Would you like to see a best of WWECW DVD?


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I'm putting this in the WWE section just because it would be a WWE DVD, but if it must be moved that's cool. Anyways now to the topic, would any of yall be interested in this DVD? Whether or not you liked ECW once it returned, you have to admit there were some great matches for ECW. (I personally think it's kinda dumb people hated it just for the fact that it wasn't the original ECW, this version put on great matches, but I digress) Would you like a DVD of the following matches? I am aware of the ECW Extreme Rules DVD that came out, but it only has matches until the end of 2006.

ECW One Night Stand 2006
WWE Championship-Money in the Bank Cash-In Match
John Cena(c) vs. Rob Van Dam
-this basically kick started the new ECW and was very entertaining to watch with the crowd, seeing RVD get his first world title and everything

ECW June 27, 2006
Rob Van Dam vs. Kurt Angle
-This match was very good and should be on the DVD

ECW September 26, 2006
Extreme Rules Match
Rob Van Dam vs. Hardcore Holly
-An extreme rules match that was also a very good contest

December to Dismember
The Hardy Boyz vs. MNM
-This match I remember being the opener and being about 20 minutes or so, very good tag match that could be on the DVD. Neither team was on ECW at the time, but it was on their PPV and could be included.

CM Punk vs. John Morrison (take your pick)
-These two put on some great matches and it could be on the DVD, you could even put 2 or 3 of their matches on there

John Morrison and The Miz vs. Carlito and Primo (take your pick)
-There were some great matches between these two and again, take your pick, maybe even their WrestleMania 25 darkmatch

Backlash 2009 for the ECW Championship
Christian vs. Jack Swagger
-Christian's first "world" title win. A good match and should be on the show

Extreme Rules 2009 for the ECW Championship-Triple Threat Match
Christian vs. Jack Swagger vs. Tommy Dreamer
-We finally saw Tommy Dreamer win the ECW Title, great moment and match

Christian vs. William Regal (take your pick, preferably their England match)
-These two put on some very good matches and should be on this DVD set

ECW right before Bragging Rights
Christian vs. Chris Jericho
-This was a very good match and this two have always put on a show when in the ring together. Jericho wasnt an ECW star, but it was on ECW so it could be included.

TLC 2009-Ladder Match for the ECW Championship
Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin
-Do I need to say anything more about this other than list the 2 competitors?

The Final ECW
Christian vs. Ezekial Jackson
-This could be included just for being the final ECW match ever

Those are just some of the ECW matches that stand out to me, anything any of ya'll want to include? And more importantly would you buy this DVD set?
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I rather like the idea but in most of those matches, at least one competitor in the match is someone that WWE would rather forget about.
This would be a pretty awesome DVD, I would definitely want too see it released.

But Like King Blitzkonic said, I don't think WWE would ever put out a DVD that includes so many superstars that are not in the company anymore.
Even though I stopped watching that tuesday night show sometime in 08, I probably would buy that dvd just for a few matches. The best match that was on while I watched it can't be on the dvd which kinda sucks....new breed vs originals the tuesday after wrestlemania. 4 way dance extreme rules...thought that was awesome. Also big show vs sabu for the ecw title at summer slam can't remember the year. Cm punk vs chavo. You already have morrison vs punk i believe....I guess matt sydel/evan bourne's debut. I wondered if they would let him use that shooting star press and to my surprise they did
This DVD will eventually get made and a release. But I would enjoy some matches that involved ECW originals as opposed to some of the ones you mentioned. I think they should have at least one match with everyone that held the WWECW title as well. although The dvd would probably be Christian heavy because he held the title for most of 09.

I agree with a lot of your matches like:
RVD v Cena from One Night Stand 06
RVD v Angle
Miz and Morrison vs. The Colons
Extreme Rules 09 when Dreamer finally won the elusive ECW Title
Christian/Benjamin from TLC 09 that stole the show
ECW when Big Zeke beat Christian

I would also add

One Night Stand 05
Benoit vs. Guerrero
Mike Awesome d. Masoto Tanaka (this was a really awesome match)

One Night Stand 06
Foley/Edge/Lita d. Funk/Dreamer/Beulah in an intergender tag match. Any ECW DvD wouldn't be complete without Foley and Funk.

Big Show vs Ric Flair in an Extreme Rules Match sometime in 06 on ECW TV.

Extreme Elimination Chamber from December to Dismember 06
Lashley d. Big show, Rvd, Hardcore Holly, Punk and Test

WM 23 Battle of the Billionaires, Hair vs. Hair
Lashley (w/ Trump) d. Umaga (w/ VKM)

Backlash 07
Vince McMahon, Umaga and Shane d. Lashley and VKM becomes ECW Champ

One or two of the matches between ECW Originals and New Breed, I seem to remember a pretty good one that came on Free TV a few nights after WM and the tables match from One Night Stand.

CM Punk d. John Morrison for ECW Title in Sept 07 on tv
I'm sure it'd sell. They had some great matches but would WWE really release this DVD with the whole extreme storyline going on in TNA. Besides, a lot of these guys on the DVD suggestions are in TNA, no longer in WWE or dead. We can hope for it but I don't see WWE doing it anytime soon.
No i wouldn't because it wasnt the real ECW as everyone over the age of 25 should know. WWe's ECW took too much away from what i loved about the orignal. The orignal was gritty raw and edgy the WWECW had too much production with the lights and pyro. So these matches might as well been on RAW or SMACKDOWN.
When I first read the title of this thread I immediatly thought No but after reading that match listing you gave then i would definitly buy but i would also add edge,foleyand lite vs funk, dreamer and mcgillicutty from ONS 06, the extreme EC match and some of the New Breed vs Originals matches if that DVD got released i would definitely buy it.
I guarantee they will never have a DVD feature a match where TNA's top guy RVD defeats WWE's top guy in John Cena. You see they have no problem showing CM Punk beat Jeff Hardy when he cashed in MITB because the WWE guy came out on top.
The other thing right now is when the fans hear the letters ECW, they may be drawn to TNA a bit because of the invasion angle involving some of the ECW originals. So at this point in time, bringing out an ECW DVD of any kind would be bad marketing.
They can do it, as long as they never refer ECW to Extreme Championship Wrestling!!

I like all the picks of matches you had, very good matches and at the moment I can't choose anymore...but like a few above me have said, most of the guys are no longer in WWE, shipped over to TNA or dead!!

Very unlikely they will make the DVD....maybe a

The rise and fall of WWECW?? that would make much more sense although it didn't really die in the end..it was rather entertaining!!
No, I wouldnt like to see one. The reason for that is it would bury the original ECW even more than it already has. The matches you listed were great, yes, but most of those were on PPV, Not WWECW. The point of a WWECW DVD would be to showcase moments and matches on ECW, not a match on a PPV because it's simply not a part of ECW.
Ok then i'm going to base this on the matches you listed in the opening post..


For one, you have 6 matches involving Christian and 3 involving RVD. Now, i'm a fan of both guys but seriously? If this DVD was put into production do you really think it would sell?
I appreciate the feedback everyone. I agree about the 6 person intergender tag match, I dont know how I couldnt have included that in the list.

Also the Originals vs New Breed would have been great too on this list.

Just out of curiousity, why shouldnt we put matches that we on PPV on the DVD if they were ECW superstars in the match?

Ok then i'm going to base this on the matches you listed in the opening post..


For one, you have 6 matches involving Christian and 3 involving RVD. Now, i'm a fan of both guys but seriously? If this DVD was put into production do you really think it would sell?

It's not like I'm trying to make it an RVD or Christian only DVD, but this ECW was only around for 4 years, and there was definitely different stages of WWECW in those years, and RVD was at the start of it, Christian at the end of it. If you notice there are some differences in the middle
In my opinion, no. Why? Because it simply sucked. The first few months were decent, but when RVD and Sabu decided to smoke crack and get released, and that's the downfall. And besides, most people who put on the decent matches are no longer with the company, dead, or with TNA.

Kurt Angle-TNA
Jeff Hardy-TNA
Ric Flair-TNA
Tommy Dreamer- TNA

If they would make a ECW vid, these people would likely be in it. Why would they showcase some of the top TNA stars on a WWE DVD? Its idiotic.

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