Wrestlemania Wild Cards


King Of The Ring
So, right now it seems as if WWE has a few high profile guys that they don't really have a plan for heading into Wrestlemania.. wild cards if you will. Granted it is pretty early and many things can change from now until Wrestlemania, but as of this moment the most likely card so far seems to be along the lines of:

Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar (WWEWHC)
Sting vs HHH
Undertaker vs Bray Wyatt
Seth Rollins vs Randy Orton
*John Cena vs Rusev
and I assume: The Uso's vs The Ascension

There are a lot of superstars who don't really have a direction at this point heading into Fast Lane and on to Wrestlemania. The wild cards include:

Daniel Bryan
Dolph Ziggler
Dean Ambrose
Luke Harper
Bad News Barrett

These are the 7 that popped into my head so correct me if I am missing anybody. My question to you is:

What do you see these 7 doing from now until Wrestlemania and what involvement will each man have at Mania?
With ANY luck at all and if Vince McMahon has any sense left and is even 1% as "in touch with fans" as he thinks he is then they'll book Ziggler vs. Bryan. I want to see Sheamus come back and battle with Ryback as well, since Rusev vs. Ryback seems to have just been dropped. BNB will likely defend his title on the pre-show again. I'm not sure about Harper and Ambrose but if they're holding the battle royal again this year I'd say that's where all those guys would most likely be put on the card, and we'll most likely see DB vs. Sheamus again. I don't want it to happen but I'd say it's a high probability, despite common sense and logic dictating otherwise.
Well I'm hoping WWE decide to listen to the fans and go with Ziggler VS Bryan as its the sort of match that could really steel the show and make the rest of the guys on the card really up there game. it also looks as if there will be a number of one on one matches on the night so possible putting Sheamus, Harper, Ryback and Bad News Barrett in a fatal Four way for the IC title might be a good Idea. Then there is Ambrose, And while I wish WWE would have possible gone with him over Reigns, WWE can more then make up for it by putting him in the Andre the giant Battle Royal with the stipulation that whoever wins gets a shot at the WWE at Extreme Rulez. this way you could give not just Ambrose, But guys like Kane and Big Show something meaningful to do.
I agree with all of your matches and as for the wild cards here we go:
Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler
Sheamus vs. Ryback
Luke and Dean will be in the Andre the giant memorial and Dean will win that.
Bad News Barrett vs. Erik Rowan for the IC Championship
Miz vs. Mizdow
You could also have Ryback/Rowan vs. Sheamus/Harper
Daniel Bryan - He will either be thrown into the main event after a non-finish at Fast Lane against Reigns or (and this is the one I would rather see) they'll put him against Dolph. I would say there's also a small chance he could face Cena because Rusev could always beat Cena and move onto Ryback at Mania. They teased that match before Ryback got fired. Not likely, but as I said, there's a small chance.

Dolph Ziggler - My 1st choice would be to see him go 1 on 1 against Bryan. I've read the rumor that he and Ryback will become a tag team and be part of a triple threat or fatal 4-way for the titles. There's a chance he's just thrown into the Andre Memorial battle royal if they have it again this year.

Dean Ambrose - I think it's most likely he has a rematch with Bad News Barrett whether he wins or loses at Fast Lane. The only other opponent I could see for him is Sheamus if he turns heel upon his return.

Sheamus - All kinds of possibilities here. I think Ryback is the likeliest opponent because I do see Sheamus being a heel just to shake things up. Ambrose would be my next choice. If he remains a face, there's always a chance he finally gets his rematch with Rusev. Bad News Barrett is another option. I think he or Ryback will win the Andre battle royal if they're in it. There were rumors he'd go up against Daniel Bryan, but those apparently have been scrapped.

Ryback - As I said, my best guess is we see Ryback vs. Sheamus. Maybe Big Show just so we can see him get Shellshocked (though I don't know if they want to risk him botching it - remember Tensai?). Tagging up with Dolph or entering the battle royal are potential ways they could go. I also wouldn't rule out him getting a title shot against Barrett or Rusev.

Luke Harper - Definitely in the Andre battle royal if they have one. Maybe part of an 8 or 10-man tag if they have The Authority's guys take on Dolph, Ryback, Rowan, and others.

Bad News Barrett - My best bet is a rematch with Ambrose. A small chance he defends against Ryback or Sheamus. An even smaller chance he could defend against Jericho. I don't think he's taking part in Mania, but if he did, this is where I'd use him. Jericho gets his 10th IC Title and loses it back the next night.

With all that said, this is how I see the Mania card shaping up. I'm really hoping they don't make the main event a triple threat again. There's nothing wrong with having one every now and then, but we had one at Mania last year and we just saw one at the Rumble. I'm not a fan of Reigns, but in my opinion Vince should stick to his guns this year and not cave for the Bryan fans again. He gave them what they wanted last year. If they boo, so be it. True wrestling fans would be happier with a Bryan/Ziggler classic.

1. WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Roman Reigns
(followed by a Seth Rollins cash-in)
2. Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler
3. Undertaker vs. Bray Wyatt
4. Sting vs. Triple H
5. Divas Championship Fatal 4-Way: Paige (c) vs. AJ Lee vs. Natalya vs. Nikki Bella
6. US Championship: Rusev (c) vs. John Cena
7. Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins
8. Intercontinental Championship: Bad News Barrett (c) vs. Dean Ambrose
9. Andre Memorial Battle Royal: Winner -Ryback
10. Career Match: Goldust vs. Stardust


11. Damien Mizdow vs. The Miz
12. Tag Team Championship: The Usos (c) vs. The Ascension vs. Cesaro & Kidd
I`d like to see AJ Styles come to WWE and face John Cena, seeing as Rhyno came back and Bully Ray returned at the Royal Rumble.

I`d like to see AJ Styles come to WWE and face John Cena, seeing as Rhyno came back and Bully Ray returned at the Royal Rumble.


I bet the majority of the WWE Universe doesn't even know who AJ Styles is. Ryno and Bully Ray made their name in ECW and then WWE so at least a large proportion of the fanbase know who they are.

Looks like they are going to go down the Bryan vs Sheamus route. Ziggler looks set for the IC belt.

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