Would You Push #9: Ryback

Would you push Ryback

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The Winter Soldier
Ryback has yet to hold a championshp in WWE and when he went for the title he was just rushed into it. He went on to have a losing streak on PPV. He lost to the likes of Cena, Punk, Shield, and was LITERALLY squashed by Mark Henry at Wrestlemania. He finally ended it against Jericho. He was definetly misused since he should have went after the IC title when Miz had it. He is not playing the typical running away heel when the going gets tough. Down to business. Would you push Ryback? It seems like creative doesn't know what to do with him as of late. What title would you give him first? Would you put him in a tag team? Would you have him go after the US or IC titles once they are on faces? Would you just push him towards the World titles? Would you even push him?
Absolutely not.
I understand the roster is undersized right now which is the entire reason this no talent hack got such a ridiculous push in the first place. He is beyond horrible on the mic in my opinion and puts in the single most boring parts of any RAW he cuts a promo on.

I have yet to see him put on a stellar match that veers away from his predictable and quickly stale move set. I would love to see some new bigger guys get a push instead of Ryback. I would be fine seeing him fall into mid-card and/or jobber hell.
No. Because he cant talk and cant wrestle.
Ryback just like wade barrett, drew mcyntre, jack swagger, cessaro etc. etc. Got pushed and their flaws exposed.

Ryback is one dimensional. The only thing he had going was his winning streak. Hes in ring work is mediocre. They're power moves and nothing else. Only reason why he looked decent in the big matches is because they were all gimmick matches (tables, tlc, last man standing, ambulance, hell in a cell).

His promo. Good god they're awful. When the rock cuts the same shticks in his promos, the iwc start saying he botches in promo and that its boring. Ironically when ryback cuts a mono tone, memorized promo, the iwc willing to stomach it and say he will improve along the way.

Ryback simply got exposed imo. His winning streak really what made him relevant but creative certainly screwed it up. There are ppl believed he would have been a top main eventer player had creative not screw up with his booking. I disagree because miz had a long title run, swagger got his opportunity TWICE, drew mcyntre got had his long IC run. etc etc. They all flopped and their flaws were exposed.

Am i harsh about ryback? no because the guy is supposedly in the mainevent. If he cant offers atleast good in ring work, promo skills, or any sort of charisma then why would i want him in the mainevent picture just because hes a "young guy"?
At this time, I'd have to say no. Ryback has absolutely zero momentum right now and, to be perfectly honest, I'm a little surprised that Ryback hasn't already been WWE Champion. I think a major factor in that is due to the timing of Ryback's push in the latter months of 2012. CM Punk was the top heel in wrestling during that time, had been WWE Champion for almost a year, was doing a great job as champion and was scheduled to face The Rock for the title at the Royal Rumble. Frankly, Punk vs. Rock was going to be more of a draw than Ryback vs. Rock. Had it not been for the fact that WWE wanted The Rock as champion heading into WrestleMania, I think there's a good chance that Vince would have really jacked Ryback's push and made him champion.

I think it was a smart move by WWE. During that time, there was a surprising number of people on the forums who believed that WWE should put the title on Ryback despite the fact that he hadn't really been tested. He was the latest thing and was in a feud against the top heel in the business at the time, a feud that was getting a strong response from fans. Afterward, he found himself in a brief feud with Mark Henry, which he lost, then found himself feuding for the title with John Cena. All in all, I enjoyed Ryback's matches with John Cena and I thought he honestly came a long way on the mic. However, WWE didn't put the title on him and I have to imagine that it's because that they simply weren't all that impressed with his progress. It's still possible Ryback could be WWE Champion someday, and I can almost certainly still see him being World Heavyweight Champion at some point.

Ryback has a fantastic look and presence with very believable intensity that goes right along with that great look. In my eyes, Ryback is a pretty damn good powerhouse wrestler. Even though he still gets the "Goldberg" chants, in my eyes, he's FAR better than Goldberg ever was. Five years ago, Ryback would have been champion, I've no doubt about that. It's kind of refreshing, however, to see WWE not putting the title on Ryback. I think it reflects a definite change in booking decisions that wasn't there 5 years ago, a style that would have pushed Ryback as a younger version of either Goldberg or Batista even though there are a lot of much better overall pro wrestlers on the roster.

Ryback's only 31 years old, he's still a young man and could have a bright future. He could be ready someday, but it's not now. Right now though, in my eyes, there are too many other wrestlers who are more talented I'd rather see get pushed.
If you can't figure out how to push Ryback properly, you have no idea what you're doing (hi WWE creative). The only reason people around here don't like him is because A)he's not 3'6" tall, B) he doesn't do flippies all around the ring and C) he's not articulate on the mic. The fact that he's big is the reason B and C are completely unnecessary.

Ya know what makes a Ryback push very easy right now? Mark Henry just turned face. Henry's been one of the best heels for the last 2 years now (when he wasn't injured). Mark Henry isn't articulate on the mic, because he's a monster and he doesn't have to be. There's no reason Ryback can't fill that position. I wouldn't say Ryback is as good as Henry on the mic, but again, as a monster, his dialog is not complicated. Too many morons around here think he needs to be CM Punk on the mic when if they knew anything about characters, they'd know he doesn't.

Due to his recent burial, I would still push Ryback, but it would have to be a slow start. They screwed him up so bad that he's starting at a lower point than when he debuted.

Ryan Reeves spent a LONG time in Developmental even before he became Skip Sheffield. We're talking about a man who has been in the system for nigh on SEVEN years on and off and he still hasn't made it.

Say what you want about Barrett or McIntyre but they are less time served and achieved more with the opportunities given. Vince saw a new Goldberg, we saw a bigger Gillberg...

Is he beyond hope? Just about, the only think they can do in my eyed I'd yank him from TV and repackage, maybe a mask but you have better talents with more upside languishing at present and guys who have shown improvement like Mason Ryan who haven't had as many goes as Reeves.

Ryback is the next "shock" release ala Kennedy, he walks into TNA, hurts someone and gets buried... That's my prediction...
Ryback is fast becoming a great heel on the roster. Since the end of his somewhat lackluster feud with John Cena and failing to win the title, he has developed a completely different character. I believe that in time, Ryback could become the World champion possibly by 2014 and is also another choice to win the Rumble. I would say yes, push him because has what it takes to pull off a good title reign IMO and has the size, the look and the charisma to be the top heel.

The only place he is lacking is the mic skills department. That however can easily be fixed by giving him a manager like Paul Heyman for example. I personally believe that Ryback should of been his newest client and not Curtis Axel because Axel is completely boring IMO and does not seem to have any special talent about him.
You cant deny that Ryback was hot in the late part of last year. He was getting huge pops as face and the "Feed Me More" chants were deafening. I think he should of been the one to end CM Punk's title. It would have really solidified him as a major player.
I think he still has some direction, there are faces on the roster he could feud with like Christian, RVD and Ziggler in the next few months. As others have mentioned I think he could be a credible contender for the World Heavyweight title picture once Del Rio drops the title. But I cant see him contending for the WWE Championship again in the near future.
Yes I would. However, it would take a few months to undo the damage that WWE did to Ryback by rushing him into the WWE Championship scene. He was on the perfect path to stardom up until October of 2012. Hell In a Cell's WWE Championship match should never have happened. Ryback should have faced a few other challengers first. Midcarders, tag teams, wrestlers further up than the jobber tier who had nothing else to do at the time, THEN a world title feud. By TLC he would have been ready. He needed to establish himself as a threat to the guys at the very top of the card. Firstly rushing him into a world title feud hurt him, and secondly his long string of losses in important matches hurt him even more.

I'd have him go into filler feuds for a few months. WWE need to book him to be incredibly dominant. Have him squash a few jobbers first, then handicap matches against jobbers, then move him on to tag teams, midcarders, then wrestlers further up the card. More or less what he did last year, but it can be done faster this time around as he has been through it before and just needs to regain his momentum. Ryback NEEDS to win the World Heavyweight (or perhaps WWE) Championship this time once he is put back into a feud for a world title though. One more loss in a world title feud and it will be that much more difficult to make him into a believable threat again. Give him a world title run, preferably the World Heavyweight Championship. He'd give a face a good moment in dethroning him.
If you can't figure out how to push Ryback properly, you have no idea what you're doing (hi WWE creative). The only reason people around here don't like him is because A)he's not 3'6" tall, B) he doesn't do flippies all around the ring and C) he's not articulate on the mic. The fact that he's big is the reason B and C are completely unnecessary.

Ya know what makes a Ryback push very easy right now? Mark Henry just turned face. Henry's been one of the best heels for the last 2 years now (when he wasn't injured). Mark Henry isn't articulate on the mic, because he's a monster and he doesn't have to be. There's no reason Ryback can't fill that position. I wouldn't say Ryback is as good as Henry on the mic, but again, as a monster, his dialog is not complicated. Too many morons around here think he needs to be CM Punk on the mic when if they knew anything about characters, they'd know he doesn't.

lol so much stupid in one post I can't even believe it. I wouldn't have said anything but you get aggressive and angry in tone and it's just unbecoming and ridiculous.

Mark Henry isn't articulate on the mic? His promos during the short program with Cena were nothing less than A+ material including the fake-out retirement. He is beloved for his long career through multiple angles and adapting to make them all work. Cryback can't even make one simple angle work let alone be versatile in any way, shape, or form!

Also...you're hatred of wrestlers who are "3 foot tall and doing flippies around the ring" is pretty obvious just hatred of real wrestling.

So do everyone a favor and pipe down, child.
Also...you're hatred of wrestlers who are "3 foot tall and doing flippies around the ring" is pretty obvious just hatred of real wrestling.

Yep, because those guys in ROH are really raking in the money. Small guys have their place in wrestling just as big guys do. Too much of one or the other is monotonous. I never said I hate small guys. I was inferring that the majority of people who hate guys like Ryback are the ones who only love small guys who came through the indies. It's practically cliche.

And Mark Henry is not articulate in his promos whatsoever. Most of his promos are along the lines of "I'm going to kick your ass." Then he does it. His fake retirement speech was a rare long promo.

Ryback needs only to do the same to be pushed properly.
I think if Ryback is to get another push they should turn him face again and make him power through the locker room, it worked the first time and he was getting over with the fans. The only reason they turned him heel was to give John Cena a storyline.
I would maybe possibly push him, but only if he gets a decent manager. actually, Ryback has cut some decent promos lately, but his career has been so damaged by his losses at PPVs, as well as the IWC Goldberg chants, that he might not be believable as a champion, unless its a mid card title, which is what they should have done when Cesaro was US champion
Ryback hasn't been the same ever since he lost to The Shield multiple times, lost to Mark Henry and lost to John Cena. That loss against The Miz due to match stoppage was ridiculous. It made him look weaker than just about anyone on the roster almost instantly. And as I've said before many times, part of the reason why I don't like current WWE is the fact that every star has held a title before. I wish there were more legitimate Main Eventers and Mid-Carders alike that went their entire WWE careers having never held a Championship, but instead have been able to accomplish other things. For Ryback? I think they still have a chance of reigniting his intensity and hot streak. All they need to do is take him off TV for a few months, bring back King of the Ring and then have him return just in time to qualify. He should win the tournament, go on a second winning streak against both Mid-Carders and Main Eventers (especially on PPV) and then win the Royal Rumble (although that may or may not be extreme) just like Sheamus did. That way he doesn't have Championships, but definitely has some accomplishments under his belt. And if the WWE feels like he's ready for a real title push, then perhaps he might be best fit for the World Heavyweight Championship picture. He could very well attract some other Main Eventers into competing for that title, thus giving him and that title much-needed credibility. Hell, with just promos alone on why that title matters to him could really boost attention towards it. That's the way I would go about it (although it's very doubtful the WWE would do something like this without having him win a title). I know there are lot of people on here that think Ryback has no mic skills whatsoever. I think he's decent. At least he can enunciate his words properly and actually come off sounding smarter than he looks. He's able to stay in character and he seriously has the strength to be more dominant than he is. He could very well be a second Batista if booked right. We'll have to see where WWE takes this though.
I would give him a push toward a mid-card title or possibly the WHC. Unlike some, I don't think he is horrible on the mic and don't say "he can't wrestle". He seems comfortable with his heel persona now and that shows to me. He had great momentum in his debut but that was thwarted by a Cena injury that let to a push way before he was ready. At this point I think he needs some credibility back and that a lower tier championship could do that for him. Ryback chasing the WHC seems much more credible than Christian IMO.
I actually enjoyed Ryback's time in the main event spot. He has the look, a marketable character, and definitely caught the audiences attention when he was on top. Maybe he's not as elaborate in the ring but that certainly didn't stop guys like Cena and Orton from becoming main eventers. I feel like he had a great connection with the crowd and seems like a dedicated enough guy, so if things like his mic skills and ring work need improvement, he'd take the initiative and develop himself fully. Its a shame that WWE builds these guys up and then tosses them out just like that.
I think Ryback could be a success in the WWE. He is not good on the mic, we know that, but he is improving which is good for someone who has only been on TV for a year or so. Ryback has put on solid matches in the WWE, he is very powerful and has a great look which is always good for a wrestling company.

He has a role to play at the top. He is the perfect person to pair with faces and he needs to have momentum to help those faces get over. Ryback can also fill-in in various mult-man title matches and feuds, there is no doubting that. I wouldn't have him World Champ yet but I can see that in his future.
I would push Ryback as a top heel, like the WWE seems to be starting to do now.

And I like the way they are going with it making Ryback a bully, but also a 'smart' bully who doesn't always take on the fight when it isn't going his way.

I like that he walks out on matches against opponents he is having a tough time with and takes a count out loss. I like that he then will bully others around or take cheap shots.

His mic skills now match his persona more because he's more of a brute so his heavy-breathing, intimidating promos can be short and to the point.

Ryback was put in a REAL tough spot over a year ago pushed into that match with CM Punk and it was a tough blow to him going with so many PPV losses but he's young enough and he can recover from it, especially since he's turned heel.

WWE needs more top heels and Ryback is a good top heel for at least to the World Title level for now. Maybe later he'll be back in the WWE Title picture but for now he would be a great top heel to go up against top faces for the World Title.

I'd like to see Ryback as World Champ or even IC Champ by the end of the year. Either won't be too soon because Sandow is likely in for a decent run soon as World Champ and Axel may get a unfortunate long run as champ but even still he has to lose to a face before Ryback could really be used well in a feud.
Ryback is and was great. He can move around the ring well for someone his size and while he is limited on the mic, I have heard a lot worse. His gimmick has the potential to be huge but he was failed by creative...

I understand Ryback was massively over in the late part of last year, but he was thrusted into the title picture way to early. He was never going to take the title off Punk and this killed all his momentum. A run as US or IC Champion would have done him the world of good, he could have held a belt, had a solid mid card fued and won his matches at HIAC and Survivor Series.

A champion vs champion match at TLC between him and Punk would have then made sense after Punk was finished with Cena. This is when the Shield could have attacked and started their fued with him!!!

Royal Rumble 2013 was the time to really build him. Have him enter number 1 and get thrown out number 29. Maybe even have The Shield distract him furthering their storyline.

He definately needed a Wrestlemania moment. Dropping Mark Henry on himself and losing was the final nail in the coffin. He should have won that and then go on to fight Cena.
I'd push him if he got a little bit better in the ring. I would put him in a tag team with somebody and have them destroy everybody. Then when the time comes, he can simply destroy his partner and go his separate way screaming Feed Me More once again. If this don't work, then I would just call him a failure and have him released.

Ryback was on a roll, sucks that he got the James Storm treatment.

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