker - Has to happen but I'll spit if Cena wins it... much as I hate the streak, he shouldn't be the one to end it...but he will.

Unified Title Tournament - The titles get merged at Mania, not the 14 man tournament of WM4 but an 8 man deal on the night featuring:- Chris Jericho (as first Undisputed champ he gets a place), Daniel Bryan (WWE Champion), Wade Barrett (wins the Royal Rumble for his place), CM Punk, Randy Orton, Big Show, Sheamus (World Heavyweight champ after beating Sandow) & Brock Lesnar. (I'd book it for Barrett to win it, much as Jericho did as a "shocker" only not book him as a pussy thereafter.)

Cody Rhodes vs Triple H (Retirement match - Austin as referee) - I can see the Dustin match being sooner but ultimately Cody has to beat Trips to get his job back - if he fails then he is out forever, if he wins Trips can never wrestle again.

The Horsemen w Ric Flair vs The Shield - Ziggler, Drew McIntryre & Batista make up the Horsemen. The match ends with Ambrose turning on the Shield after they lose.

The Ultimate Warrior vs Ryback - Shortish match, Ryback defeats the Warrior

US Champion vs IC Champion - Rey Mysterio vs Adrian Neville - Neville wins the match and end's Mysterio's career.

20 man Legend's Battle Royale - Kane, Mark Henry, Sid, Matt Hardy, MVP, Bob Backlund, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Jake Roberts, Vader, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, William Regal, Goldust, JBL, Booker T, RVD, Animal, Mick Foley and the winner... Sting!
Unlike most, Taker/Lesnar doesn't really interest me. I just cant see them having a real great match given Taker is a little slower than he used to be. Here's what main events I'd like to see:

Taker vs. Ziggler (have him turn heel b4 mania. He sucks as face anyway). This match would be killer!

HHH vs. Bryan

Ryback vs. Lesnar (lesnar face turn... heyman "trades him in" for ryback - the NEW big thing!)

Orton vs. Punk - I know we've seen this a few years ago. but now things are different. The title would be on the line; Orton as champ. And Punk with yet another guy HHH doesn't want as champ!

...And yes, I know... I left Cena out. I got my fingers crossed that he's out til after mania!

Ps. Summer Rae = boner of the month!
The main event should be Punk vs Bryan for the WWE championship. I don't like the idea of a triple threat at WM as I think a one on one between these two would have a bigger feel to it (I always think one on one has a bigger feel).
I could see them doing Orton vs HHH where Orton is sick of HHH/Stephanie saying he's not who he used to be. Orton sides with Vince.
Taker vs Brock or Cena. Rumor is Taker wants to face Brock, so I'll lean toward that one.
That leaves Cena or Brock out. Since I think it'll be Taker vs Brock, I'll say maybe we'll see Cena vs The Rock one more time in a who's the better as they have 1 win each. This will be non-title.
I think/hope the card is going to wind up looking more like this:

WWE Championship - Randy Orton (C) vs. Daniel Bryan

Fatal Four Way Match for the World Heavyweight Championship - Alberto Del Rio (C) vs. CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Rob Van Dam

The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar

The Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho

No Holds Barred Match - Triple H vs. The Big Show

WWE Tag Team Championship - The Real Americans (C) vs. The Usos

Intercontinental Championship - Curtis Axel (C) vs. The Miz

United States Championship - Dean Ambrose (C) vs. Christian
I'll add 1 match that nobody has mentioned...

Women's Championship (Not the Diva's, but the returning Women's title)

AJ vs Tamina (With Superfly Snuka in Tamina's corner)
WrestleMania XXX has to be epic. We need to see, if not all, many of the big-time, big-money draws available. There are a handful out there, some more probable than others. The 3 superstars that would really put this card over the top:

Stone Cold Steve Austin
The Rock

If Sting comes to his senses and signs with WWE he would have to work with The Undertaker, it's a no-brainer and would be a spectacle.

If Austin agreed to come back he could work with Lesnar, HHH, or a heel CM Punk. All would be highly entertaining. I would rank Lesnar vs Austin as the biggest draw and the most intriguing in my opinion. Austin vs Punk would be second for me, the problem being how to turn Punk back into a heel, which he would have to be. I guess he could re-align with Heyman or maybe "sellout" to the corporation, both options are really reaching and lack logic but stranger things have happened. The third match being Austin vs HHH, storyline wise it would be easy.

The Rock is the most likely of the 3 to be on the card. I don't think he should be in the main event or be competing in the WWE Championship match. He has headlined the last 2 Manias but he could really help solidify the card with his star power, he just needs a fresh match up.

This is my card based on the most likely superstars available:

WWE Championship
Brock Lesnar (c) vs CM Punk

-Bryan finally captures the WWE title late in the year but HHH puts him against Lesnar at the Rumble. Punk wins the Rumble. We saw this match at SS but Punk needs to avenge that loss and for the title at Mania would be perfect. He shouldn't really get his hands on Heyman until this night. Brock should be champ going into Mania.

The Undertaker vs John Cena

-it has to, and should happen sometime and this may be the last chance. Just imagine the suspense at the end of this match. Could the streak really end? If anyone could do it wouldn't it be him?

HHH vs Daniel Bryan

-this can be for control of WWE. Bryan needs to face HHH one on one. That is what the current storyline is really about.

The Rock vs Randy Orton

-fresh match up for The Rock and we have never seen it before. It also gives Orton a big match.

World Heavyweight Championship
Ryback (c) vs Dolph Ziggler

-Ryback should win the title so all the Heyman Guys go into Mania carrying gold. I prefer 1 on 1 but this could become a triple threat by adding say Cody Rhodes, Sheamus or Ambrose but Ziggler is the key challenger. If he stays a face he needs to be a HBK-type face where he battles the big guys and puts on an incredible show, win or lose.

WWE Tag Team Titles: TLC Match
The Shield vs ???? vs ????

-not sure who they should face but they need to bring back TLC. The Uso's could be a possibility, as could the New Age Outlaws, but bringing back the Hardy Boyz would really make this special. The Wyatt Family could also be involved.

The rest of the card would sort itself out.
WHC Title - Dolph Ziggler vs Big Show (heel) (c) vs Damien Sandow vs Bray Wyatt

Bray Wyatt in a World Championship match...are you kidding? He's years away from even being midcard-title worthy, let alone a World title. The Wyatt Family promos are crap and his matches are mediocre on his best night. Kofi Kingston would be a better fit for the World title than Bray Wyatt. Wyatt shouldn't even be on the card at the biggest WrestleMania of all time, let alone in a main event match.

And as for the Undertaker vs. Sting request another poster made... get real. Sting isn't signing with WWE. Ever. Get over it.

And even if he did, what gives him the right to wrestle the biggest match on the biggest night of the year? Even in his prime Sting was nothing special, and Sting is WAY past his prime. And unlike Undertaker, Sting can't pull off amazing matches even on a reduced schedule. You're lucky to get a decent match out of Sting these days.
I say

Cody Rhodes vs Christian (Heel) World Heavyweight Title

Daniel Bryan vs Chris Jericho WWE Title

CM Punk /W/ Mr.McMahon vs Triple H WWE Control Match

The Undertaker vs. John Cena (Heel Turn) Last Man Standing Streak vs. Career

IC/US double ladder match winner take all unification match

Legend Battle Royal

Brock Lesnar (face) vs Ryback

Bray Wyatt vs Kane (If Kane Loses he retires)

The Uso's vs Show/Henry/ vs. Wyatt Family vs. Mysterio/Bourne Tag Titles

Rollins vs Reigns vs Ambrose

AJ vs Natalya vs Brie vs Nicki ve Eva Marie Diva's title

Alternate Card

Rock vs Brock

Sting vs Taker

Cena vs Hogan

Ryback vs Batista

IC/US double ladder match winner take all unification match

Legend Battle Royal

Cody Rhodes vs Christian (Heel) World Heavyweight Title

Daniel Bryan vs Chris Jericho WWE Title

CM Punk /W/ Mr.McMahon vs Triple H WWE Control Match

Bray Wyatt vs Kane (If Kane Loses he retires)

The Uso's vs Show/Henry/ vs. Wyatt Family vs. Mysterio/Bourne Tag Titles

Rollins vs Reigns vs Ambrose

AJ vs Natalya vs Brie vs Nicki ve Eva Marie Diva's title
The Undertaker vs. John Cena - "The Champ" finally challenges the streak (in the match that would definitely close the show) & falls short to "The Demon From Death Valley".

WWE Championship: CM Punk(c) vs. Daniel Bryan - The Best In The World meets The Beard Of The World! I'd have both men stay face or tweener but most likely Punk would turn heel. I wish they could have an hour long iron man match but that is just unrealistic in today's WWE. I see Bryan walking out of Mania XXX as the WWE Champion (no matter who he faces).

World Heavyweight Championship: Damien Sandow(c) vs. Dolph Ziggler - These two men deserve the WHC "spotlight" more than anyone right now IMO. Most likely this title picture will change a lot within the next several months before Mania but hopefully Dolph earns his way back because he should be the top face of Smackdown (along with Cody Rhodes) & Sandow should be the top heel of SD. I can see Sandow walking in & out of Mania this year as World Champion.

Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman vs. Ryback - The Beast vs. The Bully! There is only a small hanful of guys left to face Brock that would be "big time" matches for the WWE; Undertaker, Daniel Bryan, maybe Randy Orton. Lesnar is contracted till Mania 31 supposedly & If Lesnar/Taker happens, I see it going down at 31 for some reason (probably because I think Cena/Taker is a bigger, more Mania XXX worthy match in the eyes of WWE). I could also see WWE saving Bryan/Lesnar for Lesnar's Summerslam feud next year. With the Heyman storyline being so prominent right now it just makes sense that WWE would build up Ryback again & have Heyman turn on him just for Ryback to slay Heyman's "Ultimate Monster".

The Winning Team Gains Control of the WWE: The New Regime (Randy Orton, Alberto Del Rio & Kane) w/Triple H & Stephanie McMahon vs. The New Corporation (The Big Show, Mark Henry & Rey Mysterio) w/Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon with Special Outside Enforcer: Shawn Michaels - At Mania this McMahon/Regime/Corporation storyline has to come to a conclusion of some sort & most people seem to agree it will come down to Big Show opposing Orton in some fashion & HHH/Steph opposing Mr. McMahon in some way or another. I can see Kane returning to join the Wyatts & then eventually splitting again & ending up somewhere in this storyline. As well as HBK returning for his buddy Trips & the long awaited Shane O' Mac return.

6-Man Tag Team TLC Match for the US & Tag Team Championships: The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns)(c) vs. The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper & Erik Rowan) - The much talked about Shield/Wyatt Family feud happening at Mania XXX would be very appropriate & could make for a show stealer reminiscent of The Hardy Boyz/The Dudleyz/Edge & Christian. Since The Shield's debut match was so good, why not even throw in the added stipulation of it being a TLC match? The Wyatts even seem like the perfect team to finally knock off The Unstoppable, Mega Team of The Shield. I can see The Wyatt Family claiming tag team gold but somehow Dean Ambrose manages to hold onto his US title, causing The Shield to start to split up.

Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust with Special Guest Referee: Dusty Rhodes - New Orleans is the right place to capitalize on The Rhodes Dynasty storyline. Cody has been on fire, Dusty is the most relevant he has been in several years (as well as being down in developmental as the head of NXT) & now with Goldust back in the ring part-time for WWE, the timing seems more perfect than ever to get that full, dramatic, family effect. This match has been rumored & talked about for several years now & after the amazing showing by The Rhodes family at Battleground, I'd be surprised if this match doesn't finally happen.

8-Man Gauntlet Match for the Intercontinental Championship: Fandango(c) w/Summer Rae vs. Curtis Axel vs. The Miz vs. Christian vs. Jack Swagger vs. Antonio Cesaro vs. Sheamus vs. Big E. Langston - I can't believe last year the IC title was on the pre-show. It even switched hands but most people probably don't even remember (partly due to the awful booking that night & partly due to the awful booking the next night when Barrett just won it right back). This year WWE should make use of all their upper mid-card/low upper-card talent & feature something like a battle royal or championship scramble for their long lost prestiges title. It could advance any number of guys, Langston could win his 1st main roster title or Cesaro could get that solid push & win his 1st IC title?

[Kick-Off Show] Battle Royal for the Divas Championship Whatever Divas match is featured at Mania it just needs to include one simple thing: AJ Lee coming out on top.

Like many fans I'd love to see Stone Cold vs. Punk or HBK wrestle "one more match" but I don't see such things happening. Ofcourse it should be a pretty packed Mania & I expect to see several Legends since it is the 30th Edition but I see a majority of the matches focusing on the newer talent, which isn't a bad thing. I don't see The Rock, Batista or Goldberg showing up but I wouldn't necessarily count them out either. I don't see RVD sticking around or Jericho returning for this years Mania either, though once again them being there wouldn't really shock me either. Guys like Edge or Ricky Steamboat may show up for nostalgia but most likely in a backstage capacity. I can see several Legend Divas returning for a Battle Royal simular to The 25th Anniversary Of Wrestlemania.
Very similar to the above poster:

1) Singles Match: The Undertaker vs John Cena
The build revolves around Cena proclaiming that he has nothing left to do in this business (which is true) apart from challenging 'The Streak'. I'd love to see a retirement angle get thrown in, maybe 'Winner must retire' or 'if Taker wins he must retire' something like that. If not, just the shear fact that it's John Cena will mean there's a chance The Streak will end. It won't, however they'll put on a fantastic 25 minute match and Taker will should the next night 22-0.

2) WWE Championship: CM Punk (c) vs Daniel Bryan
Would love to see Daniel Bryan fall short to Randy, who eventually loses the title to Punk (TLC or RR). Daniel Bryan wins the Royal Rumble and faces his indy mate in the Mainevent at WrestleMania. Bryan finally answers the critics, winning via submission in a 27 minute classic.

3) Singles Match: Brock Lesnar vs Ryback (w/ Paul Heyman)
Surely Ryback being involved with Paul Heyman at the moment means there's a Ryback/Lesnar angle down the road? I'd love to see Brock come back and there be tension between the Paul Heyman guys. Lesnar finally cracks it and turns on them. He's obvioulsy average on the mic but just the shear intensity and spectacle he brings every night would make this an entertaining feud. Would probably keep the match to about 13-15 minutes.

4) World Heavyweight Championship: Damien Sandow (c) vs Randy Orton
Orton's travelling really well right now in my opinion. But in this scenario he'd lose the WWE Championship to Punk. I'd love for the loss to cause him to snap and reek havoc. Moving him into the World Title picture, possibly through him forcing his way into the Elimination Chamber match or something similar will be a subtle way to elevate the World Championship from its current state. I cannot stand Del Rio as the World Champ and the sooner Sandow takes it off him the better. If Sandow were to cash in by the end of 2013, I'd be happy for him to carry the title through to WrestleMania and drop it. Any later and I'd have him retain at 'Mania in a solid 18 minute match.

5) 8-on-8 Tag Team Match: Winner gets control of WWE: Team Hemsley: Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, Curtis Axel & The Miz(w/Triple H & Stephanie) vs Team McMahon: Kane, Big Show, Kofi Kingston & Dolph Ziggler/I]
Like the above poster, I'd like to see this thing ended at WrestleMania. I'd love to see Sheamus return to help Triple H vs Big Show, then see the feud run through and culminate with the others at in a 12 minute match at WrestleMania.

6) Singles Match w/ Dusty Rhodes as Special Guest Referee: Cody Rhodes vs Goldust
I'm not in favour of turning either of these guys heel to run this feud. I think it should be face vs face with the feud built on Goldust/Dusty passing on their legacy to Cody. Cody to win in 9 minutes.

7) Ladder Match for the WWE Tag Team Championships: The Shield (c) vs Christian & Chris Jericho vs The Uso's vs Prime Time Players vs Los Motadores vs The Real Americans
The spot-fest match of the card. Could be an absolute show stealer if executed right. I'd love to see Christian & Chris Jericho unite as a tag team if/when they return.

8) United States Championship: Dean Ambrose (c) vs Rob Van Dam
Hopefully RVD is back by WrestleMania season because I think this could be a great match.

9) Intercontinental Championship: Bray Wyatt (c) vs Mark Henry
I'd love to see Henry get one last title run of some sort. I think the WWE needs to test the waters with Wyatt, giving him the IC title and have Harper & Rowan as his henchmen. Henry is a beast and it's believable that he could take down the family, but I think he should put Wyatt over at 'Mania

Thats basically it. Unfortunately there's no room for Divas. Possible Pre-Show match: AJ/Big E vs Kaitlyn/R-Truth or something a rather.
I really hope they decide to go with Undertaker vs. Cena, because that's a WrestleMania main event I've been wanting to see for a long time. But that's a scenario that has been explored by the two above posters so I'll go with something different. This card assumes they decide to go with Undertaker/Lesnar, which has also been rumored.

CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan vs. John Cena in a Triple Threat Match for the Undisputed Championship
In this scenario, John Cena beats Alberto Del Rio for the World Title, and Daniel Bryan beats Randy Orton to become WWE Champion. Meanwhile, CM Punk takes some time off before the Road to WrestleMaia in order to heal some of his nagging injuries, as has been rumored. Punk returns at the Royal Rumble, winning the Rumble Match, which is something he has never accomplished before. It is announced that at WrestleMania, the WWE Title and World Title will be unified, once again crowning an Undisputed Champion. Punk won the Rumble, so he gets an opportunity to compete for the Undisputed Title. It's Royal Rumble Winner vs. WWE Champ vs. World Champ: Punk vs. Bryan vs. Cena. The biggest triple threat match in history, a match between the top stars of the modern era. Punk has a lot of history with both champions that he could use in promos, plus he could shoot on their relationships with the Bellas to add even more fuel to the fire.

Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman in a No Holds Barred Match
Paul Heyman says that Brock Lesnar will do what his former client CM Punk could not, end the Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania. It's the Beast vs. the Phenom, an easy match to build.

Evolution vs. the Shield in a 6-Man Tag-Team Match
This is something I've pitched in another thread. Basically Triple H's regime implodes. The Shield turns against the faction, becoming renegade babyfaces. Triple H and Randy Orton bring back Batista, re-forming Evolution for night only at WrestleMania 30, in order to destroy the Shield. Batista is a pretty big star, so it would be a nice bonus to have him come back for a match at WrestleMania, and such a marquee match would really help to elevate Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose to the next level.

The alternative to that card would be Cena/Taker, Punk/Bryan and Evolution/Shield, and I think that no matter which way they go it would be a solid WrestleMania. A good mix of established stars in big matches, and new stars looking to make a name for themselves.
I notice that Rock is using Wrestlemania 29 for his 'box office records' of 2013 along with Fast 6, GI Joe and his other films. It looks good to movie producers if he is still in touch with his WWE following.

If he isnt wrestling it could be his time to be inducted to the HOF.
Hmm with Hulk Hogan off contract, I would be very surprised if he didnt sign a 6-12 month deal in the very near future, culminating with some form of appearance at Wrestlemania 30. He is WWE, and should end his career fittingly with a real WWE and Wrestlemania sendoff. I dont care to see him in an actual 1-1 match, but having a Wrestlemania 21 like appearance, maybe the Real Americans comes out and cleans house on the "Real Amercians Cesaro and Swagger in a segment. I do not see the internet hyped nWo vs Shield happening, hell I do not expect The Sheild to be together in 6 months time as a complete unit. My card, based on pure spec but realistic is as follows:



TEAM MCMAHON (Kliq of HBK, Nash, Hall and X-Pac) vs TRIPLE H & THE SHIELD. Triple H somehow turns face and the Kliq complete another memorable curtain call at the completion of the match

CODY RHODES VS GOLDUST special guest referee Dusty Rhodes

Hulk Hogan(winner), Roddy Piper, Paul Orndorff, King Kong Bundy, Ricky Steamboat, and a stack of WWE LEGENDS who have had Wrestlemania moments


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