Wrestlemania 31 WWE title match

Wrestlemania 31 WWE title match

  • Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns

  • Brock Lesnar vs Daniel Bryan

  • Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock

  • Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena vs. Roman Reigns

  • Other

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Bryan coming back from injury should make for a good storyline especially with Brock the ass kicker. It puts Bryan back in underdog mode and while I know not a lot of people are fond of that it's still a good transition.

I'm no fan of Brock but I would be interested to see it all play out. Even better if Bryan was to reclaim the title he never "lost".
brock vs rock. I wanna see that match. It will be a good match. Hope lesnar doesnt kill rock. Lesnar is dangerous in the ring
No other matches really make sense. Or will make people wanna see wrestlemania.

Lesnar vs rock is money
Well, looky here. Glad to see you're still plugging away, PWF.

I'll go with Brock vs Cena vs Reigns, because I'm hoping somebody takes the title away from Lesnar (preferably forever) and I don't see Rocky holding on to the title for too long and Bryan will probably still be healing up.

Even if Reigns doesn't win it, main-eventing WM31 will still make him look good.
Give the injury and loss of momentum to Roman Reigns recently, I'd just have him return and finish the long Authority feud that began the day after Wrestlemania 30.

I chose the Rock vs Brock Lesnar as my option. I have no doubt it would draw big-time which is why it has been rumoured so extensively. However, defeating Brock Lesnar is supposed to be a huge rub for someone, which is why Reigns is an ideal superstar for it(Ambrose is an option, but lMO, I am still on the fence with regards to that option).

Another option is Daniel Bryan, but that will depend on his fitness. The storyline writes itself anyways. He still has a rematch since he never lost the title, and Brock would be yet another obstacle in his Underdog journey.
It’s going to be…

WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns vs. Daniel Bryan vs. The Rock vs. John Cena in a Fatal 5 Way Elimination match!!

Imagine Roman Reigns defeating not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 of the WWE’s best to become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion for the first time.
Cool thread dude, glad to see a prisoner making an effort to get their ass out of here :)

Um, for me this was a close one between Brock/Rock and Brock/Bryan. I went with Bryan in the end because a) cool comeback story, b) main eventing another Mania to add to his belt, c) new match I haven't seen before and d) interesting to see how they'd actually book it. Essentially promos would come down to Bryan vs. Heyman.

Brock/Rock sounds awesome and is a money match, that would draw so much that I almost think they should book it right now. But on a personal level, I've seen it before and beating Rock was how Lesnar first "got big" so to speak. He demolished him.

So yeah, Bryan/Lesnar ... barely.
Brock/Rock is the biggest money match out of the choices given by far. I don't now that it's feasible though. I could see movie folks having a fit if that match was made.

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