Wrestlemania buyrates. All of them.


Occasional Pre-Show
This is going to be long so read if you dare.

WrestleMania 1 - 398,000

WrestleMania 2 - 319,000.

WrestleMania III - 450,000 (Closed Circuit Television) and another 400,000 on PPV (Andre and hulk)

WrestleMania IV - 175,000 (Closed Circuit Television) ( decrease) uncertainty with the wrestlemania 4 tournament.

WrestleMania V - 767,000, Mega powers take credit for this one.

WrestleMania VI - 550,000 (decrease) people didn’t like the fact that it was babyface vs babyface.

WrestleMania VII - 400,000. (Decrease)

WrestleMania VIII - 360,000. Savages star power was dwindling, hogan and sid was a bad main event.

WrestleMania IX - 430,000. (Increase)
Bret vs Yokozuna was a refreshing Matchup, also raw debuted this year so I guess that had something to do with the increase as well.

WrestleMania X - 420,000. Not too bad just a tad below wm 9.

WrestleMania XI - 340,000. (Decrease) Business was bad, bam bam vs Lawrence wasn’t an attractive main event, diesel as champion wasn’t a draw,

WrestleMania XII - 290,000 terrible undercard, people didn’t Know what they were going to get with Bret and Shawn.

WrestleMania 13 - 237,000 (Lowest Buyrate Record) sid and undertaker wasn’t an attractive main event.

WrestleMania XIV - 730,000 business was getting hot. Austin’s rise + mike Tyson helped alot.

WrestleMania XV - 800,000, business stays hot.

WrestleMania 2000 - 824,000 increase for sure, but somewhat of a dissapointing number considering how successful the company was in 2000. I don’t think people cared to see a fatal 4 way, people wanted just hhh vs rock. Also Austin’s absence probably hurt this some.

WrestleMania X-Seven - 1,040,000 obviously Austin and rock, obviously.

WrestleMania X8 - 880,000 huge decrease. Jericho and hhh bulidup sucked, rock and hogan didn’t have alot of buildup. Invasion turned alot of people away.

WrestleMania XIX - 560,000 even bigger decrease. Smackdown was constantly getting preeumpted at the time due to reasons idk.. so many were missing Smackdown, also chicken shit heels don’t draw money. Angle was playing a chicken shit heel in his feud with Brock by always trying to get out of the match,

WrestleMania XX - 1,007,000 Huge increase, people wanted to see Eddie and beniot,

WrestleMania 21 - 1,085,000 angle/hbk, cena was still popular with alot of the hardcore fans, Batista and triple h had a great bulidup.

WrestleMania 22 - 975,000. Not as good as 21. But still not bad, alot of the diehard fans were still supporting the product.

WrestleMania 23 - 1,250,000 (Former Highest Buyrate Record) trump trump trump!! But also Cena/hbk. Give Cena credit his buyrates have been pretty good.

WrestleMania XXIV - 1,041,000. Ric Flair fans wanted to see his last match.

WrestleMania XXV - 960,000. Orton and triple h had been done to death, the undercard was weak,

WrestleMania XXVI - 885,000. Batista and Cena had already been done before, some people didn’t want to see hbk vs undertaker again.

WrestleMania XXVII - 1,042,000 (the rock) obviously him hosting had a massive effect on this. Even though the card was awful.

WrestleMania XXVIII - 1,300,000 (Highest Buyrate Record) obviously gotta give credit to rock and cena. You had everybody from all eras ordering this show,

Wm 29. 1,048,000. Lack of interest in rock vs Cena rematch, Brock and triple h had already been done.

Wm 30. 690,000. (Huge decrease) Cena and Wyatt was too predictable, fans were still angry that punk walked out, Batista and orton were main eventing, even though it worked out for the better because Bryan ended up winning the title I think alot were hesitant as to wether the company was going to give Bryan his moment.

Wm 31. 259,000 (huge decrease) Roman in the main event definitely hurt this. Fans wanted Daniel Bryan and when they didn’t get that people turned away.

32, 33, 34, 35?? I can’t find them.
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Yeah any numbers from WM30 and beyond are irrelevant. WWE Network launched in February of 2014. Obvious excuse to take a swing and a miss at people he's already admitted not liking.
Yeah any numbers from WM30 and beyond are irrelevant. WWE Network launched in February of 2014. Obvious excuse to take a swing and a miss at people he's already admitted not liking.
who gives a shit who I like and don’t like it’s my opinion don’t fucking read it if you don’t like it. God damn kids these days.
Some of the figures in the 80s are deflated, because cable television was still in its infancy and growing at the time.
For example, 450,000 watching the infamous WM3 event might not sound a lot volume wise, but when you see the buy-rate figures, this was an 8.0 .... meaning 8% of cable subscribers who could have ordered the show, did so.
Cable TV in american homes doubled from the mid 80s to 1990.... so when you get into the attitude era with Austin/Rock pumping huge numbers in volume, the buy rates were nearer 2 to 2.5
Despite the actual volumes dwarfing WM3, the % of cable users who could have ordered a WM PPV was in fact WM3
Wrestlemania 29 was the largest gate the WWE had ever done at the time, so claiming lack of interest in Rock/Cena rematch to explain the decrease in PPV buys is silly. Wrestlemania 31 is the largest gate in company history. WWE Network 100% played a role in the decrease in PPV buys that year. Huge asterisk on that one. Had nothing to do with the appeal of Roman Reigns.
When you consider The Network, illegal streams and venues showing PPV's now it's harder to judge buyrates and the names headlining the card than in previous years.
Wrestlemania 29 was the largest gate the WWE had ever done at the time, so claiming lack of interest in Rock/Cena rematch to explain the decrease in PPV buys is silly. Wrestlemania 31 is the largest gate in company history. WWE Network 100% played a role in the decrease in PPV buys that year. Huge asterisk on that one. Had nothing to do with the appeal of Roman Reigns.
This is going to be long so read if you dare.

WrestleMania 1 - 398,000

WrestleMania 2 - 319,000.

WrestleMania III - 450,000 (Closed Circuit Television) and another 400,000 on PPV (Andre and hulk)

WrestleMania IV - 175,000 (Closed Circuit Television) ( decrease) uncertainty with the wrestlemania 4 tournament.

WrestleMania V - 767,000, Mega powers take credit for this one.

WrestleMania VI - 550,000 (decrease) people didn’t like the fact that it was babyface vs babyface.

WrestleMania VII - 400,000. (Decrease)

WrestleMania VIII - 360,000. Savages star power was dwindling, hogan and sid was a bad main event.

WrestleMania IX - 430,000. (Increase)
Bret vs Yokozuna was a refreshing Matchup, also raw debuted this year so I guess that had something to do with the increase as well.

WrestleMania X - 420,000. Not too bad just a tad below wm 9.

WrestleMania XI - 340,000. (Decrease) Business was bad, bam bam vs Lawrence wasn’t an attractive main event, diesel as champion wasn’t a draw,

WrestleMania XII - 290,000 terrible undercard, people didn’t Know what they were going to get with Bret and Shawn.

WrestleMania 13 - 237,000 (Lowest Buyrate Record) sid and undertaker wasn’t an attractive main event.

WrestleMania XIV - 730,000 business was getting hot. Austin’s rise + mike Tyson helped alot.

WrestleMania XV - 800,000, business stays hot.

WrestleMania 2000 - 824,000 increase for sure, but somewhat of a dissapointing number considering how successful the company was in 2000. I don’t think people cared to see a fatal 4 way, people wanted just hhh vs rock. Also Austin’s absence probably hurt this some.

WrestleMania X-Seven - 1,040,000 obviously Austin and rock, obviously.

WrestleMania X8 - 880,000 huge decrease. Jericho and hhh bulidup sucked, rock and hogan didn’t have alot of buildup. Invasion turned alot of people away.

WrestleMania XIX - 560,000 even bigger decrease. Smackdown was constantly getting preeumpted at the time due to reasons idk.. so many were missing Smackdown, also chicken shit heels don’t draw money. Angle was playing a chicken shit heel in his feud with Brock by always trying to get out of the match,

WrestleMania XX - 1,007,000 Huge increase, people wanted to see Eddie and beniot,

WrestleMania 21 - 1,085,000 angle/hbk, cena was still popular with alot of the hardcore fans, Batista and triple h had a great bulidup.

WrestleMania 22 - 975,000. Not as good as 21. But still not bad, alot of the diehard fans were still supporting the product.

WrestleMania 23 - 1,250,000 (Former Highest Buyrate Record) trump trump trump!! But also Cena/hbk. Give Cena credit his buyrates have been pretty good.

WrestleMania XXIV - 1,041,000. Ric Flair fans wanted to see his last match.

WrestleMania XXV - 960,000. Orton and triple h had been done to death, the undercard was weak,

WrestleMania XXVI - 885,000. Batista and Cena had already been done before, some people didn’t want to see hbk vs undertaker again.

WrestleMania XXVII - 1,042,000 (the rock) obviously him hosting had a massive effect on this. Even though the card was awful.

WrestleMania XXVIII - 1,300,000 (Highest Buyrate Record) obviously gotta give credit to rock and cena. You had everybody from all eras ordering this show,

Wm 29. 1,048,000. Lack of interest in rock vs Cena rematch, Brock and triple h had already been done.

Wm 30. 690,000. (Huge decrease) Cena and Wyatt was too predictable, fans were still angry that punk walked out, Batista and orton were main eventing, even though it worked out for the better because Bryan ended up winning the title I think alot were hesitant as to wether the company was going to give Bryan his moment.

Wm 31. 259,000 (huge decrease) Roman in the main event definitely hurt this. Fans wanted Daniel Bryan and when they didn’t get that people turned away.

32, 33, 34, 35?? I can’t find them.
what is the point of this post? Another fanboy posting easy to find information to pass themselves off as a wrestling purest???? These forusm have plummeted

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