Wrestlemania Weekend Just Became General Wrestling Weekend


Lord And Master
Staff member
TNA made the following announcement today…

TNA IMPACT WRESTLING announced today a live event date set for one of the biggest industry weekends of the year. The TNA IMPACT WRESTLING World Tour will be live in Westbury, NY on April 5 at the NYCB Theatre at Westbury starting at 7:30pm. Tickets will go on sale this Friday, Oct. 5 and will be available at the NYCB Theatre box office, Live Nation or charge by phone at 800-745-3000 .

Wrestling fans worldwide will pilgrimage to the New York City area for one of the wrestling industry’s biggest weekends of the year. TNA IMPACT WRESTLING brings its one-of-a-kind live event to Westbury offering fans an opportunity to experience today’s top talent in the ring.
Follow TNA IMPACT WRESTLING on Twitter (@IMPACTWRESTLING) for all the latest news, merchandise discounts AND MORE.

Tickets go on sale this Friday, Oct. 5 at Live Nation or charge by phone at 800-745-3000 . Tickets start at $24 and fans that purchase the $75 ringside tickets will receive early entry and autograph signings with select IMPACT WRESTLING Superstars at 5:30pm. (Redeemable with ticket the night of the show.)

That'sright. TNA just booked a house show the day before Wrestlemania Weekend on New York with the very idea of taking advantage of the fanbase flocking for Wrestlemania 29. Smart? Clever? Distasteful? Cheap? Whatever. It's an interesting move. Fan's can now head to NY one day earlier with the idea of catching the opposition in action in a house show as well as the greatest wrestling show of all time and it's pre-show attractions. I guess someone at the marketing department woke up and pitched the idea. It may be cheap, but it's certainly a pretty smart move.
Well, it's certainly not clever or innovative. Indies have been doing the exact same thing for at least the past few years. As for TNA doing it, good for them. They'll probably do good business, as NY is historically a good wrestling city, combined with there being a lot of 'Mania tourists.

Cheap, probably. But it's wrestling. Who cares if it's cheap as long as its effective.
This is actually kind of annoying, because I'm going to have to decide between going to Ring of Honor's big event, or TNA's house show. I'm a much bigger TNA fan, but I also know more of the guys in ROH and could probably do some work for Wrestlezone while I'm there. I guess it's not the worst problem to have though...

Overall, I'd say bring on as many wrestling events in one weekend as you can! It's like going to a music festival for a week, except it's all about wrestling! WWE Axxess events all week long, TNA and Ring of Honor shows, the WWE Hall of Fame, WrestleMania, Monday Night Raw, and the Smackdown tapings. A solid week of wrestling, if you can afford to be there that long and go to all those events.
Certainly, it's smarter than when they tried to start a new "monday night war" a couple years ago. In the end, it may do well, but it's going to be a long time before TNA becomes a real threat to WWE. WWE may not be that great right now, but at least they're trying to push some new stars. TNA is full of old timers and WWE rejects for the most part. I just wish I had the money to go watch these events though. That would be pretty sweet. Oh well.
Finally confirmation that Sting will be there to take on the UT. :)

Makes sense. There is money to be made there with all of the most dedicated wrestling fans living in and coming to the area.. Would make even more sense if they could spit out a live Impact. I just hope this doesn't turn in to some type of competitive invasion attitude like with the Monday Night Bitch Slaps.
cheap move but business wise, its a smart move. TNA wants to expand, and what better way to expand then to showcase your promotion and your superstars than to promote it during WrestleMania? Of course, TNA in my opinion isn't on any level compared to the WWE, but hey, TNA could possibly steal some WWE fans in the process or something. I expect the WWE to make a counter move, i don't know how or what but New York City is predominately WWE grounds. Glad im not in this situation though. The WWE will probably laugh it off and move on without caring.
They're not the first company to try to piggyback some business because of WWE being in town for WrestleMania, they won't be the last. When it comes to paying the bills, gotta do whatever it takes.

In comparison, TNA probably won't even register as a blip on the radar. If the various reports are accurate, TNA seems to only draw around an average of 500 people for house shows. It's extremely rare to read about TNA house shows, at least here in the states, drawing 1,000 fans or more. Because of WWE's presence, TNA might pull better than average numbers as fans might be in a wrestling mood for the weekend but, as I said, I doubt it'll register as a blip on the radar.
It's something TNA may as well do. If wrestling fans are in town for that weekend for Wrestlemania and have a free evening, then its quite possible they will choose to check out the TNA house show that night. The fans who lived in the area who would have attended the house show will more than likely do so anyway, but if there's the opportunity to draw in a few hundred more fans, many of whom will have never been to a TNA show before...well it just makes good business sense to do so.

I would expect TNA to put some effort into making this particular house show better than usual, with more stars than would usually appear because fans who are going to WM the next day will be seeing the most spectacular show of the year, so TNA need to raise their game for that show to try and ensure that they do not come across as second rate or the poor-mans equivalent to the WWE.
Extreme Rising is pulling some shows in the area Wrestlemania weeked as well, from what I have heard. I guess it's a plethora of wrestling promotions and styles on one weekend. Good for everyone else.
Really it's a nice move. In Atlanta last year, I went to one of the ROH events. The Saturday one, can't remember if it was the first or second night. But it was really a great experience, since they fit it well into the schedule of WM Axxess, Hall of Fame Ceremony, and even WM itself.... all of which I had tickets for.

If TNA is doing the same thing, that's great for them. It stirs up great business and gets more fans into their shows. Who knows, maybe people who can't afford the Mania tickets, they can still get their wrestling fix by going to TNA instead where they can see people like Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy compete.
If TNA was really smart they would have Bound for Glory either Friday or Saturday before Wrestlemania, people come from all over the world for Wresltemania and you will get more tickets sold and could have a lot bigger event than planning it by yourself. If I was already traveling to see Wrestlemania I would definitely buy a Bound for Glory ticket too. Would I travel to see Bound for Glory, no. I think TNA should think even bigger and piggyback on WWE a lot more.
It's a rather intriguing move on TNA's part. I wouldn't call it smart necessarily, but the wrestling business is just that- business. If they think they can make more money and simultaneously shoot down WM profits, let them have at it. If they don't, well, better luck next time.
TNA using the term "biggest industry weekend of the year" s a massive LOL.

Seriously, it's smart business for say, an indy fed to do a stunt like this as it has big potential to garner a lot of attention and bring new eyes to the product - even if its just 100 new eyes on the product.

But TNA, with Hogan, RVD, Hardy, Angle, Sting on their roster, with TV deals all over the world, merchandise all over the world... they just come across as carny, and appear like exactly what they are: second rate to WWE.

If TNA have to do this to attract new fans... well. Let's safely say this does more to damage there reputation in the eyes of the aware and informed than it will the desired effect of making new fans.
It may be cheap but I feel that it's good for the fans. There are worse things than too much wrestling to watch. It will probably attract some people that otherwise would not see a TNA show. I don't see any reason to get upset I doubt the WWE will lose any business over it.

TNA using the term "biggest industry weekend of the year" s a massive LOL.

Seriously, it's smart business for say, an indy fed to do a stunt like this as it has big potential to garner a lot of attention and bring new eyes to the product - even if its just 100 new eyes on the product.

But TNA, with Hogan, RVD, Hardy, Angle, Sting on their roster, with TV deals all over the world, merchandise all over the world... they just come across as carny, and appear like exactly what they are: second rate to WWE.

If TNA have to do this to attract new fans... well. Let's safely say this does more to damage there reputation in the eyes of the aware and informed than it will the desired effect of making new fans.
The best thing TNA can do at this point is to avoid direct completion with the WWE. They are far from peers, doing events like this is a great way to continue building a fan base and build up to competing directly with WWE. The WWE is weak currently and I feel that if TNA can build up their product more over the next year or two they could actually become a legitimate threat.
In the end they have no choice but to do this.

They get a chance to showcase their talent ... some of it talent that has been in the Main Event of the other company many times ... and do it with wrestling fans that might not have heard of them before.

It can't hurt ... that is for sure. WrestleMania weekend will feature thousands upon thousands of wrestling fans ... and many of them are not satiated with just the WWE product. If TNA feels that they can open themselves up to more fans ... then they have to make this move and get more people who realize that it is not TNA vs. WWE ... that is not a contest ... but you can watch both and enjoy both.
I hate when people say a move like this is cheap - TNA is a business, this is a good business move, a chance to reach a wider audience and hopefully win them over which would have both short term and long term benefits for the company.

Certainly it is not as cheap as McMahon forcing arenas to sign exclusivity agreements threatening to stop holding any WWE related events of they hosted a rival promotion (he did this a lot in the late 80s - mid 90s to stop WCW from running shows in areas he doiminated), or McMahon threatening cable operators that if they showed an NWA PPV he wouldnt offer them any WWE PPVs in the future (1987 Survivor Series vs Starrcade), or The NWA offering Clash Of Champions on free cable directly opposite the WrestleMania PPV, costing WWE several million dollars in lost revenue, or McMahon proclaiming the arrival of "The Real World's Champion" in WWE by plastering the airwaves with the WCW World Title belt in advance of Ric Flair's debut, or Eric Bishoff taking advantage of built in discounts on TV production costs through his association with Turner Broadcasting to hold weekly TV shows live every week and give away match results of taped bouts airing that night on WWE RAW, or MAdussa throwing the WWE Women's Title in the trash can on Monday Nitro, Rick Rude delivering a scathing anti WWE Promo on live Nitro while a taped segment featuring him aired on RAW, the list goes on.

It's a business guys, if TNA sees an opportunity to expand and be profitable they should take it. Certainly over the years Vince McMahon has taken plenty of opportunities himself.
I'd say bring on as many wrestling events in one weekend as you can!It's like going to a music festival for a week,except it's all about wrestling! WWE Axxess events all week long,TNA and Ring of Honor shows, the WWE Hall of Fame,WrestleMania,Monday Night Raw,and the Smackdown tapings.
I thought the Monday Night War TNA tried to restart was kinda Smart.. But TNA should have went with an hour show from 8 to 9.

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