Would You Be Opposed to....


The New Age Outlaws winning the WWE Tag Team Championship? It's true that Road Dogg & Billy Gunn are getting up there at ages 43 and 49 years old respectively. It's also true that, just like in the old days, they seem to have the live crowds eating out of the palms of their hands whenever they make an appearance.

At nearly 50 years of age, Billy Gunn still looks great. He's not quite as buff as he once was but, all things considered, the vast majority of 25 year olds would trade builds with him in a second. The Road Dogg is every bit as charismatic and personality driven as he ever was. Last week on Raw, in my eyes, they looked really good in their match against Primo & Epico.

They're advertised for a match tonight against Team Rhodes Scholars, which is really what's got me curious about what others think. The two teams have wrestled each other at a couple of house shows and, from what I understand, the match got good reviews from fans and backstage. I figured we'd see them for Raw last week and that'd be it. They could still be done after their match with Rhodes & Sandow tonight but, personally, I think it sets up something of an interesting dynamic.

Team Hell No & New Age Outlaws are polar opposites. Kane & Bryan can barely stand to be around each other much of the time, though they have brief bouts of team continuity. The New Age Outlaws are a team built on continuity that led them to tag team glory during the years of the Attitude Era. Kane & Bryan are yet to have a match for WrestleMania and, based on what I've read, there's talk of having them drop the straps at WM.

The tag team scene has taken a backseat during WM season and the New Age Outlaws are still over. I think the two teams could have a pretty decent match and the WWE could get back on track with the tag team scene with the Outlaws as the new champs. Then, when/if things are back up to par, they can always drop them to a heel tag team.

Me personally, I've got no problem with them being the champs. They're older, true, but they've still got the stuff and are in good physical health. To me, that's what's most important.
I wouldn't be opposed to it. Hell No has beaten pretty much every team on the roster in one way or another, even though it's becoming more and more obvious that they are building to a split and feud between the two of them. You can have the Outlaws win the titles to end Hell No for good, then either have them go on a short nostalgia run or forfeit the titles on the next Raw, saying something to the effect of they wanted to see if they could still do it.

Kane and Bryan get split up, the fans get a cool moment, and the tag division, if they still want it to be a focus, becomes wide open once more. I've definitely heard much worse ideas.
I wouldn’t mind seeing the New Age Outlaws win the Unified WWE World Tag Team Championship for the 6th time, 7th time if you include the TNA Tag Title run. To say the Tag Team Division has taken a backset is an understatement. I think the Intercontinental Title and the United States Title took a backseat, whereas the Tag Titles took the 3rd row seating / trunk. I think the NAO can only help the Division. It is 2013 and they are on the downside of their careers, but the Rock is the WWE Champion right now. That should speak volumes for our current Legends of Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainers.
I'm not against it as such, but if they win it they should drop the belts at the next possible opportunity against a nobody team in the the hope it builds them up. Then have that team become a so called "Legend Killing" team and bring back teams like Demolition, Powers Of Pain for one shot matches. It'd likely be pure comedy but who cares.

I think they should definately appear at Mania though. Give them a moment to get a huge pop. In and out though as part of a turmoil match or something.
Although I love these two and they were pretty much my first "favourite" wrestlers when growing up i am against them being on the WM29 card never mind winning the tag-team belts. For me, it is something that could be used in the slow summer months just to create some excitement but not at Mania.

People hate the WWE using "part-timers" such as The Rock and Lesnar but the difference is that these guys are huge draws. If there is so much talent in the WWE roster it seems a waste to give these guys the belts. If Rhodes and Sandow are not getting on the card than neither should Road Dogg and Billy Gunn. If they won the belts in June and than let a new heel tag-team get over than I am fine with it but not at Wrestlemania.
Although I love these two and they were pretty much my first "favourite" wrestlers when growing up i am against them being on the WM29 card never mind winning the tag-team belts. For me, it is something that could be used in the slow summer months just to create some excitement but not at Mania.

People hate the WWE using "part-timers" such as The Rock and Lesnar but the difference is that these guys are huge draws. If there is so much talent in the WWE roster it seems a waste to give these guys the belts. If Rhodes and Sandow are not getting on the card than neither should Road Dogg and Billy Gunn. If they won the belts in June and than let a new heel tag-team get over than I am fine with it but not at Wrestlemania.

Mania is exactly the time of year that wrestlers like them come back. Look at Taker, Jericho, Rock, HHH etc...look at past Manias. It's what always happens. Sandow and Rhodes are good, but sorry, I'd rather watch the Outlaws any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Mania is exactly the time of year that wrestlers like them come back. Look at Taker, Jericho, Rock, HHH etc...look at past Manias. It's what always happens. Sandow and Rhodes are good, but sorry, I'd rather watch the Outlaws any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

My issue is not that the NOA are big and of course people, including myself, want to see them but I just don't feel that they deserve a place on the card over others. Brock, HHH, Taker and the Rock draw buys like crazy. It is worth putting them on the card and on tv. Rhodes and Sandow were just examples of guys who should be on tv and the WM card over the NOA.
Personally I would not be in favor of the New Age Outlaws winning the WWE Tag Team Championship. Simply put, their time has come and gone and it is time for the tag team division to be filled and ultimately conquered by a current crop of talent. If there isn't sufficient talent there to fill the bill, then maybe it's time to simply disband the division and move forward without it.

I have been known to occasionally be a tad critical of TNA and their tendency to reach into the past, to focus too heavily upon nostalgia and the old guard as opposed to the development of new and fresher talent. So I think we have to be consistent here. Billy Gunn and the Road Dog were excellent in their day, and truth be told, still appear to be in pretty good shape. But if they can take a hiatus for the better part of a decade, then reunite and capture the title almost immediately, what does that say for the quality of the division and their opponents within it? How can we possibly take guys like Sandow, Titus, and others seriously if they are not able to defeat guys who haven't been relevant in the business for several years? It may at most be a quick fix, but ultimately, makes the division look weaker and less credible.

I'm all for a little nostalgia. Sure, reunite the group and give them a couple of matches. Let them look decent and receive a favorable pop. Hell, even use them to put someone else from this decade over. But at the end of the day, don't give them the top prize, that should go to someone a little more contemporary.

We see enough of blasts from the past coming back to too much prominence on Thursday nights. I fear we are about to see the ultimate example of this regarding their top prize in the company in the relatively near future. I really don't think we need to see this on Mondays or Fridays as well.
The New Age Outlaws winning the WWE Tag Team Championship? It's true that Road Dogg & Billy Gunn are getting up there at ages 43 and 49 years old respectively. It's also true that, just like in the old days, they seem to have the live crowds eating out of the palms of their hands whenever they make an appearance.

At nearly 50 years of age, Billy Gunn still looks great. He's not quite as buff as he once was but, all things considered, the vast majority of 25 year olds would trade builds with him in a second. The Road Dogg is every bit as charismatic and personality driven as he ever was. Last week on Raw, in my eyes, they looked really good in their match against Primo & Epico.

They're advertised for a match tonight against Team Rhodes Scholars, which is really what's got me curious about what others think. The two teams have wrestled each other at a couple of house shows and, from what I understand, the match got good reviews from fans and backstage. I figured we'd see them for Raw last week and that'd be it. They could still be done after their match with Rhodes & Sandow tonight but, personally, I think it sets up something of an interesting dynamic.

Team Hell No & New Age Outlaws are polar opposites. Kane & Bryan can barely stand to be around each other much of the time, though they have brief bouts of team continuity. The New Age Outlaws are a team built on continuity that led them to tag team glory during the years of the Attitude Era. Kane & Bryan are yet to have a match for WrestleMania and, based on what I've read, there's talk of having them drop the straps at WM.

The tag team scene has taken a backseat during WM season and the New Age Outlaws are still over. I think the two teams could have a pretty decent match and the WWE could get back on track with the tag team scene with the Outlaws as the new champs. Then, when/if things are back up to par, they can always drop them to a heel tag team.

Me personally, I've got no problem with them being the champs. They're older, true, but they've still got the stuff and are in good physical health. To me, that's what's most important.

The New Age Outlaws are still very over w/ the fans & i wouldn't mind if they took the straps at Mania. Age is not really a big issue. If they can still go & entertain the masses, then that's all that matters.

I could see a 4 corners elimination match at Mania w/ New Age Outlaws, Rhodes Scholars, Team Hell No, & The Primetime Players.

New Age Outlaws could run w/ the straps for a few PPVs then Rhodes Scholars finally wins 'em.
The New Age Outlaws are still very over w/ the fans & i wouldn't mind if they took the straps at Mania. Age is not really a big issue. If they can still go & entertain the masses, then that's all that matters.

I could see a 4 corners elimination match at Mania w/ New Age Outlaws, Rhodes Scholars, Team Hell No, & The Primetime Players.

New Age Outlaws could run w/ the straps for a few PPVs then Rhodes Scholars finally wins 'em.

Yep I love this idea. 4 corners match just like WM-X8 would be perfect. Kane and Bryan could get eliminated first, setting up their dispute and inevitable feud. Prime Time Players would go next and finally, NAO would beat Rhodes Scolars.

Crowd would love it, the guys can definitely still go in the ring and are hugely over (and would be in NY).

Rhodes Scolars eventually wins them and gets a nice rub.

Everybody wins!
Personally I would not be in favor of the New Age Outlaws winning the WWE Tag Team Championship. Simply put, their time has come and gone and it is time for the tag team division to be filled and ultimately conquered by a current crop of talent.

In the end, it all made sense, didn't it? The Old Age Outlaws weren't there to kick-start the geriatric wing of the tag team division and show the young bucks how it's done. Instead, they were present to be sacrificed to Brock Lesnar. I like the idea; instead of using any of the current band of performers as fodder for Brock, they picked a couple of guys who still look pretty good, but whose sacrifice doesn't really make any difference. After all, why should people with good reputations stoop for a guy (Brock) who only shows up a few times a year? Got to worry about your own rep, right?

On the other hand, if Brock were to beat down a couple of lower-carders like Primo & Epico, who would care? Even the Old Age Outlaws can do that....and last night's result showed why we were treated to Billy & Dogg's match the week before.

No, WWE needed a couple of guys with name recognition to come in for a one-night-only gig to prove to us what a monster Brock Lesnar is.

Mission accomplished.

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