Would You be Interested in Bryan-Sheamus for the IC Title?


King Of The Ring
Rumors have been circulating as to when Sheamus will be making his big return, with many signs pointing towards either the ATG Battle Royal or IC Ladder match at Wrestlemania. Daniel Bryan is one of the favorites to win said, IC title at Wrestlemania and it's rumored his first opponent would be none other than Sheamus, if he were to walk out as the champion.

Now, many people have complained that this has been done before and it would not be much better the second time around, but I have to disagree. 3 years ago, the dynamic between Sheamus and Daniel Bryan was completely different, with Sheamus playing the oh-so stale face, and Bryan playing the not so over heel. With a returning Sheamus hopefully playing the monster heel, and the now most over face on the roster, Daniel Bryan playing the underdog, I think this feud could be great. It makes sense to do it now, as Sheamus will probably have the most momentum he's had in a while upon his return. I also think it would be cool to see the two men who battled for the WHC at Wrestlemania 28, now battle for the IC title 3 years later.

If this were to happen, I think it would do wonders for the IC Title and actually get fans invested in it again.

So simply... do you want to see a re-booted Sheamus-Bryan feud after Wrestlemania?
Ugh, I dunno. It depends how its booked. In the past they had good matches so it could be alright if Sheamus was the heel this time, I just picture DB being laid out a lot.
I wouldn't mind another Seamus/Bryan feud tbh because I'm not really a fan of either. So I could just skip their segments. However I really don't think it should be for the IC title. Ambrose needs that title win at Wrestlemania, he's on a massive PPV losing streak and the WWE risks sapping all his popularity of they keep booking him so poorly. Give him the tile, give him some good feuds he can actually win. And then move him to the main event to re-ignite his feud with Seth Rollins (preferably for the WWE title). That feud was money, they can revisit that pairing whenever they want and it will be great.
I'd like to see this actually. Of course people are going to go back to when they were feuding over the Championship all those years ago and damn the feud. But things have changed and these guys are amongst the people who are going to get a good backing from the WWE now. And with recent reports that the WWE are looking to elevate the Intercontinental Championship then they are going to get a lot of time to showcase their potential and to give us a feud that they definitely are capable of.

Sheamus and Daniel Bryan are fine wrestlers. And should Sheamus come back as a heel, which is likely at this point, then there is no one better to feud with than Daniel Bryan. The biggest face in the company is going to be perfect foil for a returning Sheamus. So yeah, I would like to see this. I'm not going to be one of the people who don't give it a chance because it could definitely be worthwhile.
Sorry but for me personally I just can't get into this feud at all. It's because I'm not a huge fan of Sheamus. Don't get me wrong, he's good in the ring, but he just seems to have been around forever and even though he's held titles, none of them have been that memorable for me.

I look at wrestling a little different than most do. Don't really care about a lot of the politics and what not, I just watch hoping each week to be entertained. I've just never found Sheamus that entertaining. I've said this before, to me he's just there, another body in the ring. Not saying his matches aren't good, they probably are, but I tend to tune out when he's on. I do that with a few of the wrestler's, he's not the only one.

I'm probably the worst wrestling fan ever.
Bryan and Sheamus had some great matches for the World Heavyweight Championship back in 2012 and I'd be interested in possibly seeing this happen. As Dave pointed out, things have changed with both guys since those days that could lead to a meaningful program between them. The vignettes on Sheamus' return make him feel like more of a big deal than he's been in the past couple of years and with the notion of him soon turning heel, it could be just what he needs. I always thought Sheamus was at his best as a heel and putting him in a high profile feud over the Intercontinental Championship with the most over babyface in the company is a great way to elevate the title.

As for Bryan himself, screwing him out of the Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania, to one degree or another, gives him an opportunity to pursue the title in a way that gets fans to rally behind him as he works to overcome the odds once again. Bryan emerging from WrestleMania as Intercontinental Champion or entering into a continued chase for the title and eventually winning it strikes me as a win-win whichever way it goes.
I've been a fan of Sheamus since he first showed up in WWE. As a heel, he was so damn evil that I figured there was no way he'd ever be an effective face, in the unlikely event he ever became one. Well, I was wrong because he turned into one of the most likable good guys around.

Plans for his return seem to center around him going bad again. I'm looking forward to it and think a series between Sheamus and Daniel Bryan could be top-notch.

However, I wouldn't mind seeing some differences in the ring from Daniel ......due to Sheamus' huge size advantage, I'd like to see Daniel having to use different wrestling maneuvers than we've grown used to seeing. He's been chopping down opponents with kicks and other fancy legwork, but in real life, I think a man the size of Sheamus would simply steamroll over Daniel. If Bryan has the treasure trove of moves we heard about from his days in the indies.....which he must have used to defeat larger people....maybe he can get back to stuff like that to deal with a monster like Sheamus. They can keep the damn chant going ("Yes!") so the casual fans and kiddies at the arena will be happy, but I've grown tired of the same old ring routine from Bryan.

It would be fine to see them trade the IC title a few times somewhere down the line.
I have stated very early on a thread that I'm a big fan of Sheamus. The guy has impressed me too much. He is the type of guy Vince McMahon wants but he is destined to be a heel. He is at his best when he works the evil character. I don't anything wrong in Sheamus-Bryan regardless of Bryan being a top notch popular wrestler. Sheamus also has great in-ring abilities and also he can hang on perfectly on the mic. The guy has got looks and talent but what he lacks is charisma and charisma is the only thing you definitely need to have if you want grand success in WWE. Why some people bitch on Sheamus-Bryan is out of my mind (no offence)? Both of them has delivered an awesome match at Extreme Rules 2012. Also, we don't have had enough of it like Cena-Orton nor they are career long rivals. Still, the duo can offer well at coming PPVs or on TV. Sheamus is also a great ring worker. His match against Cesaro at Night of Champions was the only good thing on the card. Hell, I'm excited to watch Sheamus-Bryan for the IC Title.
I think Sheamus winning the title of Daniel Bryan for the IC title can be better cause he was demoted and fell off the ladder now and is second rated as Stephanie said
he was scheduled in a triple threat match that he could have helped reigns with leverage since Lesner doesn t need help carrying through the match now he is lost in the shuffle as I said with jobbers for an IC title which is worthless if anyone deserves it its Kofi Kingston as IC champ
I honestly think the Internet would have exploded if they went to the rumoured match this year at Mania, and DB beat Sheamus in 18 seconds with the running knee.
I honestly think the Internet would have exploded if they went to the rumoured match this year at Mania, and DB beat Sheamus in 18 seconds with the running knee.

Would've been epic. I find Sheamus quite meaningless, and a burial would be most suitable.

As for the question in the thread title; No.

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