Wrestlemania 27 Predictions

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Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
How to use this thread:

  • There are 9 matches on Wrestlemania 27's current card.
  • Post your prediction for each match, and assign a numerical value of 9 to the prediction you're most confident in, an 8 to the prediction you are subsequently most confident in, etc.
  • Additionally, you will have the ability to gain 130 extra points for correctly answering thirteen questions.
  • The card will be presented in such a format that you'll be able to copy and paste it and fill out your predictions quickly (NOTE: I WILL NOW ONLY SCORE CARDS THAT ARE IN THE EXACT SAME FORMAT THAT I POST THEM; IF YOU DON'T POST THEM THE WAY I WANT THEM, I WILL NOT SCORE YOUR CARD.)

Without further ado, the Wrestlemania 27 card:

Wrestlemania 27 (175 Possible Points)

WHC Match
Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
Predicted Winner: Prediction Value:
Question 1 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

WWE Championship Match
The Miz (c) vs. John Cena
Predicted Winner: Prediction Value:
Question 2 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Triple H vs. The Undertaker
Predicted Winner: Prediction Value:
Question 3 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole
Predicted Winner: Prediction Value:
Question 4 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Question 5 (10 points): Will Austin end up stunning both Lawler and Cole?

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Predicted Winner: Prediction Value:
Question 6 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Predicted Winner: Prediction Value:
Question 7 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Snooki, Trish Stratus, and John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool
Predicted Winner: Prediction Value:
Question 8 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom?

US Championship Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Predicted Winner: Prediction Value:
Question 9 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Kane, Big Show, Santino, and Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Corre
Predicted Winner: Prediction Value:
Question 10 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom?

Additional Bonus Questions

Question 11 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come first?

Question 12 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come last?

Question 13 (10 points): Will fans boo Justin Bieber more than they cheer him?

Wrestlemania 27 (175 Possible Points)

WHC Match
Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
Predicted Winner: Alberto Del Rio:6
Question 1 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

WWE Championship Match
The Miz (c) vs. John Cena
Predicted Winner:The Miz Prediction Value:7
Question 2 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Triple H vs. The Undertaker
Predicted Winner:Undertaker Prediction Value:8
Question 3 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole
Predicted Winner:Jerry Lawler Prediction Value:9
Question 4 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Question 5 (10 points): Will Austin end up stunning both Lawler and Cole?

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Predicted Winner:Randy Orton Prediction Value:3
Question 6 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Predicted Winner:Cody Rhodes Prediction Value:2
Question 7 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Snooki, Trish Stratus, and John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool
Predicted Winner:Snooki, Trish Sttratus, John Morrison Prediction Value:5
Question 8 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom?

US Championship Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Predicted Winner:Sheamus Prediction Value:4
Question 9 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Kane, Big Show, Santino, and Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Corre
Question 10 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom?
Wade Bareet pins the Big Show

Additional Bonus Questions

Question 11 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come first?
Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan

Question 12 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come last?
Miz vs Cena

Question 13 (10 points): Will fans boo Justin Bieber more than they cheer him?
No they will cheer him more.
WHC Match
Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
Predicted Winner:Edge Prediction Value: 4
Question 1 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

WWE Championship Match
The Miz (c) vs. John Cena
Predicted Winner:The Miz Prediction Value: 6
Question 2 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Triple H vs. The Undertaker
Predicted Winner: The Undertaker Prediction Value: 8
Question 3 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole
Predicted Winner: Jerry Lawler Prediction Value: 8
Question 4 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?
Question 5 (10 points): Will Austin end up stunning both Lawler and Cole?

No, just Cole.
Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Predicted Winner:Randy Orton Prediction Value: 3
Question 6 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Predicted Winner: Rey Mysterio Prediction Value: 5
Question 7 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Snooki, Trish Stratus, and John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool
Predicted Winner: Snooki, Trish Stratus, and John Morrison Prediction Value: 8
Question 8 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom?

Snooki will pin Ziggler

US Championship Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Predicted Winner: Sheamus Prediction Value: 5
Question 9 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Kane, Big Show, Santino, and Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Corre
Question 10 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom?

Wade Barrett will pin Santino
Additional Bonus Questions

Question 11 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come first?
Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes
Question 12 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come last?
Triple H vs The Undertaker
Question 13 (10 points): Will fans boo Justin Bieber more than they cheer him?

WHC Match
Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
Predicted Winner:Alberto Del Rio Prediction Value: 5
Question 1 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Submission

WWE Championship Match
The Miz (c) vs. John Cena
Predicted Winner:The Miz Prediction Value:3
Question 2 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?Pinfall

Triple H vs. The Undertaker
Predicted Winner:The Undertaker Prediction Value: 9
Question 3 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole
Predicted Winner:Jerry Lawler Prediction Value:8
Question 4 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?Pinfall

Question 5 (10 points): Will Austin end up stunning both Lawler and Cole? Just Cole

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Predicted Winner:CM Punk Prediction Value:4
Question 6 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Predicted Winner:Cody Rhodes Prediction Value:7
Question 7 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Snooki, Trish Stratus, and John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool
Predicted Winner:Snooki, Trish and Morrison Prediction Value:6
Question 8 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom?Trish pin Layla

US Championship Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Predicted Winner: Daniel Bryan Prediction Value:2
Question 9 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?Pinfall

Kane, Big Show, Santino, and Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Corre
Question 10 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom?Santino pins Slater

Additional Bonus Questions

Question 11 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come first?
US Championship match

Question 12 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come last?
The Miz vs. John Cena

Question 13 (10 points): Will fans boo Justin Bieber more than they cheer him?
Wrestlemania 27 (175 Possible Points)

WHC Match
Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
Predicted Winner: Alberto Del Rio Prediction Value: 6
Question 1 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

WWE Championship Match
The Miz (c) vs. John Cena
Predicted Winner: John Cena Prediction Value: 3
Question 2 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Triple H vs. The Undertaker
Predicted Winner: The Undertaker Prediction Value: 9
Question 3 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole
Predicted Winner: Jerry Lawler Prediction Value: 8
Question 4 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Question 5 (10 points): Will Austin end up stunning both Lawler and Cole? Yes

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Predicted Winner: Randy Orton Prediction Value: 1
Question 6 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Predicted Winner: Rey Mysterio Prediction Value: 2
Question 7 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? disqualification

Snooki, Trish Stratus, and John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool
Predicted Winner: Morrison's Team Prediction Value: 7
Question 8 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom? John Morrison pins Dolph Ziggler

US Championship Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Predicted Winner: Sheamus Prediction Value: 5
Question 9 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Kane, Big Show, Santino, and Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Corre
Predicted Winner: Kane's Team Prediction Value: 4
Question 10 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom? Big Show pins Heath Slater

Additional Bonus Questions

Question 11 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come first?
Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan

Question 12 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come last?
The Miz vs. John Cena

Question 13 (10 points): Will fans boo Justin Bieber more than they cheer him?
Won't be there
WHC Match
Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
Predicted Winner: Alberto Del Rio Prediction Value: 4
Question 1 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

WWE Championship Match
The Miz (c) vs. John Cena
Predicted Winner: John Cena Prediction Value: 2
Question 2 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Submission

Triple H vs. The Undertaker
Predicted Winner: The Undertaker Prediction Value: 9
Question 3 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole
Predicted Winner: Jerry Lawler Prediction Value: 8
Question 4 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall
Question 5 (10 points): Will Austin end up stunning both Lawler and Cole? No.

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Predicted Winner: CM Punk Prediction Value: 1
Question 6 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Predicted Winner: Rey Mysterio Prediction Value: 3
Question 7 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Snooki, Trish Stratus, and John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool
Predicted Winner: Snooki/Stratus/Morrison Prediction Value: 7
Question 8 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom? Snooki will pin Layla

US Championship Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Predicted Winner: Sheamus Prediction Value: 5
Question 9 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Kane, Big Show, Santino, and Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Corre
Predicted Winner: The Corre Prediction Value: 6
Question 10 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom? Barrett will pin Kane

Additional Bonus Questions

Question 11 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come first? Jerry Lawler / Michael Cole

Question 12 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come last? The Miz / John Cena

Question 13 (10 points): Will fans boo Justin Bieber more than they cheer him? No
WHC Match
Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
Predicted Winner: Edge Prediction Value: 1
Question 1 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?


WWE Championship Match
The Miz (c) vs. John Cena
Predicted Winner: 3 Prediction Value: 3
Question 2 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?


Triple H vs. The Undertaker
Predicted Winner: Taker Prediction Value: 6
Question 3 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?


Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole
Predicted Winner: King Prediction Value: 8
Question 4 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?


Question 5 (10 points): Will Austin end up stunning both Lawler and Cole?

No. Only Cole.

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Predicted Winner: Randall Orton Prediction Value: 7
Question 6 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?


Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Predicted Winner: Rhodes Prediction Value: 5
Question 7 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Snooki, Trish Stratus, and John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool
Predicted Winner: JoMo and Friends Prediction Value: 9
Question 8 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom?

John pins Dolph

US Championship Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Predicted Winner: Sheamus Prediction Value: 2
Question 9 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Kane, Big Show, Santino, and Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Corre
Predicted Winner: Faces Prediction Value: 4
Question 10 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom?

Santino pins the ginger kid.

Additional Bonus Questions

Question 11 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come first?

U.S Title

Question 12 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come last?

Miz vs Cena

Question 13 (10 points): Will fans boo Justin Bieber more than they cheer him?

I didn't know he was going to be there. That makes me mad. I say they will boo.
Wrestlemania 27 (175 Possible Points)

WHC Match
Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio

Predicted Winner: Edge Prediction Value: 1
Question 1 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

WWE Championship Match
The Miz (c) vs. John Cena

Predicted Winner: John Cena Prediction Value: 6
Question 2 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Submission

Streak v. Game
Triple H vs. The Undertaker

Predicted Winner: The Undertaker Prediction Value: 7
Question 3 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Grudge Match
Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole

Predicted Winner: Jerry Lawler Prediction Value: 9
Question 4 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Question 5 (10 points): Will Austin end up stunning both Lawler and Cole? No, just Michael Cole.

Grudge Match
Randy Orton vs. CM Punk

Predicted Winner: Randy Orton Prediction Value: 4
Question 6 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Grudge Match
Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

Predicted Winner: Rey Mysterio Prediction Value: 5
Question 7 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Celeb Grudge Match
Snooki, Trish Stratus, and John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool

Predicted Winner: Snooki, Trish Stratus Prediction Value: 8
Question 8 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom? Snooki pins Layla

US Championship Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan

Predicted Winner: Sheamus Prediction Value: 2
Question 9 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

8-Man Tag Team Match
Kane, Big Show, Santino, and Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Corre

Predicted Winner: The Corre Prediction Value: 3
Question 10 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom? Wade Barrett pins Santino Marella

Additional Bonus Questions

Question 11 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come first?
US Championship Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan

Question 12 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come last?
WWE Championship Match
The Miz (c) vs. John Cena

Question 13 (10 points): Will fans boo Justin Bieber more than they cheer him? No, unfortunately they'll cheer him and continue to promote awful children pedalling through the music industry.
mrbrownstone said:
tdigle said:

Here are the match-ups:

WZCP WHC Match: klunderbunker (c) vs. Baller

WZPC IC Title Match: mrbrownstone (c) vs. Burnout

WZPC Tag Title Match: Phoenix & Numbers (c) vs. Theo & FunKay

Number One Contender Match: Showtime vs. The 4th

PM me your predictions, please. I will post them before the PPV starts on Sunday.

Wrestlemania 27 (175 Possible Points)

WHC Match
Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
Predicted Winner: Edge Prediction Value: 1
Question 1 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

WWE Championship Match
The Miz (c) vs. John Cena
Predicted Winner: Miz Prediction Value: 2
Question 2 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Triple H vs. The Undertaker
Predicted Winner: Taker Prediction Value: 8
Question 3 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole
Predicted Winner: Jerry Lawler Prediction Value: 7
Question 4 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Question 5 (10 points): Will Austin end up stunning both Lawler and Cole?
No, only Cole

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Predicted Winner: Orton Prediction Value: 3
Question 6 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pin

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Predicted Winner: Rhodes Prediction Value: 5
Question 7 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pin

Snooki, Trish Stratus, and John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool
Predicted Winner: Snooki's Team Prediction Value: 6
Question 8 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom? Snooki pins Michelle

US Championship Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Predicted Winner: Sheamus Prediction Value: 4
Question 9 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pin

Kane, Big Show, Santino, and Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Corre
Question 10 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom?
Show Pins Barrett

Additional Bonus Questions

Question 11 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come first?

Question 12 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come last?

Question 13 (10 points): Will fans boo Justin Bieber more than they cheer him?

Burnout said:

Wrestlemania 27 (175 Possible Points)

WHC Match
Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
Predicted Winner: Del Rio Prediction Value:2
Question 1 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

WWE Championship Match
The Miz (c) vs. John Cena
Predicted Winner: Miz Prediction Value:3
Question 2 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Triple H vs. The Undertaker
Predicted Winner:Undertaker Prediction Value:6
Question 3 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole
Predicted Winner:Jerry Lawler Prediction Value:7
Question 4 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pin

Question 5 (10 points): Will Austin end up stunning both Lawler and Cole?
Nah, not both of them

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Predicted Winner: Randy Orton Prediction Value:4
Question 6 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Predicted Winner: Mysterio Prediction Value:5
Question 7 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Snooki, Trish Stratus, and John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool
Predicted Winner:Team Jomo Prediction Value:9
Question 8 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom? Snooki will pin Layla.

US Championship Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Predicted Winner: Sheamus Prediction Value: 8
Question 9 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Kane, Big Show, Santino, and Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Corre
Predicted Winner:Kane/Show/Kozlov/Santino Prediction Value: 1
Question 10 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom?Show pins Barret

Additional Bonus Questions

Question 11 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come first? Sheamus Vs. Daniel Bryan

Question 12 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come last? Miz Vs. John Cena

Question 13 (10 points): Will fans boo Justin Bieber more than they cheer him? *been changed already*

klunderbunker said:
WHC Match
Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
Predicted Winner: Edge Prediction Value: 4
Question 1 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

WWE Championship Match
The Miz (c) vs. John Cena
Predicted Winner: Miz Prediction Value: 2
Question 2 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Triple H vs. The Undertaker
Predicted Winner: Undertaker Prediction Value: 9
Question 3 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole
Predicted Winner: Jerry Lawler Prediction Value: 8
Question 4 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Question 5 (10 points): Will Austin end up stunning both Lawler and Cole? No.

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Predicted Winner: Punk Prediction Value: 1
Question 6 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Predicted Winner: Mysterio Prediction Value: 3
Question 7 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Snooki, Trish Stratus, and John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool
Predicted Winner: Snooki/Stratus/Morrison Prediction Value: 7
Question 8 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom? Snooki pins McCool

US Championship Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Predicted Winner: Sheamus Prediction Value: 6
Question 9 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Kane, Big Show, Santino, and Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Corre
Predicted Winner: Kane/Show/Santino/Kozlov Prediction Value: 5
Question 10 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom? Kane pins Slater

Additional Bonus Questions

Question 11 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come first? Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus

Question 12 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come last? Miz vs. Cena

Question 13 (10 points): Will fans boo Justin Bieber more than they cheer him? Yes.

The Kane/Show/Santino/Kozlov match didn't have the predicted winner/values on there. I added them as I assumed it was just forgotten. Was that right?

Baller said:
WHC Match
Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
Predicted Winner: Del Rio Prediction Value: 6
Question 1 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Submission

WWE Championship Match
The Miz (c) vs. John Cena
Predicted Winner: Cena Prediction Value: 5
Question 2 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Submission

Triple H vs. The Undertaker
Predicted Winner: Undertaker Prediction Value: 7
Question 3 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pin

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole
Predicted Winner: Lawler Prediction Value: 9
Question 4 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pin

Question 5 (10 points): Will Austin end up stunning both Lawler and Cole? No Cole and Swagger

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Predicted Winner: Orton Prediction Value: 2
Question 6 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pin

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Predicted Winner: Cody Rhodes Prediction Value: 1
Question 7 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Snooki, Trish Stratus, and John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool
Predicted Winner: Snooki, Trish and Morrison Prediction Value: 8
Question 8 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom? Snooki pinning Layla

US Championship Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Predicted Winner: Sheamus Prediction Value: 4
Question 9 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pin

Kane, Big Show, Santino, and Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Corre Predicted Winner: The Corre Prediction Value: 3
Question 10 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom? Gabriel pins Santino

Additional Bonus Questions

Question 11 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come first? US Title

Question 12 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come last? WWE Title

Question 13 (10 points): Will fans boo Justin Bieber more than they cheer him? Boo him

Theo said:
WHC Match
Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
Predicted Winner: Del Rio Prediction Value: 3
Question 1 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Submission

WWE Championship Match
The Miz (c) vs. John Cena
Predicted Winner: Miz Prediction Value: 5
Question 2 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Triple H vs. The Undertaker
Predicted Winner: Undertaker Prediction Value: 7
Question 3 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole
Predicted Winner: Lawler Prediction Value: 8
Question 4 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Question 5 (10 points): Will Austin end up stunning both Lawler and Cole? Yes

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Predicted Winner: Punk Prediction Value: 1
Question 6 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Predicted Winner: Mysterio Prediction Value: 6
Question 7 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Snooki, Trish Stratus, and John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool
Predicted Winner: Snooki, Trish, JoMo Prediction Value: 9
Question 8 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom? Snooki pins Ziggler

US Championship Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Predicted Winner: Sheamus Prediction Value: 2
Question 9 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Kane, Big Show, Santino, and Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Corre
Predicted Winner: The Corre Predicted Value: 4
Question 10 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom? Jackson pins Big Show

Additional Bonus Questions

Question 11 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come first?

United States Championship

Question 12 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come last?

WWE Championship

Question 13 (10 points): Will fans boo Justin Bieber more than they cheer him?


FunKay G. Fantomos said:
tdigle said:

WZPC Tag Title Match: Phoenix & Numbers (c) vs. Theo & FunKay

PM me your predictions, please. I will post them before the PPV starts on Sunday.

WHC Match
Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
Predicted Winner: Alberto Del Rio
Prediction Value:
Question 1 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?: Submission

WWE Championship Match
The Miz (c) vs. John Cena
Predicted Winner: John Cena
Prediction Value: 1
Question 2 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?: Pinfall

Triple H vs. The Undertaker
Predicted Winner: The Undertaker
Prediction Value: 9
Question 3 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?: Pinfall

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole
Predicted Winner: Jerry Lawler
Prediction Value: 8
Question 4 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?: Pinfall

Question 5 (10 points): Will Austin end up stunning both Lawler and Cole?

Only Michael Cole (and Jack Swagger/anyone who attempts to assist Cole)

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Predicted Winner: Randy Orton
Prediction Value: 3
Question 6 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?: Pinfall

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Predicted Winner: Cody Rhodes
Prediction Value: 4
Question 7 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?: Pinfall

Snooki, Trish Stratus, and John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool
Predicted Winner: Snooki, Trish Stratus, and John Morrison
Prediction Value: 7
Question 8 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom?: Snooki pins Michelle McCool

US Championship Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Predicted Winner: Sheamus
Prediction Value: 6
Question 9 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?: Pinfall

Kane, Big Show and Koztino vs. The Corre
Predicted Winner: Show, Kane & Koztino
Prediction Value: 2
Question 10 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom?: Show pins Barrett

Additional Bonus Questions:

Question 11 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come first?:

Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan

Question 12 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come last?:

The Miz vs. John Cena

Question 13 (10 points): Will fans boo Justin Bieber more than they cheer him?:

If by Justin Bieber you mean the black R & B singer who'll be singing America the Beautiful, then no.

Numbers said:

Wrestlemania 27 (175 Possible Points)

WHC Match
Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
Predicted Winner: Edge Prediction Value: 7
Question 1 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

WWE Championship Match
The Miz (c) vs. John Cena
Predicted Winner: Cena Prediction Value: 8
Question 2 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Submission

Triple H vs. The Undertaker
Predicted Winner: Taker Prediction Value: 9
Question 3 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? pinfall

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole
Predicted Winner: Lawler Prediction Value: 4
Question 4 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?Pinfall

Question 5 (10 points): Will Austin end up stunning both Lawler and Cole?
No - Cole only

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Predicted Winner: Punk Prediction Value: 3
Question 6 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Predicted Winner: Rhodes Prediction Value: 1
Question 7 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Snooki, Trish Stratus, and John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool
Predicted Winner: Morrison, Stratus and Snooki Prediction Value:3
Question 8 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom? Snooki on Layla

US Championship Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Predicted Winner: Sheamus Prediction Value: 5
Question 9 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Kane, Big Show, Santino, and Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Corre
Question 10 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom?Barrett on Kozlov
Prediction Value: 2
Additional Bonus Questions

Question 11 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come first? Sheamus vs Bryan

Question 12 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come last? Miz / Cena

Question 13 (10 points): Will fans boo Justin Bieber more than they cheer him? Not on the card

Showtime said:

Wrestlemania 27 (175 Possible Points)

WHC Match
Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
Predicted Winner: Del Rio Prediction Value: 6
Question 1 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

WWE Championship Match
The Miz (c) vs. John Cena
Predicted Winner: Cena Prediction Value: 1
Question 2 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Triple H vs. The Undertaker
Predicted Winner: Undertaker Prediction Value: 8
Question 3 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole
Predicted Winner: Jerry Lawler Prediction Value: 9
Question 4 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)? Pinfall

Question 5 (10 points): Will Austin end up stunning both Lawler and Cole?

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Predicted Winner: CM Punk Prediction Value: 3
Question 6 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Predicted Winner: Mysterio Prediction Value: 4
Question 7 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Snooki, Trish Stratus, and John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool
Predicted Winner: Team Snooki Prediction Value: 7
Question 8 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom? Snooki will pin McCool

US Championship Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Predicted Winner: Sheamus Prediction Value: 5
Question 9 (10 points): How will your predicted winner win this match (pinfall, submission, count-out, or disqualification)?

Kane, Big Show, Santino, and Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Corre
Predicted Winner: Corre Predicted Value: 2
Question 10 (10 points): Who will pin/submit/count-out/disqualify whom? Barrett will pin Big Show

Additional Bonus Questions

Question 11 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come first? US Title Match

Question 12 (10 points): Of the matches listed, which one will come last? WWE Title Match

Question 13 (10 points): Will fans boo Justin Bieber more than they cheer him? Yes

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