Wrestlemania: 23 vs 8

Which wrestlemania was better?

  • Wrestlemania 8

  • Wrestlemania 23

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Paralyzer Z

Fuck honor
Well it's been a couple of days but it is time for the next installment in the my Wrestlemania series! Today we have wrestlemania 23 vs wrestlemania 8.

Wrestlemania 8 was held on April 5, 1992 in Hoosier Dome in Indianapolis Indiana, with an attendance of about 62,000. Matches on the card included: Hulk Hogan vs Sid justice, The Macho man Randy Savage vs Ric flair for the WWF Championship, The Undertaker vs Jake "The Snake Roberts", Bret Hart vs Rowdy Roddy Piper, Owen Hart vs Skinner, and Shawn Micheals vs El Matador. My favorite match on the card was like many have chosen the WWE championship match. These two just pure icons put on a fantastic matches, it is my favorite that I have seen in 1991. I especially love the ending Savage finally winning what he had been deprived of for so long. On a side note the original main event was supposed to be Hogan vs Flair, but it was scrapped and we got Hogan vs Sid ( because we don't know which one would have been the better choice for the biggest show of the year right:rolleyes:.?)

Wrestlemania 23 was held on April 1st 2007 at the Ford's field in Detroit, Michigan with an attendance of about 80,000. The matches on the card feature: John Cena vs Shawn Micheals for the WWE championship , Batista vs The Undertaker for the World Championship, Kane vs The Great Khali, the 8 man Money in the Bank ladder match, the Battle of the Billionaires Ft. Booby lashley and Umaga, Chris Beniot vs MVP, and the ECW Originals vs The New Breed. My favorite match here is the 8 man MITB match. Just a car crash, with finishers, high spots, and carnage all over the place! Batista vs Taker is VERY overrated in my opinion. The announce table spot was the only highlight for me, everything else was expected. I do not remember the WWE championship match very well but I think it was decent just based on my narrow memory on it. John Cena's entrance was one of the hottest in WM history.

My vote goes to Wrestlemania 8! I have only seen WM 8 on video once many years ago and remember only the major matches. WM23 was very enjoyable but was sadly out classed by WM24 a year later (biased because I went there live). That is really all I can say for this WM battle. I do however recall that the first half of 8 was better than the second.




Which Wrestlemania outclassed the other? Why?
I think Wrestlemania 23 is better. The card is action packed!! The Money In The Bank match at WM 23 was my favourite MITB match IMO. WM 8 didn't really have too much excitement. I wasn't a fan in 92 and I hated most of that old-OLD crap. The theme for WM 23 got me pumped up and I loved the year of 07 so WM 23 takes it.
I have to go with WM8 here. I went to WM23 and it was a fun show but it does not compare with the awesomeness of WM8. WM8 delivered two classic matches. Both the world and IC title matches were spectacular. I don’t know how many times I’ve watched WM8 and I never get tired of it. I always use the Bret Hart vs. Roddy Piper match as an example of great psychology and storytelling. Savage vs. Flair was just as good. As per usual Savage was involved in an intense feud and this one was emotional and personal. The action lived up to justify the intensity of the feud. The rest of the card was pretty good too. HBK vs. El Matador was a strong opener. Taker vs. Jake was a good feud. Money Inc. vs. Natural Disasters had a good story. I haven’t even mentioned the main event. I admit Hogan vs. Sid was a disappointing match but the aftermath made up for it. The surprise return of The Ultimate Warrior was a classic mania moment. WM23 was good. I really liked Taker vs. Batista and the battle of the billionaires had that magical mania hype. I just don’t feel that it was a better show than WM8.
8 was actually not that great of a Wrestlemania, at least when you look at the card. Tatanka vs The Model Ric Martel? Really? But as a matter of fact, that was probably my favorite match on the card. Why? Because Bobby Heenan & Gorilla Monsoon made my side hurt I was laughing so hard through their commentary. Heenan was first exceedingly upset about Ric Flair losing the title, and Monsoon was really giving it to him, and then the rest of the match Heenan was making mildly racist but wildly hilarious indian jokes. Heenan & Monsoon made every PPV better by a mile.

The main event of Hogan vs Sid has what is to me, the best entrance Hulk Hogan has ever made. It had everything, and whenever I want to enjoy Hulkamania, all I need to do is watch that entrance. I still love the song Real American.

And so far I haven't even mentioned the good matches at all. Hitman vs Piper & Savage vs Flair are two absolute must-see matches in pro-wrestling history.

Between the good matches, some of the best commentary in wrestlemania history, and some other classic moments from the main event. WM8 is one of the all time best Wrestlemanias.

WM23... not so much.
I'll go with Mania 8. It had Hitman and Piper, Savage and Flair, Hogan and Sid, not to mention the return of the Ultimate Warrior. Mania 23 was descent but a bit of a let down with the hype they were giving it. Undertaker and Batista was good and seeing McMahon getting his head shaved was cool, but the main event I found borring. Cena and HBK for the WWEC. It seemed obvious that cena would win after taker beat the other Big Star of the day in Batista. they weren't going to let two legends trump two modern day stars in the same night and at Mania of all places. I wanted HBK to win but I knew it wasn't going to happen. So seeing Cena win the main event for the second year in a row tainted it for me, especially when I'm not a cena fan at all since he turned face many moons ago.(lol) Mania 8 for me!
I went with WM8. I think both were pretty even for me, the only difference being the the Battle of the Billionaires, which was promoted through the roof for obvious reasons, was a bomb of a match / segment and really brought down the crowd - at least for me.

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