Would you have Undertaker retire at Survivor Series?

A lot is made of The Undertaker's streak and while there's one camp that wouldn't mind seeing him pass the torch at Wrestlemania it seems as though the majority would prefer the streak to remain intact.

As an alternative would you mind seeing 'Taker bow out at Survivor Series. Not necessarily this year if he feels he's still got some gas in the tank but maybe the year after. It would bookend his career, debuting and retiring at the same event, and he could put over a younger guy on his way out while still preserving the streak. Retiring the deadman would be as significant as ending the streak so the guy that did it would still get a decent rub.

Or do you think that with Wrestlemania being THE show in the wrestling world that it's only fitting that he calls time on his career at the biggest event in the calendar?
Common sense is he will retire at a WM down the road. It only makes sense to. As for me, personally, I don't want the streak to ever be broken and I don't think it ever will be.

Think about all the great wrestlers he's competed against over the years. HBK, Triple H, Ric Flair, Snuka etc. Moving forward, who would break the streak? There isn't anyone remaining that deserves to. Not even John Cena. He's not in his prime anymore, he's 36, so I'd say a good 5 years of going at it full time and he's done, at least in a full time role. So, that wouldn't be "passing a torch". Bottom line, if he didn't lose in the past to all the greats, he's never losing.

Have him go as until he feels he can't compete at a high level anymore and then call it a fantastic and amazing career. It's, IMO, the right thing to do. He can still go, he can still draw and will always draw, so let him call it on his terms. He will know when it's time.
Although Survivor Series was the start of the Undertaker's career, I rather have him retire at or the Raw after WrestleMania. In order for a retirement at Survivor Series to take place, meaningful moments would have to occur annually for Taker. That really haven't happened. But All of a sudden Undertaker is Undefeated at WrestleMania. Like the previous poster said, Triple H (3 Times), HBK (2 Times), Ric Flair, Snuka, Giant Gonzalez, Batista, Big Daddy Cool Diesel. A lot of great names, and he never lost. If these guys didn't stop him back then, then he'll never be stopped. Not even John Cena deserves to end the streak. But honestly if I was Undertaker, or over WWE, I would have Undertaker face either Brock Lesnar or John Cena let him win the match and come out on Raw the Next night and call it a career but always like promise to never stay away from the creatures of the night. And promise WWE that Raw would not be the last the WWE Universe see's of him. And let the Gong sound and the lights go off and turn back on, and he's gone. It'll be pretty unique to retire with a win rather than just retire off the losing end of a career match. But I prefer WrestleMania over the Survivor Series, since Undertaker streak is the most important thing about WrestleMania.
While that idea is good, I would rather have him retire at Wrestlemania, as the previous guys have stated. However, what I would do to preserve the streak, would to have Taker fight someone in a 2 out of 3 pinfalls. That way, the guy can at least pin him once. He may not beat him, but he can say he did what no one else could ever do, and that's get a 1-2-3 on Taker on the grandest stage of them all.
Yeah I think they should have him retire at survivor series put a young guy over and possibly have the young heel do a face turn as well
There is an overwhelming fact here people seem to be forgetting in this situation about The Undertaker's retirement.. The guy can still go.

His value in and out of the ring is still of the highest calibre.. His "in ring" matches at Wrestlemania (the biggest show of the year) have been some of the most entertaining in history (outshining The Rock & Cena).

So why does everyone keep thinking retirement should be near?.. Sure he is older.. Sure he is a more limited.. Sure he is banged up... But watching The Undertaker storming around the apron like a man possesed on RAW wanting the tag shows, 'he ain't ready to call it a day'.

There is fire, there is brimstone.. He still has the drive.. and damn, he can still go with the best of them. Retirement?, why?
I'm of the opinion that Taker should retire at Wrestlemania 30 and he should retire by losing to John Cena. Here's why:

Whilst the Streak remains intact Wrestlemania will forever be overshadowed by it. Undertaker is clearly feeling the effects of his legendary career and can only wrestle a handful of times a year at best, Wrestlemania 30 is a nice figure to go out on and put his career to bed. To do so he HAS to lose at Wrestlemania, until he does we'll be expecting to hear the gong sound in the run up to every Wrestlemania afterwards. When it doesn't we'll consider it a disappointment and it will detract from Wrestlemania each year until he physically is incapable of wrestling (considering Hogan, Flair etc went into their 60s that's a long wait).

Now why lose to Cena? Well Cena is starting to get on a bit too, he'll be 37 next year and reports have started to come in that injuries have started to nag on him. Not surprising given his schedule the past 10 years, he's been massively lucky he has gotten this far without feeling those effects even. But back to Cena beating Taker and why I think he should.

Cena still hasn't had that one moment that stands out as HIS moment. Hogan has Andre, the Warrior match and the Rock match as three defining moments of an era. The Rock has his matches against Austin and Hogan and even beating Cena. Austin has his matches against Bret, HBK and Rock. Taker and HBK have each other. Cena though doesn't have that moment to point to and say 'that was his moment'.

He has been in there with HBK, Triple H, Orton and the Rock and it just hasn't happened for him for whatever reason. Meeting the Rock last year should have been it, wasn't because the build up lead to it being the winner of the match, rather than the match itself, being the one who grabbed the spotlight. This year should have, and could have, been it but Cena & the WWE made a mess of Cena's 2012 being something he needed to put behind and beat the Rock. So he still needs something to put him up there with the top, top guys on that pedestal for future generations to be able to point to and say 'oh I see why he was the top guy'.

Beating the Undertaker would give him that moment.
In my opinion, Survivor Series isn't a big enough stage. While it's true that Taker made his very first appearance at that event, it's common knowledge that WrestleMania is the show that's always going to be clearly defined as Taker's greatest stage.

Whether or not the streak is broken, I ultimately think that Taker will wrestle his final match at WrestleMania. If one is fortunate enough to be able to pick and choose when, where & how you'll go out, why not pick the biggest show of the year where you've had some of the most memorable matches & moments of your career?

As long as Taker feels he is physically able to deliver a good quality match, he'll keep doing what he's doing. Given that he's wrestled twice this year, and I personally think that he'll wrestle a couple more times this year, he's obviously feeling better post WM than he has in quite a while. Part of the reason why is it's been said that Taker has had some minor surgeries done to basically "clean up" some nagging problems that he's had. While he's not what he was, who can be at 48 years old, it's pretty obvious that the London crowd was right in the fact that he's still got it. He showed it on Raw and he showed it at WrestleMania.

Personally, I would like to see him go out on his own terms rather than being forced out due to getting injured in a way that he simply can't bounce back from at this point in his life. If that means no big match at WM XXX, then so be it.
Undertaker should retire against a young guy who can get a big rub for retiring the Dead Man. And this has to happen at WrestleMania.

Granted, I'm not one of those people who think the streak should never end. But I understand why most want to keep it intact. If they do keep it intact, then all you have to do is add the stipulation that "If Undertaker wins, he retires".

Let's say Wade Barrett is his opponent next year. Wade wins some sort of challenge to be able to choose the stipulation. He then tells Undertaker that if he loses, the streak will end. And if he wins, his career will end.

This will be the first time Undertaker will be vulnerable to some high-stakes psychological warfare. He has to choose what is more valuable to him. His streak or his career. Undertaker will then beat Wade at WrestleMania and bow out in a huge farewell ceremony the next night.
In my opinion The Undertaker should retire at WrestleMania. Other then the fact he debuted at Survivor Series, there has not really been any other important moments in The deadmans career that have taken place at the event, So having him Retire at Wrestlemania with the streak intact would be a better idea.
Sure, why not? He can retire at any event so far as I'm concerned. WWE's going to promote the shit out of it either way. WrestleMania is going to draw regardless, so why not throw some real attention at the Survivor Series for a change?

Cena still hasn't had that one moment that stands out as HIS moment. Hogan has Andre, the Warrior match and the Rock match as three defining moments of an era. The Rock has his matches against Austin and Hogan and even beating Cena. Austin has his matches against Bret, HBK and Rock. Taker and HBK have each other. Cena though doesn't have that moment to point to and say 'that was his moment'.

He has been in there with HBK, Triple H, Orton and the Rock and it just hasn't happened for him for whatever reason. Meeting the Rock last year should have been it, wasn't because the build up lead to it being the winner of the match, rather than the match itself, being the one who grabbed the spotlight. This year should have, and could have, been it but Cena & the WWE made a mess of Cena's 2012 being something he needed to put behind and beat the Rock. So he still needs something to put him up there with the top, top guys on that pedestal for future generations to be able to point to and say 'oh I see why he was the top guy'.

Beating the Undertaker would give him that moment.

Cena has had 10 years to have the moment you speak of. If he hasn't had it by now, oh well. The Streak should be broken by someone who can do something with it other than bolster an already inflated resume. Personally, I do think that Cena has had big moments; unfortunately for him, however, he's had them during an era of WWE where happenings just don't carry the weight that they used to.
I feel it can go a few ways:
he can wrestle at WrestleMania 30 and win..lets say its against Cena
then there have been reports of the Rock wanting to wrestle Undertaker well at the following Survivor Series there is Rock vs. Taker loser retires or not, Undertaker loses and is not heard from then WrestleMania opens up with the gong and so fourth and Undertaker calls it a career at the PPV but will make a final appearance on Raw.

I have been one of the many to not want the streak to end if he can keep going have him keep winning at WrestleMania. He can lose to a guy like Barrett at Survivor Series which will launch him into greatness.

But if Undertaker is going to have a you lose you retire match it should not be at Wrestlemania
While he should retire at WM, I think it would be right for him to make some sort of appearance at this years Survivor Series.

Not wrestle a match or anything, maybe just tease his WM30 match.
I would rather see Taker retire at Survivor Series. Let him have one more Buried Alive match. Make it against all three members of The Shield. Have shield win and then over the next few months have them argue about who had the most impact and split. Taker gets to retire in HIS match.

If he loses at Mania and the streak gets broken it makes his other matches at Mania irrelevant storyline-wise. He has beaten greats like HBK, Flair, HHH and Batista so having someone beat Taker at Mania would suggest that they too are better than the legends. So unless the story then caused the person who beat Taker to face these legends also it would be pointless.

I do however like the idea of a best of 3 falls match. LIke someone above said the opponent could then claim they are the only person to get a 3 count over Taker at mania. Personally I would have his opponent as one of the following.

Leo Kruger
Bray Wyatt
Roman Reigns
Thing is, I don't feel there is anybody deserving of killing the Streak. I wouldn't even say Ziggler should take it.

Had Undertaker been ready to retire around 2006, I think Edge would have been the perfect guy to end the streak, but in 2013 I just don't see a sure thing future STAR that could do something with it.

Ending the streak should equal Jericho being the 1st ever Undisputed champion, something that that guy brings up almost every time he has a microphone in his hand.

I don't want the guy that ends the streak to be retired or in TNA in 5 years. Therefore I don't want the streak to end.
Not necessarily this year if he feels he's still got some gas in the tank but maybe the year after.

First, I would think if Undertaker is ready to retire, he'll do it at Wrestlemania. It's logical for a man like him to go out at the biggest PPV of the year; his fame and legacy might demand it.

That said, I was surprised to see him turn up in a wrestling role on Raw, given that he's been wrestling only once a year for the last three. Doesn't it lead one to believe he was feeling better after WM29 than he thought he would? I can't imagine why else he would perform....and at a non-PPV, no less. I figured Team Hell No would do most of the in-ring work, and they did, but 'Taker allowed himself to get stomped a few times.

Again, it's encouraging because it might indicate he feels he has more to give us. Before this past Monday, I reasoned it was only logical that if he agreed to appear only once a year, it would be at the PPV with the largest pay-off. Now, all bets may be off as far as his wrestling future.

No, I'm not saying he's ready to resume a full-time wrestling schedule; obviously not. But we shouldn't be so quick to decide what he's going to do from here, given the wrench he just threw into the works.
As I have mentioned in other topics relating to Taker, he is not performing at the level he used to when he was a full-timer. And although I love his returns, they just aren't the same when it is apparent that his health and work quality suffer. As to the question, I think I'd rather have Taker go out at Mania and not SS. He is known for WrestleMania and it should be there that his storied career ends. Either after he has fought a long battle and lost to some new star or after he extends the streak yet again. As a fan, I'd like to see Taker keep the streak and never lose. Realistically, WWE needs Taker to be beaten @ Mania to put over a new star and instantly make them a household name. There aren't many new stars so doing this is the best way for Taker to give back. What better stage to do it on than WrestleMania?
The circular structure to his career would be a lovely touch but Mania is Taker's main stage. He will be remembered for his streak and the incredible matches he has put on at WM. It is no exaggeration to say he has been involved in the match of the night for 5 consecutive years.

For me, it should be a loss at a Wresltemania, perhaps 30, and then add some effects, the smoke and even a casket. Taker, in my opinion, was at his best when there was something supernatural about him. He is the best gimmick wrestler of all time and that should be emphasised when he retires.
In my opinion The Undertaker should retire at WrestleMania. Other then the fact he debuted at Survivor Series, there has not really been any other important moments in The deadmans career that have taken place at the event, So having him Retire at Wrestlemania with the streak intact would be a better idea.

so beating hogan for his first wwf/e title making him the youngest champ ever at the time and beating yokozuna in a revenge casket match wasnt important? i guess neither was facing batista in a world title hell in the cell match or being on the wwe/wcw winner takes all traditional ss elimation match. the man has had a lot of great and some very important matches at survivor series. some more important storyline wise then at wm. when he does decide to retire. let it end where it began and younger brother can adopt mark calloways original debut name.....Kane the undertaker. that way tecnically the undertaker can live on and mean mark can retire and rest in peace with michelle mcCool.
No I wouldn't retire the Undertaker @ Wrestlemania. Yes I would. What I wouldn't do is retire him @ Survivor Series. Undertaker is the thing i like best about wrestling. When i saw the Undertaker debut in 1990 i hoped that i would be the kind of person who liked the Undertaker the most out of all the wwe, and today i do like him the best, so things are as they should be.
I have often been in the mindset that Undertaker should in fact retire at WM30. Survivor Series is not a big enough venue for him to go out on. Taker even at 48 is in better shape than most of us on these forums. Yes he still has got it that is in itself is amazing. When the day comes its gonna be at WM.

For the record no i dont think he should lose he should win and announce his retirement following the match. Keep it hush hush the only person besides Taker (Excluding family of course who should know his plans is Vinnie Mac). As to his opponent will be who really cares he isnt going to lose IMO anyway. Taker is easily top two in the companys history! He should be No1 in my book.

Wrestlemania is his turf his domain. Retire at Home Undertaker go 22-0 retire on your own terms. You fucking deserve to call whatever shots you wanna call
I am with the ones who think he should retire at Mania. Even have good scenario to do that:

After Royal Rumble Taker comes up at Raw and says that he retires himself at Mania(The Deadman has grow old buring people and needs to live :lmao: ) and that they gave him to headline Hall of Fame. Cena music hits and here come "The Champ". He says that Undertaker is free to go but not until he headlines another Wrestlemania with the man he never had a Mania feud aka him. Undertaker declines and leave but Cena says "Never seen The Deadman scared before" and then he comes back and destroys Cena. Says something like "You think I was afraid but really, just wanted to protect WWEs biggest star for being hurt" and "I accept the match". Offcourse, no title match and in honor of Taker lets make it "Hell in a Cell". :)

Undertaker last match and with someone who is acctually very convincing opponent for him because you would never know who would go over in that match. That Mania would scyrocket in sale. :lmao:
Being that Survivor Series is where The Undertaker debuted, at one time I would have said it was the perfect place for him to retire. The thing is The Undertaker is what Wrestlemania has become about. The streak match is the most anticipated match on the card. I think he has to retire on that stage. I am one that thinks the streak should end. I don't think it is going to though so if Taker is even thinking about retiring he should do it at Mania. I am not about to say when he should retire, but Wrestlemania 30 would kind of be the perfect place. I like the idea of a match with Cena because that match really could go either way considering it is Cena. Win or lose though I think The Undertaker needs to retire on the grandest stage of them all.
I always felt that it would be amazing to have him retire at the event he premiered, Survivor Series. But I can see the point about Mania being the bigger event and showcase, so perhaps he could announce at SS that the next Mania is his last. But really, the entire question is moot since it is HIS decision and no one elses when he wants to hang up the boots. ANd as he himself has stated in past interviews, as long as he feels that he can hang with the young dogs, he'll keep going. Sure he's limited his in ring time over the last few years but that has lead to some of his biggest and best matches with the 4 year work of HBK/HHH, this years Punk match surpassing their previous run together, and how his seeming feud/targeting by the Shield.
He is unlikely to be a full time on the road wrestler, because aside from health reasons, he doesn't need to be financially. He's set for more then life with the money he's made in the ring, and with his business partners outside it. So now, it's about remaining and returning as long as he feels capable of doing so and enjoys it. Once he feels he can't keep up or it isn't fun anymore, then he'll decide to go and how.
I'm against the idea of Undertaker retiring anywhere but Wrestlemania, and that includes Survivor Series. It doesn't matter if he debuted there. Survivor Series is simply not big enough of a show. Nothing is big enough of a show for the final match of someone at Undertaker's level except for Wrestlemania. The one and only place Undertaker should retire is at Wrestlemania. Period. When someone as legendary as Undertaker is having their final match then having it at any other event would tarnish the moment. Survivor Series is not the show it once was and is only still a big deal today due to its history. People associate Undertaker with his undefeated streak at Wrestlemania. Whether the streak ends or not, his final match needs to be at the biggest event of the year.

If they tried to remind fans constantly through promos and videos of how Undertaker debuting there, it still would not come off as the huge deal that it should be if he retires at Survivor Series. It could be a Fatal Fourway Triple Cage Match for the World Heavyweight Championship at Survivor Series, and a Wrestlemania match would STILL be more appealing to send him off as a final match. The undefeated streak has become such a huge part of Wrestlemania that Undertaker absolutely HAS to retire there. No other decision would make any sense, and that includes Survivor Series. The fact that he debuted there is trivia at this point and would not help Undertaker retiring there suddenly become a better idea.

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