WrestleMania 29 LD - Greatness vs Redemption, Undertaker vs "God," and BROCK SMASH

15 minutes left? The Rhodes Scholars and Tons of Funk got hosed.

That's right 15 minutes left in the brodcast and 50 minutes (at least) of preshow that was wasted.

But no time for a US Title Match, Divas Title Match or the 8 person tag. :banghead:

I swear if Rock vs Cena 3 happens at Wrestlemania 30...:2ar15smilie:
I liked it.


I'm going to bed.
One year too late, but awesome none-the-less.

Imagine if last year Cena beat Rock and Rock put him over, they shake hands, then the next year Rock wins the Championship.

That would have been incredible. Instead they reverse it and it's just awesome.

There was no reason in the slightest for Cena to go over last year. They made the right call this year.

Entertaining at times, but nowhere near as good as last year, and it's not because Cena won.
Rock is 'retiring' to make his WM30 match more exciting.
I bet it will be against John Cena.
No one would see that coming!

My favorite match this night was actually the Six-Men Tag Team match. Really enjoyed The Shield.
It amazes me how many people are complaining about the timing of the show. Is this the first WWE ppv you've ever watched? How many shows go right up till the last minute of the hour?

The 8 man tag got bumped, we'll survive.....
3/10 for the show. One of the worst WM I can remember. Only saving grace was ending of HHH/Lesnar and the Punk/Taker match.
Wade Barrett vs. The Miz - Missed it
Randy Orton, Sheamus and Big Show vs. The Shield - **1/2
Mark Henry vs. Ryback - *
Team Hell No vs. Dolph Ziggler and Big E. Langston - ***
Chris Jericho vs. Fandango - ***1/2
Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger - ***1/2
The Undertaker vs. CM Punk - ***
Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar - ****1/2
The Rock vs. John Cena - ****

Overall - ***1/2
This did turn out to be a monster LD by the way.

At least as far as I've ever seen. Can't remember the last time an LD got to 75 pages for 1 PPV.
You guys are overreacting way too much (shocker).

Decent Wrestlemania. Not gonna go into a top 10 or anything but have any of the WM's in the past few years OVERALL done that?
What is this the Rock's last match?
I live in hope.

So, that show... happened. If I were asked to describe it in one word, I'd shrug and say "Eh." If I were asked for a longer word, I think I might go with "Meh." About what I expect from WrestleMania, all things considered.
This is the sort of show that gets the label 'Good, but sloppy'.

Also, I'm willing to give Ryback/Henry the benefit of the doubt since it looked like Ryback genuinely got knocked out cold by Henry landing ontop of him.

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