Wrestlemania 17 VS 19

What is the best wrestlemania in your eyes?

  • Wrestlemania 17

  • Wrestlemania 19

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These two manias in particular are considered to be amongst ever and rightly so. So with the network available I watched them both in full recently. There is the classic Rock v Austin 2. Benoit v Angle in a good match. The awesome TLC 2 match and a decent HHH v Taker match at mania 17.

At mania 19 there were HBK v Jericho and Brock v Angle in wrestling clinics. A very good Rock v Austin 3 and an underatted Rey v Matt Hardy match.

Of course you get crap aswell but what ppv doesn't?

I think 19 was a better ' wrestling ' show.

What you lot reckon?
17 without a shadow of a doubt, which I consider to be the greatest Wrestlemania ever
WrestleMania XIX is the greatest WrestleMania of all time. From the dark match, to the opening match, through the mid-card matches, to the, not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5 Main Event matches, the card was stacked with the most former and future World Champions in this business. I do count the Y2J vs. HBK match as the 5th Main Event. I'll even go as far as saying that I think WrestleMania X8 was better than WrestleMania X7. The thread should be a Triple Threat match between WM X7, WM X8, and WM XIX, for the fact that these 3 shows are always brought up in the greatest WM discussions.
I'm rolling with 17, mainly because of the Taker vs. Trip match. WM 19 was OK, but 17 was sort of the winds of change worth the Attitude Era dying down.
WrestleMania 17 by far.

19 is a great show, no doubt about it. But WrestleMania 17 was perfect. Every match on that card delivered. The business was at its height of popularity, Vince had just bought WCW, and it was headlined by the two most over guys since Hogan, both in their prime.

Lower card:
WM17: Angle/Benoit, Y2J/Regal, Kane/Raven/Show, APA/RTC, Guerrero/Test, Chyna/Ivory

WM19: Hardy/Mysterio, Taker/Show/A-Train, Trish/Victoria, Team Angle/Los Guerreros

This is no comparison. Wow, look at those WM17 matches. And these weren't even advertised as the main events.

Upper card:
WM17: TLC2, Vince/Shane, Undertaker/HHH

WM19: Y2J/Michaels, HHH/Booker T, Rock/Austin 3, Hogan/Vince

I think the Y2J/Michaels match is what really stands out here for WM19. But those three WM17 matches are all absolutely top notch. It's hard to even say one of them stole the show, because they all kind of did.

Main event:
WM17: Rock/Austin

WM19: Lesnar/Angle.

No disrespect to Angle or Lesnar, but this isn't even comparable. Rock/Austin were at the height of their popularity. It was a much bigger draw and a way bigger main event.

Overall, I'd say WM19 was a little more top heavy in terms of big time matchups, but WM17 overall is just the better show. It is probably the greatest WM of all time.
I'd go with 19, just a totally solid show top to bottom. A good mix of the old guard and the new blood that would lead the company for the next decade starting to surge in. You got the end of Austin's career, and the launch of Brock's.

Had a real big feel to it, if you've never seen it watch the "Mania of WrestleMania" special that shows all the backstage drama surrounding the show, really cool.

Also, I have a soft spot of the Limp Bizkit performance "the WWE's favorite band in the whole world…Limp Bizkit!" hahaha I also love the first line of that song they played "Crack Addict" …."1, 2, trizzy, it's time to get busy, shut the fuck up" hahahahahaha so stupid and awesome.
WrestleMania 19 was FAR better in every way. 17 was very good, but the most overrated event in WWE history. There was plenty of useless crap that could have been cut from the card, and only three really good matches (Jericho/Regal, TLC II, and Rock/Austin II). WrestleMania 19 had only one useless part that should have been removed (the Miller Lite girls), and every match on the card but one was at LEAST really good (Undertaker vs. Big Show & A-Train was the only stinker), and several (the WWE Tag Team Championship, Jericho/HBK, Triple H/Booker T, Rock/Austin III, and Angle/Lesnar) were phenomenal.
Let it be noted that Austin vs Rock 2 isn't even that good of a match, yes it has the drama, and action, sure to a point its great, but its not on par with the match quality of Lesnar/Angle. And Austin v Rock 3 was even worse. If you like nothing but chair shots and punches then Austin/Rock is your match.

I'm not really sure either of these rank as the best WM for me anymore, WM17 use to. I think maybe WM24 or 30 are better. But between WM17 and 19, I give the overall notch to WM17. SURE SURE WM19 had Hogan and HBK on the same show, something WM17 totally lacked, and both guys put on a good show. But WM19 didn't have a good Undertaker match, the HHH match was forgettable with Booker, Cena didn't even wrestle when he easily could of faced Undertaker which he had feuded with around that time. And it didn't have TLC.

TLC2 and Undertaker/HHH really take WM17 over the top, both still rank up there as 2 of the best and most entertaining WM matches.

So my vote goes to Wrestlemania 17.
Let it be noted that Austin vs Rock 2 isn't even that good of a match, yes it has the drama, and action, sure to a point its great, but its not on par with the match quality of Lesnar/Angle. And Austin v Rock 3 was even worse. If you like nothing but chair shots and punches then Austin/Rock is your match.

I'm not really sure either of these rank as the best WM for me anymore, WM17 use to. I think maybe WM24 or 30 are better. But between WM17 and 19, I give the overall notch to WM17. SURE SURE WM19 had Hogan and HBK on the same show, something WM17 totally lacked, and both guys put on a good show. But WM19 didn't have a good Undertaker match, the HHH match was forgettable with Booker, Cena didn't even wrestle when he easily could of faced Undertaker which he had feuded with around that time. And it didn't have TLC.

TLC2 and Undertaker/HHH really take WM17 over the top, both still rank up there as 2 of the best and most entertaining WM matches.

So my vote goes to Wrestlemania 17.

How can Austin v Rock 2 in ur words be is not that good of a match but a few word later describe it as sure to a point be great. Is it not good or short of great?
I always have a hard time picking between Wrestlemanias 17-20. I think they're four of the greatest WMs of all time & as much as I love some classics too like WM 4, WM 12 & WM 14, I'm pretty sure I've watched 17, 18, 19 & 20 the most out of any WMs.

In the end though, I went with 19. The main reasons being Rock/Austin III is my favorite Rock/Austin match of all time, WM 19 was Shawn Michael's 1st WM appearance in half a decade, it was also the WM debut of Brock Lesnar & finally because my favorite match from 17 was actually always Undertaker vs. HHH but ever since WM 27 & WM 28 & now looking back at some of the other matches they had, their WM 17 match kinda gets lost in the shuffle now & days. Also I have a hard time picking WM 17 because not only do I think Austin/Rock II is a little overrated these days but Austin always says one of his biggest regrets was turning heel & the ending to that match. Which not only do I partly agree with him but it's kind of hard to pick that as the best ending to a WM ever when the main guy involved says he wish it went down a different way.
Mania X7 hands down. People are only talking about actual matches here for some reason when in actuality, there is so much more to Wrestlemania. The build up and promo to Rock vs Austin was the best ever. The Limp Bizcuit "My Way" song was amazingly perfect and brings a tear to your eye.

I will say that the actual ending hurts this Mania but it's still way too good to be knocked out of the number 1 spot. Rock vs Austin at Mania 19 was an actual better match with the better ending as well but again, not enough to take away from the magic going into X7.

Taker vs HHH was amazing and one of the best Mania matches of all time. That match was just superb.

TLC2 was phenomenal...a match of epic proportions.

Shane vs Vince was just awesome...I mean come on. That's magical. All of Shane's RVD moves and high risk stuff and the story behind it was great.

Big Show vs Kane with Raven thrown in as a sacrificial lamb was fun as hell. It was like King Kong vs Godzilla with all the movie set props they had. Throwing each other through glass or walls and stages...how can you not like that!??

Jericho and Regals story was hilarious too. "He besmirched my tea!" lol classic.

Benoit vs Angle was as good a wrestling match as you can get...loved it and the build up.

Even Eddie vs Test was a good match...legit good. There wasn't a bad thing about this card except the ending...still a shocker but not my preference.

Rock vs Austin >>> Angle vs Brock
Vince vs Shane = Vince vs Hogan
Benoit vs Angle = HBK vs Y2J
Undertaker vs HHH = Rock vs Austin 3
TLC2 >>> HHH vs Booker T

Undercard WM 17 >>> Undercard WM 19

I could see maybe HBK vs Jericho being better than Benoit vs Angle because of the hype with Michaels return though...and maybe the same for the Hogan vs Vince match. Loved that match btw...Vince's evil bloody face rising above the outside ring apron was classic.

All in all it's close on paper, but 17 just had more magic than 19.
WrestleMania 19 is my favorite WM of all time. 17 was good too but for me that show loses points for what it represented, and that was the end of an era with both WCW and ECW going out of business at the same time. 19 was good from the beginning to end and I liked that they had big match after big match one after the other. The setting, the stage etc everything was made to have a big time feel.
I've always like WrestleMania XIX. I've been a little biased to it. But I don't think I can call it evenly. Part of me tells me that 17 was just a little bit bigger and better than 19, for whatever reason. Maybe just for TLC II alone Mania 17 should get the go ahead. I'm not sure which one is better, so I'll just call it a tie. But I personally have a soft spot for 19.
19 was a way better show, you had so many good events like Hogan vs McMahon and Austin Rock 3 and great matches like Angle vs Lesnar and HBK vs Y2J, the only match that didn't really deliver was Taker vs A Train and Show, way better show that the vastly overrated x7
17>19>rest is opinion.

17 wins easily simply because of the epic promos, build up and hype. It was the pinnacle and absolute best of the attitude era. Limp Bizkit's My way gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. The only other wrestlemania main event that I was hyped for was wm20 with Benoit.
Wrestlemania X7 is probably the best Wrestlemania of all time. The crowd reacted to everything in every match from start to finish. Although X7 it's not my favourite for quality none gets near it. I think Wrestlemania 19 at the time was the poorest I'd seen for some time until the Wrestlemanias 22-24/25.
I think the trilogy of WrestleMania 17, 18 and 19 are the greatest 3 WrestleMania's of all time. To me, the WWE was at it's absolute peak at that time, with arguably the strongest roster they've ever had, with the end of the Monday Night Wars and ECW leading to WWE strengthening their level of talent hugely, and guys like Austin, Rock, Triple H, Taker on top supported by greats like Kurt Angle, Y2J, Benoit, Guerrero and more- not to mention the return of Shawn Michaels for WM19 and the unbelievable tag-team division... What a time to be a wrestling fan!

I do think WrestleMania 17 just about wins though, the card is absolutely phenomenal although it's pretty close. I reckon the undercard is stronger than the card at WM 19- with 'Taker facing Triple H at WM17 and only Big Show/A-Train at WM19 and the really fun Hardcore Triple Threat at 17- it was great to see Raven in a match at the showcase of the immortals.
The HHH vs Undertaker match at 17 is one of my least favorite "Streak match against someone who wasn't awful". I'm pretty sure they spent more time out of the ring than in it in a standard rules match. The ref didn't even take THAT hard of a bump to go into the coma he ended up in if I remember correctly. When they get back into the ring it was a fun match, but this one was way too long and there were no real stakes as there was nothing really on the line and no one cared about The Streak yet.

Taker v Show/A-Train isn't better by any means, but it is nowhere near as bad as its reputation. I have no idea how Taker wasn't DQd though when Nathan Jones came out. I guess because he was supposed to be in the match...but they listed it as a handicap match because he couldn't compete...but...I don't know. The in ring stuff was actually pretty ok though. One of the weaker Streak matches, but truly not THAT much worse than HHH v Taker at 17.

Nathan Jones sucks though. We all know it, but it has to be said as much as humanly possible.
this is a good debate because both cards had great matches. my issue i had with Wrestlemania 19 was how Undertaker was booked. really, a handicap match against A-Train (who cares) and Big Show (same)?? BUT they had a great main event title match, i question Booker's push, but it wasn't a bad match for the world title, the booking of Hogan and McMahon and the promo video was EPIC while Michaels and Jericho was a classic and of course it was Austin and Rock's last match together, BUT for me, i liked Wrestlemania 17 better. the ending wasn't great with the heel turn, BUT the show was great and the buildup for the title match was better. i pretty much knew that Stone Cold and Brock were going to win the titles, but they built Stone Cold vs. The Rock so well with the My Way videos, that plus the TLC match and McMahon vs. McMahon makes me like Wrestlemania 17 better.

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