Wrestlemania Moments


Dark Match Winner
What was everyones favourite wrestlemania moment?one of mine was when vince and austin joined forces at 17!
mine was the tlc match at wrestlemania 17 and all of wrestlemania 22
Uhh! I can't narrow it down to one!
-Benoit making Triple H tap at WMXX
-Shawn Michaels jumping off the huge ladder this year @ WM22
-Everything about the Brock Lesnar/Kurt Angle match at WM19
-Every year watching Undertaker destroy another opponent, continuing his undefeated legacy!

There's like 10! But those are the ones I'll never forget)

When Shawn jumped at WM22 I was like HOLYH F*CKIN SH*T! lol
Here's a few

Stone cold passing out to the sharpshooter
edge spearing foley through the flaming table
all of the tlc matches
brock missing the shooting star press
I have to say:
Any Undertaker match
Undertaker's entrance at WM 14
Paul Bearer doin the DX Crotch chop towards Pete Rose at WM 2000
Triple H's entrance at this years WM
Hogan vs. Rock
Kurt vs. Brock
Taker vs. Psyco Sid
HBK vs. Y2J at 19
Savage vs. Steamboat at WM3, the greatest match in the history of WWF/E
zero said:
Tables - Ladders - Chairs at WM17

Sorry Cant Narrow It to One...

Top 5...

5 - Return of the Deadman..at wrestlemania 20...Hated his biker gimmick, and having the buildup made it sooooo much better.

4- TLC at W17...Edge Spear Of the Ladder to Jeff or Devon I think...OMG..Pure Glory...

3- Benoit winning at 20..This man went thru the struggle and finally won..great moment...

2. IC title vs wwe title...yes the Hogan and Ultimate Warrior match...Hogan lost clean and We all know i hate Hogan...

1. Austin winning the title..Began the Austin/Attitude Era..He took Wwe to the next level...
My top moments? They are all matches so here goes:

6. Undertaker vs Triple H (WrestleMania 17)
5. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs Michaels (WresteMania 13 I think)
4. The Rock vs "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (WrestleMania 14 I think)
3. Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania 19)
2. Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar (WrestleMania 19)
1. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs The Rock (WrestleMania 17)
1. michaels beating hart at wm 12

2. rock finally beating austin at wm 19

3. austin beating michaels at wm 14

4. edge spearing foley through flaming table at wm 22

5. angle making michaels tap out after that great match at wm 21
3.Undertaker def. Kane – WrestleMania XIV
2.Shawn Michael Do or Die Jump WrestleMania 22
1.Eddie Guerrero And Chris Beniot Celebration At The End Of WrestleMania XX
Ipswichicon said:
Stone Cold nearly reversing Brets sharpshooter with his face pouring with blood at mania 13.:wwf:

WM 13 was HBK vs. Austin.
SiciliazMan85 said:
WM 13 was HBK vs. Austin.

No, that was 14 (one of the best ever).

Speaking of XIV, one of my favorite moments has to be Kane tombstoning Pete Rose and the whole entire spectacle of Taker and Kane. I'm from near Boston and the whole thing with Rose trashing the Red Sox and then Kane tombstoning him was just TREMENDOUS. In addition, you had the best buildup/storyline in the history of the WWE for the match and the unforgettable entrances.

Others that stand out:

~HHH tapping to Benoit

~Austin and Bret from 13

~Butterbean absolutely destroying Bart Gunn

~OWEN v Bret from 10, I think it was.

~The UNBELIEVABLE Ovation from the Skydome during the Ultimate Challenge and the match itself was awesome.

~Hogan slams Andre, of course

~Snooka off the cage

~Lesnar's failed shooting star press. I swear to God, I thought he broke his neck and he probably should have.

~Can't forget Hogan v. Rock when the crowd inexplicably turned on the Rock!
I have to narrow it down to one! Dang! I guess it was Andre vs. Hogan at WM3
Lesnars missed SSP at 19 (Notice all of the replays of him doing it dont show him landing)

Benoit-Guerrero Celebration at 20 (Everybody loves this one)

Michaels Ladder Jump at 22 (Im surprised McMahon would have that done to him)

Edges firery spear at 22 (The only good shot of it is on the DVD)

Cena wins at 22 (This one shocked a lot of people)

But my all time favorite is definately.....

Kurt Angle vs HBK at 21 (This was obviously the best match of both of their careers)
My all time favorite Wrestlemania moment came from number 17 - when Linda Mcmahon stood up from her wheelchair and kicked Vince in the nuts. I remember it being so funny because there was so much drama involved in the storyline. All I can really remember is Linda being heavily sedated in a wheelchair, so it was funny to see Vince's facial expression when she "roshamboed" him in the grapefruits. Can somebody recall the storyline behind this for me?
1 Wow didnt ne one like the Angle vs. Michaels match?

2 Rock vs. Hogan was really good
^^ I liked Hogan vs Vince McMahon better. And yes, just like Lashley-NextBigThing said above, HBK and Angle was the best match of both mens' careers. However, this thread is about Wrestlemania moments, not favorite Wrestlemania matches
^^^^The Rock and Hogan beatin the hell out hall and nash after there match
WM 17 The whole thing was my most memorable moment in wrestling, That night had a drama like i had never seen b4, I remember it because i missed 3 tests for year 11 that day to watch it. Will never in my life forget Austin Vs Rock with the limp Bizkit theme playing Absolute best wrestling moment Period
WrestleMania XX-Eddie Guerrero (WWE Champion) and Chris Beniot (World Heavy Weight Champion) Celebrate
WrestleMania XIX-Brock Lesnar Missing Shooting Star Press
WrestleMania 22-Edge spearing Mick Foley through flaming table
WrestleMania X7-The Entire Event

Too many to list
Demolisher said:
WrestleMania XX-Eddie Guerrero (WWE Champion) and Chris Beniot (World Heavy Weight Champion) Celebrate
WrestleMania XIX-Brock Lesnar Missing Shooting Star Press
WrestleMania 22-Edge spearing Mick Foley through flaming table
WrestleMania X7-The Entire Event

Too many to list

All them plus Cena Vs HHH - that crows was amazing
Hogan V Rock and WM18 - the match wasn't great but the event around it, build up and crowd made it something else

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