Would you; Clone your pet


Master of the Aussie kiss
watching the 6th day, and as it says on the ad, pet's have a shorter lifespans then humans. and with all the way's they can pass away (accident's, illness ect) you know that they won't be around for ever. would you if you had the chance clone your pet if anything happened to it. Bear in mind that it would be the same dog basically just without the memories.

Even though I just recently had to put our dog down, There is no way in hell I would do that. It would be too freaky. I know that the dog would have feelings and be alive and such but seriously death is a natural thing, and it's easier to let go then get a replacement. I know I would never be able to clone one of my pets no matter how close I was to it. My dog's are like my kids but it would be too alien to me. Yes it will look and act like the same dog but All of the memories and fun times wasn't with this dog. I would be better off getting a new dog and starting again.
If it wasn't so damn expensive, sure, why not? I'd love to have the same dog for my whole life, and, given that it will be a clone (i.e., have the same DNA profile as the original) and that I won't change the way I raise it, it seems like a good idea to me.
Nah, fuck that. I just cannot get into the whole idea of cloning. It's just way too unnatural and odd to me. Plus even though it would be the same DNA and what not, it just wouldn't be the same, if that makes any sense.

Like you said, you would have completely different experiences with it, and if there were slight alterations in the environment/how it was raised, then there would be differences in its personality and what not.

I just don't see why people can't just move on, and get another pet. It's like when parents want to clone their kid after they tragically die. That's more understandable, but still, isn't that a bit creepy? After you die, shouldn't you be gone for good? Isn't that why life is so valuable? If cloning becomes a mass thing, would dieing even matter when you could just clone the animal/person?
This is really a simple question to answer, NO. Just because they would share the same DNA, doesn't mean they would have the same personality. Just look at brothers and sisters. They have the same DNA, but when it comes to opinions and outlook, they're most times totally different.

The same in the pet world. Every dog in the litter is has something unique just to them. Even though they come from the same mother and father, some will be docile, some will be hyper, etc. Just like human brothers and sisters.

A cloned dog, while looking the same, might just turn out to be a real prick. You can't clone feelings or how it would react to a situation. It's not something I would do. There are tons of dogs and cats out there that need a home, so why bother cloning when there is no need too.
No, plain and simple. Why clone anything? Sadly move on with your life. Death is a part of life, always has been and always will be, it's a part of natural checks and balances, and this cloning of animals, which someday will likely become the cloning of humans as well, can and will likely throw that balance out of wack. Even if the death is a tragic accident, the dog getting run over or something, it is still a part of that checks and balance. For whatever reason that animal was choosen to die and to bring it back is morally wrong. Humans should not and can not play God, to do so will one day bring utter damnation to this world. I digress though and again will simply say I would not clone my pet. I would get another one and make new memories with it, while fondly remembering the memories of the deceased.
No I dont think I would. I have never had a dog so I have never felt the same way about an animal that people do with their dogs "mans best friend" and all that.

I have grown up in a cat family, and while heartbreaking as it is when a cat dies, you can always get another cat. You dont have that same bond as a person does with a dog.

Plus, cloning stuff just fuks with my mind a bit, its not natural. So unless it is being done to keep a human alive, I dont think I am gonna for it tbh.
No way, I could never clone my cat.

I have had her for 8 years and as Sparky mentioned in the OP, all the memories are with THIS pet, not the clone. It just wouldn't be the same. I have a hell of a lot of pictures of my cat and I also have video of her so why would I want to clone my cat? I have pictures and video of her with me to remember her by when she isn't here anymore, it just wouldn't make any sense.

I don't think cloning anything would be suitable for anyone looking to replaced something they are emotionally attached to because ultimately, it's going to lead to more unhappiness and you don't want to have a physical copy of said animal infront of you reminding you that your original animal is dead, do you?
I don't see why not.

I mean, I have had plenty of pets in my life and all of them have dies with the exception of two, who are well on their way to getting there. Now, I do not mean to sound harsh when I say that death comes to us all and the loss in our lives will always be telling on our characters. If there is some way to forego that loss and grieving, then should you not look to take advantage of that?

Personally, I would clone my pet because all of the pest I have had have been wonderful servants to me. I wouldn't go as far as some other people and call them friends or other endearing terms but they have been good companions. I know that it broke my heart when my first dog died and if I had to make the choice of going through that or cloning the dog, then it is a pretty easy choice to make. The only down side of the effort is that your dog will not remember you but I have a fish and it shouldn’t be able to remember me for longer than 3 seconds apparently. Do I still look after it? Yes, I do!

I guess this decision comes more easily to me than it does to other because I am not huge on the idea of savouring memories all that much. I do have my memories of people and pets who mean the most to me but the past is the past. You can create new memories with your newly created pet and that speaks to me more than reminiscing does.
I don't think that I could.

I don't have any ethical, moral, or religious reason for not doing so, it would just be weird. My dog dies, so the way I move on.....is to get a carbon copy of the same dog? I just couldn't do it. It would freak me out.

I have a dog, and Ive previously had to put one down. Having to put mine down was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. But the dog was miserable; sick, seizuring, weak, and generally lifeless. He made it to 18, I was pretty pleased with that. To bring him back would honestly have creeped me the hell out, knowing that(he was 4 when we got him) the memories I had formed with him were with ANOTHER dog. I got another dog about 6 months later. I'd get then new dog again given the choice, even if my "new"(shes 7) dog is a pain in the ass and shes needy.
No. There's no such thing as an exact copy. No matter what, something will be different. You might as well get yourself a totally new pet. I fail to see the point. If a person dies, you're gonna bring him back in the same way? A clone? To keep living a life that isn't his for the sake of your memories? That's wrong. It's not fair to the artificial creature to live as a direct replacement of someone else and it's not fair to trick yourself into believing it's the same animal.
As close as I am to my dogs (and the dogs we had before them), I could never do such a thing because it's not ethical. Clones do not develop properly. They age too fast and are more likely to die from illnesses. It's not fair to them to make them go through life in such a controversial fashion. Not that I don't find the technology of cloning fascinating, it is truly a phenominal achievement, but it's wrong and even the thought of cloning one of my dogs feels so incredibly unethical. Nothing can replace the original, and the same can be said for this issue. We should enjoy the time we have with out pets now since they will not be around forever. It's very hard to lose a pet. Cloning them isn't the answer though. We have to do the right thing and move on, one day at a time.
What's that movie with Greg Kinnear and Rebecca Romijn, "Godsend" their song dies and they meet a dr. who says he can bring their son back via a clone. Then it turns out the cloned kid is evil. It really messes with your mind in all kinds of ways. Is it really the same person/pet/etc? I mean, I'd love to clone my cat, Princess, she's awesome. She fetches things for me, she doesn't make any noise when she meows, and she will shake paws when you ask her to. She's cooler than any pet I've had before, and she gets along great with kids and other dogs in the neighborhood (provided that the dogs are her size or smaller.) But I don't know, I know I'd be looked upon as an emotional basket case for wanting to keep her memory forever, but I mean, if you got to spend a day with this cat, you'd want to keep her with you for the rest of your human life, and God forbid something happen to that cat, I don't know what I'd do. I got her after my original cat was put down at the age of 14 (human yrs). This little critter sure did know how to make me feel happy again, and she's now 2 years old. I think every person is going to be different.

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