Wrestlemania 28: CM Punk (c) vs Chris Jericho - WWE Championship

Vincent Michaels

My weapon of choice? A green onion.

During his rise to WWE Champion, CM Punk blasted the WWE establishment every step of the way. Even the very McMahon family name was not safe from his verbal barbs. His blistering and often shocking criticisms created a buzz that had not been seen in the WWE Universe in quite some time. The Second City Saint proved he could achieve success by doing things his way.

But is The Straightedge Superstar really the best in the world at what he does? Not if you ask Chris Jericho, who will face Punk on The Grandest Stage of Them All.

Certainly Jericho presents one of Punk’s greatest challenges to date. The recently returned Superstar has 22 championships to his credit – 30 if you include his title wins in WCW and ECW.

On top of his accomplished resume, Jericho brings a fire within that perhaps Punk has yet to encounter while defending the coveted WWE Championship. Not only is Jericho back in WWE, he’s angry.

In the Raw Elimination Chamber Match, Punk knocked Jericho out with a kick to the back of the head, rendering him unable to compete any further in the match. And at the end of the night, Jericho delivered a scathing account of what went down in an exclusive backstage interview.

One day later – still seething after what happened at Elimination Chamber – Jericho earned the right to challenge Punk at WrestleMania after winning a 10-Man No. 1 Contender's Battle Royal on the Feb. 20 edition of Raw SuperShow. The match was arranged by none other than Punk’s favorite nemesis – WWE EVP of Talent Relations and Interim Raw General Manger John Laurinaitis.

Will this latest power play by Laurinaitis finally be the one that helps dethrone Punk? Or, will The Second City Saint manage to yet again thwart Mr. Excitement’s best laid plans.

With both Punk and Jericho claiming to be the best in the world, they’ll now get a chance to prove it at WrestleMania XXVIII. Regardless of who wins, the WWE Universe is sure to witness an epic confrontation on The Grandest Stage of Them All.

On April 1 in Miami, find out who earns the right to truly call himself the best in the world.

Of course, since the night Jericho's 1/2/12 vids started to air, many people, including myself, were predicting this match. And finally, one of the most anticipated matches in quite some time has finally been announced.

Awesome to see Punk come in as champ so he can hopefully add yet another notch to his belt as a top guy defeating a top heel to Jericho to prove he is the Best In The World. They've come up with a brilliant story saying that Jericho was never eliminated and he made up for his Rumble loss by winning last night's. Can't wait to see the promos between these two in anticipation.

Thoughts and predictions on this match?

The set up for this classic match so far as been very ordinary. Jerichos promises of " the end of the world as we know it" did not come to fruition after HHH changed the endiong of the Rumble to Sheamus going over. This sabotaging of Jericho has left him looking foolish since his return. CM Punk has played his role great and these two should gel well come Mania. But the real way to get this match over is the promo skills of both guys. We dont need Jericho whining and banging on about him being the greatest at everything that he does, it is annoying. Im a huge Jericho makk but he is being booked to fail and this is idiotic. The smartest way to book this was to have Jericho win the WWE Title from Punk at EC and go into Mania champion. This way, he has backed up everything he has siad he is and Punk then chases the belt to Mania, and defeats Jericho, showing he is actually the best in the world. Jericho will not possibly go over sat Mania after the way he has been booked, so this match will not live up to the hype, which sucks
The set up for this classic match so far as been very ordinary. Jerichos promises of " the end of the world as we know it" did not come to fruition after HHH changed the endiong of the Rumble to Sheamus going over. This sabotaging of Jericho has left him looking foolish since his return. CM Punk has played his role great and these two should gel well come Mania. But the real way to get this match over is the promo skills of both guys. We dont need Jericho whining and banging on about him being the greatest at everything that he does, it is annoying. Im a huge Jericho makk but he is being booked to fail and this is idiotic. The smartest way to book this was to have Jericho win the WWE Title from Punk at EC and go into Mania champion. This way, he has backed up everything he has siad he is and Punk then chases the belt to Mania, and defeats Jericho, showing he is actually the best in the world. Jericho will not possibly go over sat Mania after the way he has been booked, so this match will not live up to the hype, which sucks
You're a mark. Basically you won't be happy unless Jericho wins.

Think about this though, how interesting is Jericho if he fullfills what he said he'd do? That's not interesting, then the character stagnates. Since he didn't win at EC, he'll have to evolve and become meaner.

Jericho doesn't look like a fool if he doesn't win, he looks like a heel. Step back and actually look at what's going on and for God's sake stop sounding like such a fucking mark. "Jericho will not possibly go over at Mani after he's been booked, so the match won't live up to the hype". Basically what you just said it "wah wah if Jericho doesn't win I won't enjoy the match". Jesus Christ man what are you 6?
Not to mention, why would you base your enjoyment on RUMORS of what backstage decisions may have been made or may have been changed. Who cares if at one point Jericho was slated to win the Rumble. That doesn't make him not winning it any worse because plans always change and it's stupid to base your expectations on backstage news on the dirt sheets.

That aside, I'm really excited for this match. Jericho and Punk should put on one hell of a technical match. Their promos the next month or so leading up to the match should be amazing as well. I honestly don't think Jericho needs the title to stay relevant so I think Punk should win the match, but I'll be happy with either outcome because I'm pretty sure we're gonna get a great match out of these two either way.
To think a WWE Championship match is the third biggest match on a WrestleMania card would be blasphemy. Alas it is not, as you've got Cena/Rock in a match a year in the making and a passing of the torch, and Trips/Taker III in a Cell that will end an era. It likely won't steal the show as the emotion will be for the two headlining matches. However, Punk and Jericho will likely put on a damn good match. But can they garner more interest in the match? We shall see what happens in the next four weeks. Both are solid on the mic so it's certainly possible. It will still be the third biggest match on the card when Mania comes around, but when you look at those two matches, it's understandable.
Fucking yes. From a strictly technical wrestling standpoint, this match should be great as it's no secret that both of these guys can flat out go in the ring. As for build up towards the big event? It's pretty obvious that they can make something out of how Jericho was never truly eliminated in the Chamber. Both of these guys are great on the mic and should have no problem hyping up the match through their promos in the coming weeks. Also, these guys have fought each other before and I've found their past matches to be very good so I expect nothing less at Wrestlemania.
Now, this is going to be one hell of a match. This will probably be the best pure wrestling match of the night and at any other WrestleMania, this would be the headlining match. I don't mind that this isn't the headliner, if anything, it'll take pressure off of the two men and they'll put on an even better match. Jericho and Punk are two of the best in the business today -- both on the mic and in the ring -- the build to this match, the match itself, and the fallout of the whole situation will inevitably be great, only speaking volumes to what these two men are capable of.

I'm a fan of both of these men, but I see CM Punk retaining at WrestleMania. Chris Jericho has been and will be a great foil for CM Punk, but I don't think he wins the WWE Championship at WrestleMania. As a matter of fact, I don't think the angle ends at WrestleMania. I know 'Mania is supposed to be the ultimate blow-off, but it's not as if every feud has to end there. I can see Jericho beating Punk AFTER 'Mania and then maybe having a short title reign, but I don't think he's going to be in the title hunt for a long run. Jericho is at his best in that upper midcard role, occasionally stepping up to the main event. He's a good hold over feud for Punk, but I don't think he'll be the champion. Then again, like I said, I won't deem it outside of the realm of possibility. Again, he can have a short reign, maybe even dropping the title to John Cena, who is due to have a return to the championship after his program with The Rock.

Should be an interesting match, to the say the least. I'm curious about a few things, as I did envision Jericho maybe winning the Chamber, but I'll let the WWE flesh out this angle. I've been happy with what I've seen so far, so I'm definitely looking forward to the WrestleMania match. Even if this isn't the biggest match on the card (behind Rock/Cena and Undertaker/HHH), it still has major implications. CM Punk is one of the faces of the WWE and he has a lot to prove here. Like any top guy, I think he's going to really go out of his way to impress here. Maybe, years down the line, we'll look back on this match as the gem of WrestleMania 28.
still waiting on the war of words to start between these two, but it's a good thing they've put it off. i'm sure they'll deliver in promos and obviously will in the ring at mania. my money is on this being the best technical match
I think it will be very interesting to see where this match will stand as far as the Wrestlemania card. I believe Jericho was on the card where they had to follow Rock and Hogan, so I am guessing this will be before Rock and Cena having a chance to really show what these guys can do in the ring.

The build should be great as both guys are great on the mic, and hopefully the reigns will be loosened a bit for this one, allowing both guys to really state more than what we are usually expecting.
I'm very pleased that we will be getting this match. It was long rumored and I had my fingers crossed that it would happen. Jericho returning to put over Punk is a great move toward helping CM Punk reach that top face spot in the future. The promos leading up to it will potentially be an epic war of words, and the match itself can quite easily steal the show. It's also the only match that could realistically go on last if Cena VS The Rock doesn't. If it doesn't close, then I still expect it to be rather close to the final spot on the card.

I'm pretty sure Punk will retain. What could Jericho gain by winning? He has nothing to prove anymore. Either way, it will be an awesome match. Everyone is talking about Cena/Rock or Taker/Trips 3 right now, but when all is said and done this match has the potential to be remembered just as highly. Both guys are excellent both in the ring and on the mic. We are in for a treat with this angle and I can't wait to see where they go from here. Punk can and should win in the end because he has everything to gain from retaining at Wrestlemania.
This match will be the Steamboat v Savage of this Wrestlemania. I'm not saying it will be as good as that match, don't get me wrong. But this match will be the classic wrestling match that is influential down the line; whereas Rock/Cena will be the spectacle match that was really somewhat of an eyesore to watch in terms of technical ability.
To think a WWE Championship match is the third biggest match on a WrestleMania card would be blasphemy. Alas it is not, as you've got Cena/Rock in a match a year in the making and a passing of the torch, and Trips/Taker III in a Cell that will end an era. It likely won't steal the show as the emotion will be for the two headlining matches. However, Punk and Jericho will likely put on a damn good match. But can they garner more interest in the match? We shall see what happens in the next four weeks. Both are solid on the mic so it's certainly possible. It will still be the third biggest match on the card when Mania comes around, but when you look at those two matches, it's understandable.

Some may disagree, but WM 24. The wwe title match was third in interest. You had the dream match of flair vs hbk at mania. We all knew it'd be flairs "last" match. At least wwe wise. The 2nd match of interest was taker vs edge streak vs title as taker had basically been seeking year long revenge on edge. Albeit, i was shocked that orton retained the wwe title, but 3rd in interest all the same.

Punk wins at mania. They go a good 20-25 mins. Punk gets a big ass rub from a future hall of famer.

KEEP ON MIND. extreme rules. Ppv after mania CHICAGO. PUNKS HOMETOWN. jericho wins there. They want jericho heat, that'll get it. That'll be punks 4-5 month reign. Have punk chase to rewin at summerslam.

Punk vs jericho is a win-win
I'm really looking forward to this match. In the upcoming weeks, I look for Jericho and Punk to tear it up with promos to build more interest in their match.

From what I'm reading, most are giving Punk the easy win. However, I feel Jericho may have a shot at winning the title. I believe Punk's character is more suited for chasing the title, so it wouldn't surprise me if Jericho gets the cheap win. Although Jericho has nothing else to prove, a win will further solidify his current heel persona. Inevitably, I think it will depend on how long Jericho will be sticking around after Mania.

I will be happy with Punk or Jericho winning. With either outcome, Punk comes out of this match looking great.
I'm disapointed with how they got there, but they got there nonetheless, which is the most important thing. I felt the best go of it would have been to have Jericho win at the Chamber, and Punk have to go through a tournament set up by Laurinitis to get the title shot at Wrestlemania. Yes, I know he would have been entitled to a rematch clause, but WWE expects us to have short memories. As I said in another thread, I would have given Punk the John Cena treatment from 2009; Punk comes in, cleans house for about 10 minutes, gets hit with three finishers, and is eliminated, even before Jericho enters the Chamber. That would have kept he and Jericho apart until their inevitable clash at Wrestlemania. But, as I said, they got there, which is the most important thing.

Where do you put this match on the card? This feels strangely reminiscent of Wrestlemania 19, where the WHC match featuring Booker T and HHH was further down on the card then Rock/Austin, Hogan and Vince, and Lesnar/Angle. In this case, it's rightfully so, as both HHH/Undertaker and certainly Rock/Cena are the preeminant matches on the show. The positive of this is that it puts both men in a place where they don't have to feel the pressure to steal the show, and can simply put on the clinic both men are capable of.

It reminds me of Survivor Series this past year, where Punk was fighting Del Rio for the WWE Championship. Punk, in character or not, said he was going to steal the show and tell Rock and Cena to "follow that." And he delivered on his word, as it was the best match of the night. This match could be very similar. Punk and Jericho are both prideful men, but more importantly, take pride in their work. Being overshadowed by not only one, but two non-championship matches will likely motivate both men to steal the show, and I have no doubt that they will.

I think Punk retains the title here, with Jericho perhaps winning it at Extreme Rules. Punk has been a great champion, with this easily being his best title reign. Jericho provides the perfect opponent to put Punk over due to the "Best In The World" storyline, which both men have been claiming to be. Since Jericho's return, Punk has been the better man, winning matches cleanly while Jericho either loses, or wins due to interference. I expect this to change in the build towards Survivor Series, and we see an "Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better", type of build, perhaps similar to Angle/Michaels at WM21.

This is going to be a great match, regardless of placement. I think Punk needs to retain here to truly solidify himself as that #2 face behind John Cena, giving him his defining moment. Much like HHH did for John Cena at Wrestlemania, I expect Jericho to put Punk over, likely via submission. I, for one, can't wait for the real build for this match to start.
I think that I speak for a lot of people here when I say that this is the underrated match that the entire IWC will be paying attention to. Rightful so, Punk and Jericho are the perfect opponents for one another. I won't go as far in saying that their styles are perfectly mirrored. However their styles are similar enough to make for one spectacular wrestling contest. Both men are of equal size and physique which should make the actual encounter at WM a bit more smooth and easy flowing compared to as if say ether one were going up against a guy like Kane or Big show. It would just be a different type of match compared to what Punk and Jericho will be able to do. The match has the potential to even steal the show.

I figure the placing of the match the be somewhere on the upper card. Not going on dead last but not in the middle ether,I expect HHH/Undertaker to go on somewhere in the middle. You don't want to place too many high profile matches on right after another, you need to give the crowd sometime to catch a breather and build up again for the next big attraction. That's why I think Punk and Jericho will surely be the 3rd or 2nd last match of the night. Rock and Cena obviously to close the show. No way would the WWE title match be severely low on the card. The WHC maybe, but not the WWE title.

I agree that Punk will get the win. It doesn't make much sense to give the strap to Jericho considering he isn't expect to say around much longer after Mania. It does however make more sense to have Jericho put over Punk. I sense a submission finisher as well. I can just picture Punk with the Anaconda Vice locked in on Jericho with Jericho having no choice but to tap. Thus ushering in Punks celebration and WM moment.

The real world may have the dream match of Rock and Cena too look forward to. Yet,in the eyes of many people of the wrestling forms, Punk and Jericho is in itself a dream match. I mean,why not have our cake and eat it to?
I think this match could be one of the best "technical" matches in WM history. I know that's a big statement. I think these two will be allowed to go out and let loose. I have been a huge Punk fan for a long time.(IWA) He has been a tad watered down in the WWE ring. Jericho will bring the best out of him, and vice-versa. I see Punk winning at Mania but Jericho taking the title at a later date.
I'd be excited but, y'know, it's two of the most overrated talents in WWE going head-to-head. Overrated doesn't mean bad it just means not as good as most people make them out to be. That certainly applies to both Jericho & Punk. Anybody who doesn't agree is a, well whatever, you pick a name for yourself.

It'll be a perfectly good match but peoples expectations will be so high that they'll inevitably fail to meet them. The next PPV after (Extreme Rules?) will probably deliver the better match of the two. Much like the previous two Punk WrestleMania rematches on that show.

Punk will retain. Jericho return and world title match rendered pointless.
I agree with those who say this will be a great match at WrestleMania XXVIII but I also agree that the buildup for the match hasn't been the greatest whether he's a face or a heel I don't think Jericho has been built up strong enough going into WrestleMania XXVIII by being defeated at two straight Pay-Per-Views going into the match where he's challenging for WWE's most prestigious championship fortunately both Jericho and Punk are great enough on the mic that they'll do a good job building it up.
I think this has the potential to be the greatest technical match @ WM, since Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat. Yes, I'm that serious about this match. I mean, two of the greatest professional wrestlers of our time, fighting for the biggest championship in the industry? My god, the is a show-stealer in the making.
I just can't bring myself to care about this match. The Rock vs. Cena is huge, obviously. The Undertaker vs. Triple H will end an era. Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan has, um, Daniel Bryan. This, on the other hand, is just so uninspiring. Punk's good, Jericho's good - but I don't feel any chemistry. Now, I'm not going to get ahead of myself in my criticism. There's almost five weeks to go, and a lot can happen. But at the moment, it feels really bland.

The match itself should be enjoyable. But on a card with Rock vs. Cena and Undertaker vs. Triple H, I'm not expecting it to steal the show. And if you are, you should probably lower those expectations from their lofty heights.
It will be a classic wrestling match, that on any other year would be the headliner. I personally believe that both men will put on the match of their lives to prove that it should be the main attraction
Knowing what we know about Punk and Jericho and that is they always want to steal the show and will want their match to overshadow Cena/Rock. Now that may be nearly impossible as the hype behind Cena/Rock will make the encounter worthwhile. That will certainly be the best moment of the show, but Jericho and Punk will likely be the best match. That shouldn't surprise anyone. These two are gonna go out there and hopefully put on a clinic. And being the wrestling historians that these two seem to be they likely will want to put on the greatest Wrestlemania match we've ever seen. Now that likely won't be the case, but who knows.

Either way I expect a hell of a match and CM Punk should (and I think will) go over. Hopefully this is his WM moment and further make Punk into the star he is capable of being. Plus a victory not only strengthens Punk but also makes his WWE championship run look even better. I can't wait for the continue build of this as the mic work is going to be fantastic and lead up to what should be the best match on the card.
It is a battle of who is "The Best In The World". Great seed to start it all. Both men are similar in styles and ability to cut promos. Let them do it naturally and let them work the match technically sound and as crazy as they want. We will not be disappointed. This match will definitely be back and forth. The promo work so far has been really well done and I expect it to continue on this trend. I also fully expect them to brawl at least one time before their confrontation. This match will not be the only time these two face off. I can feel another match or two in the works. One match can't decide and every subsequent match in what could be a series just adds to the excitement. (As long as they don't have a turnaround at the next pay per view)
I just hope this lives up to the hype, so often or 50% of the time in modern day WWE big billed fueds sometimes just don't live up to the hype. Chris Jericho v Edge at Wrestlemania 26 comes to mind for this, albeit not as big of hype vs Y2J & Punk but it still had hype behind it to be a stellar bout. The bout was ok, but not the most memorable. Lets hope this doesn't happen with Punk & Jericho.
Jericho should win because hea always been one of my favorites,all around i never really heard or seen to much of CM Punk's career before making it big in WWE,Jericho i been watching since ECW til now,between these two Jericho is the better wrestler,but neither is the best in the world,that is very hard to choose with so much talent right now

Jericho for the win

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