Would You Like To See The 'War Games' Concept Brought In?


Brilliant Idiot
Personally, I would. For, essentially, three reasons. (Aside from the fact that it obviously entertained me.)

1. It allows you to settle more than one feud in the same match up. This allows you to put what would normally amount to an hour of matches on a PPV to be put easily and respectably into a decent 35 or 40 minutes. That extra 20-25 minutes allows for at least one more match on the card that might not make the cut otherwise.

2. Quite like the Survivor Series concept, it's always fun to see the good guys and the bad guys get along on teams. It creates the concept that wrestling fans usually go for the most, black and white. The gray can be done, and is always the most interesting, but that takes a build up and that SHOULD be relegated to a single feud, gimmicks aren't needed. However, for the matches that are simply put, it makes a lot of sense to apply a "larger than life" atmosphere, this way it seems like an all out war between good and evil. Which sells.

When you have teams like Legacy and DX (regardless of if both teams are disbanding or not), this type of match up makes sense. You don't have to worry about who would work well, who to put over in terms of individually and no one gets buried. You just build up some feuds between the sides, add a few members to each side that have something to settle, (obviously tangling them into the DX or Legacy factions) and you create the idea that it can only be settled one way.

3. I think it would work NOW especially, since it's been a while, especially with nostalgia. Fans would get a kick out of it, the concept is fresh due to inactivity, and it allows you also to sell a minor PPV, when giving it the feel of a big deal. Also, with so many (hopefully) talented people in the main event, it almost guarantees a decent main event at the very least.

They have the perfect structure for it, (Hell In A Cell), they own the concept and name, and it would be something different.

What do you guys think? Would it work? Would you like to see it?

Your thoughts.
YES YES YES!!!!!! The war games were the best matches in WCW history! and in tna, they could add more weapons! WWE could do it, but i think they would pretty much scroo it up, like call the ppv 'War Game' and have no one bleed cause of that stupid no blood policy! :banghead:
But in tna, they have more then enough old guys to have the one maqtch and have the young stars doing the rest of the work.
It could work, with some tweaking.

1. Make it a RAW vs. Smackdown event (that seems like a no-brainer)
2. Shorten the length of time in between wrestlers entering. 5 minute waiting times is ridiculous. Try 3 minutes instead.
3. Condense the cage so that you only need one ring. Two rings is too bulky on TV, and cameramen can't follow as easily.
4. Make it elimination style. If I remember correctly, War Games was single fall/submission once every wrestler was inside.
5. Have something important at stake. Something like the winning program gets to draft any wrestler from the losing program they want (excluding their champion).
It could work, with some tweaking.

1. Make it a RAW vs. Smackdown event (that seems like a no-brainer)
2. Shorten the length of time in between wrestlers entering. 5 minute waiting times is ridiculous. Try 3 minutes instead.
3. Condense the cage so that you only need one ring. Two rings is too bulky on TV, and cameramen can't follow as easily.
4. Make it elimination style. If I remember correctly, War Games was single fall/submission once every wrestler was inside.
5. Have something important at stake. Something like the winning program gets to draft any wrestler from the losing program they want (excluding their champion).

I like all of your ideas expect the 5 minute change. I like it, especially since the match has an extra feel to it the longer it lasts. Also, you don't have to include as many people, so the time would fly by a lot faster.

YES YES YES!!!!!! The war games were the best matches in WCW history! and in tna, they could add more weapons! WWE could do it, but i think they would pretty much scroo it up, like call the ppv 'War Game' and have no one bleed cause of that stupid no blood policy! :banghead:
But in tna, they have more then enough old guys to have the one maqtch and have the young stars doing the rest of the work.

The War Games weren't known to have so much blood, anyway. I think WWE would handle it better, to be honest. I think TNA has a tendency to rush matches or ruin finishes. However, whichever company decided to go with the idea, I think that they have to make it a Hell In A Cell version, 4 instead of 5 guys and put something of importance at stake.

This match would equal $money$. And rumor has it that the concept being brought back is in the works. Raw vs. Smackdown would probably be the right concept, maybe introduce the match into the ppv Bragging Rights. Or combine Wargames, Survivor Series, and Bragging Rights into one ppv. WWE Survivor Series: Wargames, just like WCW Fall Brawl:Wargames. Keep all elements of the match the same, but have the cage roof a little higher. I remember when Nash did a powerbomb and the guy hit the top of the cage, lol. They should definatly do this!!
yes i love that idea bringing the war games back would be awesome.I loved the way that wcw made that gimmick PPV.i think that was the reason why i got hooked with WCW.The war games were bad ass but if WWE bring the War Games concept back it might suck because of the PG crap that WWE has going on right now.Hopefully they get the point that adults still watched WWE.Who keeps the ratings up US the Rated R lovers....But hell yeah i will love that concept to be brought in all over again.
This is an amazing idea. Not only would be nostalgia for some of the older wrestling fans it would something new for the younger generation. I liked all of Davi323's ideas except for the elimination style match. WWE already has Survivor Series. Also if it is a single fall or submission that would keep the participants more involved trying to protect each other.
Besides the elimination chamber,I think that war games is the best creation in wrestling history.Speaking of the chamber I think it would be the perfect war grounds for each team.I mean the guys won't be able to have 4 memebers on their team but at least they will be able to inflict as much punishment as possible,and of coure we would all love it:).Hell in the cell would be the next best to hold two teams waiting to beat the crap out of each other.But the question is which company would make the best of this concept...TNA or WWE?
I was never a fan of the old War Games idea, it is too archaeic to be brought back for me. Why have the War Games when you could simply have a Hell in a Cell Survivor Series match? Almost every Survivor Series has one great survivor series style match.

The one problem is the creation of a Hell in a Cell style Pay Per View. I am not sure if the WWE will be making in annually, considering it was the gimmick style Pay Per View last year that did the worst. If they end that PPV, then my match can come out, and I am sure that the WWE would much perfer it over a War Games match.
I was never a fan of the old War Games idea, it is too archaic to be brought back for me.

Fixed that for you. And 'archaic'? Really? Whose to say that this concept wouldn't work? It's a great concept if done right. Which can be if there are some people that have some real heat between them. It can be a great event.

Why have the War Games when you could simply have a Hell in a Cell Survivor Series match? Almost every Survivor Series has one great survivor series style match.

Because that sucks. Fitting 10 people in one cage? Stupid. Fitting 10 people in 2 cages? Now we're talkin'. Go watch a War Games PPV on Youtube. Besides the NWO vs. WCW War Games, the whole concept was great and intense. Too dangerous for most promotions. But the WWE would need some leniency on blood to make this work. That may not happen

The one problem is the creation of a Hell in a Cell style Pay Per View. I am not sure if the WWE will be making in annually, considering it was the gimmick style Pay Per View last year that did the worst. If they end that PPV, then my match can come out, and I am sure that the WWE would much perfer it over a War Games match.

Why not? Vince owns it. He can do what he wants. He can say that 'there's one stupid concept from WCW that intrigued me. A match type that can absolutely cause pain and suffering for ALL involved. That match is WAR GAMES!'

Vince wouldn't be above doing that. And if done right, War Games would be great. But something tells me it would be lame. It needs some blading to work. And that won't happen anytime soon.
YES YES YES!!!!!! The war games were the best matches in WCW history! and in tna, they could add more weapons! WWE could do it, but i think they would pretty much scroo it up, like call the ppv 'War Game' and have no one bleed cause of that stupid no blood policy! :banghead:
But in tna, they have more then enough old guys to have the one maqtch and have the young stars doing the rest of the work.

Why does a match need blood to be good? Why does a match need weapons to be good? And why Would TNA have a match that WWE holds the copyright and trademark over through the ownership of all WCW Trademarks? Your points make absolutely no sense at all, TNA would get their asses handed to them in court if they ever attempted using one of WWE/WCW's trademarked gimmicks.

Back on track, the war games were completely awesome matches. This has been discussed in other threads on what would make a good gimmick match that could rival the likes of the Royal Rumble. Where the royal rumble is always booked in January, near the "end" of the WWE's storyline "year" (year end being WrestleMania), War Games could be used in the summer or spring to do the same type of idea as Wrestlemania, except for SummerSlam.

The winner could go on to challenge a champion at SS, and they could have it slightly different than Rumble so as not to encroach on it's territory of winner gets any champ he wants, so the winner would get his title shot against the champion of the brand he is currently on. This would create intense brand rivalries between Raw, SD, and even ECW/NXT (but we all know it'd be about SmackDown vs. Raw). Also this would bring back some much needed inter-commentary banter that could really boost entertainment value of said commentators during the build and during the match itself.

I think my above idea would work very well, and can be incorporated into current WWE PPV structures and could even be used well on SvR video games.
IF it were modernized in some way shape or form, ie, made to fit the single ring, but using a new structure that won't immediately remind everyone of the Chamer or the Cell, then I'm all for it.

However, I've thought that the WWE has had a terrible history in dealing with factions, and to have a gimmick match based entirely on a Faction Based storyline seems a bit ridiculous tome.

I thought the rumors were running rampant that Judgment Day was getting renamed into War Games. If I'm running the show, then for the first few years you have to reestablish the gimmick. Run the gimmick with something that people are familiarized with. I'd switch the Extreme Rules pay per view and War Games pay per views around, and make War Games take place the night before the Draft. It's real simple, make the winning brand of the War Games have some sort of incentive based prize.

I'm also for tightening the time frame up of when wrestlers enter, and making the match an Elmination based match up.
like most people YES and for once ill say WWE needs to do it...tna tried and failed......the longtimers in wwe want to see this match. hhh,hbk,taker all want to see this match happen...vinces ego wont let this tho.... this match would be PERFECT for the raw vs smackdown ppv... the nxt brand shouldnt be allowed in tho....... wcw tried to bring in multi teams to WG and imho it failed..... good match, hopefully the long timers get vince to push this button
IF it were modernized in some way shape or form, ie, made to fit the single ring, but using a new structure that won't immediately remind everyone of the Chamer or the Cell, then I'm all for it.

However, I've thought that the WWE has had a terrible history in dealing with factions, and to have a gimmick match based entirely on a Faction Based storyline seems a bit ridiculous tome.

I thought the rumors were running rampant that Judgment Day was getting renamed into War Games. If I'm running the show, then for the first few years you have to reestablish the gimmick. Run the gimmick with something that people are familiarized with. I'd switch the Extreme Rules pay per view and War Games pay per views around, and make War Games take place the night before the Draft. It's real simple, make the winning brand of the War Games have some sort of incentive based prize.

I'm also for tightening the time frame up of when wrestlers enter, and making the match an Elmination based match up.

Mark this down, Shocky...because this doesn't happen often... I disagree. There's no way that the concept should change. Make it two rings, and have the same concepts used. Shortening the time's fine, but to have two people beat up each other for five minutes can be fun. The original concept is what the War games should be, and if it's amended in any way, then it shouldn't be called War Games.

I'm a man who likes to see things in their original form. And the gimmick match, War Games, is one of those. It can be done right, if they make a few adjustments and have their 'superstars' man up and take a good beating in the match. Because that's what it'll take to make the match a success.
The Two rings will never work because the WWE is never going to A). Give up how many thousands of dollars in floor seats, and B), never blatantly take an idea from another company without putting their own spin on it.

I like the War Games concept, I just don't see how the WWE pulls it off. If you have a 5 on 5 War Games match, and start off with only two wrestlers, you're talking about 40 minutes just to get everyone into the ring. It's something that you and I could watch, but the attention span of people in general just becomes shorter and shorter.
you can not bring back WarGames and change anything about it. making it a single ring only.makes it hell in a cell. making it an elimination match makes it to much like Elimination chamber. changing the time between entrances is just plain stuid in my opinion.

but i do agree that it should be used during the bragging rights ppv. Move bragging rights to right after Wrestlemania, the night before the annual draft show. make it 4 per team like this...put the ME Camp, mid card champ and if the tag titles are still unified then the Tag champ is on the team of the show they are regularly on. and the top challenger team on the other...if not still unified then make it each tag team champion. so using the champions right now.

Big Show
MVP(put him in cause he's top contender for Miz's US title in my opinion)

Drew McIntyre
Hart Dynasty

make it 4 minutes between competitors Still in TWO RINGS 1 fall to the finish.
old school fans would love War Games returning with the winning team getting 2 draft picks to be announced the next night before the Draft Show starts

thats how i would try and do it.
The Two rings will never work because the WWE is never going to A). Give up how many thousands of dollars in floor seats, and B), never blatantly take an idea from another company without putting their own spin on it.

I like the War Games concept, I just don't see how the WWE pulls it off. If you have a 5 on 5 War Games match, and start off with only two wrestlers, you're talking about 40 minutes just to get everyone into the ring. It's something that you and I could watch, but the attention span of people in general just becomes shorter and shorter.

where do u get 40 from..... it was 1 and 1 then the third to enter was 5.... then the rest were 2 minutes...they always gave the 1st face and 1st heel 5 minutes to work then started to bring guys in more rapid.. i dont even think the full match itself lasts 40 min..... bc theres only usually 5 min or so of work when it goes to the match beyond mode

edit: to correct myself, u might be right im not sure how tna does there disgrace to the match or the last couple times wcw did it ....but from the nwawcw days up 1995 it was 1 on 1 for 5, then every 2 min someone comes in(heels always won the toss) then when it was 5 on 5 and go into the match beyond it would only last for 5-10 minutes
I was going off of the old five minute time intervals. Say it's five on five, and you start with two guys in the ring. That leaves 8 wrestlers to come in, which would take 40 minutes to get in.

If the WWE were to tighten it up to 4 on 4, then the match becomes 30 minutes, plus eliminations, and entrances, which pushes it to around the hour mark. That might work.
This match would equal $money$. And rumor has it that the concept being brought back is in the works. Raw vs. Smackdown would probably be the right concept, maybe introduce the match into the ppv Bragging Rights. Or combine Wargames, Survivor Series, and Bragging Rights into one ppv. WWE Survivor Series: Wargames, just like WCW Fall Brawl:Wargames. Keep all elements of the match the same, but have the cage roof a little higher. I remember when Nash did a powerbomb and the guy hit the top of the cage, lol. They should definatly do this!!

I like the War Games idea...Keep it the original as well... Yes definitely up the cage height... and it was Sid that made Flyin' Brian hit the cage on a powerbomb... '91 or '92 I think... It wound up being a set-up for a Sid vs. El Gigante feud (and the most bullshit stretcher match ever...but that's a different thread for a different time!)...Raw vs. Smackdown is a little too cliche though... I rather like the one where it was the heavy faces vs. heavy heels (ala Sting's team vs. Horsemen in either '94 or '95)
I was going off of the old five minute time intervals. Say it's five on five, and you start with two guys in the ring. That leaves 8 wrestlers to come in, which would take 40 minutes to get in.

If the WWE were to tighten it up to 4 on 4, then the match becomes 30 minutes, plus eliminations, and entrances, which pushes it to around the hour mark. That might work.

it was never 5 minute intervals even going back to the nwa days.....the first 2 started for 5 minutes then it switched to 2........ the match was never longer than 35-40 minutes

and yoru idea of tightening up would change the concept and would detour old fans and long time wrestlers like hhh from wanting to do the match(hes been the mostoutspoken to vince about doing the match so u can bet hed be in the first one)..... it should be the same formatthey used in nwa...5 on 5, heel wins toss, 2 minutes starting from 3rd entry with both teams cageside..... having a heel manager always worked for this match as well...whether it was dillion,heyman, or uh the col guy(forgot his wcw name, he was tenn. lee as jarretts 2nd run in wwf) nvm rob parker..... they would always somehow get involved in the match or be in the match,
I would LOVE to see the War Games make a comeback in the WWE. But a few things would have to happen/not happen for me to dig it.

1. It would have to be about personal rivalries. You have to have two warring factions go at it, not just some general Raw vs. Smackdown, thrown together teams that are battling for brand supremacy. That would be stupid. Just think of Legacy (if they had four members) against DX (Shawn, HHH) and another two guys who were feuding with other members of Legacy. Or CM Punks "flock" against The Undertaker/Kane and a tag team that Gallows and whoever were battling. It would have to be a real personal feud, with a lot of emotion. I wouldn'tlike to see the brand supremacy garbage.

2. It would have to be EXACTLY like the old war games. Two cages, two ring, etc. And the five minute interval was great. It built anticipation for who the next guy would be. Dropping it to two or three minutes would just feed into a big problem wrestling fans have today: instant gratification. The longer you wait for something, the better it turns out. Plus, it would help to lengthen the match time wise, and give it a main event feel.

3. It would have to be it's own ppv, not just a mid card match on some other ppv. It would also have to be the main event of the show, regardless of how many title matches are on the card.

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