Wow, WWE didnt mess things up yet! (Orton vs Kingston)

The Viper

Occasional Pre-Show
Ok is it just me or when you heard it was Orton Vs Kingston on raw did you get completely pissed? BUT WWE didn't Ruin it! they let Kingston look good against Orton and even a run in from Legacy then they made it a 6 man tag. Orton is my Favorite wrestler in the wwe right now by far, but i want this feud to be as good as it can be, and i want it to elevate Kofi. What do you guys think? Do you think WWE is handling this feud right so far? And do you think after its over Kofi will be better from the experience? OR just buried (like Cena buried Miz in their match at the bash) Im not a Cena basher but i wish that match would have been booked better cuz i was actually excited for it and it ended up being as exciting as watching a dog lick his own testicles! I have higher hopes for this feud. Should I? Prolly not, we'll see i guess, but so far..... Im into it. Thoughts?
I think they did an ok job last night continuing the feud. I didn't like Kofi's interview last night nearly as much as his promo the week before. He seemed kinda bland and stiff to me during the promo.

I'm glad though they held off on having a clean-cut singles match between the two. I'd like to see their feud last a few months and with SS coming up, I feel it should be able to. I see their feud leading to a SS tag match that might look something like this:

Kingston, Henry, MVP, Bourne
Orton, Rhodes, DiBiase, Masters

This way they can continue their feud through SS and have their singles blow-off match at the Dec. PPV. In the long run I expect Orton to go over, but that's fine as long as they continue to elevate Kofi through the feud and not bury him.
Last night's RAW was the most exciting of the entire year. Yes, THE ENTIRE YEAR. There's one match that put it over, Legacy vs Powerful Blackness (what my band named the triumvirate of Kofi, Porter, and Henry in SDvsR2010)! Throw in Shelton Benjamin in that stable and what u've got on your hands is the most talented team in wrestling today, bar none!

I see great things for Kofi, he deserves it, after all, who else can lower the BOOM?!
I think wwe handled it well, they would of fucked everything up if they had a one on one match but making it a 6 man tag just made it even better bc it was a little tease... i dont see them going one on one until maybe TLC. they prob be against eachother at SS the 3 members of legacy vs mvp kofi n henry maybe someone else added to both teams with kofi winning and possibly having dibiase cause there team to lose to continue his face turn.
I agree, that was an exciting match last night. I also agree that Kofi's interview was somewhat bland compared to the week before. But judging by the audience's reaction to the match, that didn't much matter. A lot of people are into this feud, myself included. And even if you hate Orton, you cannot deny his ability to add a certain intensity to whomever he feuds with. It was strange last night...I loved the six man tag match, but what got me more was after the match when Orton was standing outside of the ring, that viper look on his face, while Kofi hung his head outside, daring him to come back in the ring and fight. Great intensity there. I never thought I'd see that from Kofi. I always saw him as a mid-carder at best, but now I'm going to go as far as to say that by this time next year, he will have, or will be holding the WWE championship. Let the arguements begin...
Totally in agreement with AMH, Orton has the uncanny ability to make whomever he's in the ring with look good. His assholeian nature brings people to another level with him, he did it for HHH, Cena, and now,thankfully, Kofi.

That last bit with the staredown was pure classic wrasslin'. The staredown and slap off be4 the match was sweet too, glad Kofi can embrace his inner badass now that he's being billed from his correct homeland and doesn't have to play the plucky JamaicanMeCrazy gimmick anymore.
Don't get me wrong I LOVE LOVE LOVE Kofi Kingston. But Guys, this is the WWE. And Kofi is a black man. I really hate to be the one to point that out, and I really hate to point this out, but I can count on one hand how many Black world champions there have been. Think about it, they gave it to Booker ONCE. ONE TIME! That is the only time an african-american wrestler in the wwe has held either world title. You could say the rock as well, but come on, hes not even as black as obama. And that's really sad, cuz some of my favorite wrestlers in the last 15 or so years have been black wreslters. D'lo Brown, Shelton Benjamin, MVP, Kofi, even Viscera. All would be GREAT world champions. But Im almost certain Kofi is gonna be burried at survivor series. It's really sad too, cuz Kofi consistently has the biggest pop on raw besides DX. But none of that is gonna matter as long as guys like Michael biggot Hayes and the plantation owner himself Vince are around
I love how they seem to be building Kofi into something more serious and intimidating. It gives his character some life. This feud with Orton is going to be gold for Kofi if done right.
As I watched this last night, the image of Orton destroying Kofi kept running through my mind. I was def shocked when Kofi held his own against Orton and his team got a clean win over Legacy. It was a total 180 on Vince's part and it was a great sight to see. Kofi def has the support behind him not, and it seems the ball won't be dropped on him just yet. Kofi looked great last night and seems poised to enter the main event scene during his program with Randy.
Don't get me wrong I LOVE LOVE LOVE Kofi Kingston. But Guys, this is the WWE. And Kofi is a black man. I really hate to be the one to point that out, and I really hate to point this out, but I can count on one hand how many Black world champions there have been. Think about it, they gave it to Booker ONCE. ONE TIME! That is the only time an african-american wrestler in the wwe has held either world title. You could say the rock as well, but come on, hes not even as black as obama. And that's really sad, cuz some of my favorite wrestlers in the last 15 or so years have been black wreslters. D'lo Brown, Shelton Benjamin, MVP, Kofi, even Viscera. All would be GREAT world champions. But Im almost certain Kofi is gonna be burried at survivor series. It's really sad too, cuz Kofi consistently has the biggest pop on raw besides DX. But none of that is gonna matter as long as guys like Michael biggot Hayes and the plantation owner himself Vince are around

I have to completely agree with you. When they brought Henry to Raw, he looked to be there next big star, fans were behind him and then WWE dropped the ball. MVP vs Orton would've been great, but again ball dropped. Vince is the George Bush of Hurricane Katrina, "Vince hates black people". Yea booker one it once, but I believe Tony Atlas won it once too, but that was probably before McMahon took the company from daddy. Even Koko B Ware at all his glory never held the belt. You'll never see an African American as the WWE or WHC as long as Vince runs the company. The farthest a Black man can make it in WWE is the US or IC belt and the TT of course but never the big belts. I don't think one has even ever headlined WM?
Booker T actually headlined WM with Triple H one year. The Rock would be considered a black champ as well. He was with the freekin Nation, and Farooq was billed as dang near racist when he was running the group. Rock is half black half samoan, black is black. Two black champs Vince has had. Im not gonna write off the Rock as black, because he is 50%.

Kofi is exciting, I don't think race will hold him down. Only thing that may hurt him is his size. If you are really over, I don't think vince cares what race you are nowadays. Think about it, If Shaq was a superstar, don't you think he would have the title.
Hey guys seriously?

Ok so there haven't been many black world champs, but then compare the amount of white people to black people in the business? Sure I know its a diverse place and that is great, but its not necessarily about race or whatever, its who the crowd gets behind, how does good matches give great promos and so on.

You complain about someone like D'lo brown (sorry i can't remember who mentioned him) but he is one of the very rare and prestigious euro-continental champs, and there have only been three (correct me if I'm wrong)!

Also keep in mind that although there have nopt been many black champs, what about everyone else who has missed out in their careers? Owen Hart or British Bulldog both didn't win championships in their time does that mean they don't matter so much because they are white? I don't think so.
I think this is the erfect feud to push Kofi to Upper Mid-Card/Main Event especially with a Ted DiBiase face turn on the horizon.

At Survivor Series I would have Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase, David Hart Smith & Tyson Kidd vs. The New Nation of Domination Kofi Kingston, MVP, Mark Henry & Cryme Tyme.

I picked Cryme Tyme & The Hart Dynasty due to CT being black and feuding with the Dynasty who received a mini push being in the Bragging Rights match. I also thought about R-Truth being in the match with his recent mini push with also being in the Bragging Rights match. This could be played out with an attack angle on Shad Gaspard since WWE aren't that high on him and replace Cryme Tyme with just JTG and then R-Truth.

This would be the perfect oppurtunity for Kingston to pick the pinfall victory over Orton with a DiBiase face turn and also carry on The Kofi/Orton feud with Randy saying Kofi didn't pin him fairly. This could lead to Kofi/Ted vs. Cody/Randy and the push for the superstars involved.
Kofi is exciting, I don't think race will hold him down. Only thing that may hurt him is his size. If you are really over, I don't think vince cares what race you are nowadays. Think about it, If Shaq was a superstar, don't you think he would have the title.

This is another good point. Kofi's size is definitely a hinderance, but rey and punk are both smaller guys, and Vince has stated recently that today's stars are much more character focused, not so much on their physical look. And we all saw Kofi's character potential last week. And I dont know about you guys, but when he said, "I don't think you've ever looked BETTER!", that gave me chills. So point being, I don't think Kofi's size will be his downfall. Not with that kind of Intensity.

And dude, I see what you mean about Shaq, but he's a house hold name for other reasons. I wouldnt consider it a huge leap in Vince's consideration of race if Shaq of all people became a champion. If They really want me to think that wwe is a level playing field for all wrestlers then they would listen to the fans for real and Have wrestlemania headliners like:

Kofi Vs. Orton

Shelton Benjamin Vs. John Cena

HHH vs. Chavo( come on, you know he deserves it)

Just bring back a little shock value. thats all I ask.
Good promo 1 week, and a good match against Orton, glad they let Kofi hold his own. Anyone here besides me wish that these guest hosts could get his name right one of these weeks??? Last week Kyle Busch called him Kofi Johnson and this week Sharon Osbourne called him Kovi or Kobi or something. Ozzy even goofed Evan Bournes name up and call him Braune. I think someone on here said they were doing a good job at not messing names up, think they spoke too soon!!!
I think they should have held off in ring action between the two in order to build up the intensity of the feud, but they did keep away from each other so it worked out.

They haven't messed it up yet which is good in a way but the sad thing is everybody is expecting them to mess up eventually. What's that say about the WWE ? Can't be good.

This feud has massive potential and I am eagerly anticipating it's progress, but for some reason the WWE have decided to drop the Ted push which is another typical plot hole.
The Con Volt makes a good point though. Think about it: there have been a lot of black wrestlers who many thought was deserving, but never got it.

Farooq: If WCW let him get it, I don't see why not.
R-Truth: TNA gave him the top title once, and If you remember, he was getting pushed upon his repackaging as R-truth and Vince was behind making him the next big thing, but the road agents refused because of his age (which is funny when people as old as HHH and Taker keep winning titles,which I have to admit no matter how much I like them)
Shelton Benjamin: He's had some great matches with people like HBK and HHH and he has great athleticism, yet the farthest he's gotten was the second-tier titles
MVP: he could have had a major push and hit a program with then champion Orton as the WWE teased upon his RAW arrival, but they dropped the ball.
Lashley: As much as he was pushed during his small time, he only got the ECW title, whereas Lesnar, who got an extremely similar push, won his title from The Rock shortly after he debuted (you can't get more pushed than that)

So think about it, the only black men who have held a world title in ANY major promotion were The Rock (yes, I still count him), Farooq, Booker T (who only had it once and would have had a much better reign as Booker instead of King), R-Truth/K-kwik/Ron Killings won the NWA title in TNA, and Lashley and Mark Henry if you count the ECW as a world title.
Not this "Vince hates black people" bullshit again. Shut up. Kofi vs Orton is proving to be very interesting. It's different, it hasn't happened before. Orton does make people look good, makes them look credible. He has that asshole ability that someone above mentioned. I don't really like it when people are suprised WWE hasn't fucked something up anymore. They've had their product hella improved past couple months. It's not bad anymore, you'd think people would stop complaining.
Straight up: I have always HATED Kofi! Talented in the ring, over with the fans and all but he just IRKED the shit out of me.

Now that they've ditched his "Jamaican-me-crazy" (ugh) gimmick and given him some credibility (ps. a new entrace song would be nice) and a new 'tude, he's starting to finally impress me.

Orton is basically the only reason I tune in to RAW these days and to see him help elevate Kofi and Kofi actually keep up with WWE's best talent is impressive. Now just wait for creative to drop the ball and have Orton vs Kofi every week....
I think the idea of Orton and Kofi at SS is an awesome idea!
It would boost up Kofi's rep, and would bring him to the Main Event Status he deserves!
Straight up: I have always HATED Kofi! Talented in the ring, over with the fans and all but he just IRKED the shit out of me.

Now that they've ditched his "Jamaican-me-crazy" (ugh) gimmick and given him some credibility (ps. a new entrace song would be nice) and a new 'tude, he's starting to finally impress me.

Orton is basically the only reason I tune in to RAW these days and to see him help elevate Kofi and Kofi actually keep up with WWE's best talent is impressive. Now just wait for creative to drop the ball and have Orton vs Kofi every week....

Same here. I was always like, "Who is this guy?" I got that he was supposed to be Jamaican but it felt like he was the US champ just because they wanted someone to hold the title and not take up too much time. He was always an afterthought because we knew next to nothing about him.

Now that they finally let him talk during the Bragging Rights buildup, I like him a lot. But the Orton feud has the chance to move him to a whole different level. It has taken exactly two weeks to put him on the same level as Legacy, if not higher, in my mind.

I'm actually EXCITED when Kofi comes out to the ring. Before I would just hope that he was wrestling the Miz and we'd get a good promo.

While we're at it: Swagger needs a lot more face time. He's just like Kofi was right now: I get it, he is an American and apparently he was also an All-American. What else is there about him? He's great in the ring, just like Kofi was. But I have no connection to him. I hope he's next to get some character development.
Same here. I was always like, "Who is this guy?" I got that he was supposed to be Jamaican but it felt like he was the US champ just because they wanted someone to hold the title and not take up too much time. He was always an afterthought because we knew next to nothing about him.

Now that they finally let him talk during the Bragging Rights buildup, I like him a lot. But the Orton feud has the chance to move him to a whole different level. It has taken exactly two weeks to put him on the same level as Legacy, if not higher, in my mind.

I'm actually EXCITED when Kofi comes out to the ring. Before I would just hope that he was wrestling the Miz and we'd get a good promo.

While we're at it: Swagger needs a lot more face time. He's just like Kofi was right now: I get it, he is an American and apparently he was also an All-American. What else is there about him? He's great in the ring, just like Kofi was. But I have no connection to him. I hope he's next to get some character development.

Very true.

In Swagger's defence, Kofi's been around a little longer and has used the extra time well. Swagger's run has interested me a lot more than Kofi's, he just needs the transition to big time that Kofi's getting now. IE, a main eventer needs to come out of the title hunt and help elevate some new talent.

I had HOPED that Cena was going to do that at the RAW anniversary earlier this year. Then I remembered, Cena rarely jobs for guys more over than he is much less the (then) (w)ECW champion
I agree with drondog Black people in wwe are seriously underrated and misused it has always been that way. I think it sucks and is bad for business. I mean the last World Champion they had that was black was Booker T before he left and he was a good Champion but he was also already well known. i think they need to put the belt on Someone like Mark henry, MVP, Kofi Kingston, Shelton Benjamin, etc. These guys work harder than anybody on the roster and have nothing to show for it. Henry and MVP should have already had the Tag Belts by now. Shelton Benjamin has been in almost every Money In The Bank match but has never won. One other quick point to bring up about Shelton Benjamin is does anyone remember how quickly they made us forget the fact that he beat Tripleh at One Point. Tell me what you think.
I agree with drondog Black people in wwe are seriously underrated and misused it has always been that way. I think it sucks and is bad for business. I mean the last World Champion they had that was black was Booker T before he left and he was a good Champion but he was also already well known. i think they need to put the belt on Someone like Mark henry, MVP, Kofi Kingston, Shelton Benjamin, etc. These guys work harder than anybody on the roster and have nothing to show for it. Henry and MVP should have already had the Tag Belts by now. Shelton Benjamin has been in almost every Money In The Bank match but has never won. One other quick point to bring up about Shelton Benjamin is does anyone remember how quickly they made us forget the fact that he beat Tripleh at One Point. Tell me what you think.

I remember that, they gave shelton a tad push then brought him back down. Just last year he was a dominant US champ on Smackdown, I don't know what he did wrong in the back. He is an awesome talent, it can't be just charisma that is holding him back, if that were the case Lashly wouldn't have been pushed either.
So far the wwe is doing the feud in the right drection. all they need is to do if build kofi kingston up slowly and take baby steps so they won't mess up. I do see this 2 in a tables and chairs match next month t armegeddon I don't c them in a match at survivor series I want it to have that main event feel to it when they do face each other.

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