Wrestlemania XXIX Feedback/Review Thread *KEEP IT ALL IN HERE*

Taker-Punk = match of the night IMHO

E got their sequence all wrong, they put a red hot Punk and the returning mega event Undertaker before the two "big" matches, and this just killed it.

Especially hurt the Triple H/Lesnar match the most, incredible that a decent match with such drawing stars (HBK, Lesnar, HHH) was so muted. WWE will edit the hell out of that match to make it a better collectors item I am sure, but alas the live reactions were pretty detrimental to the match.
As someone who has not watched the WWE product for some time, this show did not convince me in any way to start watching again. The matches were okay but nothing truly spectacular. It didn't feel like a Wrestlemania. Now predictable isn't always bad but it definitely wasn't good either. Just did not enjoy the show and even though the cost was split I still feel like I wasted my money.

I will definitely stick to my TNA, and I have a feeling I will enjoy this week's Impact far more than Mania despite it being on free TV.
Randy Orton, Sheamus & The Big Show Vs The Shield
Decent opener & I'm glad to see Ambrose appears to be getting very over with the audience. The big twist is yet another heel turn for The Big Show & on the whole this match was completely unremarkable, enjoyed the RKO spot though. 2/5

Hell No Vs Dolph Ziggler & Big E Langston
I was fairly impressed with Big E, he has a very convincing 'big man' move set. The Dolph and Bryan bits were pretty good though lacking in number & the call back to last year was done well. However it's yet another so-so match. 2/5

Mark Henry Vs Ryback
Shit ending, shit match, I hate fluke finishes. 0/5

Fandangoo Vs Chris Jericho
Sloppy and yet another terrible finish, you'd have thought they would make Fandangoo look more convincing in his debut match after putting so much reasources into his character. Jericho wasn't on point and Fandangoo was never given a chance to get even slightly over with the crowd. 1/5

Alberto Del Rio Vs Jack Swagger
A perfectly fine match with some nice submission exchanges, it was structured and paced fairly well and both men got their fair share of offence in. Very forgettable though, I forgot this match even happened until I looked at the results. 2.5/5

The Undertaker Vs CM Punk
This was a good match and had some nice near falls and exchanges but it doesn't come close to any of the previous 4 taker mania matches. In fact it may be the weakest Taker Mania match since Mark Henry in 06. 3/5

HHH Vs Brock Lesnar
Some brutal spots but it somehow felt under developed, thought the finishing sequence was done very well. Went on about 5 minutes too long though & some of Lesnars 'psycotic moments' were a bit lolsome 3/5

John Cena Vs The Rock
Finisher Attempt, counter, finisher, rest hold. Repeat ad nauseum and you get a very dull and uninspired match. THE ONLY good part about it would be the call back to last years Mania, but other then that, it was easily the worst Mania main event in years. 2/5

A tepid & very forgettable show. Nothing of note really happened, the were too many crappy finishes & the matches in general were very average with none of them particularly coming out to shine. Props to WWE by resisting the urge of cheapening the night without any skits or anything cringe worthy, first show in ages where the were no points where I'd be embarrassed to watch this around a non-wrestling fan but overall, for Mania, it was really kind of shit. 4/10
The show wasn't bad but it did nothing for me.

There were good matches, not great matches, some odd choices for booking and nothing memorable happening. Best way to put it is it would be good for Over The Limit or something not Wrestlemania, it just didn't have thqt big event feel to it. I was not into The Rock and Cena and I didn't realize it until tonight but the million finisher kick outs is starting to piss me of because its so overused. Cena and The Rock was fine technically but it felt like I saw 6 finisher kick outs in one match, it just felt lazy to me, like they had the same match as last year but in reverse (I loved Cena's peoples elbow fake though).

It goes back to my last thread I made, part timers are good for buyrates but that's about it, no progression, no epic feel, just a quick bandaid to a broken leg. We did all this journey to wind up at square one again. I know I sound bitchy but I just wanna see some damn progression. No match tonight did anything for anyone except maybe Fandango.

This Wrestlemania felt like a roundabout, good but predictable and I've seen it before.
Did I somehow miss it or was there no America the Beautiful this year? As much as I love WM one of the things that sets it apart from everything else the WWE does is that we usually get a great performance of America the Beautiful. I guess it's a small thing but it makes it feel like a big deal
I feel horrible for the poor souls that flushed $60-$70 down the toilet on that pay per view. I streamed it for free and felt like I wasted money. After the terrible build up for this years Wrestlemania, I was hoping they would at least make up for it with great matches. And besides the Taker-Punk match they failed to deliver. Some how they've managed to turn Wrestlemania into just another pay per view. How much longer will they feed us shit and call it ice cream?

And that circle jerk ending with Rock and Cena, what the fuck? That's how you end a feud that has encompassed 3 Wrestlemanias? Fuck this company.
I didn't have to pay to watch this Wrestlemania but I still feel like I want some money back. The only two matches were Jericho vs Fandango and Punk vs Undertaker
It was nice to see Jericho in action against Fandango, even though he carried most of that match he still proved he still got it.
Undertaker and Punk was lack luster until the end of the match when it picked up and for a brief moment you started to feel like Undertaker might lose, which is a great emotion that you should feel.
HHH and Brock??? Well I knew this match would be worthless from the moment they added HHH's career as a stipulation because he is never around anyway so it's not like him losing would matter. He has a company to help run anyway!
I'm a big Rock fan and I was very disappointed by that ending in his Cena match. Obviously Cena was going to counter but it was like the rock just rolled over and decided this was a good place to stop. It could have been done better.
I really wish they would have had Ziggler cash his MITB tonight for the world title, that would have made it more interesting.
I paid $70 for the HD version. I enjoyed it. *shrug*

I liked Lesnar-HHH the best. It genuinely looked like a hard fought match.

Undertaker-Punk was my second favorite match. It didn't quite live up to 'Takers last 4 WM matches, for me anyway, but it was still a good showing.

Rock-Cena was a little slow, but I enjoyed the back and forth.

The rest wasn't bad. I can't really say that I didn't enjoy any match. It felt more like a generic PPV than a Wrestlemania. I hope they up their game for WM 30.
I think because they had the introduction video detailing New Jersey's rebuilding following Sandy that they felt it was all they needed to bestow some pride in American's. They could have had it before the pre-show, not entirely sure, but I was wondering myself. That's the conclusion I came to, not the confirmed reasoning though.
well after over 20 years of watching, i can say im done watching...its sad because i love wrestling entertainment, but its hard to watch wwe anymore, its been boiling for 7 years and after tonight, that's it
If you haven't seen WM 29, don't read this post. Imo WM29 was not great but okay. There were some good moments but it should have been a lot better and that's a huge problem. Why are they putting WM and not making sure the quality lives up to the hype or the amount they are charging for the ticket or ppv price. The amount of performers left off the card who could and should have been there was just shocking to me.

Taker vs. Punk

Best match of the night. It was a predictable outcome but I don't mind that. I want Taker to leave with the streak intact. When they first announced the matchup, I was lukewarm (Lesnar vs. Taker make have been the way to go), but they did themselves proud. Taker clearly looks past his prime.

Jericho vs. Fandango

You couldn't have asked for a better way to make a debut or a better opponent. These two really did great work in their time. Could be a solid rivalry. I didn't think Fandango should have gotten over but Jericho's been unappreciated and underutilized with WWE for a while, so this is nothing new.

Sheamus, Orton, Big Show vs. The Shield

Okay, solid match, they all did their jobs.

Team Hell No vs. Ziggler and Langston

Nice match. Solid work by Langston and I'm glad that Hell No retained.

Ryback vs Henry

Don't have any idea why every one wanted this match. It was okay but not something that had to be done. I was surprised that Henry got the victory.

HHH vs Lesnar

Liked the match, but I knew the ending would be victory for HHH. Lesnar did solid work all things considering.

Didn't see Del Rio vs Swagger, but was happy with the results and would have been happy if they were opposite. Both guys are good workers and they've had a pretty interesting feud so far.

The Rock vs. Cena

Better than last WM match and a ok effort. It had some interesting sequences, but these two were never masters in the ring. Still I wanted more. I'm a fan of the Rock, but it had to end the way it did. Cena is the flagship for WWE and he needed this win more so than the Rock.

I was disappointed with WM 29. The card wasn't big enough for my liking. The main matches weren't good enough for me to say to any one, go get this dvd, or order the ppv. The US and the IC titles not defended on the match itself (IC on the preshow isn't good enough) The Card should have had the Divas title, and Ziggler and Langston had no business challenging for the WWE tag titles. They could have had the Usos, the PTP, Colons and Hell No in a four way elimination match and have PTP win. Where was the mix gender eight tag with Tons of Fun Funkadactyls vs Rhode Scholars and Bella Twins ? Not saying it would have been great but still they needed to be there for their sakes.

No Kofi Kingston, R Truth, Antonio Cessaro, Miz, Wade Barrett, no divas participating, this was just so badly planned and they had so many performers who could have done well on the show, that you feel insulted with the ending result. I'd be extremely pissed if I saw this and actually paid for it.
Slightly disappointed, there wasn't a "wrestlemania moment" or nothing that stood out . Punk V Taker coming on after HHH Lesnar would have hyped up the crowd and the event as a whole before the finish, as I thought it was the more entertaining match.

But hey, maybe raw tomorrow?
I watched last years Mania 3 times. I definitely won't be doing that again this year. I will watch Punk v Taker at least once more but that will be it.

I didn't think it was as bad as some of you, but I was not impressed at all, didn't feel like Mania and most endings seemed very anti-climatic
Def not a Great PPV to be increased to the amount of $70...I did enjoy Taker/Punk, I wouldn't say it was as bad as some of you are making. Topping 4 years straight of Michaels/Michaels/HHH/HHH is kind of tough. Back off...That being said Brock/HHH did seem to dull and Main Event def did not keep my full attention. Give me a new move for an ending or at least Rock kicking out after the 3 count for something to talk about. Just not a good WM card. At least we didn't get a waste match of two fat guys dancing.
Randy Orton, Sheamus & The Big Show Vs The Shield
i liked this match and it's ending. Big Show punching his team was seen coming, but it's not in a way where you cant blame him. Orton did the blind tag and helped cost his team the win which could plant the seeds for a heel turn. not long enough.
Hell No Vs Dolph Ziggler & Big E Langston
also short. still hate their team name (come on WWE fans, Team Friendship is MUCH better). good match and like the outcome as i want Ziggler to be World Champion sooner rather than later.
Mark Henry Vs Ryback
not as good as i hoped. too flat for my liking and the ending came off as more of a fluke type of win.
Fandangoo Vs Chris Jericho
not a bad debut from Fandango and the match wasnt bad.
Alberto Del Rio Vs Jack Swagger
match wasnt bad again. hated the ending as it makes Ziggler to be kinda odd. you have the case, the case was intended to help a wrestler get over at WM. they should've had either Swagger or Big E attack Del Rio, then have Ziggler win the title. it would've been a great WM moment and make the show feel more special.
The Undertaker Vs CM Punk
this stole the show. it was the clear match of the night. the fans were into this match and it showed. predictable ending, but it was still a great match.
HHH Vs Brock Lesnar
it was a fine match that was really hurt by it's slot. it was right after the Punk and Undertaker match and the fans didnt seem to be into the match. it wasnt bad though. i think it was the 2nd best match of the night.
John Cena Vs The Rock
it was a really good match. the outcome was predictable to me though. i never expected a Cena turn. i expected him to get his redemption and this likely gives us either a Rock re-match at the next PPV or at *gulp* next year's WM. i hope it's the next PPV (if they have a re-match) as i hope that next year's WM show has CM Punk vs. John Cena for the WWE title where Punk wins it.

it was a really good PPV, but wasnt great. Punk and Undertaker felt special and the other 2 big matches werent bad, but the Rock and Cena match seemed to be a bit much with the finishers being used alot while the crowd didnt help the Brock and HHH match feel special. the other matches either didnt have enough time or had endings i didnt like or didnt feel special due to build or the story itself. not a bad ppv, but not great.
The whole PPV was kinda meh.Not bad but not something exceptional.Last year,we got matches to remember for a long time.This year just fell flat.I'll rate the matches.
1.Shield vs Team super:***1/4
2.Ryback vs Mark Henry:*3/4
3.Jericho vs Fandango:**
4.Team Hell No vs Ziggler and Big E:**3/4
5.WHC match:***
6.Punk vs Undertaker:****
7.Lesnar vs HHH:****1/4
8.WWE Title Match-Rock vs Cena II:**3/4
Now,the main event was the worst in years at WM.It was just awkward.Nothing to remember,just poor.Bad build and a bad match.
It was a fairly solid but unspectacular PPV. It was said, this would have been fine for a random PPV like Over the Limit or Night of Champions, but this is Wrestlemania...in NY/NJ no less.

Outside of Ryback/Henry, which still has me scratching my head, it was a predictable card, which isn't always a bad thing, but it did no favors tonight.

The Shield/Big Irish Snake match was a good opener. The Shield has been booked well and are being buit as well as anyone in recent memory.

I enjoyed Del Rio/Swagger while it lasted. I felt like they could have given it at least five more minutes. Just as soon as it picked up, it was over

Taker/Punk was good, but Taker is clearly showing his age. Punk countering Old School and hitting it himself, and kicking out of the folded arms Tombstone pin were cool moments, and when Punk hit Taker with the urn the 6 year old in my came to the surface. Considering they had all of about 4 weeks to build this matchm they did fine.

Brock/Trips was good as well, but the crowd gave few shits. Plus Brock is 1-2 since his return. Zack Ryder has as many PPV wins in the last twelve months as Brock. I don't think people see Brock as big a deal as WWE sees him, and I think they need to give him some wins to be viewed as credible.

Rock/Cena had a crazy slow build, and when the action did pick up they didn't do anything special. It was a fine match, but you expect more out of a Mania main event. Much like Del Rio/Swagger earlier in the night, it felt like it ended as soon as it got good.

Overall the show had nothing wrong with it, but for a Mania card I was left wanting more. The smark in me knows RAW tomorrow will likely be one long session of ******io on Cena, which would be fine if the show tonight was better, but after such an average Mania I can't get too excited about the post Mania RAW.
The whole PPV was kinda meh.Not bad but not something exceptional.Last year,we got matches to remember for a long time.This year just fell flat.I'll rate the matches.
1.Shield vs Team super:***1/4
2.Ryback vs Mark Henry:*3/4
3.Jericho vs Fandango:**
4.Team Hell No vs Ziggler and Big E:**3/4
5.WHC match:***
6.Punk vs Undertaker:****
7.Lesnar vs HHH:****1/4
8.WWE Title Match-Rock vs Cena II:**3/4
Now,the main event was the worst in years at WM.It was just awkward.Nothing to remember,just poor.Bad build and a bad match.

Think you summed it up best...Although I'd give punk/taker 4 1/2 if you're giving lesnar/HHH 4 1/4...Think we all judge Taker's match based on the last 4 WM and so tough to top.
It was a fairly solid but unspectacular PPV. It was said, this would have been fine for a random PPV like Over the Limit or Night of Champions, but this is Wrestlemania...in NY/NJ no less.

Outside of Ryback/Henry, which still has me scratching my head, it was a predictable card, which isn't always a bad thing, but it did no favors tonight.

The Shield/Big Irish Snake match was a good opener. The Shield has been booked well and are being buit as well as anyone in recent memory.

I enjoyed Del Rio/Swagger while it lasted. I felt like they could have given it at least five more minutes. Just as soon as it picked up, it was over

Taker/Punk was good, but Taker is clearly showing his age. Punk countering Old School and hitting it himself, and kicking out of the folded arms Tombstone pin were cool moments, and when Punk hit Taker with the urn the 6 year old in my came to the surface. Considering they had all of about 4 weeks to build this matchm they did fine.

Brock/Trips was good as well, but the crowd gave few shits. Plus Brock is 1-2 since his return. Zack Ryder has as many PPV wins in the last twelve months as Brock. I don't think people see Brock as big a deal as WWE sees him, and I think they need to give him some wins to be viewed as credible.

Rock/Cena had a crazy slow build, and when the action did pick up they didn't do anything special. It was a fine match, but you expect more out of a Mania main event. Much like Del Rio/Swagger earlier in the night, it felt like it ended as soon as it got good.

Overall the show had nothing wrong with it, but for a Mania card I was left wanting more. The smark in me knows RAW tomorrow will likely be one long session of ******io on Cena, which would be fine if the show tonight was better, but after such an average Mania I can't get too excited about the post Mania RAW.

Yeah I totally agree, I mean to be fair if not for Taker or my beloved AJ i wouldnt have brought this PPV and i buy everyone plus stay up til 4am to watch cuz im in the UK
I am starting to think the Undertaker really is not human. MC is pushing 50 and can still outwork the rest of the roster.
Otherwise a rather blaise PPV. No surprises in the main events. Unpopular but I think I am alone in thinking having the rookies, The Shield, constantly beating the best on the roster is wrong. TEAM HELL NO retaining was a surprise. Forget where Jimmie Hoffa is buried but Ryback got buried in Jersey.
Why the hell did Henry win over Ryback ? I mean Ryback could have used a victory and they just keep on jobbing him out at ppvs.

For experts, like WWE is claiming they are, they really did a sloppy job here. I could have come up with something better than this any day of the week. The other problem is the wrestlers just phoned it in, or were sloppy, zero psychology, it was just an ok effort and this event should have been so much more for all the hype surrounding it. $60-70 for this ? They can kiss my ass.

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