Wrestlemania 25 is it the perfect time for a wrestler to debute


Pre-Show Stalwart
At Wrestlemania 25 is it a perfect time for a wrestler from the develmental to debute. Mostly everytime a wrestler debute they usually appear at either on raw smackdown or ecw or if your lucky a ppv. If they debute in a open challenge it would give them some creditbilty and also it would start a feud/storyline post wrestlemania all the way to judgement day or something. Also if you debute a wrestler at wrestler mania about every wrestling fan will see it and see how he dose because every wrestler usually gives it there all at mania. Also everybody will no he is cause if you debute a wrestler let say for example or smackdown not everyone is going to watch it . This way when a wrestler debute a wrestlemania you can actually give a judgment to see how he dose an if he should be in a high profile match like that one again.​
Do you think a wrester should debute at wrestlemania why or why not
also has it ever been done befor.
They're not needed at Mania, if they were then they'd debut them before the show. It's also rather pointless if it's a well known wrestler who you could advertise to spark some intrest in you next ''B'' show.

It could do a lot for a new wrestler in the same vein as Jack Swagger, but who the fuck wants some no name guy taking up space on the biggest show of the year?
With Christian having already debuted, I'm going to say no. In today's wrestling, there is almost no one who can make a big enough splash to warrant a debut at Wrestlemania. Sting and Angle are about the only to that the fans would care about if the WWE debuted someone at Wrestlemania. If it were the 90's when WCW was still around I could see it happening, as they were getting as much exposure as the WWF stars were, so the fans would've cared a little. Of course WCW is dead now and TNA doesn't even get half the ratings WWE does, so it wouldn't work. Also, if you're referring to a totally new again, then again, it wouldn't go over as the fans wouldn't know and wouldn't care who it was. It takes a while for the fans in WWE to truly get behind a new guy. I remember one WM several years ago, a Jerry Lynn did debut out of the blue and win the Lightheavyweight title, but Jerry Lynn wasn't completely new, having wrestled in ECW, and again, the fans didn't care too much. No sense wasting Wrestlemania to showcase someones most likely poor debut.

I mean, that's why the WWE video games start after Wrestlemania, not at it right.
I can't really conceive a way that someone could come into Wrestlemania and make a big enough splash to make a big deal. Unless it was someone huge but active like Angle returning permanently, then it wouldn't really make sense - shit people will get no reaction, and there's no point in not advertising a huge star making a one off appearance.

The only thing I can think of, is iff they had a Battle Royal where the winner gets some sort of mid card title shot, they coulde have someone show up in the battle royal, decimate everyone, then win the title quickly. This would obviously only work for a huge monster heel type guy like Umaga or Khali or someone, and I don't think there is any need to bring this kind of character in at this year's mania.
The perfect time for a wrestler to debut, especially one who's going to be big, is months and months before Mania.

Want proof? Cena debuted 8 months before wrestlemania. Batista, 10 months. Hell, Brock Lesnar debuted 364 days before wrestlemania.
You can't just throw a debutante into the deep end, he'll either be not good enough, he'll get nerves or the crowd will instantly hate him (face or heel) for taking up the place of a wrestler who deserves it more.
If you want a superstar to be successful, debut them as far from Mania as possible and build them the fuck up in time for it.
WWE has the tradition to debute wrestlers the week after Wrestlemania.

Umaga was the same case as Kozlov (he debuted at September but they did want to debute him on SmackDown! on April after Wrestlemania), so what to they make with that wrestlers? They give them a 6-7 monthes push and then, when the new year arrives they are big enough stars to make it to Wrestlemania.

Umaga was the best case, he beat Ric Flair, one day after 'Mania, and then was undefeated until Cena beat him in January, but still he was over enough to go against someone like Lashley and being a credible heel.

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