Wrestlemania XXIV: Finlay vs. JBL

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Taker from the spoilers on the main site. If it happens then this can be the official thread and can be moved to the WWE PPV section, if not it can stay here.

Now this is a match I want to see. I've never not been entertained by a McMahon match. Always too long, but always intresting. I only hope that Hornswoggles input is minimal. Obviously he'll be involved a little. But I hope not too much.

I'm also expecting Foley as special guest referee. Foley's always good value for money so it should be intresting. So long as it doesn't turn into a total comedy match.
From the looks of Mondays's Raw It looks like JBL will be involved in this match. I'm cool with that. I see it now being Vince & JBL vs. Finlay & Foley. And I expect it to be a brawl. Other than decent promos the only think JBL is capeble of is brawling. If I've predicted right then the promos leading to this match will be great, in fact it would only be Finlay letting the side down.
I'm curious if it'll end up being either Finlay and Hornswoggle v. Mr. McMahon and J.B.L., Finlay v. J.B.L. with McMahon and Hornswoggle in respective corners, OR.. Finlay and Jericho v. McMahon and J.B.L.

Any which way it goes, I don't think Finlay and McMahon have the ability to carry each other in a match. And J.B.L. shouldn't be left to deal with any type of handicapped match either.

If Hornswoggle is also involved in a legit Tag Team contest, it'll be completely stupid, as he'll never get tagged in, unless McMahon is in and down most likely, as Finlay wouldn't want him to be hurt. So all in all, I can't believe this is even a remote idea for Wrestlemania.. and to think, it ALL came about, because of Mr. Kennedy fucking up with steroids.. :disappointed:

Singles Match
Finlay vs JBL

Finlay has been in plenty of fights on several continents in his long career, but perhaps none will be as personal as the war he will wage with JBL at WrestleMania XXIV.

The self-proclaimed “wrestling god” has done something no other opponent has ever been able to accomplish – he exposed Finlay’s heart. JBL uncovered a deep secret held by the Belfast brawler – that his ever-loyal sidekick, Hornswoggle, was not the illegitimate offspring of Mr. McMahon, but really Finlay’s son. By decimating Hornswoggle and putting him in a hospital bed, JBL revealed how black his own heart is – and the lengths he is willing to go to prove a point. But the self-made millionaire better be careful. If he thinks he has exposed a weakness in Finlay, he may be mistaken. He may have poured gasoline on a simmering rage within the man who loves to fight.
Visions of Rage ... and Self-Guilt

What does Finlay see when he looks at JBL? He probably sees Hornswoggle’s lifeless form after the former WWE Champion savagely beat him. He may relive JBL repeatedly throwing the lovable Superstar into a steel cage like a lawn dart.

Finlay could never forget the cold look in JBL’s eyes as he stared at the Irishman, who was handcuffed to the cage, and made him watch Hornswoggle’s systematic destruction. Belfast’s favorite son may never forget how JBL refused to confront him face-to-face about the true nature of his relationship with Hornswoggle and instead attacked his son in the hospital.

Or perhaps Finlay sees JBL as the manifestation of his own self-guilt. The former U.S. Champion wiped away tears and repeatedly said, “I’m sorry” to Hornswoggle after the attack. He may blame himself for what has happened to WWE’s resident leprechaun. He may fault himself for putting Hornswoggle in harm’s way.
Merciless 'God'

This is all blood in the water to a shark like JBL. He doesn’t care about the 20 years of friendship he says he has had with Finlay. He came out of a two-year retirement to make a statement and has shown no one – not even a 4-foot Superstar, not even a man’s family and his most personal secret – is out of bounds. Nothing is sacred to JBL. At WrestleMania XXIV, Finlay and the world will see “the wrestling god” at his best and worst – it depends on your perspective.

However, the same can be said of Finlay. WrestleMania XXIV may be the most important match of his career. He will be seeking revenge for himself, his family and most of all, for Hornswoggle. Finlay may not be content until he has JBL’s blood on his hands and the Texan-turned-New Yorker is left in a crimson-laced, broken heap.

The Citrus Bowl in Orlando, Fla., may not be enough to contain this most personal of showdowns between Finlay and JBL. The only way to witness their battle is live on pay-per-view on Sunday, March 30.

Well this sure in hell wont be no technical battle, but sue it be a nice brawl type of match. I'm sure Finlay will try his best to muster up a decent match of JBL, who hasn't look good at all in his return. I do expect to see them brawl hardcore style with anything goes, but after a back and forth match I can see Hornswoggle come and surprise us all and help Finlay win. Should be entertaining as I'm sure they will pull all stops out but still nothing I am that interested in watching.
I was more looking forward to a Finlay/Vince match. This had ebtter be a brawl. If not it'll be terrible. Do people really care enough about JBL & Finlay? I don't think so. But they do care about Vince & Hornswoggle. That's why Finlay w/ Honswoggle vs. Vince makes more sense. Also I've never seen a Vince match that hasn't been entertaining.
All i have to say is what a disappointment i was hoping for it to be vince vs finlay in a street fight (its fun when vince is in a street fight) i care less about this match then i do the darn bunnymania match bad move vince bad move.
I must admit, Vince vs. Finlay in a street fight would have straight up owned! Vince in a street fight is just awesome and they had a built in story with Finlay deceiving and embarrassing Vince by making everyone think Hornswoggle was Vince's son.

But Yea, JBL vs. Finlay is a nice substitute..two known brawlers...if booked correctly, this could be great..especially if they add some kind of stipulation to it...maybe no disqualifications?

And to tnafan95, I don't think any match could be worse than the bunnymania one. If booked correctly, this one has the potential to be awesome.
Well, I, like everyone, want Vince Vs Finlay, but this will probably be decent. Especially if they make it a no dq. I rreally thought Finlay did an excellent acting job in the original set up promo, and hopefully that quality can crry over into this match. Should be decent, if not good, if made into no dq
I dont care about this match, its just do you think they willfinally reveal taht keenedy is mr. mcmahons real son, or are they saying that the whole illigitamate son angle is nothing was nothing other than horsnswaggle and Finlay trying to get mcmahons money???? Kennedy should interfere in this match definitely.
I, like many others, was hoping for a McMahon/Finlay match. McMahon as bad as he is in the ring, always inpresses me. It's always a fun match to watch when Vince is in it. Especially a street fight. Back to this match. Like Jake said, the only way for this match to work is if it's a total brawl. Both of these wrestlers are great a brawls, so if they follow their style, this could be a pretty decent match. This match to many fo the fans in the crowd will be a piss break. Because people aren't interested in both these men. That's why they should have put Vince in, instead of Finlay.
Can't lie I was hoping for Vince vs Finlay as well. I doubt that this will remain just a regular match. I can see it becoming a no DQ match in which would make it very interesting. I expect Finlay to win it, but the match itself has potential to be not a good wrestling match, but a good fight. In the big picture though. I don't think that this is a WM caliber match. I would rather have seen it at No Way Out or even at Backlash for that matter. Also look to see Horny get involved in the match at some point.
Terrible, terrible way to use Finlay. Honestly, the guy has been rock solid in the Money in the Bank match, actually the only person enjoyable in it the last few years. So how does he get rewarded, by being put in a match with a fat out of shape slob that can't wrestle to save his ass.

Finlay is going to have to bust his ass to get at least a halfway decent match out of the tub of goo. What a terrible misuse of a guy that should be goign against a younger talent to help get that person over.
Nothing very special to me here. The onet hing that is making this intriguing to me is the acting that Finlay put on in the cage segment. Hornswaggle is just ruining this whole thing for me though. Seeing him like that sucks the seriousness out of the whole thing. The match could be decent, if its made no dq or somethign like that. A straight wrestling match here just wouldn't work, but a street fight or hardcore match just might.
A terrible terrible waste of McMahon's annual mania match and storyline. I dont think this will be anything special. All that will happen is a smash fest most likely, and a Hornswaggle intervention. I'm pretty disappointed in this storyline, could have been so mcuh better. I reckon they'll try their best to not make this pointless.
Oh well, better luck next year.
Terrible, terrible way to use Finlay. Honestly, the guy has been rock solid in the Money in the Bank match, actually the only person enjoyable in it the last few years. So how does he get rewarded, by being put in a match with a fat out of shape slob that can't wrestle to save his ass.

Finlay is going to have to bust his ass to get at least a halfway decent match out of the tub of goo. What a terrible misuse of a guy that should be goign against a younger talent to help get that person over.

Damn straight. The most I can see personally out of this match is a brawl...and I can just hear J.R. and his line "It's not pretty, but it's damn sure effective" or the classic "This is gonna be like two Oklahoma bulls going at it in the barnyard", or something along those lines...

Maybe the only thing worthwhile coming out of the end of this storyline, is the beginning of the original plan for this storyline. Mr. Kennedy is Vince's REAL son...that would be a major boost for him and give him some direction, as it's pretty obvious he ain't gonna win the MITB match, and who knows if they have anything planned for him afterward...

Piss break / Beer break / Smoke break match for me...
I think that they definetely used Finlay in a way better than this, a Vince/Finlay Street Fight would have been great to see, but I guess this match isn't all that bad. The match itself won't be great to watch, as previously stated, it will simply be a brawl. I do think that it is and probably will continue to have a good buildup to Mania'. It is obviously not one of the most important matches at Mania', probably in the bottom three, but it is not as bad as some think, and will be a decent match. They had to use JBL some way, he didn't come back to not wrestle at mania', the JBL vs. Y2J thing wasn't that entertaining, and JBL in the MITB match would have been horrible, so I guess this is the best way they could use JBL.
I'm not expecting much for this but I hope it is used to further the storyline of McMahons son. I kow it seems too late and lame at this point but Mr.Kennedy should be Vince's son. I am a Kennedy fan and I really dont care how bad it is but I want them to stick with that story. He needs to be a main eventer and hold the belt. But then again that is my biased, fan-based opinion.
Its funny to think back. The Mcmahon storyline. So instead of Kennedy possibly challenging for the WWE title, with the momentum of an earthquake behind him, THIS is the match that we get out of that storyline. I digress...

It was semi revealed tonight that the match at WM could end up being a belfast brawl. Which could end up getting pretty fucking crazy IMO LOL. Finlay is nuts, and JBL certainley doesnt give a fuck. The brutality this could end up having may be a partial show stealer, not becuase its really that GOOD but becuase it could end up just getting insane, like Mcmahon Micheals match from WM 22. Both could end up bleeding buckets. And I am really liking Finlays acting in selling this. Could end up being fairly entertaining now that its a brawl.
Hornswoggle & Vince had better be heavily involved. Nobody cares about Finaly without the midget. And JBL's matches get little reaction. So without those two it'll be a disaster.

I also think it's a shame that this will be the most heavily hyped match on the whole card. I think it'll be decent. But I don't think the fans in attendence will give a shit about it.
Does anybody also think that the WWE has missed out a major part of this angle? The McMahon family's involvement in this all.

JBL claimed the McMahons and Finlay were in with this plot, yet we've seen Shane O on WWE TV recently with the Mayweather/Big Show debacle. Being the guy Vince is, you'd expect to see revenge wouldnt you. They need to explain this storyline more, it just doesn't make sense Finlay allowing his son to be fathered by a guy like Vince and in the early days of this storyline, how Horny was being treated by Vince and the Coach.
Now that this is a no-DQ match, it just got slightly better. Slightly lol. I'm still not a fan of JBL at all, and I still think that Finlay is boring despite being overall technically sound.

Hopefully this spells the end of Hornswoggle and the bastard son storyline.
would be good to see keneddy win mitb and cash in the briefcase at the end of mania with a face turn of sorts after orton wins via dq but then loses to keneddy! keneddy saves mania as it were! then on raw keneddy rather than siding with mcmahon, feuds with him after its revealed he is his son and mcmahon snubbed him. could get very personal and be a decent feud to come out of this.

as for the match itself...why do they insist on giving no dqmatches so many different names? a belfast brawl is a no dq match with an irish guy right?
still could get very messy and surprisingly good if both decide to go all out!! dissapointed they just dropped the y2j/jbl match tho!
would be good to see keneddy win mitb and cash in the briefcase at the end of mania with a face turn of sorts after orton wins via dq but then loses to keneddy! keneddy saves mania as it were! then on raw keneddy rather than siding with mcmahon, feuds with him after its revealed he is his son and mcmahon snubbed him. could get very personal and be a decent feud to come out of this.

I doubt seriously they'd have the Kennedy/McMahon son angle go on after all of this. Why? Because people are getting fed up with the angle to begin with. And even if they try to legit. play that Kennedy could be McMahon's "real" son, even people without internet access would be willing to believe that crock.

Chances are, the McMahon/son angle will end at Mania with Hornswoggle and Finlay. Furthermore, I doubt it'll ever prolong to include Mr. Kennedy. They've moved on from that and pushed Kennedy into another direction.

Although, for purpose sake it would be rather funny to know Finlay, on Raw, beat the complete shit out of "McMahon's real son."

as for the match itself...why do they insist on giving no dqmatches so many different names? a belfast brawl is a no dq match with an irish guy right?

They come up with different names for the same type of match, to reinvent it and make it worth watching all over again. A Belfast (sp?) Brawl makes the match more enjoyable for those who just care for the mental aspect of it. Because it favors Finlay.

Its no worse than watching T.N.A. come up with a new name for the same type of match week in and week out on iMPACT!

still could get very messy and surprisingly good if both decide to go all out!! dissapointed they just dropped the y2j/jbl match tho!

I agree with you that the Chris Jericho/J.B.L. storyline was just badly dropped. Especially when their ending at the Royal Rumble should've by all rights lead to a type of Bullrope match at No Way Out, or Wrestlemania. As it stands, apparently their feud ended inside the Elimination Chamber.. badly.
Finlay and JBL in a no holds barred match. sounds like it could be a pretty brutal affair. neither guy is a stranger to hardcore fights so i think this could be a surprisingly good match. especially since JBL doesnt really have to wrestle and both are good brawlers. though technically, i'd say finlay has the advantage and will probably get the sentimental win. maybe he'll anihilate horny as a celebration and turn full heel again.
this makes no sense to me. jbl comes out one week beats the crap out of hornswoggle, reveals hornswoggle is not vince's son and than challenges finlay. wasn't it like about 4 months ago that jbl was retired and praising finlay for his wrestling. it should be vince vs finlay. thats what it looked to be building up to.

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