Would You Rather The Great Muta or Eddie Guerrero be in the HOF?

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
The next thread in this series/hype thread for the Hall of Fame. This time putting up two Cruiserweights in the battle of the Little Big Men.

The Great Muta​


The Great Muta is known for his work inside of the NWA. He has many memorable matches but most importantly matches and or wins over stars like Ric Flair, Sting, Lex Luger. He has put on some very interesting matches. He is also a well received star in Japan wrestling for New Japan Pro Wrestling. He has a postivie view for him and has several classic matches. He was a very good Cruiserweight and he performed top notch in the majority of his matches. He was a very interesting persona who brought interest and style to the hallowed wrestling rings.

Eddie Guerrero​


Eddie Guerrero was one of the best Cruiserweights to step foot in a ring. He has wrestled in numerous organizations, companies, and industries and is known as a top peformer in each one. He is known as one of the greatest technical wrestlers, and although being a heel for the majority of his time as a wrestler he is one of the most beloved wrestlers of all time. He made the name Guerrero a glorified name in the wrestling industry, and his feuds with Chavo will go down in history. He was truly a great, and should be remembered for his greatness.
i will assume you are talking about another hall of fame (since the other posters already pointed out eddie in the wwe hall of fame), and I will say Muta.

Muta is the Sting/HBK/Hulk Hogan of Japan, owns his promotion and had some incredible matches with the NWA/WCW with their partnership. Eddie is one of the best from Mexico and is outstanding, but i would rank Muta ahead of him as one of (if not the) best from japan.

i rank muta 9th best all time and Eddie 12, but to each his own
Eddie is already in the WWE HOF.

Um Eddie is in WWE HOF. He was more world renowned because he worked for multiple promotions, so naturally, eddie.

You both do realize that this is the Wrestlezone Hall of Fame????

Now personally my pick would be The Great Muta. He is very important in getting a wrestling audience over in Japan as well as him having amazing matches. I think personally theese two are incredibly close to each other, and are incredibly great performers. However I truly feel that Muta is just overall a bigger impact on wrestling history then Eddie. I respect them both and it is close but I have to go with Muta.
While I'm sitting here typing this, I sincerely hope that Keiji Muto/Great Muta is being strongly considered by the WrestleZone community to be a legitimate contender to the hall of fame during the years to come. The guy was one of a select few to carry both the IWGP heavyweight and Triple Crown championships, reinvented himself brilliantly a number of times, and is probably the name wrestler to come out of Japan during the past twenty years, eclipsing even Mitsuharu Misawa's significant ring accomplishments.

Additionally, he is one of only two Japanese wrestlers (the other being Giant Baba) to get over big in American rings.

Eddie Guerrero, despite being a deceased former world champion and an excellent wrestler with significant contributions in his own right, is simply not in Muto's class in terms of legacy.

The comparison between the two is like putting up Chris Benoit's accomplishments against those of Hulk Hogan. I go with Muto by a mile.
I'm not sure how you can have any wrestling Hall of Fame without Eddie Guerrero (and no, I'm not just saying that because he's no longer here). He was and is absolutely one of the most well rounded wrestlers of all time. Anything they gave him to do, he excelled at; whether being with Chyna, being a lying, cheating, stealing babyface, or being an angry, bitter heel, like during his famous feud with Rey Mysterio in 2005. He could also do pretty much any type of wrestling, whether it be mat based or high flying, and was certainly an excellent storyteller. He was a guy that you took notice of whatever he was doing, whether in the midcard as a cruiserweight or in the main event with Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar. There is literally not one thing that you need to succeed in wrestling that Eddie Guerrero did not have. And there are very few guys you can say that about. Regardless of him not being that big of a name in comparison to others like Austin and Hogan, he still deserves to be recognized anywhere, whether it's the WWE's Hall of Fame or a wrestling forum Hall of Fame like this one.

I'm not sure about Muta, though, since I don't know all that much about Japanese wrestling. Regardless, Eddie should be in. It shouldn't have to be a choice between one or the other; Eddie should be a given.
I'm going to go with Muta on this one. He is one one my favorites, and was definitely ove big in the US. Eddie is deserving as well, but if it were one or the other, I'll say Muta.
I'd say Muta is more deserving of a spot in the hall of fame before Guerrero. I know Eddie is the sentimental favorite and is much more well known in the US, but Muta is one of the most respected and decorated wrestlers in Japan. He is a multi time world champion holding the IWGP title, the AJPW Triple Crown and the NWA Heavyweight Championship (when it still meant something). Muta also became president of All Japan Pro Wrestling, although he no longer holds that position after taking responsibility for a real life beating a wrestler received backstage that led to the wrestler having a stroke after his match that night. Muta's place in the history of wrestling is much more important than Guerrero's although both men do belong in any and all hall of fames.
Not being a big fan of Japanese wrestling, I have not seen that much of Muta's work but I know the impact he has had on the business and his legacy. He has a huge list of accomplishments over the years, and is regarded as one of Japan's greatest wrestlers of all time, both as Kejii Muto and the Great Muta. If we are looking at Japanese wrestlers to include in the HOF, then Muta/Muto will definitely be on the shortlist.

For that reason I am not able to say whether Eddie should go in ahead of Muta, as I simply do not know enough about Muta, but Guerrero is definitely worth considering as HOF entry in my opinion. He was one of the most talented men in the business for a long time, capable of playing both a great heel and a beloved babyface and he had the natural charisma to make the fans fall in love with him, which led to the the top of the WWE and the WWE title. No-one ever expected him to get there, but it was great to see the cream finally rising to the top of the WWE.

I have immense respect for Eddie Guerrero, he came back from rock bottom with his addictions to rise once again to the top of his profession and conquer his demons. Sadly, he passed away far before his time but his memory will live on for a long time in the hearts of wrestling fans everywhere. Guerrero could work a great match with anyone, he was that talented. Everything he did was smooth, slick and entertaining and some of his matches were first class. He rarely, if ever, had a bad match. Some of his work with Rey Mysterio and Dean Malenko is phenomenal.

Eddie was a great singles wrestler, who was also totally at home in a tag-team and one of the greatest entertainers and wrestlers that the WWE has seen in the last 20 years. It is still really upsetting to me that such a genuinely nice guy lost his life so tragically young, as he still had so much to offer to the business

Eddie should definitely be on the shortlist for the HOF at some point, Muta I cannot give an opinion on, but I suspect he is also worthy
This for me is pretty clear cut - The Great Muta.

Maybe I'm just a HUGE Muta mark but Muta actually created a spot where...wherever used, its recognised as his, and he is DEFINITELY being payed homage to...almost every other month...I'm talking about mist.

Eddie was a fantastic worker but was relatively uninventive. Muta CREATED several BIG moves. Some of AJ styles moves would NOT exist without him. Some of Rey's moves would not exist. The tarantula hold...in fact forget it, the WHOLE of the Tajiri gimmick came from Muta.

I ADORE Muta, The Muta Lock, the mist, pretty much EVERYTHING about Muta. Eddie was an AMAZING athlete and overcame a lot of demons to get to where he was. The Wrestlemania XX win was the most emotional win I've EVER seen...but I would just put Mutoh above him for everything Mutoh has actually done for the industry.
Eddie is in HOF, Great Muta is a lot like sting. He does not need to be in the HOF to be remembered. He's one of my favorite wrestlers. First, the Mist that he spewed on his opponents was great & the fans were in awe of it. The hand motions he did while he was spitting that stuff out made it an art lol. I've been saying the WWE has got to make a WCW section. Those WCW battles against NEW JAPAN pro werestling are extremely undervalued. People will crucify someone for saying anything against Eddie Guerrero, but the Great Muta had more of an impact on his promotion than most wrestlers could dream of having.
mmm not sure dont know to much about great muta but what i heard he should be in the hall of fame but for eddie yes he should to as well both men should they are some of wrestling's all time greats
I did a whole thing on here on Muta getting in so yeah I obviously come down on his side, Eddie was an amazing athlete and great personality... Muta is the Hogan of Japan, not to mention he wrestled hogan sting flair etc... and as mentioned he CREATED moves.... insane moves, but comparing them isn't really fair anyways Muta's not a cruiserweight.... he just moves like one, def Muta tho

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